''Billboarrd Charrrrrts '' Jim Kerr one of my hero unhappy this land that needs no hero great times in commotion and I don't care when city sounds invade the air two weeks in another town sending shivers all along the spine and the beat goes hot until the ocean breaks
merciélégant, comme toujours...
J'adore, merci !
J’adore son accent écossais, too cute ❤
''Billboarrd Charrrrrts '' Jim Kerr one of my hero unhappy this land that needs no hero
great times in commotion and I don't care when city sounds invade the air two weeks in another town sending shivers all along the spine and the beat goes hot until the ocean breaks
Jim Kerr et son accent ecossais typique, roulant les "R"...
Il ne peut pas renier ses origines...
"Scotland the brave" !