Aka rahmat katta . Lekim bir savol bor edida men hozir kareyskiy tayorlanib yuribman kitoblari shunaqa sodda shunaqa zur masalan gramatika boshlangich uchun bitta full kitob , orta daraja uchun full gramatikala tushuntirilgan kitob . Kegin lug'atlar ham shunday boshlangich orta daraja chotki lugatlar bor . Lekin ingliz tilida shunaqa gramatikala hammasi uzbekcha bn tariflangan chotki kitob topolmayabman. Ahir biz u gramatikani tarjimasini bilmasak qanday inglizcha kitobdan tushuna olamiz . Ingliz tili darajam pre-intermediate aka iltimos shu maslahat berib yuborsaiz
Assalomu alaykum Man Distination 1 dan boshladim Tafsiyalirzi albatta bajaraman Keyingi vidyolarizzi IELTS ga kirish imtihonlariga tayyorlanib kirishi o‘rgatuvchi videola
21+ tenses in turkish language... Anatolian Turkish.verb conjugations A= To (toward)(~for) (for the thick voiced words) E= To (toward)(~for) (for the subtle voiced words) Okul=School U=(ou)=it= (it's that)=(it's about ) Git=Go (verb root) Mak/Mek (emek)=exertion /process Git-mek=(verb)= to Go (the process of going=get-mek =to get there now on ) Gel-mek= to Come 1 .present continuous tense (now or soon, right now or later, currently or nowadays) it's used to explain the current actions or planned events (for the specified times) YOR-mak =to tire (~ to try , to deal with this) >Yor=~go over it (for the subtle and thick voiced words) A/E Yormak=(to arrive an idea/opinion onto what's this) I/İ/U/Ü Yormak=(to arrive wholly over it) is used as suffix="Yor" (iaʊr) positive. Okula gidiyorsun ( you are going to school)= Okul-a Git-i-yor-u-Sen > School-to Go-to-try that-You=(You try-to-Go to school) Evden geliyorum ( I'm coming from home) = Ev-de-en Gel-i-yor-u-Men > Home-at-then Come-to-try i-Am=(from home I try to come) negative A)..Mã= Not B)Değil= it's not (the equivalent of)=(deŋi.le) examples A: Okula gitmiyorsun ( you are not going to school)= Okul-a Git-Ma-i-yor-u--Sen (School-to Go-Not-it-try that-You) -(You don't try to-Go to school) B: Okula gidiyor değilsin ( you are not going to school)=Okul-a Git-i-yor değil-sen (You aren't try..-to-Go to School) Question sentence: Mã-u =Not-it =(is) Not it? is used as....suffixes ="Mı-Mi-Mu-Mü " Okula mı gidiyorsun? ( Are you going to school?)= Okul-a Ma-u Git-i-yor-u-sen ? (To-school/ Not-it / You-try-to-go)(~Towards the school or somewhere else are you going ?) Okula gidiyor musun? ( Do you go to school?)= Okul-a Git-i-yor Ma-u -sen ? (To school /Try-to-go /Not-it-you) (~You try to go to the school (anymore) or not ?) (Do you go to school at some specific times ?) Okula sen mi gidiyorsun ? (~Are only you that going to school ?) 2 .present simple tense ( it's used to explain our own thoughts about the topic) (everytime, always or never ,at all, often,rarely, any time or sometimes, now on, soon or afterwards, so it's possible of course inshallah) positive VAR-mak =~ to arrive (at) ...(to attain).....(for the thick voiced words) is used as suffixes >"Ar-ır-ur" ER-mek=~ to get (at) ...(to reach).....(for the subtle voiced words) is used as suffixes >"Er-ir-ür" examples Okula gidersin ( you go to school)= Okul-a Git-e-er-sen (I think that) > you get to go to school) Kuşlar gökyüzünde uçar ( the birds fly in the sky )=Kuş-lar gökyüzü-n-de uç-a-var ( The birds arrive at flying(get to fly) in the sky) Bunu görebilirler = (they can see this) = Bu-ne-u Gör-e-Bil-e-er-ler =(They-get-to-Know-to-See this-what-it's)>They get to have the knowledge to see about what's this Question sentence: In the question sentences it means : is not it so? or what do you think about this topic? Okula gider misin? (Do you get to go to school ?)= Okul-a Git-e-er Ma-u-Sen ?>You get to Go to School, Not it ?=(What about you getting to go to school ?) negative Bas-mak =to dwell on/to tread on (bas git= ~leave and go > pas geç / vaz geç=give up) Ez-mek = to crush (ez geç= think nothing about / es geç=skip ) Mã= Not suffix ="MAZ" Ma-bas=(No pass)=Na pas=(not to dwell on)>(to give up) (in the thick voiced words) suffix ="MEZ" Ma-ez= (No crush) =does not>(to skip) (in the subtle voiced words) example Okula gitmezsin ( you don't go to school)= Okul-a Git-ma-ez-sen (you no-crush--Go to school)=( you skip of going to school) O bunu yapmaz (s/he doesn't do this) = Bunu yap-ma-bas ( s/he no-pass--Do this)=(s/he gives up doing this) Niçün buna bakmazsınız = (why don't you look at this )=Ne-u-çün bu'n-a bak-ma-bas-sen-iz (2. plural)= what-that-factor you give up looking at this 3.simple future tense (soon or later) it's used to explain the events we thought that will happen Çak-mak =~to fasten , ~to tack, ~to keep beside (for the thick voiced words) Çek-mek=~to attract , ~to take ,~to fetch , ~to keep close, ~to want (for the subtle voiced words) suffixes= ("CAK"-djäk) - ("CEK" -djek) positive.. Okula gideceksin ( you'll go to school)= Okul-a Git-e-çek-sen (~You fetch (into the mind)-to-Go to school) Ali kapıyı açacak ( Ali will open the door)= Ali Kapı-y-ı Aç-a-çak (~Ali keeps close to open the door) negative A. Okula gitmeyeceksin (you won't go to school)= Okul-a Git-ma-e-çek-sen (~you don't keep/fetch (in mind) to go to school) B. Okula gidecek değilsin (you're not gonna go to school)= Okul-a Git-e-çek değil-sen (~you're not wanted/wanting to go to school) 4 . simple past tense (currently or before) it's used to explain the completed events which that we're sure about Di = now on (anymore) Di-mek(demek) = ~ to deem , ~ to mean, ~ to think this way is used as...suffixes=.(Dı-di-du-dü) positive Okula gittin ( you went to school)= Okul-a Git-di-N Okula gittin mi ? (did you go to school ?)= Okul-a Git-di-N Ma-u ?( You went to school Not-it ?) Dün İstanbul'da kaldım (I stayed in Istanbul yesterday)= Dün İstanbul-da kal-dı-M negative Okula gitmedin ( you didn't go to school)= Okul-a Git-ma-di-N Bugün hiç birşey yapmadık (We did nothing today) =Bugün hiç birşey yap-ma-dı-K Beni zaten görmediler (They did not already see me) =Ben-i zaten gör-me-di-ler 5 .narrative past tense (which we did not witness)- (just now or before) it's used to explain the completed events which that we're not able sure about MUŞ-mak = ~ to inform , (muşu=inform/notice) (muşuş=mesaj=message...muştu=müjde=evangel) means... I'm informed about - I noticed that- I got it- I learned such - I heard that - so they say...or it seems such (to me) if it's within any question sentence .Do you have any inform about? .do you know..have you heard?.are you aware?. or does it look like this? is used as suffixes= (Mış-miş-muş-müş)
positive Okula gitmişsin ( I heard about) you went to school)= Okul-a Git-miş-u-sen (I realized You've been to school) Hata Yapmışım=Hâtâ Yap-mış-u-men (Seems that I've made an error) Yanılmışım (I noticed I fell in a mistake) negative A. Okula gitmemişsin (I heard that) you didn't go to school)= Okul-a Git-ma-miş-sen (I learned about) You're not gone to school) B. Okula gitmiş değilsin (I've been informed about) you hadn't gone to school)= Okul-a Git--miş değil-sen (Got it) You haven't been to school. İbrahim bugün okula gitmiş mi? =do you know /have you heard did Abraham go to school today? 6.Okula varmak üzeresin (You're about to arrive at school) 7.Okula gitmektesin (You're in (process of) going to school) (~you have been going to school) 8.Okula gitmekteydin (You had been going to school) 9.Okula gitmekteymişsin (I learned,,you've been going to school) 10.Okula gidiyordun (Okula git-e-yor er-di-n) (You were going to school) 11.Okula gidiyormuşsun (Okula git-e-yor er-miş-sen) ( I heard that) You are going to school)(2.I learned you were going to school) 12.Okula gidecektin (Okula git-e-çek erdin) (You would go to school after/then)(2.~I had thought you'll go to school)(3.~You'd said about going to go to school) 13.Okula gidecekmişsin (Okula git-e-çek ermişsen) (I heard that) you'd like to go to school then)(2.I learned that you'll go to school) 14.Okula giderdin ( Okula git-e-er erdin) (You used to go to school bf) (2.~you would go to school bf/then) 15.Okula gittiydin ( Okula git-di erdin) ( I remember you went to school) (2.~I had seen you've gone to school) 16.Okula gitmiştin ( Okula git-miş erdin) ( I know that) you had gone to school) 17.Okula gitmiş oldun( Okula git-miş ol-du-n) (you have been to school) Bu bir Elma = This is an apple Bu bir Kitap = This is a book Dur-mak=to keep to be present there Durur=it keeps to be present there is used as suffixes=(Dır- dir- dur- dür- or Tır- tir-tur-tür) It's usually used on the correspondences and literary language... (formal) Means within the official speeches =(that keeps to be present there) Bu bir Elmadır= (bu bir elma-durur)= This is an apple (that keeps to be present there) Bu bir Kitaptır= (bu bir kitap-durur)= This is a book (that keeps to be present there) Means within the daily speeches =( I think that or I guess that) (informal) Bu bir Elmadır= (bu bir elma-durur)= (I guess) this is an apple (that looks such) Bu bir elma gibi duruyor=Looks like an apple this is (~this looks like an apple) Bu bir Kitaptır= (bu bir kitap-durur)= (I think) this is a book (that looks such) Bu bir kitap gibi duruyor=This looks like a book 18.Okula gidiyordursun =(Guess that) You were going to school /bf or after that) 19.Okula gidiyorsundur =(I think that) then you are going to school ) 20.Okula gidecektirim =(Guess that) I would have to go to school /bf or after that ) 21.Okula gideceğimdir=(I think that) ~I'm going to go to school ) 21.Okula gideceklerdir=(I think that) they are going to go to school ) 22.Okula gitmiştirler =(Guess that) they had gone to school /bf or after that) 23.Okula gitmişlerdir = They have been to school (officially) 23.Okula gitmişlerdir =(Looks like that) they have been to school ) ....(informal) Anlayabilirim= Aŋı-la-y-a Bil-e-Er-Men = I Get-to-Know-to-Understand =(I get at the knowledge to understand)= I can understand Anlayamam = Aŋı-la-y-a Al-Ma-Men =I don't get (to have some things) to-Understand = I can not understand Aŋ= moment Aŋı= memory Aŋı-la=get via memory (save in memory= make it become a memory) Anlamak=to understand Hãtırã=keepsake/souvenir Yadigar=momento Hatır=sake /intangible value (in mind) Hatır-la =(get via the keepsake) hatırlamak/ yad etmek=to remember
Deriving a new verb in turkish 1.(Der-mek= ~to set & to provide)=ter'kib & ter'tib etmek (used after the verbs which ending with a consonant) Verb+"Der" is used as suffix for the subtle voiced words (ter-tir-tür/der-dir-dür/er-ir-ür) Verb+"Dar" is used as suffix for the thick voiced words (tar-tır-tur/dar-dır-dur/ar-ır-ur) (ak-mak>aktarmak)(bakmak>baktırmak)(almak>aldırmak)(çıkmak>çıkarmak)(kaçmak>kaçırmak) 2.(Et-mek = ~ to make) (mostly used after the verbs ending with a vowel sound and when the suffix "der" was used before) Verb+"T" is used as suffix for the subtle voiced words (t-it-üt) Verb+"T" is used as suffix for the thick voiced words (t-ıt-ut) (ak-mak>akıtmak)(bakmak>bakıtmak)(yürümek>yürütmek)(yırmak>yırtmak)(öldürmek>öldürtmek) 3.(Eş=partner) (together or with partner)-(all together or altogether)-(each other or about each one) (with someone or against the other) Verb+"Eş" is used as suffix for the subtle voiced words (eş-iş-üş) Verb+"Aş" is used as suffix for the thick voiced words (aş-ış-uş) (gör-mek-görüşmek) (bulmak>buluşmak)(uğramak-uğraşmak) (çalmak-çalışmak) 4.(Al / El)= to get this by someone or something (to get being ...ed) Verb+"El" is used as suffix for the subtle voiced words (el-il-ül) Verb+"Al" is used as suffix for the thick voiced words (al-ıl-ul) (it's used as N to shorten some verbs) (gör-mek-görülmek) (satmak>-satılmak)(vermek>verilmek)(yemek>(yeyilmek)yenmek) 5."En"=own diameter(self around)=(about own) Verb+"En" is used as suffix for the subtle voiced words (en-in-ün) Verb+"An" is used as suffix for the thick voiced words (an-ın-un) (gör-mek>görünmek) (bulmak>bulunmak) (tıkamak>tıkanmak) (kıvırmak>kıvranmak) Mak/Mek...(emek)=exertion /process Git=Go (verb root) Git-mek= to go (the process of going) (Git-der-mek>gittirmek)=1.Götürmek= to take away (2. Gidermek=~to resolve) (Git-en-der-mek>gidindirmek)= Göndermek= to send Gel-mek= to come (Gel-der-mek>geltirmek)=Getirmek= to bring 1.Gelmek...2.Getirmek...3.Getirtmek...4.Getirttirmek..5.Getirttirtmek..and it's going so on Dür-mek= to roll it up (to make it becomes a roll) Dör-mek= to rotate on its axis ( törmek=old meaning)-(to stir it , to mix it(current meaning) (döngü)törüş/törüv=tour (törüv-çi=turqui)(tör-geş=turkish)=tourist...(törük halk=mixed people in ownself) (Dör-en-mek)>dörünmek= to rotate oneself(old meaning)-(to turn by oneself(current meaning)) (Törünmek>Törnmek)>Dönmek= to turn oneself (Dön-der-mek)>döndürmek= to turn it (Dön-eş-mek)>dönüşmek= to turn (altogether) to something (Dön-eş-der-mek)>dönüştürmek= to convert it into Yürü-mek= to go on (to walk) (Yürü-et-mek)>yürütmek= to make this goes on (Yürü-et-der-mek)>yürüttürmek=to be provider ensuring this is going on present simple tense for positive sentences Var-mak= to arrive (for the thick voiced words) (positive suffixes)=(Ar-ır-ur) Er-mek= to get (at) (for the subtle voiced words) (positive suffixes)=(Er-ir-ür) for negative sentences Ma=not Bas-mak= to dwell on /tread on (bas git= ~leave and go) Maz=(negativity suffix)=(ma-bas) =(No pass)=na pas=not to dwell on > (vaz geç= give up) (for the thick voiced words) Ez-mek= to crush (ez geç= ~think nothing about) Mez=(negativity suffix)=(ma-ez) =(No crush)=(do/es not) =(es geç = skip) (for the subtle voiced words) Tan= the dawn Tanımak= to recognize (~to get any difference than others) (Tanı-ma-bas)= tanımaz= ~doesn't recognize (Tanı-et-ma-bas)= tanıtmaz= doesn't make it get recognized (Tanı-en-ma-bas)= tanınmaz= doesn't inform about oneself =doesn't get recognized by any..(doesn't get known by any) (Tanı-eş-ma-bas)= tanışmaz= doesn't recognize each other (doesn't get known each other) Tanışmak= to get to know each other =(~to meet first time) Danışmak= to get information from each other Uç=~ top point (Uç-mak)= to fly (Uç-a-var)= Uçar= flies ( gets to fly) (Uç-ma-bas)= uçmaz= doesn't fly (~gives up flying) (Uç-der-ma-bas)=(uçturmaz)=uçurmaz= doesnt fly it (doesn't make it fly) (Uç-eş-ma-bas)=uçuşmaz= doesn't (all)together fly (Uç-al-ma-bas)=uçulmaz= doesn't get being flied Su=water (Suv)=fluent-flowing (suvu)=Sıvı=fluid, liquid Suv-mak=~ to make it flow onwards Suy-mak=~ to make it flow over Süv-mek=~ to make it flow inwards Sür-mek=~ to make it flow on (something) Suv-up =liquefied=(soup), Sür-up(shurup)=syrup, Suruppah(chorba)=soup, Suruppat(sherbet)=sorbet, sharap=wine, Mashrubat=beverage (Süp-mek)=~ to make it flow outwards (süp-der-mek>süptürmek)=süpürmek=to sweep Say-mak=~ to make it flow (drop by drop)one by one (from the mind) = ~ to count up, ~ to deem (computer=bilgisayar) Söy-mek=~ to make it flow from the mind (Söy-le-mek= to make the sentences flowing through the mind =~to say, ~to tell ) Sev-mek=~ to make it flow from the mind (to the heart) = to love Söv-mek=~ call names (to say whatever on ownself mind) Süy-mek=~ to make it flow from inside (süyüt) =Süt= milk Soy-mak=~ to make it flow over it/him/her ( to peel, ~to strip, ~to rob ) (Soy-en-mak)>soyunmak=to undress (Sıy-der-mak)>sıyırmak= skimming, ~skinning Siy-mek=~ to make it flow downwards =(peeing) (siyitik) =Sidik= urine Süz-mek=~ to make it lightly flow from up to downwards (~to filter, strain out) Sez-mek=~ to make it lightly flow into the mind (~to perceive, to intuit) Sız-mak=~ to get flowed slightly/slowly (~to infiltrate) Sun-mak= to extend it forward (presentation, exhibition, to serve up) Sün-mek=to expand reaching outward (sünger=sponge) Sın-mak=to reach extending upward or forward Sin-mek=to shrink reaching downward or backward (to lurk, to hide onself) Sön-mek=to get decreased reaching inward or outward (to be extinguished) Sağ-mak= ~ to make it pour down (Sağanak=downpour) (sağ-en-mak)>sağınmak=~ to make oneself pour from thought into emotions (Sağn-mak)>San-mak= ~ to make it pour from thought into an idea (to get an idea) Sav-mak=~ to make it pour outwards (2.>put forward- set forth in) (sağan)=Sahan=the container to pour water (Sav-der-mak)>(savdurmak)> savurmak... (Sav-der-al-mak)>(savurulmak)> savrulmak=to get being scattered/driven away (Sav-en-mak)>savunmak=to defend (Sav-en-al-mak)>savunulmak=to get being defended (Sav-al-mak)>savulmak=~to scatter around (Sav-eş-mak)1.>savaşmak=to pour the blood of each other=to shed each other's blood 2.savuşmak=to get spilled around.(altogether-downright)=(sıvışmak=~running away in fear).. (Sav-eş-der-mak)1.>savaştırmak=(~to make them fight each other)2.>savuşturmak =(ward off-fend off) Sürmek = ~ to make it flow on (something) (Sür-e--er)= sürer = lasts, (drives it) (goes on) (Sür-der-mek)> sürdürmek= to make this to continue (~to sustain) (Sür-der-e--er)= sürdürür = makes it to last forward ,(makes it continue) (Sür-ma-ez)= sürmez = doesn't drive ... (2. gives up flowing on) (3. gives up going on) (Sür-der-ma-ez)= sürdürmez =doesn't make it go on (doesn't make it continue) (Sür-al-ma-ez)= sürülmez =doesnt get driven by any.. (2.doesnt get followed by any..) Sür-en-mek> sürünmek= (~to makeup) (~rides odor) (~to paint oneself) Sürü-mek= taking it away forward (or backward on the floor) (Sürü-e--er)=sürür=takes it away forward (Sürü-et-mek)=(sürütmek) sürtmek=~to rub (Sürü-al-mek)=2.sürülmek=to get expelled (Sürü-en-mek)=2.sürünmek=to creep on (Sürü-en--der-mek)=süründürmek=~to make it's creeping on (Sürü-et-en-mek)=sürtünmek=to have a friction (Sürü-et--eş-mek)=sürtüşmek=to get rubbed each other (Gör-mek)=to see (Gör-e-er)=görür=(that) sees (Gör-ma-ez)=görmez= doesn't see (Gör-en-ma-ez)= görünmez= doesn't show oneself (doesn't seem) (Gör-al-ma-ez)= görülmez= doesn't get seen by any.. (Gör-eş-ma-ez)= görüşmez= doesn't get seen each other (Görs-der-ma-ez)>göstermez=(that) doesn't show (Görs)=(Khorus) Göz=Eye (Görs-et-mek)>görsetmek=to make it visible (Görs-der-mek)>göstermek=to show 1.(la/le = to make via)-~getting by means of ~to do through it -to make by this way ~getting with ) (used after the nouns and adjectives) (.le-mek-..la-mak) (.le-et-mek- .la-et-mak) (.le-et-der-mek-.la-et-der-mak) (.lemek-.lamak) (.letmek- .latmak) (.lettirmek-.lattırmak) Tıŋı= the tune (timbre) Tıŋı-la-mak= to take a sound out >(Tınlamak=~answering/reacting )(~to take heed of) Tıŋ-mak= to react verbally Tıngırdatmak=to try playing the musical instrument Tiŋi-le-mek=to take a sound in >(Dinlemek= to listen) Tiŋ-mek=to get soundless >(Dinmek= to calm down (to get quiescent) 2.(laş/leş =(ile-eş)= (to become equal with.) (to begin to be the same of.) (used after the nouns and adjectives) (.leş-mek-..laş-mak.) (..leş-der-mek-.laş-der-mak) (.leş-der-et-mek- .laş-der-et-mak) (.leşmek-.laşmak.) (.leştirmek-.laştırmak) (.leştirtmek- .laştırtmak) 3.(lan/len =(ile-en)= (to become with)- (to get- such this )(to have -this way.) (used after the nouns and adjectives) (.len-mek-.lan-mak.) (.len-der-mek-.lan-der-mak) (.len-der-et-mek- .lan-der-et-mak) (.lenmek-.lanmak.) (.lendirmek-.landımak) (.lendirtmek- .landırtmak) by reiterations (Parıl Parıl) parıl-da-mak= to gleam (Kıpır Kıpır) kıpır-da-mak (Kımıl Kımıl) kımıl-da-mak by colors Ak= white Ağar-mak = to turn to white Kara= black Karar-mak=to become blackened Kızıl= red Kızar-mak= to turn red (to blush) (to be toasted) by a whim or a want Su-sa-mak= to thirst Kanık-sa-mak öhö-tsu-ur (öksür-mek)=to cough tüh-tsu-ur (tüksür-mek/tükürmek)=to spit out tıh-tsu-ur (tıksır-mak) hak-tsu-ur (aksır-mak) hap-tsu-ur (hapşur-mak)=to sneeze
Self development bn Ielts olish sal qiyinroq. Yani kopro vohtiz ketadi. Necha oyligini English tilini qaysi darajada bilishingizga bog’liq. Lekin qaysi daraja bomen kuniga kamida 3 soat. Kopida 5 soat kere.
Sz shundqn boshlaganmisz men boshlayabdi edim boshidan lekin ZAMYAtKiN degan Rus tilshunosining kitobini o' qib boshqa yoldan yurish kk Deb oylab qoldim nma diysz menga fikringiz muxum iltimos javobini yozib qoldiring
Man 3 yildan beri kurslarga qatniyman lekin hali ham grammatikani tugatganim yuq lekin hozirda yakunlab qoldim man distination dan uqiganman gramatikam yaxshi IELTS ga utsam nechi oyda 7 olishim mumkin
Assalomu alaykum.Samandar aka man Round up ni 6 ta kitobini tugatib IELTS ga o'tsam bo'ladimi.Ya'ni round up ni grammatikasi manga yetarli bo'ladimi. Yana Murphni boshidan boshlab vaqtimni ketkazib o'tirganimcha deyapmanda.Javob uchun oldindan katta raxmat akajan. 244-layk mandan.
Assalomu alekum haligi men TEST MASTER kitobi haqida so'ramoqchi edim, Men bu kitoblarni sotib ololmayman va shuning uchun har bir kitobni online varsiyasini telefonimga yuklab oldim lekin shu TEST MASTER kitobini topa olmayapman shuning uchun iltimos menga shu kitobni qanday yozib topish masalasida yordam bersngiz ILTIMOS!!!
Keyingi videolar qaysi Mavzuda bo'lishini istaysz? izohlarda qoldiring!!!
DTM dagi adolatsizlik haqida
IELTS olish uchun kerakli maʼlumotlar haqida boʻsin
ingiliz tilini mustahkam qilib urgatin 1qism qilib
Speak boyicha qli
Ingliz tilida o‘rganganlarimizni mustahkamlab borish uchun qanday test kitoblar tavsiya qilasiz? Iloji bo‘lsa video chiqaring.
Асссалому алекум зор рахмат ака
Raxmat sizga
Raxmat dostim ajoyib maslahatiz uchun ishizga omad sog boling.
Headway zo'r 👍 kitob
Assalovmu alaykumm, Samandar aka, kayfiyatingiz ishlaringiz zòrmii aka rahmat aka zòr foydali videolar chiqaribsiz
Rahmat Alloh rozi boʻlsin 🤲
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Aka rahmat katta . Lekim bir savol bor edida men hozir kareyskiy tayorlanib yuribman kitoblari shunaqa sodda shunaqa zur masalan gramatika boshlangich uchun bitta full kitob , orta daraja uchun full gramatikala tushuntirilgan kitob . Kegin lug'atlar ham shunday boshlangich orta daraja chotki lugatlar bor . Lekin ingliz tilida shunaqa gramatikala hammasi uzbekcha bn tariflangan chotki kitob topolmayabman. Ahir biz u gramatikani tarjimasini bilmasak qanday inglizcha kitobdan tushuna olamiz . Ingliz tili darajam pre-intermediate aka iltimos shu maslahat berib yuborsaiz
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21+ tenses in turkish language...
Anatolian Turkish.verb conjugations
A= To (toward)(~for) (for the thick voiced words)
E= To (toward)(~for) (for the subtle voiced words)
U=(ou)=it= (it's that)=(it's about )
Git=Go (verb root)
Mak/Mek (emek)=exertion /process
Git-mek=(verb)= to Go (the process of going=get-mek =to get there now on )
Gel-mek= to Come
1 .present continuous tense (now or soon, right now or later, currently or nowadays)
it's used to explain the current actions or planned events (for the specified times)
YOR-mak =to tire (~ to try , to deal with this) >Yor=~go over it (for the subtle and thick voiced words)
A/E Yormak=(to arrive an idea/opinion onto what's this)
I/İ/U/Ü Yormak=(to arrive wholly over it)
is used as suffix="Yor"
Okula gidiyorsun ( you are going to school)= Okul-a Git-i-yor-u-Sen > School-to Go-to-try that-You=(You try-to-Go to school)
Evden geliyorum ( I'm coming from home) = Ev-de-en Gel-i-yor-u-Men > Home-at-then Come-to-try i-Am=(from home I try to come)
A)..Mã= Not B)Değil= it's not (the equivalent of)=(deŋi.le)
A: Okula gitmiyorsun ( you are not going to school)= Okul-a Git-Ma-i-yor-u--Sen (School-to Go-Not-it-try that-You) -(You don't try to-Go to school)
B: Okula gidiyor değilsin ( you are not going to school)=Okul-a Git-i-yor değil-sen (You aren't try..-to-Go to School)
Question sentence:
Mã-u =Not-it =(is) Not it?
is used as....suffixes ="Mı-Mi-Mu-Mü
Okula mı gidiyorsun? ( Are you going to school?)= Okul-a Ma-u Git-i-yor-u-sen ? (To-school/ Not-it / You-try-to-go)(~Towards the school or somewhere else are you going ?)
Okula gidiyor musun? ( Do you go to school?)= Okul-a Git-i-yor Ma-u -sen ? (To school /Try-to-go /Not-it-you)
(~You try to go to the school (anymore) or not ?) (Do you go to school at some specific times ?)
Okula sen mi gidiyorsun ? (~Are only you that going to school ?)
2 .present simple tense ( it's used to explain our own thoughts about the topic)
(everytime, always or never ,at all, often,rarely, any time or sometimes, now on, soon or afterwards, so it's possible of course inshallah)
VAR-mak =~ to arrive (at) ...(to attain).....(for the thick voiced words)
is used as suffixes >"Ar-ır-ur"
ER-mek=~ to get (at) ...(to reach).....(for the subtle voiced words)
is used as suffixes >"Er-ir-ür"
Okula gidersin ( you go to school)= Okul-a Git-e-er-sen (I think that) > you get to go to school)
Kuşlar gökyüzünde uçar ( the birds fly in the sky )=Kuş-lar gökyüzü-n-de uç-a-var ( The birds arrive at flying(get to fly) in the sky)
Bunu görebilirler = (they can see this) = Bu-ne-u Gör-e-Bil-e-er-ler =(They-get-to-Know-to-See this-what-it's)>They get to have the knowledge to see about what's this
Question sentence:
In the question sentences it means : is not it so? or what do you think about this topic?
Okula gider misin? (Do you get to go to school ?)= Okul-a Git-e-er Ma-u-Sen ?>You get to Go to School, Not it ?=(What about you getting to go to school ?)
Bas-mak =to dwell on/to tread on (bas git= ~leave and go > pas geç / vaz geç=give up)
Ez-mek = to crush (ez geç= think nothing about / es geç=skip )
Mã= Not
suffix ="MAZ" Ma-bas=(No pass)=Na pas=(not to dwell on)>(to give up) (in the thick voiced words)
suffix ="MEZ" Ma-ez= (No crush) =does not>(to skip) (in the subtle voiced words)
Okula gitmezsin ( you don't go to school)= Okul-a Git-ma-ez-sen (you no-crush--Go to school)=( you skip of going to school)
O bunu yapmaz (s/he doesn't do this) = Bunu yap-ma-bas ( s/he no-pass--Do this)=(s/he gives up doing this)
Niçün buna bakmazsınız
= (why don't you look at this )=Ne-u-çün bu'n-a bak-ma-bas-sen-iz (2. plural)= what-that-factor you give up looking at this
3.simple future tense (soon or later)
it's used to explain the events we thought that will happen
Çak-mak =~to fasten , ~to tack, ~to keep beside (for the thick voiced words)
Çek-mek=~to attract , ~to take ,~to fetch , ~to keep close, ~to want (for the subtle voiced words)
suffixes= ("CAK"-djäk) - ("CEK" -djek)
Okula gideceksin ( you'll go to school)= Okul-a Git-e-çek-sen (~You fetch (into the mind)-to-Go to school)
Ali kapıyı açacak ( Ali will open the door)= Ali Kapı-y-ı Aç-a-çak (~Ali keeps close to open the door)
A. Okula gitmeyeceksin (you won't go to school)= Okul-a Git-ma-e-çek-sen (~you don't keep/fetch (in mind) to go to school)
B. Okula gidecek değilsin (you're not gonna go to school)= Okul-a Git-e-çek değil-sen (~you're not wanted/wanting to go to school)
4 . simple past tense (currently or before)
it's used to explain the completed events which that we're sure about
Di = now on (anymore) Di-mek(demek) = ~ to deem , ~ to mean, ~ to think this way
is used as...suffixes=.(Dı-di-du-dü)
Okula gittin ( you went to school)= Okul-a Git-di-N
Okula gittin mi ? (did you go to school ?)= Okul-a Git-di-N
Ma-u ?( You went to school Not-it ?)
Dün İstanbul'da kaldım (I stayed in Istanbul yesterday)= Dün İstanbul-da kal-dı-M
Okula gitmedin ( you didn't go to school)= Okul-a Git-ma-di-N
Bugün hiç birşey yapmadık (We did nothing today) =Bugün hiç birşey yap-ma-dı-K
Beni zaten görmediler (They did not already see me) =Ben-i zaten gör-me-di-ler
5 .narrative past tense (which we did not witness)- (just now or before)
it's used to explain the completed events which that we're not able sure about
MUŞ-mak = ~ to inform ,
(muşu=inform/notice) (muşuş=mesaj=message...muştu=müjde=evangel)
means... I'm informed about - I noticed that- I got it- I learned such - I heard that - so they say...or it seems such (to me)
if it's within any question sentence .Do you have any inform about? .do you know..have you heard?.are you aware?. or does it look like this?
is used as suffixes= (Mış-miş-muş-müş)
Okula gitmişsin ( I heard about) you went to school)= Okul-a Git-miş-u-sen (I realized You've been to school)
Hata Yapmışım=Hâtâ Yap-mış-u-men (Seems that I've made an error) Yanılmışım (I noticed I fell in a mistake)
A. Okula gitmemişsin (I heard that) you didn't go to school)= Okul-a Git-ma-miş-sen (I learned about) You're not gone to school)
B. Okula gitmiş değilsin (I've been informed about) you hadn't gone to school)= Okul-a Git--miş değil-sen (Got it) You haven't been to school.
İbrahim bugün okula gitmiş mi? =do you know /have you heard did Abraham go to school today?
6.Okula varmak üzeresin (You're about to arrive at school)
7.Okula gitmektesin (You're in (process of) going to school) (~you have been going to school)
8.Okula gitmekteydin (You had been going to school)
9.Okula gitmekteymişsin (I learned,,you've been going to school)
10.Okula gidiyordun (Okula git-e-yor er-di-n) (You were going to school)
11.Okula gidiyormuşsun (Okula git-e-yor er-miş-sen) ( I heard that) You are going to school)(2.I learned you were going to school)
12.Okula gidecektin (Okula git-e-çek erdin) (You would go to school after/then)(2.~I had thought you'll go to school)(3.~You'd said about going to go to school)
13.Okula gidecekmişsin (Okula git-e-çek ermişsen) (I heard that) you'd like to go to school then)(2.I learned that you'll go to school)
14.Okula giderdin ( Okula git-e-er erdin) (You used to go to school bf) (2.~you would go to school bf/then)
15.Okula gittiydin ( Okula git-di erdin) ( I remember you went to school) (2.~I had seen you've gone to school)
16.Okula gitmiştin ( Okula git-miş erdin) ( I know that) you had gone to school)
17.Okula gitmiş oldun( Okula git-miş ol-du-n) (you have been to school)
Bu bir Elma = This is an apple
Bu bir Kitap = This is a book
Dur-mak=to keep to be present there
Durur=it keeps to be present there
is used as suffixes=(Dır- dir- dur- dür- or Tır- tir-tur-tür)
It's usually used on the correspondences and literary language...
Means within the official speeches =(that keeps to be present there)
Bu bir Elmadır= (bu bir elma-durur)= This is an apple (that keeps to be present there)
Bu bir Kitaptır= (bu bir kitap-durur)= This is a book (that keeps to be present there)
Means within the daily speeches =( I think that or I guess that)
Bu bir Elmadır= (bu bir elma-durur)= (I guess) this is an apple (that looks such)
Bu bir elma gibi duruyor=Looks like an apple this is (~this looks like an apple)
Bu bir Kitaptır= (bu bir kitap-durur)= (I think) this is a book (that looks such)
Bu bir kitap gibi duruyor=This looks like a book
18.Okula gidiyordursun =(Guess that) You were going to school /bf or after that)
19.Okula gidiyorsundur =(I think that) then you are going to school )
20.Okula gidecektirim =(Guess that) I would have to go to school /bf or after that )
21.Okula gideceğimdir=(I think that) ~I'm going to go to school )
21.Okula gideceklerdir=(I think that) they are going to go to school )
22.Okula gitmiştirler =(Guess that) they had gone to school /bf or after that)
23.Okula gitmişlerdir = They have been to school (officially)
23.Okula gitmişlerdir =(Looks like that) they have been to school )
Anlayabilirim= Aŋı-la-y-a Bil-e-Er-Men = I Get-to-Know-to-Understand =(I get at the knowledge to understand)= I can understand
Anlayamam = Aŋı-la-y-a Al-Ma-Men =I don't get (to have some things) to-Understand = I can not understand
Aŋ= moment
Aŋı= memory
Aŋı-la=get via memory
(save in memory= make it become a memory) Anlamak=to understand
Hãtırã=keepsake/souvenir Yadigar=momento
Hatır=sake /intangible value (in mind)
Hatır-la =(get via the keepsake) hatırlamak/ yad etmek=to remember
Deriving a new verb in turkish
1.(Der-mek= ~to set & to provide)=ter'kib & ter'tib etmek (used after the verbs which ending with a consonant)
Verb+"Der" is used as suffix for the subtle voiced words (ter-tir-tür/der-dir-dür/er-ir-ür)
Verb+"Dar" is used as suffix for the thick voiced words (tar-tır-tur/dar-dır-dur/ar-ır-ur)
2.(Et-mek = ~ to make) (mostly used after the verbs ending with a vowel sound and when the suffix "der" was used before)
Verb+"T" is used as suffix for the subtle voiced words (t-it-üt)
Verb+"T" is used as suffix for the thick voiced words (t-ıt-ut)
3.(Eş=partner) (together or with partner)-(all together or altogether)-(each other or about each one) (with someone or against the other)
Verb+"Eş" is used as suffix for the subtle voiced words (eş-iş-üş)
Verb+"Aş" is used as suffix for the thick voiced words (aş-ış-uş)
(gör-mek-görüşmek) (bulmak>buluşmak)(uğramak-uğraşmak) (çalmak-çalışmak)
4.(Al / El)= to get this by someone or something (to get being ...ed)
Verb+"El" is used as suffix for the subtle voiced words (el-il-ül)
Verb+"Al" is used as suffix for the thick voiced words (al-ıl-ul)
(it's used as N to shorten some verbs)
(gör-mek-görülmek) (satmak>-satılmak)(vermek>verilmek)(yemek>(yeyilmek)yenmek)
5."En"=own diameter(self around)=(about own)
Verb+"En" is used as suffix for the subtle voiced words (en-in-ün)
Verb+"An" is used as suffix for the thick voiced words (an-ın-un)
(gör-mek>görünmek) (bulmak>bulunmak) (tıkamak>tıkanmak) (kıvırmak>kıvranmak)
Mak/Mek...(emek)=exertion /process
Git=Go (verb root)
Git-mek= to go (the process of going)
(Git-der-mek>gittirmek)=1.Götürmek= to take away (2. Gidermek=~to resolve)
(Git-en-der-mek>gidindirmek)= Göndermek= to send
Gel-mek= to come
(Gel-der-mek>geltirmek)=Getirmek= to bring
1.Gelmek...2.Getirmek...3.Getirtmek...4.Getirttirmek..5.Getirttirtmek..and it's going so on
Dür-mek= to roll it up (to make it becomes a roll)
Dör-mek= to rotate on its axis ( törmek=old meaning)-(to stir it , to mix it(current meaning)
(döngü)törüş/törüv=tour (törüv-çi=turqui)(tör-geş=turkish)=tourist...(törük halk=mixed people in ownself)
(Dör-en-mek)>dörünmek= to rotate oneself(old meaning)-(to turn by oneself(current meaning))
(Törünmek>Törnmek)>Dönmek= to turn oneself
(Dön-der-mek)>döndürmek= to turn it
(Dön-eş-mek)>dönüşmek= to turn (altogether) to something
(Dön-eş-der-mek)>dönüştürmek= to convert it into
Yürü-mek= to go on (to walk)
(Yürü-et-mek)>yürütmek= to make this goes on
(Yürü-et-der-mek)>yürüttürmek=to be provider ensuring this is going on
present simple tense
for positive sentences
Var-mak= to arrive (for the thick voiced words) (positive suffixes)=(Ar-ır-ur)
Er-mek= to get (at) (for the subtle voiced words) (positive suffixes)=(Er-ir-ür)
for negative sentences
Bas-mak= to dwell on /tread on (bas git= ~leave and go)
Maz=(negativity suffix)=(ma-bas) =(No pass)=na pas=not to dwell on > (vaz geç= give up) (for the thick voiced words)
Ez-mek= to crush (ez geç= ~think nothing about)
Mez=(negativity suffix)=(ma-ez) =(No crush)=(do/es not) =(es geç = skip) (for the subtle voiced words)
Tan= the dawn
Tanımak= to recognize (~to get any difference than others)
(Tanı-ma-bas)= tanımaz= ~doesn't recognize
(Tanı-et-ma-bas)= tanıtmaz= doesn't make it get recognized
(Tanı-en-ma-bas)= tanınmaz= doesn't inform about oneself =doesn't get recognized by any..(doesn't get known by any)
(Tanı-eş-ma-bas)= tanışmaz= doesn't recognize each other (doesn't get known each other)
Tanışmak= to get to know each other =(~to meet first time)
Danışmak= to get information from each other
Uç=~ top point
(Uç-mak)= to fly
(Uç-a-var)= Uçar= flies ( gets to fly)
(Uç-ma-bas)= uçmaz= doesn't fly (~gives up flying)
(Uç-der-ma-bas)=(uçturmaz)=uçurmaz= doesnt fly it (doesn't make it fly)
(Uç-eş-ma-bas)=uçuşmaz= doesn't (all)together fly
(Uç-al-ma-bas)=uçulmaz= doesn't get being flied
Su=water (Suv)=fluent-flowing (suvu)=Sıvı=fluid, liquid
Suv-mak=~ to make it flow onwards
Suy-mak=~ to make it flow over
Süv-mek=~ to make it flow inwards
Sür-mek=~ to make it flow on (something)
Suv-up =liquefied=(soup), Sür-up(shurup)=syrup, Suruppah(chorba)=soup, Suruppat(sherbet)=sorbet, sharap=wine, Mashrubat=beverage
(Süp-mek)=~ to make it flow outwards
(süp-der-mek>süptürmek)=süpürmek=to sweep
Say-mak=~ to make it flow (drop by drop)one by one (from the mind) = ~ to count up, ~ to deem (computer=bilgisayar)
Söy-mek=~ to make it flow from the mind (Söy-le-mek= to make the sentences flowing through the mind =~to say, ~to tell )
Sev-mek=~ to make it flow from the mind (to the heart) = to love
Söv-mek=~ call names (to say whatever on ownself mind)
Süy-mek=~ to make it flow from inside (süyüt) =Süt= milk
Soy-mak=~ to make it flow over it/him/her ( to peel, ~to strip, ~to rob ) (Soy-en-mak)>soyunmak=to undress
(Sıy-der-mak)>sıyırmak= skimming, ~skinning
Siy-mek=~ to make it flow downwards =(peeing) (siyitik) =Sidik= urine
Süz-mek=~ to make it lightly flow from up to downwards (~to filter, strain out)
Sez-mek=~ to make it lightly flow into the mind (~to perceive, to intuit)
Sız-mak=~ to get flowed slightly/slowly (~to infiltrate)
Sun-mak= to extend it forward (presentation, exhibition, to serve up)
Sün-mek=to expand reaching outward (sünger=sponge)
Sın-mak=to reach extending upward or forward
Sin-mek=to shrink reaching downward or backward (to lurk, to hide onself)
Sön-mek=to get decreased reaching inward or outward (to be extinguished)
Sağ-mak= ~ to make it pour down (Sağanak=downpour)
(sağ-en-mak)>sağınmak=~ to make oneself pour from thought into emotions
(Sağn-mak)>San-mak= ~ to make it pour from thought into an idea (to get an idea)
Sav-mak=~ to make it pour outwards (2.>put forward- set forth in) (sağan)=Sahan=the container to pour water
(Sav-der-mak)>(savdurmak)> savurmak... (Sav-der-al-mak)>(savurulmak)> savrulmak=to get being scattered/driven away
(Sav-en-mak)>savunmak=to defend (Sav-en-al-mak)>savunulmak=to get being defended
(Sav-al-mak)>savulmak=~to scatter around
(Sav-eş-mak)1.>savaşmak=to pour the blood of each other=to shed each other's blood
2.savuşmak=to get spilled around.(altogether-downright)=(sıvışmak=~running away in fear)..
(Sav-eş-der-mak)1.>savaştırmak=(~to make them fight each other)2.>savuşturmak =(ward off-fend off)
Sürmek = ~ to make it flow on (something)
(Sür-e--er)= sürer = lasts, (drives it) (goes on)
(Sür-der-mek)> sürdürmek= to make this to continue (~to sustain)
(Sür-der-e--er)= sürdürür = makes it to last forward ,(makes it continue)
(Sür-ma-ez)= sürmez = doesn't drive ... (2. gives up flowing on) (3. gives up going on)
(Sür-der-ma-ez)= sürdürmez =doesn't make it go on (doesn't make it continue)
(Sür-al-ma-ez)= sürülmez =doesnt get driven by any.. (2.doesnt get followed by any..)
Sür-en-mek> sürünmek= (~to makeup) (~rides odor) (~to paint oneself)
Sürü-mek= taking it away forward (or backward on the floor)
(Sürü-e--er)=sürür=takes it away forward
(Sürü-et-mek)=(sürütmek) sürtmek=~to rub
(Sürü-al-mek)=2.sürülmek=to get expelled
(Sürü-en-mek)=2.sürünmek=to creep on
(Sürü-en--der-mek)=süründürmek=~to make it's creeping on
(Sürü-et-en-mek)=sürtünmek=to have a friction
(Sürü-et--eş-mek)=sürtüşmek=to get rubbed each other
(Gör-mek)=to see
(Gör-e-er)=görür=(that) sees
(Gör-ma-ez)=görmez= doesn't see
(Gör-en-ma-ez)= görünmez= doesn't show oneself (doesn't seem)
(Gör-al-ma-ez)= görülmez= doesn't get seen by any..
(Gör-eş-ma-ez)= görüşmez= doesn't get seen each other
(Görs-der-ma-ez)>göstermez=(that) doesn't show
(Görs)=(Khorus) Göz=Eye
(Görs-et-mek)>görsetmek=to make it visible
(Görs-der-mek)>göstermek=to show
1.(la/le = to make via)-~getting by means of ~to do through it -to make by this way ~getting with ) (used after the nouns and adjectives)
(.le-mek-..la-mak) (.le-et-mek- .la-et-mak) (.le-et-der-mek-.la-et-der-mak)
(.lemek-.lamak) (.letmek- .latmak) (.lettirmek-.lattırmak)
Tıŋı= the tune (timbre)
Tıŋı-la-mak= to take a sound out >(Tınlamak=~answering/reacting )(~to take heed of)
Tıŋ-mak= to react verbally
Tıngırdatmak=to try playing the musical instrument
Tiŋi-le-mek=to take a sound in >(Dinlemek= to listen)
Tiŋ-mek=to get soundless >(Dinmek= to calm down (to get quiescent)
2.(laş/leş =(ile-eş)= (to become equal with.) (to begin to be the same of.) (used after the nouns and adjectives)
(.leş-mek-..laş-mak.) (..leş-der-mek-.laş-der-mak) (.leş-der-et-mek- .laş-der-et-mak)
(.leşmek-.laşmak.) (.leştirmek-.laştırmak) (.leştirtmek- .laştırtmak)
3.(lan/len =(ile-en)= (to become with)- (to get- such this )(to have -this way.) (used after the nouns and adjectives)
(.len-mek-.lan-mak.) (.len-der-mek-.lan-der-mak) (.len-der-et-mek- .lan-der-et-mak)
(.lenmek-.lanmak.) (.lendirmek-.landımak) (.lendirtmek- .landırtmak)
by reiterations
(Parıl Parıl) parıl-da-mak= to gleam
(Kıpır Kıpır) kıpır-da-mak
(Kımıl Kımıl) kımıl-da-mak
by colors
Ak= white
Ağar-mak = to turn to white
Kara= black
Karar-mak=to become blackened
Kızıl= red
Kızar-mak= to turn red (to blush) (to be toasted)
by a whim or a want
Su-sa-mak= to thirst
öhö-tsu-ur (öksür-mek)=to cough
tüh-tsu-ur (tüksür-mek/tükürmek)=to spit out
tıh-tsu-ur (tıksır-mak)
hak-tsu-ur (aksır-mak)
hap-tsu-ur (hapşur-mak)=to sneeze
Salom kok morfini bitirsa qaysi darajada boladi oldidan raxmat
Aka shu kitoblarni tugatgandan song ielts nechchi olish mumkin yo olib bulmiydimi
Mening Test Master im boshqacha test masterim katta,muallifi boshqa Atalay oguz,lekin 16.000 questions deb yozb qo'ybti
уям яхши
Man lekin va mindset round up va qanaqadir komiks lani uqib tugatganman .
Va grammarwayni ham hammasini.
Maslahatlsriz uchun katta rahmat bu kitoblarni qaerdan topsa bùladi solnichni kanstavar bozorda bormi
Solnecni yoki chorsu kitob dokonlarida bor)
Test masterni vidiõsini chiqarin iltimos
Hammasidan ham Grammarway kitobi zor grammatika tez chiqadi
7 ta round up
Round up ni1-ni tugatib qizil murphyga ótib ketsa bóladimi
Qanaqa kitobdan so'z yodlashni maslahat berasiz
Ingiliz tilini õrganish uchun qaysi metod yaxshi deb õylaysiz?
IELTSga tayyorlanish uchun kuniga qancha vaqt ajratib necha oy tayyorlanish mumkin. Self development
Self development bn Ielts olish sal qiyinroq. Yani kopro vohtiz ketadi. Necha oyligini English tilini qaysi darajada bilishingizga bog’liq. Lekin qaysi daraja bomen kuniga kamida 3 soat. Kopida 5 soat kere.
Maslahatim Mentor topin ishiz osonlashadi
Mentor diganiz nima?o‘qituvchimi?
murphyni birinchi qizil kitobidan boshlash kerakmi ? keyin moyisiga o'tiladimi?
Sz shundqn boshlaganmisz men boshlayabdi edim boshidan lekin ZAMYAtKiN degan Rus tilshunosining kitobini o' qib boshqa yoldan yurish kk Deb oylab qoldim nma diysz menga fikringiz muxum iltimos javobini yozib qoldiring
рус тилшуноси нима диганакан?
Test master kitobini tugatganmisiz.
Mana shu kitoblardan ozimizni dtm testlarga ham tayorlansa bo'ladimi mustaqil ravishda?)
Salom aka men abiturentman shu 2 ta murphini tugatsa dtmdan 30 yadan 30 uramanmi iltimos javobz men uchun muhim
йок урмимз
@@samandarab Nega aka
@@ravshanxakimov9250 сабаби дтм тестидан факат мерфи тушмиди
A unda aka murphy va 4 ta gramaveyni tugatsachi va 300 ta redingni tugatsachi aka
Shu kitoblarni qayerdan topasam bo'ladi
Тошкентда Чорсуда бор. Вилоятларда билмадим
Bozorlardan topsa bõladi
Konstovarlarda boladi doyim
Round-up ni 3tasini tugatdim result yaxshi bóldi inglis tilidan sinfda 1-orindaman
Shu kitoblarni hammasi qancha boʻladi. Puli kim bilsa yozsin iltimos
Hammasi boʻlib 50$ ga bormaydi 500ming soʻm atrofida
Man 3 yildan beri kurslarga qatniyman lekin hali ham grammatikani tugatganim yuq lekin hozirda yakunlab qoldim man distination dan uqiganman gramatikam yaxshi IELTS ga utsam nechi oyda 7 olishim mumkin
3 yildan beri english qaysi darajasiga keldiz?
Aka Xotam Ikramov degan odam miyorfini yamondemadila nima qilish kerak gaplashish uchun
Qaysi universitatea tipshirgansiz
Бу китобларни каердан топса болади
Man ham uqib buldim
Qanday urgandzmi
@@dilyajumaeva6595 ha ancha 1 yil buldi bunga
@@reallik IELTS oldzmi self study urgandzmi
@@dilyajumaeva6595 Hali yuq
Qizil va koʻk murphyni tugatgandan keyin qaysi kitobni tavsiya qilasiz yana grammatika uchun
Man ingliz tilini organishni boshqa maqsadda yani inglizcha kitoblani oqish uchun
Бу хам яхши фикр. Инглз тилида яхши китобла коп. Яни шахс ривожлантирш торисида
Assalomu alaykum.Samandar aka man Round up ni 6 ta kitobini tugatib IELTS ga o'tsam bo'ladimi.Ya'ni round up ni grammatikasi manga yetarli bo'ladimi. Yana Murphni boshidan boshlab vaqtimni ketkazib o'tirganimcha deyapmanda.Javob uchun oldindan katta raxmat akajan. 244-layk mandan.
Албатта ieltsga otsayiz bòladi
@@sabinavlogs8305 tog'ri
Man sitrni tugat dim
Shu kitobni narxi qancha
5000 som lenskiyda
Round-up 10.000som essential grammatika 20.000som
Assalomu alekum haligi men TEST MASTER kitobi haqida so'ramoqchi edim, Men bu kitoblarni sotib ololmayman va shuning uchun har bir kitobni online varsiyasini telefonimga yuklab oldim lekin shu TEST MASTER kitobini topa olmayapman shuning uchun iltimos menga shu kitobni qanday yozib topish masalasida yordam bersngiz ILTIMOS!!!
Bo'ldi TEST MASTER kitobini topdim va uni ham online ko'rinishini telefonimga yuklab oldim e'tibor uchun rahmat.
Menda bor test master kitobi zo'r ekan😊
Мен ҚОЗОҒИСТОНДА яшайман,таможний ёпиқ.Бу китобларни қандай топсак булади?
Книжний магазинлада бор.
repititor da Bizlar siz aytgan kok murphydan boshlab yubordik inglis tilni oldin organmaganim biroz ozlashtirsh qiyin bolyabdi nima maslahat berasz
Ustozga etin qizilidan orgatin manga deb. Yoki osha kok dan eplab ketishizga ishonsez yoki vohtiz bemalolro bosa oqivurin
Moboda bilmaysizmi
Man hozir Interprise 1 ni tugatvomman
Kechirasizu Ingiliz emas ingliz yoziladi.
Hop. Nima bo'lganda ham ingliz yoziladi. G va L ning orasida i bo'lmaydi@@user-fq9wn6nf5j
Bro i think the best book this booknomy
Only u think)