Hi papa,We are going too need you because a suage pipe has burst and are basment floor is just water.its not like a flud all it is is a layer of water!!! Your videos latley has been entertain us alot so thank you, Once Covid-19 ends could i be the camara girl again!!! this is are profile piicture its ( K J H ) i did not want too put are names on youtube yet.
Hi papa,We are going too need you because a suage pipe has burst and are basment floor is just water.its not like a flud all it is is a layer of water!!! Your videos latley has been entertain us alot so thank you, Once Covid-19 ends could i be the camara girl again!!! this is are profile piicture its ( K J H ) i did not want too put are names on youtube yet.
Love you Nana, Papa, Mathew/Dude Stay safe
J and H said love you!!!