What Is The Apostles’ Doctrine?

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024

Комментарии • 48

  • @generalgen1542
    @generalgen1542 2 года назад +2

    Love how you broke it down. God Bless you brother in the name of Jesus Christ

  • @jamesmiller751
    @jamesmiller751 Год назад +1

    You are absolutely right! There was no written new testament when the apostlle's doctrine was given.

  • @keithbossard9022
    @keithbossard9022 4 года назад +2

    We need to understand the underlying principle of baptism, it's not to get us ready for heaven, but to get us to under what actually happened at conversion. The old man that was you must die, reckoned dead, now what do we do with this dead person, he must be buried, goes down into the water, buried. Here we identify with Jesus who became sin, dead and buried. Then we come up out of the water raised up to new life a new man born again the symbolism is profound. Now we are to walk in newness of life. If we don't get that from baptism, then all we got was wet. Baptism is for our walk here not for our destiny, but unless we understand it rightly it may determine our destiny.

    @ONEFAITHofJESUS 5 лет назад +3

    Good morning, you gave the general outline that the majority professing to follow the apostles' doctrine adhere to. However, a key, missing element would be that the apostles' ordained elders(plural) in each city/church(singular.) The elders were one with the body, not in anyway clerics.

  • @hargisP2
    @hargisP2 5 лет назад +2


  • @mikyahl8749
    @mikyahl8749 5 лет назад +2

    The Apostles Doctrine/Emissaries of YaHuSha is the Words from Shamyim/The Kingdom of YaHuaH that YaHusHa gave them to preach. Yahucanon/John 17 Verse20

  • @rogelioreyna2866
    @rogelioreyna2866 4 года назад

    Amen Amen Hermano Very True Que Dios lo Bendiga

    @ONEFAITHofJESUS 5 лет назад +1

    P.S. when we follow the apostles' doctrine of ordaining elders that meet the strict, scriptural guidelines, Jesus alone is exalted, not any one man. Jesus can then function as the head of the body. When we get that in reverse, man as head instead of Jesus, you get something very unsound... which is opposite of the apostles' doctrine which exalts Christ and is the foundation of sound doctrine.

    • @NewLifeOfAlbanyGa
      @NewLifeOfAlbanyGa  5 лет назад

      Good thoughts.

    • @randyherring5484
      @randyherring5484 4 года назад

      ONEFAITH 👍 I was called an “ultra conservative” by another church member. I would prefer “obedient conservative” but I will continue to teach HIS Truths no matter the remarks. ONEFAITH, thank you for keeping JESUS as the center of HIS Church. HE has nor will HE ever ask for mankind’s opinion, just ask Job.
      The Apostles Doctrine and authority to structure the LORDS NT Church is found in Matt 28:18-20 and let’s not forget The Apostle Paul and what he teaches is NT Doctrine, also (Gal 1:15-18 from his 3rd Conversion account Acts 26 and 2nd Peter 3:15-16)
      The Office of Deacon is Apostles Doctrine, also. JESUS is LORD. Obey or be in sin. The NT Christians at Jerusalem obeyed, we are know different. Hebrews 13:8
      Acts 4:4 5k men in first NT Church
      4:34-37 money, not food, as was in OT, is the currency in NT. Apostles have the responsibility to distribute the monies; charity as with Widows (1st Tim 5:4-16) and to pay other obligations for HIS CHurch
      6:1 “widows...neglected/ overlooked by the Apostles in the “daily” ministrations (7 days in a week)
      6:2 Apostles also Ministers in the Gospel (Pastors/Elders/Bishops..semantics) can’t be distracted by the worldly things of the Church and neglect the Spiritual things in which they are called to labor
      6:3 Seven a Deacon for each day so GODS ppl are never without help
      6:4 Gospel Ministers....Communication with GOD and Ministry of HIS Word
      Where did the responsibility of THE LORDS monies go? 4:37
      6:5 Obedience to the Apostles Doctrine. Seven no more no less. Neither add nor take away.
      6:6 Only Gospel Ministers can “lay hands on” or ordain.
      6:7 Look what happens when JESUS is obeyed.
      And Deacons are not Gospel Ministers only “ordained” to be Deacon. Yes, extra ordinary gifts are given to each Deacon, if the HOLY SPIRIT gives. Oh, if the Church members had faith as they did in the early years, we could see a difference between the Church and the culture. Where are the Deacons like Philip and Stephen? Notice also, in Acts 8 Deacon Philip has the gift of evangelism with the Ethiopian and water baptized him (mature obedient newly converted Ethiopian ask to go down in the water) and the evangelist Philip, still Deacon (Acts 21:8 according to Paul) evangelized in Samaria, next, and baptizes those new converts but as Simon the sorcerer witnesses the “laying of hands” or “ordaining elders/pastors/Gospel Ministers according to The Apostles Doctrine are done by Ordained Gospel Ministers such as Peter and John that are sent. Just like Paul and Barnabas in Acts 14:23 and Titus 1:5-7. Timothy was “ordained” or “layed hands on” by the presbytery or the Gospel Ministers.
      Phillipians 1:1 Two Offices Pastors and Deacons. The Spiritual needs and the worldly needs of HIS NT CHURCH
      OT parallel Priests of Aaron or Ministers and Levitical Priests. Aaron’s descendants were the Ministers as appointed by GOD and the Levitical from Moses handless the worldly things. Ministers in NT called by GOD and Deacons are called by the Church.
      Elders in 1st Tim 5:1-3 are of age, not office. “Be respectfully our elder members” and towards others.
      Elders 1st Tim 5:17-18 as JESUS instructs his Deacons on whom a “widow indeed” is, 5:4-16, HE continues instructing the Deacons on how HE wants HIS Ministers in HIS Gospel financially compensated.
      5:17 Elders or Pastors or Bishops that rule ( not as dictators,because only JESUS is LORD in HIS Church, but one that is employed (not all Gospel Ministers are employed at a local church. They may be members but not employed. “Elders” in James called forward to “lay hands” on the afflicted member is a call for all, whether employed or not to participate as a Gospel Minister).
      5:17 “double honor” this isn’t esteem but payment for their labor in HIS Gospel Ministry.
      5:18 OT verse used for context (see 1st Cor 9:9 & 14)
      5:19-20 Deacons, church discipline applies to Pastors, also but with love. Matt 18:15-20
      Pastors can’t handle the money and aren’t over The seven Deacons and their Office. Deacons aren’t over the Pastor nor can they interfere or tell him how to handle his Office. The HOOY SPIRIT is capable to handle both Offices and needs no help. Stay in your lane!
      Apostle Paul writes 1st Tim 3 and only teaches two offices. Apostles Doctrine
      Elders in OT were installed by Moses, at his father in laws suggestion, not GODS. The OT Elders in Jerusalem were from the OT times and The Apostles permitted them to be consulted but only to make the Jewish converts feel at ease during the OT to NT transition. They faded out, eventually. Apostles Doctrine not “The Apostles and Elders Doctrine”. JESUS is KING and HE doesn’t need additions to HIS Perfect Sovereign Plan. The HOLY SPIRIT is with us.
      Thank you for your ONEFAITH.

      @ONEFAITHofJESUS 4 года назад

      There are only 2 functions in the local assembly that have specific requirements. You are correct that it is called the apostles’ doctrine. The apostles ordained(or appointed) elders and deacons. Paul commanded Titus to “Set in order the things that are wanting and ordain elders(plural) in every city”(singular.) This is the apostles’ doctrine regarding structure that has nothing to do with a solo pastor/priest top-down hierarchy.//Glad you mentioned deacons as this is a function in the body that is at least misunderstood if not ignored and dishonored and yet the very first martyr who preached himself into martyrdom was a deacon.
      The daily(so much the more as you see the day approaching) ministration wasn’t about men cooking for women but ministering.
      Grace on all that love Our LORD JESUS CHRIST in sincerity.

    • @randyherring5484
      @randyherring5484 4 года назад

      Pls visit ONEFAITH . US Thank you for your kind response.I am prone to misunderstand others because I’m a little slow but are you implying that “Elders” are not the Pastors I’m Acts 14:23? And that Deacons don’t handle the “daily ministration” or daily distribution of the LORDS Monies? Acts 4:37
      I’m with you on “elders” are plural. Blessed is the local congregation or assembly where The LORD has placed those to edify HIS Church and to hold one another accountable as Gospel Ministers, as did Paul with Peter in Galatians 2. Yes, NOT Singular! A Music Minister is an “Elder of Office”, also. A man ordained or called by GOD.
      Lots more to share.....Adultery vs Fornication for divorce, the husband of one wife, marriage is a covenant until death, can Gospel ministers drink alcoholic drink, can women ever teach men, did JESUS die for all or only a select few?; all these divisive issues can be taught with clarity and all these issues are Apostles Doctrine written and taught by JESUS’ Apostles
      Matt 28:18-20
      Gal 1:15-18
      Thanks you make me feel better just by your last reply. Most Christians had rather sit back and not discuss, so they can claim ignorance but the reality is they have preferences rather than obedience. JESUS deserves the best in our Worship and HE has taught us how to properly Worship with Eternal Instructions.
      Lordship not Legalism!

    • @randyherring5484
      @randyherring5484 4 года назад

      Pls visit ONEFAITH . US P.S. “daily” is where HE decides to use Seven Deacons.

  • @randyherring5484
    @randyherring5484 4 года назад +1

    Pastor Steve.....

  • @itlupe
    @itlupe 7 месяцев назад

    The apostles doctrine is in Matt 10:5-15. The apostles were to go the Jews ONLY. Salvation through works.
    Paul's doctrine is for the gentiles. Salvation through grace ALONE.

  • @wolfman7284
    @wolfman7284 2 года назад

    @6:52, was he saying "I've never done that" referring to speaking in tongues or referring to baptism?

    • @NewLifeOfAlbanyGa
      @NewLifeOfAlbanyGa  2 года назад

      I’ve done both...

    • @wolfman7284
      @wolfman7284 2 года назад

      @@NewLifeOfAlbanyGa Thank you for responding. I was trying to find out if you were saying that you're not saved unless you speak in tongues, or that you're not saved until you are baptized, or what the context of that statement was?

    • @NewLifeOfAlbanyGa
      @NewLifeOfAlbanyGa  2 года назад

      @@wolfman7284 I believe the New Birth is necessary which does entail that.

    • @wolfman7284
      @wolfman7284 2 года назад

      @@NewLifeOfAlbanyGa Thank you for your reply

    • @Dee-sv3fk
      @Dee-sv3fk Год назад

      Acts 10: Peter sent to Gentiles.
      Acts 11: repeats Act10 to others. Pay attention to vs 14: Acts11:14.

  • @diosdadoapias
    @diosdadoapias 3 года назад

    I am sorry sir but i do not accept what you said that Jesus as the Son of the living God, He implies that He is God himself in flesh. you speak like those so called hot-gospeler, that says things that is not in accordance with what is plain in meaning and substance. If Jesus said He is the son of the living God then it means that he is the son of God in flesh--not implying He is God in flesh.

  • @kamisesesenico3957
    @kamisesesenico3957 11 месяцев назад

    This apostles doctrine is false
    No where in scripture Jesus teaches this teachings to his disciples

  • @catinaclaytor3245
    @catinaclaytor3245 5 лет назад +1

    i was on my youversion bible app they removed the new king james and replace it with the easy english bible 2018 and easy reader version. the Jehovah witness are cursed because they dont know Jesus or preach Jesus at all. in my nondinominationl church we say the shuma on the frist sunday of new year before we take commuion

  • @lordboston05
    @lordboston05 5 лет назад

    Would you clarify your position on baptism. Were you saying that water baptism is essential to be saved?

    • @NewLifeOfAlbanyGa
      @NewLifeOfAlbanyGa  5 лет назад +2

      I would say Scripturally yes.

    • @lordboston05
      @lordboston05 5 лет назад

      @@NewLifeOfAlbanyGa I am curious how you would support that claim. The new testament makes it clear that it is by Grace through Faith. To add water baptism is to add a work to salvation. When we believe in our heart and confess with our mouth Jesus Christ we are baptized with the holy spirit.

    • @acts238outreach9
      @acts238outreach9 5 лет назад +2

      @@lordboston05 with all due respect would you insert yourself into Mark 16:16 and tell Jesus that you refused to be baptized even though he commanded it and said that you would be damned if you didn't...? Every single New Testament Christian was baptized in Jesus name because it was for the remission of their sins and they could not be saved without it. The same applies to us today the only problem is 90% of churches teach false Doctrine and they say that it has nothing to do with your salvation whatsoever which is a Lie from Hellfire. Take a few minutes and read the book of Acts because this is the only history book in the Bible that shows Christian conversions. The scripture you quoted from Romans about believing in your heart and confessing with your mouth is written to people who already obey the gospel which means they were already baptized in Jesus name and received the Holy Ghost evidence of speaking in tongues.. as Christians we are to continue believing in the resurrection people our faith in Jesus Christ and his gospel truth

    • @lordboston05
      @lordboston05 5 лет назад

      @@acts238outreach9 Where does it say water baptism? The only baptism that must happen is that of the holy spirit. Learn to read and understand your bible. If water baptism is required for salvation then it is not of grace but of works. How was the thief on the cross saved? Was he baptized? No... Does the eunuch get water baptized then believe and confess or does he get saved and then gets water baptized?

    • @acts238outreach9
      @acts238outreach9 5 лет назад +2

      @@lordboston05 the thief on the cross lived during the time of the Old Testament. There were zero Christians during that time and no baptism in Jesus name in water yet neither was there the gift of the Holy Ghost yet. You see the New Testament Church did not begin until Jesus ascended into heaven and poured out his Spirit on the day of Pentecost Acts chapter 2.
      If you remember Jesus said in Mark chapter 16 go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature and he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be Damned.
      In Luke chapter 24 Jesus said that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name beginning at Jerusalem. (acts2:38)
      So to answer your question when Sinners ask what shall they do to be saved? In Acts 2:37
      The Apostle Peter who Jesus gave the keys to the kingdom to said the following Acts 2:38..
      Repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
      You see me and you and everyone else we know fall under the New Testament Covenant. And we are to obey the gospel to be saved from our sins so that we can enter into the kingdom of God. John 3:5
      If you continue studying you will see how people were saved under the New Testament Plan of Salvation that Jesus taught and so does his apostles.
      Acts 2:38 water baptism and receiving the Holy Ghost.
      Acts 8 : water baptism in Jesus name and receiving the Holy Ghost
      Acts 10 water baptism in Jesus name and receiving the Holy Ghost
      Acts 19 water baptism in Jesus name and receiving the Holy Ghost
      Acts 9:27-18 Apostle Paul's conversion. Baptism in Jesus name and receive the Holy Ghost
      1st Peter 3:21
      The like figure whereunto baptism doth also now save us ( he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved)
      Titus 3:5
      “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;”
      ( again baptism and Holy Ghost)
      Again the scripture plainly teaches that obeying the gospel is not a work but it is submission to the Plan of Salvation that Jesus himself instituted.. it is faith in Jesus Christ that will cause us to obey him...
      I understand that you're having a hard time with this because like I said most churches teach false Doctrine and they say that baptism is an outward sign of an inward change which is a big fat lie and it's not found anywhere in the entire Bible.. you also have been taught that it is a so-called work. But you see in the scriptures that none of these people argued with the preachers saying that they did not need to be baptized or receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.. I hope this is an encouragement for you to dig deeper and seek the Lord in spirit and in truth

  • @ericjackson9508
    @ericjackson9508 4 года назад

    Without the shedding of Blood, there is no remission from sin. Many get Acts 2:38 , misiinterpered! That is not water baptism, that's salvation, Jesus told the disciples, go and baptize in the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost!

    • @NewLifeOfAlbanyGa
      @NewLifeOfAlbanyGa  4 года назад

      Ive just done a video on Acts 2:38. Among several. God bless!

  • @josephjones4207
    @josephjones4207 5 лет назад +1

    No, Christ is God the eternal son in flesh

    • @hargisP2
      @hargisP2 5 лет назад

      He is talking about the Apostles' Doctrine, not the Catholic Doctrine. I like the way you lower the Deity of Jesus by using the lower case g which is only used for pagan gods.
      Jesus did not become the Son Of God until the Incarnation. He did not exist in the flesh prior to that. Before that we have Yahweh, Yeshua which is what the name Jesus means.
      The general answer to that question is that the sh’ma very succinctly summarizes the difference between the God of the Bible - Yahweh - and the pagan gods of other religions. Basically, that verse explicitly states that there is only ONE Almighty God. This is in stark contrast to the multiple, competing gods, in the pantheons of most other religions.
      As a result, reciting the sh’ma is a very simple, convenient way for a person to re-confirm that he believes in the God of the Bible - rather than believing in multiple, pagan gods.
      The Hebrew word “echad”
      The very last word in the sh’ma is the Hebrew word echad. That word is rendered as “one” in most English translations of the Bible; some translations use “alone” instead. In either case, the straightforward, common-sense understanding of echad in the sh’ma tells us that only one person is Almighty God - and that one person is our Heavenly Father - Yahweh.
      Some groups have an alternate belief about echad, though. In essence, those groups assert that echad refers to a “compound unity”. In other words, they believe that echad refers to one group, which contains multiple members. For example, they state that echad means “one” as in “one baseball team”; as opposed to “one” as in “one chair”.
      So, according to that understanding of echad, the sh’ma could be translated this way:
      “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is a compound unity.
      Of course, the reason why this alternate understanding of echad is important is because it allows some groups to “spin” the sh’ma - into an endorsement for the Trinity! In other words, some groups state the following: “The sh’ma tells us that God is one. That is true - but that “one” refers to a compound unity. So, the sh’ma is telling us that there is only one God - but He is comprised of multiple persons.”
      How is echad actually used in Scripture?
      The crux of the above argument is that “echad” refers to a “compound unity”. Of course, in order to determine if that argument has any merit, it is necessary to examine how that word is actually used in Scripture.
      The word echad (and its feminine version achat) appears 970 times in Scripture. In the vast majority of cases - over 600 times - the word echad explicitly refers to a simple, unitary one. In other words, in almost every case, echad refers to one single item - rather than to one group of items.
      This concept is usually expressed in English translations with the word “one”; but the words “single”, “unique” and “first” are used as well, depending on the context. Here are some examples of echad meaning a simple, unitary one:
      And God said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one (echad) place, and let the dry land appear.” And it was so. (Genesis 1:9, ESV)
      So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one (achat) of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. (Genesis 2:21, ESV)
      We are all sons of one (echad) man. We are honest men. Your servants have never been spies.” (Genesis 42:11, ESV)
      “My servant David shall be king over them, and they shall all have one (echad) shepherd. They shall walk in my rules and be careful to obey my statutes. (Ezekiel 37:24, ESV)
      It [the Passover meal] is to be eaten in a single (echad) house (Exodus 12:46, NASB)
      I will remove the iniquity of this land in a single (echad) day (Zechariah 3:9, ESV)
      For it will be a unique (echad) day which is known to the Lord (Zechariah 14:7, ESV)
      But my dove, my perfect one, is unique (achat) (Song of Solomon 6:9, NASB)
      The name of the first (echad) [river] is Pishon; it flows around the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold. (Genesis 2:11, ESV)
      And the waters continued to abate until the tenth month; in the tenth month, on the first (echad) day of the month, the tops of the mountains were seen. (Genesis 8:5, ESV)
      Clearly, all of the above examples refer to one single person, place or thing - not to one group of items.
      Oneness Theologians identify Jesus Christ as the incarnation of the one God, based on a literal interpretation of Colossians 2:9-10, which states, “For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power.” All names and titles of the Deity-such as Yahweh, Father and Holy Spirit-properly apply to Jesus. Jesus is not just the incarnation of one person of a trinity, but the incarnation of all the character, quality and personality of the one indivisible God.
      Oneness affirms in the strongest of terms that Jesus is God in the Old Testament sense, maintaining that New testament writers meant this when they called Jesus God. That is, the one and only God of the Old Testament incarnated Himself as Jesus Christ. “God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself” (II Corinthians 5:19). To use biblical terminology, Jesus is the image of the invisible God, God manifest in flesh, our God and Savior, and the express image of God’s substance.7
      W. A. Criswell, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas, and past president of the Southern Baptist Convention, described the deity of Christ in terms identical to the Oneness position in his Expository Sermons on Revelation.
      I often wonder at people who think that in heaven they are going to see three Gods. If you ever see three Gods, then what the Mohammedan says about you is true and what the Jewish neighbor says about you is true. You are not a monotheist, you are a polytheist. You believe in a multiplication of Gods, plural. “Hear, O Israel, the Lord thy God is one God.” We know God as our Father, we know God as our Saviour and we know God by His Spirit in our hearts. But there are not three Gods. The true Christian is a monotheist. There is one God. “I and my Father are one.” “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.” The Lord God is He that speaks. It is He that John saw when he turned around. The only God you will ever see is the Lord God whom John saw in the vision of the lampstands. The only God you will ever feel is the Lord God’s Spirit in your heart. The only God there is, is the great Father of us all. The one Lord God, Christ. In the Old Testament we call Him Jehovah. In the New Testament, the New Covenant, we call Him Jesus. The one great God, standing in authority and in judgment and in judicial dignity among His churches, here today, watching over us. “I saw one like [a great mystical symbol] unto the Son of man.” It is the very Lord God who is coming, for Christ Jesus is God of this universe. We are not going to see three Gods in heaven. Never persuade yourself that in glory we are going to look at God No. 1 and God No. 2 and God No. 3. No! There is one great Lord God. We know Him as our Father, we know Him as our Saviour, we know Him as the Holy Spirit in our hearts. There is one God and this is the great God, called in the Old Testament, Jehovah, and, incarnate, called in the New Testament Jesus, the Prince of heaven, who is coming. ESSENTIALS OF ONENESS THEOLOGY
      ©Copyright 1984, 1985 David K. Bernard

    • @josephjones4207
      @josephjones4207 5 лет назад

      Hargis Pennington I didn’t mean to lowercase Christ
      But Christ has always been the son

    • @hargisP2
      @hargisP2 4 года назад

      @@josephjones4207 Only when He was born of a woman. He only existed as Yahweh before. Jesus=Yahweh Savior. God in Zac. says He is the first and the last. Jesus says he is the first and last in Revelation. There can't be two first and last.