That's weird, considering I've only seen two (good) people use the Aug Para in the last two and a half months of playing PF. It's such a severely overrated gun, just like the Honey Badger and AA12.
lito needs to listen to the community, this is on the NEW test place changes to movement, its so annoying, I think CoR should be Litos vision instead of PF, the movement changes are bad and will result in a large amount of players gone.
@@mikeyplayzwrldhate is too strong. I dislike his actions and choices towards a similar game that relies on and relates to call of duty like stunts scripted, but I don’t hate and wish a person to die over it. I just wish he’d listen too.
The Devs in this game are absolutely out of their mind, so far disconnected from the community and dont care about their current community what so ever, its a shame, even suggestions regarding the movement got removed for no particular reason, mine included, just a poor way of them to silence the community, to eventually 0 the playercount numbers,because not a single soul is onboard with their current test place movement changes , neither for the new roadmap news regarding the andrenaline mode and casual mode ,nobody wants that , we want what we have currently. i dont know where their focus is comming from in sense that nerfing the movement would help new players, here is what i think would help new players, and I really wanna say that I don't think movement was ever the issue of PF , rather the guidance for newer players, they dont know what to do other then spawn,die, repeat, here are some of the solutions we think would make sense to have in PF: -add a tutorial, simple ones that explain some of the movement techs people like to use. -make keys and cases sellable, makes it more rewarding for new players when they do good. -make some weapons in the game unlocked via a challenge rather then just pure level grind just like we had it in Battlefield 3/4 -add New player Bonuses , Offer bonuses or rewards to new players for completing certain milestones, not only the daily's, make those quests much easier not only revolving around killing make them objective based mostly. -add some weapons blueprints or new weapons (I prefer blueprints) that can be unlocked on weekly quests by completing certain events for new and old players , this would count as a event and drive the player numbers up aswell. -add 2x XP weeknds and 2x MvP reward Weekends This is a part of my suggestion from the discord that got removed the first time and after a 8 hour talk with the moderators I gained my role back to repost this suggestion with one of the higher mods not understanding why my role and suggestion was even removed in the first place, a pure chaos , what is going on behind their moderator team.
They just dilucional people, they think everything they do must be right at any cost... This game has so much potential but there is no hope if these people are not kicked from managing the game.
This is the only message to the devs of this game. Have you realized that removing a core mechanic of a game is going to turn people away? The movement (sliding, emp sliding (even though i could never do it lmao) and super jumping) is what got me interested in this game. Cause it made the game chaotic, fun and nicely fast paced. I didn't even really have trouble with learning movement tech. The only wish that I have, is that you just keep the movement in the main game as it is. For, in my opinion, movement is much more easier to learn now than before, because it involves less keys to execute and can be spammed with the stamina system to 'run n gun' your opponents (although it is not very effective in group/prolonged fights). So please Stylis, just keep the movement as it is and we'll all be fine.
Muzzle velocity is being changed generally on every weapon now to reflect real life values. So .45 ACP guns will get a very hard hit since those IRL are very slow exactly like PF reflects now.
the new movement is literally the reason why og players wanted to play pf again and this lito f'ed it up. kinda disappointed on him for not listening to the community, i'm thinking of he really wants to make pf dead.
Not only this update, but the gravity change and cooldown changes allows me to improve my entire movement performance and I became more cracked out of certain guns. I do like some changes such as the 1858 new army and certain pdw nerfs cuz they're getting a bit annoying when playing in cqc maps.
Lito is screwing up the game more and more, i literally play a MOBILE game more than i play pf at this point and i have almost 3k hours into pf while being rank 273
Heres that tutorial for Decaying Winter that i said i would do. You did play before but since i dont know much you have played. Items you should scrap are steel snares, steel punjis dont if your doing solo, the purple stim, .22 broomhandle, mark IV, model 6 unica, rifle blueprint or bp, pistol blueprint, milbow blueprint if you have a damned dont scrap it since thats gonna be their main source of damage, fireier axe blueprint if you dont like it, all rifles execpt for the rsass, ak-74 only if your team doesnt have a better medium ammo gun or akm, also dont scrap the following items ctail or cocktail, sl-21, I4-DS, Bl-1, H&K Ump, Akm, Hi Capa, Amox tablets, any healing items, the immobilising splint, aspetic bandage, always use crude bandage if your not at full health since it heals 5 hp. Never go to castle until your team has beaten Sledge Queen you will see people call her sq for short. Dont anger the Sickler unless you have a gun, riskrunner ability, apostle, and a fireier axe which with the fireier axe you would hold down m1 or left click and you would repeat that the only if you encounter a sickler you can parry it plus in some cases you can out run it. the I4-DS gives you passive health regen if your in the storm then itll give a 50% defense buff cocktail will heal you to full advanced ifak will heal 40 hp if you dont have regular bleeding the basic medkit will heal 15 hp per use. if you want an easy class to use then use hivemind or vagabond both are really good classes if you have played ultrakill and can do time sequences well than use arbiter. All of the games infected creatures are called Reikgon they include the Hanger, Sickler, Runner, and Hidden. The hanger is always at mountain and if you hear a static noise near mountain then theres a hanger in there easy to get rid if it manages to get you its minigame spam e, the hidden can spawn anywhere im pretty sure and if you hear the lines i see you, i'm right behind you, and turn around then theres a hidden it does 123 hp per attack so at full health the only classes normally that can live that are apostle and zealot with apostle at a base 125 hp and zealot at 135 hp you can see a hidden but only with executioners goggles, prophets click ability while holding f, apostles minions, pretty sure sovereign's minions can see the hidden and zealots shield. The sickler has a base hp of 750- 800 if you have a tickspider and dynamite then that will just kill it because of tickspiders buff damage to explosives it gives ,riskrunner can also kill it if theres a teammate with a fireier axe they can kill it, a executioner can with a high enough bounty, a apostle can with two shadow hunters if you hear crying then theres a sickler or as the community calls him the sad boy. the skinner is just quite literally a tankier sledge scav, the skinner can be identified through 4 ways if its bald and if i holds the 3 melees, combat knife, crowbar, and forgot what the other one is, or you could just run up to a bald scav and see if it turns into a skinner. dont use guns until after 5 or 6 if your team is good enough and has a apostle then you could not use guns until scav war. I know theres grammatical errors but oh well. Edit: all of this is coming from a tier 57. Edit: the part where I said the sickler can be parryed is a grammatical error it’s actually the skinner and also if you want to get better watch perk guided and solo runs with different perks and if you get good enough at the game you can film yourself doing challenges the devs have the official decaying winter discord and if you do them they are valid then the devs will give you titles in game for the completed challenges also forgot to add this also from a person who’s done showdowner 3 and 2 which is a challenge for defeating sledge queen with nothing but your fists. Edit: they also are releasing a new update with reworks to old perks with a complete overhaul to hivemind rip hivemind the fps dropper and also being one of the best perks in the game and 3 new perks one being a card based perk, nd the others are not so obvious. Edit: forgot about the perks. Here’s all of the following of the different types of classes being support, backliners, frontliners, and the two “starter” perks. The support perks main purpose is through the support of their ability with hivemind being able to use its ability to focus on multiple groups of enemies crosslink being able to stun enemies and blitzer being able to stun and damage enemies with its bombs also if you play blitzer please remember it’s ability can damage teammates The backliners perks main purpose is being in the backline giving support with buffs with Lazarus being the games medic and the riskrunner being able to mow down lots of enemies with his minigun and zealot being able to take lots of damage with having the highest defense in the game and the most health and by having a two different uses for its ability with pressing f which is the ability button which makes you place down a turret with a gun and shield note the shield can break and holding f makes you pull out a sword with the shield having a bar with it going down on its own and by enemies hitting it and when a enemy does hit it you will take 1 hp of damage per hit and when melee enemies hit it they are parried with you not taking damage. The frontliners main role is obviously being one of the teams main source of damage with some of the frontliners being kill based perks with the following being executioner, berserker, and vagabond executioner has goggles that you can put on that allows you to see enemies through walls and see the hidden killing an enemy with a melee weapon or having your melee weapon or fists out when the enemies die gives you one bounty gaining bounty will increase melee damage with there being no cap but the goggles have their own health bar with it going down to zero telling you to take your goggles off and when you do take them off and if you have bounty it’ll give 7 scrap per bounty note executioner can’t use scrappers, berserker is a kill based perk because when you use your ability you inject a serum into yourself which gives a melee damage buff and damage resistance I believe and when you when you kill an enemy you regain a bit of the ability’s bar parrying fills it also when the ability is active when you kill or hit an enemy with a heavy attack you heal 2 hp when the ability is active, with vagabond with each kill with the use of your ability gives you a dog tag which increase your speed and the speed increase is cap at 10-15 dog tags do you take to much damage you can either lose all of your dog tags or half of them and if you use a dog tag it’ll heal you for 10 hp pet dog tag and if you get low enough and don’t lose all of your dog tags your character will use either enough to full hp or use up all of them then there’s drifter which is only considered a frontliner since of the melee buff it gives and immolator which is just pyro from tf2 but you don’t have a flamethrower and instead have a bar and if said bar reaches 100% you will overheat and die causing an exoplosion that sets teammates and ally’s on fire but if you press f you slam your fist on the ground and set yourself teammates and enemies on fire the fire doesn’t damage your teammates or you though but will with enemies and it’ll stun the enemies it also applies a buff that gives a increase to melee damage and whenever you or your teammates shoot or hit an enemy with the buff applied it’ll set the enemy on fire and the more the overheat bar fills the more melee damage you deal apostle can also be considered a frontliner with apostles gimmick being using your health as a weapon to summon you’re minions or shadow hunters a common name for the shadows hunters that people call is Dave summoning Dave costs 25 hp and equiping your melee weapon cost 20 hp but with each kill you or your shadow hunters get healing you. Looking at all of the perks you can have all of the tf2 mercs on a team and you can see people dress up as the mercs. Also here’s a guide on apostle from a apostle main who’s been using it since it’s been around when you get low don’t use your ability or equip your melee and always make sure to heal if you know what your doing with apostle you can come out of a wave with more hp than you did at the beginning of a wave and never leave Dave to fight by himself always support him by shoving the enemy or comdeming them which you can do by holding f which is how you fill your bar by killing comdemed enemies and remember that Dave is the tank and your the damage you and Dave will heal pet kill for traits I would recommend impatient since of the speed debuff the class has, lone wolf because of the inability to aim weapons and the recoil debuff, and either paranoid for semi autos if you plan on using shotguns don’t use lone wolf and if you plan on using automatic guns use lone wolf if you use one of them use fearless because of all of the gun scavs in the later nights also in imo in the right hands Apostle can be the best perk also recommended auxiliary equipment is shrapnel device, or tear gas, but if you plan on doing solo evac use holo emitters. Also the easiest way to kill the sickler for apostle is riskeunners ability and tickspider by throwing a peace of dynamite.
@@Shy_Abi Pretty sure the game is glitched right now cause I went in a game and the game was starting and it did that for 4 servers I was in. Nevermind it was fixed.
Steven can u please try this no recoil setup its damage is kinda bad Uzi dcl 120(optional) muzzle brake stubby grip extended stock and the damage destroyer .22lr Ive been asking for a while
Spanish Proverb: A wise man changes his mind, a fool never will. Another Spanish Saying: Where one brags, is where he lacks. Yes, I studied Spanish for seven years, and I am multi-lingual.
Fist ever update where I genuinely need help with bro 💀 The movement is killing me and the gravity change is annoying Plus for snipers it feels horrible to use currently
@SomeSteven I'm a 21 year old man and playing PF makes my hands hurt a lot espcially my pinky, and my thumb and index finger because of all of the movement. make a video talking about better keybinds for sliding and diving.
I feel like they should just leave the movement mechanics alone. They’re what make the game different and more unique than other FPSs not only just in Roblox.
Hey i have to give u my setup, its by no mean a no recoil but it’s by far the Best setup i have ever uses : Colt mars -mini sight -stubby grip -ars supressor -Green laser - - -
Last update c7a2 got recoil nerfed soo hard its not even a long range weapon no more, and now it recoil got nerfed once again with a 0.90 Pen that Armor piercing can't event fix it 😊
I'm playing this game since I was grade 5 and I was a great player at that time and now I'm a college student my skills aren't good now. I'm just act like a Rank 1 newbie.😅
Subscribe and become a Channel Member!!
Whats ur mp7 skin i really love the magma look
Steven check on the test place and make a vid on it pls
2:11 magnification speed is how fast it zooms in and ads speed is how fast the gun goes to it’s aiming position
Commentors seem cranky today? It's still a great video. Lol.
I swear, the AUG A3 Para XS is the one gun they will NEVER nerf
They nerfed it like 4 or 5 updates ago
Aug para xs was nerfed before actually all augs
That's weird, considering I've only seen two (good) people use the Aug Para in the last two and a half months of playing PF.
It's such a severely overrated gun, just like the Honey Badger and AA12.
lito needs to listen to the community, this is on the NEW test place changes to movement, its so annoying, I think CoR should be Litos vision instead of PF, the movement changes are bad and will result in a large amount of players gone.
them removing double slide and emp jump should be illegal honestly 💀
We all hate Lito. I hope he's looking at this comment so he can feel my disdane towards him.
@@mikeyplayzwrldhate is too strong. I dislike his actions and choices towards a similar game that relies on and relates to call of duty like stunts scripted, but I don’t hate and wish a person to die over it. I just wish he’d listen too.
@@groveri2 fr, we've had it for 8 years and NOW they want to remove/nerf it. Its just dumb
yo what’s CoR is it still up can I play it
The Devs in this game are absolutely out of their mind, so far disconnected from the community and dont care about their current community what so ever, its a shame, even suggestions regarding the movement got removed for no particular reason, mine included, just a poor way of them to silence the community, to eventually 0 the playercount numbers,because not a single soul is onboard with their current test place movement changes , neither for the new roadmap news regarding the andrenaline mode and casual mode ,nobody wants that , we want what we have currently.
i dont know where their focus is comming from in sense that nerfing the movement would help new players, here is what i think would help new players,
and I really wanna say that I don't think movement was ever the issue of PF , rather the guidance for newer players, they dont know what to do other then spawn,die, repeat, here are some of the solutions we think would make sense to have in PF:
-add a tutorial, simple ones that explain some of the movement techs people like to use.
-make keys and cases sellable, makes it more rewarding for new players when they do good.
-make some weapons in the game unlocked via a challenge rather then just pure level grind just like we had it in Battlefield 3/4
-add New player Bonuses , Offer bonuses or rewards to new players for completing certain milestones, not only the daily's, make those quests much easier not only revolving around killing make them objective based mostly.
-add some weapons blueprints or new weapons (I prefer blueprints) that can be unlocked on weekly quests by completing certain events for new and old players , this would count as a event and drive the player numbers up aswell.
-add 2x XP weeknds and 2x MvP reward Weekends
This is a part of my suggestion from the discord that got removed the first time and after a 8 hour talk with the moderators I gained my role back to repost this suggestion with one of the higher mods not understanding why my role and suggestion was even removed in the first place, a pure chaos , what is going on behind their moderator team.
They just dilucional people, they think everything they do must be right at any cost... This game has so much potential but there is no hope if these people are not kicked from managing the game.
ain't readin' all that
@@trashman966 didnt expect anything intellectual from someone named trashman966
i'm absolutely readin' allat but please use periods and use commas its very hard to read comfortably
@@metehan5744 thanks for the feedback , i was kinda in a rush to put this together .
This is the only message to the devs of this game. Have you realized that removing a core mechanic of a game is going to turn people away? The movement (sliding, emp sliding (even though i could never do it lmao) and super jumping) is what got me interested in this game. Cause it made the game chaotic, fun and nicely fast paced. I didn't even really have trouble with learning movement tech. The only wish that I have, is that you just keep the movement in the main game as it is. For, in my opinion, movement is much more easier to learn now than before, because it involves less keys to execute and can be spammed with the stamina system to 'run n gun' your opponents (although it is not very effective in group/prolonged fights). So please Stylis, just keep the movement as it is and we'll all be fine.
Didn’t realize stylis was turning into mojang
Muzzle velocity is being changed generally on every weapon now to reflect real life values.
So .45 ACP guns will get a very hard hit since those IRL are very slow exactly like PF reflects now.
If Lito doesn’t respect his playerbase he doesn’t deserve them
Why every game company gotta make every game so complicated nowadays
the new movement is literally the reason why og players wanted to play pf again and this lito f'ed it up. kinda disappointed on him for not listening to the community, i'm thinking of he really wants to make pf dead.
I don't know about the previous updates, but when is my boy the 1858 carbine gonna get some love?
jury and the kac srr existing:
Not only this update, but the gravity change and cooldown changes allows me to improve my entire movement performance and I became more cracked out of certain guns. I do like some changes such as the 1858 new army and certain pdw nerfs cuz they're getting a bit annoying when playing in cqc maps.
me when steven uploads:
I know the feeling 😮😊.
bots are getting out of hand💀
@@OShadow_KnightO no thats the real jotaro kujo, trust
No recoil setup: Asmi machine-pistol, any optic, muzzle brake, stubby grip, hollow point
this one is actually solid
Lito is screwing up the game more and more, i literally play a MOBILE game more than i play pf at this point and i have almost 3k hours into pf while being rank 273
You are back. I missed you. Hope all is well ❤😊
Us console players haven't even gotten the first update 😢 (nvm we got it today but in the afternoon)
Thanks, for Live Stream. A good time had by all 😮😊.
Now Recoil Setup vor OTS-126:
Comp Aimpoint
Pistol Grip
Blue Laser
No nerf to the vector
Day 26 of asking somesteven to continue the 0-100 series
thanks to stylis for shitting on all my main guns
Exactly, my main was ump45
The wall running would be super awesome if it was more like tf2, but it’s nearly impossible to do and none of the maps are made for it
Im prebuyin the colt mars right now.
try John wick setup for a day.
thank god they didnt change the m3a1
Heres that tutorial for Decaying Winter that i said i would do. You did play before but since i dont know much you have played. Items you should scrap are steel snares, steel punjis dont if your doing solo, the purple stim, .22 broomhandle, mark IV, model 6 unica, rifle blueprint or bp, pistol blueprint, milbow blueprint if you have a damned dont scrap it since thats gonna be their main source of damage, fireier axe blueprint if you dont like it, all rifles execpt for the rsass, ak-74 only if your team doesnt have a better medium ammo gun or akm, also dont scrap the following items ctail or cocktail, sl-21, I4-DS, Bl-1, H&K Ump, Akm, Hi Capa, Amox tablets, any healing items, the immobilising splint, aspetic bandage, always use crude bandage if your not at full health since it heals 5 hp. Never go to castle until your team has beaten Sledge Queen you will see people call her sq for short. Dont anger the Sickler unless you have a gun, riskrunner ability, apostle, and a fireier axe which with the fireier axe you would hold down m1 or left click and you would repeat that the only if you encounter a sickler you can parry it plus in some cases you can out run it. the I4-DS gives you passive health regen if your in the storm then itll give a 50% defense buff cocktail will heal you to full advanced ifak will heal 40 hp if you dont have regular bleeding the basic medkit will heal 15 hp per use. if you want an easy class to use then use hivemind or vagabond both are really good classes if you have played ultrakill and can do time sequences well than use arbiter. All of the games infected creatures are called Reikgon they include the Hanger, Sickler, Runner, and Hidden. The hanger is always at mountain and if you hear a static noise near mountain then theres a hanger in there easy to get rid if it manages to get you its minigame spam e, the hidden can spawn anywhere im pretty sure and if you hear the lines i see you, i'm right behind you, and turn around then theres a hidden it does 123 hp per attack so at full health the only classes normally that can live that are apostle and zealot with apostle at a base 125 hp and zealot at 135 hp you can see a hidden but only with executioners goggles, prophets click ability while holding f, apostles minions, pretty sure sovereign's minions can see the hidden and zealots shield. The sickler has a base hp of 750- 800 if you have a tickspider and dynamite then that will just kill it because of tickspiders buff damage to explosives it gives ,riskrunner can also kill it if theres a teammate with a fireier axe they can kill it, a executioner can with a high enough bounty, a apostle can with two shadow hunters if you hear crying then theres a sickler or as the community calls him the sad boy. the skinner is just quite literally a tankier sledge scav, the skinner can be identified through 4 ways if its bald and if i holds the 3 melees, combat knife, crowbar, and forgot what the other one is, or you could just run up to a bald scav and see if it turns into a skinner. dont use guns until after 5 or 6 if your team is good enough and has a apostle then you could not use guns until scav war. I know theres grammatical errors but oh well. Edit: all of this is coming from a tier 57. Edit: the part where I said the sickler can be parryed is a grammatical error it’s actually the skinner and also if you want to get better watch perk guided and solo runs with different perks and if you get good enough at the game you can film yourself doing challenges the devs have the official decaying winter discord and if you do them they are valid then the devs will give you titles in game for the completed challenges also forgot to add this also from a person who’s done showdowner 3 and 2 which is a challenge for defeating sledge queen with nothing but your fists. Edit: they also are releasing a new update with reworks to old perks with a complete overhaul to hivemind rip hivemind the fps dropper and also being one of the best perks in the game and 3 new perks one being a card based perk, nd the others are not so obvious. Edit: forgot about the perks.
Here’s all of the following of the different types of classes being support, backliners, frontliners, and the two “starter” perks.
The support perks main purpose is through the support of their ability with hivemind being able to use its ability to focus on multiple groups of enemies crosslink being able to stun enemies and blitzer being able to stun and damage enemies with its bombs also if you play blitzer please remember it’s ability can damage teammates
The backliners perks main purpose is being in the backline giving support with buffs with Lazarus being the games medic and the riskrunner being able to mow down lots of enemies with his minigun and zealot being able to take lots of damage with having the highest defense in the game and the most health and by having a two different uses for its ability with pressing f which is the ability button which makes you place down a turret with a gun and shield note the shield can break and holding f makes you pull out a sword with the shield having a bar with it going down on its own and by enemies hitting it and when a enemy does hit it you will take 1 hp of damage per hit and when melee enemies hit it they are parried with you not taking damage.
The frontliners main role is obviously being one of the teams main source of damage with some of the frontliners being kill based perks with the following being executioner, berserker, and vagabond executioner has goggles that you can put on that allows you to see enemies through walls and see the hidden killing an enemy with a melee weapon or having your melee weapon or fists out when the enemies die gives you one bounty gaining bounty will increase melee damage with there being no cap but the goggles have their own health bar with it going down to zero telling you to take your goggles off and when you do take them off and if you have bounty it’ll give 7 scrap per bounty note executioner can’t use scrappers, berserker is a kill based perk because when you use your ability you inject a serum into yourself which gives a melee damage buff and damage resistance I believe and when you when you kill an enemy you regain a bit of the ability’s bar parrying fills it also when the ability is active when you kill or hit an enemy with a heavy attack you heal 2 hp when the ability is active, with vagabond with each kill with the use of your ability gives you a dog tag which increase your speed and the speed increase is cap at 10-15 dog tags do you take to much damage you can either lose all of your dog tags or half of them and if you use a dog tag it’ll heal you for 10 hp pet dog tag and if you get low enough and don’t lose all of your dog tags your character will use either enough to full hp or use up all of them then there’s drifter which is only considered a frontliner since of the melee buff it gives and immolator which is just pyro from tf2 but you don’t have a flamethrower and instead have a bar and if said bar reaches 100% you will overheat and die causing an exoplosion that sets teammates and ally’s on fire but if you press f you slam your fist on the ground and set yourself teammates and enemies on fire the fire doesn’t damage your teammates or you though but will with enemies and it’ll stun the enemies it also applies a buff that gives a increase to melee damage and whenever you or your teammates shoot or hit an enemy with the buff applied it’ll set the enemy on fire and the more the overheat bar fills the more melee damage you deal apostle can also be considered a frontliner with apostles gimmick being using your health as a weapon to summon you’re minions or shadow hunters a common name for the shadows hunters that people call is Dave summoning Dave costs 25 hp and equiping your melee weapon cost 20 hp but with each kill you or your shadow hunters get healing you. Looking at all of the perks you can have all of the tf2 mercs on a team and you can see people dress up as the mercs. Also here’s a guide on apostle from a apostle main who’s been using it since it’s been around when you get low don’t use your ability or equip your melee and always make sure to heal if you know what your doing with apostle you can come out of a wave with more hp than you did at the beginning of a wave and never leave Dave to fight by himself always support him by shoving the enemy or comdeming them which you can do by holding f which is how you fill your bar by killing comdemed enemies and remember that Dave is the tank and your the damage you and Dave will heal pet kill for traits I would recommend impatient since of the speed debuff the class has, lone wolf because of the inability to aim weapons and the recoil debuff, and either paranoid for semi autos if you plan on using shotguns don’t use lone wolf and if you plan on using automatic guns use lone wolf if you use one of them use fearless because of all of the gun scavs in the later nights also in imo in the right hands Apostle can be the best perk also recommended auxiliary equipment is shrapnel device, or tear gas, but if you plan on doing solo evac use holo emitters. Also the easiest way to kill the sickler for apostle is riskeunners ability and tickspider by throwing a peace of dynamite.
It's time to switch to DW
@@Shy_Abi Pretty sure the game is glitched right now cause I went in a game and the game was starting and it did that for 4 servers I was in. Nevermind it was fixed.
thats a lot of text
@@tairhan52 Yes it is.
2:11 magnification speed is how fast it zooms in and ads speed is how fast the gun goes to it’s aiming position
Steven can u please try this no recoil setup its damage is kinda bad
dcl 120(optional)
muzzle brake
stubby grip
extended stock
and the damage destroyer .22lr
Ive been asking for a while
Someone really said this was a PDW season. nah bruh this is the complete opposite. most PDWs suck now lol
(update) the rama even with the nerf is still broken as all hell lol, im able to get 60+ Kill games with it
Glad to see the HONEY BADGER didn't get nerfed ;)
Ikr honey badger with hollow point does a 3 shot up close and 5 shot at range
Too much recoil tho
@@Girlandsilly doesnt rly have that much
Spanish Proverb: A wise man changes his mind, a fool never will. Another Spanish Saying: Where one brags, is where he lacks. Yes, I studied Spanish for seven years, and I am multi-lingual.
I called this update in your stream Steven I quote said “at one point pf updates will only be nerfs if stylus staff stop going cuckoo”
Was running the ump earlier but i don't really notice much difference, its still pretty good 🤔
Dont let the "bro fell off" comments that are litterally HATE at the top...
I always saw the “bro fell off” comments as jokes
@@i4xsOnChess jokes that have gotten old
@@georgevasilopoulos5359 well yea but you can say that about every joke
Fist ever update where I genuinely need help with bro 💀
The movement is killing me and the gravity change is annoying
Plus for snipers it feels horrible to use currently
finally, they did something good for the uzi...
I love game ghanging updates!
Whatever you do in life, make sure it makes you happy 😮😊.
Stylis is back at it's track, nerf the living shit out of everything to maintain equality for gamers 😃👍
how the fuck does ur game look this good
Gotta love the tips for phantom forces, tysm for all of these tips man!!
my boy Mars got a buff lets goooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dawg I want this update 😭
prime it’s you, it’s me coins
@@PrimeValorian wanna play phantom forces console?
@@AIS-TAU 🤷🏽♂
Quote gift about "CHANGE:" Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything 🎁🎖🙂🎇✨.
all these changes just pushed me away from playing again. got back into it last night. aand now i cant stand playing pf today, how fun!
the updates are alright so long they don’t bring the stamina bar in
Stamina bar already is a thing u just don't have it on in settings
GEGEGEG...friday is a dry day
When is the FN F2000 Stylis?
@SomeSteven I'm a 21 year old man and playing PF makes my hands hurt a lot espcially my pinky, and my thumb and index finger because of all of the movement.
make a video talking about better keybinds for sliding and diving.
Ain't no way the Scout 2 taps now, finally I won't finish with a .15 kd at least
Dude the poor mp7😢😰
chicken nugget
Where's my dead ahead stream steven? 🤨
I feel like they should just leave the movement mechanics alone. They’re what make the game different and more unique than other FPSs not only just in Roblox.
Aaaaaaand the aws remains in a sad state and the wa2k has been a dmr for ages...
Worse update, sorry but I'm brutally honest about it
I pre bought the Ramma before they made it bad😭
I love my mp7 really w8sh I had better stats
hope they buff my boy scar-h frfr
mp5/10 is crazy now as well as the g3a3
how come you didn't talk about how the alt aim for the mosin slowly zooms in when you ads
me, an aug a3 para xs main. VERY HAPPY RIGHT NOW!!!!!
3:56 wait thats actually godawful, that neuters its CQC potential
No wonder felt so different playing Hecate I thought I'm lag.
I stg it feels like I'm playing a different game to everyone else with how bad I am at this game......
Only aug gun that should’ve gotten even anything resembling a BUFF was the aug hbar lmao
the guy that tried to do dolphin dive
steven this is my setup for the colt mars, it's pretty good
reflex sight
full stock
pistol grip
full stock
default ammo
Nice video!
he just posted it bud you did not finish it LMAOO
@@goomba7748you just ain’t like that
Somesteven how did u manage to get used with ragdoll on? People would attempted to prone around there masking themselves.
actualy thats the 10 years video WTH
So i have gotten an xbox does pc stats also transfer to console?
Hey i have to give u my setup, its by no mean a no recoil but it’s by far the Best setup i have ever uses :
Colt mars
-mini sight
-stubby grip
-ars supressor
-Green laser
Where do i find the update log for pf?
What type of Xbox do u own
burger king
Burger king
the only weapon im good with got completely nerfed (the mp5k)
Day 27 of asking somesteven to continue the 0-100 series (first sent in stream)
Last update c7a2 got recoil nerfed soo hard its not even a long range weapon no more, and now it recoil got nerfed once again with a 0.90 Pen that Armor piercing can't event fix it 😊
I'm playing this game since I was grade 5 and I was a great player at that time and now I'm a college student my skills aren't good now. I'm just act like a Rank 1 newbie.😅
the new smg animations remind me of state of anarchy (i still prefer state of anarchy gunplay)
No recoil setup (LEGIT 100%)
If people want to play a realistic shooter just go play deadline.
not the jump spamming
lets goooo j bought the mosin too
Screw lito idc if its his own game i need him to care for his game consumers
EA buying PF:
Main game or test servers?
The test place is crap rn
they made the colt mars an hk416 that can 3 shot torso
Here is a setup bfg 50
R2 suppressor
ballistics tracker
And the free aim
Dude you might wanna put c there instead of a g💀
idk how I keep managing typos in my titles
My no recoil setup: aug a1
PSO-1 scope
Muzzle brake
Angled grip
Blue laser
9mm conversion
Snipers aer now dangeroud because you CAN NOW see the dmg in point blank! I LOVE SNIPERS NOWWWWW!
Just remove the damn movement stuff. Nerf smgs again. Mainly the p90 and mp7.
Now my p90 with 900+ kills is trash