The Many Faces of Idolatry- (Doug Batchelor) AmazingFacts©

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 105

  • @MariaRodriguez-nj5ro
    @MariaRodriguez-nj5ro 4 года назад

    Pastor Doug, you're just the person to tell the TRUTH in such an inspiring way. TY🙏

  • @staceystar675
    @staceystar675 7 лет назад +10


    • @christ820
      @christ820 5 лет назад

      Stacey Roland well prayed I agreed totally with you

  • @JohnRudmanSA
    @JohnRudmanSA 7 лет назад +7

    We are watching from South Africa. Thanks Pastor Doug

    • @christ820
      @christ820 5 лет назад

      John Dex I am watching from Hong Kong

    • @aganese4030
      @aganese4030 5 лет назад

      I'm watching from Sydney Australia

    • @jessicaewa1350
      @jessicaewa1350 5 лет назад

      Watching from Florida!

  • @charotaylor3556
    @charotaylor3556 4 года назад

    What a great sermon and eye opening

  • @drainbuddykulunga7849
    @drainbuddykulunga7849 4 года назад +2

    Pastor Doug you gave an excellent sermon.
    However I would like to correct you, that in New Guinea we do not worship the feathers of birds of paradise. This birds are beautiful and are used as traditional attire for cultural practices.
    We are a Christian nation and we believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savoir who died for our sins.

  • @phyllisbedonie4732
    @phyllisbedonie4732 4 года назад +2

    I am Native American i do not worship animal except the Lord Jesus Christ get your research right. The GREAT Spirit is God.

  • @christ820
    @christ820 5 лет назад +1

    Doug Batchelor was well chosen for Amazing Facts

  • @instrumentalistjade8367
    @instrumentalistjade8367 7 лет назад +4


  • @paulinekerubo5763
    @paulinekerubo5763 4 года назад +2

    Cows are not dumb. Each creature was created wise in its capacity with it's own unique way left in its natural setting. Humans have interfered with this and have confined their natural formation and development

  • @SabbatarianSundayer.
    @SabbatarianSundayer. 7 лет назад +1

    I'm borrowing these video names; for my own "Sunday", scriptural videos.

  • @Myjesus-1
    @Myjesus-1 Год назад

    Sin is idolotry:
    “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also,” (Matthew 6:21).

  • @Myjesus-1
    @Myjesus-1 Год назад

    Sin is idolotry. One reason is because people are seeking gratification that they don't find in God.
    Colossians 3:5
    "Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry."

  • @skylerclaxton91
    @skylerclaxton91 5 лет назад +2

    They have made a human clone.

  • @TheCaliforniacajun
    @TheCaliforniacajun 7 лет назад

    Love that money pitch!

  • @nyonyo1992
    @nyonyo1992 7 лет назад +2

    Amen.. Mhmm

  • @fernandogallardo3458
    @fernandogallardo3458 4 года назад +2

    The nations idols are in the flags and the flags are high and lifted up on a flag pole and those who are serving the flags are called "idol worshippers"... the ministers of God cannot preach against the nations idols of fabric, because they cannot see the nations idols of fabric high and lifted up on a flag pole... the nations founding fathers made graven images of the stars, of the moon, of the sun, of birds and four footed beasts, in the likeness of heaven above and in the likeness of the earth below, and set the graven images in the flags, to serve them... wake up preachers from your sleep and preach against the nations idols of fabric high and lifted up on a flag pole... the god of the US is the star spangled of heaven and bald eagle of the earth... the god of Canada is the leaf of the maple tree of the earth... the god of Japan is the sun of heaven... the god of Mexico is the eagle and serpent of the earth... the god of Israel is the star remphan of heaven Acts 7:43... idolatry is through the pledge of allegiance to the flag and anthem... wake up ministers of God and speak against the idols of the nations high and lifted up on a flag pole.

    • @redbird8867
      @redbird8867 3 года назад

      l want to thank you for this post. l had never thought of this until you spoke it. Very interesting and very compelling. Again, I thank you. May you be blessed in your life.

  • @FlameLegend100
    @FlameLegend100 5 лет назад +4

    Be careful what you spend your time on.

  • @rodneywade8643
    @rodneywade8643 Год назад

    Explaining romans 1 21-25 KJV
    Gods children turned from him to idols and indoor and outdoor fourfooted beasts and such..
    God gave them up to uncleanness, cancelled salvation, guilty of original sin once again.
    Because they worshipped the CREATURE more than the CREATOR.
    Idolatry is from the devil.
    The punishment of idolatry is eternal damnation.
    The remedy is to confess our sins to God through Jesus and turn from our wicked ways.
    Unrepentance is unforgiven to Jesus.
    Paul wrote romans in 57ad. So he KNEW to KNOW God is to KNOW Jesus first. He was talking about the saved that turned from God.
    The lost knew OF God but didnt KNOW God.
    "KNOWING" God
    John 14
    [6] Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
    [7] If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.
    John 19
    [30] When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, IT IS FINISHED: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.
    Romans 1.........57ad
    [21] Because that, when they KNEW God, they glorified him NOT as God, neither were thankful; but became VAIN in their IMAGINATIONS, and their foolish heart was darkened.
    [22] Professing themselves to be wise, they became FOOLS,
    [23] And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an IMAGE made like to CORRUPTIBLE man , and to BIRDS, and FOURFOOTED BEASTS, and CREEPING things.
    [24] Wherefore God also GAVE THEM UP to UNCLEANNESS through the LUSTS of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
    [25] Who changed the truth of God into a LIE, and worshipped and served the CREATURE more than the CREATOR, who is blessed for ever. Amen
    IDOLATRY means when a child of God spends more time with something or someone other than God. Leaning on them for the things God wants us to lean on HIM for. Like protection and emotional therapy, trust, companionship, etc.
    Worship can be just allegiance to someone or to something.
    Literally bowing down with arms flailing doesnt necessarily take place.
    They changed the glory of God by disrespecting him by replacing him with creatures and corruptible men as idols. Worshipping them instead by leaning on them for the things we are to lean on our jealous God for.
    And using his words to vindicate their beastie idolatry. As old to now.
    Fourfooted beasts means ANY AND ALL fourfooted ANIMALS on earth.
    LUST is the urge to covet anything followed by lack of self control.
    Romans 1 21-25 is referring to the saved worshipping and serving LIVE CREATURES
    More than worshiping and serving the CREATOR.
    An IMAGE is born in the IMAGINATION. To worship something is of what some have in their imagination as something more worthy than others.
    One can create an image in his imagination of a live animal being his king. So he worships him as his king by leaning on it for PROTECTION and emotional therapy and a fill in for a human and a god. He gave his image life. So to speak.
    So the fourfooted beast is his image of his king. And our jealous God isnt. So in our jealous Gods eyes he is worshipping and serving the fourfooted beast instead of God.
    This is IDOLATRY.
    Most people never realize it. Or maybe they do. No excuse.
    IMAGE is also a perception of somebody or something..
    A graven image is tooled. Graven image is not mentioned here.
    A statue or picture is NOT a creature in this case. A creature is a living breathing being..
    Romans 1
    [25] Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the CREATURE MORE THAN THE CREATOR, who is blessed for ever. Amen
    Here saved people lusted their indoor beasts so much that they changed Gods truth into a lie to defend their indoor beastie covetness. To feel vindicated from their lusts. So much they still will fight to the death to defend their indoor beastie covetness.
    For thousands of years to current they have been bringing up scriptures from old out of desperation saying God gave us dominion and love your beast and such as a defense. Like proverbs 12 10 for example. Pitting scripture against scripture. (Blasphemy) That was their go to and still is. That never gave them the right to commit idolatry.The LIE is taking Gods word out of context to justify their coveting idolatry and for believing their idol can supply their needs more than God.
    Thats why paul wrote this and the holy ghost blessed it because they live a LIE and try to cover it with Gods word. It became a serious issue with Gods children turning away from our jealous God by the masses.
    Time spent reveals the God/god .
    This just covers fourfooted beasts.
    We are NOT talking about the infinity ways to commit idolatry here.
    We are ONLY talking about idols specific to this post.
    Revelation 21
    [8] But the FEARFUL, and UNBELIEVING, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and IDOLATERS, and ALL LIARS, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death
    Exodus 34
    14) For thou shalt
    worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:
    This is spiritually discerned.
    Im not here to judge or condemn. Just to serve the Lord by raising awareness of these issues on this post.
    Bless you.

  • @tecomaman
    @tecomaman 7 лет назад +1

    these people idolize this preacher

    • @japhetpamisa4872
      @japhetpamisa4872 6 лет назад +2

      Neil h Hi brother! Hope you are doing great. I would just like to know what made you came up with the statement that the people are idolizing the preacher? God bless you always!

    • @AeroZeppelin-rb4pt
      @AeroZeppelin-rb4pt 6 лет назад +1

      Nobody idolizes paster doug lol do you hate Adventists or something?

    • @feliciabosch8110
      @feliciabosch8110 5 лет назад +4

      No we do not idolise pastor Doug we love how he brings the teaching of God to us

    • @beatricepineda510
      @beatricepineda510 4 года назад

      Can you read people’s hearts? Only God can do that.

  • @TruthHasSpoken
    @TruthHasSpoken 7 лет назад +1

    Doug... "The way I read it"
    Also, Doug, inherently this is the problem: Sola Doug Scriptura.
    A 16th c or so invention, not found in scripture anywhere and not taught by any Christian for over 1300+ years.
    You interpret scripture on your own, apart from the very same Church that wrote, affirmed, copied, translated and guarded the meaning of the text now for 2000 years.
    So you when you deny a doctrine of the Church you deny what the apostles taught their descendants, and what their descendants taught theirs.
    And since your interpretation of scripture is fallible, you just may be in ....

    • @TruthHasSpoken
      @TruthHasSpoken 5 лет назад

      @Joseph Burton I know this Joseph: Doug only know what is and is not scripture due to the authority of 4th century Catholic Bishops to have said so. Doug's bible has the very same 27 New Testament writings that they declared to be scripture out of some 300+ early Christian writings. And they ... ALL of them ... brought this canon of NT scirpture into Church, where they read it, and where they presided over Mass. As Doug thinks they error'd on the latter, he shouldn't trust them one bit on the former.
      And when someone comes along 1800+ years later and says Jesus is Michael the Archangel - and no one in those 1800 years ever taught it, we can reject that teaching as false. The person espousing this belief isn't using scripture as the final authority but a man's (or in this case a women's) fallible interpretation of it.

    • @TruthHasSpoken
      @TruthHasSpoken 5 лет назад

      @Joseph Burton Michael, the Archangel was seen to be guardian over the Israelite people. It's not either, or, but both. The Isrealite people were God's chosen people, and they perceived Michael too, through God's agency to have protected them.
      Scripture, Hebrews 1:6. Right. ALL the angels worshiped Jesus.
      6 And again, when he brings the first-born into the world, he says,
      “Let all God’s angels worship him.”
      All the angels worshiped Jesus, archangels included.
      Can you cite anyone in the first 1000 years of Christianity who taught Michael is Jesus? If the apostles taught their descendants such, and the descendants theirs, this should be very easy to find.

    • @TruthHasSpoken
      @TruthHasSpoken 5 лет назад

      @Joseph Burton "Ellen White was a humble servant of God, "
      Ellen taught error, she taught a gospel not taught in the previous 1800 years. This includes her teaching that Christians should hold to the Sabbath, and that Jesus was Michael the archangel. This happens when one takes a Catholic book and tries to interpret it apart from the faith passed down by the apostles. The very same 4th century Catholic Bishops who she tacitly trusted to know what books were, and were not scripture (she used the very same 27 New Testament books out of some 300+ early Christian wriitngs as that these Bishops declared) believed neither of what she taught. Neither did her protestant neighbors who used the very same bible she did, all believing that they were led by the Holy Spirit as well.
      "Ellen White was not infallible"
      Great. Then she would admit that she could be wrong on holding to the Sabbath, and on Jesus being Michael.
      "strikes at the heart of Catholic doctrine which states that a man is infallible"
      I'm sure you cut and pasted without reading the source document. The link is here. It's good to read the actual writing. And Catholic's DO hold this claim: that Christ established a Church, with structure and authority to rule. The Chair of Peter is the Prime Minister. Christ *promised* to lead His Church to ALL Truth. Not just SOME truth, but ALL TRUTH. Not JUST on what books belong in the New Testament that you USE ... but on the Old Testament as well, on it's declaration that Jesus IS God Incarnate, and that the Christian day of rest is on Sunday, The Lord's Day, the 8th Day. And Christ's protection prevents HIS Church from error on Faith and Morals. It's protected by HIM from teaching what is false as true.
      Question: in the Old Testament Kings, what was the role of the Prime Minister? What was their symbolic of authority?
      Keep in mind, Jesus is the King of Kings.

    • @TruthHasSpoken
      @TruthHasSpoken 5 лет назад

      @Joseph Burton Joseph -
      Do you ever have someone pray for you, or do you ever pray for someone else? YES or NO?
      Please define in your mind, what is a "Graven Image"

    • @TruthHasSpoken
      @TruthHasSpoken 5 лет назад

      @Joseph Burton "The Sabbath is part of God's law,"
      The 10 Commandments prescribe a day of rest. The Christians observed this day of rest on Sunday, the Lord's Day, the Day of Resurrection, the day of Ascension, the first day of the week. Christ fulfilled the Sabbath. St Paul, God's Written Word below.
      _16 Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink or with regard to a festival or a new moon _*_or a sabbath. 17 These are only a shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ._*
      "Ellen White is not part of this question."
      WRONG. She started teaching something that no Christian held to in the previous 1850 years. She took a Catholic book and didn't understand it. And there were those who followed her and her error.