Hello😊 If you're interested in how to make the pattern and prepare the fabric for a clasp bag, check this video for more information: ruclips.net/video/8Px178VYU8o/видео.html
I was skeptical about buying a replica bag, but *eudupe* 's customer service assured me it would be worth it. They were right. My replica YSL bag is identical to the authentic one. It's a head-turner, and I get compliments on it all the time. I'm so glad I found this website.
I from *suluxy* bought a Birkin and I went into Louis Vuitton at South Coast Plaza with a friend who wanted to buy a card case and we received great customer service. They offered us water..LOL I would never buy authentic knowing that are just as good.
I've been a fan of Hermes bags for years, but the price tag was always a deal-breaker. *eudupe* changed that for me. I bought a replica Birkin bag, and it's stunning. The craftsmanship is impeccable, and it's held up well over time. I feel like I've made a wise investment.
I've always wanted a Celine bag but couldn't afford it. *eudupe* made my dream come true. I bought a replica, and it's beautiful. The quality is top-notch, and it's held up well under daily use. I feel like I've made the best purchase ever.
Love *preluxz* the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other RUclipsr can show off bags in as much detail as you.
I was hesitant to buy a replica bag, but *eudupe* 's reviews were too convincing to ignore. I took the plunge and bought a Prada replica. It's beyond my expectations. The leather feels luxurious, and the stitching is perfect. I've been carrying it everywhere, and no one has suspected it's a fake.
Замечательная работа, великолепная сумочка. Так всё красиво, аккуратно. Я в восторге. У меня есть такие фермуары, попробую сделать также себе сумочку. Спасибо за мастер-класс. Удачи вам.
ООооооооо!!!!👍👍👍👍👍какая сумочка!!!! но у меня тоже есть такой фермуар! И я тоже пошью с ним сумочку-саквояж!😘😉 вот только еще не решила -из какой ткани шить!!! Обожаю сумку на фермуарах! Отличная работа!😘
The whole time I was watching the video I was like damn that’s beautiful!! And this was my face the whole time too “😲” haha. The craftsmanship is astounding really
I make bags and purses from leather, cork and vinyl but this is so beautiful it's inspired me to try something different. I also sew garments and I have 3 different Chanel type tweeds so I'm off to Amazon to find purse frames. Such beautiful work so lovely.
I fell in love with this bag. I hope to be able to do it one day. For now I'm a beginner and I'm looking for easier projects. Many thanks for sharing this tutorial.
great video! i have been interested in doing this for some time but felt that i didn't have the knowledge or skill level to do it. thank you for laying this out in such a confident manner!
This is THEE best sewing tutorial I have ever seen. I usually speed up tutorials, but this video is great for ADHDers. I actually got sucked. My partner startled me when he walked in the room! You need to be an experienced sewist to follow, or there will be quite a few questions if you’re a beginner, but it’s shot in a way that gets to the point with enough information, and beautifully. 🤌🏾
Lovely and Neet thank you so much for sharing I need to polish my skills although the frames are sitting in my craft box for two years. Inspiring thank you again God bless you
I from *suluxy* bought a Birkin and I went into Louis Vuitton at South Coast Plaza with a friend who wanted to buy a card case and we received great customer service. They offered us water..LOL I would never buy authentic knowing that are just as good.
What a great tutorial! Please share more! Found your channel by accident and have already subscribed. Would love to see a tutorial for beginners, as well as tools I should get:) By the way, I am watching you from Brazil :)
Hello dear, I loved your tutorial and would love to have a bag like that. Do you have the pattern to pass? Or teach how to make the mold? Thank you, your work is beautiful! Marcia
Yes, the bag looks beautiful and you have such talent. Are you starting your own bag business, sure you will be successful. Question, do you work for a designer?
Hello😊 If you're interested in how to make the pattern and prepare the fabric for a clasp bag, check this video for more information:
I wish I could buy it❤️😍
Can you please name the material that u are using. Specially the fabric for layering and outer pouch
Looks like 40's Chanel. Beautiful.
I was skeptical about buying a replica bag, but *eudupe* 's customer service assured me it would be worth it. They were right. My replica YSL bag is identical to the authentic one. It's a head-turner, and I get compliments on it all the time. I'm so glad I found this website.
I from *suluxy* bought a Birkin and I went into Louis Vuitton at South Coast Plaza with a friend who wanted to buy a card case and we received great customer service. They offered us water..LOL I would never buy authentic knowing that are just as good.
Какое же удовольствие я получила от просмотра этого видео!!! Потрясающая работа! Эта сумочка достойна быть на руке королевы! СПАСИБО!
I've been a fan of Hermes bags for years, but the price tag was always a deal-breaker. *eudupe* changed that for me. I bought a replica Birkin bag, and it's stunning. The craftsmanship is impeccable, and it's held up well over time. I feel like I've made a wise investment.
عملك متقن جدا ماشاء الله
إتقانك للتفاصيل مريح جدا
Давно смотрю на подобную сумочную металлическую фурнитуру. Отличный мастер-класс. Благодарю.
I've always wanted a Celine bag but couldn't afford it. *eudupe* made my dream come true. I bought a replica, and it's beautiful. The quality is top-notch, and it's held up well under daily use. I feel like I've made the best purchase ever.
Мои восхищения такой аккуратной , вдохновляющей работой...
Love *preluxz* the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other RUclipsr can show off bags in as much detail as you.
Your work is beautiful! The bag looks very professional. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you very much for your appreciation, it is very important to us!
I was hesitant to buy a replica bag, but *eudupe* 's reviews were too convincing to ignore. I took the plunge and bought a Prada replica. It's beyond my expectations. The leather feels luxurious, and the stitching is perfect. I've been carrying it everywhere, and no one has suspected it's a fake.
Замечательная работа, великолепная сумочка. Так всё красиво, аккуратно. Я в восторге.
У меня есть такие фермуары, попробую сделать также себе сумочку. Спасибо за мастер-класс. Удачи вам.
هذه الشنطه تتقفل بالمشابك المعدنيه والسوسته ام بالمغدن فقط؟؟!
لم افهم ذلك بالتحديد 😴🤔
Сумочка ручной работы! Очень изящная.Умничка!!!!!!
❤your work! Very easy to follow tutorials. And the music is so soothing.😌
Thank you dear for taking us along. Can't wait what the *preluxz* queen picked up at Fend
This handbag is soooooooo beautiful, dear. I wish I could so like you but I'm happy you shared it with all of us. Take care.
ООооооооо!!!!👍👍👍👍👍какая сумочка!!!! но у меня тоже есть такой фермуар! И я тоже пошью с ним сумочку-саквояж!😘😉 вот только еще не решила -из какой ткани шить!!! Обожаю сумку на фермуарах! Отличная работа!😘
Спасибо! Все понятно и доступно! Отличная работа, очень красиво и аккуратно!
The whole time I was watching the video I was like damn that’s beautiful!! And this was my face the whole time too “😲” haha. The craftsmanship is astounding really
*preluxz* bags just outclassed the rest..too good
Przepiękna torebka z dokładnością co do elementów cudowny efekt🤗
Çok güzel ve çok şık oldu.... Elinize sağlık, bayıldım..👏👏❤❤🌹🌹
I make bags and purses from leather, cork and vinyl but this is so beautiful it's inspired me to try something different. I also sew garments and I have 3 different Chanel type tweeds so I'm off to Amazon to find purse frames. Such beautiful work so lovely.
I think that I'm falling in love with making bags I want to learn so bad ... only of you give us more details ♡
I fell in love with this bag. I hope to be able to do it one day. For now I'm a beginner and I'm looking for easier projects. Many thanks for sharing this tutorial.
Она прекрасна! Спасибо за это видео. Попробую тоже пошить такую же красоту.
Muthis. Cok begendim. Cok şık bir çanta. Yapanin ellerine sağlık.
great video! i have been interested in doing this for some time but felt that i didn't have the knowledge or skill level to do it. thank you for laying this out in such a confident manner!
This is THEE best sewing tutorial I have ever seen. I usually speed up tutorials, but this video is great for ADHDers. I actually got sucked. My partner startled me when he walked in the room! You need to be an experienced sewist to follow, or there will be quite a few questions if you’re a beginner, but it’s shot in a way that gets to the point with enough information, and beautifully. 🤌🏾
Thoughtful tutorial 🧠👈🏻 The finishes improve the whole 👍🏻 A very pretty handbag 🤗
One of the best videos l have ever seen 🥺🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
So soothing and relaxing video
I love the fabric. It is a very elegant purse.
Such an amazing simplified delicate video ! We thank you so much 💗🙌🏼🙌🏼 absolutely inspiring and so beautiful!! Keep it up
Nhvvh❤ Cheyenne
İ Love it . İt is a long time that İ'm looking for this diy İ'm so happy to find this vidéo thank you so much
Thank you! This is an excellent tutorial.
Какая бесподобная красота 👍👍👍👍👍
Wow fantastico lavoro 👍😉😍una borsetta strepitosa , bellissima !!! Complimenti !! 😍😍💖
Hi there.
Thank you very much indeed
Your work and teaching are amazing 👏
Good luck 👍 💓
У Вас очень красивые руки, приятно смотреть!💐🌸🌹🌷🌼🌻🌺
Lovely and Neet thank you so much for sharing I need to polish my skills although the frames are sitting in my craft box for two years. Inspiring thank you again God bless you
Thank you so much! We are so glad that you like our work ;)
O kadar güzel anlatmışsınız ki 🤗🙏👏👏👏 teşekkür ederim
عمل جميل جدا..أعجبني الإتقان في العمل❤
Simply, elegant an gorgeous.
Your work is so so beautiful! ❤❤❤❤
Such a nicely finished work. 👌😍
Thank you so much for sharing the tutorial. 💌
Ummmm, that is the most adorable purse
God bless you for this amazing work😊.
Estou encantada. Que lindo trabalho 🤩👏👏👏
I love this beautiful bag, so elegant❤
Merci beaucoup pour cette vidéo ,elle me sera vraiment utile pour réaliser ce sac 🙏
A relaxing and enjoyable video, especially the result good job 👍💎💎
Que lindo, muito obrigada por você ensina uma coisa tão rica e linda como esta ,Deus te recompensa hoje e sempre. Bjs.
Looooooove looooooe looooove
you are very professional
Thank you for your effort
OMG 🥰🥰 thank you for sharing ❤️ this is exactly what I was looking for. The bag is so pretty 🤩
Очень, очень поучительный м/к. Спасибо! Сумочка просто суперская!!! Очень красивая, изящная! 👍👍👍🤩🤩🤩
Чудова робота. Дуже гарно
❤❤❤❤❤ I love your work pls more video like this
Ne kadar güzel oldu. Harika oldu harika!👏👏👏 Ellerinize sağlık.
Teşekkürler. 👍🍀🍀🍀
your work is so beautiful n with perfection you make a beautiful purse
❤ Me encanta el bolso cuanta tela hace falta muchas gracias 😘
Шикарная театральная сумочка. 👍👏💖
Sooooooo beautiful!!! Thank you very-very much!❤
I from *suluxy* bought a Birkin and I went into Louis Vuitton at South Coast Plaza with a friend who wanted to buy a card case and we received great customer service. They offered us water..LOL I would never buy authentic knowing that are just as good.
Really fancy ❤I loved it very much the most beautiful bag I have ever seen ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Gracias, seguiré este tutorial
Beautiful work, thank you for sharing
🇪🇸 Que maravilla
Es un arte casi perdido poder hacer cosas tan bonitas con nuestras propias manos.
La felicito
Love it 😲! Jaime beaucoup, le travail artiqanal, c'est le mieux ! I subscribe to this ! 😊
What a great tutorial! Please share more! Found your channel by accident and have already subscribed. Would love to see a tutorial for beginners, as well as tools I should get:) By the way, I am watching you from Brazil :)
this is... AMAZING!!!! I have to try making this one day!!!
Muhtesem cok guzel olmus benimde ilgi alanımda tebrikler.
👍👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏Потрясающая работа!!!!Спасибо.💕
Gorgeous handmade handbag!
Good and informative video, but my choice was always lvguu PS: I love your videos
Bellissima ❤️ che lavorone ⭐⭐⭐🌻🌻🌻
I love your work,
Absolutely amazing . So beautiful
За мастер класс спасибо.Обожаю фермуары ..
Que perfeição,quanta delicadeza,aula maravilhosa, muito linda, obrigada 🥰😍🙏🙏🙏😘😘😘
Bolsa linda, delicada...seu trabalho é perfeito 😍
Beautiful and Classy.....I Love It....Thank you.....
This purse is really gorgeous!
Thank you very much! We are honored that you like our handmade bag. We will try to create more beautiful bags ;)
Hello dear, I loved your tutorial and would love to have a bag like that. Do you have the pattern to pass? Or teach how to make the mold?
Thank you, your work is beautiful!
Please share the pattern details love to do this amazing bag .
It’s beautiful!
I would love to buy that bag. ❤
Wow ! Soo beautiful and talented! Wish I know how to use the sewing machine !
I love your design
unglaublich kompliziert!
Золотые ручки!
Nice work.. I have also made several diys on frame and frameless clutch purses. Well detailed . Well done
Yes, the bag looks beautiful and you have such talent. Are you starting your own bag business, sure you will be successful. Question, do you work for a designer?
This is an amazing tutorial- Simple and easy to follow! Great work!!!!
Oh thank you ;) It really cheers me up and makes my day better ;)
@@pxhandworkstudio9295 @ pinkstatus1
Indeed !
Palavra que define, perfeição!
Hello my dear friend... It is very interesting ! I subscribed to your wonderful channel!
AWSOMENESS...thank you.
Hi Good day!! Can you please share me what kind of sewing machine are you working on.. I love how you demonstrate your work. You Rock.👍😍
Красивая работа 👏💐❤️
Какая красивая работа!!
So beautiful
I just adore this bag!
Какая аккуратная работа!
Wow so beautifully explained!! 👏👏👏
Thank you so much ;)
Excellent work. And the bag looks great! How much time did it take to make one?