The way Sigma's or anyone for that matter is made is from trauma. FULL STOP! Don't take my word for it though. Read works like Carl Jung. Hue-mans are like computers. We are programmable. Up to to the age 7 is what's called the formative years. None of this is ground breaking. This is what occulted societies have held from the masses. lol The big secret to life has always been in front of us. Just everyone wants a saviour because we have been led to believe we are victims. Oh no, no. "Know Thy Self" But you can only get so far theoretically, we grow through experiential wisdom. So how does that trauma alchemize into wisdom. By learning were not victims and through learning about our selves and how we work free's the mind and turns those trauma's into strong characteristics. Again none of this is new. This is literally what the free masons do. They use lessons and contemplation to reprogram the mind to be able to perceive truth. That's an over simplification. Check it out. Good video a side from I don't agree with it. 😁
Sigmas are introverts by nature, even shy in the beginning, but curious by nature. But by going through difficult circumstances, they learn to depend on themselves and develop self-reliance, and later develop leadership abilities through necessity.
Yes, that's a good summation. I am an INFP personality type. But only recently looked into this hierarchical system. Now I can see why I don't quite fit the stereotypical INFP. Being more assertive than most. Willing to challenge and expend more energy, rather than conserve energy.
I agree. I was 3 when I stared greatly advancing in certain areas mainly alone self taught. The gap made it hard to adapt to kids my age. Fit in better with kids 5 years older. Also didn’t discover this until I was 50. Peace
Being that I am a Sigma male, throughout my journey I believe it's all NATURE! We all may have similar experiences, but we all don't view & respond to them in the manner in which a Sigma Male does. [Just from my experience!] Have a BLESSED journey! ✌🏽&💌
@@yaasikasa17 "Synchronicity" - fifth and final album released by 'The Police', A&M Records, June 1983. Am thinking so old now that most sigmas will not know of its existence let alone listened to it! As such, probably not relevant. Just observin'!
I know that I have been surviving since day one . For me to continue, I can't have any luggage, no extra weight . I do what I have to , I live , I survive .
A little of both, I think. In high school I was more popular than I knew, and I had lots of friends when I graduated. After some life experiences, I cut off almost everyone. A narcissistic woman made me who I am today. That's not a compliment to narcissistic women!
As part Native American, my mother made a family tree, and I noticed my 6th great grandfather was called Lone Wolf. However, out of all my siblings, I am the only one that awaken that sigma genetic code. I think that being the scapegoat in my family, the environmental pressure triggered my genetic code to blossom.
Ok this is getting weird, Sirphil. This is the 4th time in the last few days or so that I've given your comments a thumbs up and left a couple different comments onto yours and before I knew it was you lol, now that's weird! And these are all random videos about a similar subject. 😄 Too funny.
For me it’s both - as a result of emotional adversity developing my introverted character when a young adult. As an adult I trust only a few people, with very limited friends, but am now a senior professional manager in my work.
Exciting video, A year ago i took the no contact route, well i wouldnt say it didn't go well, but i missed her and sometimes you have to leave your comfort zone and go for what you want, Without knowing and having a huge ego, we might actually miss out on our soul mate all in the name of not settling for less, I know who i am, and at the same time i know what i want for me, so i did all i could to get her back, and I must say, it was the best decision i have ever made, we have been together again for over 7 months, yes marriage isn't always rosey, but i am lucky to have her, just as she is to have me, we compliment each other.
its difficult to let go of someone you love, i am in a similar situation, and i do not know what else do to have her back, i have been dying inside, people actually think i am happy, i am not.
I feel your pain, after trying out the no contact experiment that failed miserably, i had to find other means, i had to reach out to a spiritual adviser, it was brilliant idea which i never thought it was, but it worked wonders for me
I was convinced that nurture was the answer until now but you have made a great argument for nature in my own life. I recall, as a child, debating religion with my parents for some reason and ending the conversation with something like "God is why I am here. You were just the vessels. If God breathes life, I could have been breathed into anyone, but God chose you" probably in response to something like "we made you".
That is awesome and exactly how I understood life as a child God has always been there for me. He is the only one I fear being judged by. I think more about pleasing God now that I’m older. Hard being stubborn and logical. For now I’m just human. I am willing to except whatever he decides for me beyond this life. I’m thankful he let me participate in this world and hope to make him proud in doing whatever he sent me here to do.
Because despite the front an Alpha espouses they generally have a very insecure and fragile ego. It's their flaw. Hardship humbles you and makes you realize that something like being a good father is superior to kicking an ass. Resisting the temptation of a woman is superior to being a player, so on and so forth. A solid Sigma can check any Alpha, they sense that threat to themselves but since it's not overt they don't know what to make of it. Generally we're not aggressive with the dick swinging so you actually end up with their respect. That why you'll notice there "Alphaness" is directed at everybody, except you.
It was always there. However like a maze of locked doors. One by one each door had to be approached & the key to opening it acquired. Most often by a lesson needed to be learned. I remember dreaming about a house with many doors & floors. Each door lead to another. It was dark & haunting. Now I dream of a house with only one floor, still many doors, only now each room is bright & welcoming. I find comfort in living alone. No jolts, no surprises, no crises arises. Living my best life now.
I'm certain that they are born. It's a natural way of thinking and behaving. There's no thought that goes into anything before it's done, but rather an instinct to behave in such a way. It's only in retrospect where we can see if someone is a "Sigma," its a natural state of being.
I thought INFJs were considered Sigmas because they are critical thinkers, while INTJs are independent thinkers. This highlights some key differences between the two types. It's a great topic to discuss, nonetheless.
I think sigma types are born in blood and forged in life. Like the story goes we all showed signs at a young age before we really could even understand the things going on around us. As we grew those of us with harder lives and shittier families were forged faster and harder than those with good families and support. Neither is better or worse than the other, just different. Like blades or tools, two can be similar and yet be perfect for their purpose while not being and or for the other’s purpose. That is how I see it.
I am completely surprised by this series about sigmas, as if the creator has incorporated my entire life into it down to the smallest detail. Thx for this
I look back and realize no kids shared my perspectives in hardships or prosperity. My views allowed betrayal to take longer to overcome, navigate, now defined those common traits. Regardless of betrayal setbacks, I remain present in every moment.
Although I have always been a lone wolf. I see right through all the fakeness of people. So when I meet genuine people, I do like to know them better. I don't like being in big groups. Yes, my childhood was already about asking questions. 4 years old and asking myself, why is the moon sometimes round and not? Later on, teachers didn't particularly like me cause I would ask deeper questions. Then I stopped and looked it up myself. Didn't have many friends, but the few I got was a genuine friendship.
I was always considered different growing up! I was the quit twin who stuck to himself and moved differently! I had a thirst for knowledge which lead me to being a jack of all trades here in my 40s I clearly understand I am a sigma from birth, but family and society enhanced my traits by what I had to deal with! But I’m so happy I am the way I am and wouldn’t change it for anything! My eyes are not blind and I see the world and everything in it for what it really is! Shout out to all the Sigmas man we are rare and one of kind!❤
We are made as part of a narcissistic family. We where strong and tried with our positive energy create peace but on the other hand it was our survival strategy
as a sigma in my lifetime i worked as a railroad engineer starting at 19 ..became an electrician ...a cnc machinist programmer with an associates degree in machine language programming..building contractor with 12 employees..a uaw steward and contract negotiator and eventually by 45 yrs old a very successful weed smuggler and later an ex inmate of 5 state prisons in 4 yrs..went thru 2 wives at 76 Ive lived alone for most of the past 25 yrs. ... I sure as hell did it my way and what a ride
I think this is pretty accurate. If all of these characteristics describe a sigma male, that is what I am. From the Legos to the socialization habits. For me, there's a combination of the nature and nurture that brought me to this point. The foundation needs to be there, but you need to be able to build a structure on top of it, and then, build it. I just want to add that a sigma male is not weak. His experiences and Innate characteristics make him more dominant and capable. There's a difference between sigma males and sociopaths that grew up in difficult times. Sociopaths are affected by their pasts and make mistakes. Sigma males thrive and maintain an ideology of self-improvement that they execute every day.
My lifelong Lone Wolf path was chosen after observing the misery in my parent's marriage wherein I learned to react opposite my father to life's challenges.
From my perspective, Sigmas are born as Sigmas. Fortunately, I experienced none of the negative circumstances described that may influence someone to exhibit Sigma traits. A recent psychological test I took concluded (based on results of testing millions of people) that my #1 Talent or Strength in Strategic Thinking cannot be taught; it is genetic. This was one of many Sigma-consistent traits reflected in my test results... and yes, as a child I spent countless hours designing and building Lego projects, Erector Set structures, and electronic devices happily in a quiet environment of solitude. I only recently became aware that I am... and have ALWAYS been a Sigma! Thank you for raising the question: "Born or Made?" (No offense to those more aligned with the "Made" perspective.)
I was definitely made by the rigors of life and my observations of the world. It has hardened me. In many ways I was a beta but definitely morphed into the signa later. Once shy and introverted, I am far from that now and am quite social now, but I have all the other traits of the sigma male.
Sounds more like a toughened beta. Sigmas, like every other type, are hard-wired in utero. Our traits, our quirks, and the way we process experiences are not by choice. They are instinct.
I only found my Sigma traits of late. Unlike most conscripted men my age in the mid 80's, I actually loved my operational deployment. Our first 12 months was dedicated to training, and that was tough, and rigorous. But wow, I came out of National Service a better man. I thrived in my mandatory citizen force unit, this was an additional 10 years, post National Service. I thrived in that structured positive setting, made lifelong friends, actually brothers. Confidence to tackle almost anything, although not knowing how, has become one of my strengths. I thus have come to the conclusion, that a structured, manly environment, that challenges Sigma's both physically and mentally is highly beneficial in our development.
I have only been a sigma male since I was about 30 and I’m 41 now. I was never a beta… I was more of an alpha than anything but it was mostly an act. At 30 I started not worrying about other people especially at work. I do my job without anyone telling me what to do and I lead by example. I have just recently noticed how women are very interested in me because I’m not really readable. I have a good poker face and I don’t feed into the drama. They don’t understand why I don’t care, and it drives them nuts. I’ve never had to chase women but even in my 40s now, I still have girls in their early 20s that are flirting so hard and they keep trying because I don’t give them the validation they need and want. I was always the nice guy who still got the girls and respect. But now I have a lot of experience and I don’t act on my feelings. I don’t show any emotion except a little laughter and never get mad. After losing 3 of my absolute best friends to suicide a few years ago everything changed drastically, it doesn't work like that. Sigmas, like every other type are born that way. Like your MBTI, you don't choose which aspects of life you are attuned to, or how it is processed. You can learn how to appear as others, but type functions are generally subconscious. Our behaviors are far more instinctive than most would like to admit, even from a very young age. Your traits don't just show up later in life, either you have them from birth, or you do not. What show up later in life are not traits not normal to your type, but scars and dysfunction in response to trauma.
I wasn't allowed to play with other kids growing up or walking to school with them. I was told I'm to be seen and not heard if I talked. I had to detatch from family as I grew older in my teens when realizing they we're all wrong with their family practices and it hurt. As I grew, I found out that other persons and groups can be bogus too. I'm 68 and back in my early 30s I researched and learned of codependency and it's self defeat! I learned Independence and it changed my life phenomenally! I live life from a perriferal position and reason and analyze the people and situation I'm in and I'm often right about others intentions and or the situation I'm in. I'm not a loner but a Sigma by description and like it, I apply myself! Being observant and responsive as Sigmas are, usually makes you better than the rest but also disliked. Like yourself and life usually goes your way.
Grey areas of moral. Until 2019 I identified myself with the character Dexter Morgan and, because of it, I am using a eletronic ankle bracelet despite the fact I am not a killer. I knew the concept of the Sigma Male archetype in 2021 and I identified with it on deeper level than with Dexter. The amiguity and the discussion about mental health made me an intriguing person to professionals and curious people. Now I feel better knowing that I can be a lone wolf and connect with people deeply even though I spend my time at home 24 hours per day.
It’s funny, I also could relate to how Dexter reacted to social interaction and his thought processes. I would chuckle at his responses while my wife would not, but be amused at my reaction. She said that I and Dexter were a lot alike
@@mmusil100 Unlike you, noboby perceived me as Dexter. It was a shock when I was arrested due my identification. But, until today, I see myself in situations that I think a thing and say another, like if I were in a different world
I think that these traits, although not fully nurtured at the time, are evident from very early childhood. Some traits MIGHT, of course, be triggered. Nonetheless, I think the foundational traits are in place, and evident, from childhood, if not, even infancy. I don't think, however, that Sigmas become what they are by (through) any, form of, 'reactionary' experience(s). I think that, they are evolutionary beings. Their personalities probably go through a process of 'refinement', rejigging, and repositioning, yet the 'core' traits remain 'immutable'. On the other hand, as I have mentioned before, in a previous post; there could probably be two 'versions' of the Sigma male. Something that is also evident in some Zodiac signs. Eg., Scorpios have a, 'deeper', 'Eagle' personality type (I am not a Scorpio, mind you 🙂). In many fields, there are both 'natural', and 'acquired' entities. Interesting topic, this.
I ❤Neuroscience. A Chemical Vessel in a state of entropy. The brain is a sensation processor and memory storage facility. The heart is where the fuel comes from. In other words, the heart-space determines the outcome. Practice applying the Heart-Space to challenging scenarios.
Think it's both. I was orphaned, placed into foster care, adopted, experienced a parental divorce then personal divorce.Always an autodidact and sometimes good student .Now a successful businessman
Nurture: "Care for and protect (someone or something) while they are growing". We are 100% born with it and our life experiences develop it to our own unique manifestation. As you can see by the definition of "nurture" when associated with your own narrative, you were not "taught" it, you innately had it within you from birth and your experiences developed it. (ie You are special mak!) Just sayin'!
Anyone who is not a Sigma cannot understand or become a sigma. I didn't know I was a sigma until somebody created this "category" . I was simply told that I was difficult, argumentative, uncooperative, unreasonable. I disrupted the class, asked too many questions, made people uncomfortable. I wasn't a team player, wouldn't follow orders and was willful. I never missed a day of school for 10 and a half years, but I was a poor student because I was always late. in my own reality I loved school, I loved reading and learning, but I didn't like being attacked by my classmates or teachers who were jealous and threatened by my brains. I actually learned to act stupid for the sake of acceptance. What made me who I am was not genetics. We are all born with a clean slate, barring any difficulties during our time in the womb. My parents observed what I enjoyed and made it available. They never ridiculed me or ever, ever lied to me. They didn't give me answers, they showed me how to find the answer. That all changed when I started school and continued for twenty years. The most important thing I learned from University was how to teach myself, although I was hardly ever rewarded for that approach. Most teachers were only satisfied when the students agreed with their opinion. The same can be said of society. Now, when I have the most to offer after 65 years of experience, I am shunned for being too old and not joining the crowd at the trough of Anthony Fauci.
It's 40/60 40% "born this way" Sigma male tends to have higher than average intelligence though you can maintain it throughout the age. Some traits are similar with high intelligence person 60% development What he experienced over time can shape up his personality. I'd admit I have around 80% sigma as I carry most of the traits. - a bit higher intelligence - well prepared at work (self reliance) - curiosity (yes, I always seek to learn new stuff) - stressed by "nonsense" - keeping myself "at the back" and I don't like loud, crowd environment - decent perception (I often pick up coins and I can find faults first) - not really seeking fame The only difference is, I admit, spicy temperament Sigma male spent most of the time to be alone, playing assembling stuff, small friends circle but they're much more reliable, not really follow mainstream except it makes sense, saying what following the sense not pleasing others. Moreover, sigma male is less likely fall short at work due to well preparedness
If U R a TRUE Sigma: U were never married or now divorced, have the smartest canine on the blok, no tattoos, no vaxx, enjoy Calculus, Dostoevsky or Aristotle or Chekov, and cannot wait to leave a career that has no meaning, n love nature beyond external abstractions, n have very few friends etc. etc. and use abbreviations like U vs .you.
... but surely the point is you must be born this way in order to enable the full development of it through your life. Nurture would indicate that you are "taught" it by a third party as opposed to develop it through your own experiences. Just musin'!
Despite what other people say, Sigma's are made not born. An INFJ/INTJ personality that undergoes troubled situations and grows from it turns into a Sigma, both Male and Female. A Sigma is an INFJ/INTJ personality but toughened due to society, such events that all Sigma's know normal people cannot handle because it also includes a high intuition.
It’s a mixture of both nature and nurture. Some are born that way. Others are shaped by the world they live in. Most of the genetic sigmas have a tendency to stay that way. Those who adopt sigma traits may go in and out of sigma behaviors throughout their lives depending on the situation. There is no one type of sigma.
I think I am a true Sigma which I like but I felt very uncomfortable about it in my teens and 20s. I feel sometimes that being silent makes me stand out even more.
I have made some situation in life to be not easy so I could practice control or aim to work them to my advantage to create copping structures you have to have something to work people think I'm nuts to work this process but then they have weaker copping strategies or lack of adaptability ❤
I was diagnosed with autism at the age of 47. High masking and high functioning. (previously called Asperger's). What people don't realise, is that autistic people like myself often goes undiagnosed for many years, or even for life. But I always knew that I was different and that I don't fit in anywhere. Even in the nerdy friend group, I was an outlier. Being outgoing people caring, but deep inside knowing that I prefer my own company over that of others. Not sure if the Sigma male "label" and the Autism "label" are related, but I identify with all of these. (apart from the fact that I value both formal education and self-taught skills). Anyone else here that has been diagnosed with Autism and also fit the sigma mail traits?
I miss one reason why Sigma 's are "made". That is the treatment which high intelligent children get at school, rejection by peers because they thing different. That learns them to be on their own .
Sigmas are not made. They are born, like all other types. We started processing our experiences before we were consciously aware. We do not and never have chosen to be this way.
I was a latch key kid from the time I could walk. In this day and age I would have been taken away from my mom n dad. I'm 66 now and about to leave on my weekly 3 days wild camping. Just me my dog provisions and a book
I believe I was born to be a Sigma, but I definitely had a period when I was young where I tried to be an Alpha. But I soon found I was a very annoying version of Alpha so I reverted back to my default Sigma settings. I'm 100% Sigma now in my late 50's
I was a only child so I learned real quick to be self reliant. My intelligence and talents pushed me into leadership positions in sports , music and academics but by nature I think way outside of the box for instance as a blk man I voted for TRUMP and love my alone time. I'm by myself 80 percent of the time because I don't have to work that much anymore. I have no stressful relationships with women and I'm free to research , study, think and plan as I desire whenever I want. I also go and come as I please without the confinements of a serious relationship. LIFE IS GOOD..
@ maybe where you are from they did but where I live I literally looked and couldn’t even find one. I’m glad to see that you are thinking forward and for yourself that alone is rare .
Then you are gaslighting yourself. You either recharge your energy by being alone, or with groups. 'ambivert' is a misnomer. It's not a slide bar where you can just up and choose getting your energy. I'm an introvert. I rather enjoy hanging out with my friends, but even being around my bestest friends for a few hours and even having the best time, I'm physically exhausted and need to go home and be by myself to recharge.
I have been exactly as this video lays out every point from childhood onward. Curious, prefer my own company my own thoughts, the companionship of a dog or cat over the majority of people, no time for what I call plastic people, Learning that most have hidden selfish agenda's, throughout my life have sensed both being respected yet hated by the same person. My peace causes others demons to manifest. Yet I am determined to walk all the more pure.
I don't consider myself as anything. So, I am not a sigma, not a beta, not a zeta, not a alfa, I am a Christian, and I love my lord, and I don't need anything else (I recently realized this a a very great cost)
Both. I'm an INTP Sigma and then there is the INTJ Sigma we are natural born but not all INTP and INTJ are Sigma. Then there is the event made Sigma. This event not only changes personality but placement in the social hierarchy but this person will always be an introverted type before the event.
I don't know about #9. I think sigmas tend to see things more black and white then others do. We do in the words of my ex think to much. But hey it doesn't mean I'm angry or anything like that. I just need to think about things and hit every option from every angle twice. That takes time and it isn't a bad thing to be alone with your own thoughts. We also can sum up a individual pretty quickly (as soon as we meet them in most cases) and know their intentions faster then most. We saw it coming before it even started. That's why we're more lone wolf. You just can't trust people to do what they say they are going to do.I have had cities change their code enforcement rules because I found a way around their parameters. We like to be told that won't work just to prove it does. Then here people say "how'd you do that it couldn't be done "after we told you how we were going to do it.
Mä en näistä tiedä enkä ole koskaan välittäny edes se mikä mä olen ni mä olen jo syntyjäni se vähä mitä mä ossan olen oppinu elokuvia kattomalla pienen ikäni ja se mitä mä pidän osaamisena on se mitä tehdään käsillä tai ihan yleensäkin fyysisesti
To watch or tape conflicting time slots all three network Evening News TV broadcast cannels just to see their inconstancies. That might be a clue of who you are.
We are made. Unfortunately, being a Sigma male is the result of bad parenting. Don't get me wrong. I couldn't be happier with my life but it's the result of a childhood with zero support, encouragement or acceptance by my parents. Sigmas repress their emotions because we grew up in households where expressing ourselves was met with ridicule or abuse. We are independent because we grew up feeling unwanted by those who were supposed to value us. We find it easy to walk away from relationships because as children we had to accept not having close relationships with those who were supposed to be closest to us. Words like father, mother and brother mean very little to us because growing up, those words had nothing but negative conotations.
Personally, I find it difficult to allow myself to follow the crowd on this very interesting subject. I am a human male. One that happens to be Melanated. One without many friends, by choice. One who exhibits many "so called" Sigma Personality traits. Yet many of these videos imply that life experience and moral disposition aren't the greatest determining factors in development. Also, I, along with every other human, am not just one thing. I am all things! Benevolent, malevolent, empathetic, inconsiderate, apathetic, etc. From what I gather from the many videos I have watched on Sigmas, they would be the last one's to declare themselves Sigma. Fully aware of the possibility that I am totally off base on this topic. Just my opinion.
Hey everyone! Thanks for watching. If you enjoyed the video, drop a like on it and subscribe for more! I really do appreciate it! 👍🏻👍🏻
The way Sigma's or anyone for that matter is made is from trauma. FULL STOP! Don't take my word for it though. Read works like Carl Jung. Hue-mans are like computers. We are programmable. Up to to the age 7 is what's called the formative years. None of this is ground breaking. This is what occulted societies have held from the masses. lol The big secret to life has always been in front of us. Just everyone wants a saviour because we have been led to believe we are victims. Oh no, no. "Know Thy Self" But you can only get so far theoretically, we grow through experiential wisdom. So how does that trauma alchemize into wisdom. By learning were not victims and through learning about our selves and how we work free's the mind and turns those trauma's into strong characteristics. Again none of this is new. This is literally what the free masons do. They use lessons and contemplation to reprogram the mind to be able to perceive truth. That's an over simplification. Check it out.
Good video a side from I don't agree with it. 😁
Thank you for the help I received from you about myself as an old Sigma man.
Sigmas are introverts by nature, even shy in the beginning, but curious by nature. But by going through difficult circumstances, they learn to depend on themselves and develop self-reliance, and later develop leadership abilities through necessity.
Dang, brother... that's impeccable!
Basically we unlock what was already there.
Not necessarily. @@jameswatsonatheistgamer
Yes, that's a good summation. I am an INFP personality type. But only recently looked into this hierarchical system. Now I can see why I don't quite fit the stereotypical INFP. Being more assertive than most. Willing to challenge and expend more energy, rather than conserve energy.
@@Burtifly Yes, actually. Challenges just compound them.
Born this way... I was five years old when i realized i was some thing els than al my "friends" but i was over fifty when i found out what sigma was..
Correct 🫡🫡🫡
Truth..we are connected to a different field of consciousness as well.
@cyguy4736 correct 🫡🫡
I agree. I was 3 when I stared greatly advancing in certain areas mainly alone self taught. The gap made it hard to adapt to kids my age. Fit in better with kids 5 years older. Also didn’t discover this until I was 50.
Same here
We're BORN that way. LIFE just molds & refines.
Being that I am a Sigma male, throughout my journey I believe it's all NATURE! We all may have similar experiences, but we all don't view & respond to them in the manner in which a Sigma Male does. [Just from my experience!] Have a BLESSED journey! ✌🏽&💌
You're probably talking about synchronicity?
@@yaasikasa17 "Synchronicity" - fifth and final album released by 'The Police', A&M Records, June 1983. Am thinking so old now that most sigmas will not know of its existence let alone listened to it! As such, probably not relevant. Just observin'!
@glossypeacock7552 sigmas age backward. I like police and we don't like to be policed!
I know that I have been surviving since day one . For me to continue, I can't have any luggage, no extra weight . I do what I have to , I live , I survive .
Speaking only for myself, but this sigma thinks I am the way I am because of both nature and nurture.
Agreed. We're born this way.
The whole people sucking thing just solidifies the deal
Dude! lol, well put @danielkomorowski7966
A little of both, I think. In high school I was more popular than I knew, and I had lots of friends when I graduated. After some life experiences, I cut off almost everyone. A narcissistic woman made me who I am today. That's not a compliment to narcissistic women!
Very much the same here….!
Mothers damage their families for their own self interest
When I was 7, my sister's (14 years older) landlord told me that I was able to hold a better conversation than most adults...
As part Native American, my mother made a family tree, and I noticed my 6th great grandfather was called Lone Wolf. However, out of all my siblings, I am the only one that awaken that sigma genetic code. I think that being the scapegoat in my family, the environmental pressure triggered my genetic code to blossom.
Ok this is getting weird, Sirphil. This is the 4th time in the last few days or so that I've given your comments a thumbs up and left a couple different comments onto yours and before I knew it was you lol, now that's weird! And these are all random videos about a similar subject. 😄 Too funny.
For me it’s both - as a result of emotional adversity developing my introverted character when a young adult. As an adult I trust only a few people, with very limited friends, but am now a senior professional manager in my work.
agree 100% good work
One of the best summaries of sigmas I've seen thx
Exciting video, A year ago i took the no contact route, well i wouldnt say it didn't go well, but i missed her and sometimes you have to leave your comfort zone and go for what you want, Without knowing and having a huge ego, we might actually miss out on our soul mate all in the name of not settling for less, I know who i am, and at the same time i know what i want for me, so i did all i could to get her back, and I must say, it was the best decision i have ever made, we have been together again for over 7 months, yes marriage isn't always rosey, but i am lucky to have her, just as she is to have me, we compliment each other.
its difficult to let go of someone you love, i am in a similar situation, and i do not know what else do to have her back, i have been dying inside, people actually think i am happy, i am not.
I feel your pain, after trying out the no contact experiment that failed miserably, i had to find other means, i had to reach out to a spiritual adviser, it was brilliant idea which i never thought it was, but it worked wonders for me
Amazing, how did you get a spiritual counselor, and how do i reach him/ her?.
Her name is Shelly renee white , and she is a great spiritual counselor who can bring back your ex
Thank you for this valuable information, i just looked her up now online. impressive
I was convinced that nurture was the answer until now but you have made a great argument for nature in my own life. I recall, as a child, debating religion with my parents for some reason and ending the conversation with something like "God is why I am here. You were just the vessels. If God breathes life, I could have been breathed into anyone, but God chose you" probably in response to something like "we made you".
That is awesome and exactly how I understood life as a child God has always been there for me. He is the only one I fear being judged by. I think more about pleasing God now that I’m older. Hard being stubborn and logical. For now I’m just human. I am willing to except whatever he decides for me beyond this life. I’m thankful he let me participate in this world and hope to make him proud in doing whatever he sent me here to do.
Was very alpha when in my 20s. As i grew older and went through more hardships and loss in life it changed me to a sigma.
you corny as hell bruh
Because despite the front an Alpha espouses they generally have a very insecure and fragile ego. It's their flaw. Hardship humbles you and makes you realize that something like being a good father is superior to kicking an ass. Resisting the temptation of a woman is superior to being a player, so on and so forth. A solid Sigma can check any Alpha, they sense that threat to themselves but since it's not overt they don't know what to make of it. Generally we're not aggressive with the dick swinging so you actually end up with their respect. That why you'll notice there "Alphaness" is directed at everybody, except you.
It was always there. However like a maze of locked doors. One by one each door had to be approached & the key to opening it acquired. Most often by a lesson needed to be learned. I remember dreaming about a house with many doors & floors. Each door lead to another. It was dark & haunting. Now I dream of a house with only one floor, still many doors, only now each room is bright & welcoming. I find comfort in living alone. No jolts, no surprises, no crises arises. Living my best life now.
I am sorry, but you possibly became a broken alpha rather than a sigma
I'm certain that they are born. It's a natural way of thinking and behaving. There's no thought that goes into anything before it's done, but rather an instinct to behave in such a way. It's only in retrospect where we can see if someone is a "Sigma," its a natural state of being.
I agree. Some can fake it, but at your core you know if this is your personality or an act.
@SheaRecordmetal 100%.
Most don't fight out until there 30s. But I did know from the time I was a child.
Great informational video.
Great video. I'm an INTJ officially and these characteristics are identical to that of an INTJ.
@@Mauitaoist I'm closer to P than J, there is no IS when it comes to human behavior
I'm an intj as well. I hate socializing, small talk, and loud people.
Nailed it .
I thought INFJs were considered Sigmas because they are critical thinkers, while INTJs are independent thinkers. This highlights some key differences between the two types. It's a great topic to discuss, nonetheless.
Excellent summary thanks.
I think sigma types are born in blood and forged in life. Like the story goes we all showed signs at a young age before we really could even understand the things going on around us. As we grew those of us with harder lives and shittier families were forged faster and harder than those with good families and support. Neither is better or worse than the other, just different. Like blades or tools, two can be similar and yet be perfect for their purpose while not being and or for the other’s purpose. That is how I see it.
I am completely surprised by this series about sigmas, as if the creator has incorporated my entire life into it down to the smallest detail.
Thx for this
I look back and realize no kids shared my perspectives in hardships or prosperity. My views allowed betrayal to take longer to overcome, navigate, now defined those common traits. Regardless of betrayal setbacks, I remain present in every moment.
Although I have always been a lone wolf. I see right through all the fakeness of people. So when I meet genuine people, I do like to know them better. I don't like being in big groups. Yes, my childhood was already about asking questions. 4 years old and asking myself, why is the moon sometimes round and not? Later on, teachers didn't particularly like me cause I would ask deeper questions. Then I stopped and looked it up myself. Didn't have many friends, but the few I got was a genuine friendship.
I was always considered different growing up! I was the quit twin who stuck to himself and moved differently! I had a thirst for knowledge which lead me to being a jack of all trades here in my 40s I clearly understand I am a sigma from birth, but family and society enhanced my traits by what I had to deal with! But I’m so happy I am the way I am and wouldn’t change it for anything! My eyes are not blind and I see the world and everything in it for what it really is! Shout out to all the Sigmas man we are rare and one of kind!❤
"If you want something done right , do it yourself ."
Wow this is spot on that all i can say🙌🙌🙌
The accuracy of the breakdown is powerful. Literally the story of my Black Sheep Life. Smh Keep Pushing ✊🏿👁️💪🏿
Hey ..... but it's just sooo uber-cool to be that black sheep ain't it Anthony?! Just sayin'!
We are made as part of a narcissistic family. We where strong and tried with our positive energy create peace but on the other hand it was our survival strategy
the answer and truth is simple. its both. our temperament makes us subconsciously choose trials for growth due to deeper understanding and stoicism
as a sigma in my lifetime i worked as a railroad engineer starting at 19 ..became an electrician ...a cnc machinist programmer with an associates degree in machine language programming..building contractor with 12 employees..a uaw steward and contract negotiator and eventually by 45 yrs old a very successful weed smuggler and later an ex inmate of 5 state prisons in 4 yrs..went thru 2 wives at 76 Ive lived alone for most of the past 25 yrs. ... I sure as hell did it my way and what a ride
I think this is pretty accurate. If all of these characteristics describe a sigma male, that is what I am. From the Legos to the socialization habits. For me, there's a combination of the nature and nurture that brought me to this point. The foundation needs to be there, but you need to be able to build a structure on top of it, and then, build it. I just want to add that a sigma male is not weak. His experiences and Innate characteristics make him more dominant and capable. There's a difference between sigma males and sociopaths that grew up in difficult times. Sociopaths are affected by their pasts and make mistakes. Sigma males thrive and maintain an ideology of self-improvement that they execute every day.
I became one being "raised" by a single mom working all day. Never liked it but can't change it.
My lifelong Lone Wolf path was chosen after observing the misery in my parent's marriage wherein I learned to react opposite my father to life's challenges.
I think the main sigma traits are there from the very beginning as a child.
From my perspective, Sigmas are born as Sigmas. Fortunately, I experienced none of the negative circumstances described that may influence someone to exhibit Sigma traits. A recent psychological test I took concluded (based on results of testing millions of people) that my #1 Talent or Strength in Strategic Thinking cannot be taught; it is genetic. This was one of many Sigma-consistent traits reflected in my test results... and yes, as a child I spent countless hours designing and building Lego projects, Erector Set structures, and electronic devices happily in a quiet environment of solitude. I only recently became aware that I am... and have ALWAYS been a Sigma! Thank you for raising the question: "Born or Made?" (No offense to those more aligned with the "Made" perspective.)
I think I had Sigma traits since childhood & they've gotten much more developed as an adult & I love the way I am
I was definitely made by the rigors of life and my observations of the world. It has hardened me. In many ways I was a beta but definitely morphed into the signa later. Once shy and introverted, I am far from that now and am quite social now, but I have all the other traits of the sigma male.
Sounds more like a toughened beta. Sigmas, like every other type, are hard-wired in utero. Our traits, our quirks, and the way we process experiences are not by choice. They are instinct.
agree. thanks!
I only found my Sigma traits of late. Unlike most conscripted men my age in the mid 80's, I actually loved my operational deployment. Our first 12 months was dedicated to training, and that was tough, and rigorous. But wow, I came out of National Service a better man. I thrived in my mandatory citizen force unit, this was an additional 10 years, post National Service.
I thrived in that structured positive setting, made lifelong friends, actually brothers. Confidence to tackle almost anything, although not knowing how, has become one of my strengths.
I thus have come to the conclusion, that a structured, manly environment, that challenges Sigma's both physically and mentally is highly beneficial in our development.
I have only been a sigma male since I was about 30 and I’m 41 now. I was never a beta… I was more of an alpha than anything but it was mostly an act. At 30 I started not worrying about other people especially at work. I do my job without anyone telling me what to do and I lead by example. I have just recently noticed how women are very interested in me because I’m not really readable. I have a good poker face and I don’t feed into the drama. They don’t understand why I don’t care, and it drives them nuts. I’ve never had to chase women but even in my 40s now, I still have girls in their early 20s that are flirting so hard and they keep trying because I don’t give them the validation they need and want. I was always the nice guy who still got the girls and respect. But now I have a lot of experience and I don’t act on my feelings. I don’t show any emotion except a little laughter and never get mad. After losing 3 of my absolute best friends to suicide a few years ago everything changed drastically, it doesn't work like that. Sigmas, like every other type are born that way. Like your MBTI, you don't choose which aspects of life you are attuned to, or how it is processed. You can learn how to appear as others, but type functions are generally subconscious. Our behaviors are far more instinctive than most would like to admit, even from a very young age. Your traits don't just show up later in life, either you have them from birth, or you do not. What show up later in life are not traits not normal to your type, but scars and dysfunction in response to trauma.
I wasn't allowed to play with other kids growing up or walking to school with them. I was told I'm to be seen and not heard if I talked. I had to detatch from family as I grew older in my teens when realizing they we're all wrong with their family practices and it hurt. As I grew, I found out that other persons and groups can be bogus too. I'm 68 and back in my early 30s I researched and learned of codependency and it's self defeat! I learned Independence and it changed my life phenomenally!
I live life from a perriferal position and reason and analyze the people and situation I'm in and I'm often right about others intentions and or the situation I'm in. I'm not a loner but a Sigma by description and like it, I apply myself! Being observant and responsive as Sigmas are, usually makes you better than the rest but also disliked.
Like yourself and life usually goes your way.
Grey areas of moral. Until 2019 I identified myself with the character Dexter Morgan and, because of it, I am using a eletronic ankle bracelet despite the fact I am not a killer. I knew the concept of the Sigma Male archetype in 2021 and I identified with it on deeper level than with Dexter. The amiguity and the discussion about mental health made me an intriguing person to professionals and curious people. Now I feel better knowing that I can be a lone wolf and connect with people deeply even though I spend my time at home 24 hours per day.
It’s funny, I also could relate to how Dexter reacted to social interaction and his thought processes. I would chuckle at his responses while my wife would not, but be amused at my reaction. She said that I and Dexter were a lot alike
@@mmusil100 Unlike you, noboby perceived me as Dexter. It was a shock when I was arrested due my identification. But, until today, I see myself in situations that I think a thing and say another, like if I were in a different world
the traits were always there life just solidifies them
I think that these traits, although not fully nurtured at the time, are evident from very early childhood.
Some traits MIGHT, of course, be triggered.
Nonetheless, I think the foundational traits are in place, and evident, from childhood, if not, even infancy. I don't think, however, that Sigmas become what they are by (through) any, form of, 'reactionary' experience(s). I think that, they are evolutionary beings. Their personalities probably go through a process of 'refinement', rejigging, and repositioning, yet the 'core' traits remain 'immutable'.
On the other hand, as I have mentioned before, in a previous post; there could probably be two 'versions' of the Sigma male. Something that is also evident in some Zodiac signs. Eg., Scorpios have a, 'deeper', 'Eagle' personality type (I am not a Scorpio, mind you 🙂). In many fields, there are both 'natural', and 'acquired' entities.
Interesting topic, this.
I think, we are born that way. Then, as we progress through life seeking truths others dare not, we become more so!
I ❤Neuroscience. A Chemical Vessel in a state of entropy. The brain is a sensation processor and memory storage facility. The heart is where the fuel comes from. In other words, the heart-space determines the outcome. Practice applying the Heart-Space to challenging scenarios.
Interesting study on the brain-gut connection as well, with the enteric nervous system possibly being capable of triggering emotional shifts!
Have you ever had a feeling that you were being watched, soft as a rose,hard as black diamond, fearless as a Lion, obedient to the most high God.
W.C. Fields said, "I'd Never belong to any Club that would have Someone Like Me as a Member"
Think it's both. I was orphaned, placed into foster care, adopted, experienced a parental divorce then personal divorce.Always an autodidact and sometimes good student .Now a successful businessman
Nurture: "Care for and protect (someone or something) while they are growing". We are 100% born with it and our life experiences develop it to our own unique manifestation. As you can see by the definition of "nurture" when associated with your own narrative, you were not "taught" it, you innately had it within you from birth and your experiences developed it. (ie You are special mak!) Just sayin'!
I’d would say that Sigmas are born.
I would too but I would also say they can be cultivated by life to reach their full potential. Especially by betrayal and Hurts.
@ Honing skills.
Recognised myself, thx.
5:05 true ❤
Anyone who is not a Sigma cannot understand or become a sigma. I didn't know I was a sigma until somebody created this "category" .
I was simply told that I was difficult, argumentative, uncooperative, unreasonable. I disrupted the class, asked too many questions, made people uncomfortable. I wasn't a team player, wouldn't follow orders and was willful. I never missed a day of school for 10 and a half years, but I was a poor student because I was always late. in my own reality I loved school, I loved reading and learning, but I didn't like being attacked by my classmates or teachers who were jealous and threatened by my brains. I actually learned to act stupid for the sake of acceptance.
What made me who I am was not genetics. We are all born with a clean slate, barring any difficulties during our time in the womb. My parents observed what I enjoyed and made it available. They never ridiculed me or ever, ever lied to me. They didn't give me answers, they showed me how to find the answer. That all changed when I started school and continued for twenty years. The most important thing I learned from University was how to teach myself, although I was hardly ever rewarded for that approach. Most teachers were only satisfied when the students agreed with their opinion. The same can be said of society.
Now, when I have the most to offer after 65 years of experience, I am shunned for being too old and not joining the crowd at the trough of Anthony Fauci.
It's 40/60
40% "born this way"
Sigma male tends to have higher than average intelligence though you can maintain it throughout the age. Some traits are similar with high intelligence person
60% development
What he experienced over time can shape up his personality.
I'd admit I have around 80% sigma as I carry most of the traits.
- a bit higher intelligence
- well prepared at work (self reliance)
- curiosity (yes, I always seek to learn new stuff)
- stressed by "nonsense"
- keeping myself "at the back" and I don't like loud, crowd environment
- decent perception (I often pick up coins and I can find faults first)
- not really seeking fame
The only difference is, I admit, spicy temperament
Sigma male spent most of the time to be alone, playing assembling stuff, small friends circle but they're much more reliable, not really follow mainstream except it makes sense, saying what following the sense not pleasing others.
Moreover, sigma male is less likely fall short at work due to well preparedness
If U R a TRUE Sigma: U were never married or now divorced, have the smartest canine on the blok, no tattoos, no vaxx, enjoy Calculus, Dostoevsky or Aristotle or Chekov, and cannot wait to leave a career that has no meaning, n love nature beyond external abstractions, n have very few friends etc. etc. and use abbreviations like U vs .you.
... but surely the point is you must be born this way in order to enable the full development of it through your life. Nurture would indicate that you are "taught" it by a third party as opposed to develop it through your own experiences. Just musin'!
@@dol3980 Sounds to me like you're more of an alpha .... who really, really wishes you were a sigma. Just sayin'!
. Sigmas don't remain ignorant enough to be antivaxx. Their continuous learning guarantees such loopy conspiracy bullshit doesn't take hold.
born this way and shaped thru life
As a throw away child I'm a sigma
Born 💯
Despite what other people say, Sigma's are made not born. An INFJ/INTJ personality that undergoes troubled situations and grows from it turns into a Sigma, both Male and Female.
A Sigma is an INFJ/INTJ personality but toughened due to society, such events that all Sigma's know normal people cannot handle because it also includes a high intuition.
It’s a mixture of both nature and nurture. Some are born that way. Others are shaped by the world they live in. Most of the genetic sigmas have a tendency to stay that way. Those who adopt sigma traits may go in and out of sigma behaviors throughout their lives depending on the situation. There is no one type of sigma.
I think I am a true Sigma which I like but I felt very uncomfortable about it in my teens and 20s. I feel sometimes that being silent makes me stand out even more.
A mix of both!
Born a sigma
Me too
It can be either or both.
I found this analysis to be spot on.
I have made some situation in life to be not easy so I could practice control or aim to work them to my advantage to create copping structures you have to have something to work people think I'm nuts to work this process but then they have weaker copping strategies or lack of adaptability ❤
I was diagnosed with autism at the age of 47. High masking and high functioning. (previously called Asperger's).
What people don't realise, is that autistic people like myself often goes undiagnosed for many years, or even for life. But I always knew that I was different and that I don't fit in anywhere. Even in the nerdy friend group, I was an outlier. Being outgoing people caring, but deep inside knowing that I prefer my own company over that of others.
Not sure if the Sigma male "label" and the Autism "label" are related, but I identify with all of these. (apart from the fact that I value both formal education and self-taught skills).
Anyone else here that has been diagnosed with Autism and also fit the sigma mail traits?
I miss one reason why Sigma 's are "made".
That is the treatment which high intelligent children get at school, rejection by peers because they thing different.
That learns them to be on their own .
Sigmas are not made. They are born, like all other types. We started processing our experiences before we were consciously aware. We do not and never have chosen to be this way.
I was a latch key kid from the time I could walk. In this day and age I would have been taken away from my mom n dad. I'm 66 now and about to leave on my weekly 3 days wild camping. Just me my dog provisions and a book
It’s not nature vs nurture…it’s always both factors, variable in percentage
I believe I was born to be a Sigma, but I definitely had a period when I was young where I tried to be an Alpha. But I soon found I was a very annoying version of Alpha so I reverted back to my default Sigma settings. I'm 100% Sigma now in my late 50's
I was a only child so I learned real quick to be self reliant. My intelligence and talents pushed me into leadership positions in sports , music and academics but by nature I think way outside of the box for instance as a blk man I voted for TRUMP and love my alone time. I'm by myself 80 percent of the time because I don't have to work that much anymore. I have no stressful relationships with women and I'm free to research , study, think and plan as I desire whenever I want. I also go and come as I please without the confinements of a serious relationship. LIFE IS GOOD..
I don’t know any black people that didn’t vote for trump this time …
@@slickjim861 I'm very rare because 85 percent of blk male voters voted for Kamala. I'm proud to have voted for TRUMP.
@@slickjim861 If U voted for Biden or Kamala U definitely r not a Sigma but a Beta or Omega incapable of discerning creepy joe or on her knees harris.
@ maybe where you are from they did but where I live I literally looked and couldn’t even find one. I’m glad to see that you are thinking forward and for yourself that alone is rare .
I think I was made into a sigma. Grew up with no father or brother. Had trust issues
Born, you should meet my family. Now I know how other people feel.
I definitely have the ambivert trait
Then you are gaslighting yourself. You either recharge your energy by being alone, or with groups. 'ambivert' is a misnomer. It's not a slide bar where you can just up and choose getting your energy.
I'm an introvert. I rather enjoy hanging out with my friends, but even being around my bestest friends for a few hours and even having the best time, I'm physically exhausted and need to go home and be by myself to recharge.
@ be quiet
@@VBMichael_D Amen!
Sigmas are born, then tempered.
Totally agree YYP ... what a great metaphor!
I have been exactly as this video lays out every point from childhood onward. Curious, prefer my own company my own thoughts, the companionship of a dog or cat over the majority of people, no time for what I call plastic people, Learning that most have hidden selfish agenda's, throughout my life have sensed both being respected yet hated by the same person. My peace causes others demons to manifest. Yet I am determined to walk all the more pure.
I don't consider myself as anything. So, I am not a sigma, not a beta, not a zeta, not a alfa, I am a Christian, and I love my lord, and I don't need anything else (I recently realized this a a very great cost)
Both. I'm an INTP Sigma and then there is the INTJ Sigma we are natural born but not all INTP and INTJ are Sigma.
Then there is the event made Sigma. This event not only changes personality but placement in the social hierarchy but this person will always be an introverted type before the event.
Born and develop
I don't know about #9. I think sigmas tend to see things more black and white then others do. We do in the words of my ex think to much. But hey it doesn't mean I'm angry or anything like that. I just need to think about things and hit every option from every angle twice. That takes time and it isn't a bad thing to be alone with your own thoughts. We also can sum up a individual pretty quickly (as soon as we meet them in most cases) and know their intentions faster then most. We saw it coming before it even started. That's why we're more lone wolf. You just can't trust people to do what they say they are going to do.I have had cities change their code enforcement rules because I found a way around their parameters. We like to be told that won't work just to prove it does. Then here people say "how'd you do that it couldn't be done "after we told you how we were going to do it.
#9 Questions are far more important than answers.
A good question may have a good answer - a great question will have many answers .
Sigmas are born period. Few will realize this, but we are the people who are intended to show the face of God-if you will.
We are Born. I am !!! As a Child very difficult.
I believe it could be a combination of both.
Being a sigma is not a question of being born, or of being made. It is a CHOICE. :-)
I was born a sigma
Mä en näistä tiedä enkä ole koskaan välittäny edes se mikä mä olen ni mä olen jo syntyjäni se vähä mitä mä ossan olen oppinu elokuvia kattomalla pienen ikäni ja se mitä mä pidän osaamisena on se mitä tehdään käsillä tai ihan yleensäkin fyysisesti
I remember when my dad said to me that I did my life my way.
To watch or tape conflicting time slots all three network Evening News TV broadcast cannels just to see their inconstancies. That might be a clue of who you are.
100 right on now I know I'm not a weirdo
It's about they want to analize more . Then decide
Not too certain I'd be happy about being "analized" by anyone??!! Maybe you need to analyse what you meant to say buddy? Just sayin'!
Answer is: each method could be the case. Maybe you need both.
We are born it's the way our brains are wired
I believe it's both.
We are made. Unfortunately, being a Sigma male is the result of bad parenting. Don't get me wrong. I couldn't be happier with my life but it's the result of a childhood with zero support, encouragement or acceptance by my parents. Sigmas repress their emotions because we grew up in households where expressing ourselves was met with ridicule or abuse. We are independent because we grew up feeling unwanted by those who were supposed to value us. We find it easy to walk away from relationships because as children we had to accept not having close relationships with those who were supposed to be closest to us. Words like father, mother and brother mean very little to us because growing up, those words had nothing but negative conotations.
proud Sigma/INTJ
Education made me a sigma. 9 out of 10 teachers are damn liars.
Nope, education confirmed that you were born a sigma because you were able to recognise that "9 out of 10 teachers are damn liars"! Just sayin'!
So I noticed that none of the vids (ibcluding yours0 ever include or mention women.
what are women
What is a woman
Personally, I find it difficult to allow myself to follow the crowd on this very interesting subject. I am a human male. One that happens to be Melanated. One without many friends, by choice. One who exhibits many "so called" Sigma Personality traits. Yet many of these videos imply that life experience and moral disposition aren't the greatest determining factors in development. Also, I, along with every other human, am not just one thing. I am all things! Benevolent, malevolent, empathetic, inconsiderate, apathetic, etc. From what I gather from the many videos I have watched on Sigmas, they would be the last one's to declare themselves Sigma. Fully aware of the possibility that I am totally off base on this topic. Just my opinion.