Srimad Bhagavadgita, Chapter 11, Shlokas 35-37

  • Опубликовано: 2 июл 2024
  • Sanjaya said Hearing this utterance of Kesava, Kiriti (Arjuna), with joined palms and trembling, prostrating himself, said again to Krsna with a faltering voice, bowing down overcome by fits of fear:
    Arjuna said It is proper, O Hrsikesa, that the world becomes delighted and attracted by Your praise; that the Raksasas, stricken with fear, run in all directions; and that all the groups of the Siddhas bow down (to You).
    And why should they not bow down to You, O exalted [i.e. not narrow-minded.] One, who are greater (than all) and who are the first Creator even of Brahma! O infinite One, supreme God, Abode of the Universe, You are the Immutable, being and non-being, (and) that which is Transcendental.

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