from seeing this, I noticed that there is the places where the people have to go living in. So I thought it would be better to build some of those apartments in the Sims4 Games for the Sims characters who have to live under conditions that they always follow orders from their supervisors and have no right to choose where to live and what to do but they have to take the responsibilities for what they acted and told in public due to their duties as they got ordered. hope it'll be possible for those working for the governments and countries well-treated with their housing conditions in addition to the Korean peninsula bias issues regarding housing conditions and Human Rights also will be well treated relevant to the spirit of a nation for unifying afterward.
개포 소개해주셔서 감사합니다.깔끔한설명과 영상 잘봤습니다
시청 감사드립니다^^
개포 정말 좋은동네죠
디에이치퍼스티어도 입주하면
꼭 가보고 싶습니다
북까페 규모와 시설이 인상적이네요
개포동에 안 살아 보셨나? 양재대로 접한 개포 1-4단지는 다 대모산뷰에 숲세권임.
개포 근린공원을 안담으셔서 아쉽군요
from seeing this, I noticed that there is the places where the people have to go living in. So I thought it would be better to build some of those apartments in the Sims4 Games for the Sims characters who have to live under conditions that they always follow orders from their supervisors and have no right to choose where to live and what to do but they have to take the responsibilities for what they acted and told in public due to their duties as they got ordered.
hope it'll be possible for those working for the governments and countries well-treated with their housing conditions in addition to the Korean peninsula bias issues regarding housing conditions and Human Rights also will be well treated relevant to the spirit of a nation for unifying afterward.
근데 촬영하면서 카메라를 왔다갔다하니까 보는내내 눈이 너무 피곤합니다