I wonder if atheistic belief hinders the pursuit of science. It wasn't a Creationist who coined the 'Bing Bang' name, it was a then-atheist, Hoyle, mocking the hypothesis of a Belgian Monsignor, LeMaitre, who first deduced it from his astronomic observations. Some have said LeMaitre's hypothesis was viewed with suspicion initially for it's possible theological implications , until it got the support of Edwin Hubble. Ie, atheistic fear delayed acceptance of the. 'Big Bang'. Of course, the modern atheist reconciles the Big Bang and 'Fine Tuning' with his faith in atheism by inventing an Infiniverse - which is of course based upon a big non sequitur ( infinite number of universes = all universes are possible) and based upon no scientific evidence (hence, atheistic 'faith'). My dear fellow sisters and brothers in Science, it is Science that strengthens my Faith.
This was over two years ago, so I have no idea if you feel the same way as you did. However, if you do, I would love to share my thoughts on this if, of course, you wouldn’t mind too much.
Mark McGregor I'm a scientist andi have to say that there is a certain kind of method that catholic academics use to ascertain objective information through their research that is far superior I believe to atheistic research which seems to be more biased the deeper I read into their papers.
Rafal Omnom Us Catholics tend to view science as a way of figuring out God’s secrets. Since we don’t believe in the Bible alone, we tend to have an easier time accepting scientific ideas.
Science is not a faith you cannot scientifically prove what’s been hidden by the gouvernement for thousands of year. It never was about science, it always was about protecting the truth from the profane.
Yeah, I'm deeply concerned why the idea of infinite number of universes is getting so much traction. People are, for example, rightfully suspicious of any extensions of relativity, non-linear electrodynamics, etc, but then many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics has a staggering number of supporters. Even though we know that QM is not the whole story - and therefore talking about its interpretations may be completely counterproductive! Anyway, while doing science, let's be reasonably suspicious of theories that don't pass Ockham's razor and which are not supported by any evidence.
He wasn't oppressed or sensored by the church, but they monitored and sensored everything he wrote? And they threatened to either kill him or put him in jail for his ideas. Of course he agreed. And that actually is oppression. He's also talking about the politics of the time, like it was separate from religion. Religion controled everything back then, including politics. If they weren't afraid of his ideas why did they have to approve it first? Were they checking his punctuation and spelling?
Just look at your self. If you think that your spirit, soul and body are self created, the you have more faith then all believers together. I pray that God will remove the scales off your eyes and ears and you can attain salvation.
so if we are not self created, according to your logic, we are created by God. So equally, do you think that "God" is not self-created? according to your logic everything must have been created, so there must also be something that has created God. Let me ask you a question, if you I ask you to pay me some money, then I will give you a mansion, but you cannot check the space in prior until the day you die. Would you still pay me for this unseeable mansion? if you don't pay me, it is fine too, but then I will throw you into a jail and burn you forever. Pay or not pay? you may think this property agent must be a fraud right? using both persuasion and cocercion to try to sell out his mansion. Now I am telling you the mansion is the "eternal life" that your God promise you, go get some.
Rex, The Creed specifically states "Begotten, not created. Born before all ages." Essentially what this means that God through his own effort manifested himself before all space/time. We can speculate that this means cognisence can exist outside of the body and we know this to be a possibility because they have found evidence within science that the human thought process to a certain degree works at the quantum level. There is incomplete evidence that speculates the mind itself may exist on the quantum level after the body has decayed. The research we have developed in this manner is still theoretical and very much in its infancy; however, it does give rise to a number of additional questions and possibilities. As far as this great mansion. I am already burning and my thoughts and actions in this world are a prison in of themselves. Greed, hunger, and impulse are what put me here and I must break those ties for the betterment of myself and to work for the common good of my fellow man. The Catholic Church has provided a sound methodical almost scientific rubric to achieve such a daunting task and its primary objective is to separate the foolishness and emotion of the body from the order and logic of the mind which can only be achieved through discipline. In the end the promise of the Mansion matters not; only peace and rest in the mind and in the heart. Such is the way you live eternally. God Bless
Nada Rien All your points are wrong, there is lot of stuff science can’t explain because science is limited by human perceptions, you just want to pretend to be smart like the rest of the atheists
He raised the question,"Why does god allow evil", and come out with spurious words. Why would he not mention 1 John 5:19, "The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one"? Because that is the correct answer which he did not dispense. What else is he getting wrong?
Kevin Chamberlain Yes he is, but I have not met a single priest who claims to know everything about God, and if ever a priest says he does, I'll call it a lie right there, no body can understand God or know all the answers, and that is exactly what he means in this video, faith, like science, is something were you discover new things everyday based on your own personal experiences or the experiences others transmit to you. is a always learning process.
Romans 4:6 (New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)) "So also David speaks of the blessedness of those to whom God reckons righteousness apart from works" Think very careful to this question: Who is the blessed man? Who are those you are blessed? to put it into context here it is in the Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition (DRA) "4 Now to him that worketh, the reward is not reckoned according to grace, but according to debt. 5 But to him that worketh not, yet believeth in him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is reputed to justice, according to the purpose of the grace of God. 6 As David also termeth the blessedness of a man, to whom God reputeth justice without works: 7 Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. 8 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord hath not imputed sin." WHO IS THE BLESSED MAN?
Vatican Observatory - Castel Gandolfo - Alban Hills; Obserwatorium Watykańskie na terenie gminy Castel Gandolfo w Górach Albańskich, około 35 kilometrów na południowy wschód od Rzymu. Zanim ten amerykański astronom i planetolog profesor Guy J. Consolmagno został duchownym pracował jako naukowiec w NASA. Wykładał na elitarnych uczelniach takich, jak Uniwersytet Harvarda w Cambridge, czy Politechnika w Massachusetts. Poszukiwanie głębszego sensu życia zawiodło go do zakonu Jezuitów. W swojej pra
Something tells me that both sides have a tenancy to sugarcoat their own arguments. But find me a group who doesn't do that and I'll call them our robot overlords.
Few people know about the Vatican scientists’ work at an observatory outside of Tucson, Arizona nicknamed “The Pope’s Scope.” You can be a much-needed part of this dynamic endeavor by becoming a monthly contributor. Just google Vatican Observatory Foundation. I have a Vatican Observatory calendar hanging on the wall near my work desk, and when visitors come by, their eyes immediately become fixed on that large and spectacular photograph of the month--it takes them in like a black hole!
What an amazing, awesome video. Explained very well the ideas of Science and Faith. If you come here to criticise, make horrible statements and accusations before you do so again please, go look in a mirror and ask yourself why you are doing it. Because someone could look at you and say the exact same things you are.
This man represents the Vatican and has their interests in mind. let the world truly see the documents of that day that nearly got Galileo killed. Then, and maybe then I'll change my mind on this.
The Bible talks about “clouds” going up and down with people going in and out (Exodus 24:18 - Moses entered the cloud). Clouds do not make those movements described in the Bible but spaceships do. Jesus ascended in a “cloud” (Acts 1:9). God rides in a “cloud” (Isaiah 19:1, Psalm 104:3). Jesus will come back “with” the “clouds” (Mat 26:64, Rev 1:7). Jesus will come back commanding a fleet of starships. The church will be raptured “in” the “clouds” (I Thess. 4:17). Spaceships will be used to rapture the church. The ancient did not have vocabulary or knowledge to understand what they saw so they called the flying objects “clouds”, “chariots”, and “pillars”, because was the words they had to describe something flying in the sky. The Bible even tells in Psalm 68:17 how many spaceships are in the fleet “The chariots of God are tens of thousands and thousands of thousands” (about 20,000). There is a good research done by Patrick Cooke called “The Great Deception - The Bible UFO Connection” which has the original words describing spaceships. It is all over the Bible. Jesus is real. He is the savior of the world but He is not seating in a puffy cloud. He is commanding a powerful army, which will take control of our planet. The Jews had contact with beings from another planetary system called The Elohiym, commanded by The Most High God. The Elohiym had to have an special covenant with humans to be able to save our planet from destruction. They got the agreement with the Jews but they were not faithful to the agreement so The Most High sent Jesus to make a new covenant and have legal rights to save our planet from destruction. So... the mystery of the Jews is the covenant with beings from another planetary system. Psalm 82:1-6 says that God presides over a great assembly. Something like a federation of planets. If you want to confirm what I am saying just look at a paint made in 1710 by someone that had access to the secret archives of the Vatican. Look at the paint " The Baptism of Christ" by Aert de Gelder.
What this man is not telling you is that he and his colleagues are looking to the stars for the arrival of an alien "savior". Read Thomas Horn's book "Exo-Vaticana" if you want to learn more.
DKPNetwork no sir am not.am just going by the bible.i could be wrong thou.if i am and i've offended,insulted or disrespected you, in any way shape or form, i am sorry! i ask only that you please forgive me if it's possible in your heart!bless
Everybody could be wrong Ma'am. Just don't demonize others in the name of "bible" or "christianity." That makes me want to puke, mind you. Well, you're too nice to be a commenter on YT comment section. Honestly I feel bad for you.
Maybe an alien Pope,who knows...the future is bright and imagination is the limit....err...The Church reminds me of a good hollywood writer...adapting the story as he goes along.
Free will dictates people can do wrong. If God didn't allow evil, there would be no free will. As Taoism and Buddhism state without the ability for evil, then there is not an ability for good. Aristotle would say "something without a scale is static". I think we can look to "knowledge" external as we believe (as Aquinas taught) that intelligence can come from any of God's creatures.
"Jednak np. meteoryty, to nie chmury pyłów, tylko lite twarde skały. Dlatego nie wiemy - mimo prób zawężenia problemu - w jaki sposób kule pyłu,...., zmieniły się w skały, które można wziąć do ręki i zmierzyć." pod wpływem grawitacji?? I to żaden cud można to odtworzyć ciśnieniem. "jakie można znaleźć pod łóżkiem" odchody i pozostałości roztoczy oraz inne resztki materialne pozostałe po martwych zwierzętach i roślinach zmieszane z krzemem nie są budulcem meteorytów.
...Tacy ludzie na ogół nie wiedzą, czym jest nauka, lub czym jest religia, albo nie znają obu tych pojęć. We Wszechświecie działają prawa, istnieją ich skutki: energia i materia. Możemy obserwować w jaki sposób energia i materia na siebie oddziaływują, są jednak prawdy dotyczące życia i wszechświata, nauki których, nie zgłębimy. To prawdy o miłości i pięknie. Potrafimy opisać piękno, ale nigdy nie wyjaśnimy dlaczego istnieje, ani dlaczego istnieje miłość, a przecież życie bez miłości jest niepeł
@Rhys Taylor As long as your religion does not hinder the pursuit of science. As we all know, science is the pursuit of understanding the natural world whereas religion, besides it philosophical value that can be can be found everywhere anyways, is just a figment of our imagination about the world, and therefore the two tend to collide a lot. For many hardcore religious people, it is inevitable that they compromise science for their religion, that they put science below their religion, because much of the findings of science contradicts their religion. You CANNOT have both science and religion if you claim to be a complete and true believer of many of the world's religions, like Christianity; too many of their teachings contradicts science.
Every time humans have played with tech, we've gotten burnt. Lose the one-upmanship, and use your compassion, to help reduce the damages done by politics & it's practioners - to many, speak with forked tongues.
Nie wiem w czym jest gorszy Uniwersytet Wrocławski od University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory więc podejrzewam że przynajmniej dyskusja byłaby na tym samym poziomie. Nie tak jak z tobą matole :)
1.Widzisz :) kolejny dowód na to że nie potrafisz czytać ze zrozumieniem albo po prostu czytasz wszystko jak swoją biblie czyli co innego napisane a co innego czytasz hehe nigdzie nie pisałem o różnicy między Uniwersytetem Wrocławskim a Harwardem ponieważ pan Consolmagno tam nie studiował tylko gościnnie tam wykłada jako ciekawostka dla studentów astronomii. "Naukę europejską a naukę amerykańską zaczyna dzielić przepaść" - tak :) ale w drugą stronę - jeszcze 20 lat temu USA przodowało ...
This does nothing to ease the glaring discrepancies between religion and science, history, etc- I love how the church can hold their little telescopes and say, "oh we support science, yeah."
3. Poza tym twierdzisz przecież że antynarodowa unia europejska jest tworem katolickim więc nie rozumiem argumentu hehe Ale żeby nie przedłużać ponieważ i tak nie zajarzysz - dureń z ciebie i tyle
Priests and saints with sad faces pile up, perform miracles, cast out demons. But Jesus said, The tree is known by its fruit. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MATTHEW 7: 21-23: 21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and did many miracles in your name?' 23 Then will I tell them plainly that I did not know you at all. Come to me, you workers of iniquity. Matthew 7: 15-20 15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 By their fruits ye shall know them. Do they gather grapes from thorns or figs from thistles? 17 So every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; and an evil tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20 Ye shall know them by their fruits.
God didn't create universes with magic. When we study science we study how God create universes.
Everyone should be both educated in theology and science. Too much of either or hinders personal and spiritual growth.
I wonder if atheistic belief hinders the pursuit of science. It wasn't a Creationist who coined the 'Bing Bang' name, it was a then-atheist, Hoyle, mocking the hypothesis of a Belgian Monsignor, LeMaitre, who first deduced it from his astronomic observations. Some have said LeMaitre's hypothesis was viewed with suspicion initially for it's possible theological implications , until it got the support of Edwin Hubble. Ie, atheistic fear delayed acceptance of the. 'Big Bang'. Of course, the modern atheist reconciles the Big Bang and 'Fine Tuning' with his faith in atheism by inventing an Infiniverse - which is of course based upon a big non sequitur ( infinite number of universes = all universes are possible) and based upon no scientific evidence (hence, atheistic 'faith'). My dear fellow sisters and brothers in Science, it is Science that strengthens my Faith.
This was over two years ago, so I have no idea if you feel the same way as you did. However, if you do, I would love to share my thoughts on this if, of course, you wouldn’t mind too much.
Mark McGregor I'm a scientist andi have to say that there is a certain kind of method that catholic academics use to ascertain objective information through their research that is far superior I believe to atheistic research which seems to be more biased the deeper I read into their papers.
Rafal Omnom Us Catholics tend to view science as a way of figuring out God’s secrets. Since we don’t believe in the Bible alone, we tend to have an easier time accepting scientific ideas.
Science is not a faith you cannot scientifically prove what’s been hidden by the gouvernement for thousands of year. It never was about science, it always was about protecting the truth from the profane.
Yeah, I'm deeply concerned why the idea of infinite number of universes is getting so much traction. People are, for example, rightfully suspicious of any extensions of relativity, non-linear electrodynamics, etc, but then many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics has a staggering number of supporters. Even though we know that QM is not the whole story - and therefore talking about its interpretations may be completely counterproductive! Anyway, while doing science, let's be reasonably suspicious of theories that don't pass Ockham's razor and which are not supported by any evidence.
Wow, great video.
Thanks CNS for all your work. High quality, understated, poignant and thought provoking. The best evangelization on RUclips, imo.
Expected atheist comments, but I found a lot more people claiming that these scientists are against God?
He wasn't oppressed or sensored by the church, but they monitored and sensored everything he wrote? And they threatened to either kill him or put him in jail for his ideas. Of course he agreed. And that actually is oppression. He's also talking about the politics of the time, like it was separate from religion. Religion controled everything back then, including politics. If they weren't afraid of his ideas why did they have to approve it first? Were they checking his punctuation and spelling?
No, they wanted proof beyond a doubt before it was published.
God leads science, not science leading God.
Just look at your self. If you think that your spirit, soul and body are self created, the you have more faith then all believers together. I pray that God will remove the scales off your eyes and ears and you can attain salvation.
so if we are not self created, according to your logic, we are created by God. So equally, do you think that "God" is not self-created? according to your logic everything must have been created, so there must also be something that has created God.
Let me ask you a question, if you I ask you to pay me some money, then I will give you a mansion, but you cannot check the space in prior until the day you die. Would you still pay me for this unseeable mansion? if you don't pay me, it is fine too, but then I will throw you into a jail and burn you forever. Pay or not pay? you may think this property agent must be a fraud right? using both persuasion and cocercion to try to sell out his mansion. Now I am telling you the mansion is the "eternal life" that your God promise you, go get some.
Rex, The Creed specifically states "Begotten, not created. Born before all ages." Essentially what this means that God through his own effort manifested himself before all space/time. We can speculate that this means cognisence can exist outside of the body and we know this to be a possibility because they have found evidence within science that the human thought process to a certain degree works at the quantum level. There is incomplete evidence that speculates the mind itself may exist on the quantum level after the body has decayed. The research we have developed in this manner is still theoretical and very much in its infancy; however, it does give rise to a number of additional questions and possibilities.
As far as this great mansion. I am already burning and my thoughts and actions in this world are a prison in of themselves. Greed, hunger, and impulse are what put me here and I must break those ties for the betterment of myself and to work for the common good of my fellow man. The Catholic Church has provided a sound methodical almost scientific rubric to achieve such a daunting task and its primary objective is to separate the foolishness and emotion of the body from the order and logic of the mind which can only be achieved through discipline. In the end the promise of the Mansion matters not; only peace and rest in the mind and in the heart. Such is the way you live eternally.
God Bless
Nada Rien All your points are wrong, there is lot of stuff science can’t explain because science is limited by human perceptions, you just want to pretend to be smart like the rest of the atheists
Excellent video. More of its kind need to be made to combat the lies spread about the supposed conflict between religion and science.
The Jesuit Conspiracy - Flat Earth ruclips.net/video/6lSgsOU9OiI/видео.html
Well said!
He raised the question,"Why does god allow evil", and come out with spurious words. Why would he not mention 1 John 5:19, "The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one"? Because that is the correct answer which he did not dispense. What else is he getting wrong?
And then, why is there a wicked one? - his words weren't spurious, it is a very valid question all believer asks at some point.
Kevin Chamberlain Yes he is, but I have not met a single priest who claims to know everything about God, and if ever a priest says he does, I'll call it a lie right there, no body can understand God or know all the answers, and that is exactly what he means in this video, faith, like science, is something were you discover new things everyday based on your own personal experiences or the experiences others transmit to you. is a always learning process.
Romans 4:6 (New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE))
"So also David speaks of the blessedness of those to whom God reckons righteousness apart from works"
Think very careful to this question: Who is the blessed man? Who are those you are blessed?
to put it into context here it is in the Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition (DRA)
"4 Now to him that worketh, the reward is not reckoned according to grace, but according to debt.
5 But to him that worketh not, yet believeth in him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is reputed to justice, according to the purpose of the grace of God.
6 As David also termeth the blessedness of a man, to whom God reputeth justice without works:
7 Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.
8 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord hath not imputed sin."
catholic is always support ethical science
Vatican Observatory - Castel Gandolfo - Alban Hills;
Obserwatorium Watykańskie na terenie gminy Castel Gandolfo w Górach Albańskich, około 35 kilometrów na południowy wschód od Rzymu.
Zanim ten amerykański astronom i planetolog profesor Guy J. Consolmagno został duchownym pracował jako naukowiec w NASA. Wykładał na elitarnych uczelniach takich, jak Uniwersytet Harvarda w Cambridge, czy Politechnika w Massachusetts.
Poszukiwanie głębszego sensu życia zawiodło go do zakonu Jezuitów.
W swojej pra
The Carl Sagan group should see this.
Something tells me that both sides have a tenancy to sugarcoat their own arguments. But find me a group who doesn't do that and I'll call them our robot overlords.
The Jesuit Conspiracy - Flat Earth ruclips.net/video/6lSgsOU9OiI/видео.html
Few people know about the Vatican scientists’ work at an observatory outside of Tucson, Arizona nicknamed “The Pope’s Scope.”
You can be a much-needed part of this dynamic endeavor by becoming a monthly contributor. Just google Vatican Observatory Foundation.
I have a Vatican Observatory calendar hanging on the wall near my work desk, and when visitors come by, their eyes immediately become fixed on that large and spectacular photograph of the month--it takes them in like a black hole!
The Jesuit Conspiracy - Flat Earth ruclips.net/video/6lSgsOU9OiI/видео.html
@@santiagorestrepo6339 ok believed 😂😂
So is that why Galileo had to recant? Galileo supported a helical centric solar system and not geocentric. Explain the Galileo affair.
What an amazing, awesome video. Explained very well the ideas of Science and Faith.
If you come here to criticise, make horrible statements and accusations before you do so again please, go look in a mirror and ask yourself why you are doing it. Because someone could look at you and say the exact same things you are.
if science contradicts the holy scripture, may be it's because you are understanding any of them wrong, or even both.
Gurfan - походы LOL
danzbutrfly once again talking to your mirror. LOL
danzbutrfly lol too immature
This man represents the Vatican and has their interests in mind. let the world truly see the documents of that day that nearly got Galileo killed. Then, and maybe then I'll change my mind on this.
We will have soon an Intergalactic Christian Church,i can hardly wait.....
The Jesuit Conspiracy - Flat Earth ruclips.net/video/6lSgsOU9OiI/видео.html
The Bible talks about “clouds” going up and down with people going in and out (Exodus 24:18 - Moses entered the cloud). Clouds do not make those movements described in the Bible but spaceships do. Jesus ascended in a “cloud” (Acts 1:9). God rides in a “cloud” (Isaiah 19:1, Psalm 104:3). Jesus will come back “with” the “clouds” (Mat 26:64, Rev 1:7). Jesus will come back commanding a fleet of starships. The church will be raptured “in” the “clouds” (I Thess. 4:17). Spaceships will be used to rapture the church. The ancient did not have vocabulary or knowledge to understand what they saw so they called the flying objects “clouds”, “chariots”, and “pillars”, because was the words they had to describe something flying in the sky. The Bible even tells in Psalm 68:17 how many spaceships are in the fleet “The chariots of God are tens of thousands and thousands of thousands” (about 20,000). There is a good research done by Patrick Cooke called “The Great Deception - The Bible UFO Connection” which has the original words describing spaceships. It is all over the Bible. Jesus is real. He is the savior of the world but He is not seating in a puffy cloud. He is commanding a powerful army, which will take control of our planet. The Jews had contact with beings from another planetary system called The Elohiym, commanded by The Most High God. The Elohiym had to have an special covenant with humans to be able to save our planet from destruction. They got the agreement with the Jews but they were not faithful to the agreement so The Most High sent Jesus to make a new covenant and have legal rights to save our planet from destruction. So... the mystery of the Jews is the covenant with beings from another planetary system. Psalm 82:1-6 says that God presides over a great assembly. Something like a federation of planets. If you want to confirm what I am saying just look at a paint made in 1710 by someone that had access to the secret archives of the Vatican. Look at the paint " The Baptism of Christ" by Aert de Gelder.
The Jesuit Conspiracy - Flat Earth ruclips.net/video/6lSgsOU9OiI/видео.html
Tell that to your pastor who's preaching every Sunday to the people
Pope Francis as far as I know is a chemist
Yes, he has a Chemical Technician's Diploma. :)
Does the church research ghost sightings or hauntings that aren't possessions? Trying to see or otherwise detect a past living human?
Yes, we do.
Any links to that research?
Any confirmations?
Definitely sets us backward !
The Jesuit Conspiracy - Flat Earth ruclips.net/video/6lSgsOU9OiI/видео.html
"knowing how God created the universe is a way of getting to know God" 😅 for sure and what will you do with this information
I bet atheists like Richard Dawkins would disagree with this video.
What this man is not telling you is that he and his colleagues are looking to the stars for the arrival of an alien "savior". Read Thomas Horn's book "Exo-Vaticana" if you want to learn more.
The devil wanted to know how God blew breath into man. the Vatican wants ti know how God created the universe.any difference?
You know so well what devils want. Do you one of them?
DKPNetwork no sir am not.am just going by the bible.i could be wrong thou.if i am and i've offended,insulted or disrespected you, in any way shape or form, i am sorry! i ask only that you please forgive me if it's possible in your heart!bless
Everybody could be wrong Ma'am. Just don't demonize others in the name of "bible" or "christianity." That makes me want to puke, mind you. Well, you're too nice to be a commenter on YT comment section. Honestly I feel bad for you.
DKPNetwork am a man and believe me am aggressive unlike you would ever believe.but i believe that unless you're attacked then you must be humble.
TRIBUNAL 1 No, I am not. Thanks anyway.
I didn't know that there were Catholic Scientist
Maybe an alien Pope,who knows...the future is bright and imagination is the limit....err...The Church reminds me of a good hollywood writer...adapting the story as he goes along.
This dude literally looks like the Wizard from Clash of Clans, and Clash Royale
Ill just wait and ask God. A man can spend 1000 lives trying to figure it out
Steve W ...that is if you ever get the privilege to see & ask God.
+etrnlygr8tful you can talk to god any time you want.
steve gorkowski ...I never said you can't. what I said was...for you to personally "see & ask" God.
Free will dictates people can do wrong. If God didn't allow evil, there would be no free will. As Taoism and Buddhism state without the ability for evil, then there is not an ability for good. Aristotle would say "something without a scale is static".
I think we can look to "knowledge" external as we believe (as Aquinas taught) that intelligence can come from any of God's creatures.
"Jednak np. meteoryty, to nie chmury pyłów, tylko lite twarde skały. Dlatego nie wiemy - mimo prób zawężenia problemu - w jaki sposób kule pyłu,...., zmieniły się w skały, które można wziąć do ręki i zmierzyć." pod wpływem grawitacji?? I to żaden cud można to odtworzyć ciśnieniem.
"jakie można znaleźć pod łóżkiem" odchody i pozostałości roztoczy oraz inne resztki materialne pozostałe po martwych zwierzętach i roślinach zmieszane z krzemem nie są budulcem meteorytów.
Who give the crown to pope the king?
...Tacy ludzie na ogół nie wiedzą, czym jest nauka, lub czym jest religia, albo nie znają obu tych pojęć.
We Wszechświecie działają prawa, istnieją ich skutki: energia i materia. Możemy obserwować w jaki sposób energia i materia na siebie oddziaływują, są jednak prawdy dotyczące życia i wszechświata, nauki których, nie zgłębimy. To prawdy o miłości i pięknie. Potrafimy opisać piękno, ale nigdy nie wyjaśnimy dlaczego istnieje, ani dlaczego istnieje miłość, a przecież życie bez miłości jest niepeł
those eyebrows looking thicccc
What an amusement video this was?
@Rhys Taylor
As long as your religion does not hinder the pursuit of science. As we all know, science is the pursuit of understanding the natural world whereas religion, besides it philosophical value that can be can be found everywhere anyways, is just a figment of our imagination about the world, and therefore the two tend to collide a lot.
For many hardcore religious people, it is inevitable that they compromise science for their religion, that they put science below their religion, because much of the findings of science contradicts their religion. You CANNOT have both science and religion if you claim to be a complete and true believer of many of the world's religions, like Christianity; too many of their teachings contradicts science.
This is like asking, is sugar sweet? Just saying.
What did we fall from if the Genesis account isn't literal?
Read "On the Literal Interpretation of Genesis" by St. Augustine, maybe that will help.
or.... they are looking for something.
looking to continue their Heliocentric deception to enslave humanity
@@santiagorestrepo6339 🙄🙄😂😂 👏👏
Every time humans have played with tech, we've gotten burnt.
Lose the one-upmanship, and use your compassion, to help reduce the damages done by politics & it's practioners - to many, speak with forked tongues.
#ThingsJesusNeverSaid. Go read Matthew 16:18
skunkworks226 do you know how the gospels work?
Nie wiem w czym jest gorszy Uniwersytet Wrocławski od University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory więc podejrzewam że przynajmniej dyskusja byłaby na tym samym poziomie. Nie tak jak z tobą matole :)
1.Widzisz :) kolejny dowód na to że nie potrafisz czytać ze zrozumieniem albo po prostu czytasz wszystko jak swoją biblie czyli co innego napisane a co innego czytasz hehe
nigdzie nie pisałem o różnicy między Uniwersytetem Wrocławskim a Harwardem ponieważ pan Consolmagno tam nie studiował tylko gościnnie tam wykłada jako ciekawostka dla studentów astronomii.
"Naukę europejską a naukę amerykańską zaczyna dzielić przepaść" - tak :) ale w drugą stronę - jeszcze 20 lat temu USA przodowało ...
This does nothing to ease the glaring discrepancies between religion and science, history, etc- I love how the church can hold their little telescopes and say, "oh we support science, yeah."
Idiot! Some of the greatest scientific discoveries in Western Civilization were because of the Church. Open your eyes jack ass!
science Good
I’m not buying it.
Then don't
hehe zbyt skomplikowane widzę znowu :) dobra - prosto - tak żebyś zrozumiał - nie umiesz czytać kłamiesz i przeinaczasz - może być? :)
3. Poza tym twierdzisz przecież że antynarodowa unia europejska jest tworem katolickim więc nie rozumiem argumentu hehe
Ale żeby nie przedłużać ponieważ i tak nie zajarzysz - dureń z ciebie i tyle
Twoja psychika iwar strasznie szwankuje.
Weź się poważnie za swoje zdrowie psychiczne, bo może być za późno.
Priests and saints with sad faces pile up, perform miracles, cast out demons. But Jesus said, The tree is known by its fruit.
7: 21-23:
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and did many miracles in your name?' 23 Then will I tell them plainly that I did not know you at all. Come to me, you workers of iniquity.
Matthew 7: 15-20
15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 By their fruits ye shall know them. Do they gather grapes from thorns or figs from thistles? 17 So every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; and an evil tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20 Ye shall know them by their fruits.
look at that wonderfully produced vaticana master deciever, splendid!
A Vatican scientist.. thats like a straight homosexual..
It’s not unusual. There are plenty of Catholic scientists throughout history including Copernicus.