*R.I.P. Mary Ann.* She passed away in 2013. This is *so* sad... She might've had a better chance with the cancer if it would have been diagnosed earlier... Man, that dismissive doctor should've been sued!!
oh so sad... all those docs that were dismissive of her symptoms. The first X-ray she had showed the shadow on her lung so she should've been treated then.
This happens a lot. I had problem with my right foot. I couldn’t walk on the ball of my foot. Went to 4 different drs and a MRI all gave me different diagnosis. So finally called Mayo Clinic and they finally gave me the right diagnosis
zhy rhyzes he knew her history, it’s definitely not her fault that she trusted a medical professional. I mean, direct your comment at the correct person 😡 maybe you’ve lower intelligence to figure this out? 🤔🤔
Thankfully, my doctor has been super supportive and gone above and beyond to help me but cannot say the same for the (so far) 4 surgeons I have seen. I have been repeatedly told I need mental health help and just need to rest and the pain will go away. I have several nerves in my abdomen and one at the top of my left leg being squished causing tremendous pain and disabling me and leaving me bed ridden for almost 4 years. I need surgery to release the trapped nerves but keep getting told I need mental health help and rest to make this go away. 🙄🙄
Similar situation with a girl I know, at age 17 she had very unpleasant symptoms ie stomach ache, weakness and blood and diarrhoea. She went to GP many times and all he said was that she was taking drugs. Eventually her and her mum got him to reluctantly refer her to specialist at hospital. He took one look at her admitted her to hospital. She was pale thin and very anaemic. It turned out that she had ulcerative colitis, quite serious disease similar to Crohn’s disease. She was near to death when admitted. Thankfully after around 10 years the symptoms eased and she was just left with IBS and leads a normal life.
Due to her late diagnosis, greatly reducing the chance of fully recovering, Mary Ann died at 33 years of age. That is how old I am and that is terribly young! I'm glad her story got out there, but it goes to show that a careless demeanor of "oh, it'll go away" - especially 8 times over - is not what should be expected from a doctor. Her family doctor did her a grave disservice.
It sadly happens more to women. Drs tend to be more dismissive of women either blaming women problems, being dramatic or it just being in their head. Men can dismissed also but it's far too common in women. The majority of women have had dismissive Drs at one point or another, I myself have had 2 which is extremely sad. A Dr patient relationship should be based on communication and trust so anybody that feels like they aren't getting proper care should find a new Dr even if nothing is fully wrong with you
That's true that's what I ded and I dint say anything to the new doctor I said I haven't been to doctors for Manny years as they call each other and the new doctor is going to continue with what the other doctor say
As a physician I cannot believe that doctors wouldn’t order a simple Xray on Mary Ann. She had a constant cough, shortness of breath and weight loss and you don’t order simple tests. Shame. Mary Ann passed away on 11/27/13
That’s awful! Responsibility for it to get out of hand down to her doctors not listened to her more seriously during her repeated visits, and not investigating her symptoms with a repeated X-rays earlier. RIP lovely lady.
Exactly - a lot of these cases involving the lungs, the first thing is to get an x-ray and take it from there... Here in Brazil, any free municipal health service does this... they don´t print it anymore, from the x-ray room, the technician sends to the doctors in the system who analyze it and either ask for more tests or gives you a prescription for that... So sad Mary Ann didn´t make it...
How did she go to the doctor eight times and not have answers. Then other doctors think she is crazy. Sadly, Mary Ann passed in 2013 from cancer. Maybe if her doctor hadn't have brushed her off, it wouldn't have progressed to the point where it took her life.
Her case is very sad. Even as a 2nd year medical student I learned about Hodgkin lymphoma. It's known to have a great prognosis (90% of patients alive after 10 years). The only reason she died young is because of the delayed diagnosis by these incompetent doctors
This is so frustrating. What’s the point of spending years training to be a doctor? He actually just through antibiotics to this lady, too many times. Honestly she should sue this doctor and the medical practice 😡
Something like this happened to me once. I could have died. I don't have a problem with doctors not being able to diagnose a person's disease, but not doing the "leg" work to get to the diagnosis because they're lazy. My problem was gallbladder. I was telling my doctor I had overwhelming family history of gallstones and it needed to be removed. I was in scrutiating pain for 7 months, and I got to a point I couldn't eat or drink, when I decided to research the type of test that would give me the diagnosis. The doctor had the audacity to tell me that he knew better because HE went to school for this, and that I was just fat and needed to lose weight. Then I remember I demanded to be referred to a gastroenterologist, who did the test. I got such a bad infection that my gallbladder was about to busrt. I got it removed and changed doctors. I'm not a doctor but if a patient comes to me coughing, the first thing I'd do is an x-ray. Don't tell me that doctor didn't know that. I mean... That's what I have a problem with...
I worked for a wonderful doctor for many years; and he said to me once ''Never ignore what the mother says. She knows her child inside and out, and is usually right'' This poor girl should sue her family doctor. He was careless and sloppy because he knew her from a little girl. In fact, the 3 year gap until she got diagnosed has shortened her life expectancy a lot, and she doesn't have much anyway.
'I have a cough' Oh, it's a cold, it's fine! 'I'm losing weight' Oh, anorexia because it's so common. 'I have issues breathing' Here, have antibiotics because it has to be an infection. 'It's been years' It'll go away! Really? Is that what really goes on?? Do doctors really make you pay for that kind of thing in America??
I'm kind of hoping that the doctors who just dismissed her symptoms got feedback about her case. For example, if one of them had done another chest X-ray they would have seen that the shadow wasn't going away but in fact growing. Instead it grew undetected until it was huge.
As a nurse I knew immediately that it was Lymphoma as soon as the night sweats started. And the itchy skin is classic. Those incompetent doctors should be sued and struck off!
This is so sad. She should and could have been diagnosed sooner. Sadly, Marry Ann passed away in November 2013, I believe. My thoughts are with her family.
Wow, Maryanne’s story is the first one of these that I didn’t roll my eyes when he wondered why it took doctors so long to figure it out. How did they not do a CHEST X-RAY for someone coughing constantly?! Can’t tell you how many I’ve had just for bad asthma attacks.
I was listening to this show as I was falling asleep and it sounded so familiar. The cough that lasted for months, the night sweats, the fatigue and weight loss. I was in the army at the time and had been blown off by my regular doc as having a cold. Just some antibiotics and I was back at work. One weekend, I couldn't breathe so my wife convinced me to go to the ER on base. After an x-ray, they discovered a fist sized mass next to my heart and I was running about 25% capacity of my lungs due to fluid. I was sent to a civilian doctor because it was out of the military healthcare's scope and it turned out to be lymphoblastic t-cell lymphoma. HyperCVAD chemo, positive attitudes and family support helped me reach remission after nearly a year in and out of the hospital. About 8 years later, I'm still here and kicking. Huge shout out to the John B. Amos cancer center in Columbus GA.
The first woman being diagnosed with anorexia is beyond infuriating. Her other symptoms were so real. *sigh* Classic example of how weight-biased medical care is.
My sister's childhood friend had a terrible cough which turned out to be a severe form of Leukaemia and she passed away less than 2 months after she was diagnosed at 19.
Sometimes sick people that go to a doctor often are labeled as "crazy" or overly sensitive, just because the fact they keep coming back because they are not getting better. It's like the more they try, the more the doctor think the patient is exaggerating or being hypochondriac. Sigh. There is no real win in those situations. A relative of my friend kept going to the GP clinic with a cold that was never going away. The more she went, the more they were sure she was just hypochondriac. When her tumor in her lung had grown so large it was blocking the intestines so she could not eat, then finally the hospital did a scan and saw the mess inside her. They could do nothing. She suddenly had to say goodbye to her two tween and teen kids and her husband. It was hard for the hospital to make her comfortable for the two months she lived after the cancer diagnosis. She was 38 years old. Makes me so mad that she was brushed aside time after time.
I know these episodes are 10 years old+, but watching all these episodes as a nurse are so frustrating! I watch all of them thinking 'Why aren't you doing x, y and a?!' Only to watch them be done right at the end and suddenly they have a diagnosis. I hope if those patients came into my hospital today that they would not have the same struggle they're having in this documentary
I would definitely recommend that you should go to the university to be able to be a doctor, because you would be better than many many other so-called doctors these days! Just do it and go on to do it! 👍💪👌Lovely greetings from Sarah 🙋💖👍
That's it and in Germany it is the common way for these criminals who wear their so-called doctor titles 😤😤😤😤😤I could tell you a lot about it how I was treated from so many of these criminals which would let stand your hairs up and it would be mind-blowing for you! Lovely greetings from Sarah 🙋💖🤔
This is so true, I didnt have a period for 8months and I keep going to the doctors, they kept giving me blood test which came back normal, they didnt look further into the problem and made me feel like I was crazy, the next time I went back which was about the 6th time, I told them no more blood test something is wrong, I thought it was early menopause but no I was pregnant.
As a retired health care professional, I keep hoping these recovered patients go back to the irresponsible doctors that ignored their poor health, not investigating further.
Mr. Pancakes I would think the same in Australia Lyme disease before wasn’t accepted they would tell the patients the seizures were psychological 🤬 It’s crazy world
I'm completely shocked that the imaging wasn't followed up. In New Zealand a lot of hospitals have FastTrack cancer clinics and a shadow on the lung fields would be a priority case.
Lol I'm just commenting 'cause this made me sad. I knew this was Hodgkin's Lynphoma from the get-go. My brother died from this in late 2018 just a few weeks after diagnosis. He was 19. One does not forget the name or symptoms of an illness after that... ever.
I hope Mary Ann's family seek medical compensation and sue those doctors for negligence and a misdiagnosed she deserves justice. I have lost love ones like this.
The first story demonstrates so much negligence. I can’t believe that they didn’t even do a follow up chest X-ray to confirm if the ‘pneumonia shadow’ had resolved, let alone everything else. 😭
Not only that. The doctors have ignored other red flags such night sweating and unexplained weight loss. These are the early signs of a suspected cancer and should have done follow blood work and further physical exam
Why is it so hard to diagnose these things for some physicians 🤷♀️ did they not listen in medical school? If you don’t know what is going on with your patients, find out until you do!! (From a retired nurse)
When they ask the question of why it takes so long for doctors to piece the puzzle together, I feel that it should be the doctors that misdiagnose her who answer this questions.
Wow... the beginning of the firsts story was so similar to my live the last few years... I had a bad cough in autumn. Around February/March it would get better with the intake of cortisone. Than in Autumn it would start again. With each cortisone I took, I gained weight. 20Kg in 2 Years... And with the gained weight, my wheezing and coughing and my asthma got worse... (I had Asthma since I was born, so I'm treated for uncontrolled Asthma at the moment) and my fatigue just fits my iron-anaemia. But I feel quite happy with my doctors... My doctor sent me to a lot of different specified doctors. He even suggest me changing my lung-doctor (Pneumologe in German, don't know the English name). I was sent to a specific clinic who is now searching what the cause for my problems is. I still don't know what I have, but I hope they will be able to find it
I can't believe not one doctor took an X-ray for a girl that can't breathe and is always coughing unbelievably bad!!!! The baby too, you just have to get lucky and find the right doctor not one that's gonna blow you off!!!
My husband had tuberculosis at 20 years old (almost 3 years ago) and they immediately checked whether it was TV or the lymph system cancer. But he had to be diagnosed in India, in Austria where he lives, the doctor said everything is fine with him. He lost 10kg in 2 months, it wasn't normal. I'm thankful he went to India for 3 weeks that summer 🙏🙏
These stories hit me because I ended up in the same hopeless street as this woman. I had a sore throat for two years when I did physical work. After half an hour of work the pain eased. After an hour the pain had disappeared. Six times I changed my family doctor. Every time I got a different diagnosis. The last doctor referred me to a throat specialist in a hospital. After fourteen days I was summoned to the family doctor and he had received a letter from the hospital stating that my complaints were of a psychic rather than a physical nature. Then I gave up and said to my wife, "I expect something bad will happen to me " In the end, because my wife was so worried, I went to another hospital; There I was urgently operated on to the heart. The heart surgeon told me that I was "lucky" because I could have died at any moment. I was 40 years old! What I have learned after years of pain and problems? Do you feel that something is wrong with your body? Consult a family doctor! If this does not help after your first diagnosis and medication, do not go to a family doctor again but to a hospital! If it doesn't help there either, don't hesitate and go to another hospital! There are simply too many doctors who think they know everything and forget that they have a lifetime in their hands !!!!
Go to another doctor if you are being ignored or belittled. And do not tell them about the previous doctor's opinions. They will have to start from scratch and look into it all.
Some doctors only remember the text books, they don't see the patient. The doctor in the end was right by stating that if the pt comes back with the same symptoms, think of a different diagnosis.
This is really sad..the very people that you have your faith and hopes in to treat you dismiss you like that..hopefully all those Drs were being sued for malpractice
Mary Ann’s case is infuriating. People with anxiety or panic attacks don’t have an unrelenting cough that is unresponsive to antibiotics. They should have checked her lungs first before sending her to the psychiatrist.
Am I the only one who thinks doctors should not be ashamed of admitting "I don't know what is going on"? It is okay to not know everything. Just admit it and send the patient to another doctor. Don't play with people's lives.
Doctors who tunnel under the Hippocratic oath, by referring people with coughs and sweats to a psychiatrist, without hesitation., need to be Struck off, sued, and then beat up where they need hospital treatment. Only for THEM to be dismissed by a doctor themselves. Absolutely Disgusting. Rest in Peace Mary Ann. My Mum was repeatedly diagnosed by malicious, incompetent, lacklustre EXCUSES for a doctor, and it cost her her life. There is no worse place for malpractice and a lack of patience, than the healthcare industry, and if someone wanted to take revenge upon one of these scumbag dismissive doctors, it would receive a blind eye from me.
Did any one told (the 1st story) the family medicine and the pneumologue that they failed to listen to the most important thing in the story.. Their patient!?
Mary Ann's story is very similar to my dad's. He spent about 6 months with a constant cough, increasing pain in his right shoulder, eventually he started to cough blood. He was told he had a cold, bronchitis, laryngitis, neumonia; even in his first hospitalization they thought he had tuberculosis. By this time not one doctor ordered an Xray. After six months going downhill, finally a doctor made my dad got an Xray that showed a mass in the top of his right lung. Long story short: few weeks later he was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, he was terminal, there was nothing to do. By the time he got diagnosed, it had already spread to the brain and the bones. He passed only two months after diagnosis. It was so fast and devastating.
It's safe to say that if the doctor is not listening to you and you're not getting answers or help after two or three times, that doctor should refer you to someone else! If they don't it's the patient's responsibility to go somewhere else or insist on a referral!!! It's terrible that the medical field allows such incompetent doctors to practice! Her first doctor should have his license removed!!!!! The asthma specialist even more so, because they should pay special attention to a young person who can't breathe!!
It took years for me to find out I had cancer because my doctors failed to check a blood result they had sent to the hospital. The hospital telephoned the surgery to advise the blood test was abnormal, but the worker tasked to call me, didn't bother. For the next 4 years I was collapsing, exhausted and suffered chronic migraines. My family thought I needed cognitive therapy, because the doctor's said I was well. I kept seeing male doctors, for the majority of the time, but one time I saw a woman and she said I looked ill and took a blood sample. Two hours later she called to tell me, I needed to make another appointment and repeat the test. After that it was on to oncology. Some doctors are absolutely useless and arrogant. I was under 7 stone by time I got treatment and could have dropped dead at any time. No thanks to my male doctors.
I hope the first patient sued her old doctor for every penny he got! This is so infuriating, when doctors don't listen to their patients! I hope he's not allowed to practice anymore because he's a danger to all his patients! And I hope the young lady is finally cancer free 🙏🙏🙏
I can not believe how careless american healthcare is. Mental illness is the last diagnose that is used in our country. You could have a real anxiety atack and the doctors would take so many tests and check you head to toes before they even say out loud that it may be psychiatric. I feel really sorry for this young lady. The ignorance of an entitled know-it-all cost her her life. Not even mentioning the pain of the husband. I guess labeling you crazy is easier than saving your life.
Gosh. I feel so bad for Mary Ann :( Those incompetent doctors but also those nurses saying she wasn't trying hard enough for the breathing test. And then her family starting to doubt her and thinking she was pretending when she was crying out for help this whole entire time. How horrible. It's sad that she died so young had these doctors picked up on her signs and symptoms with a diagnosis earlier. I question why doctors like them become doctors in the first place.
It's scary and sad that there are dishonest inattentive unprofessional doctors who can tell you for years that everything is fine without even prescribing a simple blood test or fluorography.
I hope she not only updated the previous doctors but I seriously hope she sued every one of them.women are always written off as hysterics .so many people , especially women have died wrongful deaths because of the assumptions of hysterics.this angers me no end. I hope this lovely young woman has overcome and that she is doing fine
It seems it is a general trend of US doctors that don't listen to their patients, do proper check ups and general divisiveness and this in the called most advanced country in the world !!!
Just shows Doctors aren't correct all the time, we must get to the reason why the Doctor's didn't diagnose her properly before we can stop this happening again.
So last year I started getting sick after two weeks of testing we found out I had c diff. I was hospitalized put on flagyl and it went away. It came back six more times and I was hospitalized every time. On the 8th time I wait in the er sick as a dog knowing its c diff. The dr claimed I didn't have it and sent me home. I hadn't eaten in three days and I was so dehydrated that the nurses had to take blood from an artery for testing and she still sent me home. 2 days later I went back even sicker and was told the same thing I hadn't eaten in five days and I was barely sipping water. Three more days go by and I have to have help getting to the bathroom cause I'm so weak. My bf put me in the car and drove me back to the hospital by the time we got there I was too week to walk. The take my vitals and my heartrate was 178. At this point I'm screaming in pain and have a 104 degree temp and the kidney function test came back abnormal. They did a couple more tests and immediately admitted me the dr came in the next day and told me I had c diff all along. I spent 10 days in the hospital and the first four I hardly remember. If you feel like there is something wrong LISTEN to your body. I could've died if they didn't catch the infection in time.
Jenny Byrd that’s so frustrating to hear! They should have been able to look at your past medical history to see that too... glad your BF could take you. Hope you won’t have to go through this again x
@@MultiFireworkz thanks I've had it a few more times since then and no dr can tell me why fingers crossed that we find a solution when I go in for the procedure in a couple weeks
*R.I.P. Mary Ann.*
She passed away in 2013.
This is *so* sad...
She might've had a better chance with the cancer if it would have been diagnosed earlier...
Man, that dismissive doctor should've been sued!!
oh so sad... all those docs that were dismissive of her symptoms. The first X-ray she had showed the shadow on her lung so she should've been treated then.
Me Plife imagine the doctor not having a follow up x Ray 😰😂
Do sad.
I watched this many years ago and never forgot her...or to never let a doctor dismiss my concerns. RIP Mary Ann, you deserved so much better.
Mary's illness wasn't a medical mystery - it's very common. She just had an incompetent doctor.
This happens a lot. I had problem with my right foot. I couldn’t walk on the ball of my foot. Went to 4 different drs and a MRI all gave me different diagnosis. So finally called Mayo Clinic and they finally gave me the right diagnosis
I feel the same way! .... Blood work wasn't taken?.... The "cancer"
would have shown up there!
@@patricemarie2960 Lymphoma, not cancer. What would have been diagnostic was a follow-up chest x-ray
@@faustofernandez2971 isn't Lymphoma a form of cancer? Wouldn't it show up with a blood test as well as a x ray?
How can you go to a doctor EIGHT TIMES and be told eight times “oh it’ll go away!” It’s obviously not going away
And she kept going to the same doctor 🤦♀️
zhy rhyzes he knew her history, it’s definitely not her fault that she trusted a medical professional. I mean, direct your comment at the correct person 😡 maybe you’ve lower intelligence to figure this out? 🤔🤔
Thankfully, my doctor has been super supportive and gone above and beyond to help me but cannot say the same for the (so far) 4 surgeons I have seen. I have been repeatedly told I need mental health help and just need to rest and the pain will go away.
I have several nerves in my abdomen and one at the top of my left leg being squished causing tremendous pain and disabling me and leaving me bed ridden for almost 4 years. I need surgery to release the trapped nerves but keep getting told I need mental health help and rest to make this go away. 🙄🙄
Chelsea S I would have sought out a new doctor. Her doctor was lazy and didn’t want to research her case
Similar situation with a girl I know, at age 17 she had very unpleasant symptoms ie stomach ache, weakness and blood and diarrhoea. She went to GP many times and all he said was that she was taking drugs. Eventually her and her mum got him to reluctantly refer her to specialist at hospital. He took one look at her admitted her to hospital. She was pale thin and very anaemic. It turned out that she had ulcerative colitis, quite serious disease similar to Crohn’s disease. She was near to death when admitted. Thankfully after around 10 years the symptoms eased and she was just left with IBS and leads a normal life.
Due to her late diagnosis, greatly reducing the chance of fully recovering, Mary Ann died at 33 years of age. That is how old I am and that is terribly young! I'm glad her story got out there, but it goes to show that a careless demeanor of "oh, it'll go away" - especially 8 times over - is not what should be expected from a doctor. Her family doctor did her a grave disservice.
It’s so sad that the medical community failed this young woman.
The woman with Hodgkin's lymphoma should sue her first doctors for gross negligence.
Unfortunately she died in 2013.
@Ammonia I found her obituary online. Sad!
5he died at almost 33, in the begining of 2013
People.. if you are ignored by a doctor always go and seek out another!!! and keep seeking till you get your answers. This all happens too often
It sadly happens more to women. Drs tend to be more dismissive of women either blaming women problems, being dramatic or it just being in their head. Men can dismissed also but it's far too common in women. The majority of women have had dismissive Drs at one point or another, I myself have had 2 which is extremely sad. A Dr patient relationship should be based on communication and trust so anybody that feels like they aren't getting proper care should find a new Dr even if nothing is fully wrong with you
My grandmother used to say, if you are your own advocate, if you don't get the answers you need, seek out someone willing to do the work!
That's true that's what I ded and I dint say anything to the new doctor I said I haven't been to doctors for Manny years as they call each other and the new doctor is going to continue with what the other doctor say
I just looked her up and found Mary Ann has since passed away. I hope her initial MDs see this and feel deep and utter shame.
As a physician I cannot believe that doctors wouldn’t order a simple Xray on Mary Ann. She had a constant cough, shortness of breath and weight loss and you don’t order simple tests. Shame. Mary Ann passed away on 11/27/13
Bre Ra You can look up her name and see she has passed :(
That’s awful! Responsibility for it to get out of hand down to her doctors not listened to her more seriously during her repeated visits, and not investigating her symptoms with a repeated X-rays earlier.
RIP lovely lady.
Exactly - a lot of these cases involving the lungs, the first thing is to get an x-ray and take it from there... Here in Brazil, any free municipal health service does this... they don´t print it anymore, from the x-ray room, the technician sends to the doctors in the system who analyze it and either ask for more tests or gives you a prescription for that... So sad Mary Ann didn´t make it...
I am a radiographer and I picked Lymphoma (either Hodgkins or Non H) very early in.
How did she go to the doctor eight times and not have answers. Then other doctors think she is crazy. Sadly, Mary Ann passed in 2013 from cancer. Maybe if her doctor hadn't have brushed her off, it wouldn't have progressed to the point where it took her life.
greenpomaceous 🤭😢
Oh wow that’s really sad.
My respects to her family. A very unnessary death due to a egotistical dont question me Dr. I hope his ever waking hour is haunted by her memory!!
how very sad that this brave woman died from medical complacency/negligence and cancer ~rip~
Can you please tell me where did you find the news about Mary Ann? I mean that she passed away
Her case is very sad. Even as a 2nd year medical student I learned about Hodgkin lymphoma. It's known to have a great prognosis (90% of patients alive after 10 years). The only reason she died young is because of the delayed diagnosis by these incompetent doctors
If your doctor dismisses you even if you are constantly showing your concern don't be scared to look for a second opinion. You deserve answers.
This is so frustrating. What’s the point of spending years training to be a doctor? He actually just through antibiotics to this lady, too many times. Honestly she should sue this doctor and the medical practice 😡
Something like this happened to me once. I could have died. I don't have a problem with doctors not being able to diagnose a person's disease, but not doing the "leg" work to get to the diagnosis because they're lazy. My problem was gallbladder. I was telling my doctor I had overwhelming family history of gallstones and it needed to be removed. I was in scrutiating pain for 7 months, and I got to a point I couldn't eat or drink, when I decided to research the type of test that would give me the diagnosis. The doctor had the audacity to tell me that he knew better because HE went to school for this, and that I was just fat and needed to lose weight. Then I remember I demanded to be referred to a gastroenterologist, who did the test. I got such a bad infection that my gallbladder was about to busrt. I got it removed and changed doctors. I'm not a doctor but if a patient comes to me coughing, the first thing I'd do is an x-ray. Don't tell me that doctor didn't know that. I mean... That's what I have a problem with...
@Jonathan Brown I had the surgery already and I felt immediate relief.
Yea this made me angry too
That's why it's called medical practice.... they are practicing.
I so agree!
I worked for a wonderful doctor for many years; and he said to me once ''Never ignore what the mother says.
She knows her child inside and out, and is usually right'' This poor girl should sue her family doctor. He was careless and sloppy because he knew her from a little girl. In fact, the 3 year gap until she got diagnosed has shortened her life expectancy a lot, and she doesn't have much anyway.
Unfortunately, she passed away in 2013.
how tf do you tell someone shes anorexic with all those other symptoms??? just how????!!!
'I have a cough'
Oh, it's a cold, it's fine!
'I'm losing weight'
Oh, anorexia because it's so common.
'I have issues breathing'
Here, have antibiotics because it has to be an infection.
'It's been years'
It'll go away!
Really? Is that what really goes on?? Do doctors really make you pay for that kind of thing in America??
@@gachatana9656 you think that's bad? Imagine living in Mexico where health isn't a priority and this kind of cases hit to close to home to me
I'm kind of hoping that the doctors who just dismissed her symptoms got feedback about her case. For example, if one of them had done another chest X-ray they would have seen that the shadow wasn't going away but in fact growing. Instead it grew undetected until it was huge.
As a nurse I knew immediately that it was Lymphoma as soon as the night sweats started. And the itchy skin is classic.
Those incompetent doctors should be sued and struck off!
All of her symptoms are screaming cancer! Those drs who ignored her should be sued & struck off! Total incompetence
Sue the other doctors, I’m sick of useless medical doctors
Babette Thompson I came here for this. Thank you.
This is so sad. She should and could have been diagnosed sooner. Sadly, Marry Ann passed away in November 2013, I believe. My thoughts are with her family.
@@robinbrl link?
@@katyhearn6517 google her name + mystery diagnosis, there's a couple of pages around about her death
A pesistant cough and weight loss is an absolute red flag medically.
Wow, Maryanne’s story is the first one of these that I didn’t roll my eyes when he wondered why it took doctors so long to figure it out. How did they not do a CHEST X-RAY for someone coughing constantly?! Can’t tell you how many I’ve had just for bad asthma attacks.
I was listening to this show as I was falling asleep and it sounded so familiar. The cough that lasted for months, the night sweats, the fatigue and weight loss. I was in the army at the time and had been blown off by my regular doc as having a cold. Just some antibiotics and I was back at work. One weekend, I couldn't breathe so my wife convinced me to go to the ER on base. After an x-ray, they discovered a fist sized mass next to my heart and I was running about 25% capacity of my lungs due to fluid. I was sent to a civilian doctor because it was out of the military healthcare's scope and it turned out to be lymphoblastic t-cell lymphoma. HyperCVAD chemo, positive attitudes and family support helped me reach remission after nearly a year in and out of the hospital. About 8 years later, I'm still here and kicking. Huge shout out to the John B. Amos cancer center in Columbus GA.
B Evans I hope you stay healthy!
The first woman being diagnosed with anorexia is beyond infuriating. Her other symptoms were so real. *sigh* Classic example of how weight-biased medical care is.
My sister's childhood friend had a terrible cough which turned out to be a severe form of Leukaemia and she passed away less than 2 months after she was diagnosed at 19.
I cant imagine the relief that Mary Ann got when she actually found out that shes not crazy and something IS wrong with her health
Sometimes sick people that go to a doctor often are labeled as "crazy" or overly sensitive, just because the fact they keep coming back because they are not getting better. It's like the more they try, the more the doctor think the patient is exaggerating or being hypochondriac. Sigh. There is no real win in those situations. A relative of my friend kept going to the GP clinic with a cold that was never going away. The more she went, the more they were sure she was just hypochondriac. When her tumor in her lung had grown so large it was blocking the intestines so she could not eat, then finally the hospital did a scan and saw the mess inside her. They could do nothing. She suddenly had to say goodbye to her two tween and teen kids and her husband. It was hard for the hospital to make her comfortable for the two months she lived after the cancer diagnosis. She was 38 years old. Makes me so mad that she was brushed aside time after time.
I know these episodes are 10 years old+, but watching all these episodes as a nurse are so frustrating! I watch all of them thinking 'Why aren't you doing x, y and a?!' Only to watch them be done right at the end and suddenly they have a diagnosis. I hope if those patients came into my hospital today that they would not have the same struggle they're having in this documentary
I would definitely recommend that you should go to the university to be able to be a doctor, because you would be better than many many other so-called doctors these days! Just do it and go on to do it! 👍💪👌Lovely greetings from Sarah 🙋💖👍
as a double med student, I was wondering the same. wouldn't a simple hemo test give some thought to investigate the dyspnea?
Doctors these days are too lazy to carry out proper examination. As long as they receive payment for the visit, they don't care!
they prescribe Advil for Cancer. hahahaa.
That's it and in Germany it is the common way for these criminals who wear their so-called doctor titles 😤😤😤😤😤I could tell you a lot about it how I was treated from so many of these criminals which would let stand your hairs up and it would be mind-blowing for you! Lovely greetings from Sarah 🙋💖🤔
This is so true, I didnt have a period for 8months and I keep going to the doctors, they kept giving me blood test which came back normal, they didnt look further into the problem and made me feel like I was crazy, the next time I went back which was about the 6th time, I told them no more blood test something is wrong, I thought it was early menopause but no I was pregnant.
1000% right!!!
I would sue the pants off the first two doctors. What a case of malpractice if I ever saw one.
So sad 😞 Maryanne has since passed away from her cancer. That Dr. should be ashamed!
As a retired health care professional, I keep hoping these recovered patients go back to the irresponsible doctors that ignored their poor health, not investigating further.
Sadly Mary Anne died from cancer in 2013.
Amazing how nonchalant the American medical system seems to be
5:50 "When she realised my head was loosing altitude as I was starting to do the kneel thing"
😂😂😂😂😭 yes sir.
Bruh how do you miss cancer?! American healthcare, am I right
Mr. Pancakes I would think the same in Australia Lyme disease before wasn’t accepted they would tell the patients the seizures were psychological 🤬 It’s crazy world
For sure
I'm completely shocked that the imaging wasn't followed up. In New Zealand a lot of hospitals have FastTrack cancer clinics and a shadow on the lung fields would be a priority case.
Not only America unfortunately
Same thing down here in Australia
Lol I'm just commenting 'cause this made me sad. I knew this was Hodgkin's Lynphoma from the get-go. My brother died from this in late 2018 just a few weeks after diagnosis. He was 19.
One does not forget the name or symptoms of an illness after that... ever.
I hope Mary Ann's family seek medical compensation and sue those doctors for negligence and a misdiagnosed she deserves justice. I have lost love ones like this.
This series is a great reminder of why we have an antibiotic resistance problem
The first story demonstrates so much negligence. I can’t believe that they didn’t even do a follow up chest X-ray to confirm if the ‘pneumonia shadow’ had resolved, let alone everything else. 😭
Not only that.
The doctors have ignored other red flags such night sweating and unexplained weight loss. These are the early signs of a suspected cancer and should have done follow blood work and further physical exam
thank you for another MD episode in a week 😍😍😍😍
I know, right? Loving these shows!
So horrible to hear that Mary Ann died from her cancer, if only her doctors had listened and the cancer had been caught earlier... 😭 R.I.P 💔
That first doctor was extrenely negligent
Why is it so hard to diagnose these things for some physicians 🤷♀️ did they not listen in medical school? If you don’t know what is going on with your patients, find out until you do!! (From a retired nurse)
When they ask the question of why it takes so long for doctors to piece the puzzle together, I feel that it should be the doctors that misdiagnose her who answer this questions.
Mark and Mary are made for each other.Beautiful couple.
Wow... the beginning of the firsts story was so similar to my live the last few years... I had a bad cough in autumn. Around February/March it would get better with the intake of cortisone. Than in Autumn it would start again. With each cortisone I took, I gained weight. 20Kg in 2 Years... And with the gained weight, my wheezing and coughing and my asthma got worse... (I had Asthma since I was born, so I'm treated for uncontrolled Asthma at the moment) and my fatigue just fits my iron-anaemia.
But I feel quite happy with my doctors... My doctor sent me to a lot of different specified doctors. He even suggest me changing my lung-doctor (Pneumologe in German, don't know the English name). I was sent to a specific clinic who is now searching what the cause for my problems is. I still don't know what I have, but I hope they will be able to find it
I can't believe not one doctor took an X-ray for a girl that can't breathe
and is always coughing unbelievably bad!!!!
The baby too, you just have to get lucky and find the right doctor
not one that's gonna blow you off!!!
Things like these make me hold my loved ones close.
I hope she sues! No bloodwork or xray in 3 years? Shocking!
Read in different comments that she died in 2013..😢
Rest in Peace Mary Ann...
Another episode of doctors not listening 👂🏽so it’s up to you to find answers but NOT from the same doctor just keep going
IKR?! Doctors become so pompous merely because of the position they're in and end up disregarding their patients.
Pretty please add more old episodes of mystery diagnosis and that would really make my day
My husband had tuberculosis at 20 years old (almost 3 years ago) and they immediately checked whether it was TV or the lymph system cancer. But he had to be diagnosed in India, in Austria where he lives, the doctor said everything is fine with him. He lost 10kg in 2 months, it wasn't normal. I'm thankful he went to India for 3 weeks that summer 🙏🙏
What a wonderful girl Mary Ann was! Never forget her!❤❤
Watching this made me thinking medical care in USA is worse than medical care in undevelopment countries.
These stories hit me because I ended up in the same hopeless street as this woman. I had a sore throat for two years when I did physical work. After half an hour of work the pain eased. After an hour the pain had disappeared. Six times I changed my family doctor. Every time I got a different diagnosis. The last doctor referred me to a throat specialist in a hospital. After fourteen days I was summoned to the family doctor and he had received a letter from the hospital stating that my complaints were of a psychic rather than a physical nature. Then I gave up and said to my wife, "I expect something bad will happen to me "
In the end, because my wife was so worried, I went to another hospital; There I was urgently operated on to the heart. The heart surgeon told me that I was "lucky" because I could have died at any moment. I was 40 years old!
What I have learned after years of pain and problems? Do you feel that something is wrong with your body? Consult a family doctor! If this does not help after your first diagnosis and medication, do not go to a family doctor again but to a hospital! If it doesn't help there either, don't hesitate and go to another hospital! There are simply too many doctors who think they know everything and forget that they have a lifetime in their hands !!!!
Sue those doctors who misdiagnosed you
This is a kind of cancer that is largely curable. It's unconscionable that her doctor was so dismissive.
Go to another doctor if you are being ignored or belittled. And do not tell them about the previous doctor's opinions. They will have to start from scratch and look into it all.
Some doctors only remember the text books, they don't see the patient. The doctor in the end was right by stating that if the pt comes back with the same symptoms, think of a different diagnosis.
Honestly though even the textbooks would recognise this as a significant problem, I'd say this is all on the doctors incompetence and cognitive bias
I'm so grateful for the public Healthcare system in New Zealand.
Thank you eternally for uploading these..
I need them to sleep
If only there were men like Mark. He’s what men should aspire to be!
Putting socks on her hands nope he should have been a man and went with her to doctor demanded full tests 2 years before the hospital
This is really sad..the very people that you have your faith and hopes in to treat you dismiss you like that..hopefully all those Drs were being sued for malpractice
Mary Ann’s case is infuriating. People with anxiety or panic attacks don’t have an unrelenting cough that is unresponsive to antibiotics. They should have checked her lungs first before sending her to the psychiatrist.
Congratulations doctor. Well done. None of my doctors have learned anything from me.
Rest In Peace Mary ann
she died? she didnt?
Yay more Mystery Diagnosis!
Am I the only one who thinks doctors should not be ashamed of admitting "I don't know what is going on"? It is okay to not know everything. Just admit it and send the patient to another doctor. Don't play with people's lives.
Doctors who tunnel under the Hippocratic oath, by referring people with coughs and sweats to a psychiatrist, without hesitation., need to be Struck off, sued, and then beat up where they need hospital treatment. Only for THEM to be dismissed by a doctor themselves. Absolutely Disgusting. Rest in Peace Mary Ann. My Mum was repeatedly diagnosed by malicious, incompetent, lacklustre EXCUSES for a doctor, and it cost her her life.
There is no worse place for malpractice and a lack of patience, than the healthcare industry, and if someone wanted to take revenge upon one of these scumbag dismissive doctors, it would receive a blind eye from me.
Did any one told (the 1st story) the family medicine and the pneumologue that they failed to listen to the most important thing in the story.. Their patient!?
3 years!!! And no one took a repeat chest Xray!!! This is so frustrating!!!
I am so happy for Danielle! I wish you a lot of dreams realized!❤❤
So sad by the doctors treated her
I would take that chest xray to the previous doctors and make them explain themselves.
I am so sad that Mary Ann Piazza had passed on 27 Nov 2013
Mary Ann's story is very similar to my dad's. He spent about 6 months with a constant cough, increasing pain in his right shoulder, eventually he started to cough blood. He was told he had a cold, bronchitis, laryngitis, neumonia; even in his first hospitalization they thought he had tuberculosis. By this time not one doctor ordered an Xray. After six months going downhill, finally a doctor made my dad got an Xray that showed a mass in the top of his right lung. Long story short: few weeks later he was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, he was terminal, there was nothing to do. By the time he got diagnosed, it had already spread to the brain and the bones. He passed only two months after diagnosis. It was so fast and devastating.
those doctors who refused to see & look further into her case are at fault for her death tbh, they should be sued!
It's safe to say that if the doctor is not listening to you and you're not getting answers or help after two or three times, that doctor should refer you to someone else! If they don't it's the patient's responsibility to go somewhere else or insist on a referral!!! It's terrible that the medical field allows such incompetent doctors to practice! Her first doctor should have his license removed!!!!! The asthma specialist even more so, because they should pay special attention to a young person who can't breathe!!
I hope Dr. Le Jeune sent a letter to the idiot who kept dismissing Mary Ann so he had an opportunity to learn from his incompetence.
I'm so glad Danielle is ok
It took years for me to find out I had cancer because my doctors failed to check a blood result they had sent to the hospital. The hospital telephoned the surgery to advise the blood test was abnormal, but the worker tasked to call me, didn't bother. For the next 4 years I was collapsing, exhausted and suffered chronic migraines. My family thought I needed cognitive therapy, because the doctor's said I was well. I kept seeing male doctors, for the majority of the time, but one time I saw a woman and she said I looked ill and took a blood sample. Two hours later she called to tell me, I needed to make another appointment and repeat the test. After that it was on to oncology. Some doctors are absolutely useless and arrogant. I was under 7 stone by time I got treatment and could have dropped dead at any time. No thanks to my male doctors.
Some doctors shouldn't be a doctor.
That's so prostrating if someone says that u r fine, but ur body felt that ur not ok.
Its total negligence, how come a patient with shortness of breath, the first doctors did not request for an xray.
I hope the first patient sued her old doctor for every penny he got! This is so infuriating, when doctors don't listen to their patients! I hope he's not allowed to practice anymore because he's a danger to all his patients!
And I hope the young lady is finally cancer free 🙏🙏🙏
Call the lawyer!!! This is what they are there for. That is the only way to ensure a doctor will do his or her best.
I can not believe how careless american healthcare is. Mental illness is the last diagnose that is used in our country. You could have a real anxiety atack and the doctors would take so many tests and check you head to toes before they even say out loud that it may be psychiatric. I feel really sorry for this young lady. The ignorance of an entitled know-it-all cost her her life. Not even mentioning the pain of the husband. I guess labeling you crazy is easier than saving your life.
I feel so sad
RIP Mary Ann :(
Gosh. I feel so bad for Mary Ann :( Those incompetent doctors but also those nurses saying she wasn't trying hard enough for the breathing test. And then her family starting to doubt her and thinking she was pretending when she was crying out for help this whole entire time. How horrible. It's sad that she died so young had these doctors picked up on her signs and symptoms with a diagnosis earlier. I question why doctors like them become doctors in the first place.
A cough and shadow on the lung is not mysterious
It's scary and sad that there are dishonest inattentive unprofessional doctors who can tell you for years that everything is fine without even prescribing a simple blood test or fluorography.
I hope she not only updated the previous doctors but I seriously hope she sued every one of them.women are always written off as hysterics .so many people , especially women have died wrongful deaths because of the assumptions of hysterics.this angers me no end.
I hope this lovely young woman has overcome and that she is doing fine
She died in 2013 sadly.
It seems it is a general trend of US doctors that don't listen to their patients, do proper check ups and general divisiveness and this in the called most advanced country in the world !!!
I really like these stories. Not only are they great stories but they feature people who do not look like actors playing a part, byt like real people.
It is so sad I was furious when the doctors didn’t believe her symptoms Mary Anne you were a fighter
Just shows Doctors aren't correct all the time, we must get to the reason why the Doctor's didn't diagnose her properly before we can stop this happening again.
I can't believe they almost missed the diagnosis'...
what medical incompetence.
So last year I started getting sick after two weeks of testing we found out I had c diff. I was hospitalized put on flagyl and it went away. It came back six more times and I was hospitalized every time. On the 8th time I wait in the er sick as a dog knowing its c diff. The dr claimed I didn't have it and sent me home. I hadn't eaten in three days and I was so dehydrated that the nurses had to take blood from an artery for testing and she still sent me home. 2 days later I went back even sicker and was told the same thing I hadn't eaten in five days and I was barely sipping water. Three more days go by and I have to have help getting to the bathroom cause I'm so weak. My bf put me in the car and drove me back to the hospital by the time we got there I was too week to walk. The take my vitals and my heartrate was 178. At this point I'm screaming in pain and have a 104 degree temp and the kidney function test came back abnormal. They did a couple more tests and immediately admitted me the dr came in the next day and told me I had c diff all along. I spent 10 days in the hospital and the first four I hardly remember. If you feel like there is something wrong LISTEN to your body. I could've died if they didn't catch the infection in time.
Jenny Byrd that’s so frustrating to hear! They should have been able to look at your past medical history to see that too... glad your BF could take you. Hope you won’t have to go through this again x
@@MultiFireworkz thanks I've had it a few more times since then and no dr can tell me why fingers crossed that we find a solution when I go in for the procedure in a couple weeks
Jenny Byrd aw love :( yes! Have my fingers crossed for you, all the best x