i miss when gary and haha fight like a child. i miss when gary team up with jongkook. i miss when kwangsoo call him ‘hyung’. i miss when sukjin and jaesuk teasing him. i miss all the sweet moment of him and jihyo. i miss the smile on jihyo face because of him. i miss when gary laugh with all running man members. i miss everything.
2020년인데도 월요커플 생각나서 거의 일주일을 시간 날 때마다 월요커플 영상만 본듯.. 그 때 너무 잘 어울리고, 둘이 결혼했으면 좋겠다고 생각했는데ㅠㅠ 개리의 솔로곡에 월요커플이 다 나와있어서 예전부터 많이 들었지만, 더 오래 들을 듯... 보고싶다 강개리 잠실사는 강개리
21/04/2019 i miss kang gary i miss the old running man i miss monday couple i miss the feeling when i think jihyo and gary would have a happy ending together edit: thanks for all the likes ❤😆
I miss the Jihyo who can't stop smiling whenever Gary courts her. I was sad in the recent episode when Jihyo laughed loudly and Somin said "Woah, I hadn't heard Jihyo-unnie laughed like that in a while". Wish someone can bring Jihyo's smile back, sadly I think it's something only Gary can do.
Just let Gary alone he ady have family n he needs private 4 his life n his music so just hope he can be guest in the future not as a member... Just me who comment that n No hate
It's just your feeling, and it's not a good thing. That guy is a married man with a lovely wife and a child. It's not a good thing for another woman to remembering things with him.
@@luziaflone1951 In my opinion, memory is a good thing. Gary is married doesn’t mean Jihyo needs to forget their memories. Memories are precious and irreplaceable, why should they forget their memories? As long as they don't step on the boundary, thinking of each other is not a problem (to me). (Just my opinion, and sorry my English is not good)
How I see this song: A song made by Gary for himself. The burden of being known as someone he doesn't know anymore. He lives and works hard through his music and yet people just remember him as a member of Runningman. Do you people still remember him as a Kang Gary the rapper, songwriter, and record producer? No hate, just stating some facts here. What a Beautiful and comforting song.
I know right? It's just unfair. But for me, the musician Gary is still the one that stands out to me. I guess I first know him in running man but the more I know him, the more I respect him. The music he made is so rich, high quality and always have a deep meaning behind it (ehem some is very R-18 but i love it) he was a boxer before too. I was like this guy is awesome. I never forget how Leessang's song affected me in different ways in my school days. I miss both of gil and gary work together plus Jung in.
@@invicibyul599 I know Gary through RM, I become a fan of Leessang and Gary’s songs. Sometimes I just hope that RM fans stop mentioning Song Ji Hyo or Monday Couple or asking Gary back to RM under comment section of his music videos. Majority of them never care to read the lyrics and understand the meaning of his songs, they just tries to tie the song back to MC. The only thing I hope they actually buy the songs to support Gary’s music career 😅
I am not Korean but I miss so much those days that Gary was in the running man. I am still hoping that one day Kang Gary cameback for running man. And hoping the running man conducted a big event and surprising their all Asian fans and I like if it will happen. 🙏
Yeah, I understand Kang Gary and I really respect his decision and I really love what he is doing today together with his family but we couldn't deny the fact that we've missed him and wanted to see him again in running man 😊🥰
It would be hard given fact that Monday Couple fans will go crazy for the interaction between Gary and Ji Hyo. Gary went as far as changing the phone number with everyone and Monday Couple fans still can’t move on a loveline on variety show
To be honest... I'm speechless reading your comment. Maybe you're the one who just recognize Gary recently. Hehehe. Way before Gary joined Running Man, Leessang already popular in Korea (even Ji Hyo said that when she was asked her first impression of Gary). Every time they drop a new single or album, they always kill the chart. Every time they held a concert, it was sold out. Leessang is one of the big names/legend in Korean music industry. Especially in hiphop. Along side with Drunken Tiger, Epik High, Dynamic Duo. I don't know how to say this. But your comment understandable. I mean... Despite of Leessang very popular back then. Not many people in Korea know about Gary. They only know Gil. But after Gary joined Running Man, people in Korea finally know who's the man behind all those masterpiece of Leessang. You should know the reason why Gary so popular among the girls in Korea, or female guest of Running Man, or even the youngsters not only because he was part of Running Man. But also because of Leessang. Because of his music. Because of his works for other musician. You know Son Yen Jin?! She is one of Gary's buddy actually. And she knows him before Running Man tho. Hehehe... Hope this helps.
@@runnerskaskus5371 I think the OP comment is for other fans. If you notice, many RM fans or Monday Couple fans don’t really look into Gary’s career in Leessang. You can see how they invade all the music video, especially “The women who can’t break up, they boy who can’t leave”, “JOA”, “Get some air”, “Shower Later”, “Lonely Night”, etc and relate the song to Jihyo. Only Gary fans look further into his music career and actually appreciate that side of him. I mean, before RM, people know Gary of Leessang but not his face. You can watch his interview, people come to the his restaurant and ask who Gary is, they know his name for sure. Also, Leessang success is a combination of Gary and Gil, Gary writes lyrics, Gil composes, both produce. And yeah, Leessang did cameo in April’s snow movie (star Son Ye Jin and Bae Jong Yoon), you can find a cut of they sing Leessang’s blue with Bae Jong Yoon in the background.
*Here I am in 2020 for GARY* *He is such a great & talented rapper.* *And I miss him in Running Man* *I miss when he was with his running man members like a family uniting & fighting with each otherI miss his photozone game also*
April 21, 2020 I started re-watching Running Man yesterday after I finished episode 499 last Sunday. I miss the old concept, i miss all of their firsts. First, international tour First, mall missions First, name tag elimination First, nicknames to each other First, love line First, fan meeting because with those firsts i have seen their genuine reaction Time may pass but i won't forget the Monday Couple! They have this special place in my heart forever ♥️ BOGOSHIPDA GARY OPPA
eventually, everything will come to an end. everything, has it's happy endings and wonderful goodbyes. cause change is inevitable. but for running man i hope it won't be too soon 💓
I thought that the last time I'll cry is because of GARY when he's leaving Running Man. Now it really hurts that the variety rookies that time are now gone in the show. We'll miss you Lee Kwang Soo, Gary, and Song Joong Ki. We'll keep running for you guys 🏃♂️
Kevin Reinaldo The last recording with Gary is set on October 31, and ' Running Man' will continue on without Gary. source: www.soompi.com/2016/10/25/gary-leave-running-man-6-years/
1st Joongki 2nd Gary And now kwangsoo 😭😭😭 Leaving Runningman Seriously Rn is just So complete with them..Wish they could come back again. I miss the old Rn. I'm so much fond with the old members they're the best 😭
ahh same. during the mv, i was thinking gary and ji hyo will meet right? hmm maybe he will appear at the end. but nope no interactions 😭 oh well this song and mv is still perfection 💕
Đã đến năm 2024 rồi sao nhớ lại những khoảnh khắc của cặp đôi ngày thứ 2 thật sự 😢 Mọi người cũng đã có những cuộc sống khác nhau và Gary cũng đã có vợ con sống thật hạnh phúc,Jihyo bây giờ cũng vẫn đang trong chương trình running man và diễn suất .Hiện tại cả 2 cũng không thể nói chuyện hay gặp lại như xưa Dù không thể bên nhau nhưng thứ 2 mãi sẽ là của đôi ta ❤
lol... everyone listening to Garys song after news of him leaving running man. I'm guilty of it too. I can't believe he's not going to be on it anymore
Reanne H. uhhhh not trying to be rude but isn't it obvious😐 everyone know that it's ji hyo😑if anybody don't recognize her they must've been blind😑 like duh
Ever since quarantine, Running Man has been on mind, heavy. Mad heavy on my mind. Like everyone else, I miss the old Running Man, the old concepts. Everything. I still love, watch Running Man and treasure the show. As much as I miss the "old" golden days of Running Man, I wouldn't want the current Running Man any other way. I still adore and appreciate the new Running Man and new concept. Because Running Man was such a physically demanding show, every member went through so much physical hardships throughout the years. Injuries after injuries and all the members still managed to hide the pain with laughter and smiles on camera. Running Man has been on air for 10 years and every members aged with the show, along with us viewers. I love Running Man so much. -so very much
Same as me! As much as we miss the *'GOLD'* memories, but lets keep supporting the recent one! *Lets be supportive and not aggresive* ,And the fact that Running Man is still Airing on SBS is a Blessing that i rlly appreciate! 🙏🏻😇 ,
it's been 7 years since this song was released when I was still in college. But now being an office worker myself makes this song more relatable for me...
Ước Gary với Ji Hyo là vợ chồng, 7 năm gắn bó với nhau..vậy mà Gary đã lấy vợ để lại khoảng trống không thể nào lấp được cho những người yêu quý Gary với Ji Hyo. Người yêu thứ Hai...chỉ là thứ Hai thôi sao ? Tại sao không phải suốt đời 7 năm toàn những niềm vui và niềm đau. Trước khi Gary rời đi Ji Hyo luôn nương tựa vào Gary và luôn thổ cảm xúc thật, Gary đi rồi Ji Hyo mạnh mẽ hơn nhiều, cảm xúc cũng ít đi. Những tập gần đây vẫn có những tiếng cười nhưng khi thấy Ji Hyo tôi lại nhớ đến Monday Couple. Không biết đến thứ Hai thì Ji Hyo không nhưng mỗi thứ Hai tôi lại nhớ đến hai người họ, thật buồn vì hai người không thể đến được với nhau. Khi chơi trò xé bảng tên Gary đã luôn nhường Ji Hyo và bản nhạc quen thuộc "can't breakup girl can't breakaway boy" lại cất lên, cô gái ấy không thể nói lời từ biệt, và chàng trai ấy cũng không thể ra đi :(( tại sao vậy Gary anh lại là người ra đi, vẫn biết là anh phúc của anh do anh tự chọn. 7 năm qua cùng nhau, chơi các trò chơi, cùng khóc, cùng cười. Anh thật sự không có cảm xúc gì sao. Cả Monday Couple nữa mọi thứ....đều là quá khứ thôi sao
나 홀로 외로워진 밤에 모든 게 버거워진 밤에 I love you I need you You 네가 필요해 나 홀로 술 취한 이 밤에 모든 게 그리워진 밤에 I love you I need you You 네가 필요해 어김없이 찾아오는 아침의 80% 개운치 않아 다시 또 시작하는 하루는 어제와 같은 카피고 이어폰 속 최신 곡을 흥얼거리며 이 도시 속 최고를 꿈꿔 온몸으로 난 나쁜 기운까지 다 느껴 어릴 때부터 온갖 압박들에 다 단련된 난 한국사람 돈이 없음 불행한 것이 훨씬 더 많아 위에서는 눌러 아래서는 치고 올라 어디를 가나 하라면 해 싫으면 관두든가 다 인간관계? 몰라 난 그런 거 싫으면 안 해 두려워 할 것 없어 모든 게 다 똑같아 어차피 경쟁 피곤한 언쟁은 필요 없어 그냥 내 옆에 마음 맞는 몇 사람과 함께 즐길 술과 음악만 있으면 돼 나 홀로 외로워진 밤에 모든 게 버거워진 밤에 I love you I need you You 네가 필요해 나 홀로 술 취한 이 밤에 모든 게 그리워진 밤에 I love you I need you You 네가 필요해 오늘도 밤새 일하며 눈에 불 켜 마치 편의점 간판 기분으로 말하자면 초여름 장마 곧 끝이 나고 또 많은 것을 얻겠지 아마 돈 아니면 욕 뭐든 상관없어 그래도 일할 수 있는 것이 내 행복 늘 머리 속엔 여행 생각 이번 휴가 어딜 갈까 유럽부터 동남 아시아 5월 부터 비키니 고르는 그녀 맘같이 설레 집에 가기 전에 술이나 한잔 할까 친구에게 전화를 거네 뭔가 별일 있는 건 아니고 그냥 잠깐 얼굴이나 보고 가면 어떨까 커피 한잔이라도 아님 술을 마셔도 뭐든 난 좋으니까 잠깐만 나와 우린 성공해야 해 아니 행복해야 해 우린 성공해야 해 아니 행복해야 해 나 홀로 외로워진 밤에 모든 게 버거워진 밤에 I love you I need you You 네가 필요해 나 홀로 술 취한 이 밤에 모든 게 그리워진 밤에 I love you I need you 네가 필요해
It makes me sad seeing kwangsoo leaving rm, we all know for a fact that rm casts wont be there forever, one day its gonna be new casts continuing the show. Miss joongki,gary and soon kwangsoo on the show
Bangtan Sonyeondan I cant remember correctly .. but it was a moment in Running Man.. this ep was special ep for Christmas day when Leesang organized that they were kidnaped but honestly they defrauded all members of RM into becoming winners. It may be from ep 150 to ep 210
+RPattySPascua No i didnt want dat bcz m tired of people bringin Monday Couple into everything these 2 talented individuals try to do he is talented pro musician n she a talented pro actress...dis song is abt daily competitive life of a common man his dreams,loneliness,need for love,conflict between love n success......gary did an awesome job n she potrayed d character so well lets appreciate it becoz dey did beautiful work nt becoz dey r MC. Plz dont think dat i hate MC i luv mc and all running man members bt dey r more than dat. Dey keep getting asked ques abt each oder in events like jihyo being asked in a drama interview.Dats her proffessional event where she supposed to have chemistry wid her costar n ques shud be abt d drama ....OR like nw rabid MC fans are HATIN n threatening to NT support jihyo if she takes part in WGM china sum even sayin she cheatin gary such a BITCH he wrote songs for her n she is doing dis. EVEN Harrassing d chinese actor on sns..Y gary enjoyin success from MC n jihyo career HARMED...JUST SUPPORT BOTH OF THEM IN ANYTHING DEY DO TOGETHER N INDIVIDUALY....n abt their personal life its their life their choice if dey together i will support dem n if dey choose diff lyf partners den also i will support dem....GARY FIGHTING! JIHYO FIGHTING!
I was actually expecting he would show up at the end of the video and give ji hyo a back hug.. :( after all, after a tiring day, we all need that someone, right? :)
+Jenny Panda in the mv and the song, they aren't promoting their loveline, but more of expressing their daily lives. So I don't think there will be a meeting between the two.
+Jenny Panda part two in kdpharma cf myb...hahahaha since they filming in kdphrama office i bet later kdpharma let them filming mv for part 2...just saying dont take it seriously but yessss the location is in kdpharma office actually...
+Shirlyn Ouyang but the lyric not fit at all in many of the scene....scene while working was show up but not scene when their missing someone or mybe is very small part abt that...if u read the lyric the writer put some of the line that he really need someone to show up even for a while....but overall jh was a main lead im already okay with that...😊😊😊😊
To be honest we miss the Monday couple, but we should move on and love where they are now. But please we need a Gary comeback with Kwangsoo in Running man!
Tbh at this point, i don't care if they're Monday couple or not. I just want to see the old running man interactions and their relationship again, it doesn't matter if SJH and Gary are not in a loveline anymore bc I know they're both happy for each other life. I just want to know if Gary still in contact with the members and they're still close like family 🥲
We're here after heard Kang Gary's wedding revealed. It's sad & shocked to heard the news. This is the first & the last mv he had Song Ji Hyo. Thank you for the memories Monday Couple. You two will always be our favorite couple as years goes by. #MONDAYCOUPLEFOREVER #7012 👫💑😭💔💋💓👏💪😭
2020 and almost 4 years after he left Running Man, he will return on KBS "Return of Superman", I hope, really hope that he gets to be a guest again in Running Man.
@@faridimran it's just a rumor that i read in of the sites that i saw on reddit , i just can't remember the exact website, i still don't know if it's true or not.p
i miss when gary and haha fight like a child.
i miss when gary team up with jongkook.
i miss when kwangsoo call him ‘hyung’.
i miss when sukjin and jaesuk teasing him.
i miss all the sweet moment of him and jihyo.
i miss the smile on jihyo face because of him.
i miss when gary laugh with all running man members.
i miss everything.
me too
Me too
Me too
“Until you get married, Monday is still our day” -Gary to Jihyo
Now, Kang Gary oppa is married.
enjell 88 but no more monday couple 😭
@@encikfikriechin8782 Song Jihyo will always be Kang Gary girlfriend but only in Monday. 😂😂😂Just Kidding.
@@babyphat8965 why?
Gary set this up to if they get married "everyday is our day"
If both of them tried before it's too late they will surely be married sad
What episode did he say that?
2019. Who still miss Kang Gary?
running man
arg please don't :(
he have a channel youtube... if you miss him, check it out..
@@mrgwah231 name pls
@@vitruong4807 Kang Gary
개리가 런닝맨에 있던 그때, 온가족이 모여 티비를 보던 그때, 학교에 가기 싫다며 찡찡대던 그때, 무슨 걱정을 하더라도 그게 게임걱정이던 그때, 마스크를 쓰지않던 그때가 그립다.
나도 그립다..
진짜 더 안늙고싶다
@@샤샤샥퀴벌럼아 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
넌 지금도 잼민같은데 뭐 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
뮤비 지효누나야... ㅠㅠ옛날에 ㅈㄴ 듣던 노래인데 세월이 흐르면서 어느새 edm과 발라드에 취해서 잊은노래... 잊어서 미안해요... 다시 들어보니 눈물이 고이네...
@@김김-c9n6c 닥치고 꼬우면 갈길 가세요 보자마자 지랄이넼ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 내가갖고있는 옛날의 기준을 너가 가지고있는 옛날에 기준에 맞춰야돼?
그기준이 다르다는걸 모르나 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
김 김 가서 부모님한테 효도나해라 3년이면 학교입학해서 졸업하는 시기다 이게 짧냐 ㅂㅅ아
@@김김-c9n6c 하늘같은 남잨ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 웃겼닼ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 전두엽에빠따맞은마인드 ㅆㅅㅌㅊ
토요일 6시에 티비 틀면 무도에 길이 나오고 일욜 6시엔 개리가 나오는 그때로 가고 싶다
아 슬퍼 .. 진짜 .. 그립다 ..
7시 1박 2일 8시 개콘
어느세 10년이 지나고 개리형 결혼했다고 생각하면 시간이 참 빨리 흐른다는것... 진짜 그때로 돌아 가고 싶다 ㅠㅠ
아..... 그립다
2020년인데도 월요커플 생각나서 거의 일주일을 시간 날 때마다 월요커플 영상만 본듯.. 그 때 너무 잘 어울리고, 둘이 결혼했으면 좋겠다고 생각했는데ㅠㅠ 개리의 솔로곡에 월요커플이 다 나와있어서 예전부터 많이 들었지만, 더 오래 들을 듯... 보고싶다 강개리 잠실사는 강개리
그래도 지금 각자의 길에서 열심히 살고있으니 그 길을 응원해주는게 팬의 의무 아닐까요^^
@@djkc-fhvc 나는 리쌍의 팬이라 리쌍은 어떻게 안될라나..
재결합은 힘들꺼같고 솔로곡이라도 보고싶네요
둘 다 화이팅
다시봐도 송지효는 최고의 미인이다.. 뮤비가 한편의 영화가 된 것 같은 느낌
하...유튜브로 런닝맨 보고 있다가 갑자기 개리형이 보고 싶어서 이 노래 듣고있는데 뭔가 울컥한다 옛날이 너무 그리워 ㅠㅠ
진짜 인정
진짜 너무 그리워서 울컥하네요.... 이젠 다시 개리와 런닝맨 멤버가 함께 있는 모습을 보지 못한다는게 너무 슬프고 말로 표현할 수 없음...
뮤비 배우가 송지효여서 더 그런듯. 지금이야 개리는 결혼했고 런닝맨은 종국지효 커플 밀어주고 있지만 그당시 월요커플 못잊어..
개리 솔로곡에 지효 원톱 주연 뮤비라니.. 뭔가 되게 로맨틱하다.. 4분 내내 지효+가끔 개리 이렇게만 나와서 더 그런듯
cheshire ck
근데 개리 결혼...하오..
키윽 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 안녕하오
하오가 이노래를 좋아해
와 3년 만에 보는데 왜 달라보이냐 송지효랑 개리.. 너무 기억나는데 슬프다ㅠㅠㅠ
no one can replace joongki, gary, kwangsoo, that's a fact
i miss the original cast/host
And Song Ji Hyo
Yeah.. They have their own character and charm
Dont forget lizzy 😢
I hope that they will be complete on Running Man's 11th anniversary.
강개리..말하자면...역시는 역시. 이노래 같은 예술 또 나왔으면 좋겠다. 강개리. 9월 2019년...오늘도 니가 그립다. ㅠㅠ
이때 개리 뮤비까지 나오고 해서 둘이 진짜 뭐 있는 줄 ㅠㅠㅠ 케미 개좋았는데 ㅠㅠ😭
송지효인가? 아니겠지? 하고 넘기려다 아니 송지효 맞나? 하고 계속 쳐다보다가 에이 설마 하면서 들어왔는데 진짜였어 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 저듀
내 눈을 의심함....ㅋㅋ
2024 who still miss Kang Gary?
Here! He is so perfect 😢
i hope all ex member can gather for a guest :DD
so miss mc
i miss monday couple 😭
2020,who still miss Kang Gary?😔
He will be back on Korean TV show with his kid so soon
@@이제우-u4h he already has a kid???
@@이제우-u4h 슈돌에서 나오죠?
한 5년전인가 6년전인가 그때가 정말로 런닝맨 좋아했었는데 맨날 금요일마다 런닝맨보고 그 다음에 개콘나와서 맨날 봤었는데 그립다 그때가
개리 나가기 전이 진짜 시청률 높았던거같아요피디님 바뀌고 런닝맨 너무 예전이랑 컨셉이 달라진 느낌..
케이팝스타 다 보고 런닝맨보고.. 끝나면 개콘 ㅠㅠㅠ 그립다 진짜 ㅠㅠㅠ 씻다가 뛰쳐나와서 보고그랬는데.. 가족끼리 도란도란.. 할머니댁가서는 무한도전만 계속 보고..
@@user-hs8vj2yr1u 저랑똑같네요 ㅋㅋ
노래 진짜 개좋음..... 근데 노래 뮤비의 분위기나 감성도 너무 좋고 그냥 다 좋다
멍멍 월요커플ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ근데 한명은 유부남..
노래 정말 좋죠,,,
지금 들어도 너무 좋네요ㅜㅜ
그땐 정말 갑자기 결혼하고 잠수탈지 아무도 몰랐지,,
@@sepig917 그쵸... 쩝 그냥 잘 정리하고 끝내도 됬을텐데 아쉬울뿐임....
오 댓글 공감가서 눌렀더니 2천됐다
지금 떠서 뭐야 송지효랑 개리랑 뮤비를 ? 햇는데 2021년꺼가 아니엿네 2016년껀데 알고리즘이 날 불럿네
헐 저랑 완전 똑같은 루틴이시네요 제목에 개리님이랑 썸넬의 송지효님 보고 깜짝 놀라 들어왔는데 무슨...
Came here after Hao sang this on his ig. Hao is Gary’s biggest fan 🥺❤️
yass me too
Same!! Now after listening and understanding the whole meaning of the song i cant stop replaying it.
me too
But hao is garys father
June 1st, 2019.
I miss Kang Gary and Monday Couple.
Lâu rồi mới nghe lại bày
He has a youtube channel now. Subscribe if you want.
he has that feel
me too :
개리, 리쌍 노래만 들으면 런닝맨 7명이 함께 장난치고 웃었던 모습이 자꾸 떠올라서 눈물만 나옴...ㅜ 7명 모습을 다신 볼 수 없다는게 너무 벅차고 말로 표현 할 수 없음
이 띵곡 뮤비에 송지효가 나왔다니... 아 오랜만에 들으니까 ㅈㄴ 좋다ㅠㅠ
아무리 비즈니스였다고 해도 난 절대 못잊어ㅠㅠ
런닝맨 마지막회에는 개리 나와줬으면 좋겠다
이름표 때기도 햇으면 좋겠다
ㅇㅈ 저도여
이름표 떼기는 멤버분들 몸상태가 말이 아니게 안 좋아서 못하는 걸로 알고 있어서 힘들듯
그냥 1년에 1번씩만 나와도 소원이 없겠다.개리 생일이라는 이유,런닝맨 첫촬영일이라는 이유,개리 하차일이라는 이유등으로 끼워맞추면 될것같은데...
헐 뮤비 이제와서 봤는데...오랜만에 월요커플 생각났는데ㅠㅠㅠㅜ송지효 나올줄야...대박..월요커플은 영원하진 못하지만 개리님도 좋은결혼생활 되시고 음악활동도 계속 잘 하시고 송지효님도 배우와 연예계활동 잘하길 두분 언제나 응원해요!!!
노래가 그냥 다 좋네요,,,,,
강개리도, 송지효도, 노래도, 추억도,,,,
Still listening this song middle april 2019..still missing Gary in Running Man 😞
Same but I still ship Spartace more than Monday couple
Me toooooooo
지금와서 개리뮤비에 송지효나오니깐 묘하네....
최문기 그르게요 전 둘이 진짜 사귀는줄알았는데 ㅠㅠ
ㄹㅇ 뭔가 오묘오오해
몇안되는 과몰입하고 본 커플이었는데,,
i miss kang gary
i miss the old running man
i miss monday couple
i miss the feeling when i think jihyo and gary would have a happy ending together
edit: thanks for all the likes ❤😆
Oh me too TT
me too. hic hic
Me too😭
Ikr runningman is not the same what happened to the name tag game
Same here😭
its been 5 years already but still can't move on the fact that gary leave running man
그립다... 요즘도 듣는사람 있나?
네 여기요..
아직 제 컬러링 입니다..
네 노래방 18번 곡입니다.
와 이 노래 들었을때가 고1인데 어느새 3년이라는 시간이 지나 20살이네 성인이 되니 이 노래 가사가 이해도 되네
고2때 들어서 21살... 공감헙니다
서른 먹고 들으면 더 공감됨
직장다니고 들으면 ㄹㅇ
군대가면 세월직격탄맞은거 더 실감할듯ㅎㅎ
Jihyo is so flawless! i just wanna hug and tell her how perfect she is ❤
+KingZodi16 me too :)
+KingZodi16 Aww I was hoping a reaction video to this song from you lol
me too!
Thats right. Even im a girl but im really fall if i looks her eyes 😍
+KingZodi16 never! only Gary can did that! haha
came here because of KwangSoo's news for leaving RM. 😭
I miss the Jihyo who can't stop smiling whenever Gary courts her. I was sad in the recent episode when Jihyo laughed loudly and Somin said "Woah, I hadn't heard Jihyo-unnie laughed like that in a while".
Wish someone can bring Jihyo's smile back, sadly I think it's something only Gary can do.
Im happy someone notice that. During with gary, jihyo always laugh amd smile. i think jihyo changed alot in last a few years...
@@AlilSora good news though, Gary is coming back to the variety world. A guesting in RM might be possible.
Hopefully he will be back. Running man epi 500 will be perfect
I noticed too. I was even in awe hearing Ji Hyo laugh like that again. And it struck me. It would never be the same.
what episode is that?
Kang Gary is nominated for best rap performance in mama. lets support and vote for him
of caurse ^.^
Do Kyungsoo 👍👍👍👍👍
I do! everyday! :)
his song currently at 1
Co_ Swan1907 yes i hope he wins
나는 개리님이랑 지효님이 찐사랑인줄알았다
내 연애세포가 깨어났었다
저때는 진심이었을껄요??
점점 지친거 아닐까요????
원래 좋아하던 여자애한테 대쉬계석해도 안되면 점점 미워지거나 지루하고 답답해서 포기한듯
@@익명-v8i5y 컨셉맞음
처음부터 비지니스였음
자기들만 알것지
@@cgu8249 이말이 진짜다
이게 도대체 왜 지금 내 알고리즘에 뜨는건진 모르겠지만 어렸을적 런닝맨 특히 개리지효보고 웃던 시절이 갑자기 떠오른다 너무 이 멘트 우려먹는것 같긴 하지만 그립다 그시절ㅠ
런닝맨에서의 개리도 리쌍에서의 개리도 넘 그립다ㅠㅠㅠ 현재 하오아빠로 잘 지내는거 같은데 문뜩문뜩 그때가 그리운거 있지....
i miss kang gary
i miss his face in running man😭
please comeback to running man❣️
It's hard but i hope this will happend in the future
Just let Gary alone he ady have family n he needs private 4 his life n his music so just hope he can be guest in the future not as a member... Just me who comment that n No hate
squid face
와 전부터 가사 좋은 띵곡인건 알았는데 무비도 너무 좋네요 개리형님 랩 좋고... 지효누님 연기도 대단하네요
진짜...쫌..슬프네..월요커플 못잊어ㅠㅠ
개리랑 지효언니랑 이어질줄알았는데ㅠㅠㅠ
근데 뭔가 개리가 이미 결혼을 해서 더 애뜻하지않음?
watched it again because of kang gary with this video as background in Hongkong event. Let's cry i miss monday couple as onscreen partner.
Running Man Song Ji Hyo l miss Monday couple.....
아오씨... 왜 보는 내내 눈물나고 난리야 난 진심이였어..
솔직히 우리가 너무 런닝맨에 익숙해져서 그런거지 이형은 우수한 래퍼다....
(2020년에 이거 듣고 있는 사람 손)
ㄴㄴ우수한정도가 아니라 진짜 엄청난 래퍼임
작사 작곡 완벽한 개리.....김종국이랑 개리가 예능에 가려져서 음악적으로 조금 저평가된게 있음..,,.
런닝맨 다시보다가 개리 보고싶어서 넘어왔네요 ㅜㅜ
한글사랑이라고 랩가사에 영어 안넣고 한글만 하는걸로도 유명한 가수임
imagine, ji hyo still listening to this song, and remember all the good memories with gary.. damn
It's just your feeling, and it's not a good thing. That guy is a married man with a lovely wife and a child.
It's not a good thing for another woman to remembering things with him.
@@beatrixromaulilumbantoruan4438 huhu i guess not anymore, spartace is winning ( ◜‿◝ )♡
@@luziaflone1951 In my opinion, memory is a good thing. Gary is married doesn’t mean Jihyo needs to forget their memories. Memories are precious and irreplaceable, why should they forget their memories? As long as they don't step on the boundary, thinking of each other is not a problem (to me). (Just my opinion, and sorry my English is not good)
@@別生氣我請你吃糖糖 no your english is fine. And it's absolutely right.
Jihyo is not the same ever since Gary left 😔
송지효 닮았네 하고 넘기려다 찐지효라서 위로 올렸고 개리랑 개코가 있어서
오 개리 올만에 신곡 나왔네 했는데 4년전이네 ㅠㅠ 개리 음악좀 많이 내주라
외곽순환대로 들어주세욤..!
2024년에 들어도 세련된 음악이다..
오늘은 그냥슬플다. 내일은 광수오빠 마지막회좔영이다. 그노래 너무촣아. 우리추억 된고 너무감사합니다. 7012 7명 영원히❤️
Who still misses the old running man?
Im here, 2024 and still miss them.
How I see this song:
A song made by Gary for himself.
The burden of being known as someone he doesn't know anymore. He lives and works hard through his music and yet people just remember him as a member of Runningman. Do you people still remember him as a Kang Gary the rapper, songwriter, and record producer?
No hate, just stating some facts here.
What a Beautiful and comforting song.
i remember him as both. i enjoy his music. gary music mostly kinda sentimental and i like it
and this is one of the reason why he left he wanted to focus in his new life and his music. He wanted to be known as a rapper, musician.
I know right? It's just unfair.
But for me, the musician Gary is still the one that stands out to me. I guess I first know him in running man but the more I know him, the more I respect him. The music he made is so rich, high quality and always have a deep meaning behind it (ehem some is very R-18 but i love it) he was a boxer before too. I was like this guy is awesome. I never forget how Leessang's song affected me in different ways in my school days. I miss both of gil and gary work together plus Jung in.
@@invicibyul599 right! And his band before. DANG IM SUCH A FAN OF THEIR SONGS.
@@invicibyul599 I know Gary through RM, I become a fan of Leessang and Gary’s songs. Sometimes I just hope that RM fans stop mentioning Song Ji Hyo or Monday Couple or asking Gary back to RM under comment section of his music videos.
Majority of them never care to read the lyrics and understand the meaning of his songs, they just tries to tie the song back to MC. The only thing I hope they actually buy the songs to support Gary’s music career 😅
이거보고 너무나도 눈물나고 진짜 너무그리워서
눈물 다 쏟아내고 옛날에 이걸 알람음으로하고 웃었던 개같은 내가 싫어지고
정말 가사때문에 눈물나고
죽고싶다는 마음도 사라지기 시작하고...
정말 추억이다...
내가6살때부터 런닝맨봐서 8년동안 본사람으로 너무 런닝맨 월요커플이 그립다...
개리님 지효님 런닝맨 멤버들... 성공해야해요 아니 행복해야해요
성공해야해요 행복해야해요... 꼭
부탁이에요 행복하길바래요.
시발 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
지금 16살인데 멀죽음
런닝맨으로 형을 유치원때 처음접하고 이제는 고딩이되서 형의노래를 찾아듣는데 뭔가 옛날이 떠오르고 가슴이따뜻해지네요
+cloud She's so sos os pretty
+cloud Yes she is!
Totally man
+cloud YESSSSSS!
I am not Korean but I miss so much those days that Gary was in the running man. I am still hoping that one day Kang Gary cameback for running man. And hoping the running man conducted a big event and surprising their all Asian fans and I like if it will happen. 🙏
i miss him too but please move on, he is happy now with his family and we should too
Yeah, I understand Kang Gary and I really respect his decision and I really love what he is doing today together with his family but we couldn't deny the fact that we've missed him and wanted to see him again in running man 😊🥰
Where are you from
It would be hard given fact that Monday Couple fans will go crazy for the interaction between Gary and Ji Hyo. Gary went as far as changing the phone number with everyone and Monday Couple fans still can’t move on a loveline on variety show
나만 썸네일 지효언니로 착각함?
이라고 할려고했는데 언니네??
하...이 조합진짜 미쳤네
@@용수중학교 앜ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 😄😄
i hope someday people will recognize gary because of his music and not just because running man
To be honest... I'm speechless reading your comment. Maybe you're the one who just recognize Gary recently. Hehehe. Way before Gary joined Running Man, Leessang already popular in Korea (even Ji Hyo said that when she was asked her first impression of Gary). Every time they drop a new single or album, they always kill the chart. Every time they held a concert, it was sold out. Leessang is one of the big names/legend in Korean music industry. Especially in hiphop. Along side with Drunken Tiger, Epik High, Dynamic Duo. I don't know how to say this. But your comment understandable. I mean... Despite of Leessang very popular back then. Not many people in Korea know about Gary. They only know Gil. But after Gary joined Running Man, people in Korea finally know who's the man behind all those masterpiece of Leessang. You should know the reason why Gary so popular among the girls in Korea, or female guest of Running Man, or even the youngsters not only because he was part of Running Man. But also because of Leessang. Because of his music. Because of his works for other musician. You know Son Yen Jin?! She is one of Gary's buddy actually. And she knows him before Running Man tho. Hehehe... Hope this helps.
@@runnerskaskus5371 I think the OP comment is for other fans. If you notice, many RM fans or Monday Couple fans don’t really look into Gary’s career in Leessang. You can see how they invade all the music video, especially “The women who can’t break up, they boy who can’t leave”, “JOA”, “Get some air”, “Shower Later”, “Lonely Night”, etc and relate the song to Jihyo. Only Gary fans look further into his music career and actually appreciate that side of him. I mean, before RM, people know Gary of Leessang but not his face. You can watch his interview, people come to the his restaurant and ask who Gary is, they know his name for sure. Also, Leessang success is a combination of Gary and Gil, Gary writes lyrics, Gil composes, both produce.
And yeah, Leessang did cameo in April’s snow movie (star Son Ye Jin and Bae Jong Yoon), you can find a cut of they sing Leessang’s blue with Bae Jong Yoon in the background.
They are popular in korea during 2010 times
I think this is why he left
it was a Monday in Korea (;
+Minnan Holland really? wow... talk about great timing...
+tina tin sorry someone told me it was a Monday
+Uyen Vu Well For my country, Which is Singapore, It was released on Sunday but In korea it was released on Monday
+LeeYoonJiGT Lol For me, it is quite great to watch it on youtube. I am from China mainland!!!
*Here I am in 2020 for GARY*
*He is such a great & talented rapper.*
*And I miss him in Running Man*
*I miss when he was with his running man members like a family uniting & fighting with each otherI miss his photozone game also*
Photozone ahaha peaceful Gary man I remember watching that when it first aired I couldn't breathe from laughing
#9012 will never changed! ✨✨✨✨
April 21, 2020
I started re-watching Running Man yesterday after I finished episode 499 last Sunday. I miss the old concept, i miss all of their firsts.
First, international tour
First, mall missions
First, name tag elimination
First, nicknames to each other
First, love line
First, fan meeting
because with those firsts i have seen their genuine reaction
Time may pass but i won't forget the Monday Couple! They have this special place in my heart forever ♥️
why is this so true 😢😢😭😭😭
why rm change concept ?
Erza Scarlet the members age is not the same as 10 years ago especially ji seokjin it would be hard for him if they mainted the old concept
eventually, everything will come to an end. everything, has it's happy endings and wonderful goodbyes. cause change is inevitable. but for running man i hope it won't be too soon 💓
im at 74ep now.. 😂 miss the old days so much.. but as long they 😊 im still ok.. gary has family now..
I thought that the last time I'll cry is because of GARY when he's leaving Running Man. Now it really hurts that the variety rookies that time are now gone in the show. We'll miss you Lee Kwang Soo, Gary, and Song Joong Ki. We'll keep running for you guys 🏃♂️
명곡은 몇 년이 지난 뒤에 다시 들어도 좋구나...
coming back here after saw news of gary leaving rm 😭
sn ppp 😭😭😭😭😭
sn ppp That's an old news, right... Eventually he won't leave RM...
Kevin Reinaldo The last recording with Gary is set on October 31, and ' Running Man' will continue on without Gary. source: www.soompi.com/2016/10/25/gary-leave-running-man-6-years/
i sure do that.
1st Joongki
2nd Gary
And now kwangsoo
Leaving Runningman
Seriously Rn is just So complete with them..Wish they could come back again. I miss the old Rn. I'm so much fond with the old members they're the best 😭
2021 who still miss Gang gary?
2021 당신은 강개리가 그립습니까?
리쌍이 그립습니다
개리 아직도 음악활동 하면 음반 내줬으면 좋겠다 리쌍 앨범 내면 더 좋겠지만 현실적으로 불가한거 같으니까 개리 혼자만 이라도 내조라 ..
육아땜에 힘들듯..
육아랑 앨범이 뭔 상관이지
마싱는 바나나나나 육아가 힘들어도 앨범이랑 뭔 상관인데요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@@권민재-w8d 육아에 치이면 앨범작품에 소홀할수도 있는거죠
Mark Yoon 니가떨어지는것같아보여 ㅠ ㅠ 육아때문에 앨범을 못내는게뭔 개소린지 니애미ㅠ강간할까 그냥
보니까 월요커플 생각 밖에 안나네 .. 진심이었다 진짜 잘 될 줄 알았어 ..
i miss monday couple... sept 2018... ji hyo & kang gary....
ace gioken 😭😭😭😭😭😭
i fell the same too
no more monday couple.. tats not possible nimore
일 끝나고 소주 한잔 마시면서 들으니깐 울컥하네요...
어렷을땐 겉 멋으로 듣던 노래..
성인이 된 지금에서야 알겠습니다..
하아.. 벌써 8년이 지났네..
I was waiting for Gary to come and meet with her -_-
same hereee😭
+Angle To Me too....Everyone hopes so, haha XD
+Anh Hào Trần I was pretty disappointed lol
ahh same. during the mv, i was thinking gary and ji hyo will meet right? hmm maybe he will appear at the end. but nope no interactions 😭 oh well this song and mv is still perfection 💕
+Angle To lol same here thou >
2024. Who still miss Monday couple
진짜 시대를 타지 않는 미모다 송지효..
Đã đến năm 2024 rồi sao nhớ lại những khoảnh khắc của cặp đôi ngày thứ 2 thật sự 😢
Mọi người cũng đã có những cuộc sống khác nhau và Gary cũng đã có vợ con sống thật hạnh phúc,Jihyo bây giờ cũng vẫn đang trong chương trình running man và diễn suất .Hiện tại cả 2 cũng không thể nói chuyện hay gặp lại như xưa
Dù không thể bên nhau nhưng thứ 2 mãi sẽ là của đôi ta ❤
lol... everyone listening to Garys song after news of him leaving running man. I'm guilty of it too. I can't believe he's not going to be on it anymore
Hopefully he'll still come back as a guest :'(
In Korea long times ago Leessang was famous. Their sóng are so beautiful :D
I wish that Gary returns and did anybody notice that in this song you can see that the girl is Song Ji hyo
Reanne H. uhhhh not trying to be rude but isn't it obvious😐 everyone know that it's ji hyo😑if anybody don't recognize her they must've been blind😑 like duh
Well listening to Gary songs is the only way we can still keep in touch with him wish he will become successful with his passion.
예전에는 멜로디 좋아서 흥얼거렸는데 지금은 가사가 보이네 개리 음악은 정말 좋다
Ever since quarantine, Running Man has been on mind, heavy. Mad heavy on my mind. Like everyone else, I miss the old Running Man, the old concepts. Everything. I still love, watch Running Man and treasure the show. As much as I miss the "old" golden days of Running Man, I wouldn't want the current Running Man any other way. I still adore and appreciate the new Running Man and new concept. Because Running Man was such a physically demanding show, every member went through so much physical hardships throughout the years. Injuries after injuries and all the members still managed to hide the pain with laughter and smiles on camera. Running Man has been on air for 10 years and every members aged with the show, along with us viewers. I love Running Man so much. -so very much
Same as me! As much as we miss the *'GOLD'* memories, but lets keep supporting the recent one! *Lets be supportive and not aggresive* ,And the fact that Running Man is still Airing on SBS is a Blessing that i rlly appreciate! 🙏🏻😇 ,
Annd I could not imagine if that day comes-- "how will I feel?" ㅠㅠ
@@erineoh274 that thought is depressing.. gary leaving alone left a scar on us fans how much more when the show ends..
it's been 7 years since this song was released when I was still in college. But now being an office worker myself makes this song more relatable for me...
from Viet Nam fan, miss Gary and Monday Couple ❤️❤️ 6.4.19, 11:43pm
Việt nam đây👏👏
Me too
Ước Gary với Ji Hyo là vợ chồng, 7 năm gắn bó với nhau..vậy mà Gary đã lấy vợ để lại khoảng trống không thể nào lấp được cho những người yêu quý Gary với Ji Hyo.
Người yêu thứ Hai...chỉ là thứ Hai thôi sao ? Tại sao không phải suốt đời 7 năm toàn những niềm vui và niềm đau. Trước khi Gary rời đi Ji Hyo luôn nương tựa vào Gary và luôn thổ cảm xúc thật, Gary đi rồi Ji Hyo mạnh mẽ hơn nhiều, cảm xúc cũng ít đi. Những tập gần đây vẫn có những tiếng cười nhưng khi thấy Ji Hyo tôi lại nhớ đến Monday Couple. Không biết đến thứ Hai thì Ji Hyo không nhưng mỗi thứ Hai tôi lại nhớ đến hai người họ, thật buồn vì hai người không thể đến được với nhau. Khi chơi trò xé bảng tên Gary đã luôn nhường Ji Hyo và bản nhạc quen thuộc "can't breakup girl can't breakaway boy" lại cất lên, cô gái ấy không thể nói lời từ biệt, và chàng trai ấy cũng không thể ra đi :(( tại sao vậy Gary anh lại là người ra đi, vẫn biết là anh phúc của anh do anh tự chọn. 7 năm qua cùng nhau, chơi các trò chơi, cùng khóc, cùng cười. Anh thật sự không có cảm xúc gì sao. Cả Monday Couple nữa mọi thứ....đều là quá khứ thôi sao
Chưa chắc mợ đã thik mực cơ mà..nhưng vẫn thik cặp ấy
Có ai nghe mà khóc như t k
나 홀로 외로워진 밤에
모든 게 버거워진 밤에
I love you I need you
You 네가 필요해
나 홀로 술 취한 이 밤에
모든 게 그리워진 밤에
I love you I need you
You 네가 필요해
어김없이 찾아오는 아침의 80%
개운치 않아 다시 또
시작하는 하루는
어제와 같은 카피고
이어폰 속 최신 곡을 흥얼거리며
이 도시 속 최고를 꿈꿔
온몸으로 난
나쁜 기운까지 다 느껴
어릴 때부터 온갖 압박들에
다 단련된 난 한국사람
돈이 없음 불행한 것이
훨씬 더 많아
위에서는 눌러
아래서는 치고 올라
어디를 가나
하라면 해 싫으면 관두든가
다 인간관계?
몰라 난 그런 거 싫으면 안 해
두려워 할 것 없어
모든 게 다 똑같아 어차피 경쟁
피곤한 언쟁은 필요 없어
그냥 내 옆에
마음 맞는 몇 사람과 함께
즐길 술과 음악만 있으면 돼
나 홀로 외로워진 밤에
모든 게 버거워진 밤에
I love you I need you
You 네가 필요해
나 홀로 술 취한 이 밤에
모든 게 그리워진 밤에
I love you I need you
You 네가 필요해
오늘도 밤새 일하며
눈에 불 켜 마치 편의점 간판
기분으로 말하자면 초여름 장마
곧 끝이 나고 또
많은 것을 얻겠지
아마 돈 아니면 욕
뭐든 상관없어
그래도 일할 수 있는 것이 내 행복
늘 머리 속엔 여행 생각
이번 휴가 어딜 갈까
유럽부터 동남 아시아
5월 부터 비키니 고르는
그녀 맘같이 설레
집에 가기 전에
술이나 한잔 할까
친구에게 전화를 거네
뭔가 별일 있는 건 아니고 그냥
잠깐 얼굴이나 보고 가면 어떨까
커피 한잔이라도 아님 술을 마셔도
뭐든 난 좋으니까 잠깐만 나와
우린 성공해야 해
아니 행복해야 해
우린 성공해야 해
아니 행복해야 해
나 홀로 외로워진 밤에
모든 게 버거워진 밤에
I love you I need you
You 네가 필요해
나 홀로 술 취한 이 밤에
모든 게 그리워진 밤에
I love you I need you
네가 필요해
문재민 가사 감사합니다.
근대 가사 없이도 다 귀에 꼽히는 실력..
It makes me sad seeing kwangsoo leaving rm, we all know for a fact that rm casts wont be there forever, one day its gonna be new casts continuing the show.
Miss joongki,gary and soon kwangsoo on the show
like china running man their member always changing.. maybe someday RMK HAVE SAME FATE😢
I miss them so much :(
After 4 years , i came back commenting....... Gary's song is an everlasting serenade to the ears
오랜만에 이 노래 듣는데 마음이 너무 공허해 ,,,
강개리 ㅠㅠ 애기아빠가 되었다니 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
말이안되요 월요커플이었다가...이제는결혼했다니....
안녕 월요커플이 그립지만...결국 그는.....
“Until you get married.. Monday is still our day”
From Gali oppa to Mongji with love ❤️
Nhu Babi Where/when did he say that? Monday couple ㅠㅠㅠ
Bangtan Sonyeondan I cant remember correctly .. but it was a moment in Running Man.. this ep was special ep for Christmas day when Leesang organized that they were kidnaped but honestly they defrauded all members of RM into becoming winners. It may be from ep 150 to ep 210
Nhu Babi Thank you ㅠㅠ Gary really is so romantic
@@armycaratengenemoastayczen4470really miss him '(
@@armycaratengenemoastayczen4470 it ep gary special ep with gill lessang.. idont remember wat ep..
My two favorite jihyo unnie and Gary oppa...😍
Let's not forget Gaeko oppa wonderful voice 🤗🤗
8년전 곡이라고 믿을 수가 없다 너무 좋다 여전히
Was anyone expecting Gary to hug Jihyo from behind?
Yeah! :(
+RPattySPascua No i didnt want dat bcz m tired of people bringin Monday Couple into everything these 2 talented individuals try to do he is talented pro musician n she a talented pro actress...dis song is abt daily competitive life of a common man his dreams,loneliness,need for love,conflict between love n success......gary did an awesome job n she potrayed d character so well lets appreciate it becoz dey did beautiful work nt becoz dey r MC. Plz dont think dat i hate MC i luv mc and all running man members bt dey r more than dat. Dey keep getting asked ques abt each oder in events like jihyo being asked in a drama interview.Dats her proffessional event where she supposed to have chemistry wid her costar n ques shud be abt d drama ....OR like nw rabid MC fans are HATIN n threatening to NT support jihyo if she takes part in WGM china sum even sayin she cheatin gary such a BITCH he wrote songs for her n she is doing dis. EVEN Harrassing d chinese actor on sns..Y gary enjoyin success from MC n jihyo career HARMED...JUST SUPPORT BOTH OF THEM IN ANYTHING DEY DO TOGETHER N INDIVIDUALY....n abt their personal life its their life their choice if dey together i will support dem n if dey choose diff lyf partners den also i will support dem....GARY FIGHTING! JIHYO FIGHTING!
I was actually expecting he would show up at the end of the video and give ji hyo a back hug.. :( after all, after a tiring day, we all need that someone, right? :)
+Sohan Mehera I didn't understand your statement. The grammar was horrible.
Err, there better be a part two to this--one where Gary meets up with Jihyo on the rooftop!
+Neoni Yustana Agreed. I was waiting for it and then the screen went black o.o *Dying whale noises*
Yeah! They should make a part 2!!! I was expecting them to meet but in the no...
+Jenny Panda in the mv and the song, they aren't promoting their loveline, but more of expressing their daily lives. So I don't think there will be a meeting between the two.
+Jenny Panda part two in kdpharma cf myb...hahahaha since they filming in kdphrama office i bet later kdpharma let them filming mv for part 2...just saying dont take it seriously but yessss the location is in kdpharma office actually...
+Shirlyn Ouyang but the lyric not fit at all in many of the scene....scene while working was show up but not scene when their missing someone or mybe is very small part abt that...if u read the lyric the writer put some of the line that he really need someone to show up even for a while....but overall jh was a main lead im already okay with that...😊😊😊😊
Gary's married and all but, I NEED THE MONDAY COUPLE BACK T^T
To be honest we miss the Monday couple, but we should move on and love where they are now. But please we need a Gary comeback with Kwangsoo in Running man!
Tbh at this point, i don't care if they're Monday couple or not. I just want to see the old running man interactions and their relationship again, it doesn't matter if SJH and Gary are not in a loveline anymore bc I know they're both happy for each other life. I just want to know if Gary still in contact with the members and they're still close like family 🥲
@@minhchou4545 why do you want the casts close like family? you should respect their choice of their private life
@@NhatHanPham seriously? did u actually read my comment cause I think u need to read it again 🙂
솔직히 런닝맨이라는 프로가 인기가 너무 많아서 그렇지 아티스트로도 존경받아야되는데,, 아티스트 개리도 응원합니다ㅠ 2019년 절반이 지나갔는데도 그립네요 TT
havent heard Leessang for so long.
gosh, garry singing!!
it was gaeko who is singing
gaeko sings not much on this song.
2018? Who's still miss kang gary?
Gary not coming back😭😭😭😭
ahh!!! its official! jihyo and Gary are together. saranghaeyo!
+Exodus97 lol no
its nope. i don't think so
cuz m. cple is scripted>
+Unicorn Gal What? Look, I think you weren't watching RM lately. I'm Korean, I watch it every week.
+victorywoo reaally ?
I came here because of Gary in the title and Jihyo in the thumbnail lmao
same.. kikiki
hahaha totally same
hehehe! same. :')
same here
포기안할게요 . 올해 꼭 성공해서 대학 갈게요 . 이렇게라도 부모님께 효도하고 싶네요
7012 still the best on running man.
We miss you hyung
We're here after heard Kang Gary's wedding revealed. It's sad & shocked to heard the news. This is the first & the last mv he had Song Ji Hyo. Thank you for the memories Monday Couple. You two will always be our favorite couple as years goes by. #MONDAYCOUPLEFOREVER #7012 👫💑😭💔💋💓👏💪😭
Miss u so much!!! ❤️
2020 and almost 4 years after he left Running Man, he will return on KBS "Return of Superman", I hope, really hope that he gets to be a guest again in Running Man.
His on superman return with his adorable son and his wife is pretty who looks like SJH
There was a rumor that kang gary will return to running man , so just relax guys , we need to wait if this is true
benedict baawa srsly?
@@faridimran it's just a rumor that i read in of the sites that i saw on reddit , i just can't remember the exact website, i still don't know if it's true or not.p
@@benedictbaawa3463 alright thanks for info