The march of the Russian tankmen

  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024

Комментарии • 366

  • @Luey_Luey
    @Luey_Luey 10 лет назад +22

    I love how closely the rhythm of the english transliteration matches up to the song itself. I can actually sing along to this in english and it fits

  • @frank832
    @frank832 9 лет назад +21

    Listening to this while playing WoT is so great.

    • @LiveForPanda
      @LiveForPanda 7 лет назад +5

      I have a collection of soviet music just to play when I play WOT :^)

  • @RadikalAmy
    @RadikalAmy 10 лет назад +21

    I love that song

  • @anatoliilaptik4129
    @anatoliilaptik4129 9 лет назад +13

    Слава танкистам России! Ура!!!

    • @user-qp3yg9js3r
      @user-qp3yg9js3r 7 лет назад +3

      танкистам ссср

    • @TheLudovika
      @TheLudovika 6 лет назад

      И российским танкистам тоже!

  • @tucson1960
    @tucson1960 11 лет назад +4

    not offended at all, My father was a Russian tanker during world war 2, the hell what people think, very proud of him, posted by Svetlana not Philip

  • @cokolboy1463
    @cokolboy1463 7 лет назад +12

    "Мы - Русские ! Какой восторг !" А.В. Суворов

  • @tyrannosaurusrex7548
    @tyrannosaurusrex7548 9 лет назад +6

    russian lyrics :)
    Вариант военного времени:
    Броня крепка, и танки наши быстры,
    И наши люди мужества полны.
    Громят врагов советские танкисты,
    Своей великой армии сыны.
    Гремя огнем, сверкая блеском стали,
    Идут машины в яростный поход.
    Нас в грозный бой послал товарищ Сталин,
    Любимый маршал смело в бой ведет.
    Заводов труд и труд колхозных пашен
    Мы защитим, страну свою храня.
    Ударной силой орудийных башен
    И быстротой и натиском огня.
    Пусть знает враг итог борьбы великой:
    Народ - герой никем непобедим!
    Мы смерть несем фашистской банде дикой,
    Мы от фашизма мир освободим!
    Сгорит в огне свободы враг матерый,
    Он будет бит повсюду и везде!
    На полный газ работают моторы
    И по лесам, оврагам и воде.

  • @Squarehead2008
    @Squarehead2008 15 лет назад +1

    I think it's called a Suvorov "Soviet SU-85 Tank Destroyer (1943 Variant)"
    And it may look crude, but it did the job. And they won.

  • @user-lz1ix5wt1q
    @user-lz1ix5wt1q 12 лет назад +1

    Согласно справке, которую в феврале 1954 года подготовили для Хрущева Генеральный прокуророр СССР Р.Руденко, министр внутренних дел СССР С.Круглов и министр юстиции СССР К.Горшенин, за период с 1921 г. по 1 февраля 1954 г, то есть за 33 года было осуждено за контрреволюционные преступления коллегией ОГПУ, «тройками» НКВД, Особым совещанием, Военной Коллегией, судами и военными трибуналами 3 777 380 человек, в том числе приговорено к смертной казни 642 980 человек.

  • @HaruuMin47
    @HaruuMin47 14 лет назад

    I love the chorus:
    By their fire, by their strongest steeling
    The tanks will win on the future battlefield,
    When we'll be sent to battle by comrade Stalin,
    And the Grand Marshal will be our lead.

  • @TheGoldenKing20
    @TheGoldenKing20 13 лет назад +1

    You can really learn a lot just by looking at these old videos of Joseph Stalin: notice how uncomfortable everyone looks around him, they're all terrified of him.

  • @ComSupporter25
    @ComSupporter25 14 лет назад

    Слава советским танкистам!
    Слава защитникам Родины!
    Слава товарищу Сталину!
    Русский народ непобедим!

  • @Bluehawk2008
    @Bluehawk2008 11 лет назад +1

    It's key to note the subtitles say "Russian tankmen" but the actual lyrics are "Soviet tankmen". This was written in 1939, before Stalin "rehabilitated" Russian nationalism for the fight against the Germans.

  • @user-lc8og1ln1n
    @user-lc8og1ln1n Год назад +1

    Слава Красной армии! Слава товарищу Сталину!

  • @Stirminskylt
    @Stirminskylt 15 лет назад +1

    It's fantastic!

  • @louislungbubble
    @louislungbubble 16 лет назад

    thanks for the translation of the tankers song mate,you now have the longest page on u-tube. awesome film..can see the christie prototpye being evaluated and then rejected by the u.s army..and then the B.T with christie suspension, the fastest tank of its day,and also the T-28 and T-35 multi turret tanks,copied from u.k designs...soviet armoured troops suffered horrific losses right through the war, they deserve this salute...HOORAHH!!

  • @6yHTapb78Rus
    @6yHTapb78Rus 7 лет назад +5

    да возродится товарищ Сталин!

  • @9evilnine9
    @9evilnine9 15 лет назад

    Thanks for the English translation, as it is much too small to read on the video!
    Great Song!

  • @TheJaceMaster
    @TheJaceMaster 13 лет назад

    Thumbs up if your not paying any attention to the subtitles and watching the awesomeness of these tanks along with this beast song

  • @cigler32
    @cigler32 16 лет назад

    During the people's democracy, we lived better than the average citizens of the USSR. Now, during the US time, we live much worse than the average citizen of the USA.
    So... who's a better and true ally then?
    From Hungary

  • @wotan20
    @wotan20 16 лет назад

    -Cont.- They milled around endlessly until their ammunition and fuel ran out, or dealt by the Germans in deep defence. It did spur the Germans however, to rush to the front some stop-gap tank killers like the Marder II and III or the Nashhorn. It is the legendary low silhouette but powerful Sturmgeschutz, in which the T34 finally found its match and succumbed to it by their thousands during the desperate and bitter defensive battles at '43-'44 in the Ostfront.

  • @wotan20
    @wotan20 16 лет назад

    -Cont.- The appearance of huge number of reasonably good and dangerous tanks caused a shock to the Germans, who quite a few times were overwhelmed by that. The tactical leadership of these tanks sucked though: Many times during the early part of war the Russians were incapable to exploit their breakthrough. -Cont.-

  • @BalashovM
    @BalashovM 14 лет назад +1

    "Да, были люди в наше время!
    Не то что нынешнее племя..."
    М.Ю.Лермонтов "Бородино"

  • @DonMeaker
    @DonMeaker 15 лет назад

    I find the very notion of tank men marching humorous. Tankers only march after their tanks have been blown up or broken down.

  • @kaplunow
    @kaplunow 17 лет назад +1


  • @poiz921
    @poiz921 14 лет назад

    As a swiss Tank soldier I salute you, russian brothers-in-arms

  • @MsJoannaB
    @MsJoannaB 15 лет назад

    Polska pozdrawia swoją siostrę Wielką Rosję i jej obywateli, ludzi o gorących sercach !!!!

  • @UncleDave3000
    @UncleDave3000 14 лет назад

    @forstorage While working in China I found that many Chinese made no secret that they felt that they should simply take Siberia for themselves. They had more people and needed the resources. That was their justification. The fact that it belongs to Russia mattered not a bit. As a Canadian this is a concern for us as China also displays this same attitude in the Arctic. They have no coastline there but because they have 20% of the worlds people feel entitled to 20% of the resources there.

  • @Domety
    @Domety 17 лет назад

    After 1956 the words were changed:
    Когда суровый час войны настанет,
    И нас в атаку Родина пошлёт.
    I think it was naive archness, but it was justful to the man who ruined the biggest tank army in the world, created with so many pains, altogether with millions of his soldiers.

  • @leminh91
    @leminh91 15 лет назад

    The translation is quite nice, I can sing along by it as well. :)

  • @ravra2
    @ravra2 15 лет назад

    50 Советских танкистов уничтожили 1000 фашистких танков ! Без учета самоходных орудий ! Вот так воевали Советские танкисты ! Я привел только АСОВ.

  • @MiShiMaYuRi0
    @MiShiMaYuRi0 16 лет назад

    Yes, although most Red Army WWII tanks were Soviet, it used lend-leased tanks too. Valentine was close ideologically to our T-50 and was appreciated as its good replacement. Sherman was liked by some Soviet tankmen because of its armor (thicker than its Soviet "brother" T-34) and its higher useability. Matilda was compared with KV, the only thing our generals didn't like was the gun (there was a project of KV's gun installation to Matilda).

  • @user-kw3zv6ul1o
    @user-kw3zv6ul1o 3 года назад

    Прогрессивное мировое сообщество по отношению к России умеет вести себя прилично, только когда иное поведение имеет явственный запах хороших и крепких звездюлей. Стоит этому запаху хоть немного ослабеть и подзабыться, как среди очень цивилизованных немедленно начинается базар про то, что какая-то Россия не такая и вообще незаслуженно она владеет и распоряжается таким количеством ресурсов. По сему - наша задача - чтобы запах этот не ослабевал и не забывался в памяти наших уважаемых партнёров.

  • @CaravanWelcomedttt
    @CaravanWelcomedttt 13 лет назад +1


  • @tbirdrus
    @tbirdrus 16 лет назад +1

    One more point, if you want to see the results of the real blockade, look up "Piskarevskoie" cemetery in St. Petersburg(Leningrad) on Wikipedia, source you love so much. When you see graves as far as your eye can see without names, just years of death, you would understand what the real blockade is all about.

  • @dima357
    @dima357 15 лет назад

    И это не смотря на то что больше половины нем. техники были устаревшие pz I II , вооруженные пулеметами или 20 мм. пушкой.
    в то время как бт и т-26 были вооружены 45мм. пушкой и могли успешно бороться с любыми вражескими танками.

  • @Soundie
    @Soundie 16 лет назад

    Its a very good video Comrade

  • @aomf58
    @aomf58 13 лет назад

    Заводов труд и труд колхозных пашен
    Мы защитим, страну свою храня,
    Ударной силой орудийных башен
    И быстротой, и натиском огня.
    Гремя огнем, сверкая блеском стали
    Пойдут машины в яростный поход,
    Когда нас в бой пошлет товарищ Сталин
    И первый маршал в бой нас поведет!

  • @tbirdrus
    @tbirdrus 16 лет назад

    It was matching the first word "Tanks" in the song. Everybody started from there.

  • @Drezdenn
    @Drezdenn 13 лет назад

    @brannify I knew nothing about it. But thanks for you i've read a little. I'm not living in Drezden, Drezdenn is just how we call our town in Ukraine.

  • @forstorage
    @forstorage 14 лет назад

    @Prairielander I admire that you worries about things when they are in the long run. Wise men do this. Talking about Canada, most people would relate to:
    "Dashan" and "Norman Bethune" (sorry I can't include wiki link in this post but you can search their name)
    So I should say Canada is among the western countries in the world that China likes most.

  • @wotan20
    @wotan20 16 лет назад

    It's hard to argue with your simplistic, superlative declaration. It's on the level of a 12 years old. It was definitely not the best tank in many of its aspect, but it was close to the best in its overall balance of performance. It was also relatively cheap to make and the Russians manufactured them by the tens of thousands. -Cont.-

    • @utkarshchoudhary3870
      @utkarshchoudhary3870 3 года назад

      yes considerably the best medium tank was none other than the panther but i ahve doubts.
      its perfomance not so good though.
      maybe it was the sherman really.
      or maybe there was no medium tank that was the best.

  • @tbirdrus
    @tbirdrus 16 лет назад

    Wikipedia story is just continuing conversation with people who believe that it is truth in last instance.Saying that Leningrad should've been blitzed is saying that you don't really understand what was happening back then.Weirmaht estimates were that Germans would lose about 500K troops trying to take Leningrad.That is why Hitler moved his army away from the city.On the other hand, blockade of Berlin never was intended to exterminate Berliners,they always had a choice.Unlike people in Leningrad

  • @Di0guardi
    @Di0guardi 15 лет назад


  • @bjdon99
    @bjdon99 16 лет назад

    I think the Soviet tanks were designed for the woods of Western Europe. Not many trees to hide behind in the Sinai or Kuwait. They were outgunned by about 1000m in range. With nowhere to hide, that's all it took.

  • @louislungbubble
    @louislungbubble 16 лет назад

    guys click on "more info" for the translation...just as a matter of interest the soviets used many u.s and u.k tanks alongside their own including shermans ,churchills ,matildas. apparently their favorite was the valentine for some reason,as for the u.s lee/grant,they called it the "grave for seven brothers" .cheers

  • @abraqadabra
    @abraqadabra 17 лет назад

    The life in Russia at Stalin's time was much better, than at any contemporal Balkan or Latin America's country (with may little exept ). What life quality you expect from the country which was brutally attacked 3 times during 40 years on its territory by the post powerful European blocks: WW1, Antanta's Intervention, WW2. It's obviously the most effort of the nation were to keep its independence and territorial integrity. The life quality was on the secondary place.

  • @Briselance
    @Briselance 16 лет назад

    There's a mistake in the video :
    The first seven seconds shows British soldiers of 1st World War : see at the helmets they wear.
    And there's also "Bobby" written on the tank's hull at 00:05.

  • @TheOrc01
    @TheOrc01 13 лет назад

    Она и сейчас есть, наша держава. Не отчаивайтесь, друзья! Только от нас самих зависит, какой она будет дальше. Мы вот все власть ругаем, а ведь сами не лучше ее. Быть может для начала сами возвысимся над собой, а там и страна подтянется?

  • @ComradeMoreau
    @ComradeMoreau 15 лет назад +1

    Well then hats off to my comrades on the other side of the planet.

  • @equ32
    @equ32 15 лет назад +1

    Эх танчики...

  • @shiningforze
    @shiningforze 12 лет назад

    Great comment.

  • @dima357
    @dima357 15 лет назад

    а 1,861 Т-34 и КВ были почти неуязвимы для любых нем. танков.
    Основная причина сверх тяжелых потерь - Высочайший уровень нем. командования.
    В то время как Сов. командиры лежали в земле, расстрелянные сталинскими палачами.

  • @tbirdrus
    @tbirdrus 16 лет назад

    Trotcki was the first commander of Bolshevic's army. Russian's army glory doesn't have anything to do with him. Peter the Great was a real founder of the Russian army.

  • @Briselance
    @Briselance 16 лет назад

    (to tbirdrus)
    Compared with the quantity of French planes (1400), the R.A.F. aircrafts present on the French ground (460) were a minority, in the campaign of 1940 (at May, 10th.)
    (I'm not considering the Battle of Britain, that's a new ball game which could deserve a entire post)
    And therefore, most of the kills can be attributed to French Air Force.

    • @utkarshchoudhary3870
      @utkarshchoudhary3870 3 года назад

      fact is every downed french fighter took with it 2 german ones.
      thats an actuall noticed fact

    @CKOPOXBAT 16 лет назад


  • @archanticipator
    @archanticipator 13 лет назад

    @Natsiraibe Do you have any links on historic documents or materials of archives? Please, Can I see it?
    May be it is your fantasies (of puberty period) only?
    Sorry for my Eng.

  • @deathstrike44
    @deathstrike44 15 лет назад

    We weren't talking about that...

  • @Prairielander
    @Prairielander 14 лет назад

    @forstorage I think we have everything to worry about. No one recognises our sovereignty or claims in the arctic and nations continually have war vessels travelling through our waters without permission. Instead we are wasting our resources and men to fight in Afghanistan when we should be defending our own borders. The United States, Russia, China, and others are against us and we stand alone in our fight. We need to desperately get serious about defending our borders or we risk losing them.

  • @darkvisor7735
    @darkvisor7735 16 лет назад

    Haha you dont know How much I agree with dinoboy XD

  • @Vyyyt
    @Vyyyt 16 лет назад

    I live in Lithuania, close to Russia, and believe me, I can find it on the map. nickbelov123 I dont mean to say bad words about Russia, but about USSR. Thanks for good words about my country, appreciate that. Oh, and by the way, curse me if I ever go to work in Russia. There is enough work in my country.

  • @Predalien007
    @Predalien007 13 лет назад

    @szolnok95 en azokat ertem amelyek mutatnak azokrol a dolgokrol tehat olyan filmeket amiket akkor abban a pillanatban csinaltak.A legtobb dokumentum film amit neztem elegge meggyozoek voltak

  • @Zorg1011
    @Zorg1011 13 лет назад

    @szolnok95 Which event and which country? The World Wars? The major revoltutions?

  • @valeriakapilova4466
    @valeriakapilova4466 3 года назад +2

    This is the song of Soviet tanksmen, it is not correct - of Russian tanksmen, because the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics had won the fashizm !!!

  • @Bytheemperor
    @Bytheemperor 13 лет назад

    well, well, well... just wanna see when they release their T-95 so we can check their new kid on the block.

  • @tbirdrus
    @tbirdrus 16 лет назад

    Your numbers might be close: almost 500 Messerschmitt fighters were lost plus many bombers. But Allied losses were 65 Spitfires, 350 Hurricanes, and 300 DeWoitine 520s. Many French aircraft were lost on the ground during retreat. So, how many of those kills belong to British?

  • @tbirdrus
    @tbirdrus 16 лет назад

    "IF" is no word for history. But think "IF" British and French agreed to Stalin's approach "Frenship Pact", none of the 2nd WW ever happened. Don't blame Russians for it

  • @iloverebeccachambers
    @iloverebeccachambers 14 лет назад

    @Refragatio Thats true my friend!

  • @alievederci
    @alievederci 12 лет назад

    The problem of youtube: Everybody is insulted by any video posted. This video is uploaded to embrase the music composed. Not to start a new world war, I hope not for the uploader, but to listen and dream.... Music makes the world better

  • @Predalien007
    @Predalien007 13 лет назад

    Our brave comrades fought and defeated the nazis but i still respect your theories and laws.We could have united against the capitalists.

  • @universexf6
    @universexf6 15 лет назад

    Russian tanks are the best of the world and war
    song are too good to speak never comparable than other countries'

  • @Vyyyt
    @Vyyyt 16 лет назад

    Would you think about retreat when same army's units aim machineguns at your back?

  • @darkvisor7735
    @darkvisor7735 16 лет назад

    Haha thanks for the info!
    By us, you are referring to british?

  • @KaneRawrhammer
    @KaneRawrhammer 14 лет назад

    @Fetchdafish That's true. And as much as i hate to admit it.... the Union couldn't of turned Berlin into rubble without americans making a second front.

  • @winterfable
    @winterfable 15 лет назад

    I have another one: The main road is that the tanks drive on. :)

  • @dima357
    @dima357 15 лет назад

    Russian exports - 95% commodities 1% Hightech products
    Russian revenue per worker is only 7000$ or 40% from Chinese level.
    US revenue is near half million dollar.
    The truth is that Putin Russia is not only not catching up US, but is lagging behind China and India

  • @danishpride1
    @danishpride1 12 лет назад

    Gremya ognem , sverkaya bleskom stali ,
    Poĭdut mashiny v yarostnyĭ pokhod ,
    Kogda nas v boĭ poshlët tovarishch Stalin
    I pervyĭ marshal v boĭ nas povedët !

    @xCCCPCLANx 12 лет назад

    The MS-1 was actually the first soviet tank ... why were there some other tanks at the beginning ?

  • @mrklaus1
    @mrklaus1 16 лет назад

    not a fact about 1917s. The story wasn't over by then, keep in mind that civil war was going till 1923...

  • @Briselance
    @Briselance 16 лет назад

    By the way, the French Army stopped the German Army from entering into Dunkerque (Dunkirk), while the British were evacuating.

  • @dima357
    @dima357 15 лет назад

    From Wikipedia: Operation Barbarossa 1941
    Нем.. танки: 3,600
    Сов. танки: 23,106
    Нем.. потери: 2,758 танков
    Сов. потери: 20,500 танков

  • @JEEPnF100
    @JEEPnF100 12 лет назад

    @TImmortalus It also did a lot of oppressing ironically, although it's latest use was during Hungarian protests! Look it up it's interesting!

  • @ronaldweasleyfan55
    @ronaldweasleyfan55 12 лет назад

    couldn't help but notice british and french tanks at the beginning of the video.

  • @NikkTheTrick
    @NikkTheTrick 16 лет назад

    The division is pretty much meaningless by now anyway (both Soviet soldiers and Russian soldiers in WWI are considered heroes. Civil war - meaningless killing of Russians by Russians).
    My comment was to prevent people from stamping "you are a Stalin supporter" as a response to my comment.
    I know a lot of people in the West who consider Tuhachevskij to be a hero fighting against communism even though the bastard was more brutal than Stalin could dream of.

  • @Richardsorge1
    @Richardsorge1 13 лет назад

    Thank you Red Army

  • @TheDemerdgi
    @TheDemerdgi 12 лет назад

    T-34-85 videl zelye kolonny v 1974 gody vozle Donezka.Ny a SAU sam lichno oxranayl
    stoay v karayle.SA -1981-83

  • @archanticipator
    @archanticipator 14 лет назад

    Army of Napoleon (Grand Armee): State (soldiers)
    France (around 300000), Kingdom of Italy (55000), Kingdom of Naples (?), Bavaria (24000), Kingdom of Saxony (20000), Westphalia (17-22000), Duchy of Warsaw(95-100000), Switzerland (12000), Prussia(20000, Croats(3500), Spain(4800), Portugal(2000)+others.
    Sum.: around 570.000 soldiers.
    Populations of these countries (in that time): around 91.500.000*
    *) Population of Western Europe tacitus(.)nu/historical-atlas/index(.)html

  • @Drezdenn
    @Drezdenn 13 лет назад

    @Zorg1011 agree

  • @BerndOstermeier
    @BerndOstermeier 15 лет назад

    Wow, I didn't even know you have warm water, electricity and even internet in Slovakia.

  • @stalker9500
    @stalker9500 14 лет назад

    @archanticipator u forgot to say : Allied night bombings (of course it's nearly impossible to hit target at night so there were also at least thousands of killed civilians) if u know how many-please reply :)

  • @tbirdrus
    @tbirdrus 16 лет назад

    Hmmm, if you not Polish, you should understand the difference between Wermaht and Soviet army. Germans came to free "their" territory from "under" people. Soviet army just imposed some rules that nobody liked, but still far cry from killing fields of Germans.
    British Tanks were shown as the beginning of Tanks. See what they had at the first assult in France and whow Soviets developed it a few years later. Very different

  • @MarshalGeorgiZhukov
    @MarshalGeorgiZhukov 14 лет назад

    @Scharfschutzen1 yes, the Nazis were quite the criminals. They deserved everything the Red Army did to them.

  • @Drezdenn
    @Drezdenn 13 лет назад

    @brannify Незнаю как тебе писать, порусски или на английском.. you know its irony. my town placed near a former town New York. My town is Dzerzhinsk, and we playfully call it Drezden. Nothing complicated)

  • @DonMeaker
    @DonMeaker 15 лет назад

    Running out of men doesn't seem to be part of the Chinese plan.
    It is odd that you assert that the Chinese copies of reliable Soviet originals will be unreliable. China has, under the tutelage of Walmart, learned many lessons about quality and cost control that are busy being forgotten in Russia.

  • @nikomanrenner
    @nikomanrenner 14 лет назад

    Живём хуже побеждённых, ездим на их машинах, получаем помощь от них же...даже в youtub нет стольких фото военных лет, как о немцах.В ж-у СССР и в ж_у товарища Сталина.Победа Сталина ничего не дала другим народам, кроме русских.

  • @ChildOfTheEmperor
    @ChildOfTheEmperor 12 лет назад

    @szolnok95 What makes you say that?

  • @tbirdrus
    @tbirdrus 16 лет назад

    Schmidtah, where are you? I am not done with you yet. :))

  • @archanticipator
    @archanticipator 14 лет назад

    1. "Eastern barbarism" - around 1,4 mln. civilian Germans were killed (others - allies).
    NAZI barbarians - around 13,5 mln civilians only in USSR.
    2. Against USSR (180 mln. man): Germany (III Reich) + Italy + Hungary + Finland + Romania + others: more than 140 mln. man.+ others
    + industry of all Europe (except Brit.)

  • @UncleDave3000
    @UncleDave3000 14 лет назад

    @forstorage Ally forever? Well... I would not be so certain of that. The relationship that exists between Russia and China today is very similar to that which existed between Hitler and Stalin prior to June 1941. The so-called alliance will last only until one or the other decides that it is no longer useful.

  • @Predalien007
    @Predalien007 13 лет назад

    @szolnok95 ezt most mire erted?