I dont know why people and other bestfriend keeps getting confused with who is who.between the twins. Well not by bragging or something i just want to point out this. Its not.that much hard to differentiate them. Youngmin's hair is blonde and his bangs are on the left and he usually sings during mv. Kwangmin's hair is black or brown im not sure but it has darker shade than YM and his bangs is on the right, he raps in mvs and also he is the cheerful one between them.
2:22 youngmin ah dont smile like that, spare people heart~ and 2:50 minwoo dont anyhow pull up your clothe, i cannot take this! :') MINWOOOOOO YOU AND YOUR DANCE IS SO SEXY!
sooooo cuteeeee at 0;55 Kwangmin oppa can't balance his leg a little
KwangMin..Why you look soooooo Cccuuuuttttttteeeeee.............Like Youmin....
kwangmin oppa
2:21 perfect smile youngmin
I love minwoo oppa
kwangmin lindo xDxD
2:20 Youngmin oppa don't do that I'm melting. OMOMOMOMO 2:27 Look how cute Youngmin oppa is. :3
That little girl got moves :D
2.21 so cute
1:03 -> the song is Monster of BigBang xP
I dont know why people and other bestfriend keeps getting confused with who is who.between the twins. Well not by bragging or something i just want to point out this. Its not.that much hard to differentiate them. Youngmin's hair is blonde and his bangs are on the left and he usually sings during mv. Kwangmin's hair is black or brown im not sure but it has darker shade than YM and his bangs is on the right, he raps in mvs and also he is the cheerful one between them.
2:50 wow minwoo ur body is so nice:)
excelent for boyfriend....
2.20 OMG youngmin look at me (?) and smileeeeeeee *die*
00.08 youngmin smile *dying*
this video in Thailand ??
Te lo dice Nicole la nieta de Herberth Alas :I Love You MinWoo He Is Perfect
Kwangmin & yongmin
2:22 youngmin ah dont smile like that, spare people heart~ and 2:50 minwoo dont anyhow pull up your clothe, i cannot take this! :') MINWOOOOOO YOU AND YOUR DANCE IS SO SEXY!
Kwang and Young so twin but i don't know who is Kwang and Youmg.