One of the issues I have with most of the COH videos that I have found on RUclips is that they aren't noob friendly. Everyone uses COH short hand acronyms and so as someone who just got into the game I don't understand what people are talking about...
Here are a few tips (that I learned) for those who don't know, and/or new players. Procs: Procs are bad in T1 (T1 = First power selection) powers since the PPM changes. You are punished for putting procs into low base recharge powers as well as powers that you slotted for recharge. You'll find them to be more reliable in your longer recharge powers. Having explained this, here's a little extra dmg output on your SS or Spines / FA Brute: 2-Slot Build Up or Rage (Build Up for Spines; Rage for SS). Default Slot with the "Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control: Chance for Build Up" Proc, and 1 Recharge, Boosted +5. ATTUNE & Boosting: The only thing you should consider worth attuning is the AT IOs. Everything else should be left alone or boosted +5 (as appropriate based on costs). Attune Example: Steadfast: Res/Def Proc Boost Example: Recharges. Pick up Hasten and 2-slot it with lvl 50 Recharges, then boost them +5. (Me, personally, I use lvl 25) Purple Recipes: BOOST Purple IOs, NEVER Attune them! (This should go without saying, but some players have accidentally made this mistake). Purples IOs follow you when exempted. So they're superior to Attuned IOs in that way since you can also boost them. Also, don't bother Boosting Procs. PBAoE Powers: Look into getting Avalanche from the Winter's Set. Especially the "Avalanche: Rech/Chance for Knockdown." 'Enemies that can't stand, can't fight!' or 'Enemies that can't stand are NOT attacking!' (NOTE: This doesn't apply solely for SS, Spines / FA. You can apply this to . . . say Claws Scrapper/Brute. Skip Eviscerate and take Shockwave. Eviscerate is good; it does Superior dmg. However, due to its animation, it slows down your attack chain: Follow Up, Focus, Spin, Shockwave. Repeat. Slot the "Chance for Buildup" Procs from Decimation in Focus and the Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control in Follow-up. Slot Spin w/ Avalanche: KD Proc. Now spam FU, Focus, Spin, and Shockwave to keep mob off their feet!) Hope these help!
UPDATE: The 2x XP Booster is now FREE and stacks to 8 times meaning 8 hours of double XP which wont be needed. The buff will instantly fade when you hit 50.
Great video. FYI if you are leveling someone (or an alt) they can die and just stay on the floor while the brute farms. It doesn't matter, you still get XP and drops. It's boring as hell but you don't really have to worry about aggro management to keep the lowbie alive.
Great video! I have a Rad/Fire brute and a Spines/fire brute and I’d say they are equal in a certain aspect. If your build is good enough that you can basically stand there and be ok (afk farm) spines will do better. But, if you’re in a hurry or just trying to go as fast as possible, meaning you’re actively relying on other abilities not just burn or quills, Radiation takes the cake.
I have a rad fire fulling IOed and its amazing, I wouldn't make a Spine/Fire for just that reason, rad hits hard, slightly de-buffs the foes and just over all its fun to play. i used to play a SS/Ice and that's a beast, was thinking or remaking it to go either Spines/Ice or Rad/Ice just to see if it's as good/fun.
I've been working hard for the expensive build and im almost done, just missing the archetype ios so i used other alternatives for now and i noticed a big difference in my farming time and i don't have any incarnate powers yet. Thanks for the help and info!
I have to agree I just started playing and have no clue about builds anymore or much of anything. I saw this build but the 2 hour to 50 is a bit misleading I thought it was from scratch versus an alt. Still great info as I know to start brute now lol.
The buffs on P2W vendor buffs cost 1k at level 1. the higher you are the more they cost, so stack up 8 hours on all at level 1. And if you have the money keep them up until 50. If you are using 2x xp buff "which are free now". run ae mission with tickets and use them to buy bonze recipes and sell them on AH. just use find to see if it's worth selling on ah or junk them. leveling up I've made over 100 million by LVL 50. pays for upgrades IO's and buying sets off the AH. At level six I start doing fire farms on -1/8 and by level 15 i'm doing 2/8, then 3/8 by 30. 4/8 by lvl 40. this is keeping my IO's updated the whole time and using some set items
I remember doing a powerlevel team back in the day which you could level up a bunch of people at once with any class and it was versus some custom enemy group comprised of... primarily Rikti Monkeys, plus Santa Claus lieutenants/bosses that had no attacking moves and would just float around and maybe heal. I don’t remember what it was called but I remember asking about it and the experience is I think primarily from the Monkeys
Thank u for the great info. Just a tip, try getting through intros faster as someone who watched too many short videos my heart burns listening to peoole tryinf to think of a list of reasons for x. It doesnt matter why we're all watchinf the video we each know why and you're just taking up time. But really great info ty ty ty
@@m3z1917 you deserve more thab my lasy response cause really its a great video. Ill ise time stamps if its for a vid tbat i half care for otherwise many video. Creators say little bits of gold throughout the entire videos so i dont want to skip that one golden tip thatd change my experiences. But really, take the feedback and grow. If you disagree just move on why argue with a guy who isnt making videos about something 100s of people are finding helpful. You got it down just want to share a pov of 1 of the 100s.
I am wonding about the cheap build. Why take the striker pet? it litterally die if a gnat farts in itgeneral direction. Would'nt it be better to take a skill instead from spine or fire trees?
Wow, impressive ! Yeah I'm running a Spines/Radiation Armor Scrapper and after Level 28 I'm no longer able to get a Level a day doing the normal Contact missions... :(
@@shanewatt2810 Well I trudged along and built a nice Super Base and got my Sewer Sentinel up to Level 35 before parking him. Decided to go play some RUST for a awhile instead...
any chance you can make a mids/pine build for a Elec Melle/Stone Armor Brute? the spines fire builds were SUPER helpful in getting me started, and having a guide for a elec/stone would make me eternally grateful to you.
I'd enjoy watching a speed run of this. a full 2 hr video with a fresh login and no mail/trading, as if a new account with no connections to a supergroup. :)
ahh man.. i got no fucking idea where to start... all i want is the build u got.. when i go to create the character there's like 100 steps.. this sucks demotivated me so bad i dont feel like playing as a newbie... any idea's please?
I'm new to CoH and trying to understand what skills to pick for brute and what to slot in each any suggestions? Also does origin of your powers matter for this build?
Use pines hero builder and open the build I posted in the description to see what kind of build you should go. Origin doesn't matter and doesn't effect anything, it's there for your characters lore.
Since the 100% XP boost is free, is there a way to rework this to make it easier (less risk of dying while farming)? Ideally with whatever powerset I want. I'm as green as grass when it comes to this game, inky staryed playing a few days ago xD
Now do a video of how to multi-box in CoH :P Also, having the same problem as everyone else with trying to view the IO build. Just looking at the video, are those damage+accuracy IOs for Quills and Blazing Aura? (maybe I could get a destitute build...)
Good video, and I've been looking for something like this. Some inaccurate info tho - not that's it's an overly big deal - rage crash is minus 10000, not 1000, and dmg cap is 675 for brutes, not 775.
I'm new to this. My Spines/Fire is only level 48 but hope to IO out soon. I went a different route but the numbers seem far superior to most builds in everyway but acc. Keep in mind however that I have to hit which is an underated stat IMO and also strong def debuffs in my debuff power and incarnates. My recovery is 500% so I'm thinking I won't need consume so can slot another LOTG in Invisible as well as have more slots for Build Up and such. Also I have every Spines attack but lunge so the build should be great for bosses or higher. Defence is capped for fire 51.1%, aoe 44.5% and capped for minions on S/L at 26.1% though I plan to do only fire maps. Please look over my build and tell me if you see any holes/tweaks and thanks in advance. Not sure to how post a build here so have to do long way. Thank you sir.|MxDz;1500;706;1412;HEX;| |78DA6594C94F535114C6EF6B5F454A2B652C336D81168A9416D02D51111C2021C1B| |825159FF892069AB62075E77FA00C61E300A289F34A068744DD1935E8D2F83F382C| |4C8C0B530FEFFBD292B469F37BF7BBE79C7B86773BB630E47A36726D5069652712F| |1747AF2786A2E6338C6E2D3E6945D29E59C489A33F184EF5C3C5922CB4A6B7B72CC| |481846646FCB48D7411A322E19336923326C1AA9ECE4B1B9545CB9C667671391512| |32E76D36E6B316C4E5FCEC8CA69AD26928671B1C27A3C3D336FA6CD0B66C2CC642B| |4E26CDA9C878362507C5D3198957274787E5F73EA8F8C939D4755DA998AEDA6E80E| |D8BE432B9040657C0CD3D37CDF2D5D580666987A2643FE8F30A9B75D5DB67B7D61F| |8274111F6D5E599A6D81CC82FA55F0C015705B60878FDDDE8238BA1F3C3022D142B| |A0A9D026BA5A70EE4A41C35C8E1939C59C21A4B1E20F7838FC927A0F321F908743D| |05BDE2580A5FA1CDD234D1CAA895E5E4A3ECA2B871AACDCD4E78D8090F3BA18B4D3| |96CECE5CCACC50386FE29AB4B5D7FC12D41056C1D156BA8B4729DBC0BD66E8075F7| |C8FBE04BF1AAB27A9CB3572D23E3EA45B06B895C010392530D2AB1D574A3DBB5648| |8DC95EE79998B9713F373527E4ECACF49B57192E141E4F2597CEB39ED7AFA36D0B6| |8131828C11A4EF2B4123A7D578135368BA45DE065BEE906B60781DFC28E7357332C| |DCC7F47D0CAD9B472263ECEC81703BF4ABA01FA051AE0F75AD0014DEB60AC1EF2B7| |4BA94EF6ADF39DF4B24A72780BC6DE80DF246637EBE87E8EFC0E6F925BE436D8B34| |3BE00BF481D11F62D328059F51E21FBC1581F791474CB2CA3AC21CAF7AB49CFDF6E| |F9EEBDA9E122255AA4C48A94FE2265A04819D6F3FF06B9D1FDBB3DE8D9B89EBFF94| |A631F4B3DF99B9DFBEE947DDE5C8D3E3F0B9AA69D474D6D6770D37FECB7EF84FDAF| |8266D356D11717DFFD6A1F6C56AB04CC73235078DEDDA7FF692F3C9FDDA7FF07533| |BE85A|
Ken Livingston, This is a guide for the power-levelER, not the power-levelEE. A better name for it should be "A Guide to Getting Your Friend's Level 1 Character to Level 50 with this Level 50 Power Leveling Build."
Do you have any thoughts on a SS/Shield brute build? I really enjoy those powersets and I want to be able to solo farm efficiently. The main problem I run into is it seems I need the expensive sets in order to reach softcap on melee/ranged/aoe defense to start farming. Obviously I don't have the influence to invest into that kind of build yet. Either way, I appreciate the video! I might make a spine/fire to try it out. It might be the perfect tool to get my SS/Shield IO'd up.
I'm sure ss/shield is a fine build for farming.SS suffers from rage crash, stomp having low target cap (10 I think?) that said SS is still a very strong farming set and if you want to do it for fun there's no reason why you can't. Spines/fire build simply put is just the cheapest and fastest way to farm/PL but it's not the only build. There's a lot of knowledgeable people in the CoH PvP discord, should check it out.
@@m3z1917 well I know for me, I get the following error when I try to access your builds. " unable to read data index was outside the bounds of the array "
@@KanaetaXA Try this link:
Just out of curiosity, what's your fastest full clear of this map? I just got a 5:37, but haven't finished adding incarnate powers yet with my SS/Fire brute.
Somewhere around 5 mins, but my build is the cheap one. The people who are really good at farming and have the expensive builds can clear the map in 3 minutes.
Meh, I think I'll be looking at my old Fire/Psi Dominator with the TV farm mission. I use to solo that set for a max team. I could finish 1 run in about an hour solo and get outstanding rewards as well. I think I did Mu Mastery and never messed with incarnate system with that character. Not a bad piece of work you did here with the build. I may look into it but nothing beats the builds you really played years ago, ya know?
This is one of the fastest/easiest/most practical ways to farm/get money/IOs/50s. That's the only purpose it serves. I'm not even sure what you're asking lol.
your voice between bullet point titles and the details under those bullet points is crazy different clarity and volume. I just hear super clear and good volume title followed by mumble mumble mumble. Next bullet point nice loud clear and then mumble mumble mumble.
You need to go Redside and unlock it by talking to an Arbiter in Grandville and doing a Patron arc (Black Scorp is fastest on -1,x8) Also if you go full villain using Null the gull and stay that way for 7 days you get the power Frenzy which gives +30% Recharge and 100% Fury every 6 mins, Full hero gives a 40% damage buff in the same vein
If you're on homecoming, go to pocket D, talk to the seagull to convert to the villain side (you switch sides at any time), head to grandville, talk to the arbiter outside of recluse's tower to start the missions. Choose to do black scorpion's arc (this is the easiest one, if you complete any arc you unlock all 4 pools). Set settings to lowest and use autocomplete on kill all mission.
I started ae farming -1x4 at 17 after 2 sewer runs and adjusted difficulty as I leveled. Made 50 in a casual day. I did start with a 2M influence loan from an alt for ios which I maintained thru 47.
@@m3z1917 I might be having the same issue. When loading the builds on Pines Hero Designer, I get the error: "ExtractAndLoad Failed - Unable to load data header - Magic Number not found!"
I'm aware about the audio guys, next video will have fixed audio. Sorry about that!
One of the issues I have with most of the COH videos that I have found on RUclips is that they aren't noob friendly. Everyone uses COH short hand acronyms and so as someone who just got into the game I don't understand what people are talking about...
Here are a few tips (that I learned) for those who don't know, and/or new players.
Procs: Procs are bad in T1 (T1 = First power selection) powers since the PPM changes. You are punished for putting procs into low base recharge powers as well as powers that you slotted for recharge. You'll find them to be more reliable in your longer recharge powers.
Having explained this, here's a little extra dmg output on your SS or Spines / FA Brute:
2-Slot Build Up or Rage (Build Up for Spines; Rage for SS). Default Slot with the "Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control: Chance for Build Up" Proc, and 1 Recharge, Boosted +5.
ATTUNE & Boosting: The only thing you should consider worth attuning is the AT IOs. Everything else should be left alone or boosted +5 (as appropriate based on costs).
Attune Example: Steadfast: Res/Def Proc
Boost Example: Recharges. Pick up Hasten and 2-slot it with lvl 50 Recharges, then boost them +5. (Me, personally, I use lvl 25)
Purple Recipes: BOOST Purple IOs, NEVER Attune them! (This should go without saying, but some players have accidentally made this mistake). Purples IOs follow you when exempted. So they're superior to Attuned IOs in that way since you can also boost them. Also, don't bother Boosting Procs.
PBAoE Powers: Look into getting Avalanche from the Winter's Set. Especially the "Avalanche: Rech/Chance for Knockdown." 'Enemies that can't stand, can't fight!' or 'Enemies that can't stand are NOT attacking!'
(NOTE: This doesn't apply solely for SS, Spines / FA. You can apply this to . . . say Claws Scrapper/Brute. Skip Eviscerate and take Shockwave. Eviscerate is good; it does Superior dmg. However, due to its animation, it slows down your attack chain: Follow Up, Focus, Spin, Shockwave. Repeat.
Slot the "Chance for Buildup" Procs from Decimation in Focus and the Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control in Follow-up.
Slot Spin w/ Avalanche: KD Proc. Now spam FU, Focus, Spin, and Shockwave to keep mob off their feet!)
Hope these help!
Impossible for healer
This is the new and improved Dreck farm from back in the days. Thank you for this!
man Dreck farm was the best back in the day! Used to tear that up with my fire/ice tanker before it got nerfed
Glad you posted this. Its extremely helpful for people that want to level a friend.
UPDATE: The 2x XP Booster is now FREE and stacks to 8 times meaning 8 hours of double XP which wont be needed. The buff will instantly fade when you hit 50.
What about how to effectively level 1-50 on this toon so you can PL your others?
Mysteriously, that guide does not exist, lol.
Great video. FYI if you are leveling someone (or an alt) they can die and just stay on the floor while the brute farms. It doesn't matter, you still get XP and drops. It's boring as hell but you don't really have to worry about aggro management to keep the lowbie alive.
If you are running the double exp, the buff will be off when dead.
Great video! I have a Rad/Fire brute and a Spines/fire brute and I’d say they are equal in a certain aspect. If your build is good enough that you can basically stand there and be ok (afk farm) spines will do better. But, if you’re in a hurry or just trying to go as fast as possible, meaning you’re actively relying on other abilities not just burn or quills, Radiation takes the cake.
I have a rad fire fulling IOed and its amazing, I wouldn't make a Spine/Fire for just that reason, rad hits hard, slightly de-buffs the foes and just over all its fun to play.
i used to play a SS/Ice and that's a beast, was thinking or remaking it to go either Spines/Ice or Rad/Ice just to see if it's as good/fun.
I started my spines/fire brute on Briggs' farm at level 9. He's at level 29 and still has some good IOs for some of my other ATs.
Very informative video sir. Appreciate the cameo screen time :>
Having a hard time downloading the build could you past the build code into chat?
I've been working hard for the expensive build and im almost done, just missing the archetype ios so i used other alternatives for now and i noticed a big difference in my farming time and i don't have any incarnate powers yet. Thanks for the help and info!
Search for: 125 (It's the Comic-Con mish). It's set for MAX exp.
Thanks for the promo :)
I cant get the build to open. I downloaded Pine, and then went to the dropbox. get an error ever time
Same, I cant view it and would love to see it. I was gifted over 100 million influence and would love to build this 😞
You need to check out the Comic Con Fire Farm ArcID 125
Would love to see a guide for how to solo your first 50 up with nothing.
A lot of people have been asking, so I'm gonna put something together. Keep a look out for a video soon.
I have to agree I just started playing and have no clue about builds anymore or much of anything. I saw this build but the 2 hour to 50 is a bit misleading I thought it was from scratch versus an alt. Still great info as I know to start brute now lol.
Just do "fastest farm in the west" to lvl 30. Then you just do the OPs mission on +0 until ~lvl50
I started self plvling at 10.
@@joshsdkytre7497 (this comment you're replying to is literally 5 years old, friend)
The buffs on P2W vendor buffs cost 1k at level 1. the higher you are the more they cost, so stack up 8 hours on all at level 1. And if you have the money keep them up until 50. If you are using 2x xp buff "which are free now". run ae mission with tickets and use them to buy bonze recipes and sell them on AH. just use find to see if it's worth selling on ah or junk them. leveling up I've made over 100 million by LVL 50. pays for upgrades IO's and buying sets off the AH. At level six I start doing fire farms on -1/8 and by level 15 i'm doing 2/8, then 3/8 by 30. 4/8 by lvl 40. this is keeping my IO's updated the whole time and using some set items
I remember doing a powerlevel team back in the day which you could level up a bunch of people at once with any class and it was versus some custom enemy group comprised of... primarily Rikti Monkeys, plus Santa Claus lieutenants/bosses that had no attacking moves and would just float around and maybe heal. I don’t remember what it was called but I remember asking about it and the experience is I think primarily from the Monkeys
What do you think of a Spines/Electric brute? I'm not real proficient with the build complexities.
probably doesn't have enough fire res for the meteor map, could farm other non fire farm maps though pretty easily though im sure
Thank u for the great info. Just a tip, try getting through intros faster as someone who watched too many short videos my heart burns listening to peoole tryinf to think of a list of reasons for x. It doesnt matter why we're all watchinf the video we each know why and you're just taking up time. But really great info ty ty ty
just skip ahead using time codes in description..
@@m3z1917 or you can just read feedback from your viewers. Jesus.
@@m3z1917 you deserve more thab my lasy response cause really its a great video. Ill ise time stamps if its for a vid tbat i half care for otherwise many video. Creators say little bits of gold throughout the entire videos so i dont want to skip that one golden tip thatd change my experiences. But really, take the feedback and grow. If you disagree just move on why argue with a guy who isnt making videos about something 100s of people are finding helpful. You got it down just want to share a pov of 1 of the 100s.
Thanks M3z! Now let’s get PvP awesome again!
I am wonding about the cheap build. Why take the striker pet? it litterally die if a gnat farts in itgeneral direction. Would'nt it be better to take a skill instead from spine or fire trees?
Wow, impressive ! Yeah I'm running a Spines/Radiation Armor Scrapper and after Level 28 I'm no longer able to get a Level a day doing the normal Contact missions... :(
I know this comment was 2 months ago but did you get this toon to 50 in the end and IOed? I would like to know how it works out :)
@@shanewatt2810 Well I trudged along and built a nice Super Base and got my Sewer Sentinel up to Level 35 before parking him.
Decided to go play some RUST for a awhile instead...
any chance you can make a mids/pine build for a Elec Melle/Stone Armor Brute? the spines fire builds were SUPER helpful in getting me started, and having a guide for a elec/stone would make me eternally grateful to you.
I can help with stone build
Thanks for the guide, i have a 50 firekin thats fully built and purpled but its not good for the dense fire farms, more for original battle maiden.
I'd enjoy watching a speed run of this. a full 2 hr video with a fresh login and no mail/trading, as if a new account with no connections to a supergroup. :)
Just clarifying, you're asking for a video of me PL'ing someone in 2 hrs?
@@m3z1917 you solo leveling :)
ahh man.. i got no fucking idea where to start... all i want is the build u got.. when i go to create the character there's like 100 steps.. this sucks demotivated me so bad i dont feel like playing as a newbie... any idea's please?
I noticed you are not running with Weave toggled on nor Tough - guessing you just got them for the passive buffs from the Set enhancements?
I wanted to thumbs up this video, but it is on 420 so I could not mess with that
I got mines, crazy how it is self lvling toon after 40. No much fun in teams though, but for that I have my scrapper.
Could you put an updated version of the builds on that dropbox? The one I downloaded today wouldn't load in Pine's ver 1.96 due to an indexing error.
I was expecting this to be a beginners guide of some kind lmaoooo
Yes, this did a poor job at explaining how to get to 50 (or even 30) really fast. How should I be levelling this build from 1 to 20?
TheSwamper dfb, dib, or eb tunnel farms 1-20
@@tycoonMOBevolve Yes, but that would apply to any build. How should this be built while levelling?
Also, where is a link to the build? What are your final stats of defense/resist? Why isn't it in this video or the description?
Build is in description. Relax kiddo.
I'm new to CoH and trying to understand what skills to pick for brute and what to slot in each any suggestions? Also does origin of your powers matter for this build?
Use pines hero builder and open the build I posted in the description to see what kind of build you should go. Origin doesn't matter and doesn't effect anything, it's there for your characters lore.
Since the 100% XP boost is free, is there a way to rework this to make it easier (less risk of dying while farming)? Ideally with whatever powerset I want.
I'm as green as grass when it comes to this game, inky staryed playing a few days ago xD
Sweet video dude.
Was thinking about a spines / elec brute, that's how I found this video. Could a Spines/ Elec/Mu do well as a farmer?
It may but not on a fire farm. Need to be /fire to do this particular map.
@@m3z1917 Cool, I ended up making a Spines/Fire lol, just because of the different damage auras. Got her to 20 so far, but man, it's an End hog.
thanks for the video I am a noob to the game is there a certain rotation I should use for the build?
burn>electric fences>lightning ball>spines burst
Do you have the link for pines heroe or mids designer for this build?
@M3z would you be able to make a Controller - Fire/Kin if possible please and thanks in advance
I can help with kin build
@@danielnorton2807 awesome
Now do a video of how to multi-box in CoH :P Also, having the same problem as everyone else with trying to view the IO build. Just looking at the video, are those damage+accuracy IOs for Quills and Blazing Aura? (maybe I could get a destitute build...)
Good video, and I've been looking for something like this. Some inaccurate info tho - not that's it's an overly big deal - rage crash is minus 10000, not 1000, and dmg cap is 675 for brutes, not 775.
When you include 100 base damage, it's 775, it doesn't show it in game.
I'm new to this. My Spines/Fire is only level 48 but hope to IO out soon. I went a different route but the numbers seem far superior to most builds in everyway but acc. Keep in mind however that I have to hit which is an underated stat IMO and also strong def debuffs in my debuff power and incarnates. My recovery is 500% so I'm thinking I won't need consume so can slot another LOTG in Invisible as well as have more slots for Build Up and such. Also I have every Spines attack but lunge so the build should be great for bosses or higher. Defence is capped for fire 51.1%, aoe 44.5% and capped for minions on S/L at 26.1% though I plan to do only fire maps. Please look over my build and tell me if you see any holes/tweaks and thanks in advance. Not sure to how post a build here so have to do long way. Thank you sir.|MxDz;1500;706;1412;HEX;|
One last fire buff power (100%) will now buff 3 attacks rather than two. One reason I took Pyre over Mu).
What a bullshit clickbait title.. You make it sound like you can go from 0-50 in 2 hours.
get tricked
@@m3z1917 garbage video and editing too
You mention a different Lore skill in the video, than the one you got on your .mxd file. Which one did you end up using after all? Talons or Banished?
Banished pantheon. Both are viable though.
How's about a fire/fire brute
Half-way through the video: do you actually give tips on getting to level 50 in this video?
Not sure what you're asking.
Ken Livingston, This is a guide for the power-levelER, not the power-levelEE. A better name for it should be "A Guide to Getting Your Friend's Level 1 Character to Level 50 with this Level 50 Power Leveling Build."
I can't get the build to open at all, can you possibly refresh the files?
or post the build codes? That would rock
Do you have any thoughts on a SS/Shield brute build? I really enjoy those powersets and I want to be able to solo farm efficiently. The main problem I run into is it seems I need the expensive sets in order to reach softcap on melee/ranged/aoe defense to start farming. Obviously I don't have the influence to invest into that kind of build yet. Either way, I appreciate the video! I might make a spine/fire to try it out. It might be the perfect tool to get my SS/Shield IO'd up.
I'm sure ss/shield is a fine build for farming.SS suffers from rage crash, stomp having low target cap (10 I think?) that said SS is still a very strong farming set and if you want to do it for fun there's no reason why you can't. Spines/fire build simply put is just the cheapest and fastest way to farm/PL but it's not the only build. There's a lot of knowledgeable people in the CoH PvP discord, should check it out.
@M3z The build save files for Pine's doesn't work. After the download you try to open in either Mid's or Pines gives you an error.
Cause spines/fire isn't a valid brute choice. He's not playing on rebirth for sure.
where did you find the spines/fire build I couldn't UPLOAD YOUR BUILD LINK
Could you be more specific. You're having a problem with pine's? or opening the builds?
@@m3z1917 I'm having trouble opening the things
@@Darkstar1484 Is Your OS Mac? If so you can't use pine's. I've made a how to use pine's video, check it out for more specific instructions.
@@m3z1917 well I know for me, I get the following error when I try to access your builds. " unable to read data index was outside the bounds of the array "
@@KanaetaXA Try this link:
Just out of curiosity, what's your fastest full clear of this map? I just got a 5:37, but haven't finished adding incarnate powers yet with my SS/Fire brute.
Somewhere around 5 mins, but my build is the cheap one. The people who are really good at farming and have the expensive builds can clear the map in 3 minutes.
can you post the link to the Pines Builder please? Nice guide btw
Go to my channel, I have a video on my channel about pine's with a link in the description.
Meh, I think I'll be looking at my old Fire/Psi Dominator with the TV farm mission. I use to solo that set for a max team. I could finish 1 run in about an hour solo and get outstanding rewards as well. I think I did Mu Mastery and never messed with incarnate system with that character. Not a bad piece of work you did here with the build. I may look into it but nothing beats the builds you really played years ago, ya know?
mods and even paragon wiki won't show spines as a brute primary. What gives? When I try to load your builds, it says outside of parameters.
I think Spines as a Brute primary is a SCORE/i25 change
@@moontalon3124 Ah, I didn't know. Pity mods cannot be modified to show that...
I cannot find "Steadfast Protection: Resistance/+Def 3%" in the game, where do you get it?
Great video are you only on indom server?
Yes, I'm primarily a pvper and that's where the competitive pvp scene is developing right now.
So wait can i respec and choose different powers after i hit 50 and change what kinda hero i am?
Heck yeah!
Can you make a video about IO sets and what the most used sets are?
Can you do one using a character AT that someone would actually want to play
This is one of the fastest/easiest/most practical ways to farm/get money/IOs/50s. That's the only purpose it serves. I'm not even sure what you're asking lol.
M3z no worries. I’m aware that the best farmers are spines/fire due to their AOEs.
2000s era fire/kin powerlevers on peregrine Island unite!
when i try to view the builds it tells me "unable to read data- index was outside the bounds of the array
try going file>open and opening the mxd file that way
Nice guide, but it's really hard to understand you when you start to whisper. If you could keep a constant volume the vid would be perfect
your voice between bullet point titles and the details under those bullet points is crazy different clarity and volume. I just hear super clear and good volume title followed by mumble mumble mumble. Next bullet point nice loud clear and then mumble mumble mumble.
Glad I am not the only one hearing that.
So with this upcoming AE wipe, what is going to be the new map to farm?
I imagine Dan Petro will just remake this map.
Turning off XP does not give you double Influence anymore. The developers closed that loophole months ago
Can you do a mastermind pl build?
Yes please!
What's the point of having Vengeance in the expensive build?
set bonuses
I don't see the build anywhere?
How do to access the Mu mastery epic power set for the build?
You need to go Redside and unlock it by talking to an Arbiter in Grandville and doing a Patron arc (Black Scorp is fastest on -1,x8)
Also if you go full villain using Null the gull and stay that way for 7 days you get the power Frenzy which gives +30% Recharge and 100% Fury every 6 mins, Full hero gives a 40% damage buff in the same vein
I would like to see someone do the signature story arcs.
still using the expensive build all these years later
How do you unlock Mu Mastery on the hero side?
If you're on homecoming, go to pocket D, talk to the seagull to convert to the villain side (you switch sides at any time), head to grandville, talk to the arbiter outside of recluse's tower to start the missions. Choose to do black scorpion's arc (this is the easiest one, if you complete any arc you unlock all 4 pools). Set settings to lowest and use autocomplete on kill all mission.
@@m3z1917 I got Mu Mastery without completing the Arc.
Wouldn't scrapper be faster or too hard to survive?
scrapper can't hold aggro
What enemies are you fighting?
how does this compare to fire kin controller as a farmer
this is faster.
no option to make spines under brute or i am mission something
you are definitely missing something.
It just doesn't seem to be an option on 'Rebirth' unfortunately. :(
about how expensive are each of these builds??
cheap is around 200-300 mil, expensive is probably 600-700+mil
Woah, is that the dom from youtube?
does the origin matter (natural, magic, etc)?
thnx 4 guide
still viable?
So you still have to get to lvl 35 first though correct?
I started ae farming -1x4 at 17 after 2 sewer runs and adjusted difficulty as I leveled. Made 50 in a casual day. I did start with a 2M influence loan from an alt for ios which I maintained thru 47.
Do you know what AE map that is?
Cox-King Multimedia 51
Is this M3zM3R3z from freedom server?
It won’t let me go in I’m a level 6
whats this missions name?
Games are meant to be played.
I do play the game lol, I primarily pvp so I don't have time to level all my 50's the normal way.
uh oh bro you better watch out, the farming police are gonna getcha
but yeah spines/fire is the way to go for sure
how much isp do i need to start?
If you're talking about insps, if you have a cheap IO build you'll need around 12 purples 4 blues 4 reds
Is this still working?
sound is SO loud can't hear you at all
I thought at least half the fun was leveling a character
Pines builds not working....
Could you be more specific? The build files are not working? Or pine's hero builder not working?
@@m3z1917 I might be having the same issue. When loading the builds on Pines Hero Designer, I get the error: "ExtractAndLoad Failed - Unable to load data header - Magic Number not found!"
@@AvocadoHand this is what i get too @m3z
so you can't level your self to 50 in 2 hours, It's how to level someone else to 50 in 2 hours lol. Still nice video
dual box and you can level yourself
3:55 incarnates
ill add it
Brute don't have spines anymore
Can you do titan weapons and electric armor that's my build please do a video on it btw im a on brute
This can be done starting at lvl 10..