(I edited a few things after I talked to my husband some more and he jogged my memory) My husband is a police officer and he dealt with a guy years ago that he believed was demon possessed. The man did an effortless one-arm pushup with my husband on top of him in full gear on his back (about 300 pounds). The police were there for an EMS assist, the man's wife called 911 since he was having some kind of episode, and the minute my husband walked in the room he attacked my husband (who is a Christian). The man was tased multiple times and he was talking each time he got tased. Once the man was finally arrested and placed in the ambulance, something suddenly changed and he was calm and couldn't remember anything that had just happened. My husband and the other officer were fighting for their lives, by the grace of God they were unharmed. The struggle against this man was so violent every piece of equipment on their duty belts and in their pockets was all over the room. I'm thankful we serve a God who is greater and He protected my husband that day.
My Aunt went totally mad after a Ouija board session. She would squeal like a swine and speak in various voices at the same time. She remained this way for forty years or so. Until she became sick and had to be in rehab for a time. A Baptist minister who happened to be making rounds there, went In the room and prayed with her. She called my dad, and told him how happy she was, and that she had given her life to the Lord. She said she was going home the next day. That night she passed away in the facility. No apparent causes other than natural. We saw it as a mercy.
@@lilyw.719 Amazing isn’t it. I agree, it doesn’t sound right. But it’s a fact.,Typically the Baptists are not as well versed in spiritual warfare. But the truth he spoke broke through. The Word is the Word, regardless of who speaks it.
Gary Indiana Christian here!! I actually worked with Latoya Ammons cousin and he told about experiences he personally had staying over at her house. His mother eventually forbade him from going over there. Before it was torn down I went by it you could tell it was definitely off! I'm a lifelong Christian growing up under the tutelage of Dr Jack Hyles and I have had personal encounters with demonic oppression while deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan in the Marines. My faith and the full armor of God kept me and my friends safe!
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I'll never forget that video of Jack Schaap simulating stroking his unit with a bow and arrow in front of the congregation.. I know he was Hyles' son in law but man I wouldn't appoint that guy to do anything.
I am a missionary who has lived and served in some of the spiritually darkest places in the world. I have encountered demonic presence frequently including demon possession. Coming from a Lutheran background it was a stretch for me to see the reality of demon manifestations. Not anymore. Taking authority over all the power of darkness has been instrumental in our (my wife and me) mission work to those of other faiths and beliefs. Revealing divine power in the Precious Name of Jesus confirmed our message of salvation to multitudes! I am just finishing my first book detailing our mission work.
loved it. just make sure in your book only christ and his ministry of reconsiliation is exalted above all supernatural encounters. many in my country already believe the supernatural, but they need to know the story of jesus who is more than a exorcist.
Our family had issues with what we believe was demonic activity when I was young. My dad would listen to Art Bell's late night paranormal show on his way home from the night shift and tell us kids the weird stories on there. We ate it up. There were tons of ghost story shows on TV that we would watch as well and us kids would even try to go "ghost hunting" ourselves at times. My mom never liked any of it and would continually warn us that we were opening ourselves up to the demonic by focusing on it. Weird things started happening: hearing sounds like footsteps that couldn't be explained, most of us saw figures that we still can't explain, cameras set up to see if we could catch anything on film would turn themselves off, once had a shelf of old music boxes all go off at once despite no one touching them in months. And just a feeling I can only describe as oppressive. One night my dad had had enough and went through the house with a Bible one room at a time after everyone was asleep. He would say "in Jesus name, get out". Everything stopped. We should have learned them, but although we were less obsessed with the paranormal, we still didn't let go of it. Stuff started happening again although not as severe. We finally agreed my mom was right and banned any entertainment to do with ghosts or demons from the house and Dad went through with a Bible again. That was nearly two decades ago and nothing ever came back. I became a Christian shortly after it all ended (parents and siblings already were), and I still remember going to the basement by myself for the first time that day and just saying to the empty rooms "I'm a Christian now and I'm not scared of you anymore." Silly, maybe, looking back but to my kid mind that was quite the bold declaration.
@@mrsq117 it varied, some looked more like shadows others looked like solid people. I saw one that looked exactly like one of my siblings and then turned and realized I was seeing double...so that was weird.
@@mrsq117 I had been considering it for some time already since we were going to church the whole time. A family member ending their own life around the same time period was more of a catalyst for me as it brought the finality of death to my attention in a life altering way.
@@tayh.6235 oh I’m sorry to hear that, such a horrible situation and difficult time. Did you ever question the activity you experienced or were you and your family fully convinced of the reality of them. Sorry for all my questions, hope you don’t mind me asking
I’m a born again believer and I had a numerous experiences I attributed to demonic presence. The most prevalent one being I was in a tunnel one time with my brother and friend and I believe 100% that I heard demonic voices. The tunnel we went to is locally called “Satan’s tunnel” in Northern California. These voices moved closer to us and surrounded us. I’ve never felt so afraid in my life and these voices only disappeared after I started praying in Jesus name. I try to be careful when I talk about this cause I don’t want to lead people to look for these experiences. Praise God he kept me safe and His Grace covers my sin for looking for these things in the past. God Bless!
Oh please just STFU will you? No surprise there is ZERO evidence for any of the childish crap you are trying to pass off as a real experience. It's really delusional, we'll give you that.
I understand why you are hesitant to tell such a story because people will go looking for it, but an unbeliever might become a believer if they did. You are a very caring and responsible and credible person. I appreciated reading your story and I thought you were describing the train tunnel up the street from me (in Southern California). The locals call it something with "devil" in the name, I believe. I have no desire to visit it. Bad things have happened there. It's near the Manson caves.
Thank you guys for this video. The bible ofcourse talks about the reality of demons. But my experience was with my son at the age of 9 to 10. He would wake up so scared right around 3 am several times month and would run out of our house as if someone was chasing him. Finally we had to put locks high up on our doors so that he couldn't reach so he couldn't run out again. And finally we took him to a Pastor that we knew of that prayed deliverance over him and it ceased all together. We don't know how it all started with him but we thank our Lord Jesus Christ that he is free! ❤
amen, thank God, just make sure your beautiful boy know the true Gospel of salvation so that his nationality is the kingdom of light. all we need is jesus whether demons harass us or not. christ has overcome the world
Over the past couple of years, cable tv has become absolutely saturated with tv shows regarding the paranormal--ghost hunting, bigfoot, UFOs...you know, all of that stuff that can be so compelling. I started watching...and cartoon television is saturated with so much worse--demonology, witchcraft, divination, necromancy....etc. Seriously, no matter where you look you cannot get away from this stuff, for adults AND children alike. I asked a pastor once why Christians aren't talking about this, and I was stunned to have him explain to me that when people talk about these things to him, he simply smiles and nods, and changes the subject. I was heartbroken by this attitude. Our kids and young adults are being inundated with some of the most terrifying things, and we, as Christians, pretend like it's not out there, like it's not true. How can passively sit and watch and entire generation be lost to the enemy, because we don't know how to answer these inconvenient questions, or we prefer to pretend like it simply does not exist. It's shameful. We profess to believe in a God who is SPIRIT. HE saw fit to warn us about demons and the spiritual realms, but we keep our mouths clamped shut because we're "afraid of drawing attention to it" ?!! Believe me, it's out there. Spend a day watching secular television, surfing youtube, watching children's tv....you can't deny that our kids are being attacked in a very big way....and we, the brethren do NOTHING. We need to do better, brothers and sisters. When your child knows more about the spiritual realm than you do, you're in trouble. You might not be able to glean all of the answers from scripture, but at the very least we need to know what the Bible says about it, and we need to have very open, candid conversations with our kids--because whether you know it or not, they ARE having conversations about it with someone....I want to thank you both for this video. I hope it starts a real conversation among Christians. I'm looking forward to reading this book, I'm ordering it before I go to bed. God bless, and keep these videos coming, I'm so thankful that I found this channel.
PLEASE DUDE...revise and cut it down please! Keep it at only 2 or 3 sentences, because its a Turn off when we see "Read More"....Translation? Want to REad Less
Couldn’t agree more. I came out of the New Age world 50 years ago and I’ve been watching this demonic realm gradually taking over the media and entertainment industries. This has been made possible by the gradual decline in the influence of biblical Truth in our culture. And that comes down to the churches who have turned away from the Bible and turned to human wisdom as their guide. Our Lord is Sovereign and He warned of these perilous times. Truth is indeed our only weapon. Biblical Truth is a powerful shield and sword and I believe we will increasingly need to use that Truth to stand firm in a world that is paganising even the little children. Be prepared, this is only the beginning, the satan has an agenda and Christians are not immune, we must know the biblical way to deal with the demonic and trust in the Lord Jesus to guide us.
@@Dienekes678 I already said. If its too long, people get turned off. Sorry if you want to be Walt Whitman in your responses, but yours are too long. Thats all I was saying. Bizarre Response to my comment. Get OUT of your computer. There's another world out there
I came to Christ as a small child and grew up in the church. My very best friend when I was going to a Christian elementary school had a grandmother who was a medium. My friend warned against anything of the occult and told me things that made me take it all very seriously, something I've always been thankful for. When I was going in to 7th grade at our church winter camp, there was a girl who walked up the side of an A-frame building and begin growling and shrieking in a voice that was not human. If you've ever heard a lion growl from a long-distance away at a zoo, you have a little understanding of that sound. It was terrifying. The voice shrieked profanity and said that it would murder the girl by throwing her off the roof of the building. The staff rounded up all the campers and moved us back to our cabins where we spent time praying for the girl. I don't remember if they told us anything about her or what happened after that. My older sister was going to Biola, and there was a girl on her floor in the dorms that they all thought was demon possessed. Her roommate would not sleep in the room with her because she spoke in scary voices in the night and slept with a large knife under her pillow. When the roommate went to the administration wanting to change rooms, they didn't take her seriously, so she slept on the floor in a different dorm room. She was terrified to go into her room for anything. Later that semester the girl with the voices and the knife was out in the bushes in her pajamas one night, shrieking in those voices and making threats to kill the girl. Campus security (I think) was trying to get her to calm down. As far as I know, the school never told what happened or addressed it in a public way, but the girl left the school, and the roommate got her room back. A good friend of mine before she was a believer had an experience where dark beings were trying to get into her house. They would knock on the window, and she would run and lock it. Then they would pound on the door, and she would run and make sure it was locked. They kept doing this, knocking and banging on different parts of the house, and she was terrified, but she was aware that they weren't humans. Her father was into spiritual practices like traveling out of his body on the 3rd eye. She believed that he was involved in "dark things," and she thought that was what the beings were related to. As her father was dying in the hospital, he told her that in all of his searching for the truth, he hadn't found it. He wanted to know about Christianity, so she went down to the gift store in the hospital and found a Gospel track. She read it to her dad, and when she read, "Do you want to receive Jesus as your savior?" He said, "Yes," and she said yes too and they both prayed through the prayer in the track (this testimony gave me more respect for those tracks). After she came to Christ she understood that the beings were likely demons. She also tells the story of how a relative's daughter had an "imaginary friend" that seemed too real to be imaginary. The girl would get angry as she talked to this "friend" and would argue with it and then would become disobedient and angry for a while until she would go back to her normal self. I used to take my kids once a month to a nursing home and do a church service for the residents there. There was a woman who would be friendly and engaging when we arrived, but if we sang any song that mentioned the blood of Jesus, her eyes would roll back in her head, and she would start cursing and shrieking and would have to be taken out of the room. It happened enough times that we began to expect it as we got ready to sing certain songs. I discipled a high school student who told me of how when she was a child, there was a monster in her closet that was real. It had long claws and it would terrorize her at night, and she would wake up with scratches up and down her arms. Her grandmother was a medium and would have seances in the house, but the girl's parents didn't believe her stories and sent her to a psychiatrist. When she came to Christ, she began to pray through these encounters, and even if the creature came into the room, she had great peace, and it stopped touching her. My mom came to Christ as a young child and grew up in the church. Her parents helped to plant a church that is still thriving 75 years later. In her later years, my mom was discipling a young woman who was a recovering drug addict. The woman could not believe that God would forgive her for her sins. She would weep and confess and repent over and over, but she just couldn't believe that God could forgive her. She couldn't grasp grace and was tortured by her inability to do so. While my mom was meeting with this woman, my mom began to have an earache in one ear that just wouldn't go away. her doctor couldn't find any reason for it. One early morning, at about 2 AM, my mom woke up with a heavy pressure on her chest, like someone was sitting on her. She opened her eyes, and a hideous creature was sitting on her chest and staring at her. She was terrified and kept opening and closing her eyes to see if she was really awake, and she was. The creature had long claws, and one was stuck in my mom's ear twirling around and poking at her. It breathed into my mom's face, and the breath was rancid and filled the room. My mom told the creature to get off her chest and leave her alone. She belonged to Jesus and had the Holy Spirit living in her, and she commanded that the creature leave. And in that instant it was gone. In that instant her ear also stopped hurting, but the smell lingered for a while. In the morning when she met with the young woman she was discipling, the woman was full of joy and peace. She said that at about 2 AM, she had been praying and pleading with God to help her to receive grace and trust that God had forgiven her, and suddenly she felt free, and she understood how much God loved her. Yes. I believe that demons are real.
Nicely done gentlemen. I get real proud to be a Christian when I see dialogue exchanged with humility and an open mind. Deep dives into important issues with a Biblical worldview tailored for the unbelieving world. Be Blessed and all the best for your future.
I had a similar experience to Amy the nurse except I didn’t actually attempt to take my own life. Similarly, I was a devout Christian at the time and in between semesters in graduate school. School came easy for me, I was a straight A student working part time at a hospital. Before that, for seven years, I distinguished myself as a Christian leader in a combat unit over seas. I was known throughout my battalion as a devout Christian. I had no history of mental health issues. One day in Dec 09, I remember the exact moment, I was relaxing at the hospital studying old material, something changed; I became more acutely aware of my surroundings and what people were saying, even in the distance, but I also started hearing voices coming from some people that were ugly though they clearly were not speaking them out loud for all to hear in the physical realm. I became scared, like several scenes from Emily Rose or Passion of the Christ but everything was audible. The ordeal lasted several days but I was never the same. I was shaken so bad and it affected every facet of my life for years. I parachuted into combat as an airborne infantryman 6 years prior, did 2 combat tours and nothing I ever experienced in this natural life has come close to what I felt in those days. Nothing like that has happened since and I’ve been living a healthy happy life for years with my family. My experience strengthened my faith and healed me in ways I would have never imagined it would
Praise be to God Occasionally God gives us the gift of discernment, to know what people are thinking and believing in their small mindedness, despite what is coming out of their mouth. Under trial of pressure, anger loneliness, fear, Best to not let evil thoughts or evil words ensnare ourselves , but bring Jesus Christ into ever situation
Thank you for this interview and Billy, thank you for your book. My daughter had severe issues. I adopted her from Haiti and I believe she was exposed to evil spirits through voodu as a very young child. She was very angry about being rejected by her parents and adopted and in a strange land---which is normal. What was not normal was her expression of it. She had the suicidal "ideas" which were highly unusual as well as a number of the things you've discussed here. I met jointly with her Christian counselor and we listened to a litney of what the voices (there were 3 of them, one dominant. She could describe each one physically. She was 10 yo) I looked over at the counselor and there were tears streaming down his face. That was her last session. He said there was nothing more he could do for her. I turned to my church but they were ignorant. Some wanted to help but some thought I was crazy and a few shunned us out of fear of contamination. This was 2010. She got worse for a few years but I never gave up on her. We called it mental illness but I knew. I was finally able to get her long term residential treatment that helped her and she finally let go of her demons. I had demanded that from her 5 years earlier but I guess they were compelling in that they gave her a certain power. It's a long story and this is just a synopsis. I'm grateful for this video. It's helped to show I was on the right path to helping her and not in vain. It nearly destroyed me. But thanks to God I have recovered and she is happy healthy independent and free, living her life. ❤❤❤
Hi Sean, big fan of your ministry and your father’s. I listen to your podcast while I bike every morning. Thank you for your faithfulness to the Lord 🙏
I'm a pastor in Argentina, where there are many many Catholic saints and idols of all kinds, and have had to deal with multiple cases of possession, etc. Idolatry is nothing to play with!
@@halleylujah247 Santa Muerte is a demon dressed up with the appearance of Catholicism, but it is not Catholic. It translates into Saint Death. There is no such thing. It's just a straight up voodoo demon that Mexicans ask all kinds of immoral favors from. The drug cartels have adopted the demon as their patron. It's a really nasty cult.
Yeah, tell me about it. I was a fake carnival gypsy, never believed in anything supernatural, and treated it like light-hearted fun and games. Joke was on me! I reverted to Catholicism from atheism this past year, and that's when I learned how very real the supernatural was. The demons didn't like that and have really come out to play, so now I have an exorcist involved.
While working on my graduate degree i asked my professor if he had ever seen a case where demonic possession was misidentified as multiple personality disorder. He looked right at me and in front of the class said "absolutely, but secular behavioral science doesn't have any language for that and doesn't know what to do with it, and so they give it a label like MPD" (now known as Dissociative Identity Disorder")
The thing is with demons its all very well casting them out but then the house is empty so you have to fill it by walking in the spirit by being in the word and prayer DAILY
@@Mark-yb1sp Spending time in God's word (for the Bible was inspired by the Holy Spirit - reading it exposes you to the Holy Spirit and makes room for him); memorizing / meditating on Bible verses, chapters or books; prayer (e.g. 1 hour every morning); reducing worldly influence that tickles the flesh (instead of reading 2 hours on the Kardashians per day, make it 1.5; instead of three horror movies per day, make it 2; you get the general direction ;-)). And then the good old plain "obedience" to the commandments of God that you already know, and to those that the Holy Spirit reminded you of when reading the word of God or when praying. If necessary, try 1 day FASTING per week (e.g. every tuesday just water, bouillon, and maybe 3-4 hard-boiled eggs). Water only for a day per week is fine, also. Once per month, take a weekend off and spend time with God only. Once a year take a week off and spend time with God only. Then the presence of God will be with you. It may be helpful to have a prayer partner with whom you can hold eachother accountable. Fellowship with believers. E.g. Sunday church and 1 x per week Small group. Go to a counselor and pray for deliverance if necessary. And pray to God for wisdom on the next steps. Serving others with your gifts.
@@Mark-yb1sp RN gave you a really good answer to that. Biblically, “walk” is a metaphor for “live”. So, “walk in the spirit” means “live in the spirit”, not following the dictates of your body, your mind or your feelings. Your daily lifestyle choices are in obedience to the Holy Spirit’s counsel and guidance, and you cooperate with Him in everything you do, say, think and feel. Joseph Prince from Singapore teaches on this kind of lifestyle really well.
@@fooser77not necessarily. Spirits can be good or evil. Demons are evil. Holy souls from purgatory have been know to appear to people to appeal for prayers, for example.
I encountered someone who I thought had a demon. Her voice changed, which made my hair stand up. I felt so sorry for her. She was homeless, and I felt so helpless to make things better. I drove a taxi, and she hired me for a ride across town. Since she was a customer, I kind felt limited in how I could approach her problems. Looking back on that, I think could've spent a few more minutes engaging and finding out about her situation. I hope the Lord has reached her since that time.
Your prayers for her have power. If you haven't prayed for her yet, you still can. You can also learn to cast those nasty things out of people. Jesus said all his followers will. The world needs more who can these days.
Dad related an interesting story to me years ago. His aunt Eva and cousin Velma had gone to a so-called "healing" meeting at the Oneness Pentecostal church in Mississippi they attended. Well, both of them wound up being possessed, and when they got home they tried to kill Dad's uncle Luther. Several of their brothers were there and it took all of them to overpower these two little women. One was sent to the insane asylum in Memphis. The other went to the asylum in Jackson, MS. The doctors took notes on their behavior and what they were saying. Each seemed to be carrying on conversations with someone. After awhile, whatever had possessed them left, and they didn't remember a thing. Their doctors compared notes. They were horrified to see that when one asked a question, the other had answered that precise question, and back and forth. There were no cellphones back then. It was all quite eerie.
So they got possessed in a Pentecostal church. Wow! I believe it. As young girl, I was invited to one, and obe lady started screaming & twirling around & around. No one in the church was fazed by it. I guess that was a normal occurrence there, but I felt all the hair on my body rise.
This is weird because people get delivered of demons at these churches. Perhaps some are not of God, but i know ones that are. People are not surprised when they see people act strange because they know the demon is manifesting and the person, if being attended to, is getting set free if it.
I want to encourage you and explain that sometimes it’s a generation curse that comes up as a relatives manifest…they felt threatened in the Church so they openly expressed this Supernaturally. I pray deliverance occurred so these demons will not carry on into the next generation. 🙆🏻♀️🙏🏽❤️🕊️
perhaps Christians don't talk about it because they don't want to be plagued by evil. I am a Christian and have had encounters with demons while sleeping. I asked GOD in my dream what to do. HE told me to say stop in Jesus name. When this would happen I started praying for people in general who were dealing with evil spirits. It all stopped. The evil does not want you praying for others.
I had issues with demonic beings / evil spirits (what ever you chose yo call them) all my life. I always remember an unfriendly presence in the home, it came with us from house to house all my childhood. I can't explain exactly what it was but it terrified me, and my mum felt it too. I remember one night we took the dogs for a walk and something manifested in the field behind us, a dark crouching shadow lurking behind one of those miniature merry go round things on kids playgrounds. We both saw it, the dogs went nuts and we ran home. I always remember being afraid of the dark, it always lurked in the darkness. This went on for years, just a constant unfriendly presence. One day my grandmother passed away and things escalated. The days after her death were the worst, things happened in our house for weeks, things moving, noises etc. It tried to decieve us into believing it was her, it manifested in my room under my wall mounted tv, first using the image of my grandmother, and I welcomed it, it felt nice to see her again, then the next night it showed its true form. Dark, thin, slouched with long fingers, the most terrifying figure. Looking back I wonder if there was more than one of them, there was one night it was tormenting me as I was in bed, I woke up and screamed for my mum and she shouted back that she was experiencing the same thing. She had scratches on her legs the next morning. I couldn't enter my room for weeks after this, as soon as I opened my door my focus went straight to this spot where it had appeared, there was this dark terrifying energy there, I slept on the sofa insteaf. After a few weeks it went but odd things continued for years, until about 2 years ago. The night terrors had gotten worse than ever, it followed us to yet another house and would stand behind my bedroom door, a dark thin tall figure with piercing eyes, so tall it couldnt stand up straight under my ceiling, and such long fingers. I always remember those fingers. Every night it would terrorise me, around 2am, I couldnt sleep, i had crippling anxiety, Id wake in the night mid panic attack, unable to breath or move. I began researching this occurances, desperste to find some relief. I tried all the 'sciencey'' stuff, the breathing exercises, the positive bed time routines, exercise, changed my diet, no alcohol etc etc, but nothing worked, every night it came and now for the first time in my life it was moving closer to me as the nights went on. I would wake up in the night screaming at the top of my lungs, i thought it was going to kill me, smother me, strangle me. About this time, at my lowest and most scared, i started stumbling across scripture online. I was not a believer, I think it was out of absolute desperstion, I just wanted it to stop, so I kept reading. I read about Jesus having the power to cast out demons and I learned that anyone could come under his protection if they just believed in him (simplified, yes I know, but this was all I understood at the time, I was just looking for relief) So one night this thing started it's routine of terror, I woke up and started to scream, but something in me said no, no more. That night I screamed at that monster that it had no power over me any more, I declared that I was a child of God and a believer of Jesus and told it to leave. It didnt want to go, and I was so unsure of myself, I had never confronted it before. But i kept shouting, over and over, i started swearing at it, i got angry, declaring over and over that I belonged to God now. And to my absolute shock, it stopped, it just left. I couldnt believe it. After all this time it just left. It came back a few times and i just declared the same thing again, I wasnt its play thing any more. It was after this I started learning more about God and Jesus, and I began to understand why these things were happening and began changing the way I live. It doesnt come for me any more. I knew darkness long before I ever knew the light. I didnt even know there was light. This stuff is real but we have to remember that WE decide if it has power over us or not. I never knew I had a choice, I never knew that these things were real, as odd as that sounds, I thought I was mad. Now I know, and I avoid things that welcome these dark beings into our lives.
Terrifying. I'm so glad you turned to Jesus and were saved from the darkness. I myself come from a family that performed card readings for a living, and the evil oppression increased to the point that they needed to stop engaging in it. Bear in mind, my home had no Christians in it (I'm still the only one, unfortunately, but back then I was a child) so it wasn't like they stopped because of any preconceptions about it. They just had many negative "coincidences" happen every time they engaged in it, so they became afraid with time. So they experienced that darkness, but sadly they still haven't opened their eyes to the light of God and Jesus.
We are to not have fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them, but at the same time we are to not be ignorant of Satan’s devices. Very interesting video and work. Fascinating topic
I've been dealing with issues like this for several years now that I can't seem to shake. It's wiped me out at every level. I wish I could have a conversation with this guy.
He is an author investigating the subject. Not to put him down, but he doesn't necessarily Have experience and effectiveness at helping people dealing with demonic Harassment.
Listen to me. Find a small Christian group, go there, tell them what’s going on, and ask for prayer. Put your ego down and ask Jesus to take over…let him know that you need him, and what you’re doing isn’t working. He will completely obliterate what you are describing. I know because it happened to me ❤
Hello! If you Do not know Christ as Savior I would strongly encourage you to do so! It will be the best thing you’ll ever know and He will set you free! Just confess you are a sinner (we all are), turned to Him and believe on Him death blood and resurrection
Romans 10:9-10,13 KJVS [9] That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. [10] For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. [13] For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
The boys name from "The Exorcist" is fairly well know. His name was Ronald Hunkeler. He passed away during summer 2020. He was in his 80's. He worked for NASA as an adult and was very private about his experience.
I've had a demonic encounter in the midday. The sun was shining and I was fully awake. I've also had a few attacks where it would start out in my dream (the last thing in the dream I'd remember was demonic) and then I would wake up (it's like my body knew it was in danger so was on full alert) and can move and look at my surroundings. When evil makes its presence abundantly clear to you it is very scary, and I think it does need to be talked about more.
God isn’t just our deliverer, but also our healer. Watching this and praying for healing for the Amy lady who was spoken about around the 54 minute mark. 🙏🏼 Lord, walk in the room wherever she is and may your love and healing manifest in her body.
The story I heard about that one incident was that the kid walked up the wall BACKWARDS, and then did a flip and landed on his feet. So his face was actually pointing downward as he walked up the wall.
I had a few weird experiences. One that happened a while after my mom died. I was 19 and married with 2 children. I was having a hard time dealing with the loss of my mom. I woke up one night and thought I saw someone walk by my bedroom door. I sat up in bed and watched and listened. I didn't see or hear anything and decided I must have imagined it so I laid back down and tried to go back to sleep. Then I heard someone say my name. I sat up and my mom was sitting on the foot of my bed saying my name. She held out her hand and said come with me. I was looking at her and considering it but there was something not right about her smile and her eyes. It didn't look like my mom's kind smile. It looked mean, like she didn't like me at all. I laid back down, hugged my husband and squeezed my eyes shut and refused to look at her. She went away. I went to sleep again.
This sounds very consistent with what I've read about demons pretending to be the ghosts of deceased loved ones (such as through a spirit board) or often innocent child ghosts.
My grandmother explained this to me that you never trust a Spirit who can imitate your loved one or ask you to go with it….or manifest into a weak person but still trying to trick you into accompanying it. As an Indigenous Native American who is a Christian…she must of experienced or knew of someone who did.
My mom lost one of her grandfathers when she was a young woman and I was a small baby. She once told me how she went to clean his apartment and sort stuff out there after the funeral, and she took me with her. No one else was with us. At one point, she said, she looked up and saw her grandfather standing at the doorway. For a moment she felt like it was her grandfather for real, but the Holy Spirit told her to just start praying, and so she did. After a short while my mother said that the "grandfather" started smiling this unnatural weird smile, and eventually disappeared. And she was like woah, that was NOT my grandpa. (Who is in heaven.)
What made me believe in this stuff a little more was the fact that, in high school for a specific example, although most people i knew werent spiritual, were athiests or at least claim to not believe in the possibility of evil to come from ouija boards, most of them would still either stay away from them if it was bought up, or get visibly nervous and try to get out of the situation...the fact that around 9/10 people would show fear, or reverance, or avoid them despite claiming they were "fake" beforehand showed me that there was more to it than meets the yew
How about Denver International Airport that has Blucifer horse. Blue horse red eyes. The maker died in the making of this horse. Yet its used outside the airport. Besides other issues of that airport.
I have been a Bible-believing Christian (which is the only kind of Christian that really exists) for almost 40 years. The house I am currently living in and have lived in since 2004 was “haunted”/infested for about the first 10 years I lived here. There have been multiple witnesses to banging, footsteps, the sound of drawers and cabinets opening and closing, familiar voices calling out names, breathing in the ear, and even manifestations. When I visited a Bible study being led by a pastor I had known for over a decade and asked the group to pray for me, the pastor was clearly very angry. So much so that others in the group came up afterwards and offered me words of comfort because of his reaction. His theology didn’t allow for the possibility that what I was saying was true. Nevertheless, it WAS true. Occasionally something minor will still happen, but nothing like it did throughout all of those years. I can only assume that God has dispatched an angel to police the place or He has simply commanded that the spirit leave me alone.
God has given us dominion over these spirits, therefore you are able to command them to leave in Jesus' name. That Pastor doesn't sound like a Christian to me. Perhaps he has a bad spirit in him.
@@flowerpower2079 Not all Christians believe what charismatics and Pentecostals (I suspect you are one) believe about commanding demons. Some, like the pastor I mentioned, even believe that demons are locked up right now. I think that is unbiblical nonsense, but it doesn’t make someone a non-Christian if they believe that. I think the pastor was just a lousy pastor and an arrogant jerk. 😉
He was a covering over you Supernaturally and his responsibility was to bless your home and tell these things to leave IJN. I agree with my brethren though and that these entities LEAVE in the name of JESUS and I plead the Blood of JESUS as well over you and your family. I would quote out loud Psalms 91 and others that speak deliverance. Amen 🙏🏽 😊
I am a therapist and have worked in behavioral health settings with persons suffering from schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a real medical problem wherein the brain has deteriorated to some degree... I'll leave it at that... I have come to suspect this disorder works as an open door to the supernatural in some way. I came to that conclusion after a patient once told me, "the voices tell me that if I take my meds, it'll shut off the voice of God." The meds are designed to decrease these symptoms and or eliminate them. Unfortunately, many people suffering from this often become non-compliant with their meds and their symptoms reoccur & worsen. Typically, there is a religious nature to the "voices" people hear. It fascinated me the voices this patient was hearing would make a statement like that. For me, that was further evidence of the demonic realm where the disembodied souls of the Nephilim demonize human beings & it seems they use disability to amplify their reach and impact. Spiritually, I discerned what this patient was hearing was in fact demonic. Just thought I'd share my experience.
Jerry Marzinsky worked for 35 years in treating schizophrenia and he says very much the same things. He is wholly convinced they are demonic hauntings.
Sounds like the voices were trying to trick this patient so they could attack them more. It is interesting that often the voices those afflicted hear have an "intelligence" behind them. They're not always disjointed, nonsensical ramblings, even though schizophrenia is medically described as a "break" with reality. The voices sometimes heard are very aware of what's going on.
Agree there is a lot of overlap between psychiatric disorder and the spiritual. Since the c0vid jabbs I’ve had awful nightmares every night, leading me exhausted. I’ve also heard voices of family etc.
I've had reoccurring psychosis for years. I've seen things. Blaming mental illness is not only dismissive, it's ignorant. Who knows what psychosis really is. It feels like a spiritual experience. If you've never had it, don't try to explain it.
I lived in a house for 7 years about 16 years ago. The first day we moved in my husband, 3 kids and I was all vomiting by evening. Well, we thought we had some sort of stomach issues . My 4 year old daughter had terrible nightmares, my 5 year old son said he saw objects moving by themselves, cups, plates and small furniture, both kids were scared at times. My husband was never affected by anything , but I think what ever was living in our house was mostly focused on me. When my husband was out working and kids were at school, that’s when things happened. It was an older two story house, the upstairs was an addition added 10 years earlier. My experiences were spread out during the 7 years we lived there. I would hear strange sounds, howls, sometimes dark voices but could not make out the words. Sometimes I felt like my hair was being poked, and I was touched on arms and shoulders. Lights would blink and turn on and off. One night there was a smell next to my bed of rotten flesh, I felt something was standing there. I heard furniture move and felt something sitting down beside me on the couch. At times I felt very nauseous and then get a wave of anxiety. But one time something walked right through me, that was scary ! It got worse when I started having anger issues, I yelled at my husband and kids for the smallest things, I got so angry that my chest was hurting and I was losing control, I didn’t feel like it was me, more like something took control of me. That made me feel depressed and more anxious. I asked some neighbour’s if they knew of any history of our house, they said some crazy stuff has happened there. There are many more things that happened there, and I am confident to say the house was inhabited by a demon entity. After selling the house and moving away, we have never felt or experienced anything like that, neither before living there or after.
Actually I dont think the NT talks a lot about the demonic. Yes Jesus and the first disciples expelled demons from individuals, but that was about it when it came to day to day experience. The reality is few people experience the demonic or any other real 'spiritual' forces directly. That isnt to deny their reality but rather it's important not to emphasize them in any way. And I noticed references to fear a lot in the comments, 'freaking out' etc. While these may be natural human reactions to such experiences, if there's one thing that Jesus did not show when dealing with the demonic it was fear. Why? Because He knew He already had complete authority over any and every demonic being. And He has passed that authority onto His followers.
During the story of Amy 54:39, Billy mentioned that her trauma ceased around the same time she'd been taken off her medicine and through prayer... I wonder if the medicine kept her from standing her ground, mentally and spiritually?
Pastor Chuck Misler has an interesting sermon video on RUclips titled "The Nephilem and Their Return" that delves into some of the issues discussed in this video. Good video on the topic.
Those of us who have encountered demons, no longer believe in demons, we know they exist. There's a difference in believing and knowing. And how sad it is for them that don't even believe.
I don't believe in ghosts. What I do believe is that demons will use lies to lead you away from the Truth, and that lie could take the form of a loved one. Point is, if I ever saw my dead grandfather in my home, I wouldn't feel comforted in the slightest, I would be rightfully terrified.
Our ministry is composed of ex-newagers now born again Christians. We can attest there is great danger in spiritism,new age,paganism,divination etc. One opens to demonic influence and deception which works in some sort of psycho-spiritual way, almost like mind control. We were blessed to be taken out of that path, and agree there should be more information in the Christian church about this. Some allegedly Christian churches are falling for it with great danger for them and their followers (check Christallignment and Christian tarot readings as an example).
Probably shouldn't be listening to this alone at night. Just heard something downstairs, probably totally fine, but yikes. I'll finish this up tomorrow.
Some people think that ghosts will face judgement after years of haunting anything, and anyone. Others believe that ghosts haunt but will not face judgement.
Sean, you said that the next story really freaked you out and that kind of got to me because these things really do freak me out. But you then proceeded to say it happened in Indiana which REALLY freaked me out because I'm from indiana 😳 You should look into whispers estate in Mitchell Indiana. I actually used to live right down the block from it.
Ask any worship leader or team member if they have had the enemy ask them, “Who do you think you are?” My worship leader heard it, and so have I. I suppose anyone in a major leadership position within a church or ministry could have had the same experience.
Great discussion thanks so much. I think it is helpful to understand the motivation of the fallen. It also make it easier to rationalize and explain why they do what they do and not just the method.
All my life I have been plagued with mental health issues and demonic attack; hoping/praying I can rise above my recklessness and illness as I repent; praying it's not too late to be saved. I'm worried, for though I want to know Christ Jesus and live arightly...
It's not too late to be saved! I pray the Lord would open your heart to receive Him. The Bible teaches that none of us can be saved by our good deeds, we can only be saved by the mercy of God. That's why God sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross and pay the penalty for our sins. All you need to do is receive the Lord by believing that Jesus died and rose from the dead. Put your faith in Him, I promise you that this is the best decision you can make 🧡
I’m in the disembodied spirit camp and very much admire Dr. Heiser- many Deliverence specialists say demons are more like a nuisance- and Fallen angels are quite different.
A lot of churches are in the “Sons of Seth/Daughters of Cain” explanation for Genesis 6 passage regarding Nephilim. My Sunday school teacher talking about Genesis 6 thought I was crazy when I brought up that I believe the obvious reading of the Genesis 6 passage refers to “sons of God” (fallen angels) mating with human women. He told me he thought I was wrong.
LT the Sethite view is non nonsensical to me. Pastors have been taught this in seminary for decades. They basically ignore the Gen 6, Duetoronomy 32 worldview all together.
From the chat: "EssenceofPureFlavor - according to scripture, Saul spoke to a dead Samuel. If that's true, then it's definitely possible to communicate with the dead." - Don't forget that the witch of Endor told him that it definitely was not Samuel.
I’ve seen real exorcisms and deliverances so I am 100% convinced demons are real. It’s a tragedy how the role of the Holy Spirit is so little emphasized in most churches.
I had a friend in H.S. who got mysteriously and really sick after starting using a ouija board and didn’t get better until she disposed of it. DON’T MESS WITH IT!
I heard of atheist who played with the board and after had a ghost boy following him. After this he came to Jesus Christ because he knew that there was more to his atheist POV,and the ghost/demon went away.
@@RioT1234-r3i ME TOO! I was an atheist for over 20 years and never believed in anything supernatural, but I loved fantasy and science fiction, and I got cast as a gypsy witch fortune teller at a Renaissance Faire. I learned to read tarot cards but always treated it like light-hearted entertainment. Then last winter I started thinking about the Catholic Church that I grew up in and wondering if maybe, just maybe, it was all real after all. I actually got miraculously converted in a church. And that pissed off the demons enough to show themselves. I had no idea any of it was real. I thought I had gotten rid of them on my own last spring, but it turns out I didn't, because the stupid things have come out of the woodwork again and have been messing with not only me but a friend of mine. So now I have an exorcist involved. So, the moral of the story is that even if you don't believe in any of it and are just treating it like a parlor game, you might as well put a neon Demons Welcome sign above your head
Bless you beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation ( LIVING FOUNTAIN ORPHANAGE FOUNDATION.) in Lagos state Nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details. Here their official email (livingfountainorphanage07@gmail.com) tell him I sent you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you.
Historia: Soy cristiano, pero a veces dudo de estás cosas, pero hace unos días un amigo y un de personas de mi iglesia estaba visitando una nueva familia que llegó a nuestra congregación, en un momento, el se queda esperando afuera de la casa cuándo sale la niña más que pequeña de la familia... La niña se le acerca, y luego le dice que ella tiene un amigo... y el dice: que bueno!, cuéntame más... Ella dice que no es solo un amigo, sino que le ayuda a dormir y le da poderes... En ese momento mi amigo puso cara de sospecha....👀 Ella le dice: mira! en ese momento la niña hace un gesto con la mano e hizo que se apagaran los postes de luz de la calle, los encendía y los apagaba cuando cerraba la mano y la abría... Mi amigo quedó sorprendido... Y algo shoqueado, pero sabía que en nuestra ciudad a veces las luces de la calle no funcionan bien... Entonces pensó que todo había Sido un truco. En ese momento la niña le dijo, sé que no me crees, así que mira esto: En ese momento la Niña apunto con su su mano dos bolsas de basura que estaban en la calle, (bolsas negras llena de basura). Y en ese momento las elevó, las hizo flotar, las dos bolsas, a una altura que le permitía ver el piso claramente, todo eso frente a sus ojos... Mi amigo quedó realmente sorprendido! muy intrigado!, no esperas que una niña pequeña de 8 años haga algo así!... En ese momento, entro en la cocina! y hablo con la mamá, y le pregunto si sabía algo de eso, la mamá le dijo que ya varias personas le han comentado que algo raro estaba pasando. Pero que la niña no se anima a contarle personalmente... luego el volvió a la niña y le pregunto cómo aprendió a hacer eso, la niña le dijo que su tía le dijo como... El pregunto quién era su tía, y la mamá le confesó que la tía practicaba santería... Además confesó que el padre (un católico, que no va a nuestra iglesia) estaba muy preocupado y que estaba buscando algún sacerdote que viniera a orar en la casa... En ese momento el entendió que pasaba... Dejó a la familia y nos contó lo que había pasado... Y pues ya te puedes imaginar lo que vamos a hacer... Está semana estarán varios miembros de la iglesia visitando la familia para orar por la familia... Se lo que estás pensando... talvez sea todo inventado, pero estoy hablando de algo que me dijo mi amigo en primera persona, el no tiene ninguna razón para inventar algo, y yo mismo pude ver a la niña hace unos días... ahora van a ir a orar. A mí no me invitaron... Y honestamente tampoco Quiero ver qué pasara...
Regarding how a skeptic might write off these events, I can say personally that I don't look at it in those terms. Both of you mention several times that events occurred which could not be explained. I agree. Where I differ is, as a skeptic, I don't then proceed to explain them anyway. When a natural explanation for something eludes me, I take the view that: 1) The fact that I and those I have talked to cannot arrive at a natural explanation doesn't mean no one could, just that we can't. 2) Even if no living person can provide a natural explanation, that in no way demands a supernatural one. Take the issue of a solar eclipse happening before humans had any concept of astronomy. At the time, the only explanations available were supernatural or "heck I don't know" and leave it there. I leave it there.
Thanks for sharing your perspective! For me, I tend to go toward the best explanation that I have, rather than no explanation if the conclusion would be supernatural. If the supernatural does exist, I wouldn’t want to put myself in a position that I would never be convinced of it. However, if a natural explanation exists, I prioritize that over the supernatural.
@@gigahorse1475 I could be convinced of a supernatural explanation, it would just take a lot. For instance, if a ghost appeared to me, I'd have to weigh being convinced against the possibility that I was hallucinating. Since I don't know that ghosts exist, but I know for sure that illnesses that cause hallucinations do exist, my conclusion would be go to the hospital, I most likely have a serious neurological disorder and need medical care. If multiple people saw it with me, then I'd start believing.
Sean, I, as a Christian, was listening to this podcast and wondering. Why, when we’re talking about demons and possessions, do we always seem to bring up the Catholic Church? Their doctrine isn’t the same doctrine as the Holy Bible ye they seem to be the go to church when these problems exist
Because of movies and media and the demonic prevalence in the Catholic church and that they do "exorcisms." Personally, i would stay far away. More likely to _get_ a demon than get rid of one.
Where I believe that ‘talking boards’ are evil and would never play with one. I have heard that Various studies have been conducted, recreating the effects of the ouija board in the lab and showing that, under laboratory conditions, the people were moving the planchette involuntarily. What are your thoughts on this. Many thanks
@@SeanMcDowell good day Sean, this is what I could find but I admit I’ve not read it personally - professor of neurology Terence Hines in his book Pseudoscience and the Paranormal (2003): he states “A dissociative state is one in which consciousness is somehow divided or cut off from some aspects of the individual's normal cognitive, motor, or sensory functions.” I would really love to hear your thoughts on it from a sceptical point of view from critics - I personally am a Christian and would never mess around with a Ouija board but I’m not sure about it regarding some critics point of view. Many thanks
@@mrsq117 remember, scientists just make educated guesses and their studies are only as strong as the scientific method (and personal commitment to the truth) they stand on. If a scientist already has a bias, already thinks it's hogwash, their entire "study" will be about finding, even inventing, evidence against it, sometimes innocently. Sometimes. The title of the study you listed doesn't seem unbiased at all. A scientist must go in open to whatever evidence comes out. A real scientist knows that one study or experiment does not prove or disprove anything absolutely. It just adds to a body of data.
This is very common in India. Anand pillai testimony after converting to Christianity gives a very detailed explanation of what happened in his family with demonic oppressions.
Thanks! "Believed she was a Christian"? Oh come on. She was a Christian if she was baptized and going towards Heaven. She obviously needed deliverance.
This is going to sound like a really inappropriate joke, but I'm pretty sure my ex gf was demon possessed. She was suicidal, was scratch and bite, scream incoherently and was a cutter, a few months later we were talking about it and she said, roughly, "when I was like that I felt like I was someone else and that someone else had a name," and when I googled the name it was the name of a demon from Japanese mythology.
Did you minister deliverance to her? Jesus told us that in His Name we would drive out demons, that through Him, we could exercise His authority over all the powers of the enemy.
@@theuncoveredlamp Poor girl! We can pray that she is brought to deliverance through the wonderful power of Jesus’ death, burial, resurrection and ascension, yeah?
Robbie, or Roland Doe as he was also labeled died in 2020. After his death, there has been information released about him and the true events that took place during his exorcism. The priests who were participants in that exorcism have revealed information as well.
Either Adblock plus or tell McDowell to demonetize his channel, which would not be a bad idea given that the only goal of his channel is to pass the message, right?
I may be done with collage with a bachelor's in history, but I'm very interested in Self Education. The certificate may be a little pricy, but for getting back to the joy of learning, it could be worth it.
Hi Sean, Great interview by the way as it was with Dr Michael S Heiser. I've has almost all of Mike's books and he really puts things into perspective! I'm from Swansea in Wales in the UK. Its a smallish seaside city on the South Wales coast! I love the shows as they are very eye opening and interesting due to the depths of the topics! I spent 10 years in ans out of a Mental institution. I was diagnosed with schizophrenia about 6 months after becoming a believer in Jesus Christ as my saviour. I didn't have fellowship at all for reasons I can't explain now but Satan's cronies soon went to work on me. Being a green Christian and ignorant I had no idea what happening to me. I did but to explain it because it sounded crazy. Today some 20 years on I am fully recovered which was a slow process and I have a full understanding what happened to me. Mental illness? There is no such thing. People are either possessed or oppressed by demons that all. It is as simple as that!!! I have seen demons attacked to professing believers in church environments but haven't said anything to them because many so called Christians are easily offended. Not to mention the numerous masons running our church environments. I was ordained in 2011 and the Lord called me out of the as I was attacked for speaking and pointing out the truth! I have a great and wonderful relationship with the Lord but fellowship would be icing on the cake tongue in check! Keep up the great work and be blessed abundantly in Yahushua Ha Meshiach.
Hi brother, I think we need to seek out fellowshop actively. It does not come automatically always. Maybe a church is not perfect, but still consider to join it. There may be individuals at churches that you can meet or team up with.
@@rn9940 The first thing a pastor/minister does when a new face enters the church ask them their name and where did followship previously. The next thing had does after you've gone your separate ways and picks up the phone to your previous church(es) to find out about you! The churches in the city I live are all run by freemasons. If they don't want you in their mists they will make life really uncomfortable for you until you leave. Always with a smile!!! I'm happy and at peace and full of joy with my fellowship with Lord daily and throughout the day! These churches are not interested in the truth, only that they control all and mislead the people. These people are not born again because you cannot serve two masters. You will love one and hate they other and they don't want to disclose their secrets because it exposes them for what they really are, sheep in wolves clothing! This is the end of the age! Blessings in Yahushua Hameshiach🤗❤️🙏
When I was younger, I used to dream about fighting demons. The whole idea of being a monster hunter was really appealing to me. As I now get older, I have come to realize what hubris that was to think that I could spar with supernatural beings. Because in the end I was always thinking of it based on My own strength despite giving lip service to God who strengthens me. As you get into scripture you realize that God is not wanting to turn anyone into demon hunters. He will take care of the demons, we are commanded to stand firm. This doesn't mean that we ignore demonic presences, in Christ we should have no fear of them for the only thing they can do is ruin our bodies. (Of course I realized that the ruining of a body is something to fear for most people). The problem comes when we ignore the signs of their presence and try to pass it off with some earthly explanation. There is no earthly remedy for a demonic presence. They're really good at their job and disguising themselves with earthly explanations, but when we write off demonic activity as a possible cause we can leave a rot in the system that can destroy families churches and areas.
I remember my brother and I had quite the childhood growing up. He wasn’t the brightest or best kids around. One time he decided it would be a great idea to burn a bible inside a lit candle pentagram in the yard where the pool normally would sit in the summertime. Well, I think that day he released or summoned something onto our property and into our lives. The candles stayed lit for days, the final one not burning out for another few days after. It’s also important to not that they were just the small little tea candles too. How they burned for so long I will never know but they did. At the time we were living on a property with 2 houses. One was my grandparents house, the other me, my dad, and mom lived in. He had a room over at my grandparents he would stay in. One day, while home alone apparently he awoke sometime late at night because the fan was making a weird noise. He got up and looked around his dimly lit room and the fan wasn’t even plugged in. Nothing was turned on not the TV, lights or anything. But in the corner of his room behind the TV something was making a screeching like sound, so he quickly booked it over to our house and didn’t sleep over there for a while. Some other strange events occurred, some I personally witnessed some my mom some him, a few rare occasions we all witnessed something. Another one which is the weirdest, strangest thing me and a group of friends have ever experienced in our lives is something I don’t really expect anyone to believe. Anyways, me and a group of friends used to go over a friends house who lived right up the road from where I lived. It’s also important to note we lived out in the country, not very many houses around and when there were houses they were usually spaced pretty far apart. We had a little like bass thing going there we had built, had a fire pit in the middle and a nice wall made of pallets around it. Well for weeks we had rocks get thrown at us from the nearby woods. At first I thought my one friend Scott was just messing with me or something but every time he denied it. So one day while it was happening we recorded him in front of us on a phone to prove he wasn’t the one doing it because we could never catch him throwing any stones. We looked at the footage afterwards and to our surprise he wasn’t throwing them or messing with us. Eventually after we did this it just kept getting worse. Each time we would hang out the stones got larger and it would only ever happen once it reached nighttime grow worse as the nights went on. One day we were out there right around dusk, we had a fire going and 4 total of my friends outside playing hanging out you know like teens typically do. 2 of my friend went inside one to use bathroom other to make some food. Well that just left me and Scott outside alone. That day I had brought my rifle over to target practice too, but right when it started getting dark I started feeling really uneasy. So I told Scott I was gonna head in and he should come with me but he refused and said he would stay with the fire outside as he didn’t wanna leave it unattended. So I said okay and started back to the house when he started screaming “dude there’s something out here dude come back!” So I hesitantly came back but at a distance because I was getting really freaked out, trying to figure out what was going on. So he keeps telling me there’s something in the woods and he saw it, I saw rustling behind a nearby tree so I quickly told him I’ll be right back went inside told my 2 other friends that they need to get out there now. So I go back, he’s still flipping out now he is putting more stuff into the fire to get it going better. So I walk over close to him trying to figure out what the hell he is flipping out about. Was it an animal? A person? Nope. I look at the tree where he’s pointing and see a tall, pale white sickly looking, humanoid like thing that quickly hid as soon as we spotted it. Really fucked up looking thing, don’t really know what it was. So what do we decide to do? Scott picks his BB gun up and starts shooting in its direction trying to scare it off and telling it to go away. For some weird reason at this point, I no longer have a feeling of run but rather to stay and fight back, like I needed to be there with my friend and if I had left him all alone out there whatever that thing was in the trees was going to get him or hurt him. So I stayed. We tried everything to get it to go away but it never did. Eventually my other friend jake comes out and we well him what’s going on he can’t believe it until he saw it for himself too. So, with my rifle in hand i start firing rounds at it. I only had 10 rounds left after target practice so I really had to make them count. I shot one at the tree and not even joking after the shot rang through the forest we heard it scurry away, way faster than any person, maybe an animal could do it, then it came back to the same spot it was just in. I never did see it run because there was a thicket all around in the trees and I couldn’t tell exactly which way it was going. But I couldn’t believe it came back. So Jake yells at me to fire again so I did and it came back yet again. Gerald, my other friend comes out finally after hearing us fire rounds off asking what’s going on and he just DOES NOT believe us at all period. He then decides he’s gonna go around the side of it and try to take a look with a flashlight in hand we begged him not to do it but he did anyways and once he finally got in line with the tree it was behind he saw it and came running back saying “I believe you” over and over. At this point Jake is praying, asking it to go away, Scott screaming at it to go away chucking rocks doing everything for it to leave but it just won’t leave. So with the little cell service I had I called my mom at like 12am at night and was almost crying for her to come pick us up. It felt like it took years for her to get there but we all hopped in the car except Scott who just had to put the fire out but Jake and me told him screw that fire who cares we need to leave now dude so we had to almost drag him into the car to leave that place. Then we went back and just sat and talked about it all night. Sadly it did not end there either… also please note that my friends house we were at, Scott, his parents were bad drunks and slept most of the time when they weren’t drunk. I don’t think they ever woke up or ever even knew what happened there that night which is pretty crazy. Hope you guys enjoyed
(I edited a few things after I talked to my husband some more and he jogged my memory) My husband is a police officer and he dealt with a guy years ago that he believed was demon possessed. The man did an effortless one-arm pushup with my husband on top of him in full gear on his back (about 300 pounds). The police were there for an EMS assist, the man's wife called 911 since he was having some kind of episode, and the minute my husband walked in the room he attacked my husband (who is a Christian). The man was tased multiple times and he was talking each time he got tased. Once the man was finally arrested and placed in the ambulance, something suddenly changed and he was calm and couldn't remember anything that had just happened. My husband and the other officer were fighting for their lives, by the grace of God they were unharmed. The struggle against this man was so violent every piece of equipment on their duty belts and in their pockets was all over the room. I'm thankful we serve a God who is greater and He protected my husband that day.
Wow, thanks for sharing. I’m glad your husband is okay!
@@SeanMcDowell I am too! so scary
That reminds me of praying for officers all over the world
@@pamgessler5923 has anyone ministered deliverance to him?
So sad 😯 We need to remember to pray for help for him.
My Aunt went totally mad after a Ouija board session. She would squeal like a swine and speak in various voices at the same time. She remained this way for forty years or so. Until she became sick and had to be in rehab for a time. A Baptist minister who happened to be making rounds there, went In the room and prayed with her. She called my dad, and told him how happy she was, and that she had given her life to the Lord. She said she was going home the next day. That night she passed away in the facility. No apparent causes other than natural. We saw it as a mercy.
It sounds like the Baptist minister had a divine appointment with your aunt that day.
@@marcywheaton5937 We think so
You sure it was a Baptist minister? That does not sound right at all.
@@lilyw.719 Amazing isn’t it. I agree, it doesn’t sound right. But it’s a fact.,Typically the Baptists are not as well versed in spiritual warfare. But the truth he spoke broke through. The Word is the Word, regardless of who speaks it.
A Baptist minister is exactly who I would want.
Gary Indiana Christian here!! I actually worked with Latoya Ammons cousin and he told about experiences he personally had staying over at her house. His mother eventually forbade him from going over there. Before it was torn down I went by it you could tell it was definitely off! I'm a lifelong Christian growing up under the tutelage of Dr Jack Hyles and I have had personal encounters with demonic oppression while deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan in the Marines. My faith and the full armor of God kept me and my friends safe!
I'll never forget that video of Jack Schaap simulating stroking his unit with a bow and arrow in front of the congregation.. I know he was Hyles' son in law but man I wouldn't appoint that guy to do anything.
@Mike, how awesome!! And Semper Fi!!! My dad’s a Marine! 🇺🇸
I am a missionary who has lived and served in some of the spiritually darkest places in the world. I have encountered demonic presence frequently including demon possession. Coming from a Lutheran background it was a stretch for me to see the reality of demon manifestations. Not anymore. Taking authority over all the power of darkness has been instrumental in our (my wife and me) mission work to those of other faiths and beliefs. Revealing divine power in the Precious Name of Jesus confirmed our message of salvation to multitudes! I am just finishing my first book detailing our mission work.
Did you cast out demons of both believers and non-believers?
loved it. just make sure in your book only christ and his ministry of reconsiliation is exalted above all supernatural encounters. many in my country already believe the supernatural, but they need to know the story of jesus who is more than a exorcist.
God bless you for the work you do!😊
Dear Mark,
is your book out now?
Praise Jesus
Our family had issues with what we believe was demonic activity when I was young. My dad would listen to Art Bell's late night paranormal show on his way home from the night shift and tell us kids the weird stories on there. We ate it up. There were tons of ghost story shows on TV that we would watch as well and us kids would even try to go "ghost hunting" ourselves at times. My mom never liked any of it and would continually warn us that we were opening ourselves up to the demonic by focusing on it.
Weird things started happening: hearing sounds like footsteps that couldn't be explained, most of us saw figures that we still can't explain, cameras set up to see if we could catch anything on film would turn themselves off, once had a shelf of old music boxes all go off at once despite no one touching them in months. And just a feeling I can only describe as oppressive.
One night my dad had had enough and went through the house with a Bible one room at a time after everyone was asleep. He would say "in Jesus name, get out". Everything stopped.
We should have learned them, but although we were less obsessed with the paranormal, we still didn't let go of it. Stuff started happening again although not as severe. We finally agreed my mom was right and banned any entertainment to do with ghosts or demons from the house and Dad went through with a Bible again.
That was nearly two decades ago and nothing ever came back. I became a Christian shortly after it all ended (parents and siblings already were), and I still remember going to the basement by myself for the first time that day and just saying to the empty rooms "I'm a Christian now and I'm not scared of you anymore." Silly, maybe, looking back but to my kid mind that was quite the bold declaration.
Tay H wow thank you for sharing
Please may I ask what did the figures look like, where they like a shadow or like an apparition
@@mrsq117 it varied, some looked more like shadows others looked like solid people. I saw one that looked exactly like one of my siblings and then turned and realized I was seeing double...so that was weird.
@@tayh.6235 wow that must have been frightening, was it through these experiences that you became a Christian
@@mrsq117 I had been considering it for some time already since we were going to church the whole time. A family member ending their own life around the same time period was more of a catalyst for me as it brought the finality of death to my attention in a life altering way.
@@tayh.6235 oh I’m sorry to hear that, such a horrible situation and difficult time.
Did you ever question the activity you experienced or were you and your family fully convinced of the reality of them.
Sorry for all my questions, hope you don’t mind me asking
I’m a born again believer and I had a numerous experiences I attributed to demonic presence. The most prevalent one being I was in a tunnel one time with my brother and friend and I believe 100% that I heard demonic voices. The tunnel we went to is locally called “Satan’s tunnel” in Northern California. These voices moved closer to us and surrounded us. I’ve never felt so afraid in my life and these voices only disappeared after I started praying in Jesus name. I try to be careful when I talk about this cause I don’t want to lead people to look for these experiences. Praise God he kept me safe and His Grace covers my sin for looking for these things in the past. God Bless!
Oh please just STFU will you? No surprise there is ZERO evidence for any of the childish crap you are trying to pass off as a real experience. It's really delusional, we'll give you that.
Wow, you have quite the vivid imagination.
Seek help.
I understand why you are hesitant to tell such a story because people will go looking for it, but an unbeliever might become a believer if they did. You are a very caring and responsible and credible person.
I appreciated reading your story and I thought you were describing the train tunnel up the street from me (in Southern California). The locals call it something with "devil" in the name, I believe. I have no desire to visit it. Bad things have happened there. It's near the Manson caves.
Glory the Father Praise Jesus , amen ❤❤..
Thank you guys for this video. The bible ofcourse talks about the reality of demons. But my experience was with my son at the age of 9 to 10. He would wake up so scared right around 3 am several times month and would run out of our house as if someone was chasing him. Finally we had to put locks high up on our doors so that he couldn't reach so he couldn't run out again. And finally we took him to a Pastor that we knew of that prayed deliverance over him and it ceased all together. We don't know how it all started with him but we thank our Lord Jesus Christ that he is free! ❤
Whoa, that's crazy. I'm so glad to hear he and your family are doing well now!
amen, thank God, just make sure your beautiful boy know the true Gospel of salvation so that his nationality is the kingdom of light. all we need is jesus whether demons harass us or not. christ has overcome the world
Amen! Many Christian’s have taken deliverance out of Jesus’s ministry.
Did he watch a horror movie?
So interesting! My reading list is getting out of control after watching all of these interviews 😬
Same here, im running out of space on my bookcase
I'm in the same boat
Somebody should make a Goodreads list or Reddit post with the book titles. I haven't seen all the interviews but am curious about the books.
Hahaha, I saw this comment and just had to say SAME
@@sngwiz love .
Over the past couple of years, cable tv has become absolutely saturated with tv shows regarding the paranormal--ghost hunting, bigfoot, UFOs...you know, all of that stuff that can be so compelling. I started watching...and cartoon television is saturated with so much worse--demonology, witchcraft, divination, necromancy....etc. Seriously, no matter where you look you cannot get away from this stuff, for adults AND children alike. I asked a pastor once why Christians aren't talking about this, and I was stunned to have him explain to me that when people talk about these things to him, he simply smiles and nods, and changes the subject. I was heartbroken by this attitude. Our kids and young adults are being inundated with some of the most terrifying things, and we, as Christians, pretend like it's not out there, like it's not true. How can passively sit and watch and entire generation be lost to the enemy, because we don't know how to answer these inconvenient questions, or we prefer to pretend like it simply does not exist. It's shameful. We profess to believe in a God who is SPIRIT. HE saw fit to warn us about demons and the spiritual realms, but we keep our mouths clamped shut because we're "afraid of drawing attention to it" ?!! Believe me, it's out there. Spend a day watching secular television, surfing youtube, watching children's tv....you can't deny that our kids are being attacked in a very big way....and we, the brethren do NOTHING. We need to do better, brothers and sisters. When your child knows more about the spiritual realm than you do, you're in trouble. You might not be able to glean all of the answers from scripture, but at the very least we need to know what the Bible says about it, and we need to have very open, candid conversations with our kids--because whether you know it or not, they ARE having conversations about it with someone....I want to thank you both for this video. I hope it starts a real conversation among Christians. I'm looking forward to reading this book, I'm ordering it before I go to bed. God bless, and keep these videos coming, I'm so thankful that I found this channel.
PLEASE DUDE...revise and cut it down please! Keep it at only 2 or 3 sentences, because its a Turn off when we see "Read More"....Translation? Want to REad Less
Couldn’t agree more. I came out of the New Age world 50 years ago and I’ve been watching this demonic realm gradually taking over the media and entertainment industries. This has been made possible by the gradual decline in the influence of biblical Truth in our culture. And that comes down to the churches who have turned away from the Bible and turned to human wisdom as their guide. Our Lord is Sovereign and He warned of these perilous times. Truth is indeed our only weapon. Biblical Truth is a powerful shield and sword and I believe we will increasingly need to use that Truth to stand firm in a world that is paganising even the little children. Be prepared, this is only the beginning, the satan has an agenda and Christians are not immune, we must know the biblical way to deal with the demonic and trust in the Lord Jesus to guide us.
Tamatha Williams--I 💯% agree with you. Thank you for what you wrote here 👏🏻
@@U.S.bill2066but what if what he/she wants to say can't be fit in a few sentences?
Bizarre post by you!
@@Dienekes678 I already said. If its too long, people get turned off. Sorry if you want to be Walt Whitman in your responses, but yours are too long. Thats all I was saying. Bizarre Response to my comment. Get OUT of your computer. There's another world out there
I came to Christ as a small child and grew up in the church. My very best friend when I was going to a Christian elementary school had a grandmother who was a medium. My friend warned against anything of the occult and told me things that made me take it all very seriously, something I've always been thankful for. When I was going in to 7th grade at our church winter camp, there was a girl who walked up the side of an A-frame building and begin growling and shrieking in a voice that was not human. If you've ever heard a lion growl from a long-distance away at a zoo, you have a little understanding of that sound. It was terrifying. The voice shrieked profanity and said that it would murder the girl by throwing her off the roof of the building. The staff rounded up all the campers and moved us back to our cabins where we spent time praying for the girl. I don't remember if they told us anything about her or what happened after that.
My older sister was going to Biola, and there was a girl on her floor in the dorms that they all thought was demon possessed. Her roommate would not sleep in the room with her because she spoke in scary voices in the night and slept with a large knife under her pillow. When the roommate went to the administration wanting to change rooms, they didn't take her seriously, so she slept on the floor in a different dorm room. She was terrified to go into her room for anything. Later that semester the girl with the voices and the knife was out in the bushes in her pajamas one night, shrieking in those voices and making threats to kill the girl. Campus security (I think) was trying to get her to calm down. As far as I know, the school never told what happened or addressed it in a public way, but the girl left the school, and the roommate got her room back.
A good friend of mine before she was a believer had an experience where dark beings were trying to get into her house. They would knock on the window, and she would run and lock it. Then they would pound on the door, and she would run and make sure it was locked. They kept doing this, knocking and banging on different parts of the house, and she was terrified, but she was aware that they weren't humans. Her father was into spiritual practices like traveling out of his body on the 3rd eye. She believed that he was involved in "dark things," and she thought that was what the beings were related to. As her father was dying in the hospital, he told her that in all of his searching for the truth, he hadn't found it. He wanted to know about Christianity, so she went down to the gift store in the hospital and found a Gospel track. She read it to her dad, and when she read, "Do you want to receive Jesus as your savior?" He said, "Yes," and she said yes too and they both prayed through the prayer in the track (this testimony gave me more respect for those tracks). After she came to Christ she understood that the beings were likely demons.
She also tells the story of how a relative's daughter had an "imaginary friend" that seemed too real to be imaginary. The girl would get angry as she talked to this "friend" and would argue with it and then would become disobedient and angry for a while until she would go back to her normal self.
I used to take my kids once a month to a nursing home and do a church service for the residents there. There was a woman who would be friendly and engaging when we arrived, but if we sang any song that mentioned the blood of Jesus, her eyes would roll back in her head, and she would start cursing and shrieking and would have to be taken out of the room. It happened enough times that we began to expect it as we got ready to sing certain songs.
I discipled a high school student who told me of how when she was a child, there was a monster in her closet that was real. It had long claws and it would terrorize her at night, and she would wake up with scratches up and down her arms. Her grandmother was a medium and would have seances in the house, but the girl's parents didn't believe her stories and sent her to a psychiatrist. When she came to Christ, she began to pray through these encounters, and even if the creature came into the room, she had great peace, and it stopped touching her.
My mom came to Christ as a young child and grew up in the church. Her parents helped to plant a church that is still thriving 75 years later. In her later years, my mom was discipling a young woman who was a recovering drug addict. The woman could not believe that God would forgive her for her sins. She would weep and confess and repent over and over, but she just couldn't believe that God could forgive her. She couldn't grasp grace and was tortured by her inability to do so. While my mom was meeting with this woman, my mom began to have an earache in one ear that just wouldn't go away. her doctor couldn't find any reason for it. One early morning, at about 2 AM, my mom woke up with a heavy pressure on her chest, like someone was sitting on her. She opened her eyes, and a hideous creature was sitting on her chest and staring at her. She was terrified and kept opening and closing her eyes to see if she was really awake, and she was. The creature had long claws, and one was stuck in my mom's ear twirling around and poking at her. It breathed into my mom's face, and the breath was rancid and filled the room. My mom told the creature to get off her chest and leave her alone. She belonged to Jesus and had the Holy Spirit living in her, and she commanded that the creature leave. And in that instant it was gone. In that instant her ear also stopped hurting, but the smell lingered for a while.
In the morning when she met with the young woman she was discipling, the woman was full of joy and peace. She said that at about 2 AM, she had been praying and pleading with God to help her to receive grace and trust that God had forgiven her, and suddenly she felt free, and she understood how much God loved her.
Yes. I believe that demons are real.
Wow… thank you for sharing all those stories. Fascinating, yet praise our Lord for who he is and how he reigns over darkness with light
You’ve had a lot of experience with people you know ! I’m not sure if I could be friends with you 😂
I love these kind of stories. Not scary to give goosebumps, but showing g the strength of our Lord Jesus Christ.
You need to publish all your stories in a public blog. 😊
The only spirit I want to possess me is the Holy Spirit!
The Holy Spirit doesn’t possess us… He unites with our own spirit, so that we cooperate with Him.
People that still believe childish fantasies are hilarious
You will have to have all your enjoyment on this Earth… there’s no more after you leave.
Nicely done gentlemen. I get real proud to be a Christian when I see dialogue exchanged with humility and an open mind. Deep dives into important issues with a Biblical worldview tailored for the unbelieving world. Be Blessed and all the best for your future.
I had a similar experience to Amy the nurse except I didn’t actually attempt to take my own life. Similarly, I was a devout Christian at the time and in between semesters in graduate school. School came easy for me, I was a straight A student working part time at a hospital. Before that, for seven years, I distinguished myself as a Christian leader in a combat unit over seas. I was known throughout my battalion as a devout Christian. I had no history of mental health issues. One day in Dec 09, I remember the exact moment, I was relaxing at the hospital studying old material, something changed; I became more acutely aware of my surroundings and what people were saying, even in the distance, but I also started hearing voices coming from some people that were ugly though they clearly were not speaking them out loud for all to hear in the physical realm. I became scared, like several scenes from Emily Rose or Passion of the Christ but everything was audible. The ordeal lasted several days but I was never the same. I was shaken so bad and it affected every facet of my life for years. I parachuted into combat as an airborne infantryman 6 years prior, did 2 combat tours and nothing I ever experienced in this natural life has come close to what I felt in those days. Nothing like that has happened since and I’ve been living a healthy happy life for years with my family. My experience strengthened my faith and healed me in ways I would have never imagined it would
Praise be to God
Occasionally God gives us the gift of discernment, to know what people are thinking and believing in their small mindedness, despite what is coming out of their mouth.
Under trial of pressure, anger loneliness, fear, Best to not let evil thoughts or evil words ensnare ourselves , but bring Jesus Christ into ever situation
Thank you for this interview and Billy, thank you for your book. My daughter had severe issues. I adopted her from Haiti and I believe she was exposed to evil spirits through voodu as a very young child. She was very angry about being rejected by her parents and adopted and in a strange land---which is normal. What was not normal was her expression of it. She had the suicidal "ideas" which were highly unusual as well as a number of the things you've discussed here. I met jointly with her Christian counselor and we listened to a litney of what the voices (there were 3 of them, one dominant. She could describe each one physically. She was 10 yo) I looked over at the counselor and there were tears streaming down his face. That was her last session. He said there was nothing more he could do for her. I turned to my church but they were ignorant. Some wanted to help but some thought I was crazy and a few shunned us out of fear of contamination. This was 2010. She got worse for a few years but I never gave up on her. We called it mental illness but I knew. I was finally able to get her long term residential treatment that helped her and she finally let go of her demons. I had demanded that from her 5 years earlier but I guess they were compelling in that they gave her a certain power. It's a long story and this is just a synopsis. I'm grateful for this video. It's helped to show I was on the right path to helping her and not in vain. It nearly destroyed me. But thanks to God I have recovered and she is happy healthy independent and free, living her life. ❤❤❤
Hi Sean, big fan of your ministry and your father’s. I listen to your podcast while I bike every morning. Thank you for your faithfulness to the Lord 🙏
So awesome, thanks brother!
I'm a pastor in Argentina, where there are many many Catholic saints and idols of all kinds, and have had to deal with multiple cases of possession, etc. Idolatry is nothing to play with!
I find that interesting. Why do you not want to mess with Catholic Saints? Isn't Sante Muerte also popular there? What is an idol?
@@halleylujah247 Santa Muerte is a demon dressed up with the appearance of Catholicism, but it is not Catholic. It translates into Saint Death. There is no such thing. It's just a straight up voodoo demon that Mexicans ask all kinds of immoral favors from. The drug cartels have adopted the demon as their patron. It's a really nasty cult.
Yeah, tell me about it. I was a fake carnival gypsy, never believed in anything supernatural, and treated it like light-hearted fun and games. Joke was on me! I reverted to Catholicism from atheism this past year, and that's when I learned how very real the supernatural was. The demons didn't like that and have really come out to play, so now I have an exorcist involved.
Oh dang
The representations of Catholic saints are there to help not to hinder and certainly not to be worshipped. Catholics only worship God!
While working on my graduate degree i asked my professor if he had ever seen a case where demonic possession was misidentified as multiple personality disorder. He looked right at me and in front of the class said "absolutely, but secular behavioral science doesn't have any language for that and doesn't know what to do with it, and so they give it a label like MPD" (now known as Dissociative Identity Disorder")
Scott Peck wrote a book all about this!
The thing is with demons its all very well casting them out but then the house is empty so you have to fill it by walking in the spirit by being in the word and prayer DAILY
What does it mean to walk in the spirit?
@@Mark-yb1sp to keep our eyes focused on christ so we dont fullfill the lusts of the flesh.
Spending time in God's word (for the Bible was inspired by the Holy Spirit - reading it exposes you to the Holy Spirit and makes room for him); memorizing / meditating on Bible verses, chapters or books; prayer (e.g. 1 hour every morning); reducing worldly influence that tickles the flesh (instead of reading 2 hours on the Kardashians per day, make it 1.5; instead of three horror movies per day, make it 2; you get the general direction ;-)).
And then the good old plain "obedience" to the commandments of God that you already know, and to those that the Holy Spirit reminded you of when reading the word of God or when praying.
If necessary, try 1 day FASTING per week (e.g. every tuesday just water, bouillon, and maybe 3-4 hard-boiled eggs). Water only for a day per week is fine, also. Once per month, take a weekend off and spend time with God only. Once a year take a week off and spend time with God only. Then the presence of God will be with you.
It may be helpful to have a prayer partner with whom you can hold eachother accountable.
Fellowship with believers. E.g. Sunday church and 1 x per week Small group.
Go to a counselor and pray for deliverance if necessary.
And pray to God for wisdom on the next steps.
Serving others with your gifts.
What does it mean to “ walk in the spirit?”
RN gave you a really good answer to that.
Biblically, “walk” is a metaphor for “live”.
So, “walk in the spirit” means “live in the spirit”, not following the dictates of your body, your mind or your feelings. Your daily lifestyle choices are in obedience to the Holy Spirit’s counsel and guidance, and you cooperate with Him in everything you do, say, think and feel.
Joseph Prince from Singapore teaches on this kind of lifestyle really well.
I've always thought ghosts were really demons "playing the part" to make us think about them that way.
No. Some may be deceivers, but people who leave their bodies are common and experience it.
ghosts and demons are the same --
disembodied spirits of dead Nephilim --
@@fooser77not necessarily. Spirits can be good or evil. Demons are evil. Holy souls from purgatory have been know to appear to people to appeal for prayers, for example.
@@Dienekes678 Purgatory?
I encountered someone who I thought had a demon. Her voice changed, which made my hair stand up. I felt so sorry for her. She was homeless, and I felt so helpless to make things better. I drove a taxi, and she hired me for a ride across town. Since she was a customer, I kind felt limited in how I could approach her problems.
Looking back on that, I think could've spent a few more minutes engaging and finding out about her situation. I hope the Lord has reached her since that time.
Your prayers for her have power. If you haven't prayed for her yet, you still can. You can also learn to cast those nasty things out of people. Jesus said all his followers will. The world needs more who can these days.
Dad related an interesting story to me years ago. His aunt Eva and cousin Velma had gone to a so-called "healing" meeting at the Oneness Pentecostal church in Mississippi they attended. Well, both of them wound up being possessed, and when they got home they tried to kill Dad's uncle Luther. Several of their brothers were there and it took all of them to overpower these two little women. One was sent to the insane asylum in Memphis. The other went to the asylum in Jackson, MS. The doctors took notes on their behavior and what they were saying. Each seemed to be carrying on conversations with someone. After awhile, whatever had possessed them left, and they didn't remember a thing. Their doctors compared notes. They were horrified to see that when one asked a question, the other had answered that precise question, and back and forth. There were no cellphones back then. It was all quite eerie.
So they got possessed in a Pentecostal church. Wow!
I believe it.
As young girl, I was invited to one, and obe lady started screaming & twirling around & around. No one in the church was fazed by it. I guess that was a normal occurrence there, but I felt all the hair on my body rise.
Thanks for sharing that story.
This is weird because people get delivered of demons at these churches. Perhaps some are not of God, but i know ones that are. People are not surprised when they see people act strange because they know the demon is manifesting and the person, if being attended to, is getting set free if it.
I want to encourage you and explain that sometimes it’s a generation curse that comes up as a relatives manifest…they felt threatened in the Church so they openly expressed this Supernaturally. I pray deliverance occurred so these demons will not carry on into the next generation. 🙆🏻♀️🙏🏽❤️🕊️
perhaps Christians don't talk about it because they don't want to be plagued by evil. I am a Christian and have had encounters with demons while sleeping. I asked GOD in my dream what to do. HE told me to say stop in Jesus name. When this would happen I started praying for people in general who were dealing with evil spirits. It all stopped. The evil does not want you praying for others.
Saint Petersberg, Florida and I’m 80 years old and enjoy the Word and search out Truth! Thank you 🙏🏻
Was just out there last week good fishing in st.pete I'm over in crystal river
Interesting that Saint Petersburg is both in our country and Russia
I had issues with demonic beings / evil spirits (what ever you chose yo call them) all my life. I always remember an unfriendly presence in the home, it came with us from house to house all my childhood. I can't explain exactly what it was but it terrified me, and my mum felt it too. I remember one night we took the dogs for a walk and something manifested in the field behind us, a dark crouching shadow lurking behind one of those miniature merry go round things on kids playgrounds. We both saw it, the dogs went nuts and we ran home. I always remember being afraid of the dark, it always lurked in the darkness. This went on for years, just a constant unfriendly presence. One day my grandmother passed away and things escalated. The days after her death were the worst, things happened in our house for weeks, things moving, noises etc. It tried to decieve us into believing it was her, it manifested in my room under my wall mounted tv, first using the image of my grandmother, and I welcomed it, it felt nice to see her again, then the next night it showed its true form. Dark, thin, slouched with long fingers, the most terrifying figure. Looking back I wonder if there was more than one of them, there was one night it was tormenting me as I was in bed, I woke up and screamed for my mum and she shouted back that she was experiencing the same thing. She had scratches on her legs the next morning. I couldn't enter my room for weeks after this, as soon as I opened my door my focus went straight to this spot where it had appeared, there was this dark terrifying energy there, I slept on the sofa insteaf. After a few weeks it went but odd things continued for years, until about 2 years ago. The night terrors had gotten worse than ever, it followed us to yet another house and would stand behind my bedroom door, a dark thin tall figure with piercing eyes, so tall it couldnt stand up straight under my ceiling, and such long fingers. I always remember those fingers. Every night it would terrorise me, around 2am, I couldnt sleep, i had crippling anxiety, Id wake in the night mid panic attack, unable to breath or move. I began researching this occurances, desperste to find some relief. I tried all the 'sciencey'' stuff, the breathing exercises, the positive bed time routines, exercise, changed my diet, no alcohol etc etc, but nothing worked, every night it came and now for the first time in my life it was moving closer to me as the nights went on. I would wake up in the night screaming at the top of my lungs, i thought it was going to kill me, smother me, strangle me. About this time, at my lowest and most scared, i started stumbling across scripture online. I was not a believer, I think it was out of absolute desperstion, I just wanted it to stop, so I kept reading. I read about Jesus having the power to cast out demons and I learned that anyone could come under his protection if they just believed in him (simplified, yes I know, but this was all I understood at the time, I was just looking for relief) So one night this thing started it's routine of terror, I woke up and started to scream, but something in me said no, no more. That night I screamed at that monster that it had no power over me any more, I declared that I was a child of God and a believer of Jesus and told it to leave. It didnt want to go, and I was so unsure of myself, I had never confronted it before. But i kept shouting, over and over, i started swearing at it, i got angry, declaring over and over that I belonged to God now. And to my absolute shock, it stopped, it just left. I couldnt believe it. After all this time it just left. It came back a few times and i just declared the same thing again, I wasnt its play thing any more. It was after this I started learning more about God and Jesus, and I began to understand why these things were happening and began changing the way I live. It doesnt come for me any more.
I knew darkness long before I ever knew the light. I didnt even know there was light. This stuff is real but we have to remember that WE decide if it has power over us or not. I never knew I had a choice, I never knew that these things were real, as odd as that sounds, I thought I was mad. Now I know, and I avoid things that welcome these dark beings into our lives.
Praise God.
Terrifying. I'm so glad you turned to Jesus and were saved from the darkness. I myself come from a family that performed card readings for a living, and the evil oppression increased to the point that they needed to stop engaging in it. Bear in mind, my home had no Christians in it (I'm still the only one, unfortunately, but back then I was a child) so it wasn't like they stopped because of any preconceptions about it. They just had many negative "coincidences" happen every time they engaged in it, so they became afraid with time. So they experienced that darkness, but sadly they still haven't opened their eyes to the light of God and Jesus.
😭 I’m soooo sorry you went through such a nightmare for so many years!!!! I cannot imagine!! Praise God you found Jesus!! 🙏🏻
We are to not have fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them, but at the same time we are to not be ignorant of Satan’s devices. Very interesting video and work. Fascinating topic
I've been dealing with issues like this for several years now that I can't seem to shake. It's wiped me out at every level. I wish I could have a conversation with this guy.
He is an author investigating the subject. Not to put him down, but he doesn't necessarily Have experience and effectiveness at helping people dealing with demonic Harassment.
You need to find someone or a small group who move in faith and love in Christ to set you free.
Gov, it's time to stop relying on your own strength, and turn to Jesus.
Go to Catholic Church get holy water and rosary beads from a priest they are blessed and will protect you
Listen to me. Find a small Christian group, go there, tell them what’s going on, and ask for prayer. Put your ego down and ask Jesus to take over…let him know that you need him, and what you’re doing isn’t working. He will completely obliterate what you are describing. I know because it happened to me ❤
Thank you Dr. Sean McDowell for doing such a great job exposing this reality. it's one of the best videos I've seen on the subject. God bless!
Having battled demon possession, I can tell you for sure, this stuff is real.
If you don't mind me asking, can you tell alittle bit about your experience?
Hello! If you Do not know Christ as Savior I would strongly encourage you to do so! It will be the best thing you’ll ever know and He will set you free! Just confess you are a sinner (we all are), turned to Him and believe on Him death blood and resurrection
Romans 3:23 KJVS
[23] For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
Romans 6:23 KJVS
[23] For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Romans 10:9-10,13 KJVS
[9] That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. [10] For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. [13] For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
The boys name from "The Exorcist" is fairly well know. His name was Ronald Hunkeler. He passed away during summer 2020. He was in his 80's. He worked for NASA as an adult and was very private about his experience.
Watching from Florida. I am a prayer leader and part of deliverance ministry. Let's see if I have any comments after listening. God Bless yall!
I've had a demonic encounter in the midday. The sun was shining and I was fully awake. I've also had a few attacks where it would start out in my dream (the last thing in the dream I'd remember was demonic) and then I would wake up (it's like my body knew it was in danger so was on full alert) and can move and look at my surroundings. When evil makes its presence abundantly clear to you it is very scary, and I think it does need to be talked about more.
God isn’t just our deliverer, but also our healer. Watching this and praying for healing for the Amy lady who was spoken about around the 54 minute mark. 🙏🏼 Lord, walk in the room wherever she is and may your love and healing manifest in her body.
The story I heard about that one incident was that the kid walked up the wall BACKWARDS, and then did a flip and landed on his feet. So his face was actually pointing downward as he walked up the wall.
I had a few weird experiences. One that happened a while after my mom died. I was 19 and married with 2 children. I was having a hard time dealing with the loss of my mom. I woke up one night and thought I saw someone walk by my bedroom door. I sat up in bed and watched and listened. I didn't see or hear anything and decided I must have imagined it so I laid back down and tried to go back to sleep. Then I heard someone say my name. I sat up and my mom was sitting on the foot of my bed saying my name. She held out her hand and said come with me. I was looking at her and considering it but there was something not right about her smile and her eyes. It didn't look like my mom's kind smile. It looked mean, like she didn't like me at all. I laid back down, hugged my husband and squeezed my eyes shut and refused to look at her. She went away. I went to sleep again.
This sounds very consistent with what I've read about demons pretending to be the ghosts of deceased loved ones (such as through a spirit board) or often innocent child ghosts.
Familiar spirit. A demon for sure. I'm glad you rejected it.
My grandmother explained this to me that you never trust a Spirit who can imitate your loved one or ask you to go with it….or manifest into a weak person but still trying to trick you into accompanying it. As an Indigenous Native American who is a Christian…she must of experienced or knew of someone who did.
My mom lost one of her grandfathers when she was a young woman and I was a small baby. She once told me how she went to clean his apartment and sort stuff out there after the funeral, and she took me with her. No one else was with us. At one point, she said, she looked up and saw her grandfather standing at the doorway. For a moment she felt like it was her grandfather for real, but the Holy Spirit told her to just start praying, and so she did. After a short while my mother said that the "grandfather" started smiling this unnatural weird smile, and eventually disappeared. And she was like woah, that was NOT my grandpa. (Who is in heaven.)
Voices over lines of communications, oh, do I know this can be a reality! And "programmed" conversations.
Love your videos!
Thank you. I feel very protected. I tried using a Ouija board twice and each time it went straight to “no”. So I returned it.
Really interesting to hear this interview. Thanks!
What made me believe in this stuff a little more was the fact that, in high school for a specific example, although most people i knew werent spiritual, were athiests or at least claim to not believe in the possibility of evil to come from ouija boards, most of them would still either stay away from them if it was bought up, or get visibly nervous and try to get out of the situation...the fact that around 9/10 people would show fear, or reverance, or avoid them despite claiming they were "fake" beforehand showed me that there was more to it than meets the yew
How about Denver International Airport that has Blucifer horse. Blue horse red eyes. The maker died in the making of this horse. Yet its used outside the airport.
Besides other issues of that airport.
I am from South Africa watching this video.
I have been a Bible-believing Christian (which is the only kind of Christian that really exists) for almost 40 years. The house I am currently living in and have lived in since 2004 was “haunted”/infested for about the first 10 years I lived here. There have been multiple witnesses to banging, footsteps, the sound of drawers and cabinets opening and closing, familiar voices calling out names, breathing in the ear, and even manifestations.
When I visited a Bible study being led by a pastor I had known for over a decade and asked the group to pray for me, the pastor was clearly very angry. So much so that others in the group came up afterwards and offered me words of comfort because of his reaction. His theology didn’t allow for the possibility that what I was saying was true. Nevertheless, it WAS true.
Occasionally something minor will still happen, but nothing like it did throughout all of those years. I can only assume that God has dispatched an angel to police the place or He has simply commanded that the spirit leave me alone.
God has given us dominion over these spirits, therefore you are able to command them to leave in Jesus' name.
That Pastor doesn't sound like a Christian to me. Perhaps he has a bad spirit in him.
@@flowerpower2079 agreed 💯
@@flowerpower2079 Not all Christians believe what charismatics and Pentecostals (I suspect you are one) believe about commanding demons. Some, like the pastor I mentioned, even believe that demons are locked up right now. I think that is unbiblical nonsense, but it doesn’t make someone a non-Christian if they believe that. I think the pastor was just a lousy pastor and an arrogant jerk. 😉
He was a covering over you Supernaturally and his responsibility was to bless your home and tell these things to leave IJN. I agree with my brethren though and that these entities LEAVE in the name of JESUS and I plead the Blood of JESUS as well over you and your family. I would quote out loud Psalms 91 and others that speak deliverance. Amen 🙏🏽 😊
I am a therapist and have worked in behavioral health settings with persons suffering from schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a real medical problem wherein the brain has deteriorated to some degree... I'll leave it at that... I have come to suspect this disorder works as an open door to the supernatural in some way. I came to that conclusion after a patient once told me, "the voices tell me that if I take my meds, it'll shut off the voice of God." The meds are designed to decrease these symptoms and or eliminate them. Unfortunately, many people suffering from this often become non-compliant with their meds and their symptoms reoccur & worsen. Typically, there is a religious nature to the "voices" people hear. It fascinated me the voices this patient was hearing would make a statement like that. For me, that was further evidence of the demonic realm where the disembodied souls of the Nephilim demonize human beings & it seems they use disability to amplify their reach and impact. Spiritually, I discerned what this patient was hearing was in fact demonic. Just thought I'd share my experience.
Jerry Marzinsky worked for 35 years in treating schizophrenia and he says very much the same things. He is wholly convinced they are demonic hauntings.
Sounds like the voices were trying to trick this patient so they could attack them more. It is interesting that often the voices those afflicted hear have an "intelligence" behind them. They're not always disjointed, nonsensical ramblings, even though schizophrenia is medically described as a "break" with reality. The voices sometimes heard are very aware of what's going on.
@@La.Summer Because they're not hallucinations. The voices are actually real energetic entities that parasitize your despair.
Have u ever read anything by Father Malachi Martin? He’ll tell u that so doubt, schizophrenia IS of the devil.
Agree there is a lot of overlap between psychiatric disorder and the spiritual. Since the c0vid jabbs I’ve had awful nightmares every night, leading me exhausted. I’ve also heard voices of family etc.
Fascinating interview! Going to look for this book now! 👀😃
What an awesome interview. Definitely want to read his book.
Try reading the final revelation the Holy Quran and the chapter Jinn(demon, ghost).
great talk, I loved it. thank you for speaking out on these things.
I've had reoccurring psychosis for years. I've seen things. Blaming mental illness is not only dismissive, it's ignorant. Who knows what psychosis really is. It feels like a spiritual experience. If you've never had it, don't try to explain it.
U need to go to church and ask the pastor for help. If not you could be schizophrenic, it's more common than you think.
You need to seek a good exorcist priest or a pastor who is Experienced in delivering people ..freeing g them..its very resl..
Get free, sister, don't put up with them.
Drugs have been proven to trigger mental health issues
Fantastic interview. Was very informative, enjoy it.
Thanks Need to get his book.
You should get Neil T. Anderson on!
Please interview Neil T Anderson if possible, Sean! He would be a great addition to your conversation on this topic.
I lived in a house for 7 years about 16 years ago. The first day we moved in my husband, 3 kids and I was all vomiting by evening. Well, we thought we had some sort of stomach issues . My 4 year old daughter had terrible nightmares, my 5 year old son said he saw objects moving by themselves, cups, plates and small furniture, both kids were scared at times. My husband was never affected by anything , but I think what ever was living in our house was mostly focused on me. When my husband was out working and kids were at school, that’s when things happened.
It was an older two story house, the upstairs was an addition added 10 years earlier.
My experiences were spread out during the 7 years we lived there.
I would hear strange sounds, howls, sometimes dark voices but could not make out the words.
Sometimes I felt like my hair was being poked, and I was touched on arms and shoulders.
Lights would blink and turn on and off. One night there was a smell next to my bed of rotten flesh, I felt something was standing there.
I heard furniture move and felt something sitting down beside me on the couch.
At times I felt very nauseous and then get a wave of anxiety.
But one time something walked right through me, that was scary !
It got worse when I started having anger issues, I yelled at my husband and kids for the smallest things, I got so angry that my chest was hurting and I was losing control, I didn’t feel like it was me, more like something took control of me. That made me feel depressed and more anxious.
I asked some neighbour’s if they knew of any history of our house, they said some crazy stuff has happened there.
There are many more things that happened there, and I am confident to say the house was inhabited by a demon entity.
After selling the house and moving away, we have never felt or experienced anything like that, neither before living there or after.
Actually I dont think the NT talks a lot about the demonic. Yes Jesus and the first disciples expelled demons from individuals, but that was about it when it came to day to day experience. The reality is few people experience the demonic or any other real 'spiritual' forces directly. That isnt to deny their reality but rather it's important not to emphasize them in any way. And I noticed references to fear a lot in the comments, 'freaking out' etc. While these may be natural human reactions to such experiences, if there's one thing that Jesus did not show when dealing with the demonic it was fear. Why? Because He knew He already had complete authority over any and every demonic being. And He has passed that authority onto His followers.
Was it one-third or two-thirds of Jesus'ministry casting out demons? I forget.🤔
@@La.Summer Most of the Gospels are made up of his teaching, It seems he did that the most.
You don't know much of what you are talking about. Ignoring demons doesn't make them go away.
@@pearladams4817 I didnt say anything about ignoring demons.
During the story of Amy 54:39, Billy mentioned that her trauma ceased around the same time she'd been taken off her medicine and through prayer... I wonder if the medicine kept her from standing her ground, mentally and spiritually?
Medications just numb you and the demon(s), so i think you're right.
Pastor Chuck Misler has an interesting sermon video on RUclips titled "The Nephilem and Their Return" that delves into some of the issues discussed in this video. Good video on the topic.
Yes I love chuck Missler's teachings.
He has some excellent teachings on ufos that tie into this. We just have to have Jesus to survive
A fun interview, we enjoyed it...
Jesus said he is not a ghost/spirit to the disciples. So they must be real for him to refer to them. Doubt Jesus was saying i am not a demon
Those of us who have encountered demons, no longer believe in demons, we know they exist. There's a difference in believing and knowing. And how sad it is for them that don't even believe.
I don't believe in ghosts. What I do believe is that demons will use lies to lead you away from the Truth, and that lie could take the form of a loved one. Point is, if I ever saw my dead grandfather in my home, I wouldn't feel comforted in the slightest, I would be rightfully terrified.
Sean, you are an amazing interviewer!
Our ministry is composed of ex-newagers now born again Christians. We can attest there is great danger in spiritism,new age,paganism,divination etc. One opens to demonic influence and deception which works in some sort of psycho-spiritual way, almost like mind control.
We were blessed to be taken out of that path, and agree there should be more information in the Christian church about this. Some allegedly Christian churches are falling for it with great danger for them and their followers (check Christallignment and Christian tarot readings as an example).
Great interview!
Probably shouldn't be listening to this alone at night. Just heard something downstairs, probably totally fine, but yikes. I'll finish this up tomorrow.
Did you survive? Lol
Cleanse your house. Kick them out.
There is Power in the name of Jesus. Just call his name, bad spirits can't stand his name and they certainly can't match his power.
Some people think that ghosts will face judgement after years of haunting anything, and anyone. Others believe that ghosts haunt but will not face judgement.
Love Billy! A very high quality dude!
I love all your videos Dr. McDowell… God bless you 🙏🏼❤️
Sean, you said that the next story really freaked you out and that kind of got to me because these things really do freak me out. But you then proceeded to say it happened in Indiana which REALLY freaked me out because I'm from indiana 😳
You should look into whispers estate in Mitchell Indiana. I actually used to live right down the block from it.
Wow, thx Shane
Ask any worship leader or team member if they have had the enemy ask them, “Who do you think you are?”
My worship leader heard it, and so have I.
I suppose anyone in a major leadership position within a church or ministry could have had the same experience.
Hm. Very interesting stuff. Thanks for discussing this almost tabu topic.
Great discussion thanks so much. I think it is helpful to understand the motivation of the fallen. It also make it easier to rationalize and explain why they do what they do and not just the method.
All my life I have been plagued with mental health issues and demonic attack; hoping/praying I can rise above my recklessness and illness as I repent; praying it's not too late to be saved. I'm worried, for though I want to know Christ Jesus and live arightly...
It's not too late to be saved! I pray the Lord would open your heart to receive Him. The Bible teaches that none of us can be saved by our good deeds, we can only be saved by the mercy of God. That's why God sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross and pay the penalty for our sins. All you need to do is receive the Lord by believing that Jesus died and rose from the dead. Put your faith in Him, I promise you that this is the best decision you can make 🧡
If you're alive, it's not too late. There is no sin, nothing you've ever done, that Jesus cannot overcome.
I’m in the disembodied spirit camp and very much admire Dr. Heiser- many Deliverence specialists say demons are more like a nuisance- and
Fallen angels are quite different.
A lot of churches are in the “Sons of Seth/Daughters of Cain” explanation for Genesis 6 passage regarding Nephilim. My Sunday school teacher talking about Genesis 6 thought I was crazy when I brought up that I believe the obvious reading of the Genesis 6 passage refers to “sons of God” (fallen angels) mating with human women. He told me he thought I was wrong.
LT the Sethite view is non nonsensical to me. Pastors have been taught this in seminary for decades. They basically ignore the Gen 6, Duetoronomy 32 worldview all together.
You keep sharing truth, sister ❤️🙏🏽
From the chat: "EssenceofPureFlavor - according to scripture, Saul spoke to a dead Samuel. If that's true, then it's definitely possible to communicate with the dead." - Don't forget that the witch of Endor told him that it definitely was not Samuel.
I guarantee you that most the time you have any oppression from demons it's involving some sin or sins that you just won't stop doing.
This shows that people must be saved and asking God to know his will and doing it and staying in their bible. Not seeking adrenal rushes
I’ve seen real exorcisms and deliverances so I am 100% convinced demons are real. It’s a tragedy how the role of the Holy Spirit is so little emphasized in most churches.
46:50 Once Saved Always Saved? - ruclips.net/p/PLmI6y1h4ekf7NvdzrRr__WRRjVjz1L0rE
I had a friend in H.S. who got mysteriously and really sick after starting using a ouija board and didn’t get better until she disposed of it. DON’T MESS WITH IT!
I heard of atheist who played with the board and after had a ghost boy following him. After this he came to Jesus Christ because he knew that there was more to his atheist POV,and the ghost/demon went away.
@@RioT1234-r3i ME TOO! I was an atheist for over 20 years and never believed in anything supernatural, but I loved fantasy and science fiction, and I got cast as a gypsy witch fortune teller at a Renaissance Faire. I learned to read tarot cards but always treated it like light-hearted entertainment. Then last winter I started thinking about the Catholic Church that I grew up in and wondering if maybe, just maybe, it was all real after all. I actually got miraculously converted in a church. And that pissed off the demons enough to show themselves. I had no idea any of it was real. I thought I had gotten rid of them on my own last spring, but it turns out I didn't, because the stupid things have come out of the woodwork again and have been messing with not only me but a friend of mine. So now I have an exorcist involved.
So, the moral of the story is that even if you don't believe in any of it and are just treating it like a parlor game, you might as well put a neon Demons Welcome sign above your head
Perhaps, too, depending on the experience, some are hesitant to share due to trauma or for fear it would cause demons to start manifesting again.
The spiritual realm is very real I have experienced it my self certain moments and my family as well. But at the name of Jesus they flee!
Thank you both, God bless you
We give authority to these entities, and generationally, through sin.
Bless you beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation ( LIVING FOUNTAIN ORPHANAGE FOUNDATION.) in Lagos state Nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details. Here their official email (livingfountainorphanage07@gmail.com) tell him I sent you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you.
This is so educational! I love it
Historia: Soy cristiano, pero a veces dudo de estás cosas, pero hace unos días un amigo y un de personas de mi iglesia estaba visitando una nueva familia que llegó a nuestra congregación, en un momento, el se queda esperando afuera de la casa cuándo sale la niña más que pequeña de la familia...
La niña se le acerca, y luego le dice que ella tiene un amigo... y el dice: que bueno!, cuéntame más...
Ella dice que no es solo un amigo, sino que le ayuda a dormir y le da poderes...
En ese momento mi amigo puso cara de sospecha....👀
Ella le dice: mira! en ese momento la niña hace un gesto con la mano e hizo que se apagaran los postes de luz de la calle, los encendía y los apagaba cuando cerraba la mano y la abría...
Mi amigo quedó sorprendido... Y algo shoqueado, pero sabía que en nuestra ciudad a veces las luces de la calle no funcionan bien... Entonces pensó que todo había Sido un truco.
En ese momento la niña le dijo, sé que no me crees, así que mira esto:
En ese momento la Niña apunto con su su mano dos bolsas de basura que estaban en la calle, (bolsas negras llena de basura). Y en ese momento las elevó, las hizo flotar, las dos bolsas, a una altura que le permitía ver el piso claramente, todo eso frente a sus ojos...
Mi amigo quedó realmente sorprendido! muy intrigado!, no esperas que una niña pequeña de 8 años haga algo así!... En ese momento, entro en la cocina! y hablo con la mamá, y le pregunto si sabía algo de eso, la mamá le dijo que ya varias personas le han comentado que algo raro estaba pasando. Pero que la niña no se anima a contarle personalmente...
luego el volvió a la niña y le pregunto cómo aprendió a hacer eso, la niña le dijo que su tía le dijo como...
El pregunto quién era su tía, y la mamá le confesó que la tía practicaba santería...
Además confesó que el padre (un católico, que no va a nuestra iglesia) estaba muy preocupado y que estaba buscando algún sacerdote que viniera a orar en la casa...
En ese momento el entendió que pasaba...
Dejó a la familia y nos contó lo que había pasado... Y pues ya te puedes imaginar lo que vamos a hacer... Está semana estarán varios miembros de la iglesia visitando la familia para orar por la familia...
Se lo que estás pensando... talvez sea todo inventado, pero estoy hablando de algo que me dijo mi amigo en primera persona, el no tiene ninguna razón para inventar algo, y yo mismo pude ver a la niña hace unos días... ahora van a ir a orar.
A mí no me invitaron... Y honestamente tampoco Quiero ver qué pasara...
Wow is this story true
Would love an update about this , now , 2years later
Can watching certain movies and shows put you in danger from the demonic realm?
Regarding how a skeptic might write off these events, I can say personally that I don't look at it in those terms. Both of you mention several times that events occurred which could not be explained. I agree. Where I differ is, as a skeptic, I don't then proceed to explain them anyway. When a natural explanation for something eludes me, I take the view that: 1) The fact that I and those I have talked to cannot arrive at a natural explanation doesn't mean no one could, just that we can't. 2) Even if no living person can provide a natural explanation, that in no way demands a supernatural one. Take the issue of a solar eclipse happening before humans had any concept of astronomy. At the time, the only explanations available were supernatural or "heck I don't know" and leave it there. I leave it there.
Thanks for sharing your perspective! For me, I tend to go toward the best explanation that I have, rather than no explanation if the conclusion would be supernatural. If the supernatural does exist, I wouldn’t want to put myself in a position that I would never be convinced of it. However, if a natural explanation exists, I prioritize that over the supernatural.
@@gigahorse1475 I could be convinced of a supernatural explanation, it would just take a lot. For instance, if a ghost appeared to me, I'd have to weigh being convinced against the possibility that I was hallucinating. Since I don't know that ghosts exist, but I know for sure that illnesses that cause hallucinations do exist, my conclusion would be go to the hospital, I most likely have a serious neurological disorder and need medical care. If multiple people saw it with me, then I'd start believing.
Sean, I, as a Christian, was listening to this podcast and wondering. Why, when we’re talking about demons and possessions, do we always seem to bring up the Catholic Church? Their doctrine isn’t the same doctrine as the Holy Bible ye they seem to be the go to church when these problems exist
Because of movies and media and the demonic prevalence in the Catholic church and that they do "exorcisms." Personally, i would stay far away. More likely to _get_ a demon than get rid of one.
Where I believe that ‘talking boards’ are evil and would never play with one. I have heard that Various studies have been conducted, recreating the effects of the ouija board in the lab and showing that, under laboratory conditions, the people were moving the planchette involuntarily.
What are your thoughts on this. Many thanks
Any studies to back this up? I’d love to see them!
@@SeanMcDowell good day Sean, this is what I could find but I admit I’ve not read it personally - professor of neurology Terence Hines in his book Pseudoscience and the Paranormal (2003): he states “A dissociative state is one in which consciousness is somehow divided or cut off from some aspects of the individual's normal cognitive, motor, or sensory functions.”
I would really love to hear your thoughts on it from a sceptical point of view from critics - I personally am a Christian and would never mess around with a Ouija board but I’m not sure about it regarding some critics point of view. Many thanks
@@SeanMcDowell video off RUclips but obviously can’t say this is reliable - ruclips.net/video/PRo8TytvIDw/видео.html
@@mrsq117 remember, scientists just make educated guesses and their studies are only as strong as the scientific method (and personal commitment to the truth) they stand on. If a scientist already has a bias, already thinks it's hogwash, their entire "study" will be about finding, even inventing, evidence against it, sometimes innocently. Sometimes. The title of the study you listed doesn't seem unbiased at all. A scientist must go in open to whatever evidence comes out. A real scientist knows that one study or experiment does not prove or disprove anything absolutely. It just adds to a body of data.
This is very common in India. Anand pillai testimony after converting to Christianity gives a very detailed explanation of what happened in his family with demonic oppressions.
"Believed she was a Christian"? Oh come on. She was a Christian if she was baptized and going towards Heaven. She obviously needed deliverance.
43:15 We have to be open to other sources as well. For example, scripture doesn't cover much math. There is a lot of history that's not in there.
For example the readings of the church fathers. Veryyyy interesting!
@@justmep.3577 Yep, but they are all subject to the foundation of scripture.
This is going to sound like a really inappropriate joke, but I'm pretty sure my ex gf was demon possessed. She was suicidal, was scratch and bite, scream incoherently and was a cutter, a few months later we were talking about it and she said, roughly, "when I was like that I felt like I was someone else and that someone else had a name," and when I googled the name it was the name of a demon from Japanese mythology.
Did you minister deliverance to her? Jesus told us that in His Name we would drive out demons, that through Him, we could exercise His authority over all the powers of the enemy.
@@kymdickman8910 I was with her through it but it wasn't till months later after it was over that I realized what it likely was
Poor girl!
We can pray that she is brought to deliverance through the wonderful power of Jesus’ death, burial, resurrection and ascension, yeah?
Robbie, or Roland Doe as he was also labeled died in 2020. After his death, there has been information released about him and the true events that took place during his exorcism. The priests who were participants in that exorcism have revealed information as well.
We have lived in houses that were definitely haunted. I've seen apparitions as have my sister, and parents. Not sure what they really are.
Wow really? May I ask what did the apparitions look like
Were they solid or transparent like
@@mrsq117 They looked as though they were alive. Fully solid, full-body apparitions, that vanished in an instant.
Spirits. The kind that roam the earth.
Listening from Rochester Hills, MI
There are WAY too many ads.
I agree. Sorry! Wasn't supposed to be that way, so I changed it. Appreciate the heads up.
@@SeanMcDowell Thanks Sean. Loved this episode!
Either Adblock plus or tell McDowell to demonetize his channel, which would not be a bad idea given that the only goal of his channel is to pass the message, right?
Weird, I'm watching on RUclips north Cali, no ads except before and after
@@CendeTanen-lp8xt weird, almost as if Sean said he fixed it. 3 years ago. really weird.
I may be done with collage with a bachelor's in history, but I'm very interested in Self Education. The certificate may be a little pricy, but for getting back to the joy of learning, it could be worth it.
Hi Sean,
Great interview by the way as it was with Dr Michael S Heiser. I've has almost all of Mike's books and he really puts things into perspective!
I'm from Swansea in Wales in the UK. Its a smallish seaside city on the South Wales coast!
I love the shows as they are very eye opening and interesting due to the depths of the topics!
I spent 10 years in ans out of a Mental institution. I was diagnosed with schizophrenia about 6 months after becoming a believer in Jesus Christ as my saviour. I didn't have fellowship at all for reasons I can't explain now but Satan's cronies soon went to work on me. Being a green Christian and ignorant I had no idea what happening to me. I did but to explain it because it sounded crazy. Today some 20 years on I am fully recovered which was a slow process and I have a full understanding what happened to me. Mental illness? There is no such thing. People are either possessed or oppressed by demons that all. It is as simple as that!!! I have seen demons attacked to professing believers in church environments but haven't said anything to them because many so called Christians are easily offended. Not to mention the numerous masons running our church environments. I was ordained in 2011 and the Lord called me out of the as I was attacked for speaking and pointing out the truth! I have a great and wonderful relationship with the Lord but fellowship would be icing on the cake tongue in check!
Keep up the great work and be blessed abundantly in Yahushua Ha Meshiach.
Thx John!
Hi brother, I think we need to seek out fellowshop actively. It does not come automatically always. Maybe a church is not perfect, but still consider to join it.
There may be individuals at churches that you can meet or team up with.
@@rn9940 The first thing a pastor/minister does when a new face enters the church ask them their name and where did followship previously. The next thing had does after you've gone your separate ways and picks up the phone to your previous church(es) to find out about you! The churches in the city I live are all run by freemasons. If they don't want you in their mists they will make life really uncomfortable for you until you leave. Always with a smile!!! I'm happy and at peace and full of joy with my fellowship with Lord daily and throughout the day! These churches are not interested in the truth, only that they control all and mislead the people. These people are not born again because you cannot serve two masters. You will love one and hate they other and they don't want to disclose their secrets because it exposes them for what they really are, sheep in wolves clothing! This is the end of the age!
Blessings in Yahushua Hameshiach🤗❤️🙏
Superinteresting conversation. Thanks
When I was younger, I used to dream about fighting demons. The whole idea of being a monster hunter was really appealing to me. As I now get older, I have come to realize what hubris that was to think that I could spar with supernatural beings. Because in the end I was always thinking of it based on My own strength despite giving lip service to God who strengthens me. As you get into scripture you realize that God is not wanting to turn anyone into demon hunters. He will take care of the demons, we are commanded to stand firm.
This doesn't mean that we ignore demonic presences, in Christ we should have no fear of them for the only thing they can do is ruin our bodies. (Of course I realized that the ruining of a body is something to fear for most people).
The problem comes when we ignore the signs of their presence and try to pass it off with some earthly explanation. There is no earthly remedy for a demonic presence. They're really good at their job and disguising themselves with earthly explanations, but when we write off demonic activity as a possible cause we can leave a rot in the system that can destroy families churches and areas.
Hello from Shoreham ny and l am saved 31yrs and love the lord. I feel that the bible is a life application and answers are there. Great show
Some of these comments are completely inane. Read a Bible for heaven's sake.
I remember my brother and I had quite the childhood growing up. He wasn’t the brightest or best kids around. One time he decided it would be a great idea to burn a bible inside a lit candle pentagram in the yard where the pool normally would sit in the summertime. Well, I think that day he released or summoned something onto our property and into our lives. The candles stayed lit for days, the final one not burning out for another few days after. It’s also important to not that they were just the small little tea candles too. How they burned for so long I will never know but they did.
At the time we were living on a property with 2 houses. One was my grandparents house, the other me, my dad, and mom lived in. He had a room over at my grandparents he would stay in. One day, while home alone apparently he awoke sometime late at night because the fan was making a weird noise. He got up and looked around his dimly lit room and the fan wasn’t even plugged in. Nothing was turned on not the TV, lights or anything. But in the corner of his room behind the TV something was making a screeching like sound, so he quickly booked it over to our house and didn’t sleep over there for a while. Some other strange events occurred, some I personally witnessed some my mom some him, a few rare occasions we all witnessed something.
Another one which is the weirdest, strangest thing me and a group of friends have ever experienced in our lives is something I don’t really expect anyone to believe. Anyways, me and a group of friends used to go over a friends house who lived right up the road from where I lived. It’s also important to note we lived out in the country, not very many houses around and when there were houses they were usually spaced pretty far apart. We had a little like bass thing going there we had built, had a fire pit in the middle and a nice wall made of pallets around it. Well for weeks we had rocks get thrown at us from the nearby woods. At first I thought my one friend Scott was just messing with me or something but every time he denied it. So one day while it was happening we recorded him in front of us on a phone to prove he wasn’t the one doing it because we could never catch him throwing any stones. We looked at the footage afterwards and to our surprise he wasn’t throwing them or messing with us. Eventually after we did this it just kept getting worse. Each time we would hang out the stones got larger and it would only ever happen once it reached nighttime grow worse as the nights went on. One day we were out there right around dusk, we had a fire going and 4 total of my friends outside playing hanging out you know like teens typically do. 2 of my friend went inside one to use bathroom other to make some food. Well that just left me and Scott outside alone. That day I had brought my rifle over to target practice too, but right when it started getting dark I started feeling really uneasy. So I told Scott I was gonna head in and he should come with me but he refused and said he would stay with the fire outside as he didn’t wanna leave it unattended. So I said okay and started back to the house when he started screaming “dude there’s something out here dude come back!” So I hesitantly came back but at a distance because I was getting really freaked out, trying to figure out what was going on. So he keeps telling me there’s something in the woods and he saw it, I saw rustling behind a nearby tree so I quickly told him I’ll be right back went inside told my 2 other friends that they need to get out there now. So I go back, he’s still flipping out now he is putting more stuff into the fire to get it going better. So I walk over close to him trying to figure out what the hell he is flipping out about. Was it an animal? A person? Nope. I look at the tree where he’s pointing and see a tall, pale white sickly looking, humanoid like thing that quickly hid as soon as we spotted it. Really fucked up looking thing, don’t really know what it was. So what do we decide to do? Scott picks his BB gun up and starts shooting in its direction trying to scare it off and telling it to go away. For some weird reason at this point, I no longer have a feeling of run but rather to stay and fight back, like I needed to be there with my friend and if I had left him all alone out there whatever that thing was in the trees was going to get him or hurt him. So I stayed. We tried everything to get it to go away but it never did. Eventually my other friend jake comes out and we well him what’s going on he can’t believe it until he saw it for himself too. So, with my rifle in hand i start firing rounds at it. I only had 10 rounds left after target practice so I really had to make them count. I shot one at the tree and not even joking after the shot rang through the forest we heard it scurry away, way faster than any person, maybe an animal could do it, then it came back to the same spot it was just in. I never did see it run because there was a thicket all around in the trees and I couldn’t tell exactly which way it was going. But I couldn’t believe it came back. So Jake yells at me to fire again so I did and it came back yet again. Gerald, my other friend comes out finally after hearing us fire rounds off asking what’s going on and he just DOES NOT believe us at all period. He then decides he’s gonna go around the side of it and try to take a look with a flashlight in hand we begged him not to do it but he did anyways and once he finally got in line with the tree it was behind he saw it and came running back saying “I believe you” over and over. At this point Jake is praying, asking it to go away, Scott screaming at it to go away chucking rocks doing everything for it to leave but it just won’t leave. So with the little cell service I had I called my mom at like 12am at night and was almost crying for her to come pick us up. It felt like it took years for her to get there but we all hopped in the car except Scott who just had to put the fire out but Jake and me told him screw that fire who cares we need to leave now dude so we had to almost drag him into the car to leave that place. Then we went back and just sat and talked about it all night. Sadly it did not end there either… also please note that my friends house we were at, Scott, his parents were bad drunks and slept most of the time when they weren’t drunk. I don’t think they ever woke up or ever even knew what happened there that night which is pretty crazy. Hope you guys enjoyed