Pressing Issues: Something is Really Wrong With Walter Veith-with Pastor Bill Hughes and Kody Morey

  • Опубликовано: 19 окт 2024

Комментарии • 337

  • @joshuasorotiya5254
    @joshuasorotiya5254 Месяц назад +33

    I dont see the sense of this discussion,i dont remember walter setting dates....this is very bad and so embarassing sitting 1 hour attacking another present truth preacher

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад

      Time-setting is not restricted to simply setting an exact day and time! If we even specify a period which we personally feel reveals 'the time' we are not listening to what God has told us, warning against taking the focus off what we need to be focussing on in regard to Bible prophecy. We are clearly told by the Lord that the day and hour of His return is known only to God the Father. We are given specific events we are to take note of as indicating prophecy is being fulfilled, but nobody knows when the Lord is to, or could, return. God, through his servant, also confirms that we ourselves, by the actions we make, can in fact delay or advance even this event - here is just one instance confirming this has already happened in our past:
      From Testimonies 2: “Had Adventists, after the great disappointment in 1844, held fast their faith, and followed on unitedly in the opening providence of God, receiving the message of the third angel and in the power of the Holy Spirit proclaiming it to the world, they would have seen the salvation of God, the Lord would have wrought mightily with their efforts, the work would have been completed, and Christ would have come ere this to receive His people to their reward."
      This subject is a bigger and wider study we need to have.

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад +2

      You just haven't discerned the error yet. It takes listening to what is actually being said, not just taking it for granted that what he claims to be saying IS what is in fact being said!

    • @lindayhukutwana3861
      @lindayhukutwana3861 Месяц назад +7

      No, he never set a date, I watched that video. He just said if he was calculating prophecy dates like a Methematician, he would set a date before 2030, about 2027. And concluded by saying, in Matthew, the Bible tells us nobody knows the Coming back date. People should listen with their minds, not just ears. Seriously, why are SDAs not busy preaching about the times we are in n how to prepare ourselves for the 2nd coming? Seriously! I'm gone here.

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад +1

      Yes, I watched it also - as with other errors being now made by Walter Veith, this one is subtle, and very important:
      The issue is that God has told us via His last day messenger that the application of ANY 'guesstimates' as to time regarding the Lord's 2nd Advent, after 1844, is forbidden! God had already given us as much as we are to know, by that time. Time setting isn't just relating to someone setting a precise date or a precise 'clock' time for the Lord's coming - it also refers to applying specific, or definite, time PERIODS to this event. The danger in this is because, as Sr White says, it puts the focus on a distraction, causing us to not focus on simply doing what we are meant to be doing: warning the world to get ready for His return, spreading the 3 Angels' Messages. Note in her following statement she doesn't say "time and date", she refers to any period of DEFINITE time - i.e. it can be DEFINITE months, days, or years - any SPECIFIC period that can be postulated by mere human beings as to when the Lord will return. It is the emphasis on ANY specific time period she is warning against, and she tells us where these impressions come from - and most importantly, the deception they are calculated to cause people: (please note capitalisation in my comment is not me 'yelling' at those reading these comments, but simply given for emphasis and to highlight the need for particular notice, so that correct and full meaning is conveyed)
      " Letter 38, 1888: "I was SHOWN that we should not have another DEFINITE time to proclaim to the people (i.e. after 1844) ... that the oft-repeated message of DEFINITE time was exactly what the enemy wanted, and it served HIS purpose well to unsettle the faith in the first proclamation of time, which was of Heavenly origin. Our position has been one of waiting and watching, with NO TIME-PROCLAMATION TO INTERVENE BETWEEN THE CLOSE OF THE PROPHETIC PERIOD IN 1844 AND THE TIME OF THE LORD'S COMING."
      Another important warning against preaching definite or specific periods of time:
      “God gives no man a message that it will be 10 years or 20 years before this earth’s history shall close. If it were 40 or 100 years the Lord would authorize NO MAN TO PROCLAIM IT. He would not give any living being an excuse for delaying the preparation for His appearing … for this leads to reckless neglect of opportunities and privileges to prepare for that great day.” Ms. 32A, 1896 (Manuscript Release #1308)"
      Again, how doing so distracts from the duties God has given us to do - which of course is Satan's aim:
      We are ‘to do present duties instead of exhausting the powers of our mind in SPECULATIONS in regard to the times and seasons which the Lord has placed in His own power, and WITHHELD from men.” 1SM 186
      The approximate or exact time of the Lord's return will NEVER be given to any human being, as Jesus Himself told us in Matth. 24:36 "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father ONLY."
      I submit that Walter Veith clearly needs to ensure he has every Bible and EGW statement before daring to preach what he is preaching. To not ensure this is preaching, not from a platform of truth, but presumption.

    • @qhazwel
      @qhazwel Месяц назад

      This side discussion concerning the 6,000 years is something evidenced in the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy. WV only made some points that SOP actually confirms the Biblical times of a 6,000 year period (found by dates, births, deaths, times etc). Look up "Six thousand years and jubilee". This is a common teaching that many haven't seen. The Bibles dates point to either 2027 or 2031. This isn't just an Adventist study. WV was trying to make clear things that SOP said and he was right. However, we must realize that we are at that 6,000 year time. The hierarchy of the occult world is setting plans for 2025 and 2027. The occult world expects their christ (little c) to come in that time period. Can things change? Of course? Does God have a people ready for His return? Let's take all information and just listen and not be alarmed; working out our own salvation with fear and trembling. Maranatha.

  • @carlkrebs6857
    @carlkrebs6857 Месяц назад +26

    Walter Veith is not a source of confusion or deception.

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад +5

      Yes, he in fact is. The only question left to those who have seen through that confusion and deception is, is he sincerely deceived or does he know what he's doing? If he knows what he's doing, as as this is not correct doctrine, the blood of all he's deceived is on his hands - the same as with every one of us!

    • @TheLionOfJudah1
      @TheLionOfJudah1 Месяц назад +5

      @@carlkrebs6857 No he is not! Walter Veith is a true soldier of God!

    • @johnjohnsick6421
      @johnjohnsick6421 Месяц назад +1

      Does Walter call people out of babylon, or call people into it? Please prayerfully consider this before you answer.

    • @TheLionOfJudah1
      @TheLionOfJudah1 Месяц назад +1

      @@johnjohnsick6421 Walter Veith calls people out of Babylon!

    • @johnjohnsick6421
      @johnjohnsick6421 Месяц назад

      @TheLionOfJudah1 please tell me what is babylon and show me how he's doing this.

  • @RichelClaridad
    @RichelClaridad Месяц назад +9

    No I'm not lost anymore since I've listened to prof Walter should be applied in our lives by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад +1

      Don't put your trust in what mere finite human beings may say or claim: study and learn what GOD says, and trust only that - it is our only safety. Jer. 17:5 "Thus saith the Lord; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm ..."; and
      Ps. 146:3 "Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help."

  • @AdannaG
    @AdannaG Месяц назад +11

    This was a sad yet edifying presentation. Like Brother Kody, I have benefited greatly from Dr Veith’s numerous presentations. However, over the past six years, he has become increasingly reluctant to address the growing apostasy within the SDA church, especially among its leadership. Many of his ‘What’s Up Prof’ RUclips viewers will be influenced by his viewpoint. His use of euphemisms (doublespeak) has become his trademark, where his true position on an issue is often concealed!
    Most troubling is his unyielding call to members to “stay in the ship” and provide support. Our loyalty is demanded even though our denomination has stepped down from the platform of truth and reform and bears little to no resemblance to the early SDA church established during the 19th century. This fact is evident in our Fundamental Principles of 1889 which was discarded and replaced with the current 28 Fundamental Beliefs. (I wonder whether Pastor Hughes and Brother Kody would do us a great service by comparing the two statements of belief in a forthcoming video presentation)?
    Let us strive with all the power that God has given us to be among the hundred and forty-four thousand. Amen.

    • @Desire_of_Ages
      @Desire_of_Ages Месяц назад +2

      If you have seen his Testimony, Walter Veith said that "once a Catholic, always a Catholic" ... his exact words 🤔
      (Personally, I would not be surprised if Walter Veith will not be in the Kingdom of God)

    • @Desire_of_Ages
      @Desire_of_Ages Месяц назад +1

      Amen 🙏

    • @noreensmith8614
      @noreensmith8614 Месяц назад +1

      Matt 7:1&2
      I’ll be surprised if you with your kind of reasoning are in the Kingdom

    • @Desire_of_Ages
      @Desire_of_Ages Месяц назад +1

      @@noreensmith8614 => thanks for the title & opportunity to "judge" ...I will be sure to pronounce the "sentence" over them 👍

    • @noreensmith8614
      @noreensmith8614 28 дней назад

      @@Desire_of_Ages Time will tell… won’t it?

  • @throwingpearls4601
    @throwingpearls4601 Месяц назад +14

    I'm 27 minutes in.....honestly, this is pathetic. God bless Walter Veith

    • @shure46
      @shure46 7 дней назад

      I feel the same way , Bill Kody Paul are obsessed with Walter Veith , I think they have "Preacher Envy" ..... they nitpick Walter on such nonsense .... As if they NEVER make an error , all their videos are 100% solid truth zero fault , and of course they are perfectly sinless to boot ....... I used to like Bill Hughes sermons , but I'm sensing a lot of Phariseeism in those guys nowdays ...... Walter Veith was HONEST and said he was a sinner , and they pounce all over him with this sinless perfectionism ..... and I have asked them several times now "ARE YOU GUYS SINLESS ???" they have never answered back , not once .... NOT ONCE have they replied "YES we are sinless and perfect"

  • @May-May1888
    @May-May1888 Месяц назад +27

    Can't trust anyone anymore...
    Only keep our eyes on Christ

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад +5

      And believe what HE says - not mere 'interpretations' of what He says. "Study to show t hyself approved unto God ....". Our only safety is God's Word and the writings of EGW. All else is rubbish.

    • @May-May1888
      @May-May1888 Месяц назад

      @@goldenautumn3073 absolutely

    • @cosmicure-truthinshort2038
      @cosmicure-truthinshort2038 Месяц назад

      The Christlike will live by choosing what is right in governance of themselves, and by trusting God with how things turn out

  • @KITO1966
    @KITO1966 Месяц назад +20

    Come on brothers, you are good people, and so is Walter Veith. No one is cancelling nobody, this is getting tiresome. As an SDA all my life, I've seen a lot of everything, but these recent video wars are going a little too far. He never set 2027 as "the" date!!

    • @gabriellebrowne1388
      @gabriellebrowne1388 Месяц назад +5

      many times he said, I am NOT setting a date, are some people selectively deaf..........

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад

      No, Walter is claiming he isn't actually SETTING a date because he doesn't specifically say "The Lord IS coming on" whatever day or date he's calling attention to! This to me is just part of the deceptive ploy used by Satan to get SDAs caught up in this trap. First, because the Lord has clearly told us that there were to be NO time applications to prophecies connected with our Message after 1844 until the end of time, and most specifically that no man knows the day or hour of the Lord's return, not even the angels, but only God Himself. So I have to ask: why is Walter even referring to a time period at all?
      Second, of course, time-setting has always been a trap set by Satan himself to ensnare SDAs. It's nothing new, but he tries it again and again! We don't know of course why or how Satan does this, but it clearly is described by the Lord as sourced in his deceptions and having the result of misleading God's people into fanaticism. We can't see all that is dangerous in placing the 2nd Advent in different time periods, however God wants us to trust what He says and obey Him in trust.
      Third, just because Walter thinks he's not actually setting a time for the Lord's (even possible!) 2nd Advent, doesn't mean that God regards what he's saying in that light. We have been given a set of specific events to indicate the nearness of the Lord's return, and are told that is all we are to pay attention to. Discussing speculative time periods, even if no exact date and time is included, is still drawing the FOCUS of people to a specific or speculative time period for the 2nd Advent, which we simply are not given to know, and this of course causes an excitement and eventual crashing disappointment as that time period then passes. A repeat of this happened only fairly recently when two prominent SDA pastors were led off the path by concentrating and speculating about the time of the 2nd Coming, focussing on a specific period of time. They were deluded by that focus, and delusion is not from God!
      God has warned through His messenger that focussing on time will specifically lead into fanaticism. He has repeatedly given messages through Sister White that we are to stay right away from it.
      Please heed this specific warning from God's messenger, written in 1885, relating to any and all applying of time periods being indicated by SDAs relating to messages God has given to us as a people:
      "I plainly stated at the Jackson camp meeting to these fanatical parties that they were DOING THE WORK OF THE ADVERSARY OF SOULS, they were in DARKNESS. They claimed to have great light that Probation would close in October 1884. I there stated in public that THE LORD HAD BEEN PLEASED TO SHOW ME THAT THERE WOULD BE NO DEFINITE TIME IN THE MESSAGES GIVEN BY GOD SINCE 1844, and that I knew that this message, which four or five were engaged in advocating with great zeal, was HERESY. .... THIS LIGHT CAME NOT FROM HEAVEN." "An Exposure of Fanaticism and Wickedness" (Pamphlet) pp. 9, 10 (1885)) Quoted in 2 Selected Messages, p. 73.
      Here is another quote by Sister White that clearly states that ESTIMATING TIME IN ANY PROPHETIC SENSE, FOR ANY PERIOD AT ALL AFTER 1844 TO THE END, IS NOT FROM GOD. Letter 38, 1888: "I was SHOWN that we should not have another definite time to proclaim to the people (i.e. after 1844) ..... that the oft-repeated message of definite time was exactly what the enemy wanted, and it served HIS purpose well to unsettle the faith in the first proclamation of time, which was of Heavenly origin. Our position has been one of waiting and watching, with NO TIME-PROCLAMATION TO INTERVENE BETWEEN".
      My question therefore is: Why can't we just learn to trust what God says and be content with that, and leave what has been warned against for our own good, alone?

    • @duduzilenkosilane925
      @duduzilenkosilane925 Месяц назад +2


    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад

      Nope, wrong.

    • @Dman86964
      @Dman86964 Месяц назад

      The problem with that video about 2027 that Beith made is that it causes confusion. There are many other statements from SOP that speak about 2027, in fact AD, Mackenzie Drebit did a video about 2027. He brings a lot of SOP quotes and comes to a totally different conclusion and in there lies the problem, it creates confusion.

  • @fromthesticks2027
    @fromthesticks2027 Месяц назад +7

    I grew up in the SDA church from a babe, holding on to my mothers dress tail and at five years old running to keep up with my mother and sister as we moved through the four o'clock morning, traversing the one and three quarters miles to the week of prayer meeting.
    Through my youth I defended my church against all schisms and offshoot groups. I watched young men older and barely older struggle with and get taken by all kinds of offshoot groups. I'd be given the same books which I would take home and read prayerfully with a pen and my Bible. I would underline all the faulty arguments, the exact points of deviation from the truth and errors in doctrine scribbling as much notes as I could get into the margins for the benefit of the one who gave me such books.
    Fast forward many years and I have a family and wife I have brought to the faith. One day my wife says to me, Clive, why aren't we hearing the messages being preached that you shared with me, that made me escape for my life into the truth?
    I couldn't answer her. In fact I had not even noticed. I had become lethargic and lazy and careless in the idea of a church ( organization) that was a ship that was going into the harbour at last. I was using this EGW statement (like hundreds of thousands of my brethren) to negate the fearsome warning of God to the Laodicean church that unless I repented of my apostasy He would spit me out of his mouth like the disgusting, insipid lukewarm food/meant to be hot beverage/barely warm soup, that I was. I recognized that we had a dichotomy of opposites. We were using the writings of the prophetess to negate the warning of God. People will say no but by our life and lack of devotion that was/is exactly what we were/are doing.
    We then went on a search to see if we could find a church that was preaching the truth. I have spoken to so many who have had this very same experience. Four states and three and a half years later I had to conclude it was the same everywhere, some places a tinge better than others but everwhere empty words, jokes, and trivializing eternal interests. The last six to seven months on the road, I was beginning to discover videos and ministers speaking of an apostasy that was rife. I was learning concepts like the emerging church, and spiritual formation in these videos and I was recognizing I had seen it all in our church search. When we found a pastor that preached the truth it was not for long, or the members were so irreverent we would go to the pastor asking if he would do a teaching on reverence and he would have the deer in the headlights look - he was seeing the Benjamin's floating out the door.
    I'm going to cut this story here. One day I discovered the present truth movement. I had to learn that there was a present truth movement and a quasi present truth movement set up by the government of the rebellion. The quasi was to catch the disssatified in the bushes and say follow me, we know the way, but take them the meandering path right back to an unfamiliar area of the plantation. The dissidents thought they had escaped the corruption but they had not, they were in a holding pattern ( on holding ground) so the tithes and offering could filter back to the renegade overlords. It was a brilliant scheme and many slave catchers were in this program. Thank God for the discernment given me from childhood we never became victims of these. God lead us faithfully to five wonderful ministries. Overtime two fell away.
    One day I asked The Lord. Lord why can't our people see you are not pleased with what exist as worship, as the mission of the remnant. The Lord said, only a honest person will hate sin and separate from it. Only one who has a true love of the truth. The idea of the honest heart began to impinge on my mind more and more. I began to think of the theives on the cross. One honest and accepted the truth, the other irreverent and self-centered. One day it struck me I should take a look at the parable that our Lord used to teach the condition of the heart. I got my Bible out and turned to the parable of the sower and the seed, looking at all three versions. To my amazement the corroboration and confirmation I sought.
    In Luke's account of the parable he records our Lords words accurately as:
    Luke 8:15 KJV
    But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience.
    The evidence is overwhelming that our leaders have formed a new organization and are leading the people of God to perdition. As in Sis.Whites Battle creek dream where she runs out the north door to escape the besieged house (church) many are making their way to the ministries of truth. They are finding their lives changed, they are being lifted up to higher ground through the reforms given our people for a perfecting of character, through daily deep devotion, through, daily fellowship with the brethren ( Yes Mid day Power Surge), the straight testimony, prayer and fastings. These see that a Sunday law is very near and that the sealing is truly almost over. These are not storing up wealth in this world but treasures in heaven. They want to love the brethren with all their hearts as they love and serve Christ more deeply.
    They are preaching the three angels messages, though it may cost them reproach and even a livelihood. They are asking daily that sin be removed that the Spirit may use them more fully. They are not countenancing evil, making excuses for evil, misquoting myriad passages to excuse evil. They believe God's church must represent the High and Holy. God expected perfect obedience from His leader Moses and would not excuse his mis-representation of the character of God. Yet God's love was sufficient to save the repentant prophet.
    Yours is one of my three Ministries I'm left with ( there might be a few others I dont know of). Those who don't know who they are (remnant identity) and what God's church is are none-starters in this work. May God keep you/us faithful to the end. May many honest hearts wake up to the truth in Christ Jesus quickly and remove themselves from under the influence of men dedicated to another, in Jesus' name. Amen. 🌴💚

    • @johnjohnsick6421
      @johnjohnsick6421 Месяц назад

      Man, I would love to agree with you in everything you shared here. However, you've overlooked babylon and the call to come out of it.

    • @LaurelBaum-x6x
      @LaurelBaum-x6x Месяц назад

      Have you heard brother Alex Ortega? What a powerful teacher of righteousness. His talks can be found on youtube.

    • @LaurelBaum-x6x
      @LaurelBaum-x6x Месяц назад

      Alex ortega is a retired sda minister who has experience.

    • @123nini
      @123nini Месяц назад

      Testimony Press Publications, a ministry for the honest in heart. You won't be disappointed.

    • @shure46
      @shure46 7 дней назад

      I know of everything you are saying , I can see how the church has become like a glass of warm milk .... NOTHING like when I was a kid (tugging on my mom's skirt too lol) ..... I am disappointed when I visit churches , I can see the fluff , the karaoke stage praise team , the comedy show , the desire to be on stage and put on the show for the audience ...... Walter knows of this stuff too , he is just hoping to find a way to keep us united ...... Not all of those independents are always right either , and in fact they too might be playing their part in our demise as a church ..... satan is sneaky , smart , and VERY deceptive , and I think he has his minions swirling around us ALL trying to keep us at each other's throats .... and I BELIEVE Walter hates to see this happening , and he is NOT "leading people to hell" (a horrid accusation) ...... I know our leadership has done a LOT of wrong things , but I also know many of the bashers are sometimes unreasonably harsh ..... I'll give you a perfect example , I have heard people criticize Ted Wilson for not issuing "official church doctrines that SDA's cannot take vaccines based on religious grounds" ..... Now keep in mind m SDA's have been getting vaccinated for my entire life of 66 years , I have been vaccinated , BY SDA DOCTORS !!!!! So HOW is Ted Wilson supposed to issue this "official decree" ??? He would be torn to shreds by the critics as a liar ...... Things like that , so not all "independents" are the path to Heaven either in my opinion , they can be quite unreasonable too ..... BUT , the Diop guy has to go for sure , and frankly I think the time is very very soon for home churches really , I think the days of the "scripted programmed church" is coming to an end , church nowdays should be 100% Bible Study , sing hymns , and PLAN together for what's to come ..... no more time for fluffy nonsense and karaoke shows

  • @bruceplahtinsky3028
    @bruceplahtinsky3028 Месяц назад +10

    "We are to unify, but not on a platform of error.
    (SpTB02 47.2)

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад +2


  • @TheLionOfJudah1
    @TheLionOfJudah1 Месяц назад +12

    God still seating on His throne!! We love you all! I love Pastor Bill, Walter Veith, Dr Vine! And every one who stands for the truth!

    • @CarmenJLemon
      @CarmenJLemon Месяц назад +1

      Yes, too much blame is going around. Is that's going to help us?

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад

      It's not 'blame' - it's 100% the totally authorised Ministry of Reproof - see Isaiah 58:1 and a multitude of Spirit of Prophecy statements confirming this, which was also the duty of all prophets throughout the ages and recorded of and by them in the Bible, beginning to end. Would you call John the Baptist's ministry of reproof mere personal 'blame'? Or any of the Bible prophets such as Jeremiah etc? God REQUIRES this reproof to be given, with a call to repentance before it is TOO LATE for people to be saved. End of story!

  • @lizzbranster732
    @lizzbranster732 Месяц назад +10

    The past few weeks all we hear is from all independent ministries is condemnation not education not the 3 angels messages. My question to you is are you willing to die for these brothers eternally. Yes the church is in a mess but so are the independent ministries

    • @fredyzavaleta3459
      @fredyzavaleta3459 Месяц назад +2

      Dear Lizz if you want to keep listening love, love, love. Then all you need is love and you must remain following your religious leaders in your church, or the beatles, after all they say the same, and worked for their same leader, satan.
      I just want to let you know that the message of the 3 angels is not love, love, love, but a strong warning concerning idolatry. That is true love and not like you expect. The 3 angels message is not condemnation but a true warning.
      Is that wrong? Of course not. It is necessary cry outloud against corruption and deception, after all that was what all the prophets sus, including John the baptist and even our Lord Jesus Christ

    • @fredyzavaleta3459
      @fredyzavaleta3459 Месяц назад

      By the way I'm not willing to die for satan bergoglio and all behind him, that know exactly what they're doing, where they're going and who they're working for. Is like if you ask to someone that claims to be christian, such person demonstrates dying for Cain or Judas, or even for satan.
      Because they made their own decision. Would you die for anyone of them?

    • @mariamgevorkian9370
      @mariamgevorkian9370 Месяц назад

      These people are payed to persecut God's prophets and messengers. They are trained in Jesuit schools.

  • @susanjohn3813
    @susanjohn3813 Месяц назад +5

    The shaking is indeed taking place. God will expose all of them.

  • @mauricerose3082
    @mauricerose3082 Месяц назад +11

    Martin Luther protested against Rome itself. Martin Luther as an Adventist would not be passively sitting in a pew not challenging the organization.

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад +1

      Amen to that.

    • @mikem.m4294
      @mikem.m4294 Месяц назад +3

      But the difference I see is RC corruption was/is systemic(doctrines,practices are not biblical)for sda the teaching n doctrine is OK....but specific individuals may be corrupt & have not developed a personal relationship with Christ(even though serving in his church)...Just like the Lord said some tares may remain all through to the end others will change(Judas remained with his duties until the very end,yet Jesus knew?) .BUT I agree we have to point out the wrong in loving way for purpose of helping the individual(Jesus did,patiently and with love with His disciples such as Peter who eventually matured in personal relationship and strong)

    • @mauricerose3082
      @mauricerose3082 Месяц назад

      @@mikem.m4294 "The Lord is not Slack concerning His Promise, as some Men count Slackness; but is Longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should Perish, but that all should come to Repentance." 2 Peter 3:9 KJB
      "With all Lowliness and Meekness, with Longsuffering, Forbearing one another in Love;" Ephesians 4:2 KJB

    • @hangobamulima735
      @hangobamulima735 Месяц назад +1

      Seventhday Adventist churuch will never be babylon despite some of its leaders being Jesuits, we have a Bible based doctrine and not the doctrine based on commandments of men

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад

      Not correct. Statements from Sister White God's last-day messenger and prophet:
      "If the church of God becomes lukewarm, it does not stand in favor with God any more than do the CHURCHES THAT ARE REPRESENTED AS HAVING FALLEN AND BECOME THE HABITATION OF DEVILS, AND THE HOLD OF EVERY FOUL SPIRIT, AND THE CAGE OF EVERY UNCLEAN AND HATEFUL BIRD. Letter 35, 1898, p. 6-7
      "We are in danger of becoming a sister to fallen Babylon, of allowing our churches to become corrupted, filled with every foul spirit, and cage of every unclean and hateful bird." Letter 51, 9/6/1886, other publications as well (This is a definite warning based on the scriptural definition of Babylon - Adventists are just as capable of becoming Babylon and joining with it, as anyone else.
      "When the early church departed from God and imbibed Papal errors, she BECAME BABYLON. When she united with the State, she fell, and AS AN ORGANISATION was the Body of Christ NO LONGER. WHILE the Reformation churches held fast to the Word, Christ was with them. When they then crystallised their various errors into creeds and endeavoured thus to confine God's Word, they made themselves DAUGHTERS OF BABYLON. When some of them united with the State, they fell, and God had to use other people, called out of Babylon, to carry forward His work. The Jewish church failed and God called out the apostolic church to do His bidding.”"
      So don't think the SDA church is not capable of BECOMING Babylon - of course, it also is simply prophesied to do so when it imbibes the doctrines of immortality of the soul, Sunday sacredness and spiritualism. (Sunday observance is already occurring in our churches, especially in America, and spiritualistic practices are manifesting in our churches and among our members. This is happening in other denominations also. Of course, this is falling under the delusion of Babylon’s doctrine of the immortality of the soul.) 'Becoming Babylon' is a SPIRITUAL condition that renders individuals or organisations Satan's - quite clearly! Whether or not we join Babylon DEPENDS on our obedience to Christ and aligning ourselves with His WORD, or not doing so. The Jewish church is the same in prophetic context as the SDA denomination today, and God's destruction on the unfaithful today will be the same as on the Jewish church and nation in their time, clearly prophesied in Ezekiel 9.
      “God has a church. It is not the great cathedral, neither is it the national establishment, neither is it the various denominations” (including the SDA denomination (my words) - “it is the PEOPLE WHO LOVE GOD AND KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS. Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them (Matt. 18:20). Where Christ is even among the humble few, this is Christ’s church, FOR THE PRESENCE OF THE HIGH AND HOLY ONE WHO INHABITETH ETERNITY CAN ALONE CONSTITUTE A CHURCH.” Upward Look p. 315.

  • @garysouthwell5762
    @garysouthwell5762 Месяц назад +2

    A lot of church goers a living lives of sin because they dont know what sin is today! Idolatry of Sport, wasting money on travel for pleasure, doing works of charity and outreach with the motive of éarning your way to salvation'. Warnings should be given, but the Joy of the Lord and the Future Eternity to look forward to should be the main attraction, along with the Love of the Truth, both the Hard and the Gentle!
    Keep up the Good work Brothers!

  • @denisecares6124
    @denisecares6124 Месяц назад +5

    We are not appointed by God as judges over our brothers. We must speak the truth in love without bashing, without saying in essence "thou fool" lest we be in danger of judging ourselves. We want unity and correctly we cannot truly unite with error. Jesus told parables of wheat and tares growing together and that the tares should not be "rooted out". Both sides accuse the other of being the "tares", so where does that leave us? Everyone on both sides needs to look over ourselves and humble ourselves before the throne of God and let Him judge our hearts and cleanse our hearts in whatever way He needs to work to re-make us into His image. We cannot gain salvation by looking at anyone else, judging or condemning what they do all the while taking our eyes off of Jesus.

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад +1

      I don't understand why SDAs take what Bill Hughes and Truth Triumphant are saying a some sort of personal 'judging'. You're missing the point altogether. Discerning right from wrong is NOT judging, and there is nothing personal in these messages being given! This is the ministry of REBUKE, or REPROOF, totally authorised by God Himself. (See, for one example, Isaiah 58:1) All the Bible prophets were called to give this call to repentance, with warnings of God's judgements to come if the people didn't listen and do so. It also has nothing to do with the admonition in Matthew 18:15 to 'take your grievances with a brother to him alone" (my paraphrasing) - those texts in Matthew, which some have complained Bill should be doing, refer to PERSONAL wrongs caused by one member to another. We are there instructed to go to someone we have offended or sinned against, or even sometimes who has offended and sinned against us, and seek to have those wrongs put right. But the ministry of rebuke is a specific calling, totally authorised by God in His Word and confirmed by His latter-day servant, Sister White, and it MUST be given, or the curse of God we are told will come upon the WHOLE CHURCH.
      SDAs also need to realise that some of us ARE given clear discernment by the Holy Spirit, and others are in danger of being misled - wouldn't YOU be glad to have a concerned brother or sister point you back to the safe path if you were being misled?! There is nothing being preached here that isn't in accord with scripture and the Spirit of Prophecy, as you will discover if you do the study.
      Here are just two EGW statements clearly clarifying the need for this ministry:
      "A minister cannot have a deep, ardent love for souls and neglect REPROOF. Such neglect is an evidence of hatred, not love, in the sight of God, who commanded: "Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thy heart: thou shalt surely rebuke thy neighbor, and not bear sin because of him" (Lev. 19:17, A.R.V.). As a watchman the minister must be ever ready to rebuke in love those that need rebuke. Overlooking this responsibility is painful to the heart of God because it has painful consequence to the erring one. Sin hurts the sinner both here and in the hereafter. For this reason a minister CANNOT KEEP SILENT. If he does he will incur the displeasure of God. "Eli was a good man, pure in morals; but he was too indulgent. He incurred the displeasure of God because he did not strengthen the weak points in his character. He did not want to hurt the feelings of anyone and had not the moral courage to rebuke and reprove sin."-Testimonies, vol. 4, p. 516. It is weakness of character that makes God's watchmen afraid of hurting the feelings of the erring. It is weakness to be devoid of "the moral courage to rebuke and reprove sin." Christ rebuked the sinners. "Yet He drew them."-Education, p. 79.
      Testimonies for the Church, vol. 3: "The plain, straight testimony MUST live in the church, or the CURSE of God will rest UPON HIS PEOPLE as surely as it did upon ancient Israel because of their sins. God holds His people, as a body, responsible for the sins existing in individuals among them. If the leaders of the church neglect to diligently search out the sins which bring the displeasure of God upon the body, they become responsible for these sins."

  • @randolphsloan2263
    @randolphsloan2263 Месяц назад +4

    " Let us lay aside every weight that does so easily beset...and go on unto PERFECTION."!!

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад

      The trouble is, most SDAs don't understand correctly what is MEANT by Christian perfection - and it's a study they certainly need to ensure they have clear.

    • @shure46
      @shure46 7 дней назад

      YES perfection is the goal ..... Are you perfect right now ???? I'm not , Walter is not , Bill is not , Kody is not , and YOU are not ...... but yes , it is the goal we should all strive hard for amen amen , but I will NEVER bash Walter Veith for BEING HONEST and saying "I am a sinner" ..... Bill and Kody will , but I won't

  • @rodneywilliams1396
    @rodneywilliams1396 Месяц назад +5

    Great tricksters they are the way brother Jonathon was treated! Jesus was never in politics! Thank Jesus for being ‘The Author of Liberty!’ Lesson 1, October 5,1895!

  • @jahatton
    @jahatton 21 день назад

    We were financially supporting Clash of Minds "What's Up Prof?" all through CoVid, but when we heard him say to stay in the church, don't leave the church... We sent Walter an email explaining what was happening in our local church and conference.. His answer was ok but stay in the church! We never left the SDA church to start with because the "church" left the message. The great list of great speakers we had are quickly dwindling down. But God is raising up individuals that are not ashamed to hold the banner of Christ high for the whole world to see. Praise God!

  • @AnnelineVanZyl-f3v
    @AnnelineVanZyl-f3v Месяц назад +1

    I've heard 24 min and are very sad about what l heard. No idea what you try to accomplish by putting down others under the disguise of calling out error. Definitely my first and last time listening to this ministry.

  • @michellethompson1242
    @michellethompson1242 29 дней назад +2

    Walter Veith is a servant of the Most High under attack .

  • @SandraJimenez-sr2xp
    @SandraJimenez-sr2xp Месяц назад

    Clarification is a must if we are to win souls to Christ. Mere men put your straps up and let us do this right. Thank you brothers for putting WORDS in the right form. Praying for brother Walter and your ministry. God bless you and your families.

  • @marcosariel8323
    @marcosariel8323 Месяц назад +4

    I also understand that Seventh-day Adventism is a movement, not just a Church, it is also a consensus rather than unanimity😮

  • @kebeZmerkato
    @kebeZmerkato Месяц назад +6

    I can feel the shaking.

  • @sanctifiedpath
    @sanctifiedpath Месяц назад +3

    How about this, "Preach the 3rd Angels Messages" and get on with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @Proverbs3_5
    @Proverbs3_5 Месяц назад +4

    Revelation 3:19 "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent."

  • @Proverbs3_5
    @Proverbs3_5 Месяц назад +3

    So basically, "You must not address the concerns that you have, because the person who has offended would be clearly identified by his offense which he has committed."

    • @truthtriumphantministries8461
      @truthtriumphantministries8461  Месяц назад

      Well Said

    • @Proverbs3_5
      @Proverbs3_5 Месяц назад

      @@truthtriumphantministries8461 Amen. Happy Sabbath to Pastor Bill, brothers Kody and Paul, and everyone at Truth Triumphant ,and to everyone else who reads this during sacred hours. God bless and keep you one and all and all of your families and loved ones. May the LORD guard and guide all your steps and supply all your spiritual and temporal needs according to His will and purpose. In Jesus' name. Amen.

    • @truthtriumphantministries8461
      @truthtriumphantministries8461  Месяц назад

      @@Proverbs3_5 Amen Brother Ansin! Let's keep our eyes on the LORD

  • @RichelClaridad
    @RichelClaridad Месяц назад +3

    Nonsense very emotional church members that shouldn't be because we are to focus to Jesus not ourselves

  • @morrischong6008
    @morrischong6008 Месяц назад +2

    See TM- Vol 3. p281.2. SM -1. p 204. .... Their foundation would be built on the sand, and the storm and tempest would sweep away the structure...

  • @SandraJimenez-sr2xp
    @SandraJimenez-sr2xp Месяц назад +1

    That is why we can't exhort brethren in local churches because it is bashing them. We are hurting the spirit. God calls us to exhort and bare our burdens together with love.

  • @davidhannan2023
    @davidhannan2023 Месяц назад +6

    Bill did a good job of explaining things said by Walter Vieth but Cody, you did a lot actually just bashing and personal opinions. Watch the sermon with Dr. Conrad Vine how he dealt with the accusations against him. He used scripture and the Spirit of Prophecy with finesse without bashing, but still got the Truth out there.
    One thing I really have a hard time is The Advent message has several parts and Ellen White says in the end times the health message is a key part. I am not perfect and I am working on things and honest about it, but don’t hear much it and see many obese people on stage preaching how bad others are and but are not living, teaching or proclaiming the Health message or country living.

    • @truthtriumphantministries8461
      @truthtriumphantministries8461  Месяц назад

      I think the last half of this are fair points. Give me a call if you want to talk about this further (941) 421-2661
      On the first part, can you point out specifically (and please be specific) about what was "bashing" and personal opinions (other than what was stated and identified by the speaker as a "personal opinion") which you identified? You can call me about this too if you prefer, either way

  • @mauricerose3082
    @mauricerose3082 Месяц назад +2

    "Know ye not that we shall Judge Angels? how much more Things that pertain to this Life?" 1 Corinthians 6:3 KJB
    "Thou madest him a little lower than the Angels; thou Crownedst him with Glory and Honour, and didst set him over the Works of Thy Hands:" Hebrews 2:7 KJB

  • @noemazahua3028
    @noemazahua3028 20 дней назад

    24:06 thanks for mention it, that's what I will do; I consider this your greatest contribution so far until minute 30, I wish we all have a personal relationship with God and thus we make it through all the obstacles and issues untill the glorious morning. Maranatha!

  • @freddyc8098
    @freddyc8098 Месяц назад +16

    I’m a nontrinitarian and when I heard Walter state that nontrinitarians should get out of HIS church he lost all of my respect then and there

    • @PrushrajRajnath
      @PrushrajRajnath Месяц назад +1

      Foolish and shallow

    • @qrchris
      @qrchris Месяц назад +2

      ​@@PrushrajRajnathwhat is foolish and shallow?

    • @gabriellebrowne1388
      @gabriellebrowne1388 Месяц назад +2

      he's not claiming ownership of Gods church, he is affirming it is his, its mine too and every faithful commandment keeping SDA's church also

    • @Perseverance4477
      @Perseverance4477 Месяц назад

      Well non trinitarians don't believe Jesus is God so yeah they need to get out of the church because they are apostate and accursed. And he never said "my" church, you are bearing false witness against your brethren.

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад +1

      Well, when God says his house is a house of prayer for ALL people, what right has Walter Veith or anyone else to start ordering people to get out of it? (Isa. 56:7,8). This is pride and self-aggrandisement. As pride brought down the highest and most gifted angel who once stood next to God's throne, imo Walter Veith needs to shun it like the plague.

  • @georgechakhuta3773
    @georgechakhuta3773 Месяц назад +12

    Walter i knew of his sermons a decade ago is not the same Veith today, he is completely changed .He is inclined to denomination hiarchiachal up to the extent of shielding evil things.He has lost savor (Matthews 5:13). Thanks pastor Bill and brother Kody for speaking truth and not shielding evil practices in the denomination.

    • @noreensmith8614
      @noreensmith8614 Месяц назад

      This is so untrue!!!!!!

    • @c.f.74
      @c.f.74 Месяц назад +2

      People are saying the same about Pastor Ron Kelly, that he's not the same either. I don't know how Walter Veith or Ron Kelly was before and I learned a lot from both of these pastors. I don't listen to Amazing Words Ministries anymore. I do like ProphecyAgainTV.

    • @DreeDree44
      @DreeDree44 Месяц назад +1

      It's true

    • @shure46
      @shure46 7 дней назад

      Walter did not set a date , he was just speculating about the 6,000 yrs , I have done the same thing many times , Walter was just PONDERING OUT LOUD , he never set a date , he knows no one knows exactly when Jesus is coming , Walter admitted he is a sinner , are YOU perfectly sinless ??? If so please get with Bill and Kody and all three of you make a video telling us how perfectly sinless you are ..... Walter is saddened by the church being torn apart by satan , he just wishes we could solve this without tearing apart , he is NOT "leading people to hell" and that is a horrible accusation against him

    • @shure46
      @shure46 7 дней назад

      Walter doesn't have much contact with Bill because Walter doesn't like drama , and Bill loves it

  • @hangobamulima735
    @hangobamulima735 Месяц назад +1

    “There are little companies continually arising who believe that God is only with the very few, the very scattered, and their influence is to tear down and scatter that which God’s servants build up. Restless minds who want to be seeing and believing something new continually are constantly rising, some in one place and some in another, all doing a special work for the enemy, yet claiming to have the truth. They stand separate from the people whom God is leading out and prospering, and through whom He is to do His great work. They are continually expressing their fears that the body of Sabbath keepers are becoming like the world, but there are scarcely two of these whose views are in harmony. They are scattered and confused, and yet deceive themselves so much as to think that God is especially with them.”-Testimonies for the Church 1:417.

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад

      From the pen of inspiration: "If the church of God becomes lukewarm, it does not stand in favor with God any more than do the CHURCHES THAT ARE REPRESENTED AS HAVING FALLEN AND BECOME THE HABITATION OF DEVILS, AND THE HOLD OF EVERY FOUL SPIRIT, AND THE CAGE OF EVERY UNCLEAN AND HATEFUL BIRD. Letter 35, 1898, p. 6-7
      "We are in danger of becoming a sister to fallen Babylon, of allowing our churches to become corrupted, filled with every foul spirit, and cage of every unclean and hateful bird." Letter 51, 9/6/1886, other publications as well (This is a definite warning based on the scriptural definition of Babylon - Adventists are just as capable of becoming Babylon and joining with it, as anyone else. TSB 188.3
      "When the early church departed from God and imbibed Papal errors, she BECAME BABYLON. When she united with the State, she fell, and AS AN ORGANISATION was the Body of Christ NO LONGER. WHILE the Reformation churches held fast to the Word, Christ was with them. When they then crystallised their various errors into creeds and endeavoured thus to confine God's Word, they made themselves DAUGHTERS OF BABYLON. When some of them united with the State, they fell, and God had to use other people, called out of Babylon, to carry forward His work. The Jewish church failed and God called out the apostolic church to do His bidding.”"
      So don't think the SDA church is not capable of BECOMING Babylon - of course, it also is simply prophesied to do so when it imbibes the doctrines of immortality of the soul, Sunday sacredness and spiritualism. (Sunday observance is already occurring in our churches, especially in America, and spiritualistic practices are manifesting in our churches and among our members. This is happening in other denominations also. Of course, this is falling under the delusion of Babylon’s doctrine of the immortality of the soul.) 'Becoming Babylon' is a SPIRITUAL condition that renders individuals or organisations Satan's - quite clearly! Whether or not we join Babylon DEPENDS on our obedience to Christ and aligning ourselves with His WORD, or not doing so. The Jewish church is the same in prophetic context as the SDA denomination today, and God's destruction on the unfaithful today will be the same as on the Jewish church and nation in their time, clearly prophesied in Ezekiel 9.
      “God has a church. It is not the great cathedral, neither is it the national establishment, neither is it the various denomination” (including the SDA denomination (my words) - “it is the PEOPLE WHO LOVE GOD AND KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS. Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them (Matt. 18:20). Where Christ is even among the humble few, this is Christ’s church, FOR THE PRESENCE OF THE HIGH AND HOLY ONE WHO INHABITETH ETERNITY CAN ALONE CONSTITUTE A CHURCH.” Upward Look p. 315.

    • @hangobamulima735
      @hangobamulima735 Месяц назад

      The SDA Church will never be Babylon nor Sister babylon, allow the Holy Spirit to guide and explain to you when ever you are studying the Holy Scripture so that you dont take certain scriptures out of context. Just like the Church before, during and after Christ was under attack and influence of the devil so is the present church but did christ or the appostles leave the church, No! What they did is that they concentrated on the gospel so are we to point out the wrongs, expose Satans agents(Jesuits) posing as pastors, but our main aim just like the apostles should be to preach the end time message, preparing people for Christs second Advent, preaching the everlasting gospel, the three angels message, state of the dead, sanctuary and other important doctrines telling the world who the true Babylon is, being careful and prayerful lest we be used by the devil to push his agenda. We are warn of a falling away from the truth before Christ comes be careful, prayerful and watchful!

    @BTBFBG Месяц назад +1

    If there is a misappropriation of funds due to the fact that the leadership is not skilled in properly disbursing them, compared to a misappropriation due to the fact the leadership is corrupt and evil, then tithes should NOT be given then.....the latter instance is what is taking place here

  • @TheRazor666777
    @TheRazor666777 Месяц назад +1

    Which of the three gods should i pray for today since all are coeternal 🎉

  • @therapeuticinstrumentalsan3400
    @therapeuticinstrumentalsan3400 Месяц назад +1

    Those who contend with humans over doctrinal issues are misguided. "We Wrestle not against flesh and blood."

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад +1

      That's precisely WHY we need to have a very firm clarity on what Bible doctrine is, and says! Contention comes only when mere human beings oppose what God says - i.e. doctrine - and our test, as Jesus warned, is "Will we obey God, or man?" Jesus also tells us we definitely are to use doctrine to correct error, in order to save others especially - 2 Tim. 4:2 "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and DOCTRINE."

  • @innocentsyampande1588
    @innocentsyampande1588 Месяц назад +3

    Bill and Kody would you help me understand; Are we to call people out of the SDA Church...??

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад +1

      That isn't what Truth Triumphant is doing. That is a decision which is to be made between God and each person alone - however it should be noted that in the history of Israel separation because of apostasy certainly happened - one example was at the time of Shiloh when priests and their families removed themselves from the Israelite church and worshipped privately so as to not become misled and influenced by the gross sins other priests were committing. If you have a conscience towards God enlightened by the Holy Spirit, the conflict between what man dictates and what God commands soon becomes evident and unavoidable, and eventually the individual has to make a decision for one or the other. There is freedom ONLY in Christ, not in any church group or organisation! Jesus came to ancient Jerusalmen to free them from this deception and confusion. Sadly, but as prophesied, this apostasy and confusion is happening again today.

  • @Emanuel-n6y
    @Emanuel-n6y Месяц назад +4

    The Time that is spent by talking about others could be spent praying for them. You talk about Charakter Perfection. What would Jesus do? Even to Judas, he didnt do, what you are doing to a fellow brother. Did God call you to this Work. Critizising and shaming publicly. In the Name of 'Rebuke' you are displaying a spirit of Selfrighteousnes. Please Brothers, stop.

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад +1

      You aren't seeing it from the correct perspective. The ministry of reproof, the Spirit of Prophecy tells us clearly, MUST live in the church or the entire church will come under God's curse. Isa. 58:1 clearly defines what that ministry is to do.
      SOP states: "A minister cannot have a deep, ardent love for souls and neglect REPROOF. Such neglect is an evidence of hatred, not love, in the sight of God, who commanded: "Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thy heart: thou shalt surely rebuke thy neighbor, and not bear sin because of him" (Lev. 19:17, A.R.V.). As a watchman the minister must be ever ready to rebuke in love those that need rebuke. Overlooking this responsibility is painful to the heart of God because it has painful consequence to the erring one. Sin hurts the sinner both here and in the hereafter. For this reason a minister CANNOT KEEP SILENT. If he does he will incur the displeasure of God. "Eli was a good man, pure in morals; but he was too indulgent. He incurred the displeasure of God because he did not strengthen the weak points in his character. He did not want to hurt the feelings of anyone and had not the moral courage to rebuke and reprove sin."-Testimonies, vol. 4, p. 516. It is weakness of character that makes God's watchmen afraid of hurting the feelings of the erring. It is weakness to be devoid of "the moral courage to rebuke and reprove sin." Christ rebuked the sinners. "Yet He drew them."-Education, p. 79.
      Testimonies for the Church, vol. 3: "The plain, straight testimony MUST live in the church, or the CURSE of God will rest UPON HIS PEOPLE as surely as it did upon ancient Israel because of their sins. God holds His people, as a body, responsible for the sins existing in individuals among them. If the leaders of the church neglect to diligently search out the sins which bring the displeasure of God upon the body, they become responsible for these sins."

    • @Emanuel-n6y
      @Emanuel-n6y Месяц назад +1

      ​@@goldenautumn3073 I agree that reprove is a sign of Love. But saying that a Brother who has called thousands out of Babylon and brought them into the faith, is leading people to damnation and 'exposing' his theological flaws publicly is not helping the Work of saving Souls. It is confusing people and discouraging many. It May be with good intentions, but it's not the Ministry of reprove. It's the Ministry of accusing the brethren.

    • @Emanuel-n6y
      @Emanuel-n6y Месяц назад

      ​@@goldenautumn3073 A perspektive is the angle from which you Look at an Object or theme. So two people might be looking at the same object and seeing different aspects of the same object. I came back to Adventism through the teachings of Brother Veith. Then i discovered the teaching of the so called Last Generation Theologie and Character Perfection through Others. So it was a growth process. It's good to have someone to instruct you along the way until you get the complete picture from all the Angles. John the Baptist led the people some of the way, but then Jesus took over and led them all the way. Now imagine If the one thats taking over the Rest of the way starts discrediting the first Person. Woulnt that mean confusion?

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад +1

      Emanuel, we are not 'once saved always saved'! MANY preachers have started out faithful to God and then been led astray and into apostasy - most of all, those who have deceived themselves that they know it all and think, in their pride and arrogance, that they can never fall! Walter Veith once did a faithful work, but his divergence from truth on the subjects of righteousness by faith and God's requirement for Christian character perfection, are not sound. I am just one who noticed this before I even heard Bill Hughes mention it. That divergence is VERY SUBTLE but it IS there. And no, you are wrong: read Isaiah 58:1 for God's description of what the ministry of reproof is. Ask the Lord for enlightenment and clarity also.

    • @noreensmith8614
      @noreensmith8614 Месяц назад

      Well said!

  • @Mahirwe-t7l
    @Mahirwe-t7l Месяц назад +2

    My Brothers and sisters . Please if you judge, judge righteously . Because P Walter. And his ministry teaches that salvation means to stay in the boat. That’s wrong. His telling people of God to stay in apostasy and support it, and do nothing. Because The boat will go through the storm. He meant SDA General conference organization.
    Bible and spirit of prophecy it is plainly that the overcoming Church will go through the storms by Jesus Christ. However apostatized SDA organization it will blown away by storms. But God’s people who were purified by truth will overcome
    Rev 17
    14 These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.
    Is SDA General conference faithful? What is doing in Rome? What position it took in COVID 19 Era? Please wake up ! It’s time to stop supporting apostasy.

  • @goldenautumn3073
    @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад +1

    TIME SETTING: I've posted this as a reply to another SDA in these comments, but due to my concern regarding the lack of full study revealed by several commenters on this subject, feel it important to post these few EGW statements separately (there are others), so the truth of what God has warned on this issue can be clearly seen in regard to the setting of any periods of time for the Lord's 2nd Advent:
    The issue is that God has told us via His last day messenger that the application of ANY 'guesstimates' as to time regarding the Lord's 2nd Advent, after 1844, is simply forbidden! God had already given us as much as we are to know, by that time. Time setting also isn't just relating to someone setting a precise date or a precise 'clock' time for the Lord's coming - it also refers to applying specific, or definite, time PERIODS to this event. The danger in this is because, as Sr White says, it puts the focus on a distraction, causing us to not focus on simply doing what we are meant to be doing: warning the world to get ready for His return, spreading the 3 Angels' Messages. Note in her following statement she doesn't say "time and date", she refers to any period of DEFINITE time - i.e. it can be DEFINITE (i.e. specific) months, days, or years - any SPECIFIC period that can be postulated by mere human beings as to when the Lord will return. It is the emphasis on ANY specific time period she is warning against, and she tells us where these impressions come from - and most importantly, the deception they are calculated to cause people: (please note capitalisation in my comment is not me 'yelling', but simply given for emphasis and to highlight the need for particular notice, so that correct and full meaning is obtained):
    " Letter 38, 1888: "I was SHOWN that we should not have another DEFINITE time to proclaim to the people (i.e. after 1844) ... that the oft-repeated message of DEFINITE time was exactly what the enemy wanted, and it served HIS purpose well to unsettle the faith in the first proclamation of time, which was of Heavenly origin. Our position has been one of waiting and watching, with NO TIME-PROCLAMATION TO INTERVENE BETWEEN THE CLOSE OF THE PROPHETIC PERIOD IN 1844 AND THE TIME OF THE LORD'S COMING."
    Another important warning against preaching definite or specific periods of time:
    “God gives no man a message that it will be 10 years or 20 years before this earth’s history shall close. If it were 40 or 100 years the Lord would authorize NO MAN TO PROCLAIM IT. He would not give any living being an excuse for delaying the preparation for His appearing … for this leads to reckless neglect of opportunities and privileges to prepare for that great day.” Ms. 32A, 1896 (Manuscript Release #1308)"
    Again, how doing so distracts from the duties God has given us to do - which of course is Satan's aim:
    We are ‘to do present duties instead of exhausting the powers of our mind in SPECULATIONS in regard to the times and seasons which the Lord has placed in His own power, and WITHHELD from men.” 1SM 186
    The approximate or exact time of the Lord's return will NEVER be given to any human being, as Jesus Himself told us in Matth. 24:36 "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father ONLY."
    I submit that Walter Veith clearly needs to ensure he has every Bible and EGW statement before daring to preach what he is preaching. To not ensure this is preaching, not from a platform of truth, but presumption.

    • @Heavensoon7
      @Heavensoon7 Месяц назад

      The Bible says there is no reason it should come upon you unaware or overtake you as a thief. We are children of the light not of the night or darkness . Let us not sleep but watch and be sober putting on the breastplate of faith and love , the for a helmet salvation … . First Thessalonians 5:1-8
      Great Controversy 357-358 “ Did our Lord say that the day and the hours should never be known? Did he not give us signs of the times in order that we may know at least the approach of his coming as one knows the approach of the summer by the fig tree putting forth its leaves Matthew 24:32 . Are we never to know that he himself exhorted us not only to read Daniel the prophet , but to understand it, and in that very Daniel where it said that the words were shut up to the time of the end and that many should run to and fro ( a Hebrew expression for observing and thinking upon the time and knowledge regarding that time Daniel 12:4. Besides this, our Lord does not intend to say by this that the approach of the time shall not be known, but that the exact day and hour knoweth no man. Enough, He does say , shall be known by the signs of the times to induce us to prepare for his coming as Noah prepared the ark.” Also on page 371 of GC it says,” though no man know what the day nor the hour of is coming we are instructed and required to know when it is near. We are further taught that to disregard his warning and refused to or neglect to know when his advent is near, will be as fatal for us as it was for those who lived in the days of Noah, not to know when the flood was coming.”

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад +1

      It's certainly not 'coming upon us unawares'! I think we all truly well know, from the abundance of signs now happening and the evil being released more and more into this earth, that the Bible signs GIVEN TO US BY GOD HIMSELF are now fulfilling rapidly and are "even at the doors". We are fully aware that these signal "at least the approach of His coming" - that's why those signs have been given to us! But surely you can see from her words this comment does not refer to any SPECIFIC, DEFINITE date or time period being applied by any of us. We are specifically told not to apply ANY DEFINITE TIME to prophecy following that of 1844 - up to the time the Lord comes. As well, prophecy fulfils only according to God's plans, and He can decide to move the time of Christ's return (which He ALONE knows), or any other prophesied event, to another specific time, date or period altogether! See again Matt. 24:36, and research our own church history where it is clearly revealed that if the SDA church had believed and obeyed God in Ellen White's day, the Lord would have returned in that period! All prophecies are CONDITIONAL. e.g. Jonah, and the turning away of God's destruction of Nineveh because the people REPENTED. So why would God be inferring or indicating to us any specific date, time or even time period? This is not some 'guessing game' we're free to play with!
      There is a distinct difference in any human becoming fixated on what they PERSONALLY speculate 'could be' the exact, or on the other hand, a 'guessed at' time when the Lord will return, especially in regard to presenting such times to God's people through their preaching. Focussing on a specific time, date or time period is clearly forbidden. We are NOT to focus on, believe, or put our trust in, ANY speculations as to definite (specific) time!! And of course this prompts the question: Why is Walter Veith then, doing so? We are not to select times, dates or time periods of OUR OWN choosing or 'calculation' and declare: it could be this time or that time, next month, next year, 2 years or 10 years away - Sister White very definitely warns us against getting involved in such SPECULATION. We could all say "Oh, I think He will come next week or 5 years away or 20 years, in 2030 or 2050 - but again, clearly this is SPECULATION alone - and it is from SATAN alone, as Sr White clearly says! We are to recognise the events that JESUS HAS GIVEN US and prepare for His return. We are not to preach that it will be in 10 years' time, 40 years, 100 years! I think we need to start LISTENING to these specific warnings and not be so willing to simply object because we wish to argue some point.
      “God gives no man a message that it will be 10 years or 20 years before this earth’s history shall close. If it were 40 or 100 years the Lord would authorize NO MAN TO PROCLAIM IT. He would not give any living being an excuse for delaying the preparation for His appearing … for this leads to reckless neglect of opportunities and privileges to prepare for that great day.” Ms. 32A, 1896 (Manuscript Release #1308)"
      (To say nothing of the crushing disappointment that comes from setting time, after the hour, day, month or year has PASSED! )
      Your own chosen statement confirms this, in fact i.e. "ENOUGH, He does say , SHALL BE KNOWN BY THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES to induce us to prepare for His coming as Noah prepared the ark." The Signs of the Times refers specifically to the prophecies given up to 1844. Also, was Noah given a specific time, date, or even period of time? No. He just kept following the Lord until the animals and his family were all safe in the ark, the angels closed that huge door, and the rain began to fall. That, through our faith in God, is all we have been told to do: recognise the signs we know GOD has DEFINITELY and CLEARLY given, then watch with patience, pray and bring our lives into harmony with His Will, in expectation of His reappearing. The very FIRST definite sign we will be given to see, is the appearance of the cloud in the Heavens about half the size of a man's hand.
      "Soon there appears in the east a small black cloud, about half the size of a man's hand. It is the cloud which surrounds the Saviour and which seems in the distance to be shrouded in darkness. The people of God know this to be the sign of the Son of man. In solemn silence they gaze upon it as it draws nearer the earth, becoming lighter and more glorious, until it is a great white cloud, its base a glory like consuming fire, and above it the rainbow of the covenant. Jesus rides forth as a mighty conqueror. Not now a “man of sorrows,” to drink the bitter cup of shame and woe, He comes, victor in heaven and earth, to judge the living and the dead. “Faithful and True,” “in righteousness he doth judge and make war.” And “the armies which were in heaven” (Revelation 19:11, 14)"

  • @mauricerose3082
    @mauricerose3082 Месяц назад +3

    "And I will put Enmity between thee and the Woman, and between thy seed and her Seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his Heel." Genesis 3:15 KJB

  • @roberfred760
    @roberfred760 Месяц назад +4

    Childish nonsense

  • @RichelClaridad
    @RichelClaridad Месяц назад +2

    The test and the shaking in the Remnants church is About to Begin...who will be sealed and be part of the 144000

    • @WilliamSalmela
      @WilliamSalmela Месяц назад

      In reality the shaking is about to end soon in the SDA church. What we're witnessing right now is the beginning of the visible result of the shaking...

  • @barbarabudden7811
    @barbarabudden7811 Месяц назад +3

    ❤❤❤AMEN DEAR BROTHERS❤❤❤ AAAAAAAAMEN❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️

    @BTBFBG Месяц назад +7

    This is a very serious matter, so Bill should strongly consider calling Walter and telling him these things rather than by email through other people

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад +4

      Bill Hughes has done all of that, yet has received no appropriate response - Veith has simply asked Bill to rejoin the church in a condition of apostasy. I strongly uphold and support Bill's stand for accurate doctrine to be preached by the church's ministers - if anyone opposes that, I strongly recommend they remember, we are to preach what God says, NOT man - and ask God to convert them.

    • @americanrights1531
      @americanrights1531 Месяц назад

      @@goldenautumn3073 Pastor Bill cannot betray his Lord he’s got his maker for any man or for any reason in this world unity with this world is betrayal to God anything that man has created in touch against God holy Bible is the enemy of God and you will never end to heaven the world is gods enemy and so is religion but don’t call Bible truth religion because it’s not Bible truth is Bible truth no the unholy Catholic Church is a religion that the apostles and Jesus Christ have nothing to do with whatsoever get that clear folks the Holy Spirit has nothing to do with any demonic entity here on earth

  • @shumbashava247
    @shumbashava247 Месяц назад +2

    Welll I am a walter die hard supporter.i wait to see this video

  • @marcosariel8323
    @marcosariel8323 Месяц назад +6

    The Seventh-day Adventist Church is not Babylon - it is not the Catholic Seventh-day Adventist Church - the Spirit of Prophecy is very clear about that. Wordplay does not change that...😮

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад

      Sister White reports a prophetic dream given to her where she saw Adventists approaching her home who, when she looked again, had turned into a Catholic procession, advancing to destroy her work and their assets. 1 Testimonies p. 578:
      "That night I dreamed that I was in Battle Creek looking out from the side glass at the door and saw a company marching up to the house, two and two. They looked stern and determined. I KNEW THEM WELL and turned to open the parlor door to receive them, but thought I would look again. The scene was changed. The company now presented the appearance of a Catholic procession. One bore in his hand a cross, another a reed. And as they approached, the one carrying a reed made a circle around the house, saying three times: “This house is proscribed. The goods must be confiscated. They have spoken against OUR HOLY ORDER.” Terror seized me, and I ran through the house, out of the north door, and found myself in the midst of a company, some of whom I knew, but I dared not speak a word to them for fear of being betrayed. I tried to seek a retired spot where I might weep and pray without meeting eager, inquisitive eyes wherever I turned. I repeated frequently: “If I could only understand this! If they will tell me what I have said or what I have done!”
      I wept and prayed much as I saw our goods confiscated. I tried to read sympathy or pity for me in the looks of those around me, and marked the countenances of several whom I thought would speak to me and comfort me if they did not fear that they would be observed by others. I made one attempt to escape from the crowd, but seeing that I was watched, I concealed my intentions. I commenced weeping aloud, and saying: “If they would only tell me what I have done or what I have said!” My husband, who was sleeping in a bed in the same room, heard me weeping aloud and awoke me. My pillow was wet with tears, and a sad depression of spirits was upon me."

    • @TheRazor666777
      @TheRazor666777 Месяц назад +1

      Your wrong learn your history on the Seventh-Day Adventist Leroy Froom apostasy that ship has lost its anchor 🎉

    • @TheRazor666777
      @TheRazor666777 Месяц назад

      No doctrine is more fundamental or more emphasized in Freemasonry than that of the Trinity." (source)
      "The mystery of the Trinity is the central doctrine of the Catholic Faith. Upon it are based all the other teachings of the church." (Handbook for Today's Catholic, p. 11)
      "Our opponents sometimes claim that no belief should be held dogmatically which is not explicitly stated in scripture. But the Protestant Churches have themselves accepted such dogmas, as the Trinity, for which there is no such precise authority in the Gospels." (Graham Greene, [celebrated Catholic Author], Life Magazine, 30 Oct. 1950, p.51 - source

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад +1

      Not yet - but prophesied to become just that - when it accepts the immortality of the soul as doctrine, Sunday sacredness and spiritualism (the last two are ALREADY being upheld and practiced in some SDA churches, then the apostasy will be full, and national destruction will follow. Her is one vital statement from Mrs White on this subject:
      "If the church of God becomes LUKEWARM [LAODICEAN] it does not stand in favor with God ANY MORE THAN do the churches that are represented as having fallen and become the habitation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit and the cage of every unclean and hateful bird. Those who have had opportunities to hear and receive the truth, and who have united with the Seventh-day Adventist church, calling themselves the commandment keeping people of God, AND YET POSSESS NO MORE VITALITY AND CONSECRATION TO GOD THAN DO THE NOMINAL CHURCHES, will receive of the plagues of God just as verily as the churches who oppose the law of God." E.G. White, Letter 35, 1898.

    • @c.f.74
      @c.f.74 Месяц назад +1

      ​@@TheRazor666777explain Leroy Froom, I am reading The Coming of the Comforter and it well written.

  • @mauricerose3082
    @mauricerose3082 Месяц назад

    If the spirit of rebellion is a constant, then the opposition John the Baptist encountered in his day, he would experience today were he alive.

  • @RichelClaridad
    @RichelClaridad Месяц назад

    The shaking or the issues that are happening right now in the Remnants church is like what happened during 1844... Remember the event in the Bible has a pattern and it's very consistent...the Ten Virgins,the drag net parable the,wheat and tares ..God is really examining who will really INHERIT HIS's a very tough challenge as part of the Remnants church that why we need to ask the HOLY SPIRIT TO BE IN US ALWAYS..SO WE WILL NOT BE A LUKEWARM ONE AT THE END OF TIME

  • @Lobelt108
    @Lobelt108 25 дней назад

    Say this with me one more time: WW IS A PROUD AGENT OF THE SYSTEM

  • @opheliadunn8724
    @opheliadunn8724 Месяц назад +2

    I hope to see you in heaven make sure

  • @MJ-hope
    @MJ-hope Месяц назад

    Watch yourself,
    "God will not always be mocked; He will not long be trifled with. " Keep provoking HIM , SDA pastors eating up one another instead of praying.

  • @mariamgevorkian9370
    @mariamgevorkian9370 Месяц назад +1

    It's seems you don't belive Bible. According to the Bible
    1 Peter 1:16 KJV
    [16] because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад

      Hear, hear. And that can only come from listening to, trusting and obeying God, and praying to be cleansed from sin and be given the Holy Spirit to ensure we receive that progressing holiness, day by day.

  • @AaronNgwira-rx1vn
    @AaronNgwira-rx1vn Месяц назад

    If God could let a human being to sit on the throne for just 6 second's. Everything and everyone would be dead. Within a second. No wonder the bible says. " Cursed is the one who puts trust in man and depend on flesh for strength" Jeremiah 17 vs 5.

  • @shure46
    @shure46 7 дней назад

    Pressing Issue , Something is really wrong with Bill and Kody , they are obsessed with bashing Walter Veith .....

  • @5969024
    @5969024 27 дней назад

    Acts 15:36 - 41" 36 Some time later Paul said to Barnabas, “Let us go back and visit the believers in all the towns where we preached the word of the Lord and see how they are doing.” 37 Barnabas wanted to take John, also called Mark, with them, 38 but Paul did not think it wise to take him, because he had deserted them in Pamphylia and had not continued with them in the work. 39 They had such a sharp disagreement that they parted company. Barnabas took Mark and sailed for Cyprus, 40 but Paul chose Silas and left, commended by the believers to the grace of the Lord. 41 He went through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the churches."

    • @5969024
      @5969024 27 дней назад

      There is "sharp disgreement " today!

  • @Rev14.12
    @Rev14.12 Месяц назад +6


    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад

      It's not nitpicking - this is regarding the ONLY way for people to receive and maintain salvation! The most VITAL Bible doctrine of all!

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад +1

      Needing to correct misleading errors on the most important salvational doctrine in God's Word, is hardly 'nitpicking', and it's imperative to be clearly understood by any SDA.

  • @myname6783
    @myname6783 Месяц назад +1

    Did anyone consider Walter Veith could be a Jesuit dubbed agent?

  • @presenttruthmessages
    @presenttruthmessages Месяц назад

    In the Bible, we learn about man and woman, husband and wife. We also learn, and this is very important, that the husband is the head of the wife, and not vice versa. Then we learn that Christ is the husband and head of the righteous believers. She is not the head, he is. We never need to teach men about her, listen now, but about him. He is the truth and she is a stumbler and an adulterer. Watch the reformation and understand that when the leaders quit accepting light from heaven we must quit accepting light from them, and a new group will form, a purer group. That's why we end up with so many Christian churches that claim to follow the one Christ.

  • @SandraJimenez-sr2xp
    @SandraJimenez-sr2xp Месяц назад

    I send tithes to Amazing Discoveries. So, if they stand with the GC new idealogy then it is time for me to redirect tithes to another ministry that keeps with the WORD of the LORD. Do you know if that is the case? Is AD and brother Walter with the GC?

  • @innocentsyampande1588
    @innocentsyampande1588 Месяц назад +1

    Ezekiel 9:4, Bill and Kody is it talking talking about name calling of individuals or it is about the sins being done in Jerusalem?

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад +1

      Ezekiel 9 is God's instruction to the angel applying the Seal of God upon the faithful and obedient, not identifying apostate preachers to warn the members. Plus, how do we know which dangerous, false prophets to avoid if they are not named? Satan would love it to have none of them identified, of course!

  • @itayishabvanga8606
    @itayishabvanga8606 Месяц назад +1

    Pastor Bill and Cody can you please look into Ezekiel 9 and make a presentation on it based on the interpretation of the SOP. Will it be fulfilled literally, meaning people will be killed by angels who do not sigh and cry for the abominationsi in the church? If Ezekiel 9 apply to the church,then how many close of probations are there? In the history of God's dealings with His church every time probation closed there followed distraction of those who did not repent,for example Noah's time, Lot's time ,the destruction of the Jewish temple in A.D 70 about 40 from Christ's first advent and after all who needed His sigh to go out at the arrival of the Romans had gone out. How will it play out with the church today? Is it possible for all who cling to the abominations to face no consequences all the way till the plague?
    I would love to hear your presentation on that ,if you already have one please send me the link
    Thank you

  • @LaurelBaum-x6x
    @LaurelBaum-x6x Месяц назад

    Trust in God only

  • @mauricerose3082
    @mauricerose3082 Месяц назад +2

    Mr. Veith was Catholic.

    • @Yadkin
      @Yadkin Месяц назад +1

      Yes, was.

  • @kailifinau9713
    @kailifinau9713 Месяц назад +1

    I have watched all his videos n I find no faults. What did he said? I myself like to know.

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад

      Listen to audio sermon on Truth Triumphant Radio regarding Walter Veith and righteousness by faith.

  • @theprotestant9631
    @theprotestant9631 27 дней назад

    We should take the time to bash someone preaching the Truth of the Living WORD, over petty issues. Maybe out of personal anger.
    I understand your issues, but Cody, be very careful with your anger. Are you perfect? It's a process of sanctification striving for perfection. Yes, I can do all things through Christ my Lord, but I'll never be truly righteous till I receive Christ's Righteousness.

  • @lubindanamukolo4265
    @lubindanamukolo4265 Месяц назад +3

    That's it .. lam done with this channel..What a misrepresentation of Walter's 2027, righteousness by faith position.

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад

      No, it isn't at all. It's just subtle deception being preached that you can't at this point, discern. You need to study the Righteousness by Faith series by Sister Margaret Davis (RUclips videos) - made a few decades ago, but the true Biblical RBF doctrine beginning to end. It tells us how to overcome sin and be victorious and ready for Christ's return.

    • @lubindanamukolo4265
      @lubindanamukolo4265 Месяц назад

      That's your opinion

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад +1

      Yep, and it's tried and true. There's nothing as satisfying as studying and finding God's Word is truth.

    • @lubindanamukolo4265
      @lubindanamukolo4265 Месяц назад


  • @noemazahua3028
    @noemazahua3028 19 дней назад

    The Holy Spirit has been working to make us ready, not only to Adventists but to as many people that are being led to the truth. I'm wondering if this is the way you treat anyone who doesn't have your same thoughts. Don't you trust that the Holy Spirit will take care of all these things at an individual level? Don't you trust God? Is Walter Veith our only preacher speaking about prophecy? When the gospel became just about broadcasting sessions talking about another team?

  • @sandramolina3456
    @sandramolina3456 Месяц назад

    Ellen White didn't name names. She would write Brother A, Brother B, Sister A, etc. She did, however, refer to the Generak Conference as a whole. I do believe it was to awaken people and give them time to repent, not to embarrass the individual. Always, we are to speak out in Christian love! She said, however, to meet the apostasy "head on."

    • @carladf3826
      @carladf3826 Месяц назад +2

      She did name names, but it was removed when sharing the letters with other.

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад

      As I recall, she directly addressed sin and wrongdoing in front of entire church gatherings, identifying the people who were in the wrong, and that God told her to do this. I believe, in those early days, that this was to ensure people believed that her messages were from God - nobody could know the things she was given in vision regarding the wrongs of others - only the Lord, and she was called to rebuke them openly.

  • @howardloewen1834
    @howardloewen1834 Месяц назад

    Yes, he doesn't believe that the king of the north is Turkey.

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад

      It isn't. God's Word is extremely clear, when studied thoroughly, that this is the Papacy and no other. Bill Hughes for one has other videos on this subject.

  • @americanrights1531
    @americanrights1531 Месяц назад +1

    To me the greatest threat to a human being who wants to be a Christian and follow God is the person teaching them once they hook line and sinker and take it most people are stuck in religion for all of their lives watch out folks be warned test everything pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you that’s what truth Tryens has taught me by watching them even though I don’t make comments all the time because of my logo God bless you and may you get his wisdom

  • @keithfulk7898
    @keithfulk7898 Месяц назад

    John the Baptist named names ,He said that Harod was in an adulterous marriage to his sister-in-law, and he made known that this public sin was indeed sin and was wrong and needed to be rectified by Harod. John the Baptist will be in heaven.

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад

      Sinners are named all through the Bible - shamed in front of all and even destroyed for their sin against God's precise instructions. We have simply lost sight of how essential holiness is to claiming we are 'God's people' and how essential ministerial rebuke is to keep the people on the right path.

  • @DanielGarcia-gg5xo
    @DanielGarcia-gg5xo Месяц назад +1

    No downloading possible?😢

  • @americanrights1531
    @americanrights1531 Месяц назад +2

    Lord god Almighty and the name of your son may you Bless the weak what is your truth that they are not fooled by a crafty worldly entity of any kind may you protect all that is yours Lord for that they have no doubt and they’re not confuse the enemy matter how they come after you no matter how crafty they are and you’re mighty supernatural heavenly powers stop this evil from deceiving your people Lord in Jesus name amen God bless Pastor Bill Cody and Pual And the church in all of their family

  • @goldenautumn3073
    @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад +1

    Bill/Kody Morey: As you know I have always supported your preaching according to God's Word and the SOP counsels, but I do not approve, nor did I give my consent, to you simply deleting the majority of my posts typed under this video, and I notice it has been done on other pages as well. I spent considerable time today preparing some of these to ensure SDAs coming onto this channel have issues they are not clear on, explained further, strictly in accordance with the Bible and EGW, and you are being extremely dishonest in simply deleting these - and without even a word of advice as to why this is happening. If you have a problem with comments made by me - esoecially as they fully support your position 99% of the time, I would appreciate you at least having the decency to let me know about this and I won't bother. If I had made untrue or unfaithful statements that would be a different issue, but there has been nothing wrong, or contradictory to what you preach - so WHY is this happening? I note others have complained of these attacks on what they wish to post also. Will you explain why you are doing this, or must we conclude your actions are not much different to those of Walter Veith regarding your attempts to communicate with him?

  • @pasefikaselau
    @pasefikaselau Месяц назад


  • @RichelClaridad
    @RichelClaridad Месяц назад

    I believe also that SATAN was allowed by God to Test his people now.. especially the SUNDAY LAW IS COMING...LIKE THE LIFE OF JOB ... EVERYTHING IS A TEST OF LOYALTY TO THE KING, Who is Jesus

  • @RichelClaridad
    @RichelClaridad Месяц назад

    It's time to study diligently the parable of the Ten Virgins and wheat and tares...the HARVEST IS COMING..SEPARATION TIME...

  • @imperativeemarketing5546
    @imperativeemarketing5546 26 дней назад

    The other option is that Walter Veith could be a Jesuit Adjivant. I know you would be very opposed to saying that, but the truth is that it is a possibility. It's like you said he's either stupid, or he's doing it to protect the monetary benefits of his supporters, and the third possibility is that he's a Jesuit Adjitant. I'm not saying he is. I'm just saying it's a possibility.

  • @carmenbartow4875
    @carmenbartow4875 Месяц назад

    I struggled through this hour of backbiting and am so happy that EGWhite is not my God anymore. The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin and changes us. His word says we are a filthy and not one is holy unless Gods blood covers us. I feel sorry that you display little joy and are fixated on sin. Jesus is the way and HE shows us our hearts and changes us when we give Him our life daily. EGWhite is not my idol. Jesus is my focus and the Holy Spirit is my guide. What despair is found in SDA church. I still believe the doctrines but i have found very little love in the church. Very little was presented here to attrack me to my Savior. If any man says he is without sin, there is no light in him. Jesus words. And, you would not need a savior because you ,then, could save yourself. 😢 I do not see Christ here, just self righteousness. Sorry

  • @johnbrown8520
    @johnbrown8520 Месяц назад

    This interview is distorting what Walter said

  • @LaurelBaum-x6x
    @LaurelBaum-x6x Месяц назад

    Policy and principle are incompatible.

  • @westtalkup
    @westtalkup 29 дней назад

    What if Jesus was to walk away from Nicodemus Saul zackius and the disciples that was so deceptive? Leaving the family because daddy is not doing and saying what you know is wrong? You don't to shine your light into a dark family dark church a dark family? Are you saying that your light shines brighter by leaving the dark to go where light already exist? Just asking

  • @lwangaeryeza919
    @lwangaeryeza919 Месяц назад

    Have heard walter veith teaching that we must be perfect in our sphere.
    If u don't believe me go and see the video he did with Dr Francis

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад

      Yes, but he doesn't expand on this to explain just what that means according to God's Word and EGW statements. He just uses these words! As this doctrine is absolutely vital to be correctly understood by all Adventists, I recommend a study of Sister Margaret Davis' RUclips videos on righteousness by faith - very different from what the majority of preachers in the SDA church is teaching today, and firmly founded on God's Word and the light God gave EGW. There are 6 one-hour episodes in which this is fully examined. Margaret, wife of SDA minister Thomas Davis, brought this clarity to me some 30 years ago - she's a very sound SDA and knows the subject well, and it is not according to what Veith today is saying. Her husband also wrote an excellent and encouraging little book "How to be a Victorious Christian" - you can get it from Amazon or some other sites at cost $12 to $20 - worth every cent.

    • @lwangaeryeza919
      @lwangaeryeza919 26 дней назад

      @@goldenautumn3073 thanks for recommending.
      But am wandering why they go a put pressure on Walter on things he talked about blaming him of not teaching to be perfect.
      The thing I know all of us are still learning and it is the case with those who are now prominent in teaching others

  • @kmckmc6916
    @kmckmc6916 Месяц назад +4

    It seems to me you aren’t differentiating between the true remnant church with its testimony of Jesus and some bad apples or not perfect apples that have come into that church. God has given great light and truth to this movement no matter who comes in to popular or leadership positions with all their defectiveness. It’s still God’s church which He gave the 3Angels Messages and the true gift of prophecy to, no matter who and what may presently be in it that you disagree with. Even if determined enemies of God get into this movement to disrupt, divide, and discourage God’s sincere ones into wanting to leave, which is the plan of the Enemy, it doesn’t change anything about the original founders and foundations of truth. All that is still the same. Even if some false leader came in and stood up and said “the Sabbath day is now Sunday” would that make it so? Should everyone abandon the SDA church and truth because that was claimed? Does their false words change what God has already established? Should we all walk away, form another camp, and start attacking God’s movement as now being all wrong because a crooked person or two or three claimed this or that or tried to start a fight amongst the people? No, nothing has changed with God’s truth, work or movement no matter how messed up the people are. I think this is what Pastor Veith was trying to say about staying glued with God’s church, even though there’s people with problems trying to work in it.
    God will deal with the “Korahs”, “Zimris”, or other bad leaders if He has to open up the ground to swallow them in His time. In testing Moses God offered to get rid of the apostasizing nation of Israel and make Moses into a “new” nation but Moses said if God would blot them out then he wanted to be lost with them. He loved them too much to abandon them and that was exactly the love God wanted to bring out in this test of Moses. He must be a representative of the Messiah to come. In all their faults he loved them as Christ loves His erring Laodicean church. Moses never left the people to go form another group and then spent his time attacking the group God was leading or it’s messed up leaders and airing their dirty laundry for all the surrounding nations to see. He faithfully stuck with it because that was where God was and His Sanctuary message with all the oracles of truth. That was where the Cloudy Pillar was leading. God weeded out the wicked in His own way and time.
    Don’t be as the “friends” of Job thinking they are so right in condemning him for his “spots” and problems and then God makes them have to repent. How embarrassing for them! God hates divisiveness and people that lure others away from truth because of their personal grievances with people they don’t like or may not agree with on every issue. Those people are temporary but the truth and message and it’s Founder are forever. Be merciful with the faults and mistakes of your fellow brethren in ministry, I think most are doing their best though not perfect. This is so you likewise can obtain mercy and forgiveness from God. How can the work ever get done if God’s pastors are tearing each other apart? Where is the unity and love that will convince those on the outside that this is the truth and the true church that God is trying to bring all people into? You are pulling followers over to yourselves and pastor Henriques is pulling followers over to himself and now people are taking sides with Dr. Vine or Pastor Bohr and so on. Many talented men have become an enemy of God and the work He is trying to accomplish and they don’t even know it. The very titles of their videos would scare any sincere seeker completely away from God’s precious Advent movement and the last day body of believers He is trying to gather His children into. How heartbreaking, how terribly sad! Please remember that so many people have been eternally grateful to pastor Veith for his work and videos and they credit his ministry with opening their eyes and bringing them to the truth, from darkness into light. And now to hear from another “SDA minister” that he’s bad and going to cause them to be lost? Where do these poor sheep go? Back out into the dark to wander aimlessly and lost because there’s no unity and love here? It seems so nearly everyone is attacking another, the leadership, or the church as a whole. Just as Jesus said in the parable that while the Master delayed His coming they began to “smite their fellow servants”. This smiting is being done with the tongue, in being the “accusers of the brethren”. How will the Master deal with these kinds of shepherds when He comes?
    I’m sorry this is so long but all this just poured out of my heart. All this that I see going on is so heartbreaking to God and I know retribution is coming unless there is heartfelt repentance and getting back on track with the original mission. This is why Jesus couldn’t come in Ellen Whites day and why she grieved. God’s people were not ready. They were not like Him and spent their time arguing over this and that. Shouldn’t we spend our time, energy, and thoughts doing Matt.25:34-40? How shameful the record being recorded of some of our ministries is “they said this, they did that” etc instead of going out and being Christ’s hands and feet!
    Something big is coming and it will make all these petty arguments look like what they are, nothing in the great plan of Redemption. When the crises hits all these little differences will very quickly be forgotten and God will allow us to have something much bigger to be concerned with and hopefully it will unite us. Persecution and crises has a way of doing that. God help us to be readying our hearts and drawing near to each other in His love.

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад +3

      One thing I was taught by my then faithful pastors when I became an SDA some 40 years ago is that belonging to any church/organisation or group will in no way ensure our salvation. It is by faith and trust in Jesus Christ ALONE and following His requirements that we are saved, which is of course, the Biblical position. God had already in fact proved this to me personally by saving (i.e. justifying) me BEFORE I became a member of any church. I was then led to His Truth, which then became the deciding factor in any discussion or dispute - as it needs to become in any honest Christian's walk with God. If we separate from ANY church it does not mean we are lost - separating from God's TRUTH, however, as revealed in the Bible and EGW writings, means we certainly will be. That is because they are what sheds light on the Christian pathway. "To the law and to the testimony - if they speak not according to this Word, there is NO light in them." Faithful and true Christians have since Creation separated from, after trying to call back to repentance those practicing or preaching disobedience to God, even from the time of Cain and Abel, when Abel tried to show Cain that what he was doing, was wrong, in order to save Cain himself and most of all stop him dishonouring God - and so the Godly rebuke has continued, such as via Martin Luther, Huss & Jerome, Tyndale, Wycliffe, other reformers, etc etc.
      Because of the severe apostasy that has become revealed in the last 50 years in 'God's church,' the only way I was able to spiritually survive this marked appearance of apostasy in the mid 1970's (which has only since worsened and deepened), was to separate from the church visible and attend meetings (thank God) which then began to appear via 'independent ministries'. Not every self-supporting ministry is teaching truth accurately of course, but we have to always use the tools provided to us by God, to discern this: the Bible and EGW writings. SO many Adventists today follow popular pastors or leaders of their personal, human choice, and simply obey what THEY say. This, as God has warned us, is a HUGE mistake - the Lord clearly says that a curse is upon those who submit to human dictates or error - whether that is in self-supporting ministries or the GC churches. God clearly warns us that we are not to trust the 'arm of flesh' - NO human being, pastor, elder, GC president, has any right or place in telling us what to obey from God, or in what manner to obey it. We are to ask God Himself to reveal it to us: from His Word and His prophet's writings. Christian friends can suggest helpful ways to deal with any issues, but we are to urgently learn to lean on God ALONE, and what He says. Our greatest deception has been, as a church, in doing what Sister White warned us against doing: forgetting the way in which the Lord HAS LED US IN THE PAST. We are in the Omega of apostasy, and people most definitely have to be warned against heading into or going along with it!
      Also, what we have to realise is that the ministry of correction and rebuke through His appointed ministers, is very much a work GOD has given them to do - the issues in the church today are no 'petty arguments' but matters of serious doctrinal (and other) wrongdoing and disobedience to Him. For Christian leaders in our denomination to apostatise is a very serious matter indeed, especially this late in earth's history, and most especially as we can see the final movements occurring very rapidly at this time. Satan of course is well aware that many, many Christians will take the word of their 'favourite' pastor and not bother to check what God in full has to say on any particular subject. THAT is their first real point of separation from God and His Truth, as Satan has gained their submission, even if a small consent, and from there he is enabled to gain more thorough control sooner or later.
      I strongly recommend you do the other studies by Pastor Hughes on the subject of what in the Bible and SOP writings is meant by the word 'church'. It seems many SDAs don't realise that this word has more than one meaning in scripture and her writings, and each can only be correctly understood when taken in context. For one, the word 'church' can refer to the physical denomination, the organisation, which God (as He did with the ancient Israelite church) raised to be a witness for Him in the world against apostasy and deception and to show human beings the right way to live and give glory to Him. Secondly, according to context, it refers to the 'ONLY true church': the faithful and true INDIVIDUALS throughout all ages of humanity. No matter what visible church group these happen to be in, they are the true church accepted by God because they truly live to honour and obey, and seek out His will on all issues. We have to open our minds and humble our feelings and beliefs in submission to what God says, and not merely to agree with concepts we may feel are correct. We need to fully study and understand just what 'the church' means and refers to, in all statements to obtain a full picture and understanding. Yes, the SDA church in 1844 was RAISED to be God's church, just as the Ancient Israelite church was, but it is apostatising in exactly the same way as they did - and what was the result for them in AD70? Sister White clearly tells us that the result for today's SDA organisation will be the same: 'sudden destruction cometh' - and this comes because of its DISOBEDIENCE and APOSTASY and joining with others doing the same.
      There IS a ministry of correction, given and approved by God - Isaiah 58 clearly authorises and describes it, other Bible prophets were called to deliver it, and extended light is give on what it is, in the writings of Mrs White - in these times of all it is most urgently needed. It's not any matter of petty or otherwise personal attack: it's a matter of SDAs being DECEIVED and BLINDED by wrong teaching - and in the case of Walter Veith, I myself recognised some years ago his deception as being very subtle indeed. Just because he's a personable and entertaining speaker does not guarantee his doctrinal accuracy! We have to KNOW what God is telling us and what it means, and I for just one perceived some time ago that Walter unfortunately does not have a firm hold on the doctrines of Christian perfection or righteousness by faith. We have to STUDY to make our calling and election sure, and on this point Walter needs to humble his heart and mind and listen to brethren who are willing to show him his error. Of course, those he is misleading mostly also can't see it because they're also shutting out listening to people who God has enlightened to expose this error. That's how Satan succeeds in spreading the error! However, the incorrect and deceptive teachings being presented by leaders or influencers in the church are nonetheless just that, and in their positions they will be held far more accountable by refusing to accept needed rebuke. They are just human, the same as we are, and totally able to be misled, deceived, and go astray. True Christianity is no 'limp-wristed' religion: the sacrifice of many martyrs for standing firm to save others from deception, is abundantly recorded throughout history.
      So, for us, believing the truth of God is our only hope of being found ready for acceptance into God's kingdom: the only truly relevant and important question therefore is: who are we going to trust - man or God?

    • @maranathasoon8252
      @maranathasoon8252 Месяц назад

      Thank you I appreciate all you wrote here and agree with you. I wish we could hang out and talk! I do see a lot of petty stuff going on that is riling pastors and leaders against each other. I know some of it is important big issues but some is becoming “tit-for-tat”. Like one pastor didn’t like the response of another pastor so he displayed the personal message to himself from that pastor for all the world to see then spent his time picking it apart. The other pastor’s letter was meant for just him, but he made it subject material for a video when it shouldn’t have been. Is nothing private or confidential anymore? Is everything fair game and open season? Now of course the other pastor is going to be very upset about his personal message being used for a video to make him look bad. He might have been tired, stressed, and upset at the attacks when he responded and would later regret and be embarrassed at how he said things. Anyway, the conversation should have been between the two pastors, not RUclips videos. This is just one unfortunate example. And I understand completely what you are saying about the “church”. When I use that word I mean the people claiming to follow God who are also intermixed with many who have a “form of godliness”. Just as Jesus mentioned the “wheat and the tares” and “Israel” was a mixed multitude we are too. We have to search our hearts and actions and make sure we are not acting as the “tares” while convincing ourselves we are the “wheat”. I was one of those people and God has brought me a long way, to Him be the Glory!

  • @alfredalfred5723
    @alfredalfred5723 Месяц назад

    honestly., this is a sad discussion. spending an hour denoucning another present truth preacher, on even something he didn't say. I think they are more important subjects to discuss - people are hungry for the truth. I hope you are going to read the comments

  • @kmckmc6916
    @kmckmc6916 Месяц назад +7

    We need to call sin by its right name in our own lives. Not in the “putting forth of the finger”. You also don’t call people to repentance by picking on every little fault and flaw of another pastor in front of the world and leaving the church and encouraging others to leave. Would you like pastor Veith to spend a whole video talking about you and your flaws by name? Wouldn’t that start a war of words and hurt that isn’t going to help any soul be saved but rather turn people away? Sometimes we need to remember to “do unto others as we would like done unto us”.

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад +4

      You don't understand the importance of the ministry of rebuke, which God Himself has given to those who are blessed to be able to discern right from wrong, truth from error. It has nothing to do with 'putting forth the finger' in PERSONAL nitpicking! Seeking to warn and save others going astray IS 'doing unto others', of course - it is a Christian's DUTY! This is no 'picking on every little fault' - teaching the most serious doctrinal errors that lead to people's loss of eternal salvation is about the most serious matter of all. The very TRUTH of God regarding how to be saved, has become confused right within our denomination and so sadly, so many don't even realise it.

    • @kailifinau9713
      @kailifinau9713 Месяц назад +1

      You’re right on. If the minister sees something that he doubted about the other minister shouldn’t he goes to that minister to discuss it in by themselves thoroughly in the Bible n solve it instead of just calling others brothers on national tv points out their faults. To me it’s unchristian remember as others says 1 fingers pointing to other n the rest pointing back at you.

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад +1

      The reality is, that you aren't obviously in possession of, Bill Hughes has endeavoured to discuss these issues with Walter Veith and others preaching wrong doctrine, but has been dismissed/ignored/rejected. Please make sure you have all the facts before judging. Those 3 fingers might be pointing right back at you.

  • @jimbob4413
    @jimbob4413 Месяц назад

    didnt he say he didnt want to reveal the people,or persons just the sin?

  • @TheRazor666777
    @TheRazor666777 Месяц назад

    He is making money off the organization cut his money off and see were he goes

  • @diannecox7187
    @diannecox7187 Месяц назад +3

    Who set you two up as judge jury and exacutioner,?? !!! It seems to me that these days it let’s attack anyone who is speaking the TRUTH.!!!🤔🤔🤔🙏🙏

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад +1

      Bill Hughes is speaking the Truth. Study what he has in his videos and you will find this is so.

    • @JudyAnn17
      @JudyAnn17 Месяц назад +1

      Seems to me there is censorship even on this thread. My comment has been deleted, or removed.

  • @mauricerose3082
    @mauricerose3082 Месяц назад

    It's Worldlyness insisting upon the Faith.

  • @goldenautumn3073
    @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад +2

    I believe it's simple: Walter placates but doesn't present a firm doctrinal understanding on sanctifying perfection, righteousness by faith, because he just doesn't know. Somewhere not too long ago he lost his compass on these subjects and is confused. Confusion is a major entering device of the devil and of course leads to 'speaking with forked tongue'. I thought initially Walter was just one person raised by God to correct the GC in its blatant disobedience and wrongs - now I believe he just bought back into it all to ensure financial security and a position of prominence in our denomination. He would have lost too many SDAs if standing against the Conference had deepened and continued. Of course, I could be wrong, but I don't see evidence of anything different to this day.

    • @earlysda
      @earlysda Месяц назад +1

      We need to pray for our leaders, and call on them to return to the truth.
      Fortunately, Walter Veith is much better at handling the truth than Bill Hughes.

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад +2

      No, sorry, don't agree with that at all. Truth also doesn't need to be 'handled' - it becomes self-evident the more it is truthfully and humbly studied and preached.

  • @PrushrajRajnath
    @PrushrajRajnath Месяц назад +4

    Did u query this with Walter pastor Bill??no but u are sharing your misconception of the professor how foolish of u.

  • @Shirley-r3g
    @Shirley-r3g Месяц назад

    Defamation of character!?!? 😮

  • @robertking3789
    @robertking3789 Месяц назад

    oh Bill. you lost face with me on this. Selling your character in a cheap market attacking Veith.

  • @betsuys5953
    @betsuys5953 Месяц назад +5

    Shame on you......

  • @Lobelt108
    @Lobelt108 Месяц назад

    Walter is proud agent od the system

  • @Bzdawka11B
    @Bzdawka11B Месяц назад +2

    It’s because Walter likes that money stream from the conference -Richard
    Thank you for answering that phone call Kody.