Sweden's 5 BEST Christmas Traditions *What Christmas in Sweden is REALLY Like*

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 216

  • @njorun1829
    @njorun1829 2 года назад +85

    "Trolltider" predates me but I still think it is the best adventskalender ever. There's bling, trolls, witches, gnomes, fairies, music and magic - what else could you possibly need?!

    • @Aluzard
      @Aluzard 2 года назад +3

      Agreed nothing so far beats trolltider ^^

    • @draug7966
      @draug7966 2 года назад +1

      Trolltider is the best!

    • @njorun1829
      @njorun1829 2 года назад +1

      I just remembered that I had it on cassette. A friend and I would set it up as a play for our parents, miming along as we knew every line by heart. We'd take turns being Mara because none of us wanted to be Dorabella 😝 Today I have it on DVD and show it to my own kids ❤

    • @Bookwright
      @Bookwright 2 года назад +1

      A missing star. 😄

    • @aliciabergman1252
      @aliciabergman1252 2 года назад +2

      Same here, my grandparents had it on VHS, well the first part. Never got to know what happened after the 13th ep or so. For me, the most memorable part was the giant candy😉

  • @jonnae1999
    @jonnae1999 2 года назад +38

    Christmas calendar that a lot of people my age remember warmly is "Mysteriet på greveholm." At one point they even did a part 2 for another year, but the original will always have my heart. It's about an old building and the mysteries it holds that the family who move in stumble upon. It's mostly the children doing the investigations however, but with the help of two ghosts that live there.
    Also! One thing that for me is the most important on christmas eve is "Kalle ankas jul" or "donald ducks christmas". It's a tv program that runs every year at the same time on the same channel. (I think it's channel one at three in the afternoon but i could be wrong). It just puts me in the christmas mood and it wouldn't be christmas without it in my opinion.

  • @max-southswedishtrainspotter
    @max-southswedishtrainspotter 2 года назад +20

    My favorite advent Calendar from SVT is ”Mysteriet på Greveholm” from 1996, followed by ”Mysteriet på Greveholm Grevens återkomst” from 2012 :) And yes, I’ve seen comments here saying ”Trolltider”, I like that really much too! 👍 😊

  • @juanitooctavio9023
    @juanitooctavio9023 2 года назад +20

    I’ve sen most of the julkalendern since 1964. My favorites are ”Teskedsgumman”, ”Julkul med Staffan och Bengt” and ”Trolltider”.

    • @Tryggve72
      @Tryggve72 2 года назад +3

      Staffan och Bengt inte o blanda ihop med den andra Staffan från den tiden brrr.

    • @annabackman3028
      @annabackman3028 2 года назад +4

      TESKEDSGUMMAN!! The best 🤩!
      "Gumman som blev liten som ena teske' "
      "The (old) woman who turned small like a teaspoon" "The Teaspoon lady".
      (The Swedish words "gumma" (plural gummor) and "gubbe" (plural gubbar) are tricky to translate.
      It's too easy to say "an old woman" and "an old man". The woman or man doesn't need to be that old.
      Especially "gubbar" can be used for the guys in a group, like a sports team, or a work team ("Team A had one "gubbe" too many on the ice" / ice hockey, or "The work team is two "gubbar" short today") "Gubbar" can sometimes be used for a mixed team, but "gummor" only applies to girls/women.
      Having that in mind it's easier to understand the "concept" of gubbar och gummor.
      Also, you can say "Lilla gumman" or "Lilla gubben" to a child. (Lilla = little).)

    • @SteamboatW
      @SteamboatW 2 года назад

      Teskedsgumman was one of the best... Sanford and Son (Albert och Herbert) is definitely one of the two best.

    • @SteamboatW
      @SteamboatW 2 года назад

      @@annabackman3028 Yes, but "Lilla Gubben" is a famous horse, so we seldom call persons that... ;-)

    • @annabackman3028
      @annabackman3028 2 года назад

      @@SteamboatW We do.
      I'm not talking about teenagers (if you don't want to tease 😂 them), but small kids.
      Like if a two year old boy trips over and starts to cry, it's VERY COMMON to say for example "Men lilla gubben, hur gick det här då? Gjorde du illa handen? Det pussar vi bort!".
      Freely translated:
      "Hey, little sweetie, what happened here? Did you hurt your hand? Come here, and I'll kiss it away!"
      Word by word, just to make non Swedish speaking people confused:
      "But little old man, how went it here then? Did you bad the hand? It kiss we away!" 😂😂😂😂😂 In English it seems ridiculous!
      On the other hand, if we translate English word by word into Swedish it looks equally ludicrous.

  • @gunillalundh3837
    @gunillalundh3837 2 года назад +4

    I miss Lucia on your list. Maybe you don’t watch the Swedish tv, but they send both in the morning and in the evening on the 13th of December.
    I’ve got the luxury to work as a teacher, so I can watch and listen to the pupils “Lucia-tåg”. I saw that you’ve got the Lucia-train?! in the background.

  • @andretoivonen9737
    @andretoivonen9737 2 года назад +31

    Alberts och Herberts Julkalender was by far the best in my opinion. But it's from 1982 so most of your viewers might never have heard of it since it's so old. But it's a great watch if you like the special Göteborgs-humor
    Great video btw (Y)

    • @sannaa8489
      @sannaa8489 2 года назад +2

      Håller med❣️

    • @boyish69
      @boyish69 2 года назад +2

      Hålller också med....❤️

    • @SteamboatW
      @SteamboatW 2 года назад

      Staffan and Bengts calendar was reaĺly good as I remember, but Albert and Herbert is one of the best... British might know it as Sanford and Son... :-)

  • @anderszapac
    @anderszapac 2 года назад +4

    Like a few people already commented, many Swedes would not consider it being Christmas without Kalle Anka, i.e. the yearly free advertisment from Walt Disney with a very specific mix of old++ cartoons and trailers for the latest Disney movies. I know it is broadcast in many other countries as well, but possibly it has the strongest standing in Sweden.

  • @akersjon278
    @akersjon278 2 года назад +16

    Soo, "Julskinka" or Christmas ham is either boiled in a big pot or baked in a oven covered in tin foil until the internal temperature reaches 70 degrees Celsius. It's then allowed to cool down a bit and then the rind is removed (it has now endowed the meat with it's flavor and is not needed anymore). The ham is then scored, glaced with egg, brown sugar and mustard (on the side where the rind was located), sprinkled with bread crumbs and grilled until golden brown... 👍

    • @isachan0o844
      @isachan0o844 2 года назад +1

      It's my first christmas making one myself so thanks for the tip!

    • @akersjon278
      @akersjon278 2 года назад +2

      @@isachan0o844 Just to clarify, only the yolk is used when glaceing the ham. Good luck.😊

    • @isachan0o844
      @isachan0o844 2 года назад

      @@akersjon278 oh thank you! I feel like I'm gonna do great now 😁

  • @MrBEA68
    @MrBEA68 2 года назад +20

    Actually, the bun you mention “lussekatter” may at first seem to draw it's name from “katt” ( cat ) but actually the word stems from a certain kind of bread baked in the Netherlands that was introduced to Gothenburg through it's large foreign population early 1600 named “Duivekater”. The name later changed into “Dyvelskatter” or “Dövelskatter” and later into “Lussekatter” since the bread, colored yellow with saffron, was traditionally served for Lucia on the thirteenth of December on the winter solstice before we adopted the new Gregorian calender in 1753, at which point the winter solstice moved to the twenty-second whilst Lucia remained on the same date. The word “Lussekatt” was adopted in late 1800 when Lucia became associated with this specific bun.
    So in short, the name “Lussekatt” actually has nothing to do with cats however tempting it may be to make that assumption.
    In German tradition, the devil is said to ride on a cat to punish naughty kids during the longest night of the year and to protect them a similar bun was served and it is speculated that this tradition influenced the “Duivekater” and the “Döbelskater” but that is up for debate. The verdict is still not in 😉
    Ah, and yes, I forgot to mention the shape. The shape of a “lussekatt” is either in the shape of a figure eight or sometimes the two figure eights, laid to cross each other, at which point it more resembles what it is, in Swedish “solkors”, better known under the infamous name “swastika”. This ancient symbol represents the sun and can often be seen on buildings as well as on churches but somehow fell out of fashion in the late 1940’s... ( don't mention the war ).

    • @annabackman3028
      @annabackman3028 2 года назад +1

      👏👏👏👏👏👏👍 Absolutely correct!😃💖🎄🕯️
      I can add that the "Lusse" part is from the name Lucifer, which means 'Who carries light'. The Bible and interpretations led Lucifer from being one of the heavenly creatures closest to God, to be a fallen angel, allied with the Devil, and also either seen as the Devil himself, or the name Lucifer has been used as a name for Satan, the Devil, since it could be dangerous to say his name. That would mean you called for him, and that meant that you would burn in Hell for calling for Satan, and perhaps be burned as a witch before Hell. You'd better use another, 'code' name. Lucifer was one of many.

    • @MrBEA68
      @MrBEA68 2 года назад

      @@annabackman3028 Oh, I don't follow you on the whole Lucifer thing there, “lusse” is derived from Saint Lucia ( whom we still celebrate out of some reason ) and it's connection to the winter solstice and the tradition to “lussa” which was a sort of trick or treat preferable dressed as a tramp or “bock”. But that whole tradition is a whole other rabbit hole to dive in to. But the words do sound the same...

    • @annabackman3028
      @annabackman3028 2 года назад +1

      @@MrBEA68 You practically wrote it yourself, German tradition, the devil rode a cat. Lucifer's cat.
      We have had much more connections to Germany through the years than most young people could ever imagine. WW1 decreased that, WW2... Well, it didn't make it better, if I say so.
      The "Julbocken" came to many Swedish homes, for example in the children's book by Elsa Beskow, that describes life in the early-mid nineteenth century, "Petters och Lottas jul" they don't have "Christmas Tomte". The Christmas goat knocks on the door, and delivers the presents.
      There's a reason we have straw or spruce twigs goats.
      The Christmas goat wasn't gone in the 30s here in Sweden. My grandpa was always out in an errand, and missed him every year 😉 when my mom and her brother were small kids.
      They changed the tradition to Jultomten in the end of the 30s.

    • @Soldrakenn
      @Soldrakenn 2 года назад

      @@MrBEA68 det finns en koppling till lucifer också, vintersolståndet är den längsta natten då året dör och återföds, de sades att Lucifer färdades över himlavalvet den natten och folk vakade hela natten tills ljuset och livet kom åter (man fick inte gå ut, Lucifer o alla hans demoner var lösa). Lussevakan är nästan utdöd som tradition, men det finns en anledning att den natten brukar vara en av de stökigaste på året, ssv så inföll Lucia ursprungligen på vintersolståndet, jag fattar inte riktigt heller kopplingen till Lucifer, men tydligen finns det teorier om att namnet är äldre än Santa Lucia..

  • @katam6471
    @katam6471 2 года назад +34

    Did I hear you say julskinka is uncooked? Because you most certainly must cook it, either in water or in the oven. Or is there something about the word 'cook' i don't get? Kitchen-english can be a bit confusing at times, sometimes you just don't get the fine details. :-)
    Nice video, I always like seeing our traditions through a foreigners eyes. Maybe you could make a video on Swedish Christmas music you like - or dislike. Or would that give you copyright problems?

    • @annabackman3028
      @annabackman3028 2 года назад +5

      If you buy an already cooked (boiled) one you don't need to cook it per se, but still give it a moment in the oven, to have the mustard spread with breadcrumbs on the top golden and crunchy (well, crunchy for a few hours...).

    • @lionmane42
      @lionmane42 2 года назад +1

      Thank you, I was about to comment on that aswell :) At the very least, it's boiled.

    • @RaXXha
      @RaXXha 2 года назад +1

      This, the ham is most certainly either boiled or smoked after which it is breaded. 😅

  • @greenbubblegum8873
    @greenbubblegum8873 2 года назад +2

    As an American I think the most fascinating Swedish Christmas tradition is gathering to watch cartoons! It really cracks me up and I love it! I'm not sure this would make everyone's top 5, but it's sure on my top 5 list! God Jul!

    • @onomatopoetisk
      @onomatopoetisk 2 года назад

      I can totally see why that feels weird. 😆 Personally, I wish they would broadcast something else. Nowadays the kids have loads of different cartoons to see all the time - it feels like the ”Disney hour” at three o’clock is now more something that people who are 35-50 years old appreciate out of pure nostalgia. I’m not sure kids like it as much as kids back in the days did.

  • @isachan0o844
    @isachan0o844 2 года назад +7

    Other than the classics of "Trolltider" and "Mysteriet på Greveholm" which I enjoyed as a child (and still do). My recent favourite is "1000 år till Julafton" it's a time travel from the Viking age all the way through history up until now. You get to discover where all the christmas traditions come from. Such as the god Frey having similarties with Santa and where "gravad lax" comes from. It's a delight for history geeks and kids

  • @micaelthorn4092
    @micaelthorn4092 2 года назад +1

    Albert and Herbert is a traditional swedish christmas televisioned calendar, and it's about a working class family who struggles with economy. The comedy speaks out for it self and sometimes it has a touchy meaning. This is a classic!!!

  • @ancientbaltoy8769
    @ancientbaltoy8769 2 года назад +5

    Everyone I knows thinks "tjuvarnas jul" (2011) is the absolute best. It just feels like an old christmas story. But one personal favorite of mine is "Selmas saga" (2016). Just love how they treated the magic, the characters and the journey in that one

  • @elisabethbjork2717
    @elisabethbjork2717 2 года назад +4

    Teskedsgumman is the best adventcalender. But that is also a long time ago.

  • @AnnaKaunitz
    @AnnaKaunitz 2 года назад +8

    I’m a big fan of rödbetssallad. I also grew up with German red cabbage salad which is amazing. Its around in a few delicacy stores and pickled Polish red cabbage found in every polish food shop is pretty close.
    Trolltider is the best julkalender. Pagan rock roll, smoke, large boiling pots, mysterious creatures, folklore…it’s epic.

  • @jokervienna6433
    @jokervienna6433 2 года назад +4

    As a Swede abroad, one tradition I keep is to make my own "köttbullar". I make quite a lot and keep on munching them during the holidays. They have also become very popular among my friends. It is like a staple on the Swedish "julbord", and though many don´t even mention them, they speak for themselves - it is usually THE food that runs out.
    There is of course also the snaps. There too, I make my own. I am very fond of the taste of "pors". No, I don´t need much, but it is truly nice to have one or two with the herrring and the salmon.
    Since I have noticed you are turning more and more Swedish now, I will let you in on a secret (if you have not already found out): the best time for "Julskinka" is the morning after Christmas. Get some hard bread, good butter, some slices of the ham and some good mustard. Enjoy! :)

  • @sofieromanovspector6677
    @sofieromanovspector6677 2 года назад +3

    "Trolltider" och "Albert och Herbert" är utan tvekan mina julkalenderfavoriter! 😃

  • @sannaolsson9106
    @sannaolsson9106 2 года назад +3

    The present game is def not a Swedish tradition lol. Most people give out gifts the normal way. Or the traditional Swedish normal way. Santa comes into your house and hands them out(if there's kids in the family) The christmas game is a thing some do and has started pretty recently if you don't want to do it the old fashioned way. But it's in no way the way most people celebrate christmas in Sweden.
    My favorite jul kalender is Mysteriet På Greveholm(most people's favorite for those growing up in the 90s), Sunes Jul and Trolltider 👍🏻

  • @gunillalundh3837
    @gunillalundh3837 2 года назад +2

    What a wonderful view of Sweden and our Christmas-traditions. It’s just an eye opener to listen to someone from another country talk about Sweden. Ridiculous enough it feels pretty wholesome. I missed our tradition of Lucia. I saw you’ve got a Lucia-tåg in the background, but you might
    not have watch it on The Swedish tv. Every year on the 13th they send a Luciatågs performance, and they change the location and the Luciatåg are from that place. I like to watch it, because they sing very good and often there are children singing one or two songs. So cute!
    I wish you a very merry Christmas!🧑‍🎄🤶🎄🎁

  • @linusfotograf
    @linusfotograf 2 года назад +3

    Trolltider and Julstrul med Staffan och Bengt were my favourites as a kid

  • @alfredburman6956
    @alfredburman6956 2 года назад +3

    "Trolltider" is a classic that everyone has to see at some point

  • @miniblasan5717
    @miniblasan5717 2 года назад +5

    I'm too old (31 y.o) to watch the Julkalender shows nowadays and the last time I did it was the Julkalender of 2012 and it was okay but my favorites are these.
    Mysteriet på Greveholm - 1996
    Pelle Svanslös (TV-serie) - 1997
    När karusellerna sover - 1998
    Dieselråttor och sjömansmöss - 2002
    Mysteriet på Greveholm - Grevens återkomst - 2012

  • @mmix4867
    @mmix4867 2 года назад +1

    "Mysteriet på Greveholm" is my favourite Julkalender :)

  • @carinalind8726
    @carinalind8726 2 года назад +3

    You should talked about Lucia celebration wich I think is conclusive to Sweden!! I remember all the luciatåg I've been in all my life!!
    And by the way this last luciaday I was poorley and was at the hospital!! But early in the morning the hospitalstaff but on a show for us guys and I was crying....been on the other side singing at Lucia as a former hospitalworker...I felt I got my work back some how??!
    I felt love......

  • @zirie3332
    @zirie3332 2 года назад +3

    "Trolltider" och "Albert & Herbert" is by far the two julkalendrar I often talk about with friends and with my students (9y old) at the school where I work. It's actually some years since I saw any julkalender but I might just start again. :-) I've heard alot of good things about this years calendar.

  • @linusfotograf
    @linusfotograf 2 года назад +5

    Du nämnde Christmas Day men vi firar ju på Christmas Eve

  • @olsa76
    @olsa76 2 года назад +6

    First of all, you happened to say Christmas Day, although you certainly know that we celebrate on Christmas Eve. If you have not seen Karl Bertil Johnsson, you must see it. Broadcast every Christmas at 7pm (I think). That's when the Christmas mood arises. But you should see the original, the cartoon version and not the play that is on svt play right now or the new film. The original!

  • @Verkielos
    @Verkielos 2 года назад +4

    Ah, julskinka! 😍 I eat it with the grovkornig stark mustard, and it's awesome!
    Julkalendern is the reason I got into Greek mythology as a kid, it was called "Hjältar och monster på himlavalvet"

    • @annabackman3028
      @annabackman3028 2 года назад

      Either 'Apotekets Julsenap', the classic, from the 'Apoteket' farmacy, or 'Slotts' Gästabudssenap'. (Before not Swedish speaking individuals start to speculate on the pronunciation of "Slotts" the O is something like "aw" in raw, but short. 'Slott' means castle, in this case a name, and in English it would be spelled "Slott's".)

    • @paulingvar
      @paulingvar 2 года назад +1

      @@annabackman3028 Mustard from Scania ( Skåne ) is by far the best

    • @annabackman3028
      @annabackman3028 2 года назад

      @@paulingvar No sweetness. It's the sweetness and the heat that marries so well with the salty ham!
      Strong and slightly sweet, and NO OTHER added tastes, like honey, brandy or whatever. For comparison, 'Johnny's söt-stark' (sweet-strong) is far too sweet .

  • @mariamajallowsd
    @mariamajallowsd 2 года назад +2

    Marry Christmas in advance to everyone 🎄🎄🎄🎁🎁🎊🎊🙏🙏

  • @gunnelengstrom2190
    @gunnelengstrom2190 2 года назад +2

    Never heard of that game, your number 5. Lived in Sweden all my life :-) And about Julskinka, it´s not served raw, you have to either cook it in water, sous vide it or bake it in the owen before you put on the mustard and breadcrums (griljera).

  • @draug7966
    @draug7966 2 года назад +4

    Fun fact: One of our most popular julkalendrar through the times, "Trolltider", got critizised by some for being too pagan since it was about trolls and magic and stuff like that. Back in history the church didn´t like that people believed in those folklore creatures and traditional folk magic, "witchcraft" etc. But maybe we´re still a little pagan at heart.

  • @FredrikUggla1
    @FredrikUggla1 2 года назад +3

    For me the best julkalender is Stjärnhuset from 1981 focusing on the greek mythology classic stories, interesting and educational for kids and adults even now (at least in my opinion). Writing this I just realized that I am now pretty old....

  • @joharfleet7495
    @joharfleet7495 2 года назад

    I loved my first taste of a Swedish Christmas dinner. The beetroot salad was excellent but so were the meatballs and potato dish. Just scrummy. The beetroot went really well with our Boxing Day bubble & squeak - combining both Christmas traditions 🎄🎄🎄

  • @xhabbex
    @xhabbex 2 года назад

    I think the best Christmas calendar is "När Karusellerna Sover" or in english "When the carousels are asleep". That is my personal favorite.

  • @helenafranzen9828
    @helenafranzen9828 2 года назад +9

    I know lists like this can get longer and longer, but one tradition I think needs to be mentioned is Kalle Ankas julafton. They tried to remove it at one time and the swedish people rioted! There is no christmas in my opinion if you do not see this at 15:00 christmas eve. Most of the grown ups know every word of it. 🙂
    Merry christmas everyone!

    • @SteamboatW
      @SteamboatW 2 года назад

      15:05 last christmas... :-( The people was in uproar.

  • @LottaNil
    @LottaNil 2 года назад +2

    My favorite is "barnen hedenhös" it was so funny 😂😂

  • @TheTubbie
    @TheTubbie 2 года назад +1

    My favorite julkalender is "Sunes jul" ❤️

  • @Thawelin
    @Thawelin 2 года назад

    Julkalendern "Mysteriet på Greveholm" was a huge hit. It's from 1996 but I know alot of people still talking about it. I'm born 94 and I loved that Julkalender

  • @Ailasor
    @Ailasor 2 года назад +1

    Trolltider is a classic.. but my favorite from my childhood is probably Sunes Jul.

  • @ann-christinenilsson4046
    @ann-christinenilsson4046 2 года назад +11

    Teskedsgumman som julkalender är en favorit :) Kalle Anka önskar god jul och Karl-Bertil Jonssons julafton är ikoniska tv-program för både barn och vuxna.

    • @annabackman3028
      @annabackman3028 2 года назад +3

      ("Rikta den där slangbellan åt ett annat håll" "Va' inte orolig, hon är säker, gamla Bettan". För att inte tala om klassikern "Prisa Gud! Här kommer skatteåterbäringen!"😂😍)
      Instämmer helt om de andra också!
      Uttrycket "Den ömma modern" har satt sig stenhårt hos oss 😂 "Kom så får du lukta på glöggen, pojk".
      Och vem som sett Teskedsgumman kan glömma "Göta-Petter, nu händer det igen!"?

    • @ann-christinenilsson4046
      @ann-christinenilsson4046 2 года назад +2

      @@annabackman3028 And fun christmas songs, Mer Jul med Adolfsson & Falk samt Jul igen med Just D :)

  • @mariannejohansson1361
    @mariannejohansson1361 2 года назад +9

    Have you tried Jansons frestelse?

  • @rosalietomotorgo7573
    @rosalietomotorgo7573 Год назад

    My experienced Christmas in Sweden was Amazing.something will be cherish forever. 🎄⛄

  • @hastrom
    @hastrom 2 года назад +4

    Never heard of number 5 and I have lived all my life in Sweden :O

    • @kristofferhellstrom
      @kristofferhellstrom 2 года назад +3

      I also lived in Sweden all my life and i've heard of and done julklappslek many times :P

  • @carinakaarli4784
    @carinakaarli4784 2 года назад

    My favorite julkalender is ” Mysteriet på greveholm” it’s one of those that you remember even over 20 years later😅

  • @ArchieArpeggio
    @ArchieArpeggio 2 года назад +1

    Greatings from Finland!
    Well i ain´t from Sweden and i know for sure we have slight differences in Christmas traditions. But as many have already commented ham is always cooked. Here we have at least three different sorts of ham and we cook those with low tempereture for many hours.
    In my childhood my mother usualy made gray salted ham that she putted in oven before we went to sleep at evening before Christmas and it was ready at morning so it cooked slowly trough. Then it rested for while and was covered with mestard and breadcrums and roasted for a while. All the grease and juice that came for the first time is used to make gravy to the ham and it is so delicious. I love most to eat it after coating when ham is taken out of owen and chilled for bit but usualy afterwards you can eat it cold or re-heat it for your own plate.
    Rödrootsallad in hear is called rosolli and made of redbeats, apples and anjovis or pickeled herring. There also might be little bit onions and of course sour cream or creme fraise in it.
    And of course we eat salmon in many forms, pickeled herring and some eat lutefisk but that´s never been part of my traditions.
    But mostly my favourite things and traditions are of course eating alot, Christmas sauna (common Finnish tradition) and watching Mickey Mouse Christmas Special & legendary Snowman animation (Walking in the air is such a legendary and lovely song!) with lots of Christmas chocolates 😁.

  • @MartyNih
    @MartyNih 2 года назад +1

    Lussekatter is easily the best fika. This goes for all year, not just Christmas 😄

  • @Sanniz
    @Sanniz 2 года назад +3

    Albert and Herbert was my favorite calendar. But I am a bit old too... lol
    I don't like saffran, so my lussekatt is without it. And I love vörtbröd with raisin.
    Risgrynsgröt with cinnamon are a must. And if you do plenty of it you can always make ris a la malta.
    That gift game isn't that often done. And it can be used during birthdays or other times when people could get presents. But the version I have been in, all got one, but not the one you bought yourself. Think those times were when they did a prize it should be worth so all could afford it. Plus you could be suprised over other peoples imagination.
    Haha at least you haven't experienced the most well known xmas tradition. At least it was when people still bought more news papers regulary. When "dad in the house told all on xmas eve, that he should go out and buy the news paper "... we all knew he would be back as Santa for all xmas gifts. And after Santa disappeared dad always came home and pretend sad he missed Santa. 🤗🎄🎅

  • @razzuie
    @razzuie 2 года назад +3

    This year I made a fusion adventsfika a traditional Swedish cardamom Karlsbader bun with a brandy butter and fig filling, I miss England and my family I haven’t been since the summer of 2019☹️☹️

  • @jonasdahlberg9217
    @jonasdahlberg9217 2 года назад

    I like "snaps" at the Christmas table!

  • @Kidvicious87
    @Kidvicious87 2 года назад

    As a child was ”När karusellerna sover” ”Pelle Svanslös” och ”Mysteriet på Greveholm” my absolute favorite. As an adult I’ve only liked “Tusen år till jul” I love history so that one made me very exited.

  • @lizette87
    @lizette87 2 года назад

    I never really liked svt julkalender, but mysteriet på greveholm 1996 was pretty good.
    I didn't grow up with fika on Sundays of advent, glögg (mulled wine) was only for Christmas eve and maybe new years. Never grew up with rödbetssallad either, but my parents sure like their lutfisk. Julmust is a must for Christmas. Kalle Anka is very appreciated. And in many families, Santa actually brings the gifts and not just leave them under the tree. But it's of course different from family to family. Good video 👍
    God Jul!

  • @linusjonatan1130
    @linusjonatan1130 2 года назад +5

    The best traditions is Kalle anka and Karl-Bertil Jonsson!

  • @emmaaaa1004
    @emmaaaa1004 2 года назад

    I haven’t seen many Julkalendrar before 2000 maybe just three or four but I’ve seen all the ones that came after and I have to honestly say (maybe unpopular opinion) that En hederlig jul med Knyckertz is up there amongst the top. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this year’s story and it helped a lot that it held some of my favourite Swedish people to really up the class. Well done to everyone who was a part of this year’s julkalender! Others that I really enjoyed include Barna Hedenhös uppfinner/upptäcker (can’t remember) julen and tjuvarnas jul.

  • @erikandersson6145
    @erikandersson6145 2 года назад +3

    Swedish Julbord in Sweden is a experience

  • @kajsan760
    @kajsan760 2 года назад

    A lot of people comment that the julskinka (Christmas ham) is cooked. Yes it is, but it's common to buy it pre-cooked, so you might not think about the cooking. Before serving you glace it with a mix including mustard and bread crumbs, and grill it golden in the oven.

  • @ANightworkerslife
    @ANightworkerslife 2 года назад

    For Julkalender- Trolltider.. nothing beats it... Mood, saga and some of our best artists in it.. second by Albert and Herberts jul, Albert and Herbert was a really popular swedish comedy /drama series based on Steptoe and Son (which I think you might know about)
    Fika- Lussekatt, swedish gingerbreads.
    Food- Christmas ham
    Now.. one of the better things about christmas is the candy... one time a year when we swedes actually cook our own candies! Now THAT is both fun and great. If you haven't done that yet, find yourself a baking friend and go nuts! ( i mean it, we use a lot of nuts in our christmas candies)

  •  2 года назад +3

    A fun fact that many do not know: The Julkalender we have today is a very new invention that started in the 80th, now will many scream and say I am wrong and that Julkalender existed a very long time ago, but back then they were called Adventskalender and did not started on first of December but rather on the first advent, this year it was at Sunday, 28 of November. But it was expensive for companies to print new Adeventskalender so to save money some companies started to make Julkalendern that broke the tradition by letting it always start first of December.
    Edit: Please misunderstand me correctly, it still a tradition I like the Julkalender and tradition shall be able to change, so this wan nothing against the Julkalender, just a bit of history.

  • @animefan20o7
    @animefan20o7 2 года назад +2

    A Christmas gift game? We've never done that at Christmas in my family. Am I the only Swede here confused by this?
    We have done the Secret Santa thing though the past few years. Last year only the grandchildren got presents however.
    My favorite julkalender is Mysteriet På Greveholm. There are more but I can't think of any at the moment.

    • @annabackman3028
      @annabackman3028 2 года назад

      I had heard about that game before, when I came to play that with my cousins, their children (more or less grown ups), children's girlfriends etc.
      To me it seemed a little strange, I must admit. I had rather brought a gift for the host and hostess, and if it had been small kids I would have bought something like a little "tomte-nisse", or something like that, 10-20 kr.
      I grow up with (and so my son, now 36ys) that, parents and grandparents give the expensive stuff to the kids. Other adults don't have to more than 20-40 kr at the most.
      And if you are a guest you buy something nice to the host and hostess. Note that, that old Aladdin chocolate box, it's passé, out, expired. If you like them, buy for your home, but choose something else as gift.
      That latter, the Aladdin chocolate box, is a true STANDARD thing in Swedish homes for Christmas. And has been for over 60 years! Which is my number of Christmases, but Marabou introduced Aladdin 1939, and I think it has been on the candy tray or coffee table every Christmas since.
      Unfortunately for many of us who have the picture clear, "THIS is the pralines in an Aladdin box" don't like many of the changes, "updating" of its contains.
      The worst crime was to kill the little 'Noisette', a wonderfully creamy little thing, in the middle of the tray. All other pralines are a double on each tray, but not the one in the middle. The Noisette could start a WAR, practically every kid was ready to kill for that beautiful delicacy. Some fathers, who also wanted it could do the UNFORGIVABLE, take the Noisette and eat it!?! "So the kids had one less thing to fight over. YEAH!?? Many the father had to go to the store and get another box. Or more, because if it had been a tensed situation before, that was the act of WAR every little "angel" waited for.
      The ONLY thing to bring back a happy, silent Christmas was AT THE LEAST one Noisette per child. Well played, all daddies🤣! Occasionally the mother joined the kids team, demanding a Noisette, too...
      So I don't know what went wrong, obviously the Queen of the box, Noisette must have lost the crown, being deported, humiliated, tar and feathers....😭 And many other from the court of Queen Noisette have gone the same road, exchanged to raspberry-licorice and other suspect fillings.
      "Det var bättre förr"🤣🤣

    • @annabackman3028
      @annabackman3028 2 года назад

      I almost forgot, the cherry praline!! Who came up with the genius (NOT 🤬!) idea to exchange that one?? And WHY?!?

  • @marcusfridh8489
    @marcusfridh8489 2 года назад +1

    My favirites julkalendrar are Gumman som blev liten som en tesked from 1967, hercules jonssins storverk from 1969, trolltider from 1979, stjärnhuset from 1981, ture sventon from 1989, sunes jul from 1991, klasses julkalemder from 1992, gubben petsson och katten findus-tomtemaskinen from 1993 and mysteriet på greveholm from 1996. i have all of them of DVD. you forgot a couple of chistmastraditions, the christmas host on SVT, wich in televisionterms is a very noble and highprestige assignment. kalle ankas jul, sagan om karl-bertil jonssons jul, and two newer traditions that is kan du vissla johanna and svensson svensson: the chistmas episode

  • @familyupgrade
    @familyupgrade 2 года назад +2

    Yeah, Trolltider is the ONLY one beeing showed twice, due to popular demand. It is outstanding.

  • @Aluzard
    @Aluzard 2 года назад +1

    my fika of choice for december is lussekatt and warm glögg for sure. it just gets me in the xmas mood really fast ^^

  • @smalm86
    @smalm86 2 года назад +1

    Sunes jul ❤
    But I also loved the recent one called Mirakel, it kept me entertained and interested.

  • @juliav601
    @juliav601 2 года назад +2

    Alternative to the adventsfika for those not too keen on the super sweet stuff: saffronbiscotti!

  • @Strasstass
    @Strasstass 2 года назад

    The very best julkalender on TV ever, was......."Pelle Svanslös"!!!!!!!!!! I was a very grown up woman hurrying home from work to see it! 😂
    I think you have a very good understanding of Swedish Christmas traditions, so I agree with you on the 5 best

  • @martah5369
    @martah5369 2 года назад

    To me the most magic julkalender was Jul i Kapernaum. I don't remember the story anymore but I remember being enchanted.
    We don't do the gift game but we do rhymes on all presents, which are then read twice: when the gift is handed out and when it is opened.

  • @ShadowScoutSwede
    @ShadowScoutSwede 2 года назад

    Well, my friend you nailed the 5 favorites and it is common and at Christmas here where i live we are celebrating with my parents in law at their house and it begins early in the morning with what we call kakfrukost or cookie breakfast and one sandwich. That is something i really have some difficulties to eat for breakfast.

  • @evak1003
    @evak1003 2 года назад

    You are spot on about our Swedish Christmas treats I think (even though I personally hate beat root salad) but of course we have more than that (like prinskorv and the famous sill variations etc, etc) and different foods like in Skåne or maybe in Pajala. I love dopp i grytan med tunnbröd and Janssons Frestelse!!!.
    The game where you compete to get presents I've NEVER heard of but it seems really fun as long as the ones who win gives to the ones who gains nothing. Christmas is really (or at least should be) a Robin Hood Feast :) The best Julkalenders for me was Julstrul med Staffan och Bengt and of course Teskedsgumman. A very Merry Christmas Gregg!

  • @annacederwall3309
    @annacederwall3309 2 года назад

    Sunes jul is a must. Trolltider, Ture Sventon, Greveholm is also klassiks.

  • @Johan-ru9wl
    @Johan-ru9wl 2 года назад

    You have to watch Mysteriet på Greveholm (the first one, they made a second not as good) and Sunes Jul those are the best imo!

  • @citizenkane4831
    @citizenkane4831 2 года назад +1

    When it comes to what Swedes usually watch on telly on the christmas evee it is. Kalle Ankas julafton, Karl-Bertil Jonsson julafton and Tomten är far till alla barnen. I can´t think of any special movie they broadcast at christmas like they do in other countries.

  • @annhelensjostrom9065
    @annhelensjostrom9065 2 года назад +16

    The julskinka is defenetly cooked, you never eat uncooked ham, you'll get sick

    • @95BWG
      @95BWG 2 года назад +1

      The probability of getting sick from eating uncooked Swedish pork is not very high, but it can of course happen.

    • @mariannejohansson1361
      @mariannejohansson1361 2 года назад

      It could be made in oven or boiled in a pot but salted and then cooked in som way.

  • @thomasbjurstrom6480
    @thomasbjurstrom6480 2 года назад

    My favourite is Teskedsgumman!

  • @tanja3921
    @tanja3921 2 года назад

    With the ham you can also have a jam made of apples, in Swedish äppelmos. Realy tasty but don't take the mustard at the same time..

  • @sarkastin2783
    @sarkastin2783 2 года назад

    Mysteriet på Greveholm ☺️💜 I loved that one as a kid. It's still my fav til today. 👍

  • @yamikage8826
    @yamikage8826 2 года назад

    Sunes Jul (Sune's Christmas) & Mysteriet på Greveholm (The Mystery at Greveholm Castle) my top favorites.

  • @Disneylover137
    @Disneylover137 2 года назад

    I think you should see Mysteriet på Greveholm and Dieselråttor och sjömansmöss.

  • @thomasbjurstrom6480
    @thomasbjurstrom6480 2 года назад

    I'm not keen on fish , but apart from julskinka you have small meatballs and prinskorv , small sausages for example.

  • @MattiasLidbeck
    @MattiasLidbeck 2 года назад

    My favourite Christmas calendars are:
    • Fem myror är fler än fyra elefanter (1977)
    • Tomtemaskinen (1993)
    • Jul I kapernaum (1995)
    • Mysteriet på Greveholm (1996)
    • Pelle Svanslös (1997)
    • 1000 år till julafton (2015)

  • @boyish69
    @boyish69 2 года назад

    Det bästa på RUclips !!.... Gregg..❤️❤️❤️ son svensk är det extra intressant att höra vad nyinflyttade anser om Sverige och våra vanor m.m.

  • @abbelabbe7912
    @abbelabbe7912 2 года назад

    What i most look forward to for christmas is Julskinka, its so fucking good, last christmas i bought a tone so that i hade it for breakfest all up until mars.
    To note is that you have to have it with mustard (What ever flouts your boat) but you have to have julbröd (vörtbröd) with raisins in it to truly make it great.
    Buy a tone of it because they only sell it in christmas so freez it and heat up when needed.

  • @gojada
    @gojada 2 года назад +1

    Merry Christmas! God Jul!

  • @RealNotSoSneaky
    @RealNotSoSneaky 2 года назад

    Another tradition here is the box of chocolates. Everyone and their uncles have one on the living room table during Christmas

  • @mattep74
    @mattep74 2 года назад

    Barna hedenhös from 2013. I was 39 and set my alarm on december 24 to watch it

  • @19danjel
    @19danjel Год назад

    Pelle svanslös or mysteriet på greveholm (the old one) are classics

  • @mldag1678
    @mldag1678 2 года назад

    5:15 lmao me and my friends can't get over the fact that one of the policemens names are "Paul Liseman", it's hilarious
    BTW Mysteriet på Greveholm IS A MUST SEE

  • @kristerhegsund5752
    @kristerhegsund5752 2 года назад

    never heard of that x-mas-game - sounds like some really weird familytradition

  •  2 года назад

    Mysteriet på Greveholm!

  • @tinge83
    @tinge83 2 года назад +1

    Sunes Jul is the best ever

  • @mr.sts.p
    @mr.sts.p 2 года назад +1

    I like rödkål as well as rödbetsallad

  • @Tuja79
    @Tuja79 2 года назад

    I've never herd of that Christmas game your talking about. I love Lucia. Lusse katter, are really named Lucia bullet or katter from St Lucia

  • @annicaesplund6613
    @annicaesplund6613 2 года назад +2

    The only place I've played the present game is at work. Not really a family tradition.

  • @lindaleffler7708
    @lindaleffler7708 2 года назад

    Trolltider, Albert och Herbert, Historie-ätarna 🥰

    • @lindaleffler7708
      @lindaleffler7708 2 года назад

      Har aldrig hört talas om julklappsleken, dock.. 🤔😅

  • @_Wolfsbane_
    @_Wolfsbane_ 2 года назад

    "Teskedsgumman" - yes I'm that old (it's from the mid-60s).

  • @elmahagstrom3263
    @elmahagstrom3263 Год назад

    Sunes jul is the best one you should really watch it. It’s really funny

  • @snorpenbass4196
    @snorpenbass4196 2 года назад +2

    My favorite Julkalender bar none is the dual combo of Vintergatan (with Sif Ruud and Thomas von Brömssen) and Hjältar Och Monster På Himlavalvet. Twentyfour episodes each of Greek mythology, relatively uncensored. And they got the names right (unlike everything English, that always renames the Greek gods and heroes to the Roman or anglified versions). His name is Herakles, not Hercules! It's Platon, not Plato! ;-)

    • @snorpenbass4196
      @snorpenbass4196 2 года назад

      As for julfika, my mother used to make pitepojkar (literally "Boys from Pite"). They're closely related to doughnuts and beignets - fried dough dipped in sugar, cinnamon and with kardamom in the dough. Super unhealthy, super good.

  • @eaakerman8829
    @eaakerman8829 2 года назад

    Jag e besatt av lussekatter,so good !

  • @Thawelin
    @Thawelin 2 года назад

    Janssons med rödbetssallad is the best together 🤤 I have eaten it 4 days in a row now. I won't eat it tomorrow so I can eat mormors homemade Janssons on Christmas. Not as good as the one in the store 😅 (sorry grandma)

  • @aodghostwalker8226
    @aodghostwalker8226 2 года назад

    The best in my memory ( julkalendern ) is Mysteriet på greveholm :P

  • @linussamuelsson2927
    @linussamuelsson2927 2 года назад +2

    The best Julkalendrar are
    Sunes Jul
    Mysteriet på Greveholm 1
    Pelle Svanslös