Take a shot for every convenience. -------------------------------- Tumblr / joshscorcher Twitter / joshscorcher FOB Equestria www.fobequestri... Patreon / joshscorcher
Well, to be more precise, Discord was NEUTRALIZED, and so was Tirek, and the malign aspect of Luna i.e. Nightmare Moon. The same holds true for Sunset Shimmer, the Sirens, Sci-twi and what'shername at Camp Everfree. Due to the unique nature of Discord, the only way to truly neutralize him was to petrify him.
@@RubberyCat Rather, the Elements of Harmony cleanse the target of whatever force is corrupting it, (i.e. Luna being released from the darkness that turned her into Nightmare Moon back in the Pilot). Discord, as the Lord of Chaos, was himself a force of corruption, hence the Elements' way of cleansing him was turning him into stone.
I love how the bit with tricking Garble shows some of Rainbow's development. Because let's be honest, S1 Rainbow would've zipped up the mountain without question and probably gotten ganged up on by the dragons or something. It's nice to see that she can put aside a challenge in a situation like this where doing so is wise.
Sweet and Smoky was quite a surprise for me. Mainly because it was an episode that redeems Garble. And it actually works! I think the reason why is because: A) Smolder actually confronts him for bullying Spike behind her back. (For context, she's Garble's younger sister.) And B) Fluttershy is the one to redeem him.
Part of me thought the thing with the map showing them was summed up like this; "OH BY THE NINE REALMS! HERE!” (the cutie map shows the way) “THERE! YOU HAPPY?! TOOK ME ALL OF 2 SECONDS TO TRACK HIM, NOW DO THE THING!”
2 Things 1. I'm surprised you didn't mention Celestia's line about "the next generation of ponies." 2. I'm genuinely curious where you got the term "Pillars of Unity" from. To my knowledge the episode refers to them as "Pillars of Equestria". Or just "The Pillars".
The pony of shadows was actually hinted at in the IDW comics. the interesting thing is that they foreshadowed the DESIGN, not the name, so we didn't know they were the same thing. it's also interesting because the themes actually tie in together, both starswirl and the pony in the comic try to prepare for a disaster without really understanding it and unwittingly make things worse. They've been trying to tie the comics and show together more tightly recently and it really shows.
Maybe the Elements of Harmony turned Discord to stone and still being usable because they put a time limit on how long he was stone on purpose so that he would get a chance to come out and be reformed. I mean it's much easier to reform a pony who's turned to stone next to you than it would be for someone on the moon or someone in literal limbo
I love how you talk about Spike, I wish more reviews would speak about him in a higher light, he's a great character, who's really starting to show his potential.
I actually really liked this finale. The lore we got was awesome and as a mythology nerd, it was like being a kid in a candy store with the little hints and references to different myths. We also got to see more of equaristia and the different cultures around. Plus the fact the antagonist is named after the River Styx made me fangirl so much. I just wish we had more time with the pillars. Especially Mage Meadow Brook. I really loved her element of healing and her design. Starswirl was a huge jerk but I couldn’t help but understand his point. People like him really grind my gears because he is a jerk but he is a jerk who can back up what he’s saying. Those are really hard to argue against but they are the best to have a good solid debate with. Either way awesome review Josh and look forward to seeing more from you!
"That explains why they stopped working after Celestia banished Nightmare Moon, but not why they turned discord into stone. Magic how does it work." Me: Josh, they're called the elements of HARMONY. Discord is the personification of CHAOS. They're direct opposites.
This episode always gives me the Star Wars vibe. Starswirl and Stygian are being like Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, which makes Starlight the Luke Skywalker...love it.
When Star Swirl mention the phrase once a villain always a villain and starlight in the Mane 6 try to prove them wrong; they weren't entirely truthful to that. Like you mentioned King Sombra before the main six and Twilight's family killed him, I wouldn't be surprised if the Mane 6 hid this fact from Starlight and Trixie about a dark unicorn like stygian who never got a chance to redeem himself; nor Tirek & The Storm King!
" I guess I'm lucky your IDOL wasn't around when you decided to be my friend. I might've been banished to limbo too." My favorite line from a struggling character ever.
Zai, if you Google the Futhark Runes, you will quickly find translations for the letters. And how he knows about their existence in general has way too many viable options. These runes often appear in different works of fiction, so much so that the chances of a person having never seen them is small. And they might be touched upon in a history class too.
Zai the water demon hedgewolf I have a book about Futhark, but Arexion5293 is right that you can just do a Google search and get alphabet charts that show how the runes translate to letters. The Wikipedia page has a good chart: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runes
I think the reason the Elements stopped working after Nightmare Moon was banished but turned Discord to stone (and depowered and sent Tirek to Tartarus) may have been because in the case of Nightmare Moon and the Pony of Shadows, the person was driven by PAIN that needed healed but wasn't. Discord and Tirek were NOT. Discord was eventually redeemed, but unlike Luna and Stygian who were driven by emotional pain, he wasn't in need of healing. He and Tirek were driven by completely selfish motivations (hedonism in Discord's case and greed in Tirek's), and at least at the time in no way open to redemption, thus imprisoning them WAS the only option to stop them. The same also applies to the EG universe: Sunset, Sci Twi, and Gaea Everfree were all driven by some sort of pain, even if it's less pronounced in Sunset's case (namely rejection and feelings of being replaced by her maternal figure), while the Sirens were driven by a selfish lust for admiration and power. So it seems the Elements can tell if the person in question is driven by pain that needs healed or genuine evil that needs banished or imprisoned.
Does anybody else find it funny that Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie's pillar predecessors are the pony race they were originally concepted to be? According to Lauren Faust's original concept art, Pinkie was gonna be a pegasus named Saturday Surprise and Fluttershy would be an earth pony without a different name. And both Somnambula and Meadowbrook are a pegasus and earth pony respectively.
Part of me enjoys the fact that Starlight is essentially the voice of reason this entire finale. She was the one who doubted that bringing the Pony of Shadows back and then the one who suggested that maybe the Pony of Shadows isn't as evil as they are made out to be since friendship is the entire point of this show. Part of me is also annoyed about Twilight is so blinded by her fangirling for Starswirl that she ignored Starlight's concerns and then when it came time to dealing with the Pony of Shadows again was convinced that Starswirl's plan was the right one right until the end. If anything Starswirl's thanks should be going to Starlight since she was the only one who believed that Stygian wasn't as evil as others thought he was and Starlight's sass about how she was right was pretty satisfying. It's funny to note that basically Starswirl and the pillars are basically the one's who created the Pony of Shadows because of their arrogance and inability to listen to why Stygian was doing what he was doing, casting him out and causing him to turn to darkness in his anger being betrayed and cast out by the Pillars. Also as a final note: Thank you Josh for not being like so many other Brony analysts and showing such disdain for Starlight. After 2 seasons of development I'd say she has done more then enough to earn her redemption.
But again that has always been apart of Twilight's character, she does have a bias towards the ponies she idolizes and it can make her miss important details, where as Starlight isn't attached to Starswirl's legends like Twilight is, and she's not afraid to say what she thinks either which is why her role was so important in this finale.
I'm with you on this one, Josh. This is one of the few episodes in the ENTIRE SERIES THAT ACTUALLY GOT MY HEART RACING!!!!! I am mildly disappointed that Ian McKellen didn't voice Starswirl the Bearded, though. Also, I can't even BEGIN to fathom HOW EPIC the Pony of Shadows would have sounded if Sir Christopher Lee (Celestia rest his soul) was around to lend his voice to the shadowy entity that possessed Stygian!!! Oh yes, one other thing. The runes at Ponehenge (if that's how it's spelled) are actual Nordic runes that translate to "PONI RULES". geeks out for including Nordic history Well played, MLP staff. Show less REPLY
As cool as it would've been to get ian mckellen for Starswirl's role, it would also meant that he'd have little chance of being shown again much like the case of any of the movie's voice cast. Sadly budget simply means you can't afford to give important roles like Starswirls to a really expensive actor or it'll be very hard to get them back in. I'm still shocked they managed to keep John De lancie around from his first appearence to the end of the show.
A fact from this finale I find interesting is that Applejack states that a branch of the Apple family once lived in Hollow Shades and as we seen that place has long since been abandoned. The fact that the Pony of Shadows originates from the Well of Shade which is located underneath the town is interesting and brings up two questions for me. The Apple family who lived in Hollow Shades, did they know of the existence of the Well of Shade and possibly of the Pony of Shadows? Were this branch of the Apple family part of a cult that worshipped the shadows? I liked that the sirens showed up in the finale. I hope to see them again one day.
A great review for an equally good finale! A couple of jokes got me to laugh out loud, which rarely happens for me. Another job very well done, and I look forward to more! :D
Hey, I like that show! Seriously, it was interesting to see Tony Stark as a kid who learned from his mistakes. Now that I think about it, I need to get back to watching that. Haven't seen much of it since it came out.
I theorized that discord needed a time out to realize that ponies were more interesting than just objects then when he was free he played more mind games and grew a connection to the main characters so it was possible to reform him
One thing I have to say I like about these reviews is that each time the intro plays, the Josh and/or the editor always finds a new way to mess with it XD
Headcanon time! They didn't stop working after turning Discord to stone since he seemed to regard petrification as more of an inconvenience than anything really harmful. Kind of like you won't get an Assault charge if you gently poke someone with a sheathed knife. Edit: (Least I don't think you will...don't try this at home)
Easily my favorite video from you period. Can't wait for your next video. Obviously I love the shadow music at the end (cough, my picture, cough). You do good work man. Even though you make me question your love of the show sometimes, I really like it. Have fun man. Oh and thank you for your service.
8:30 You realize that it's been at least 3 or four seasons since Spike at your service, right? AJ could have realized she needed to strengthen herself after that incident. Plus, she's met Maud since that point. We've already seen them spend a holiday together. It's not hard to imagine AJ going to her, possible, cousin, for help in improving her strength. Just thought I'd point that out.
Don't stick up for Spike at your service please, as he said in that review they showed Applejack to be really strong before that episode, so being trapped by small rocks is HIGHLY unbelievable.
Oh, I like seeing Joshscorcher geeking out and it's so refreshing to see him happy. I'm looking forward to his review of the MLP movie and yes for having Crush 40 music in the outro
18:20 This reminds me of a quote from Robert A. Heinlein. "Your enemy is never a villain in his own eyes. Keep this in mind; it may offer a way to make him your friend. If not, you can kill him without hate - and quickly."
It's funny that about a half hour ago, I was rewatching your review on newbie dash. And now you mentioned it in this review. If I didn't watch it so soon, I would have no idea what you were talking about with the languages part. By the way, excellent review! This is my favorite season finale so far. I cannot wait until it comes your next review, which will be the movie!
Nothing wrong with cliche storytelling as long as the story itself is well-written and enjoyable (there would be no way we could enjoy most RPGs if that wasn't the case). I find Shadow Play is a prime example of this, nothing really truly remarkable with the story but it is so epic, well-written, and brings in enough of its own twists to make it memorable and enjoyable. Definitely my favorite season finale!
How is it 'epic'? 50% is just a fetch-quest that could all-too easily be condensed into 5 minutes, and 90% of the second half is just them TELLING and not SHOWING, not to mention PoS is the most pathetic and inactive villain the series has ever seen
Epic fetch quests that were fun, well thought out, and that gave each character an important role. Felt more like telling AND showing at the same time. No, thats Sombra you are thinking of.
And yet if you reduced them to five minutes, the story would not change. Take away the fetch-quests and the Mane-6 become useless . Do you not know what 'Show, Don't Tell' means? It is referring to the present tense, flashbacks are still telling over showing; otherwise they still spend 90% f the main story just standing around and talking. Sombra was a smart villain who had contingencies set up and actual power to take over an empire with. PoS had basically only enough power to destroy a few rocks before running away like a little girl
Ok, and? That’s generally what happens when you remove something from a story. Again so? It was extremely entertaining and informative, so I don’t see a problem. Not really, he mainly just creeped around whispering “crystals” and being spooky. Yes, because having to be beaten by an alicorn andnone of the most powerful magicians on Equestrian shows the Pony of Shadows is weak. And just going to ignore how powerful he was when he had the chance to recover? These are the most petty things so dislike this episode over.
The first half of the two-parter was good, but the second one wasn’t so good. The only characters who weren’t holding the idiot ball for two was the Mane Six, Spike and Starlight (and the princess’).
I found a reference within this episode that a lot will have blow all the way over their heads if they have never played one of my favorite games. That would be the fact that the Pony of Shadows looks almost exactly like the Skylander Blackout. No really look it up the two look surprisingly similar.
I actually really enjoyed this episode The return of star swirl yeah he is a jerk but still Awsome And meaning the pillars bonus lol But I really like this episode and I can't wait for the new season
I appreciated the songs put in the background (like the Mushroom Kingdom of the Past OST from Mario and Luigi Partners in Time; THAT ONE IS SO UNDERRATED!!!)
14:48 I'd argue that Starlight was merely trying to help Twilight cheer up. She's already had enough shit for one day, so it's not hard to imagine that a bit of a lie in order to help out a friend, rather than rub salt in the wound. Although yes, Starswirl was right.
First off he really was'nt as it was his fault this was even a problem in the first place, but even if he was that does not mean he get's to be a stuck up prick about it. Especially since again he screwed up MUCH worse than Twilight did, and if she had'nt brought back all seven of them they would never have been able to fix their relationship with Stygian.
Discord theory: the elements turned him to stone due to him being pure chaos so using healing magic caused a clash capturing his aura/magic and by being pure chaos couldn’t escape. (Kinda like throwing a healing potion at a zombie in minecraft)
4:50 After 3 days of searching for where Starswirl went off to, she found... ruins that are already named and likely been found before since they are visible to flying pegasi. She's disappointed that that was it.
Josh's deleting of the MLP intro constantly get funnier with every review.
Here are some keys [jingle jingle jingle]
You should drink more water.
Animie Luvr I just wish the bat made the same sfx as the TF2 bat.
That would have been cool.
*same* I'm never disappointed and it's always creative
Discord wasn’t banished. He was petrified, which could be seen as a form of preservation magic which could be seen as a subcategory of healing magic.
Yeah, big difference between petrification and banishing.
Well, to be more precise, Discord was NEUTRALIZED, and so was Tirek, and the malign aspect of Luna i.e. Nightmare Moon. The same holds true for Sunset Shimmer, the Sirens, Sci-twi and what'shername at Camp Everfree.
Due to the unique nature of Discord, the only way to truly neutralize him was to petrify him.
RubberyCat whatshername. You mean gia everfree?
his ex though, that's a different story
@@RubberyCat Rather, the Elements of Harmony cleanse the target of whatever force is corrupting it, (i.e. Luna being released from the darkness that turned her into Nightmare Moon back in the Pilot). Discord, as the Lord of Chaos, was himself a force of corruption, hence the Elements' way of cleansing him was turning him into stone.
Wow I actually never noticed that every pony villain was a unicorn.
Except Lightning Dust, Wind Rider and Babs Seed... And Autumn Leaf, King Zebra...
So, every _major_ pony villain.
Caballeron was an earth pony.
Wiimeiser those aren’t villains those are just regular antagonists not villain You have to look up what a villain actually is
Every *major* villain
Seriously, it literally took 'em 7 whole seasons to make a cuter expression in this show than Apple Bloom's sad face from the first episode.
Started off with a bang
I love how the bit with tricking Garble shows some of Rainbow's development. Because let's be honest, S1 Rainbow would've zipped up the mountain without question and probably gotten ganged up on by the dragons or something. It's nice to see that she can put aside a challenge in a situation like this where doing so is wise.
Sweet and Smoky was quite a surprise for me. Mainly because it was an episode that redeems Garble. And it actually works! I think the reason why is because: A) Smolder actually confronts him for bullying Spike behind her back. (For context, she's Garble's younger sister.) And B) Fluttershy is the one to redeem him.
Mommy! Why are the sparkle horses talking about the second circle of hell?
Limbo is the first circle
hell is coming
Son(or)Daughter..... How do you know what that is.....?
@@ArchyMageFoxy The funny red man with cow horns told me😃
@@philipgood5041 Ah. *Ahem* What?
Season 7 was basically the Season of Spike. He killed it this season in so many episodes. It was basically the antithesis of Season 4.
And i dearly hope, that for season 8 they will continue with that... i like this season Spike
Spike's been on fire ever since the beginning of season 6. I'm very glad for this.
From what I've heard and seen we are going to get two Spike episodes this season as opposed to the 1 in Season 7.
Except Spike still gets a bad centered episode. “Triple Threat”.
@@michaelmcjunkin1372 You're dead wrong about that, but that's just your opinion.
Part of me thought the thing with the map showing them was summed up like this;
(the cutie map shows the way)
btamamura glad I could be of service xp
2 Things
1. I'm surprised you didn't mention Celestia's line about "the next generation of ponies."
2. I'm genuinely curious where you got the term "Pillars of Unity" from. To my knowledge the episode refers to them as "Pillars of Equestria". Or just "The Pillars".
My reaction when seeing what Josh is going to review next:
And given the fact that he's postponing it until March 1st... oh boy, God only knows what he has cooked up for that review
Really? That's the day after my birthday! Whoo!
My reaction: *YEAH!!!*
The pony of shadows was actually hinted at in the IDW comics. the interesting thing is that they foreshadowed the DESIGN, not the name, so we didn't know they were the same thing. it's also interesting because the themes actually tie in together, both starswirl and the pony in the comic try to prepare for a disaster without really understanding it and unwittingly make things worse. They've been trying to tie the comics and show together more tightly recently and it really shows.
Maybe the Elements of Harmony turned Discord to stone and still being usable because they put a time limit on how long he was stone on purpose so that he would get a chance to come out and be reformed. I mean it's much easier to reform a pony who's turned to stone next to you than it would be for someone on the moon or someone in literal limbo
I love how you talk about Spike, I wish more reviews would speak about him in a higher light, he's a great character, who's really starting to show his potential.
I actually really liked this finale. The lore we got was awesome and as a mythology nerd, it was like being a kid in a candy store with the little hints and references to different myths. We also got to see more of equaristia and the different cultures around. Plus the fact the antagonist is named after the River Styx made me fangirl so much. I just wish we had more time with the pillars. Especially Mage Meadow Brook. I really loved her element of healing and her design. Starswirl was a huge jerk but I couldn’t help but understand his point. People like him really grind my gears because he is a jerk but he is a jerk who can back up what he’s saying. Those are really hard to argue against but they are the best to have a good solid debate with. Either way awesome review Josh and look forward to seeing more from you!
So, basically, Stygian is Syndrome from The Incredibles, but instead of using technology, he uses dark magic yet is somehow more redeemable.
Well, this show is called “Friendship Is Magic”.
Because Stygian didn't kill heroes based on the actions of one just to be a fake hero.
Does this make Stygian Baron Mordo from Doctor Strange?
Cheering on one side, Jeering on the other, either way, JOSH IS DRINKING GOOD TONIGHT! FRESH BRONY TEARS!
Enjoy new Joyful Brony Tears!
Hurry while stocks last.
Every time joshscorcher says “convenient!” In this review TAKE A SHOT!
8:30 I was expecting a death battle level analysis of Applejack's strength via extrapolated rock weight here, but what we got instead is hilarious. XD
I was going to go to bed, but now....I MUST watch Joshscorcher review another MLP episode.
With josh's face during the intro I hope you didn't have any nightmares
"That explains why they stopped working after Celestia banished Nightmare Moon, but not why they turned discord into stone. Magic how does it work."
Me: Josh, they're called the elements of HARMONY. Discord is the personification of CHAOS. They're direct opposites.
This episode always gives me the Star Wars vibe. Starswirl and Stygian are being like Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, which makes Starlight the Luke Skywalker...love it.
"Pinkie now has radioactive superpowers. Be very afraid."
....Implying she didn't already? You do know who you're talking about, right?
When Star Swirl mention the phrase once a villain always a villain and starlight in the Mane 6 try to prove them wrong; they weren't entirely truthful to that. Like you mentioned King Sombra before the main six and Twilight's family killed him, I wouldn't be surprised if the Mane 6 hid this fact from Starlight and Trixie about a dark unicorn like stygian who never got a chance to redeem himself; nor Tirek & The Storm King!
Can we add 'TFS References' to our Bingo cards?
All jokes aside, this was a pretty awesome episode and a good review.
"But we still have no idea where to find the villain!" Table Ex Machina.
" I guess I'm lucky your IDOL wasn't around when you decided to be my friend. I might've been banished to limbo too." My favorite line from a struggling character ever.
Why does Lily Orchard hate her so much?!
Years ago I thought that if Starswirl and Twilight were in the same room together, Twilight would teach _him_ something.
I called it!
4:19 It's Futhark runes. It translates to "PONI RULES".
Calliope Pony how you Know that?
Zai, if you Google the Futhark Runes, you will quickly find translations for the letters. And how he knows about their existence in general has way too many viable options. These runes often appear in different works of fiction, so much so that the chances of a person having never seen them is small. And they might be touched upon in a history class too.
Zai the water demon hedgewolf
I have a book about Futhark, but Arexion5293 is right that you can just do a Google search and get alphabet charts that show how the runes translate to letters. The Wikipedia page has a good chart: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runes
Calliope Pony. I found a page on Google about the old equestrian language. I don't know if that will help.
I think the reason the Elements stopped working after Nightmare Moon was banished but turned Discord to stone (and depowered and sent Tirek to Tartarus) may have been because in the case of Nightmare Moon and the Pony of Shadows, the person was driven by PAIN that needed healed but wasn't.
Discord and Tirek were NOT. Discord was eventually redeemed, but unlike Luna and Stygian who were driven by emotional pain, he wasn't in need of healing. He and Tirek were driven by completely selfish motivations (hedonism in Discord's case and greed in Tirek's), and at least at the time in no way open to redemption, thus imprisoning them WAS the only option to stop them.
The same also applies to the EG universe: Sunset, Sci Twi, and Gaea Everfree were all driven by some sort of pain, even if it's less pronounced in Sunset's case (namely rejection and feelings of being replaced by her maternal figure), while the Sirens were driven by a selfish lust for admiration and power.
So it seems the Elements can tell if the person in question is driven by pain that needs healed or genuine evil that needs banished or imprisoned.
Does anybody else find it funny that Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie's pillar predecessors are the pony race they were originally concepted to be?
According to Lauren Faust's original concept art, Pinkie was gonna be a pegasus named Saturday Surprise and Fluttershy would be an earth pony without a different name.
And both Somnambula and Meadowbrook are a pegasus and earth pony respectively.
Part of me enjoys the fact that Starlight is essentially the voice of reason this entire finale. She was the one who doubted that bringing the Pony of Shadows back and then the one who suggested that maybe the Pony of Shadows isn't as evil as they are made out to be since friendship is the entire point of this show.
Part of me is also annoyed about Twilight is so blinded by her fangirling for Starswirl that she ignored Starlight's concerns and then when it came time to dealing with the Pony of Shadows again was convinced that Starswirl's plan was the right one right until the end. If anything Starswirl's thanks should be going to Starlight since she was the only one who believed that Stygian wasn't as evil as others thought he was and Starlight's sass about how she was right was pretty satisfying.
It's funny to note that basically Starswirl and the pillars are basically the one's who created the Pony of Shadows because of their arrogance and inability to listen to why Stygian was doing what he was doing, casting him out and causing him to turn to darkness in his anger being betrayed and cast out by the Pillars.
Also as a final note: Thank you Josh for not being like so many other Brony analysts and showing such disdain for Starlight. After 2 seasons of development I'd say she has done more then enough to earn her redemption.
But again that has always been apart of Twilight's character, she does have a bias towards the ponies she idolizes and it can make her miss important details, where as Starlight isn't attached to Starswirl's legends like Twilight is, and she's not afraid to say what she thinks either which is why her role was so important in this finale.
I'm with you on this one, Josh. This is one of the few episodes in the ENTIRE SERIES THAT ACTUALLY GOT MY HEART RACING!!!!!
I am mildly disappointed that Ian McKellen didn't voice Starswirl the Bearded, though.
Also, I can't even BEGIN to fathom HOW EPIC the Pony of Shadows would have sounded if Sir Christopher Lee (Celestia rest his soul) was around to lend his voice to the shadowy entity that possessed Stygian!!!
Oh yes, one other thing. The runes at Ponehenge (if that's how it's spelled) are actual Nordic runes that translate to "PONI RULES". geeks out for including Nordic history
Well played, MLP staff.
Show less
As cool as it would've been to get ian mckellen for Starswirl's role, it would also meant that he'd have little chance of being shown again much like the case of any of the movie's voice cast. Sadly budget simply means you can't afford to give important roles like Starswirls to a really expensive actor or it'll be very hard to get them back in. I'm still shocked they managed to keep John De lancie around from his first appearence to the end of the show.
First Rule of Magic: Don't call up what you can't hang up.
A fact from this finale I find interesting is that Applejack states that a branch of the Apple family once lived in Hollow Shades and as we seen that place has long since been abandoned. The fact that the Pony of Shadows originates from the Well of Shade which is located underneath the town is interesting and brings up two questions for me.
The Apple family who lived in Hollow Shades, did they know of the existence of the Well of Shade and possibly of the Pony of Shadows?
Were this branch of the Apple family part of a cult that worshipped the shadows?
I liked that the sirens showed up in the finale. I hope to see them again one day.
So, did any one else notice that the pony of shadows had wings and a horn?
PixelatedVaporeon there’s no way he’s an alicorn...
It must be the dark magic
Curse you MA Larson!!!!!!
It's been a long time since I've seen our good joker, holy cow I forgot how funny and unhinged he can be. This guys great
A great review for an equally good finale! A couple of jokes got me to laugh out loud, which rarely happens for me. Another job very well done, and I look forward to more! :D
0:08 Greetings, Firebrand, Welcome to My World.
This villain gave me a vibe of Darth Vader and Venom.
Starswirl's VA has also done Doctor Doom in Iron Man:Armored Adventures, and, with an accent that sounds more Eastern European to boot!
Hey, I like that show! Seriously, it was interesting to see Tony Stark as a kid who learned from his mistakes. Now that I think about it, I need to get back to watching that. Haven't seen much of it since it came out.
Isn't he also the voice for Mister Sinister in X Men: the animated series?
10:18 I like how even in that audio overload you can clearly hear NCS' scream over it all.
"I finally made a KH joke. You happy now?" Why yes I am.
Linkara "it's Magic we don't have to explain it" Josh
My problem with the Pony of shadows is that they say he is one of the most dangerous villains yet he doesn’t really do anything.
That moment when you realize the pony of shadows probably got sent to Equestria Girls or gen 5
I theorized that discord needed a time out to realize that ponies were more interesting than just objects then when he was free he played more mind games and grew a connection to the main characters so it was possible to reform him
I think I'm going to ask Aramau to smack you for me for all the times you said "convenient."
josh did it! hes back! so happy to see you and cant wait for more!
The pony of Shadows should have been Sormbra 2.0 with more of threat and he'd would have been more of a BADASS Villain if he's not one dimensional
Actually he's a rip off nightmare Moon
So, like Infinite?
I like what you did with your ponies Cutie Mark at the end of the video when the explosion happened
Oh no Josh! I'm not letting you review the MLP Movie before I do!
TheCrimsonMayhem you are the editor men.....and i m not sure enter will go there....IS HE?...tell me
One thing I have to say I like about these reviews is that each time the intro plays, the Josh and/or the editor always finds a new way to mess with it XD
I haven't even watched the review yet, only the opening sequence, and already I like it. FINALLY, SOMEONE WHO LIKED THE SHADOW PLAY EPISODE!! :D
What do you mean "finally"? The finally is already SO overrated.
I know he doesn't like having attention drawn to his glorious red beard....
It's just so important.
Like a white wall.
Yeah! This finale was outstanding. Great review!
Great job Joshscorcher this review was amazing, and i think that your intro was very funny and really caught my attention and have a great day.
For your review of the movie, I hope you address the fact that Spike straight up kills someone
15:26 ok, I know a lot of people don’t like that all of the villains are getting redeemed, but I don’t mind; it fits with the the show
😆I know what you mean, Josh. Darkness is everywhere in Kingdom hearts and Twilight being a fan girl is great😆
Well they turned Discord to stone not banished him
Strange...I recall seeing, waaaaay back in your Crystal Empire review, that you'd be reviewing every single episode of FIM.
Literally in season 8: PEGASUS VILLIAN
man trilogy time is going to scar him for life.
Headcanon time! They didn't stop working after turning Discord to stone since he seemed to regard petrification as more of an inconvenience than anything really harmful. Kind of like you won't get an Assault charge if you gently poke someone with a sheathed knife.
Edit: (Least I don't think you will...don't try this at home)
I love your reviews Josh. Thanks for another awesome video.
Easily my favorite video from you period. Can't wait for your next video. Obviously I love the shadow music at the end (cough, my picture, cough). You do good work man. Even though you make me question your love of the show sometimes, I really like it. Have fun man. Oh and thank you for your service.
I think I enjoyed this the most out of all of your videos Josh, nice one, loved it.
8:30 You realize that it's been at least 3 or four seasons since Spike at your service, right? AJ could have realized she needed to strengthen herself after that incident. Plus, she's met Maud since that point. We've already seen them spend a holiday together. It's not hard to imagine AJ going to her, possible, cousin, for help in improving her strength. Just thought I'd point that out.
Don't stick up for Spike at your service please, as he said in that review they showed Applejack to be really strong before that episode, so being trapped by small rocks is HIGHLY unbelievable.
@@Cloud-dt6xb I wasn't sticking up for it. They used the clip of that episode to make their point and I'm using the same clip to.counter that point.
@@makerofthebroken Well your counter is bullshit.
I was going to go to bed, but I couldn't overlook this and save it for later, I had to watch it now. You understand, right?
Oh, I like seeing Joshscorcher geeking out and it's so refreshing to see him happy. I'm looking forward to his review of the MLP movie and yes for having Crush 40 music in the outro
This was hilarious! Thanks for cheering me up after such a rotten day. 😁
12:52...Oh Josh you are in for a surprise with that.
The runes at ponhenge say this "Poni rules" in elder futark or really old Norse Runes. I am serious. 4:19
I want to know everything that went into that bee meme bit.
, this was fun to watch. Good luck on the MLP movie review!
18:20 This reminds me of a quote from Robert A. Heinlein. "Your enemy is never a villain in his own eyes. Keep this in mind; it may offer a way to make him your friend. If not, you can kill him without hate - and quickly."
It's funny that about a half hour ago, I was rewatching your review on newbie dash. And now you mentioned it in this review. If I didn't watch it so soon, I would have no idea what you were talking about with the languages part. By the way, excellent review! This is my favorite season finale so far. I cannot wait until it comes your next review, which will be the movie!
Ehh I wouldn't say it's better than Twilight's Kingdom, but it's up there.
Ok so who else loved the background music in this episode
Equestrian magic is like the English language. There no rule that is always true and there is always an exception.
Nothing wrong with cliche storytelling as long as the story itself is well-written and enjoyable (there would be no way we could enjoy most RPGs if that wasn't the case). I find Shadow Play is a prime example of this, nothing really truly remarkable with the story but it is so epic, well-written, and brings in enough of its own twists to make it memorable and enjoyable. Definitely my favorite season finale!
How is it 'epic'? 50% is just a fetch-quest that could all-too easily be condensed into 5 minutes, and 90% of the second half is just them TELLING and not SHOWING, not to mention PoS is the most pathetic and inactive villain the series has ever seen
Epic fetch quests that were fun, well thought out, and that gave each character an important role. Felt more like telling AND showing at the same time. No, thats Sombra you are thinking of.
And yet if you reduced them to five minutes, the story would not change. Take away the fetch-quests and the Mane-6 become useless .
Do you not know what 'Show, Don't Tell' means? It is referring to the present tense, flashbacks are still telling over showing; otherwise they still spend 90% f the main story just standing around and talking.
Sombra was a smart villain who had contingencies set up and actual power to take over an empire with. PoS had basically only enough power to destroy a few rocks before running away like a little girl
Ok, and? That’s generally what happens when you remove something from a story. Again so? It was extremely entertaining and informative, so I don’t see a problem. Not really, he mainly just creeped around whispering “crystals” and being spooky. Yes, because having to be beaten by an alicorn andnone of the most powerful magicians on Equestrian shows the Pony of Shadows is weak. And just going to ignore how powerful he was when he had the chance to recover? These are the most petty things so dislike this episode over.
The first half of the two-parter was good, but the second one wasn’t so good. The only characters who weren’t holding the idiot ball for two was the Mane Six, Spike and Starlight (and the princess’).
It’s nice to see the actual pony of shadows was as intimidating as we hoped.
the moment i saw the title, i was like, YES HE"S GETTING TO IT ::D
Josh do you need a hug you good I think for the intro everyone was terrified of you someone give him a hug he needs it
The runes say "Pony rules" if I translated them correctly XD
Its misspelled, but close enough. They put in Isa for I instead of Eihwaz.
Kerry Mairie then what does really say?
Poni Rules
I found a reference within this episode that a lot will have blow all the way over their heads if they have never played one of my favorite games. That would be the fact that the Pony of Shadows looks almost exactly like the Skylander Blackout. No really look it up the two look surprisingly similar.
A Meet the Robinsons reference? nice!
Maybe Applejack got her back legs stronger so that didn't happen again if that makes you feel better
Gruntilda's Lair is so ingrained in my brain that I identified it immediately from a single note with my volume low.
And all is right with the world.
I actually really enjoyed this episode The return of star swirl yeah he is a jerk but still Awsome And meaning the pillars bonus lol But I really like this episode and I can't wait for the new season
Can Hasbro make an entire Old Ponish dictionary?
Lossless victory? I don't know... this is assuming Starswirl didn't pick the same banishment location that he did for the Sirens...
Wait, NO WONDER Starswirl sounded familiar!
cmsully1 care to explain how starswirl sound familiar exactly.
Sorry, just got the notification. Anyway, if you've seen the anime 'Death Note' (not the movies), then you'll hear what Chief Yagami sounds like.
cmsully1 ooooh. That actually explains a lot of questions I've been having lately about this episode. Thanks.
I’m just praising that someone else knows John Henry from that American heroes film, I loved that thing
10:19-10:25 Do I even want to know the context of the scene in the bottom right?
I appreciated the songs put in the background (like the Mushroom Kingdom of the Past OST from Mario and Luigi Partners in Time; THAT ONE IS SO UNDERRATED!!!)
14:48 I'd argue that Starlight was merely trying to help Twilight cheer up. She's already had enough shit for one day, so it's not hard to imagine that a bit of a lie in order to help out a friend, rather than rub salt in the wound.
Although yes, Starswirl was right.
First off he really was'nt as it was his fault this was even a problem in the first place, but even if he was that does not mean he get's to be a stuck up prick about it. Especially since again he screwed up MUCH worse than Twilight did, and if she had'nt brought back all seven of them they would never have been able to fix their relationship with Stygian.
Discord theory: the elements turned him to stone due to him being pure chaos so using healing magic caused a clash capturing his aura/magic and by being pure chaos couldn’t escape. (Kinda like throwing a healing potion at a zombie in minecraft)
I love your videos Josh scorcher!
Facts and stuff ditto.
4:50 After 3 days of searching for where Starswirl went off to, she found... ruins that are already named and likely been found before since they are visible to flying pegasi. She's disappointed that that was it.