this is a dope video! you should make a part 2 and use more footage of Bruce Lee, Kaku, Shane (Hustlekidz), Billy Boy, Pop, Punisher, Soso and that dude who does headspins in Ruff Nexx Crew
from 4:34 to 5:00 was the best part. doing some freaking airflares of someones stomach then falling straight into some windmills. man this never gets old
everyone was tlaking about 4:55 and i was all like this is gonna be a simple powermove with a minor twitch...then i saw the smoke and the actual move and i was like.... ......omg....... THAT WAS SICK!!!!!
the video at 4:53 was played backwards thats y it looked like that...well im not sure but at thebeginnng of it he was walking foward then walked backwards but who care that shit was ill
Who is the bboy at 00:30? and he is also at 4:03 doing the 1990's to headspin to 1990's again. I know it's the same guy because I've seen a video by him before but I forgot his name.
I have had this on my favourites for over a year now. I watch this video religiously and can barely do anything displayed!
this is the best of the world...
the limit is so unbelievable high!
respect to the creator, nice videos, nice songs!
tanto la musica como el video estan muy bien hecho
One of the better powertrailers i have seen.
Hip hop is about expressing yourself truly, Hip Hop has no form or boundaries. Think about it.
I can't believe how far and amazing this DANCE has come. I yelled oh shit like 10 times. Break boys are amazing.
B-boy Cyclone
A greeting from Spain, I always see this video before going dancing GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Respect to all the bboys & bgirls around the world.
Thaks, that's right.SONGS:
1) Re-zone - Revenge Of A Bass Killer - A Tribute To Mr Toca (Seratonine Mix)
2) Robb G - 12 Inch Therapy (Bass Kleph Dirty Ows Mix)
3) Player & Remady - Keep It Funkee (Main Mix)
4)Just Back - Writers Block (Thomas Gold Remix)
1st song: Re-Zone - Revenge Of A Bass Killer (Seratonine Mix)
no it isn't dude
@@bboyHarrypotter daaamn, use beatport and find out))
Still dope til this day
Thanks for posting up a link to the songs.
man i want to get to this lvl of power... maybe oneday...
this is a dope video!
you should make a part 2 and use more footage of Bruce Lee, Kaku, Shane (Hustlekidz), Billy Boy, Pop, Punisher, Soso and that dude who does headspins in Ruff Nexx Crew
that was freakin unbelievable, thanks for the dope vid
these are typical melodic and rhytmic beats from electro house.
from 4:34 to 5:00 was the best part. doing some freaking airflares of someones stomach then falling straight into some windmills. man this never gets old
that was something else man intense right there
at 4.53 looll!the best aiiiiiirrrrrr flair!!:D
"DOPE" is da perfect word fo dis vid
definitely my favorite too. 6:32 pretty sick too.
the video at 4:53 was played backwards thats y it looked like that
yea see thats exactly what iw as talking about it's good to have someone that agrees with me =)
Firemove energy breakers 2007,
Bboy Shustriy(Шустрый) from ATF crew.
OMG at 4.53, respect.
That's really heavy!!!
1:29 and 4:15 are crazy clean with amazing style. Marcio and Billy Boy all the way!
at 4:53 that dude who airflared off him was sik he droped straight into a windmill unBELIVIBLE
What battle is it 4:53?? dam crazy
everyone was tlaking about 4:55 and i was all like this is gonna be a simple powermove with a minor twitch...then i saw the smoke and the actual move and i was like....
Unbelievable... these guys are insane.... i am a breakdancer for 2 years and i can do air flare... but not like this :O:O
bboy shystry (atf crew)-very fast powermoves and low airtracks
awesome! dope powermoves. Thank you for Vids
the video at 4:53 was played backwards thats y it looked like that...well im not sure but at thebeginnng of it he was walking foward then walked backwards
but who care that shit was ill
4:53 That was really amazing!!!!!!
6:39 an this was so funny XD!!
Good video
4:16 billy boy!! respect!! looool veeeery nice!!!!!
crazy dope beat!!
Man this video is very good i like it very much but this at 4:53 is unnormal for me so dope combo ......
respect ! :D
song at 7:00 is writers block (thomas gold remix)
song dat starts at 2:45 is 12 inch therapy (bass kleph's dirty ows mix) by robb g.
Bboy BY got better now. Also, 4:52 is just crazy ass hell, such an epic
4.53 . !! Hell Yaa.. !
1) Re-zone - Revenge Of A Bass Killer - A Tribute To Mr Toca (Seratonine Mix)
2) Robb G - 12 Inch Therapy (Bass Kleph Dirty Ows Mix)
3) Player & Remady - Keep It Funkee (Main Mix)
4) Unknow
dope mix!
monstrueux !!
4:52 now that is one sick commando!!!
grasshopper (electro house mix) by Sander van Doorn
4:54 or w.e time it was omfg. best move or at least on of the top best amazing move right there
i would be happy to even do ONE move out of this video
damn the combo form 4:15 to 4:26 is DEADLY !!
what battle is it at 4:53 and who is the guy who does the airflare from the back??
he doing this move at all team battles for many years now!
haha i really love the extremely hyper japanese dude on the right at 5:55 hes like spazzing on the ground
1) Re-zone - Revenge Of A Bass Killer - A Tribute To Mr Toca (Seratonine Mix)
2) Robb G - 12 Inch Therapy (Bass Kleph Dirty Ows Mix)
3) Player & Remady - Keep It Funkee (Main Mix)
4)Just Jack - Writers Block (Thomas Gold Remix)
0:36 So Fast.. So CLean!!!! awesome..
cico waz pretty sick...hella power
1:28 - 1:44 is so clean. way to go Bboy Marcio
1:06...the nice one...
omg theres juss too many good moves in this video.... to point any out... they all GOOD!
this is "Fire Move Energy Breakers 2007"
what battle was that on 4:53?
4:53 holy shit that is the dopest thing i have ever seen
Cool song!
4:50 absolutely insane.
da beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeest !
4:53...Airflare to mill that high?!?!
tat is the freakiest airflare i've ever seen!!!
pft!!! 1:53 is a freaking sick combo
Number one..:)
Predatorz Crew (this show from BOTY Russia 2004)
0:06 - 0:16 !!! i love it! damn, he owns!
name of the last song plz i love it
Very nice music, and sick moves.
4:52 _O_
4:53 is so wicked sick!
4:53 was brilliant
4:53 its bboy Shustriy :)
he is from my city and he is godlike :D
Whas the song that starts at 4:01, amazing mix.
that was insane! he went so high ! O_O
the best one is 4:54 air flair on top hallow back position
what is the music with this trailer??
@CsAnnihilationII billy boy i think
Anyone know the name of the last song that's played?
2:01 is looool
!!!!!!!!!!!!! respect!!
One of my favorite videos of all time! ^ - ^
btw the link for the song doesnt work... it says "File not found" :D
what mix cd is he using for the songs?
whats the crew at 6:40, the guy thrown over the air track?
4:53 WTF thats so SICK!!!!
This is bboy Billy Boy (france, somokemon)
4:52 - major props
Bboy Shustriy (Шустрый) from ATF crew
yeah...really good power...;))
i've never seen somethin like that. 4,53 !!!
eahh good movis right---- true
dont ever take this down :]
Bboy I-one (DS crew, Minsk, UA)
i needa improve if i want to be a power head
who is at 5:30..?
he seems to be lil ceng when he stands up..
but his moves are completely different..
4:52 while keeping the perfect form...
no no no! From ATF crew, Russia!
Who is the bboy at 00:30? and he is also at 4:03 doing the 1990's to headspin to 1990's again. I know it's the same guy because I've seen a video by him before but I forgot his name.