Question . I don´t know why in my model the option" tabulated reactionss" is not active, only arrow dispaly. I use Etabs 19. Someboby know why could be the problem?
Yes, typically we design for the highest value of force and moment and fz generally has the highest value (not always) so what I did is technically incorrect but in overall for the structural drawings it won't have much impact.
Question . I don´t know why in my model the option" tabulated reactionss" is not active, only arrow dispaly. I use Etabs 19. Someboby know why could be the problem?
alternatively you can go to Display-show tables- Analysis-Results-Reactions-Base Reactions. This should work, let me know
I got problem that tabulated option is not on only arrows option is on what is the solution ??
alternatively you can go to Display-show tables- Analysis-Results-Reactions-Base Reactions. This should work, let me know
Thanks for video. But I think you are underestimating the moment at footing base by not considering Fx and Fy
Yes, typically we design for the highest value of force and moment and fz generally has the highest value (not always) so what I did is technically incorrect but in overall for the structural drawings it won't have much impact.
their are 6 eq loads, step 1 to 6, which one to choose?
Actually just use display -show tables- analysis -results- support reactions - and choose the maximum reaction on a support
According to base reaction only number of pile cap is calculated, but the support reaction is not matching
Yes, I also observed that and it happens for all files. Have to come up with a solution for this.
why is there no "base reaction" menu on my etabs
have to see, it should be there