Capricorn Full Moon - A Guided Embodied Meditation 26 12 2023

  • Опубликовано: 27 сен 2024
  • Is This the Time of the Peak of Your Personal Ambition or Your Initiation of Service?
    Capricorn holds the keynotes of conclusion, death and rebirth, a new cycle of initiation, the crystallization of matter, and the revelation of spirit and Christ consciousness.
    The long journey from Aries as an emerging soul comes to conclusion in Capricorn.This is the sign that takes you to the crossroads between your personal ambition and your soul calling. Which one is the point of governance in your life right now?
    Capricorn is the archetype that invites you into true humility: down on your knees, surrendered to the One Life and stepping up to your soul service after realizing that the mere personal and material gratification is short-lived and leaves you hollow. This long gestation period has been necessary as it has been preparing you. If the journey from Aries has been intentional and conscious, the stretch you've made in yourself, in your being and in your living and doing by now is the mountain top, the end of your capacity that you can reach at this round and you are free from karma.
    When karma is cleared you are free to step into your soul service without delay, without hindrances, without blocks. And so you are ready to receive the mysteries of the One Life and you descend from the mountain top as a World Server in Aquarius and World Saviour in Pisces. This is initiation.
    If there is still karma to burn, it may hint that the point of governance in your life is in your personality, hence making this time a high point of reaching your personal ambition (may that be material or spiritual or any other kind) and preparing you for another round of karma to burn until you are ready for initiation.
    This season in Capricorn supports you in noticing what are the crystallized forms that no longer hold Life at the center and therefore will shatter to birth new life. What needs to die for you to step into your true humility?
    Capricorn is connected to the element of earth. It also connects us to the kingdom of minerals. True abundance is rooted both in soul and soil, in other words the Love and service of your soul and their connection to the minerals. How does the Love of your soul penetrate the minerals in your body? What about the minerals of the Earth?

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