It's awkward that I've listened to songs like this and received ridiculous texts from people that seemed to think we were way more involved than we ever really were. Nothing is as it seems. Quantum Dynamics have definitely shredded my subconscious into a higher version of me but whew that was rough to gain access to higher tiered quantum realms. I taste,care, smell, feel, energetically "see" my desired reality already in fruition...this world is a crazy place. l've stopped quantum jumping through my heart space to feel safe and finally rid of those fears. I swirl deeply within and expand through the heart space with ease, finally. Though I seem too emotionally watery to others, it seems, I am beautiful to me and my inner world and I can't apologize for being authentically me and living from my core soul frequency. I wish you all well on your personal journeys, spiritual journey, whatever it is you believe in personally. ✨💞💫💖
Nice songs ♥️♥️♥️♥️
padahal lagu ini enak loh knp kok sepi ya
lagi pada nyari judul nya 😂
iya juga ya
Krn ini sbnrny lagu old
Lagi yg ada video klip nya dah rame kok,,,😁😍
G tau namenya lagunya keknya jdinya sepi
Cocok buat yang lagi sad😔😔
cocok buat bangsad
Lagunya sangat menyentuh hati
sangat menyentuh dari hongkong
It's awkward that I've listened to songs like this and received ridiculous texts from people that seemed to think we were way more involved than we ever really were. Nothing is as it seems. Quantum Dynamics have definitely shredded my subconscious into a higher version of me but whew that was rough to gain access to higher tiered quantum realms. I taste,care, smell, feel, energetically "see" my desired reality already in fruition...this world is a crazy place. l've stopped quantum jumping through my heart space to feel safe and finally rid of those fears. I swirl deeply within and expand through the heart space with ease, finally. Though I seem too emotionally watery to others, it seems, I am beautiful to me and my inner world and I can't apologize for being authentically me and living from my core soul frequency. I wish you all well on your personal journeys, spiritual journey, whatever it is you believe in personally. ✨💞💫💖
Mantap bang😁
Lagunya smpe ke hati😢
Jadi ke inget 2019, yang dulunya bucin😊
Karna manusia itu bodoh
Ada yang enak malah cari yang gak enak
Lagu nya seperti di disney itu y .
Pas gak tau arti nya😂
Pas tau arti nya:(
Keche cuy
Lagunya ke ingat darling in the frankxxx episode 23-25:)
lu keren bro
Lagunya enak banget