God's Plan for Your Life # Hear! O My Sons# Zac Poonen

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
  • Excerpt From The Book Of Brother Zac Poonen: Hear! O My Sons
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    God's Plan for Your Life
    Even though you are a disciple of Jesus, there will continue to be ups and downs in your life, as with all of us. However, the decision you took to be a disciple will remain unchanged. You have chosen to be married spiritually to the Lord Jesus and to follow Him forever. You will never go back on that decision. And you made that decision not for any personal gain or profit, but only because you felt a tremendous debt of gratitude to the Lord for what He had done for you. You love Him now because He first loved you.
    God's will for you now is that your path (the path of the righteous) should go from one degree of glory to another (Prov.4:18). So each year should be a more glorious one for you than the years gone by - with a greater degree of purity and humility and love than you had before. That should be your goal.
    God also has a ministry for you in His church in the days to come. So, make purity and humility and love, your goals all the days of your life, because the Lord cannot use vessels that are unclean or proud. May the Lord make you flaming, Spirit-filled witnesses for Him. Seek God for the power of the Holy Spirit, and always remain rooted and grounded in the fear of God and in humility (Prov.22:4). God preserves those who fear Him, and He gives His grace to the humble.
    Your feelings will fluctuate and are therefore always undependable. True spirituality however lies in your decision to set your will on God's side. So train your will to refuse to get discouraged. Overcome Satan's accusations by the blood of Jesus that cleanses you from sin as soon as you confess it (Rev.12:11).

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