Salvation Before Relationship - Yankee Arnold

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024

Комментарии • 22

  • @morgan2205
    @morgan2205 Год назад +1

    Thankyou Jesus for the free gift of salvation for all people if they just trust you! not by works lest no man should boast. Grace. So wonderful. I pray Pastor Arnolds family are kept safe in your hands always and that this message reaches many many more lost people and ushers them by hearing the gospel into Your Heavenly family of which we so undeservedly belong except by Grace through faith In His finished work upon The Cross of Calvary, In Jesus' Mighty Name, Amen🙏

  • @karynbanksley7110
    @karynbanksley7110 2 года назад +1

    This gives me hope for my brother who said he was saved at 14, but began practicing the gay lifestyle in his 30’s & still does 20 years later.

  • @iofthestorm
    @iofthestorm 5 лет назад +3

    Thank you so much. I have been a Christian for 9 years but have been beating myself to death with the law and all my many shortcomings; even doubting my conversion at points. Your preaching has helped me to understand the Truth and Im so very grateful. God bless and please keep these sermons coming.
    - Adam TN

  • @04brokenwing82
    @04brokenwing82 3 месяца назад +1

    With Yankee's Gospel, I feel like Morpheus has set me free from the matrix.

  • @trinabarnes2236
    @trinabarnes2236 8 лет назад +2

    this is a wonderful relationship this pastor shows he has with God, I hear & see it in his daily walk with Christ. his testimony shows the love he has to of devoted the rest of his life in serving God and witnessing to others so they too can be saved and have a relationship with God.

  • @halcyon289
    @halcyon289 3 года назад


  • @craigs4530
    @craigs4530 10 лет назад +2

    Awesome message!

  • @donkdonk-hp3li
    @donkdonk-hp3li 5 лет назад +2

    Great sermon, simply explained, No excuse to not understand

  • @debraharper677
    @debraharper677 8 лет назад +1


  • @rustystevenslee1385
    @rustystevenslee1385 4 года назад

    A relationship comes when we decide to take up our cross and follow him .. people are at all different places in God today .. U have the freedom to make him Lord and master if U want... Because eternal life is free .. how or why we do good things in this life is a choice which we make .. some people want more of the spirit of God manesfested in there lives to teach them to guide them to convict us of sin .. than others .. but people are at all different stages in there walk with God .. if U believe in doing good things .. then teach what God has given to u or have taught U .. because that's your freedom to do what you do .. and it's my freedom to please him .. as well as others .. we know it's not by our good works that we are saved but by his grace .. some people desire to except eternal security and live like the devil .. well if that's the freedom U want .. then do it .. but as for me I know that Christ Jesus died for my sins .. but my response to what he done on the cross" it is my choice like everyone else has a freedom of choice also receive and believe 🤔 because grace is free ... People make it hard .. saying this is the way everyone should understand the Bible .. there's no format of how to receive eternal life ..

  • @savedbyjesusblood
    @savedbyjesusblood 10 лет назад +1

    Finalcall07 says you can't be saved unless you have a relationship with Jesus. Bible says to have a relationship with Jesus you need to be saved. But then, this is FC07 we are talking about. The guy who can't make up his mind if the Bible is totally inspired, partly inspired, or not inspired at all.

    • @JacobBecomesIsrael
      @JacobBecomesIsrael  10 лет назад +1

      Bashoff is a total heretic. He teaches an eastern mystical relationship with God, not a post-salvation, discipleship relationship which you can have if you wish to be obedient to the Lord.
      He has called the bible "poison", "not the word of god", "just a book like any other", "a book written by human hands", and on and on.
      His attack on the word of God knows no bounds.
      And he certainly doesn't believe in the Jesus of the bible.

    • @savedbyjesusblood
      @savedbyjesusblood 10 лет назад +2

      The man hears voices. So do a lot of his followers. Satan must be laughing himself silly. Everything this Jesus tells them contradicts the Bible and creates doubt and fear in the minds and hearts of those who listen to them.
      Another fact is - Boshoff lies. He will flip 180 degrees if his followers start waking up to his deception to keep them in his flock. Sometimes I think Boshoff is playing games. Trying to see how far he can push his blasphemies on his unsuspecting followers before they disagree with him.
      A lot of his followers also follow Harland Hoy, the Bible is the mark of the beast guy. Yet Harland himself calls Boshoff a heretic. This shows the depth of delusion of Jan's followers.
      I have managed to get some people away from Jan before they become too brainwashed. You gotta grab people out of cults in the early stages. It is sad they listen to Boshoff, who tells people not to listen to their pastors, yet Jan expects people to listen to him. He is a hypocrite of the worst kind.

    • @savedbyjesusblood
      @savedbyjesusblood 7 лет назад +2

      Would the real living Jesus tell you that the Scriptures are poison? Or that the Scriptures are witchcraft? Or that the Scriptures are full of lies? FinalCall07 claims the Holy Spirit told him these blasphemies. He also preaches utmost obedience and sinlessness for salvation. There is only one condition for salvation - believing the gospel. Anything other gospel is accursed. Jesus did not die for demons so it doesn't matter what they believe. He died for mankind.

    • @JacobBecomesIsrael
      @JacobBecomesIsrael  7 лет назад

      ***** Actually Bo, I am here as a witness to the fact that Jan Bashoff did in fact say that the bible is Poison. I saw that liar's lips utter those exact words on a youtube video. Of course, after the firestorm caused by this had run its course, he deleted the video as this deceiver loves to do.
      Do you not hold out the possibility that a person might SAY one thing, all the while the actually do not believe what they are saying is true?
      The bible is clear on this point. Read Matt 7:15-23.
      Jan Bashoff IS a false teacher spoken of in this passage.
      Interestingly, the bible does not give much information on the motives of why some people are liars, only that you can know how to spot them - by their evil fruit.
      What is their evil fruit? More false believers and teachers.

    • @savedbyjesusblood
      @savedbyjesusblood 7 лет назад

      ***** Oh he most certainly did say that. He has also said you can throw out 70% of the Bible. Another one of his videos that he deleted and hoped that people had long forgotten about. This man has looked down the lens of his webcam and declared that he isn't even saved on more than one occasion yet so many still sing his praises and hang off his every word. He is a wicked false teacher with a false Jesus leading souls into destruction. There is a mountain of evidence against finalcall07. All you have to do is open your eyes and ears.

  • @JimiSurvivor
    @JimiSurvivor 4 года назад

    In this video, Yankee Arnold distinguishes between a believer's FELLOWSHIP with God and their RELATIONSHIP with Him. No exegetical evidence is offered for this idea. We have fellowship with God when we are getting along with Him. By contrast, Our "relationship" supposedly has nothing to do with whether we obey. It is unalterable and unconditional...but is this what the scripture says? Jesus said:
    "No one can serve two masters: Either he will HATE the one and LOVE the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot SERVE both God and money (John 14:15)."
    Notice how Jesus uses the extremes of hate and love and equates LOVING GOD with SERVING Him. I think it is obvious that a person who HATES God does not have either a relationship or fellowship with God. If we doubt this let us look at what James wrote:
    Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a FRIEND of the world is the ENEMY of God.
    (James 4:4)
    Christians who serve the world (i.e., the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life) have made an alliance with God's ENEMIES. Of course this does not mean they merely commit sins but that they live in servitude to the world as a way of life. James also says that, spiritually speaking, those who are friends of the world, are ADULTERERS.
    According to Jesus and the writers of the OT and NT adultery breaks the covenant bond of marriage. We cannot be a bride of Christ and living in adultery. Yankee Arnold believes we can. This idea is not only illogical but contrary to the message of the prophets.
    Jesus said, that in order to be his follower we must relinquish our old life of sin and "take His yoke upon us." A yoke signifies that an ox is in submission to and following the lead of its owner. Arnold suggests that he did not take the yoke of Christ on him when he was first saved. He said he just believed and that only to escape hell. Well, Jesus said "fear the One who is able to send us to hell" Still he must have had some love for Christ and he must have committed his life to the Master. Otherwise he would not have remained faithful to Him.

  • @GratefulDwight
    @GratefulDwight 4 года назад

    That man literally said, "There's no such thing as evidences of salvation." I submit that John Chapter 3, Romans Chapter 7, and Colossians Chapter 3 would indicate the exact opposite. Ralph falsely teaches that the unregenerate man exists unchanged alongside a brand new spirit man. If that is the case, then what exactly did the crucifixion accomplish? If the new birth has nothing to do with the old man, then there's no redemption in the cross. Friends, don't get led astray by thinking that evidence of the new birth doesn't matter. Repent and believe the good news.