Luke Blevins not necessarily, insurances would cover expenses that the government doesn't cover. In countries like Canada and England there are both universal healthcare and insurances
There is a case to be made to have a system like France that enables universal health care, but allows insurance to be available to cover more esoteric areas of health services like accessing state of the art reconstructive services like bone and dental. However, if the people of the countries that signed on to the Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 were to organize a comprehensive strategy to make lowest prices and best quality of products to become the standard of care, we could have a genuine public interest based health system.
Randy Kappe US has a lot of private hospitals compared to public. The problem with private healthcare providers is that there is a higher chance of fraud and incorrect billing which is government cannot regulate it properly.
They're high because of government regulation. You want acceptable prices? Let capitalism take over. The premise of it is that competition will bring out the best services at the most reasonable price.
@@jmunday7811 you're right, but it's better than the socialist country that doesn't have the life saving procedures. Or the extraordinarily long wait time. The reason why it's so expensive is the grip that the government has on everything.
@@jmunday7811 Europe is on it's way to Socialism. Everyone of you are just letting them take your rights and imprison ya for talking. Canada has a socialized healthcare system and is moderately comparable to the US. But no one talks about how terrible their cancer treatment and screening are. The drawbacks to socialized healthcare are your new disease treatment is awful. And you can thank capitalism for all of any of your treatment for diseases because that's where it comes from.
@@jmunday7811 yeah but right now a lot of costs are not emergencies, but things like chronic illnesses. Right now it’s hospitals charging a lot of treatments that are the reason for high costs. That’s because there is a lot of consolidation in the healthcare industry.
i live in toronto and I was snowmobiling last weekend and I got frostbite. I woke up Monday morning looking like a zombie. I went to the walk-in clinic to check my face and make sure there is no permanent damage. I ended up waiting two hours but the doctor told me that there was no damage and my face should be normal in a week or two. I am so thankful for our healthcare system because in the United States I would just ignore it to save the fee.
Absolutely true. Not to mention even the better health insurance in the U.S fails to cover all your costs often, leaving you with a massive copay. So many people I know and work with, almost all college educated and all of them full time workers, get screwed so hard from their health insurance. The U.S does not even rank that high in healthcare. So much of congress speaks against universal healthcare, yet they get the best health care from tax payers as they have the best doctors in Bethesda. I would rather pay more in taxes to get quality healthcare in a universal healthcare system then continue to fund these insurance companies that profit from people's hard times.
mellamosean You know what my point is I have been really sick this winter and over the last three weeks I have visited the doctor every single week. What’s wrong with that?
mellamosean I look perfectly normal now. My skin just had to re-grow. But I am happy that I waited that two hours because the doctor told me not to touch my face at all, where as my fiancé wanted me to put a hot mask on I’m not one of just irritated my face
@@tucker12435 How long to the people in Toronto have to wait for surgery? We in the USA usually only have to wait a few weeks. Does the universal healthcare cause you to have to wait months for surgery?
The function of private healthcare insurance company is to make CEO and Boardroom Executives richer and give generous bonuses by squeezing healthcare quality of its customers. All while your healthcare costs go up. Whether you are liberal or conservative, that’s not a system that anyone wants.
My personal suggestions; I would roll Medicare and Medicaid into one, to reduce duplication in admin, and so that the old, poor, and disabled are all covered under one single-payer institution, rather than spread across several. Maybe also include CHIP and the VA in this merger as well. The next part would be to allow individuals and employers to buy into Medicare, so Medicare is their health plan, instead of their previous insurer. This would be optional btw, so people who are happy with their current plan can stick with it. A good way to get the ball rolling here would be for the Federal Govt to transfer all its employees (almost 3 million) onto the Medicare buy-in plan, and encourage State and City govts to do the same with their civil servants. After that, allow Medicare to negotiate with hospitals and drug companies to achieve the lowest possible price for services and drugs respectively. Currently, Medicare isn't allowed to do this, which is mad, as even before people buy in, a combined Medicare-Medicaid would cover over 100 million Americans, and would have huge bargaining power to haggle costs down. This would mean that for the old, poor, and disabled, there is a single-payer system. For everyone else, there is a robust public alternative to private insurers, but they aren't forced to use it if they don't want. This would also create competition for those private insurers, as they would have to be careful to not piss people off by denying them coverage.
@@trolljones4386 I'm just throwing ideas around of whats politically possible, and could form a strong base for future alterations. I'm not American btw, from NZ where we do have a public system, just another outsider who thinks America's health system is mad. My proposed system actually isn't a million miles off from heavily regulated and price controlled insurance systems used in many European countries, such as Germany.
@@REAL-UNKNOWN-SHINOBI ideologically, in theory yes, but the reality is that private insurers, hospitals and drug companies would see the writing on the wall, that the bargaining power of such a Medicare merger would whittle their profit margins down from the obscene levels they currently enjoy, and would put all their lobbyists to work on both sides of the aisle to bury it. After all, won't someone think of the billionaires?!? (cue Steve Buscemi playing the world's smallest violin)
Help me understand why keeping the health insurance option is the problem. I'm trying to understand all aspects of this and I'm interested in your comment.
Field Flower the reason single payer is better is because single payer will give people the FREEDOM OF CHOICE for doctors, a much more important freedom than choosing which company is going to price gouge you. It is also better because single payer is cheaper for most Americans aside from the mega wealthy because the government doesn’t have a profit motive.
@@UrAnIgnorant The Swiss don't have 40% obesity. Any time you point out a country that is doing it better, you have to take into account that almost every other country's population is healthier than America's.
You can have both private and government funded public healthcare operate at the same time. We have it here in Australia. Works well everyone gets looks after. Its way cheaper than USA.
Matthew Wilson no but thats what insurence is for. insurince is for people who plan ahead so when something terrible does happen and they need care for their health they saved up money from when they were healthy
Addison Drake not everyone is always healthy, and being injured or sick can come at any time. You can be playing it smart right now but get sick or injured and still not have enough money saved.
@@rajashashankgutta4334 And how does the hospital or provider know what to quote if they do not have a good idea of what is needed. My auto mechanic says bring it in and I'll tell you what I will do.
JJoe look up the sources in the video from PewResearchCenter you can clearly see the rise of Single Payer Support while Bernie’s Primary’s. And let’s be real hear nearly all Bernie’s and AOC‘s policies are already implemented here in Europe, universal Healthcare exists here in Germany already about for nearly 140 years. And we still are Capitalist...
Animals also need universal healthcare for them all - There have been 110 Universal healthcare Nations ( UHN) on this Earth… since its Creation… Healthcare right granted by God… We - American people - are human… These UHN are poorer than America …
Think of this like a fire dept but that fire dept is private. And will only work if government or you put coins in it. If that fire dept doesn't have enough customer , then it will close..And government won't be able to do anything....Which is exactly what happens in rural areas in America, **hospitals are shutting down.** Single payer on the other hand allows firefighter to be paid fixed salaries so they don't have to worry about payments at all. And will provide you service regardless.
Healthcare isn't something that corporations should compete about. It's a fundamental right for every human being, not just for the few. That's not socialism it's just humanity and taking good care for your people. Ryan and the GOP and also some democrats are in the pocket of those big pharmacies.
Conny Bartels It’s not a right. We have a human right to affordable healthcare, which most do. We also have a human right to have our own things, something that single payer healthcare takes away by forcing you to pay people at gunpoint.
Conny Bartels when corporations compete for healthcare, it drives prices down, takes the burden off the economy and tax payers, increases incentives for doctors to work harder (because they can earn more money) - meaning more people becoming doctors and a higher quality of work being delivered, and increases the overall quality and efficiency of receiving healthcare. Privatised healthcare is not healthcare for the few, it’s healthcare at an extremely affordable price with a high degree of quality for EVERYONE.
You’re a jackass if you really believe that. Crying it’s a human right is pathetic. If it costs money it’s not a right: Free market for health care and the prices drop dramatically.
Says who? Who defines a human right? Are you telling me Doctors, Nurses or any medical practitioner should be at your whim? Health Care is somewhere in between a luxury or a necessity. It's a a service and should be treated as such.
Public health care is like universal public education from PK to high school. It was unheard of before to spend tens of thousands of dollars in higher education as it is true today. My higher education expenses in the 70s were so low that it was very affordable for students. Now, the tuition in public higher education is not affordable to ordinary Americans and they are forced to take loans. That was unheard of during my time. There are certain areas we need to keep public, public roads, public education, public parks, public sidewalks, and public health care, and more... I think these are not perks but necessary funding so that the citizens are smart and healthy and can create ideas that could propel our economy into a thriving economy.
Medicare for all means doctor, nurses, and administrative staff will have their pay significantly cut. In Scadinavia, the average pay of a doctor is $45,000 USD.
Scandavania has like 4 countries...I am not sure which one are you talking about. Also I don't even get where you found the number from . It is also much cheaper to become doctor in other nations . You don't have to go through University, rather directly to Medical School. As for administrative staff , yes, a lot of it is unnecessary cost. Much of the money hospitals make go to the shareholder rather than doctors or nurses. Entire departments are made to process insurance claims....
Single payer seems the better of the two since 28 million US citizens don't have healthcare and the paying individual always have to make up the lost revenue through increases of private health care insurance premiums, prescription medicines, all the fees associated with a doctor visit and other costs. Single payer is the way to go.
The problem with that free market horseshit when it comes to healthcare is that there are no corporations competing to cover the sickest people at an affordable price. How many insurance companies are fighting over who gets to cover cancer patients? Oh, that's right. Zero of them. In fact, they do the opposite and kick them off when they get sick or won't take them on without being legally forced to do so. Free market healthcare means "corporations are free to let you die or go bankrupt". And choice in healthcare? Who has any choice anymore? If you are lucky, you get it from your company but you have no choice in which provider they offer or what coverage plan they allow. If you are unemployed (and not already wealthy), you are already priced out of any coverage. Full price insurance is insanely expensive. "Choice" is a fantasy (well, actually a lie).
As it turns out sick and injured people aren’t so good at negotiating prices on their own. If the government gave contracts to whichever company can provide a medication at the lowest price that gives those companies a powerful incentive to be competitive.
I don't care if its a right or a priviledge to have healthcare. The important thing is that people can get help when needed. I read on RUclips someone with a broken foot caring for themselves. The politicians give themselves raises every year and are sooo overpaid and over privileged, yet Americans dont have necessary healthcare. Its time to cut their pay and put it towards single payer for Americans. Bernie Sanders is not your friend.
Bernie Sanders may not be our friend, but his campaign is centered around getting Medicare for all, which is perhaps the most practical way of achieving what you are suggesting.
With single payer you are actually growing the government. Since the government would be running health care it would require a federal agency to run the program. Most likely they would expand the Department of Health and Services or could possibly create a department for Medicaid Medicare services. That grows more bureaucracy and lobby groups. Since the state isn't running it maybe it won't be run under the DMV model.
American health care costs are going up because Americans don't watch what they eat. I see obese people everywhere! Also, Name one government agency in the U.S. that is good at controlling costs- Please tell me.
@Benghazi gaming You should look at the average wait times to see a specialist in places like Canada. It's 19 weeks. That's could mean 19 weeks without being able to work if you need a non threatening surgery such as hip or back surgery. Then another who knows how many weeks to get that actual surgery done. That's common in socialized medicine because the citizens only want to pay x amount for medical in taxes which cuts down how many facilities and services are available to them. You never have that problem in private. The US currently has the lowest wait time for specialists and elective surgeries. I fucked up my back and it took me 3 days to see a GP, 1 week to see a Specialist and another day to start PT. In places like Canada I would be low priority and would have been out of work for a long long time.
Ya I know. It's a real problem. Luckily I'm not one of them since I eat well and exercise. It's not just the US though. The UK, China, Japan and other countries are seeing large rises in obesity and cardiovascular diseases. It's our lifestyle change and the way we operate in the workplace. Technology has made it all too easy to be sedentary.
I honestly think that if we finally get Universal Healthcare here in the U.S., then maybe we should follow the model of either Australia, Switzerland or Thailand, because they use both the single-payer and free market systems to keep it cheap, yet fast at the same time, which is an absolute bonus.
If citizens want “free” healthcare they should be held to a basic standard of preventative measures. Drug abuse, overweight, bad diet should not be tax payer funded.
We have already done this - it's called the VA and you can see how well that turned out. My wife's grandfather, who served in WWII died of a heart attack in the emergency room after waiting 6 months to get an appointment and get his heart checked. I've also lived in England. Paid 60% in taxes, so I could get "Free Healthcare" and still have to wait 3 months for appointments. If we do this here - nothing good will come of it. In fact,. I hope to god Bernie wins just so all you people that keep crying about this issue will shut the F#%k up when you find out your paying 45 or 50% of your income in taxes to support it - while doctors and medical professionals flee the career path, leaving you stranded. We are fighting for the same things - Affordable Healthcare - and I hate to break it to ya, but Insurance is not Healthcare. So, the next time you're at the doctors office with the kids - ask. Ask how much it'll be in case and you'll be surprised that you'd actually pay more if you use your insurance. I know this for a fact, because I asked about a weight loss procedure. It was $65,000 if I used insurance - 14 is I paid cash. Took the kid to the doctor for a virus, with a fever - 140 cash. 280 if I used insurance, of which only 140 was covered, leaving me with the 140 to pay anyway.
Though I sympathize with you, these anecdotal "evidences" are not reliable to apply as a blanket across the entire health care systems. VA blunders doesn't mean all single payer systems fail. Medicare is successful in lower costs for same procedures, for example. Many opposing individuals could provide similar anecdotes about going bankrupt from an illness and not having any health insurance at all or being charged 2-3 times more for the same procedures compared to other countries.
it took a lot of effort BUT single payer healthcare in nederland [including kids up to 18 years of age] cost me about 170 usd a month but has a max copay of 400 usd a year the same coverage in the usa will cost me over 2200 usd a month excluding all extra costs so if i have a car crash with broken bones ,hospital stay ,physical therapy ect in january get cancer treatment with operations , medication etc in april , need to go for dental care and eye glasses in may ,get heart surgery in augustus , and mental care for my depression in oktober with weekly counseling till december and even if my kids suffer the same fate our max cost would be 12 X 170 usd + 400 usd = 2440 usd and i get to choose the doctors and hospitals etc i get treatment from/at oh and before i would forget my job would be protected by law and all those months in hospital would mean i suffer a whopping net loss of 0 usd in income and i get to keep/spend my 37 payed vacation days that year how is this bad again for the average american ?
Wait 🤔 if the government pays for healthcare and raise taxes, then would there be no need for health insurance?? Therefore, shifting the cost of health insurance to the government making the perception of higher taxes resolved somewhat? Am I understanding this right? Cost = Health Insurance + Medical bills Same as Cost = Government Taxes + Medical bills
The fact that Greece has Universal Health Care and the USA does not should embarrass us. I have seen health care in Greece and in the USA in action. The Greek system is plain and no bells and whistles. Businesses would be unburdened and insurance is a dumb way to fund health care since you must pay the bureaucracy of insurance that provides no value added. The insurance companies burn up dollars figuring out how not to pay for services even though the people paid the bills in all cases. Everyone gets seen at the hosptial wheter they have health care or not, so what you have now is that the bill is jacked up on everyone to pay for those who cannot pay and on top of it you have the massive waste involved in billing and coding systems.
When I got sick in Brazil I went to the hospital. Thanks to your healthcare system they didn't charge me anything :). In my country (USA) they would've footed me with a huge bill. I will always thank Brazil for taking care of me. :)
Absolutely terrible video. Single payer would not bring pharmeceutical companies and hospitals into one system. It would only affect payers. The part about negotiation of health care costs (i think you were getting at pharma prices????) was irrelevant to the topic of single payer. This did nothing to elucidate the issues thay are at the crux of the debate over healthcare reform.
I used to be vaguely opposed to single payer, but it seems the only real opposition to it is ideological and somewhat simplistic ("Big gov't bad"). On practical and empirical grounds I really can't find any fault with the general premise, and the details could surely be worked out.
Why? Where is this mentioned in our constitution or other laws? How would we be able to escape government corruption from forcing everyone to buy into this program? Why do we need to expand our government? How will it lower to cost for health related issues? There are already tons of options available, people are unaware or not taking those options? This plays along with everyone having a victim mentality and is not a way to think if you want you and your family to get ahead financially.
I'm for universal healthcare but not single payer. A public option is not a bad idea and a complete regulation redo needs to become completed to give insurance companies and the government for negotiation leverage. Opening up private insurance company's to the whole country would improve competition quite a lot. Of course if you opt into a private insurance plan then you should no longer have to pay into the public option. The public option would be the default and just taken out of your taxes.
@@thomast3570 Under subsidized higher learning, the quality of education have been lowering, meanwhile prices have consistently risen. The latest wealth transfer scheme took $billions from the productive working class and gave it to mostly the upper middle class. This method is a failure in both the outcome and morality regardless of intention.
Two comments: first, the fed gov't is not known for efficiency or quality of services; already we see Medicare as bankrupt and a service neither physicians nor patients want. Second, what's wrong with letting the market provide health care and get the gov't out of it? Insurance companies will lower prices via competition and/or providing more for the same premium. As a footnote, many hospitals have Indigent payment plans where part or all of the cost of services is waived, depending on the patient's income. I have yet to get a sensible answer from those who want the gov't to provide for my health care.
Why would providers provide services at a loss if that is where competition leads them? The discount hospitals give is often based on federal supports -DSH.
I am Not Sure if the American Government Should be Trusted With a Healthcare System for the Citizens - I Do Agree With a way For Everybody to Have Healthcare - The Insurance Moguls are Against it
Italy has single-payer healthcare. They are now rationing ventilators. If you're over 60, and can't breathe. Tough noogies, you're on your own. Way to go socialized healthcare.
I am retired. my former employer pays $1200/mo and I pay $600/mo . Medical, Drugs , dental , vision"The Cadillac Plan" , No deductible and very low copays. I worked 20yrs for $65K instead of $150K.I worked For true INSURANCE( and a pension).
What "choice" of hospital do you have when you have a heart attack, you're unconcious, you were involved in an accident, or other life-threatening medical emergency?
Government is so efficient already with our tax dollars.... wake up people, we weren’t founded on big brother holding our hands through everything and completely taking away personal responsibility.
Bernie' s plan would only cover insurance, it wouldn't cover hospitals and doctor pay like the UK. It's a good plan. It's a middle ground between Canada's system and The UK. Kinda like France
If we ever have Single Payer, the VA would go out of business. Saw a study that single payer would cost over 32 trillion. How much does it cost for medical insurance to cover ONLY 20 % now. Single payer would not be free .
32 trillion is a lot of money, but the current system costs even more. Exactly how the system would be run and how that would affect the VA depends. It could hypothetically be merged into the new single payer system, but it could also remain as it is. Why would the VA have to go out of business? And nobody is saying that single payer healthcare is literally free. It would be tax-funded. The hospitals can remain private. The doctors can remain private. Single payer just means that there's one insurer - the government.
More government intervention in healthcare will lead to a horrible Medicaid insurance coverage system for most and VIP healthcare for the top 1-5% who can afford it. Don’t kid yourselves, having insurance doesn’t mean you get healthcare services, it jus means you get an insurance card.
So how much would it increase an individuals taxes.... We pay 14-16% right now just out of our income. When adding in healthcare its more like 25% so what would the new tax bracket be?
5 лет назад
I don't know how much the average income American would pay. in taxes if the US wherever to introduce a single payer UHC but one thing I'm certain of is it if the US ever did manage to introduce such a system you wouldn't Not have to pay anything like the crippling healthcare premiums and costs you now pay in the system you have. When you include the cost of your own HC don't forget you also pay in taxes for the health care needs of millions of your citizens.
This didn’t break down anything. It gave a broad overview. Completely and utterly useless on explaining hell single payer works and why. If you’re going to claim to break something down, then break it down properly.
How you going to pay for it. Quality then gos to hell. I don't want corrupt dems in control of healthcare. Why does everyone come here for care? because its better!
Nightingale we already have the best military in the world but you want us to also pay for a system that is anti american values the people seem to hate and is super expincive. we dont have unlimited money we are EXTREAMLY in debt
Would America's Injured Workers lose out on 2/3rds of our Grand Bargain? Would Injured Workers be COST SHIFTED for medical care while losing out on time loss and Vocational services?
Well from the right-wing side someone should be actively telling them exactly how their Concepts have Merit but can only work if you continue that further into undoing what is effectively the same thing as the government's involvement and how pharmaceutical companies put up an anti-competitive barrier Advair for establish similar sets of force on standardization in the insurance providers industry that then leads to the hands being tied by the medical providers. One way or another they need to undo what can be seen in this analogy. At a grocery store the people that sell the vegetables have made so many deals over the years with a Acer identity we will refer to as a membership program. So this membership program talks like it's offering a discount but what it really is doing is strong-arming the grocery store from being able to sell at lower prices. Do I even though let's say the grocery store has their own farm and they make the milk themselves they still have to sell that milk at $20 a gallon unless somebody has a membership. Even to wear in some cases people go to the checkout and successfully buy the eggs they wanted for $5 but then get a bill later after they left the store for $800
Why dont you try all your suggestion..exmple single payer for l.a private for hou.etc then after 3 to 5 years compare whos the best system then implement to never know whose beyter if you dont try it
Hi i just liked to call in i have this cancer and liked to ask for an offer of treatment ... okay it's 200.thousand at least but you have to check back if i can get this offer in the next 3 or 4 month or if i have to wait a bit longer .. i will think about it and call you back ...and look for another offer ... thats the way you do it ...
How can I get a job on one of those single payer death panels?? I'll double that income by taking kick backs...good health for all? Nope. Super high taxes and corruption? That's the ticket!
I feel like everyone just ignored the quality of the us healthcare while complaining about the pricing. The US health care is expensive because we only let the best of the best to become doctors. We have the best quality of healthcare in the world. I have a aunt who used to be a anesthesiologist in Canada and she said she has to be responsible for 24 patient who is hospitalised and in recovery. I don't know about you guys, but I don't want bad quality of our healthcare system.
I just talked about my health condition two weeks ago and I got so many Americans thinking I was being sarcastic. I just want to say I am healthy as a horse again. Then the American insulted me for my accent Despite me speaking proper north American English, although People say I apologize way too much LOL
you forgot to mention about how Single payer health care says that the government has the right to take a way the money that I earned and give it to someone who doesn't put in the same work ethic that I put in
Enoch Johnson, your right, it is a conservative response, but that doesn't make it any less true. You work hard for your money. You put in long hours for it. It's yours! so why should they tell you that they have a right to your money? Enoch, charity is one thing. You seem like the kind of person who'd be fine with giving some money to charity. And I support that. It's one thing to give some of your money away wholeheartedly and it's another thing for the government to demand that you give it to them at gun point. The prior is a selfless act of generosity, and the latter by definition is stealing.
The government takes out that money before you even get your paycheck. Its just that whenever something that is meant to help the those not fortunate that I see people say "how we gonna pay for it?" Or " I don't want my tax money going to these 'lazy' people" but I never heard anybody say these things whenever we go to war. Suddenly people are okay with their tax money going into war, even though we already have the largest army in the history of this planet. We send billions of dollars every year to Israel( for their army) but once we want the people in this country to be a little better people feel like their " money" should not go to the likes of these so called " lazy" people. I mean I don't care if someone may have to use a little of my tax payer money to get a meal or get some clothes, I'd rather that then fund a pointless war that will only cause destruction. Just how I see things.
Enoch, I get ya, but that 's charity. When you don't mind that the government takes a little out for the lower income people, that's something you could do of your own free will. But you don't need "big brother" to make that choice for you. It would be like your employer docking your pay to help feed the homeless guy outside of your place of work. That's something you should decide to do with your money yourself. In the end, there are lots of people that are more than wiling to give money to the needy, after all that's what charity is about. And that's fine, what I have a problem with is the government forcing people who don't want to give there money away to do so. Really I 'd even go as far as to ask, how much good social programs are doing. Instead of just trying to give people money, wouldn't it be better to teach those people how to be financially stable? I agree with you, these people aren't "lazy" by a long shot. They put in more work than some CEOs, but just because their working hard doesn't mean their working smart. A lot of people really put themselves in financial pickles. And I don't think it's fair to take the money away from those who were financially smart with their money without their permission.
If that person is hurt yes they'd get some of the money you put in. Just like when you get hurt someone that earns more than you and has an even better work ethic will have to give money for your lazier ass lesser earning ass
When the GOP along with the Democrats continue to fund a blotted military budget, that's big government and more taxes. If you can't trust the government on domestic affairs, why would you trust them when it comes to the D.O.D? The veterans do not benefit from this as the Department of Veteran Affairs is separate. When bills like the Patriot Act are payed for and put at the expense of the citizen, that's big government. When you have an entire educational system dependent on a handful of politicians and lobbyists rather than being inclusive to the public open for direct democracy, that's big government. When a few members of the FCC repeal Net Neutrality without your vote, that's big government. When private companies like Pearson get hundreds of millions in educational funds for publishing state tests after lobbying to politicians which lead to poor curriculum changes and school budget cuts, that's big government. When corporations get subsidies, bailouts, tax breaks, and lawyers from the government with your tax money, that's big government. These are things both parties are guilty of. They're both bought and under the influence of the D.O.D who continue to disappoint the veterans that fought for their agenda.
When you have veterans live in the street while some suffer with untreated injuries or PTSD, children lose their life because their insurance them, people on life support lose their life for the same reason, you have to realize that there is a problem in the U.S healthcare system. You pay more than you should for prescription drugs and for your insurance just to get you a checkup, when it has been proven that the taxes towards universal healthcare would cost less than what you pay towards insurance and the taxes deducted from you income to fund medicaid/veteran healthcare. The politicians that are nay say universal healthcare have the best healthcare in the country and go to Bethesda thanks to your tax payer money as pharma and insurance companies fund them to keep the broken healthcare system in place. You're paying more than you should in health insurance while paying for taxes that barely go back to the people. Look up what your taxes go to. They want to cut Social Security despite you spent your working life paying towards that, and they say you're not entitled to what you paid for. Americans should be occupying DC for universal healthcare.
I read all of what you said and I’m telling you you are wrong I don’t believe it I know it, I pay exactly 134.57 a month my tax for healthcare would triple with this because It would pay for millions not putting in. Like I asked you where’s the money going to come from, without hurting the US Citizen? It’s will not work!!
Wrong I respect your opinion but it is a fact that this idea would bankrupt the USA unless you had a HUGE tax increase and I oppose that it’s unbelievable that anyone who pays taxes would say “Sure raise my taxes so I can pay for everyone’s bill even the ones that refuse to work”. The Democrats ship is sinking with these ideas.
When I was on Medicare things were free that they should not have been. We shouldn't get free stuff but it should be a small fraction of our disposable income
this is socialized medicine. talk to Canadians older than 45 and see what they think about the wait for care/treatment is. gee, I bet their illegals are at the bare minimum.
Except people don't often die because of waiting times, whereas a lot of Americans die because they don't go to the hospital out of fear of bankruptcy.
Did you ever take public transportation, drive on freeways, hike or camp in public state parks? Did you attend public schools? How about walk on sidewalks. That's where your tax money goes. What we need is for more citizens to have a say on what to do with collected taxes. Let's use that to strengthen our infrastructures, to expand our public health care to all citizens, just like universal public education is for all like from pre Kindergarten to college. There are areas we need to keep away from commodity category. If millions of Americans do not have health care, that has to change.
@@MaryBeth321123 First, Califonia had various proposed ways to pay for it, it was lobbying that stopped it from being past as the speaker, Anthony Rendon shut down the debate. Secondly, there would be no financial strain because the thousands that the average American pays a year for coverage is replaced with a tax that will cost less year. Lastly, the government will not run the hospital or control your health care, it will just pay for it.
@@MaryBeth321123 America isn't going bankrupt on freeways because it's simply not paying for the upkeep: the gasoline tax hasn't been raised to keep up with inflation since 1993. Also, leaving the moral issue aside, paying for someone else's medication keeps that someone healthy and therefore more productive, which is overall good for the economy. Preventive care is also much cheaper than emergency care, so if everybody went to the doctor as soon as they're feeling sick, rather than waiting for it to get worse because they don't have health insurance, the costs would go down. Furthermore, there's a point to be made that the worry about losing healthcare coverage, especially for those who have family members under their plan, can discourage people from pursuing different careers they might be better at. Too much safety net might make people lazy, but too little makes them afraid to take chances, and we know the United States were founded on enterpreneurship. Just some thoughts. Cheers.
What if I don't want to pay for other people's healthcare? I'm in great shape and eat healthy. I don't want to pay for overweight unemployed people. America has the highest density of obese people. Why shod I have to pay for that?
I have health care, Medicare a and b . We do not have quality health care in this country. Gready big pharma, and high medical costs for any medical treatment. So pay but don't use.
In single payer the government pays for healthcare, not insurance. Insurance is not healthcare. Insurance is a way to pay for healthcare.
Luke Blevins not necessarily, insurances would cover expenses that the government doesn't cover. In countries like Canada and England there are both universal healthcare and insurances
Not totally but even if so, good.
There is a case to be made to have a system like France that enables universal health care, but allows insurance to be available to cover more esoteric areas of health services like accessing state of the art reconstructive services like bone and dental. However, if the people of the countries that signed on to the Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 were to organize a comprehensive strategy to make lowest prices and best quality of products to become the standard of care, we could have a genuine public interest based health system.
Randy Kappe US has a lot of private hospitals compared to public. The problem with private healthcare providers is that there is a higher chance of fraud and incorrect billing which is government cannot regulate it properly.
The private industry is there to make a profit, and how do you make a profit? Deny coverage whenever possible
We need to reform healthcare. Prices are unnecessarily high and gofundme isn't the solution for those struggling to pay.
They're high because of government regulation. You want acceptable prices? Let capitalism take over. The premise of it is that competition will bring out the best services at the most reasonable price.
@@jmunday7811 you're right, but it's better than the socialist country that doesn't have the life saving procedures. Or the extraordinarily long wait time. The reason why it's so expensive is the grip that the government has on everything.
@@jmunday7811 Europe is on it's way to Socialism. Everyone of you are just letting them take your rights and imprison ya for talking. Canada has a socialized healthcare system and is moderately comparable to the US. But no one talks about how terrible their cancer treatment and screening are. The drawbacks to socialized healthcare are your new disease treatment is awful. And you can thank capitalism for all of any of your treatment for diseases because that's where it comes from.
@@jmunday7811 yeah but right now a lot of costs are not emergencies, but things like chronic illnesses. Right now it’s hospitals charging a lot of treatments that are the reason for high costs. That’s because there is a lot of consolidation in the healthcare industry.
Single payer health care pays everyone’s health , such as injuries that needs treatment and people that can’t afford that needs public tax money
i live in toronto and I was snowmobiling last weekend and I got frostbite. I woke up Monday morning looking like a zombie. I went to the walk-in clinic to check my face and make sure there is no permanent damage. I ended up waiting two hours but the doctor told me that there was no damage and my face should be normal in a week or two. I am so thankful for our healthcare system because in the United States I would just ignore it to save the fee.
Absolutely true. Not to mention even the better health insurance in the U.S fails to cover all your costs often, leaving you with a massive copay. So many people I know and work with, almost all college educated and all of them full time workers, get screwed so hard from their health insurance. The U.S does not even rank that high in healthcare. So much of congress speaks against universal healthcare, yet they get the best health care from tax payers as they have the best doctors in Bethesda. I would rather pay more in taxes to get quality healthcare in a universal healthcare system then continue to fund these insurance companies that profit from people's hard times.
@mellamosean Well I am quitting the internet on that note. That's what I get for reading sarcasm in a Canadian accent.
mellamosean You know what my point is I have been really sick this winter and over the last three weeks I have visited the doctor every single week. What’s wrong with that?
mellamosean I look perfectly normal now. My skin just had to re-grow. But I am happy that I waited that two hours because the doctor told me not to touch my face at all, where as my fiancé wanted me to put a hot mask on I’m not one of just irritated my face
@@tucker12435 How long to the people in Toronto have to wait for surgery? We in the USA usually only have to wait a few weeks. Does the universal healthcare cause you to have to wait months for surgery?
I don't think your bank balance should be a factor when determining whether or not somebody deserves to live or die
Devils advocate. Why arent you living in a hostel on a permanent basis funding kids in syria
It’s not. It’s instead just a matter of weather you get rid of your house afterward
The function of private healthcare insurance company is to make CEO and Boardroom Executives richer and give generous bonuses by squeezing healthcare quality of its customers. All while your healthcare costs go up.
Whether you are liberal or conservative, that’s not a system that anyone wants.
I'm going to call it. The #1 issue deciding the next 2020 president is healthcare.
Lol the no1 issue will be trump
@@depressedessendonfan5702 Trump is not issue he is person
My money is on gun ownership
Slim nah that was one of the main issues in the last election
if socialism works we would all end up like Venezuela - recession + hyperinflation
My personal suggestions;
I would roll Medicare and Medicaid into one, to reduce duplication in admin, and so that the old, poor, and disabled are all covered under one single-payer institution, rather than spread across several. Maybe also include CHIP and the VA in this merger as well.
The next part would be to allow individuals and employers to buy into Medicare, so Medicare is their health plan, instead of their previous insurer. This would be optional btw, so people who are happy with their current plan can stick with it.
A good way to get the ball rolling here would be for the Federal Govt to transfer all its employees (almost 3 million) onto the Medicare buy-in plan, and encourage State and City govts to do the same with their civil servants.
After that, allow Medicare to negotiate with hospitals and drug companies to achieve the lowest possible price for services and drugs respectively. Currently, Medicare isn't allowed to do this, which is mad, as even before people buy in, a combined Medicare-Medicaid would cover over 100 million Americans, and would have huge bargaining power to haggle costs down.
This would mean that for the old, poor, and disabled, there is a single-payer system. For everyone else, there is a robust public alternative to private insurers, but they aren't forced to use it if they don't want. This would also create competition for those private insurers, as they would have to be careful to not piss people off by denying them coverage.
End that with indavidual accountability. Until then won't work
What about Single payer instead of the Public option bullshit?
This will probably please both sides of the aisle.
@@trolljones4386 I'm just throwing ideas around of whats politically possible, and could form a strong base for future alterations.
I'm not American btw, from NZ where we do have a public system, just another outsider who thinks America's health system is mad.
My proposed system actually isn't a million miles off from heavily regulated and price controlled insurance systems used in many European countries, such as Germany.
@@REAL-UNKNOWN-SHINOBI ideologically, in theory yes, but the reality is that private insurers, hospitals and drug companies would see the writing on the wall, that the bargaining power of such a Medicare merger would whittle their profit margins down from the obscene levels they currently enjoy, and would put all their lobbyists to work on both sides of the aisle to bury it.
After all, won't someone think of the billionaires?!? (cue Steve Buscemi playing the world's smallest violin)
The problem with all of this is they are trying to work out a plan that keeps insurance companies
check how the swiss do it.
Help me understand why keeping the health insurance option is the problem. I'm trying to understand all aspects of this and I'm interested in your comment.
Field Flower the reason single payer is better is because single payer will give people the FREEDOM OF CHOICE for doctors, a much more important freedom than choosing which company is going to price gouge you. It is also better because single payer is cheaper for most Americans aside from the mega wealthy because the government doesn’t have a profit motive.
@@UrAnIgnorant The Swiss don't have 40% obesity. Any time you point out a country that is doing it better, you have to take into account that almost every other country's population is healthier than America's.
You can have both private and government funded public healthcare operate at the same time. We have it here in Australia. Works well everyone gets looks after. Its way cheaper than USA.
Same in Italy.
Like health Care is something we can "shop around" for.
Matthew Wilson no but thats what insurence is for. insurince is for people who plan ahead so when something terrible does happen and they need care for their health they saved up money from when they were healthy
Addison Drake not everyone is always healthy, and being injured or sick can come at any time. You can be playing it smart right now but get sick or injured and still not have enough money saved.
@@punctuationman334 I would rather that risk.
You can if you are suffering from non emergency health conditions.
@@rajashashankgutta4334 And how does the hospital or provider know what to quote if they do not have a good idea of what is needed. My auto mechanic says bring it in and I'll tell you what I will do.
Imagine if Bernie never ran. This video would have never been made
JJoe look up the sources in the video from PewResearchCenter you can clearly see the rise of Single Payer Support while Bernie’s Primary’s.
And let’s be real hear nearly all Bernie’s and AOC‘s policies are already implemented here in Europe, universal Healthcare exists here in Germany already about for nearly 140 years.
And we still are Capitalist...
@@sharann3482 thank you!
Animals also need universal healthcare for them all - There have been 110 Universal healthcare Nations ( UHN) on this Earth… since its Creation… Healthcare right granted by God… We - American people - are human… These UHN are poorer than America …
At PNguyen yet they can afford it and you guys not🤷♂️
@@sharann3482 That is why you now have an immigration problem. People want to take advantage of your healthcare
Think of this like a fire dept but that fire dept is private. And will only work if government or you put coins in it. If that fire dept doesn't have enough customer , then it will close..And government won't be able to do anything....Which is exactly what happens in rural areas in America, **hospitals are shutting down.**
Single payer on the other hand allows firefighter to be paid fixed salaries so they don't have to worry about payments at all. And will provide you service regardless.
I don't mind single-payer as long as you allow private healthcare options as well
@bryanatwku the non earners need a t job
same here
Single payer healthcare system is the best, everyone tax needs to pay for people who are injured and needs help, no papers needed
Healthcare isn't something that corporations should compete about. It's a fundamental right for every human being, not just for the few. That's not socialism it's just humanity and taking good care for your people. Ryan and the GOP and also some democrats are in the pocket of those big pharmacies.
Conny Bartels It’s not a right. We have a human right to affordable healthcare, which most do. We also have a human right to have our own things, something that single payer healthcare takes away by forcing you to pay people at gunpoint.
Conny Bartels when corporations compete for healthcare, it drives prices down, takes the burden off the economy and tax payers, increases incentives for doctors to work harder (because they can earn more money) - meaning more people becoming doctors and a higher quality of work being delivered, and increases the overall quality and efficiency of receiving healthcare.
Privatised healthcare is not healthcare for the few, it’s healthcare at an extremely affordable price with a high degree of quality for EVERYONE.
You’re a jackass if you really believe that. Crying it’s a human right is pathetic. If it costs money it’s not a right:
Free market for health care and the prices drop dramatically.
Says who? Who defines a human right? Are you telling me Doctors, Nurses or any medical practitioner should be at your whim? Health Care is somewhere in between a luxury or a necessity. It's a a service and should be treated as such.
Public health care is like universal public education from PK to high school. It was unheard of before to spend tens of thousands of dollars in higher education as it is true today. My higher education expenses in the 70s were so low that it was very affordable for students. Now, the tuition in public higher education is not affordable to ordinary Americans and they are forced to take loans. That was unheard of during my time. There are certain areas we need to keep public, public roads, public education, public parks, public sidewalks, and public health care, and more... I think these are not perks but necessary funding so that the citizens are smart and healthy and can create ideas that could propel our economy into a thriving economy.
Medicare for all means doctor, nurses, and administrative staff will have their pay significantly cut. In Scadinavia, the average pay of a doctor is $45,000 USD.
Exactly. Because the government sets the rates for paying for all services, doctors and nurses cannot negotiate their pay.
Scandavania has like 4 countries...I am not sure which one are you talking about. Also I don't even get where you found the number from .
It is also much cheaper to become doctor in other nations . You don't have to go through University, rather directly to Medical School.
As for administrative staff , yes, a lot of it is unnecessary cost. Much of the money hospitals make go to the shareholder rather than doctors or nurses. Entire departments are made to process insurance claims....
There's no such country called Scandinavia.
Single payer seems the better of the two since 28 million US citizens don't have healthcare and the paying individual always have to make up the lost revenue through increases of private health care insurance premiums, prescription medicines, all the fees associated with a doctor visit and other costs. Single payer is the way to go.
Sugar Cane-I agree that single-payer would be better then medicare for all
The problem with that free market horseshit when it comes to healthcare is that there are no corporations competing to cover the sickest people at an affordable price. How many insurance companies are fighting over who gets to cover cancer patients? Oh, that's right. Zero of them. In fact, they do the opposite and kick them off when they get sick or won't take them on without being legally forced to do so. Free market healthcare means "corporations are free to let you die or go bankrupt".
And choice in healthcare? Who has any choice anymore? If you are lucky, you get it from your company but you have no choice in which provider they offer or what coverage plan they allow. If you are unemployed (and not already wealthy), you are already priced out of any coverage. Full price insurance is insanely expensive. "Choice" is a fantasy (well, actually a lie).
As it turns out sick and injured people aren’t so good at negotiating prices on their own.
If the government gave contracts to whichever company can provide a medication at the lowest price that gives those companies a powerful incentive to be competitive.
maybe if we didn’t subsidize healthcare we would have cheaper prices with less repercussions
Less weapons and more heath care! Less foreign aid and more heath care!
I don't care if its a right or a priviledge to have healthcare. The important thing is that people can get help when needed. I read on RUclips someone with a broken foot caring for themselves. The politicians give themselves raises every year and are sooo overpaid and over privileged, yet Americans dont have necessary healthcare. Its time to cut their pay and put it towards single payer for Americans. Bernie Sanders is not your friend.
Bernie Sanders may not be our friend, but his campaign is centered around getting Medicare for all, which is perhaps the most practical way of achieving what you are suggesting.
I had no ins. for years, and never have been turned away. so people lie about the poor.
With single payer you are actually growing the government. Since the government would be running health care it would require a federal agency to run the program. Most likely they would expand the Department of Health and Services or could possibly create a department for Medicaid Medicare services. That grows more bureaucracy and lobby groups. Since the state isn't running it maybe it won't be run under the DMV model.
American health care costs are going up because Americans don't watch what they eat. I see obese people everywhere! Also, Name one government agency in the U.S. that is good at controlling costs- Please tell me.
That's partially true. It's preventable diseases and the uninsured using the ER as their healthcare plan.
@Benghazi gaming You should look at the average wait times to see a specialist in places like Canada. It's 19 weeks. That's could mean 19 weeks without being able to work if you need a non threatening surgery such as hip or back surgery. Then another who knows how many weeks to get that actual surgery done. That's common in socialized medicine because the citizens only want to pay x amount for medical in taxes which cuts down how many facilities and services are available to them. You never have that problem in private. The US currently has the lowest wait time for specialists and elective surgeries. I fucked up my back and it took me 3 days to see a GP, 1 week to see a Specialist and another day to start PT. In places like Canada I would be low priority and would have been out of work for a long long time.
@@thedude8526 50% percent of Americans suffer from one of three chronic diseases: Asthma, Heart Disease, and Diabetes
Ya I know. It's a real problem. Luckily I'm not one of them since I eat well and exercise. It's not just the US though. The UK, China, Japan and other countries are seeing large rises in obesity and cardiovascular diseases. It's our lifestyle change and the way we operate in the workplace. Technology has made it all too easy to be sedentary.
@@thedude8526 Yeah, I wish more people focused on their health
I honestly think that if we finally get Universal Healthcare here in the U.S., then maybe we should follow the model of either Australia, Switzerland or Thailand, because they use both the single-payer and free market systems to keep it cheap, yet fast at the same time, which is an absolute bonus.
If citizens want “free” healthcare they should be held to a basic standard of preventative measures. Drug abuse, overweight, bad diet should not be tax payer funded.
All of those are the effects of being poor
And treatment for smokers?
We have already done this - it's called the VA and you can see how well that turned out. My wife's grandfather, who served in WWII died of a heart attack in the emergency room after waiting 6 months to get an appointment and get his heart checked. I've also lived in England. Paid 60% in taxes, so I could get "Free Healthcare" and still have to wait 3 months for appointments. If we do this here - nothing good will come of it. In fact,. I hope to god Bernie wins just so all you people that keep crying about this issue will shut the F#%k up when you find out your paying 45 or 50% of your income in taxes to support it - while doctors and medical professionals flee the career path, leaving you stranded.
We are fighting for the same things - Affordable Healthcare - and I hate to break it to ya, but Insurance is not Healthcare. So, the next time you're at the doctors office with the kids - ask. Ask how much it'll be in case and you'll be surprised that you'd actually pay more if you use your insurance. I know this for a fact, because I asked about a weight loss procedure. It was $65,000 if I used insurance - 14 is I paid cash. Took the kid to the doctor for a virus, with a fever - 140 cash. 280 if I used insurance, of which only 140 was covered, leaving me with the 140 to pay anyway.
And it's all true.
Though I sympathize with you, these anecdotal "evidences" are not reliable to apply as a blanket across the entire health care systems. VA blunders doesn't mean all single payer systems fail. Medicare is successful in lower costs for same procedures, for example. Many opposing individuals could provide similar anecdotes about going bankrupt from an illness and not having any health insurance at all or being charged 2-3 times more for the same procedures compared to other countries.
You have any better arguments then using the VA as straw man?? You understand that it is a single providers plan, with no market choices?
it took a lot of effort BUT
single payer healthcare in nederland [including kids up to 18 years of age] cost me about 170 usd a month but has a max copay of 400 usd a year
the same coverage in the usa will cost me over 2200 usd a month excluding all extra costs
so if i have a car crash with broken bones ,hospital stay ,physical therapy ect in january
get cancer treatment with operations , medication etc in april , need to go for dental care and eye glasses in may ,get heart surgery in augustus , and mental care for my depression in oktober with weekly counseling till december
and even if my kids suffer the same fate our max cost would be
12 X 170 usd + 400 usd = 2440 usd
and i get to choose the doctors and hospitals etc i get treatment from/at
oh and before i would forget my job would be protected by law and all those months in hospital would mean i suffer a whopping net loss of 0 usd in income
and i get to keep/spend my 37 payed vacation days that year
how is this bad again for the average american ?
Wait 🤔 if the government pays for healthcare and raise taxes, then would there be no need for health insurance?? Therefore, shifting the cost of health insurance to the government making the perception of higher taxes resolved somewhat? Am I understanding this right?
Cost = Health Insurance + Medical bills
Same as
Cost = Government Taxes + Medical bills
jeep23862 What would you suggest would be a better healthcare system?
The fact that Greece has Universal Health Care and the USA does not should embarrass us. I have seen health care in Greece and in the USA in action. The Greek system is plain and no bells and whistles. Businesses would be unburdened and insurance is a dumb way to fund health care since you must pay the bureaucracy of insurance that provides no value added. The insurance companies burn up dollars figuring out how not to pay for services even though the people paid the bills in all cases. Everyone gets seen at the hosptial wheter they have health care or not, so what you have now is that the bill is jacked up on everyone to pay for those who cannot pay and on top of it you have the massive waste involved in billing and coding systems.
greece's economy is also in the middle of a huge collapse
Brazil has a universal health coverage, its the biggest country with it
When I got sick in Brazil I went to the hospital. Thanks to your healthcare system they didn't charge me anything :). In my country (USA) they would've footed me with a huge bill. I will always thank Brazil for taking care of me. :)
The problem with a medicare for all system seems like it would not pay for everything like the medicare program that we have now, am i correct?
Medicare for All would be a single payer health system. It would be an expanded and improved system which would include dental and vision care.
Absolutely terrible video. Single payer would not bring pharmeceutical companies and hospitals into one system. It would only affect payers. The part about negotiation of health care costs (i think you were getting at pharma prices????) was irrelevant to the topic of single payer. This did nothing to elucidate the issues thay are at the crux of the debate over healthcare reform.
Single payer means much more control over prices paid.
You cant compete for business choice when you are literally hostage to their services
Under single payer you have your choice of providers. Am I missing something here?
I used to be vaguely opposed to single payer, but it seems the only real opposition to it is ideological and somewhat simplistic ("Big gov't bad"). On practical and empirical grounds I really can't find any fault with the general premise, and the details could surely be worked out.
Universal healthcare for all! Healthcare is a right,not a privilege
Why? Where is this mentioned in our constitution or other laws? How would we be able to escape government corruption from forcing everyone to buy into this program? Why do we need to expand our government? How will it lower to cost for health related issues? There are already tons of options available, people are unaware or not taking those options? This plays along with everyone having a victim mentality and is not a way to think if you want you and your family to get ahead financially.
move to Cuba.
Mmm, smells like high school debate season 🤩🤩
I'm for universal healthcare but not single payer. A public option is not a bad idea and a complete regulation redo needs to become completed to give insurance companies and the government for negotiation leverage. Opening up private insurance company's to the whole country would improve competition quite a lot. Of course if you opt into a private insurance plan then you should no longer have to pay into the public option. The public option would be the default and just taken out of your taxes.
[Question] Without relying on competition, how will the government ensure that quality of medical services and technology continue to rise?
Single payer system, think Medicare, allows for a market choice of providers.
That method failed in higher education. It should be divested as soon as possible.
@@dragonhold4 Market system doesn't working in choosing colleges? A Princton isn't desirable? You entirely lost me.
Under subsidized higher learning, the quality of education have been lowering, meanwhile prices have consistently risen. The latest wealth transfer scheme took $billions from the productive working class and gave it to mostly the upper middle class.
This method is a failure in both the outcome and morality regardless of intention.
Universal coverage means everyone in the country has coverage, not just citizens.
Yup, them illegals again.
Two comments: first, the fed gov't is not known for efficiency or quality of services; already we see Medicare as bankrupt and a service neither physicians nor patients want. Second, what's wrong with letting the market provide health care and get the gov't out of it? Insurance companies will lower prices via competition and/or providing more for the same premium. As a footnote, many hospitals have Indigent payment plans where part or all of the cost of services is waived, depending on the patient's income. I have yet to get a sensible answer from those who want the gov't to provide for my health care.
Why would providers provide services at a loss if that is where competition leads them? The discount hospitals give is often based on federal supports -DSH.
I am Not Sure if the American Government Should be Trusted With a Healthcare System for the Citizens - I Do Agree With a way For Everybody to Have Healthcare - The Insurance Moguls are Against it
Italy has single-payer healthcare. They are now rationing ventilators. If you're over 60, and can't breathe. Tough noogies, you're on your own. Way to go socialized healthcare.
Hmm wonder if this gave a fair play on both sides of the debate...?
OUR Journalist need to ask what would Medicare FOR ALL mean for America's Injured Worker class?
Health insurance is a private decision for each individual.
No as it is alot better if it is a Single payer system as those systems are far better then the one in the USA.
No access, no insurances to decide on.
I am retired. my former employer pays $1200/mo and I pay $600/mo . Medical, Drugs , dental , vision"The Cadillac Plan" , No deductible and very low copays. I worked 20yrs for $65K instead of $150K.I worked For true INSURANCE( and a pension).
What "choice" of hospital do you have when you have a heart attack, you're unconcious, you were involved in an accident, or other life-threatening medical emergency?
Government is so efficient already with our tax dollars.... wake up people, we weren’t founded on big brother holding our hands through everything and completely taking away personal responsibility.
Bernie' s plan would only cover insurance, it wouldn't cover hospitals and doctor pay like the UK. It's a good plan. It's a middle ground between Canada's system and The UK. Kinda like France
Looking at an analysis for Sen. Sanders plan, I suggest looking at the Political Economy Research Institute analysis. Very insightful.
There needs to be more arguments on how things are and could be exploited
Healthcare is a right for all. Making people pay for rights is wrong.
If we ever have Single Payer, the VA would go out of business.
Saw a study that single payer would cost over 32 trillion. How much does it cost for medical insurance to cover ONLY 20 % now. Single payer would not be free .
32 trillion is a lot of money, but the current system costs even more. Exactly how the system would be run and how that would affect the VA depends. It could hypothetically be merged into the new single payer system, but it could also remain as it is. Why would the VA have to go out of business? And nobody is saying that single payer healthcare is literally free. It would be tax-funded. The hospitals can remain private. The doctors can remain private. Single payer just means that there's one insurer - the government.
More government intervention in healthcare will lead to a horrible Medicaid insurance coverage system for most and VIP healthcare for the top 1-5% who can afford it. Don’t kid yourselves, having insurance doesn’t mean you get healthcare services, it jus means you get an insurance card.
So how much would it increase an individuals taxes.... We pay 14-16% right now just out of our income. When adding in healthcare its more like 25% so what would the new tax bracket be?
I don't know how much the average income American would pay. in taxes if the US wherever to introduce a single payer UHC but one thing I'm certain of is it if the US ever did manage to introduce such a system you wouldn't Not have to pay anything like the crippling healthcare premiums and costs you now pay in the system you have.
When you include the cost of your own HC don't forget you also pay in taxes for the health care needs of millions of your citizens.
In Canada if you make 47000-100000 the tax rate is 26 percent. If you make less then 47000 I believe it's 20 percent
Great explanation!!!!
I like the concept...I don't think the government has the proficiency to implement it
This didn’t break down anything. It gave a broad overview. Completely and utterly useless on explaining hell single payer works and why. If you’re going to claim to break something down, then break it down properly.
How much does this cost the tax payer per year?
This is part of why we need Jared Polis in Colorado!
How about the VA that's another government instance that's it's letting their people. to die because of long waits and approvals
If the government doesn't provide free healthcare, would they cut my taxes?
american citizen . we'll see next April.
How you going to pay for it. Quality then gos to hell. I don't want corrupt dems in control of healthcare. Why does everyone come here for care? because its better!
That’s objectively false. They come for cosmetic treatment.
Nightingale we already have the best military in the world but you want us to also pay for a system that is anti american values the people seem to hate and is super expincive. we dont have unlimited money we are EXTREAMLY in debt
Would America's Injured Workers lose out on 2/3rds of our Grand Bargain? Would Injured Workers be COST SHIFTED for medical care while losing out on time loss and Vocational services?
Well from the right-wing side someone should be actively telling them exactly how their Concepts have Merit but can only work if you continue that further into undoing what is effectively the same thing as the government's involvement and how pharmaceutical companies put up an anti-competitive barrier Advair for establish similar sets of force on standardization in the insurance providers industry that then leads to the hands being tied by the medical providers.
One way or another they need to undo what can be seen in this analogy. At a grocery store the people that sell the vegetables have made so many deals over the years with a Acer identity we will refer to as a membership program. So this membership program talks like it's offering a discount but what it really is doing is strong-arming the grocery store from being able to sell at lower prices. Do I even though let's say the grocery store has their own farm and they make the milk themselves they still have to sell that milk at $20 a gallon unless somebody has a membership. Even to wear in some cases people go to the checkout and successfully buy the eggs they wanted for $5 but then get a bill later after they left the store for $800
Why dont you try all your suggestion..exmple single payer for l.a private for hou.etc then after 3 to 5 years compare whos the best system then implement to never know whose beyter if you dont try it
The ONLY questionable thing about the single payor health care is What kind of QUALITY care/ treatments and Drs. will we receive? ????
Yep. If it's cheaper then qaulity is the next question
lose the annoying "music"
Hi i just liked to call in i have this cancer and liked to ask for an offer of treatment ... okay it's 200.thousand at least but you have to check back if i can get this offer in the next 3 or 4 month or if i have to wait a bit longer .. i will think about it and call you back ...and look for another offer ... thats the way you do it ...
How can I get a job on one of those single payer death panels?? I'll double that income by taking kick backs...good health for all? Nope.
Super high taxes and corruption? That's the ticket!
Competing? LOL
I feel like everyone just ignored the quality of the us healthcare while complaining about the pricing. The US health care is expensive because we only let the best of the best to become doctors. We have the best quality of healthcare in the world. I have a aunt who used to be a anesthesiologist in Canada and she said she has to be responsible for 24 patient who is hospitalised and in recovery. I don't know about you guys, but I don't want bad quality of our healthcare system.
multi payer with government option! obamacare is a must
I just talked about my health condition two weeks ago and I got so many Americans thinking I was being sarcastic. I just want to say I am healthy as a horse again. Then the American insulted me for my accent Despite me speaking proper north American English, although People say I apologize way too much LOL
I guess it could work...
With TONS of public oversite.
And ending all these dumb
"Wars"...if that's what you wanna call them.
you forgot to mention about how Single payer health care says that the government has the right to take a way the money that I earned and give it to someone who doesn't put in the same work ethic that I put in
Typical conservative response.
Enoch Johnson, your right, it is a conservative response, but that doesn't make it any less true. You work hard for your money. You put in long hours for it. It's yours! so why should they tell you that they have a right to your money? Enoch, charity is one thing. You seem like the kind of person who'd be fine with giving some money to charity. And I support that. It's one thing to give some of your money away wholeheartedly and it's another thing for the government to demand that you give it to them at gun point. The prior is a selfless act of generosity, and the latter by definition is stealing.
The government takes out that money before you even get your paycheck. Its just that whenever something that is meant to help the those not fortunate that I see people say "how we gonna pay for it?" Or " I don't want my tax money going to these 'lazy' people" but I never heard anybody say these things whenever we go to war. Suddenly people are okay with their tax money going into war, even though we already have the largest army in the history of this planet. We send billions of dollars every year to Israel( for their army) but once we want the people in this country to be a little better people feel like their " money" should not go to the likes of these so called " lazy" people. I mean I don't care if someone may have to use a little of my tax payer money to get a meal or get some clothes, I'd rather that then fund a pointless war that will only cause destruction. Just how I see things.
Enoch, I get ya, but that 's charity. When you don't mind that the government takes a little out for the lower income people, that's something you could do of your own free will. But you don't need "big brother" to make that choice for you. It would be like your employer docking your pay to help feed the homeless guy outside of your place of work. That's something you should decide to do with your money yourself. In the end, there are lots of people that are more than wiling to give money to the needy, after all that's what charity is about. And that's fine, what I have a problem with is the government forcing people who don't want to give there money away to do so.
Really I 'd even go as far as to ask, how much good social programs are doing. Instead of just trying to give people money, wouldn't it be better to teach those people how to be financially stable? I agree with you, these people aren't "lazy" by a long shot. They put in more work than some CEOs, but just because their working hard doesn't mean their working smart. A lot of people really put themselves in financial pickles. And I don't think it's fair to take the money away from those who were financially smart with their money without their permission.
If that person is hurt yes they'd get some of the money you put in. Just like when you get hurt someone that earns more than you and has an even better work ethic will have to give money for your lazier ass lesser earning ass
So who pays for this? I pay for my insurance my health insurance perhaps grow up and buy it! Democrats = Huge government higher taxes grow up!
When the GOP along with the Democrats continue to fund a blotted military budget, that's big government and more taxes. If you can't trust the government on domestic affairs, why would you trust them when it comes to the D.O.D? The veterans do not benefit from this as the Department of Veteran Affairs is separate. When bills like the Patriot Act are payed for and put at the expense of the citizen, that's big government. When you have an entire educational system dependent on a handful of politicians and lobbyists rather than being inclusive to the public open for direct democracy, that's big government. When a few members of the FCC repeal Net Neutrality without your vote, that's big government. When private companies like Pearson get hundreds of millions in educational funds for publishing state tests after lobbying to politicians which lead to poor curriculum changes and school budget cuts, that's big government. When corporations get subsidies, bailouts, tax breaks, and lawyers from the government with your tax money, that's big government. These are things both parties are guilty of. They're both bought and under the influence of the D.O.D who continue to disappoint the veterans that fought for their agenda.
When you have veterans live in the street while some suffer with untreated injuries or PTSD, children lose their life because their insurance them, people on life support lose their life for the same reason, you have to realize that there is a problem in the U.S healthcare system. You pay more than you should for prescription drugs and for your insurance just to get you a checkup, when it has been proven that the taxes towards universal healthcare would cost less than what you pay towards insurance and the taxes deducted from you income to fund medicaid/veteran healthcare. The politicians that are nay say universal healthcare have the best healthcare in the country and go to Bethesda thanks to your tax payer money as pharma and insurance companies fund them to keep the broken healthcare system in place. You're paying more than you should in health insurance while paying for taxes that barely go back to the people. Look up what your taxes go to. They want to cut Social Security despite you spent your working life paying towards that, and they say you're not entitled to what you paid for. Americans should be occupying DC for universal healthcare.
Annnd I wrote a lot. Sorry to be that person on RUclips. Respect to you despite our disagreement. :)
I read all of what you said and I’m telling you you are wrong I don’t believe it I know it, I pay exactly 134.57 a month my tax for healthcare would triple with this because It would pay for millions not putting in. Like I asked you where’s the money going to come from, without hurting the US Citizen? It’s will not work!!
Wrong I respect your opinion but it is a fact that this idea would bankrupt the USA unless you had a HUGE tax increase and I oppose that it’s unbelievable that anyone who pays taxes would say “Sure raise my taxes so I can pay for everyone’s bill even the ones that refuse to work”. The Democrats ship is sinking with these ideas.
When I was on Medicare things were free that they should not have been. We shouldn't get free stuff but it should be a small fraction of our disposable income
this is socialized medicine. talk to Canadians older than 45 and see what they think about the wait for care/treatment is. gee, I bet their illegals are at the bare minimum.
Except people don't often die because of waiting times, whereas a lot of Americans die because they don't go to the hospital out of fear of bankruptcy.
Single payer means, the taxpayer pays for it... the government make no money, it just take it!
Did you ever take public transportation, drive on freeways, hike or camp in public state parks? Did you attend public schools? How about walk on sidewalks. That's where your tax money goes. What we need is for more citizens to have a say on what to do with collected taxes. Let's use that to strengthen our infrastructures, to expand our public health care to all citizens, just like universal public education is for all like from pre Kindergarten to college. There are areas we need to keep away from commodity category. If millions of Americans do not have health care, that has to change.
@@MaryBeth321123 You know single payer cost less than the current system, right?
@@MaryBeth321123 First, Califonia had various proposed ways to pay for it, it was lobbying that stopped it from being past as the speaker, Anthony Rendon shut down the debate. Secondly, there would be no financial strain because the thousands that the average American pays a year for coverage is replaced with a tax that will cost less year. Lastly, the government will not run the hospital or control your health care, it will just pay for it.
@@MaryBeth321123 America isn't going bankrupt on freeways because it's simply not paying for the upkeep: the gasoline tax hasn't been raised to keep up with inflation since 1993.
Also, leaving the moral issue aside, paying for someone else's medication keeps that someone healthy and therefore more productive, which is overall good for the economy. Preventive care is also much cheaper than emergency care, so if everybody went to the doctor as soon as they're feeling sick, rather than waiting for it to get worse because they don't have health insurance, the costs would go down.
Furthermore, there's a point to be made that the worry about losing healthcare coverage, especially for those who have family members under their plan, can discourage people from pursuing different careers they might be better at. Too much safety net might make people lazy, but too little makes them afraid to take chances, and we know the United States were founded on enterpreneurship.
Just some thoughts.
What if I don't want to pay for other people's healthcare? I'm in great shape and eat healthy. I don't want to pay for overweight unemployed people. America has the highest density of obese people. Why shod I have to pay for that?
Why does everyone need to talk with a croggy voice.
I have health care, Medicare a and b . We do not have quality health care in this country. Gready big pharma, and high medical costs for any medical treatment. So pay but don't use.
How are we going to pay for it? raising taxes dramatically? where... just where is the money coming from?
I agree that welfare promotes laziness . but how does free healthcare promote laziness?
It doesn't
but it doesnt promote saving your money up for a rainy day
So basically the government can control what kind of care we get if they want to give it to us.
gilbert doeggy as oppose to the insurance companies who are basically a middle man and try to get out of covering you for a profit
Insurance companies don't already do that?You also do know that private hospitals exist in countries with universal health-care
The difference is you have a choice as to which insurance company to have, which plan you want, and therefore what type of care you receive.
you want substandard rationed healthcare? This is how you get substandard rationed healthcare.