You SHOULD be able to pause Elden Ring

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 49

  • @Drinkabeerandplayagameofficial
    @Drinkabeerandplayagameofficial Месяц назад +15

    Every single player game should have a pause button. There’s no reason to not have that simple convenience ever

  • @SomeOrangeCat
    @SomeOrangeCat Месяц назад +1

    I'm not gonna shit my pants for any video game.

  • @DarinMikesell
    @DarinMikesell Месяц назад +10

    If there is no pause functionality, then there also shouldn't be a save/checkpoint functionality. Either go hardcore or don't.

    • @TheIzzyNobreShow
      @TheIzzyNobreShow  Месяц назад +5

      Now we're talking. Every game should be a roguelike then, FUCK IT 🤷‍♂️

    • @FilipeFleming
      @FilipeFleming 20 дней назад

      @@TheIzzyNobreShow Elden Ring classic takes a minimum of 60 hours to complete 100%, are you going to stay awake for days playing?
      People would die and the media would blame the company lol

  • @TalesZuliani
    @TalesZuliani Месяц назад +2

    Offline games should have pause button, pause cutscenes and skip cutscenes

  • @AceParty
    @AceParty Месяц назад +2

    Nah I agree, as someone that work in the industry since 10 years, I truly lived through the best age of social media (twitter circa 2009). Today, it’s day and night and it’s sad. I met so many talented and famous devs thanks to social media back then, today most devs are even afraid to go on social media. Anyway, I love from software and their games but a pause button is just a standard that is a QoL feature that’s all (there is several way to pause anyway but it’s not intuitive). Adding a pause button would not be a big deal, the gameplay, game design won’t be change just by this addition. After FS do not do this probably because the game is often connected to a server for the invasion system (even if you can play offline). That being said if their games doesn’t have a pause option, I don’t care either really. I mean this is their choice it’s their right too and I’m fine with that.

    • @AffyisAffy
      @AffyisAffy Месяц назад

      A good compromise is allowing pause in offline mode

  • @Chase-hv2lt
    @Chase-hv2lt Месяц назад +1

    It has a somewhat hidden pause botton already so yes

  • @hokuhikene
    @hokuhikene Месяц назад +3

    I've been playing Soulslike since DS1. And I don't really understand why a pause button would be controversial. Personally, I don't think a pause button is in conflict with the difficulty of a game. Well, but I have a solution here that would convince even the most hardcore naysayer. What if pauses in ER were consumables? Or it could be a permanent item, but one that you can only use once per life or boss encounter. It would have an activation time like the tears or estus and would take a place in the usable items category. It can also be put on a hotbutton in the menu selection. You would find this item right at the start of the game. The consumables can be crafted, but they require items that can only be farmed.

    • @hokuhikene
      @hokuhikene Месяц назад +1

      And for those who still think its a bad Idea, think about it in this way. Sure a pause is something conveniant, so are summons and even Torrent. I just recently saw a comment from somebody who never played a Soulslike before, who played 20h in without knowing about that steed. Torrent is conveniant to have in an open world game, but not a must have or better must use. Same argument for me. Let the player decide if it is worth one slot in the useables

  • @niniemecanik
    @niniemecanik Месяц назад +2

    I totally agree

  • @Rillant
    @Rillant Месяц назад +1

    FFS... Sekiro, arguably the hardest game in the series, has a PAUSE BUTTON! Where were these people then? It's such a stupid complaint. If we can have a pause button in Sekiro, we can have a pause button in Elden Ring.

  • @FilipeFleming
    @FilipeFleming 20 дней назад

    Women and gaming experts don't usually go well together in the same sentence. Most women only play mobile games.

  • @dolurosu
    @dolurosu Месяц назад

    In the soulsborne games the hardcore fans often game the system by quitting and reloading to reset enemy and loot positions. If those same people who do that are complaining about people asking for a pause feature, that would be quite hypocritical of them.
    Also, we can pause in Sekiro, and that doesn't seem to have ruffled any feathers. They could implement a proper pause feature and just disable it when playing with another player. Other than that the bloodstains and ghosts from the other online features can easily be handled by synching after unpausing.
    As for the people complaining about the use of the term disability, like you said it's not Alana's fault that it is used for such a thing lol (I think it was microsoft who coined the 'situational disability' term? Not sure). On top of that the term 'disability' has historically been a synonym for inability, and reserving it for serious medical conditions is only a relatively recent development, so its use here is absolutely acceptable.
    So pretty much anyone complaining here, whether it be about the idea of a proper pause feature or the use of the term 'disability' are completely off base lmao.

  • @mairovergara
    @mairovergara 7 дней назад

    Pause button in Elden Ring makes no sense. Git gud. :)

  • @johnschwalb
    @johnschwalb Месяц назад +2

    I am mixed.
    I don’t think a developer has to put in any features, at the same time I think a pause button should be in your game. If you don’t want people to be able to abuse it just don’t let them do anything in the pause menu.

  • @Nejer
    @Nejer Месяц назад +2


  • @fattiger6957
    @fattiger6957 Месяц назад +2

    I feel that intro. I feel like many "gamers" enjoy complaining about video games more than playing them. Plus, the gaming "community" has become so toxic that I try to engage with it as little as possible.
    As for this topic, I have never played Elden Ring so I have no dog in this fight. But I think every game should have pauses in combat, in exploration and in cutscenes. People sometimes need to stop playing for a couple minutes to answer the phone or get a package from their door or take food out of the oven or get the laundry. Anyone who says otherwise is just being a gaming snob.
    And, not to disparage a whole fanbase, but FromSoft fans can be really horrible elitist snobs. You know the sort. The kind of people who claim that no game of any kind should ever have an easy mode (despite easy modes being around before FromSoft existed) The kind of people who go berserk when someone says they don't like Soulslikes fad that is over-saturating the industry. Unfortunately that kind of fanboy seems to be everywhere in video games for every company and franchise and it is sickening.
    That kind of fanbase has actually made me less interested in FromSoft games. I've had that experience with other franchises in the past. Neon Genesis Evangelion has been permanently tainted in my mind due to run-ins with toxic, condescending fanboys. Same with Zelda and the rabid BotW fanboys.

  • @somerandomeguyonyoutube
    @somerandomeguyonyoutube Месяц назад

    Completely agree with you bro I come from a time where playing video games was frowned upon and seeing as a loser thing to do if you were over the age of 10. So I always kept that hobby to myself I don't know how nowadays dudes try to gate keep. I'm like dude back in my day you were a loser for playing video games you should consider yourself lucky that more people wanna play video games and be part of the community.

  • @neoku84r.p.g93
    @neoku84r.p.g93 Месяц назад

    I agree with how he feels about all this. It's stupid and it needs to stop.

  • @marksapollo
    @marksapollo Месяц назад +5

    It's pathetic you can't pause a game. Truly pathetic. EVERY game should have a pause option. I need to go to the toilet, oh I see I have to quit the entire game or sleep my console or computer cause I cannot pause the game.. what idiot would ever find that fine?

    • @fattiger6957
      @fattiger6957 Месяц назад +1

      We all know the kind of internet tough guy fanboys Soulslike games have.

  • @btannen777
    @btannen777 Месяц назад +2

    I see where she is coming from. However, if those games were to have a pause feature, it should be optional. There should be a setting where you can toggle the pause feature on and off.

    • @pavichokche
      @pavichokche Месяц назад

      I don't play those games at all so I don't understand at all, could you explain why there is no pause button?

    • @btannen777
      @btannen777 Месяц назад +1

      @pavichokche These types of games were made difficult by design for players who want a challenging experience. The developers probably thought that by removing that feature, it would be more conducive to a challenging experience.

    • @fattiger6957
      @fattiger6957 Месяц назад

      If a gamer wants a game to be a challenge, how about they make their own restrictions? If they want a game to be harder by not pausing in combat, they can just choose to not pause in combat.

  • @Fungib1e
    @Fungib1e 5 дней назад

    It’s because immature babies use the internet to be heard since they’re not being listened to IRL.

  • @cesar.rodrigues
    @cesar.rodrigues Месяц назад +5

    You can pause in Elden Ring. You just have to open any help menu.

  • @kclink1579
    @kclink1579 Месяц назад +1

    Only online games should have a pause button

  • @Pathaholic
    @Pathaholic Месяц назад +4

    The main reason I have no interest in souls-type games or the genre in general, is because the expectation is to me to have to play the game on the hardest difficulty. the community constantly vilifies and attacks anyone who doesnt play the way they do. the more difficult it is the more "better" it is. This example of Alannah being berated by the souls players for simply asking for a pause button is the best example of what im talking about.

    • @fattiger6957
      @fattiger6957 Месяц назад +2

      Yep, the Souls fanboys are the worst kind of snobs. They and their elitist attitude has made me significantly less interested in playing FromSoft games. Unfortunately that kind of fanboys has taken over almost every single fanbase.

  • @CEOAmaterasu
    @CEOAmaterasu Месяц назад

    We all still a gamers cmon, some just whine a lot
    Also, if we going the full rabbit hole of souls-like, we gonna have easy mode? Story mode?
    I am kind of thinking that souls-like got its popularity on it is difficulty, and if it was a "little for everyone" kind of game, it would not be as famous
    Just like people like JRPG for its intended audience, japanese people (well, it sorta lost its core appeal)

  • @cthellis
    @cthellis Месяц назад +1

    This is an easy feature to implement so it is very silly to get up in arms about it. Have it off by default, and have its optional-enabling have an affect if they like (certain difficulty levels cannot use it, for instance.)
    However. We should still default to allowing developers to pursue whatever vision they want for the game. Encourage accessibility features, give suggestions for easy changes like this…. But ultimately be fine with their decision. Their game. Their time. Their money.
    And that’s what it comes down for other features, where often it is NOT an “easy to implement” but there is large pressure from the outside to do it. We should not be pressuring studios to spend money they don’t want to.
    Perhaps the community or organization pushing for it can assist with it, either monetarily or developing tools themselves that they license for free. But that would have to come first, not just Twitter complaints.

    • @fattiger6957
      @fattiger6957 Месяц назад +1

      I agree that devs should have the right to make their games how they want. But there are a certain subsection of gamers who have become massive snobs. The kind of people who say that no game, of any kind, should ever have an easy mode. IMO, devs shouldn't be forced to put difficulty modes in if they don't want. But elitist gamers shouldn't try to dictate how other people play games that they bought with their own money.

    • @marksapollo
      @marksapollo Месяц назад

      @@cthellis Devs can do what they like, but they better not complain when their games flunk as they don’t recognise actual real life of their customers and remove all pause functionality from a game…

  • @gonviktor8246
    @gonviktor8246 Месяц назад

    When games didn't have pause Buttons It felt like it was originally to make a false difficulty do it and then people would complain about that at that time and then they progressively got better with not having a pause button and the gaming industry saw it as a way to lock people in and not make them think that they can leave the game now it has led to the point where they have completely took in it as a badge of honor and now think that people are below them if they are not able to meet the requirement of not being able to go and take care of other things whereas they have now just Thank the punch and are locked into the game just like game industry wants I love gaming as well but I have been teetering off of it since I haven't been able to find as many games that I enjoy being The Creator and not as much of a multi player Person I hope 1 day gaming returns to what a originated ads and that was experiments to make people have fun and to gamble at seeing if we could make some money from making people have fun whereas now they have just formulated it and we pretty much get the same game every year if not twice a year

  • @KP_Uravity
    @KP_Uravity Месяц назад

    It's a single-player game, the worst that can happen is you lose your runes. If the devs don't want you pausing then they shouldn't have to disrupt their artistic vision to appease a minority of players

  • @beardyhat9547
    @beardyhat9547 Месяц назад

    Let me start be being glib: My Elden Ring DOES have a Pause button, because I play on Steam Deck.
    Second: I suspect a lot of the hate for this persons comment comes from the terminally online "Gamer", who has some conscious or unconscious bias against Women in gaming. We've seen it before and we see it repeatedly in Online spaces, especially as it relates to games.
    Third: Not every game is for everyone, nor should it be. When every game is for everyone, it's for no one at all. Look at Call of Duty or any of the Ubisoft stuff that gets squeezed out of the corporate rectum every year; they're designed for the maximum amount of people to play, minimal friction, maximalist game design, lacking depth, etc, etc, etc.
    And look, I also have a "Situational Disability" (dumb term), because I have two children of my own, 6 and 4. I started playing Multiplayer games with Quake back in 1996 on Dial-Up (Yup, I'm old) and continued on up until just after the birth of my first child. I tried to continue doing that, but ultimately, I had to compromise and give-up multiplayer because it was no longer a good fit for my life; I couldn't pause and just drop a game at any given moment, because well, "I'm in a match!" This caused me a lot of frustration and anger, until I eventually realized that I'm a Father now and I need to compromise and my life needs to change, because I have this other responsibility that I chose; that I was ultimately doing a disservice to my Wife and my kid by getting so invested in games where I couldn't jump up at a moments notice to take care of my families needs. It doesn't mean I dropped gaming in its entirety, but that I had to change how I relate to games and the types that I play; this lead me down the path of handhelds. I'd had them in the past here and there, but after my kids, I switched over from being a primarily PC gamer since my early days to now playing a majority of everything on a handheld, why? Because I can pause and put it down anytime I need to. I had to compromise, which is a big part of being a parent and a Husband.
    I think this is where the frustration comes from with those vitriolic gamers; now, I'm not saying the venom is correct and right or that a person should suffer abuse for their opinion, but I'm saying, I get it. People are frustrated that others want to force a certain game to perform a certain way to accommodate them, rather than understanding that often, life is about compromises and certain doors can close to us because of our choices in life. That door to multiplayer gaming has closed to me now because I chose to have a family and you know what? That's just fine. I don't need to be a part of the conversation about Fortnite or LoL or whatever, it doesn't matter. I just choose not to play those games, I don't instead ask for them to accommodate my specific life choices at the cost of everyone else who didn't choose what I chose. But you know what? My life is richer for my family and so much less toxic and frustrating having cut those multiplayer games out of my life.
    This is why "Situational Disability" gets to me as a stupid term. A disability IS something we should accommodate; it's something often outside of one's control and we should help those people with them to live as normal a life as they can. I'm not saying the person mentioned in the video came up with it or anything, just that it's a term that implies a certain thing that ought not be implied. Situational Limitations may be a better term for such a thing. Otherwise, I'm not a linguist, but there needs to be a better term.
    Lastly, I don't describe myself as a Gamer, ever. I've been playing games since 1986, they've been a part of my daily routine since then, I still play today, often daily and I've introduced my kids to them, who also love them. But when people ask who I am or what I do, I might say that I, "Play Videogames"; Gamer just has that connotation you've pointed out in this video with the terminally online, always angry, woman hating dude. So no, Izzy, I don't think you're a Gamer. You're a guy who loves video games, loves to play them and talk about them, but you're not a "Gamer."
    Sorry for the screed. I don't care if Elden Ring has Pause or not, but I am happy that I can Pause it on my Steam Deck and I appreciate the fact that I can simply quit out of the game and resume exactly where I was when I did.

    • @dolurosu
      @dolurosu Месяц назад

      Concerning the term 'disability', I think the issue here lies in the fact that 'situational disability' does fit the definition of disability, but it's not the one a lot of people have grown accostumed to. Historically, disability was merely defined by a lack of ability. Pretty much a synonym of inability. And that definition is still used today outside of the very specific medical context that we typically hear about.
      Here, it's a context that is different but perhaps close enough to cause friction for some people, unlike in tech (disabling a setting for example) or any other context where it's more obvious that we aren't grouping it in with severe mental/physical disabilities.
      As such I understand why some are frustrated by it's use here, but at the same time I really think it shouldn't be a problem, because disability has never been restricted to the medical context even today and has a wide range of uses.

  • @VCiPz
    @VCiPz Месяц назад +2

    You can pause in Elden Ring, and situational disabilities are a made-up excuse by game developers who can't just comprehend that real life issues are more important, and if you struggle to pause Elden Ring by not being able to press start, then go to the equipment menu, then press the Back button to display contextual options, then select menu explanation to pause the game, then maybe you can play another game, or you can just... turn the game off and focus on the real life problems that may arise. Elden Ring at least DOES have a pause button. Maybe people can put the controller down, get back to the game when they can give the game their undivided attention.

    • @Nifterific
      @Nifterific Месяц назад +1

      They're video games dude. There is literally no reason one should require someone's undivided attention.

  • @imura11
    @imura11 Месяц назад +4

    no, pausing disrupts the immersive tension of battle

    • @pavichokche
      @pavichokche Месяц назад +8

      No one is asking them to force pauses on you mid-battle...

    • @marksapollo
      @marksapollo Месяц назад

      Right so you would rather just wet yourself or soil yourself as you shouldn't be allowed to go to the toilet during a battle.. do you hear yourself and how stupid you sound?

    • @marksapollo
      @marksapollo Месяц назад +3

      So you would rather soil yourself or wet yourself because you shouldn't be allowed to go to the toilet when playing. Do you hear yourself and how crazy you sound?

    • @fattiger6957
      @fattiger6957 Месяц назад +2

      I guess you never get a phone call or have to answer the door or have to see to dinner or do laundry or go to the friggen bathroom? Most people don't use pausing to make games easy. They use it because human beings can't dedicate 100% of their attention to video games.

    • @dolurosu
      @dolurosu Месяц назад +2

      So don't pause the game?
      Have you never played Sekiro, a fromsoft game where you can pause? Does the simple idea you can pause weigh on your mind while you are playing? Even though noone is forcing you to pause?
      I never pause in a fight in Sekiro simply because it puts me off the rhythm. So... I don't pause.
      Having the option to pause a game does not disrupt anything any more than it does in any other game. If you are immersed, why the hell are you even pausing to begin with if it's such a problem?