Lifestyles in Ancient Greece Full Cinematic Documentary

  • Опубликовано: 17 сен 2024
  • Documentary on Life in Ancient Greece. Footage taken from Assassin's Creed Odyssey on PlayStation 4.

Комментарии • 300

  • @Urfav_Nova
    @Urfav_Nova Год назад +12

    0:00 ~ Greek house
    0:45 ~ Pastas
    1:01 ~ Work at Home
    1:42 ~ Inner Courtyard
    2:20 ~ Bathroom
    2:49 ~ Kitchen
    3:40 ~ Symposium
    4:26 ~ Rooftop
    5:05 ~ Life
    5:51 ~ Family
    6:48 ~ Employment
    7:27 ~ Weaving
    8:08 ~ Cooking
    8:39 ~ Hetaerae
    9:15 ~ Harvest
    10:06 ~ Drying the Grapes
    10:36 ~ Pressing
    11:02 ~ Fermentation and Conservation
    11:33 ~ Bottling and Shipping
    12:01 ~ Perfume
    16:23 ~ Grain
    18:19 ~ Livestock
    19:00 ~ tools
    19:24 ~ Grinding
    21:35 ~ Market
    22:24 ~ Mines
    26:52 ~ Argos
    27:38 ~ sculptures
    31:44 ~ Pottery
    35:54 ~ Dying and Fashion
    40:56 ~ Theater
    42:00 ~ Sanctuary of Dionysus
    42:44 ~ Festivals
    47:18 ~ Music

  • @vanmars5718
    @vanmars5718 3 года назад +81

    The traditional Greek house with the inner courtyard was very beautiful and "smart" for the Mediterranean weather, allowing a natural ventilation, to gather rain water and keep it warm or cold in winter/summer. This type of houses survived through the Hellenistic/Roman/Byzantine/Ottoman/Arabic tradition in the Mediterranean up until very recently in some forms....
    I prefer it from the modern block of flats...even though I know it's for different kind of world❤

    • @ominous-omnipresent-they
      @ominous-omnipresent-they 3 года назад +2

      Only the wealthiest of Greek society could afford such luxuries.

    • @arlenmargolin1650
      @arlenmargolin1650 3 года назад +2

      I agree with your appreciation of the design of the house with the inter courtyard and I remember a friend whose father was a lawyer and part-time amateur architect and he designed and built himself a house with this design and though not as gracious and intricate as a Greek House the concept was there

    • @dinos9607
      @dinos9607 3 года назад +7

      ​@@ominous-omnipresent-they While indeed the very poor in the urban centers lived in smaller houses with often just 2 rooms for the full family, densely positioned usually in the semi-terraced house format and with less built quality (e.g. there were mentions of burglars literally digging up holes in the mudbrick walls to break in!), the typical houses with the inner courtyard such as the one we see here were not really the priviledge of the very rich. The rich just had more luxurious homes, bigger and with more amenities and better built in quality but essentially this layout was more proliferated than among the upper classes only. And we know that precisely due to explicit mentions of typical middle class working people such as potters and sculptors, teachers and doctors working from home, not only having inner courtyards but also specialised rooms on the outer part of the house complex to welcome clients and guests as well as storage rooms for materials etc. The city of Olynthos in Chalkidiki, Macedonia region, is the best preserved one where we can see the full layout of the city and such houses with inner courtyards were common and not really restricted to the leafy areas of the city. We also know this was the case from descriptions such as the failed attempt of Thebans to stage a coup in the much smaller and poorer yet walled and densely populated city of Platea. There 300 Theban hoplites enterred and faced a local population closed in such houses from where they organized their successful resistance counter-attacking and trapping the Thebans in wiping them out. Similarly, Epirotan king Phyrrhus invaded Argos, broke into the city but there engaged in street fights with even women hurling them stones and pottery from the second and third floors of such houses which resembled like mini-towers, thus unfortunately dying after an old woman threw him a heavy pottery on his momentarily uncovered head.

    • @georgcorfu
      @georgcorfu 3 года назад +1

      Van Mars Even I prefer it from silly modern apartments.

    • @ominous-omnipresent-they
      @ominous-omnipresent-they 3 года назад +1

      ​@@georgcorfu Who wouldn't prefer a lavish villa over an apartment? The closest structures we have to villas today are mansions. Hell, I'd even argue that some rival the villas of ancient Greece.

  • @MrArcheopteryx
    @MrArcheopteryx Год назад +9

    You did a fantastic job here! It requires a lot more research than historical events of the last few decades. Growing up, I had so many questions about the Greeks. You covered all aspects of their social life, oikonomia, their technology and trades. Illustrations were a great support. Thank you so much! I will look forward for more from you, covering Egypt, Phoenicians, Sumerians, Romans, Celts and more. Cheers!

    • @LookHereMars
      @LookHereMars  Год назад +6

      I can't take credit for the production itself, that goes to the discovery tour team of Ubisoft, I simply edited their created segments together from the game AC Odyssey to form full length documentaries. Glad you liked it, thank you for stopping by. 👍

  • @jaenmartens5697
    @jaenmartens5697 3 года назад +16

    Homes like these are basically pre-war Mexican houses. Staying in one right now. In Mexico people still work out of their homes and often cook and wash in the courtyard. The Industrial Rev really messed up thousands of years of beautiful practical culture!

    • @S.J.L
      @S.J.L 2 месяца назад

      Related cultures...Romans...Indo Europeans. Spain has more ancient Iberian roots, Celtic, Greek, Romanic and Germanic ancestral history.

  • @susangunn1268
    @susangunn1268 3 года назад +19

    What an excellent way of presenting history 👏 Thoroughly enjoyed the entire experience 👌

  • @Laocoon283
    @Laocoon283 Год назад +7

    It's crazy to me that the best and most sophisticated recreations of historical periods come from video games. Academia is lacking bad in that respect.

  • @finnjones9979
    @finnjones9979 3 года назад +18

    I'm sure life was difficult however it appears sophisticated as well...they were very advanced in many many ways

  • @jenniferstockstill233
    @jenniferstockstill233 3 года назад +112

    I love the use of Assassins Creed Odyssey for this

    • @LookHereMars
      @LookHereMars  3 года назад +12

      Thank you for taking the time to write a comment and watch the video. I am glad you like the content. 👍

    • @freedomseeker4165
      @freedomseeker4165 3 года назад

      Read below to learn how the so-called "Greek state and government" were artificially "created" by foreign European powers and Russia during 1821-1832, in a mafia type collusion with the dangerous sect/cult called "Anadolli/Anatolia Greek Orthodox Church".
      Greece” will be soon excluded any participation and denied any and all voting rights in the European Union to any matters related to Albania.
      This because “Greece” has a flagrant, open and grave conflict of interest as a European Union member related to all matters concerning Albania in the European Union - starting with the Law of the Declaration of War against Albania, which is in effect in the present (i.e. Greece, currently, is in a state of war with Albania), and many other matters that constitute blatant conflict of interest of “Greece” in the European Union concerning Albania.
      Greece also has not yet paid the reparations of about 600 billion dollars to Albania - regarding the occupation through the Greek territory of Albania by Germany in 1943, and regarding the ethnocide and holocaust of Greece against Albanians in Albania (Chams and Albanians in southern Albania), and against its own citizens of Albanian descent (numbering over 9 million today in Greece).
      The vote of “Greece” in the European Union is the only thing left for this “Greece” to bully Albania related to all matters in the relations between this “Greece” and Albania.
      Albanian government should quickly set up a team of qualified attorneys to file a lawsuit with the European Commission to exclude Greece from any decision making in the European Commission regarding Albania.
      On the other hand, Albanian government should act as an equal and reciprocate - by immediately putting on the table its counter requirements that the European Union and European Commission must fulfill to open the road for the Albania joining the European Union in equal footing and as an equal partner and in parity.
      One of those non-negotiable requirements should be that “Greece” be excluded immediately from any decision making and vote regarding Albania and Albanian related matters in the European Union and European Commission.
      European Union and European Commission are not mafia type organizations, ”that will blindly do whatever a member of the mob organization would demand”.
      This “Greece” is acting like a member of the Camorra and/or a typical “Greek” mob underworld that can force its will on other mobsters by asking for other mob members total submission and obedience to its demands.
      Greece should also be expelled from the European Union and NATO - as a country that does not fulfill any and all criteria/requirements to be in the European Union and NATO, and because Greece is a dictatorship in the middle of Europe that does not recognize any rights at all for over 9 million Albanians/Arvanites and Chams in Greece.
      The so-called “Greece” is a made-up and fake country - made out of ethnic cleansing, racism, holocaust and ethnocide against Albanians (Arvanites and Chams) of Lower Albania.
      All (100%) leading and senior commanders of the 1821 Albanian/Arvanite revolution in the Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today - a name without any factual and historical meaning), where Albanians (Chams and Arvanites).
      Up until 1832, all that region (called “Greece” today) spoke only Albanian.
      Out of 100% of the people living there in that region up until 1832, about 92-95% were Albanians (Arvanites and Chams), the rest (5%) were minorities (Aromanians, Venetians/Italians, Slavs, Turks, Roma).
      The first session of the first newly elected Parliament in 1832, of this so-called nowadays "Greece", held its full Parliament proceedings in the Albanian language ("Greek/Koine" language did not exist back then in the region/area called “Greece” today).
      What is appalling to the international community of scientists and historians, is that "Greek" government today has put a total ban on the access, research and publication of the archival documentations (classified as "top secret") of the first Parliamentary session of 1832 in "Greece" - and this is a clear evidence that today, "Greek" government is trying by all and any means in its disposal to hide the historical truth about how this "Greece" of today it came about to be.
      Albanians are the descendants of Pelasgians and Illyrians (since 10,000 years and more ago).
      Alexander the Great -was a Pelasgian King of Illyrian/Pelasgian Confederation of Macedonia, falsely presented as "Greek" by con and "planted" historians.
      The Trojan War - was a war between Pelasgians and Illyrians - both ancient Albanian kingdoms/confederations, falsely represented as “Greek” by con and planted “historians”.
      Homer's "Iliad and Odyssey" epic poems are Pelasgian era poems - falsely represented as "Greek" by con and planted "historians".
      The Thermopylae Battle - was a battle between Pelasgian army (Sparta - a Pelasgian city) and Persian army, falsely represented as "Greek" battle against Persians by con and planted "historians".
      The Koine/”Greek” language (a made-up religious language of Roman Empire times - same as Latin language was a religious language for the western part of the Roman Empire), was forced onto Albanians of that region (Arvanites and Chams) after 1832, through ethnic cleansing, holocaust and ethnocide by European powers (through racist Prince Otto of Germany), Russian Empire of that time, and the dangerous anti-Christian sect/cult called “Anadolli Greek Orthodox Church”.
      There is no such thing as “Greece”.
      Greece is a scam country, artificially created by 1832, from the mafia type collusion of corrupt European powers of that time who brought Prince Otto of Germany to power in that region, Russian Empire of that time, and the dangerous anti-Christian sect/cult of so-called Anadolli Greek Orthodox Church of that time (1832).
      This country so-called “Greece”, has gone entirely bankrupt and belly-up five times from 1832 through 2018, has changed the “official language” of the country two times, and has changed the national flag three times from 1832 through 2019.
      The latest and current national flag of this “Greece” being a blue-color replica of the East India Company flag (the British company who ruled and controlled all trade to and from India during the British rule in India).
      This is enough to tell all, who this made-up country really is - a country with no real and true national identity, a zombie country.
      If it was not for the free money from Germany, Russian Empire and European powers of that time (1832) and European Union now being poured every year to this “Greece” since 1832 through present, this kind of country would cease to exist tomorrow.
      And the big joke is, that this “Greece” is in a state of war with Albania today.
      This “Greece” has officially declared war against Albania since October 1940 - through the Law of the Declaration of War against Albania, approved by the “Greek” parliament and the foreign powers’ installed King for “Greece” on October 1940.
      Freedom and full human and national rights to 9 million Albanians of Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today). Freedom to Albanians of Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today).
      Albanian should be the official language of the Lower Albania, and the country should be officially called and internationally recognized as Lower Albania.
      Sons of Laberia, Permeti Boys, Gjirokastra Boys, and Brotherhood of Arberors/Arvanites and Chams of Kryekuq-it, Athines, Varibobi-it, Malakasa-s, Arte-s, Lopesi-t, Ekali-t, Konice-s, Paramithise, Lluce-s, Parges, Janines, Bojati-t, Koklat-it, Mani-t, More-se, Arvanica-s, Livadhja-se, Tebes, Filatit, Kosturit, Patra-s, Atikes, Morsa-se, Eube-se, Makrijani-t, Eksohi-se, Plakes, Has-it (Fili-t), Menidhi-t, Mesongjise, Hurupisht-it, Xanthi-se, Mecove-s, Argo-s, Thiva-s, Neokori-t, Kartereze-s, Vrastove-s, Drestiko-s, Selanikut, Vothona-s, Grebene-se, Gusmar-it, Prevezes, Peristeri-t, Skorpiona-s, Frari-t, Mesollongji-t, Filipjadha-s, Margellic-it, Liosio-s, Kapandriti-t, and the rest of more than 4500 villages and towns throughout Lower Albania - Athina, May 2021, Lower Albania

    • @kylehedrick9653
      @kylehedrick9653 3 года назад +2

      I thought this looked oddly familiar.
      But where is the parkour enthusiast with unlimited stamina?!

    • @LiL24FuGiTiVe
      @LiL24FuGiTiVe 2 года назад +1

      I wouldn’t call this use, my guy directly pulled the footage and audio from the game. Completely surprised this isn’t copyrighted.

    • @LookHereMars
      @LookHereMars  2 года назад +2

      ​@TastelessTracks Ubisoft have claimed monestisation on videos such as this through green copyright claims on my channel. Which is fine as this footage is not mine (as stated in the description) and the channel is not monetised anyway, but adds may appear as a result. On that note Ubisoft do allow their game footage to be captured, edited, used and shared in the public domain.

  • @2fisse
    @2fisse 2 года назад +2

    This is awesome. Im playing the game at the moment, and wanted to watch documentarys about ancient greece, and this is exactly what is was looking for

  • @AmelieetAmelia
    @AmelieetAmelia 3 года назад +13

    Nice video, very accurate and coherent, really enjoyed it :) I am a second year student in Ancient History and classical archaeology.

    • @LookHereMars
      @LookHereMars  3 года назад +3

      That's fantastic I am glad you enjoyed the video. Thank you for taking the time to watch and leave a comment. 👍

  • @Amar90
    @Amar90 3 года назад +23

    This is incredible, thank you for this great video. I would love to see a video on the Mesopotamian civilisations. Greetings from Mesopotamia Iraq 🇮🇶 to beautiful Greece 🇬🇷

    • @StefanScripca
      @StefanScripca 3 года назад +1

      Unless Ubisoft decides to make an Assassin's Creed based in Mesopotamia, you won't get one..

    • @LookHereMars
      @LookHereMars  3 года назад +3

      Greetings apologies for the late reply I will indeed be covering the Middle East and Persian Empire in the future. Thank you for taking the time out to watch the video I am glad you enjoyed the content. 👍

    • @Amar90
      @Amar90 3 года назад +3

      @@LookHereMars thank you my friend for your reply, Mesopotamian civilisations are Sumerian, Babylon, Assyria and Akkad not Persia ☺️

    • @ΜιχΛαζ
      @ΜιχΛαζ 3 года назад

      Cheers from Athens!

  • @Fernandoenf2
    @Fernandoenf2 7 месяцев назад +1

    Very interesting and the visuals from AC Odyssey are so appealing

  • @OxygenatedMilk
    @OxygenatedMilk 7 месяцев назад +2

    I love this video so much, everything about it was awesome 👍🏼

  • @Red_Rebel
    @Red_Rebel Год назад +2

    Thank you for putting these all together. I didn’t get the chance to play discovery mode. I was so immersed into the game and learned so much on my play though

  • @rudypoo6766
    @rudypoo6766 3 года назад +5

    Loved every minute of this

  • @thefurrybastard1964
    @thefurrybastard1964 3 года назад +3

    Great video of one of my favourite historical periods, thoroughly enjoyed watching this!

    • @LookHereMars
      @LookHereMars  3 года назад +2

      Thank you for stopping by Bat I am glad you enjoyed the video. 👍

  • @nills2gills811
    @nills2gills811 Месяц назад +1

    Damn near the best on RUclips

  • @rachaelskibbe7899
    @rachaelskibbe7899 3 года назад +6

    Wow! This is such an amazing view into the life of ancient Greece! Love it!! Make more of other ancient civilizations... please🤗

  • @tzeniaugeri3378
    @tzeniaugeri3378 3 года назад +5

    Thank you for reminding me of my student years.Greetings from Greece.

  • @demikelis11
    @demikelis11 3 года назад +2

    Very nice video. Thank you for taking the time to make it.

  • @MichelleVisageOnlyFans
    @MichelleVisageOnlyFans 3 года назад +8

    Many ancient workers here are depicted working outside in a scorching Greek sun. It especially stroke me as quite improbable with the kerameikos, but also the women weaving, etc. I doubt they would be working in such harsh conditions and expose their precious work to elements, insects, leaves, wind, bird excrements, etc. All of these can ruin your decoration work on a vase, for instance, in a moment. I am pretty sure they were working under a roof, or indoors on these things, or at least had some sort of walls, partitions or covers put up to be in the shade and away from the elements...

    • @LookHereMars
      @LookHereMars  3 года назад +8

      Good observations. Work in this period did often commence outside in the naked Sun during daytime hours, be it labour or otherwise, but usually ceased during the hottest hours of the mid day. Work would then typically begin again in the cooler hours of the afternoon and evening. Working location and facilities often depended on the job and the wealth of the individual or business. Wealthy businesses or tradesmen, for example, could afford the likes of indoor workshops with a more protected work space and better equipment, etc. Whereas a poorer tradesman or small business would often run outside market stalls where such things as pottery would be created and displayed out in the open. I imagine logically that poorer workers would have tried to improvise such things as shade and dust protection if needed from whatever basic materials they could get their hands on or afford. The documentary shows various working environments of both richer and poorer workers and slaves.
      Thank you for taking the time to watch the video and for leaving a comment.

  • @ngolanov
    @ngolanov 3 года назад +5

    Thanks for the video, it's very informative!

    • @LookHereMars
      @LookHereMars  3 года назад +2

      You are welcome. Thank you for taking the time to watch the video and leave a comment. Much appreciated. 👍

  • @mrjolieguy8673
    @mrjolieguy8673 3 года назад +4

    Perfectly Executed video
    Thanks for sharing this informative,captivating, insanely well timed visionary video ♥️👍👍👍👏🏼👌🏼😉

  • @Call-me-James
    @Call-me-James 3 года назад +11

    I love this video. I have always wondered what life was like in ancient Greece.

    • @LookHereMars
      @LookHereMars  3 года назад +3

      Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment Jim. I am glad you enjoyed the video. 👍

  • @ostavros
    @ostavros Год назад +4

    Oi in Greek is a diphthong pronounced as ee. For example Oikos is pronounced Eekos. And Oikonomia is pronounced Eekonomia. The same for the vowels ai. They are pronounced as a soft e as in elephant.

  • @DavidAmster
    @DavidAmster 3 года назад +3

    Excellent! So interesting and well done.

  • @yondertz
    @yondertz 3 года назад

    I can’t stop watching. All the videos in this channel is unbelievably well-produced.
    While d correction comment may be valid, it failed to appreciate the great merits of this work.

  • @javierbilbao73
    @javierbilbao73 3 года назад +14

    Outstanding vídeo! This material should be tought at school.

    • @furtherdefinitions1
      @furtherdefinitions1 3 года назад

      It should be, but in the current curriculum of leftist education policies, anything about western civilization, especially the nation that founded western civilization, is considered "racist", among other nonsense

    • @MrMonsigart
      @MrMonsigart 3 года назад

      @@furtherdefinitions1 that's sad, history is history "racist" or not

  • @jessecovington6639
    @jessecovington6639 3 года назад +7

    Dude I'm playing AC Origins now and was looking for a documentary that was stylized like it this is blowing my mind

    • @dylanhiggins4760
      @dylanhiggins4760 3 года назад +1


    • @LookHereMars
      @LookHereMars  3 года назад +2

      Glad you enjoyed it mate. Thanks for taking the the time to watch and comment.

  • @PeoplesProtector
    @PeoplesProtector Год назад +1

    I have been looking for such a video!
    Thanks :)

  • @ksenos69
    @ksenos69 3 года назад +2

    Incredible work! Bravo!

    • @LookHereMars
      @LookHereMars  3 года назад +1

      Thank you for stopping by I am glad you enjoyed the video. 👍

  • @user-io3nj3by3k
    @user-io3nj3by3k 3 года назад +2

    Thank you very much for that video!!! It seemed that I have traveled by time machine!!!)))

  • @Servant_of_1111
    @Servant_of_1111 3 года назад +1

    I’m high AF! Thank you RUclips algorithm and the creators of this video and the channel for uploading this video and for this virtual time travel!

    • @LookHereMars
      @LookHereMars  3 года назад +2

      Haha you are welcome my friend glad you enjoyed the content. 👍

  • @allanchurm
    @allanchurm 3 года назад +10

    all these want to be shown in schools they are so well made

    • @LookHereMars
      @LookHereMars  3 года назад +1

      Thank you for the comment and for taking the time out to watch the video. The discovery tours of the Assasin's Creed games where this footage is edited from do stand to be corrected at times due to Ubisoft taking some historic liberties. But all in all the Discovery tours are a good visual and basic informational dive into History. I hope you enjoyed the content. 👍

  • @invicta_vita
    @invicta_vita 3 года назад +2

    I love this channel!!! New sub!

    • @LookHereMars
      @LookHereMars  3 года назад +2

      Glad you enjoy it happy to have you. 👍

  • @GrumblingGrognard
    @GrumblingGrognard Месяц назад from a freaking PS4. Wonderful stuff and better than I had in most of my classes on the subject.

  • @chineseboxer108
    @chineseboxer108 3 года назад +5

    This was SUPER!!! :^)

    • @LookHereMars
      @LookHereMars  3 года назад +1

      Glad you enjoyed it thank you for tuning in.

  • @drprasannasuru
    @drprasannasuru 3 года назад +1

    Ancient Greek homes were impressive & exquisite than many of 21st century homes in Africa, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan & Venezuela

  • @elizabethhowe2110
    @elizabethhowe2110 6 месяцев назад +1

    There is something comforting about the idea of living in a city of bronze statues.
    Directions would be left at Demeter, right at Zeus...
    It would be like living in a working museum.

  • @michelleregis6181
    @michelleregis6181 3 года назад +4

    very interesting in comparing the homes today, some simiarities. indeed

  • @matthewmann8969
    @matthewmann8969 3 года назад +1

    A lot of good rehearsals and role playings

  • @janethayes5941
    @janethayes5941 3 года назад +9

    I wanna live in that house.

  • @anionchloriou3483
    @anionchloriou3483 3 года назад +10

    Last time I checked...on the mirror Greeks were not black!

  • @kokolanza7543
    @kokolanza7543 3 года назад +1

    Loved this. If I were still teaching I would use it for the class. One picky complaint: The "t" in "often" is silent when pronounced by educated people. It is the same with the "t" in the word "listen". Thanks for this!

    • @mrs.schmenkman
      @mrs.schmenkman 3 года назад

      Where are you from? That is not true in western USA. I've always pronounced the t on often unless I'm feeling lazy.

  • @Aurora2097
    @Aurora2097 3 года назад +2

    Beautiful houses these!

  • @AlanAndrei
    @AlanAndrei 3 года назад +5

    Ancient Greeks were white, very white. Rewriting of history.

    • @toekafrank6998
      @toekafrank6998 3 года назад


    • @AlanAndrei
      @AlanAndrei 3 года назад

      According to ancient Greek literature they were all blond and red heads. That is how the illiad and the Odysseus describe themselves

  • @theolewell7535
    @theolewell7535 3 года назад +2

    :) another one great video

  • @IbizanHound2
    @IbizanHound2 3 года назад +5

    I love the idea of educating by making the most out video game art, especially when its a masterpiece of a game like Assassins Creed.
    But I would like to ask if there is any possibility of reuploading these videos in higher quality? Thank you!

    • @LookHereMars
      @LookHereMars  3 года назад +3

      Hello. Yes there will be higher resolution versions of these videos released at a later date.
      Thank you for taking the time out to watch the video.

    • @LookHereMars
      @LookHereMars  3 года назад +4

      ​@Thanos Bobotas The presentation itself was developed by Ubisoft for the history tour of the game Assassins Creed Odyssey. I only edited each segment together into a full length documentary style format. I appreciate your pointers thank you I will keep that in consideration.

    • @IbizanHound2
      @IbizanHound2 3 года назад +1

      @@LookHereMars Oh I see! I wasn't aware as I haven't played the game itself. Regardless... Thank you for editing and uploading these! Still a great service for everyone's education!

    • @LookHereMars
      @LookHereMars  3 года назад +2

      @@IbizanHound2 I appreciate you saying that mate thank you. I am glad you enjoyed the video. 👍

  • @peterliolis5482
    @peterliolis5482 3 года назад +3

    The characters are like a Oliver Stone movie like Alexander all the extras look Middle Eastern ,there are enough Frescos like Philip 11 tomb etc statues to give you an idea. youve spent so much time researching but are let down by the graphics , for example 5.56minutes the woman looks Indian yes they had slaves but the Greek Characters aren''t much better.

    • @mrs.schmenkman
      @mrs.schmenkman 3 года назад

      I suspect..they prolly had color cranked up on the game. However, remember that workers would be much darker as this was long before sunscreen. But that one you mentioned is particularly egregious.

    • @peterliolis5482
      @peterliolis5482 3 года назад

      @@mrs.schmenkman Many of the workers look like modern Tunisians or Algerians, like the graphics people had watched Stone''s Alexander movie

  • @draganjagodic4056
    @draganjagodic4056 3 года назад +1

    Wonderful work.

    • @LookHereMars
      @LookHereMars  3 года назад +1

      Glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for watching. 👍

  • @vonchaney9216
    @vonchaney9216 3 года назад +4

    (5:54 Greece or Nigeria?)

  • @guerino8945
    @guerino8945 3 года назад +3

    When thinking of ancient civilizations like those of Greece, Rome and Egypt we tend to think only in terms of their great achievements without giving much regard to the fact that they were built not only on their intelligence and creativity but also on their cruel and cynical enslavement of other humans. Such facts take away some of the romanticism of these periods of human history.

    • @alejandromolinac
      @alejandromolinac 3 года назад

      On the 2021 all so moral response...

    • @guerino8945
      @guerino8945 3 года назад +1

      @@alejandromolinac Please spare me your sarcastic annotation. No moralizing here and you are barking up the wrong tree if you think I am some "Woke" virtue signalling individual. Just facts to point out that humans are dualistic in nature and we tend to magnify and glorify only one side of the coin, metaphorically speaking, when it is further away in the history of our distant past. In so doing, without showing all the skeletons in the closet we invite history to repeat itself.

  • @dinos9607
    @dinos9607 3 года назад

    04:27 - The "pyrgos" rooftop was a proper observatory, i.e. the perfect position for the Greek giagia to sit there day and night monitoring what was going on in the neighborhood!

  • @douglasbatista9184
    @douglasbatista9184 3 года назад +7

    Why are they so dark? too much exposure to the sun, or miscegenation?

    • @christopherneufelt8971
      @christopherneufelt8971 3 года назад

      Hollywood! They will even sell KKK as their own if they can get money! The ancient Greeks they were at around 5th century like the Swiss in 1930's. Around 30% of the population were blonds, while the 70% browned hair. Concerning their ancient heroes almost all of them were blond, except Ulysses who was depicted as darked haired for obvious reasons (I will not explain here). Today most of inhabitants are of anatolic generation, so many of them they fit the depiction of the graphics shown. P.S. What remains of Greece is their reason: they explained the world in terms of reason, rather than religion which currently is the most common view, and that is why we have lasers as well as children that starve.

    • @guilhermedinizdosreisgomes5030
      @guilhermedinizdosreisgomes5030 Месяц назад

      Americans hatred against whites. Greeks were not brown.

  • @Maja1460
    @Maja1460 3 года назад +2

    so good

    • @LookHereMars
      @LookHereMars  3 года назад +2

      Thank you I am glad you enjoyed the video. Thanks for watching and for leaving a comment.

  • @petkofenerski4408
    @petkofenerski4408 6 месяцев назад

    Nice animation of the traditional story.
    Not to be taken seriously as "research".
    Modern IT creates great illusions.

  • @VladSWG
    @VladSWG 3 года назад +12

    Aristophanes? You have really done your homework. 😁💝

  • @stefgrap5878
    @stefgrap5878 3 года назад +2

    If you find someone to add Greek subtitles, that would be awesome!!! Thank you for traveling us through time!!! 🙂

    • @LookHereMars
      @LookHereMars  3 года назад +1

      That would be awesome. Thank you for taking the time out to watch the video and for leaving a comment. 👍

  • @ssibonis7619
    @ssibonis7619 3 года назад +3

    beautiful Greek world ❤ ... this game is awsm to play 👍

  • @samjames2552
    @samjames2552 3 года назад +1

    Can you post a version without the compulsory closed captioning? It's simply distracting and takes away from the creative process of the video.

  • @Urfav_Nova
    @Urfav_Nova Год назад +1

    47:45 The first rap battles 😂

  • @metildajose1395
    @metildajose1395 3 года назад +1

    Great job 👌,I admired Greek civilization

  • @henrikpersson1962
    @henrikpersson1962 3 года назад +4

    It looks beutiful but I guess it was a very harsch life for most.

    • @marlonbryanmunoznunez3179
      @marlonbryanmunoznunez3179 3 года назад

      @Jason Borne The slavery in itself was a problem. The Mediterranean world in this time period lagged behind technologically in comparison to Han China and the Indian Kingdoms. It really ruined the economy. The reason was lack of incentive for innovation. Why create a better manufacturing process or new machinery if you can just throw slaves at a problem until it goes away? They used slaves even for activities that you would consider middle class like shopkeepers and teachers. This made the landed aristocracy very rich but had a disastrous effect on the general population that had to compete in wages with what was essentially free labor. This in turn had effects in the administration of the kingdoms and empires on the Mediterranean World that had perpetual problems to get enough talented and educated manpower to staff the bureaucracy needed to keep the wheels of the State running unlike the Chinese Empire, this made the Mediterranean powers far less estable in the long run.

  • @georgcorfu
    @georgcorfu 3 года назад +1

    0.46 eekonomia is the correct pronunciation.

  • @Jobe-13
    @Jobe-13 3 года назад +5

    Pretty sweet

    • @LookHereMars
      @LookHereMars  3 года назад +2

      Thank you for the comment and for taking the time to tune in and watch the video. 👍

    • @Jobe-13
      @Jobe-13 3 года назад +2

      @@LookHereMars No problem!

  • @DieLuftwaffel
    @DieLuftwaffel Год назад

    Great video. Does your name happen to be a quote from a certain HBO series?

  • @hankwilliams150
    @hankwilliams150 3 года назад

    WONDERFUL video!! I am so glad to see the buildings painted. I think we forget that not everything was white marble.

  • @KeyhaneBishomar
    @KeyhaneBishomar 3 года назад +1

    I found so many similarities between persian and greek lifestyle, specially in the way their houses where built and the women’s rules. Thanks for sharing.
    And what was your source about this part 4:28 , I would appreciate it.

    • @dest8401
      @dest8401 Год назад

      Hi there! I found this information on Wikipedia:
      Fascinating. I hadn’t heard of these gardens before. Even back in the day they were dismissed as a bit of a women’s activity, it seems. 🙄🤷‍♀️
      I wonder if there existed a similar ritual or festival in Ancient Persia? Adonis was “imported” from the East, as was Aphrodite, so that would make sense. 🤔

  • @arlenmargolin1650
    @arlenmargolin1650 3 года назад +2

    Seems rather strange that winemaking involved drying out the grapes.

  • @BenSHammonds
    @BenSHammonds Год назад +1

    enjoyed this much, a subject that I would enjoy knowledge of is the proto-Greek, and the EEF and Anatolian Early Farmers in their migrations into Europe, could peoples such as those of early Crete, Greece, and Po River valley of Italy have been settled by early Farmers, and if so, what language do you suppose was likely spoken by these peoples

  • @jakeyjervis
    @jakeyjervis 3 года назад +5

    If I could live in any time period, it would be here or Ancient Rome. I just love their natural lifestyles and social gatherings.

    • @cassieoz1702
      @cassieoz1702 3 года назад +4

      As a woman, I absolutely wouldn't want to live in either of those times

    • @jakeyjervis
      @jakeyjervis 3 года назад +4

      @@cassieoz1702 Sucks to be you

    • @dburgd99
      @dburgd99 3 года назад +6

      @@cassieoz1702 As a woman I think my biggest fear would be childbirth. Staying at home weaving ,cooking and being in charge of my home doesn't sound so bad to me. Men had it pretty hard too, anytime they say "workers/fighters/builders" I believe we could insert the word "man".

    • @jakeyjervis
      @jakeyjervis 3 года назад

      @@dburgd99 I think it's probably always a pity party with this one. There's nothing we can do here. Carry on.

  • @catrat7484
    @catrat7484 2 года назад

    Great video, could you tell me what the background music is?

  • @ahcokris
    @ahcokris 3 года назад +1

    if farmers missed the opportunity to plant the fields they had the opportunity to starve. I really thought he'd say that.

  • @diviciacosceltil9008
    @diviciacosceltil9008 3 года назад +14

    Good documentary. Apart that the characters are extremely dark skinned. The Greeks were Europeans and are Europeans. The skin tone is a bit too much.

    • @demianastasiou3293
      @demianastasiou3293 3 года назад +7

      Yeah. Ancient Greeks were light skinned with fair features. More or less like today's modern Greeks.

    • @chrisgeroch4927
      @chrisgeroch4927 3 года назад +5

      They forgot to mention the ancient greek tradition of extensive sunbathing??

    • @_D_W_
      @_D_W_ 2 года назад +7

      @@demianastasiou3293 I’d take that up with the makers of assassins creed and they had plenty of historians helping them. And being European does not equal being light skin especially when you have the context of being outside all the time.

    • @demianastasiou3293
      @demianastasiou3293 2 года назад +1

      @@_D_W_ I guess they were sun-tanned from spending so much time outdoors.

    • @talpomeroy5808
      @talpomeroy5808 Год назад +3

      Actually not so. Much of Greece was in North Africa and Anatolia. The ancient history Fangirl podcast can give you more academic answer. You should always ask yourself if white supremacy “facts“ are real.

  • @tanzanos
    @tanzanos 3 года назад +1

    Spartan women had more rights than men had in other places.

  • @sithlordhibiscus9936
    @sithlordhibiscus9936 Год назад

    Me as a Greek woman: "Greece is warm. You don't need clothing. I hate olives and all products derived from it. I'm going to starve to death that way I don't have to die in childbirth." God olives are so disgusting. ewwwww.........I even hate the consistency and smell of oil.

  • @dadsonworldwide3238
    @dadsonworldwide3238 3 года назад +4

    We don't teach or talk of just how religous activities had the practical uses very similar to us its not so magical or cult like as people interpret it to be.
    We also arrogantly compare ancients to ourselves. Just imagine digging up our society without much knowledge. Take a abortion clinic for example you would find fetus burials by the millions and clinic of ritually repeated practices of removing them. We fail to teach reality and it gets lost in how we have some made up excuse to why ancients was odd or wrong and cruel but that we are do much smarter than them now.

  • @mihaeladesaga2518
    @mihaeladesaga2518 Месяц назад

    Anyone knows why this documentary starts so abruptly? Is there a more complete version?

  • @ahcokris
    @ahcokris 3 года назад +1

    argos made tripod couldrons-which is why all the greek witches lived in or near argos =)

  • @robyn_roamz
    @robyn_roamz 3 года назад

    As someone who suffers badly from gastric reflex, I always wondered how Greeks and Romans could eat their meals while reclining. They must have been in constant stomach acid pain!

  • @wendywhite2642
    @wendywhite2642 3 года назад +1

    It makes me laugh when you say that the first step of making wine is the harvest. What about planting the seed? There's a whole process that goes along with that! And a lot of sophistication in the approach

    • @lannguyen-pu1db
      @lannguyen-pu1db 3 года назад

      Wendy White Not necessarily as some grapes grow wild in many places and can be made into jam, jellies, juices, and why not wines even nowadays.

  • @jessa7323
    @jessa7323 2 года назад

    I love that you used this footage and gave credit. Other youtubers are doing the same thing but pretending they made it and accepting praise from others on their amazing animating skills 🙄
    It's perfectly fine to use the beautiful footage but why pretend you made it!
    Anyways, love your video.

    • @LookHereMars
      @LookHereMars  2 года назад

      Thank you for taking the time to watch the video and for leaving a comment. I am glad you enjoyed the content. 👍

  • @alejandromolinac
    @alejandromolinac 3 года назад +2

    It’s not like we got a gazillion depictions of what Ancient Greeks looked like.... geez.... these weirdo cartoons are terrible....

  • @8nansky528
    @8nansky528 3 года назад +1


  • @thearchangel9835
    @thearchangel9835 3 года назад +3

    that moment when you realize that a video game just rendered the history book totally useless!!

    • @Laocoon283
      @Laocoon283 Год назад +1

      Just another example of how much more efficient and innovative free markets are as compared to bureaucratic institutions.

    • @thearchangel9835
      @thearchangel9835 Год назад +1

      @@Laocoon283 true that

  • @Urfav_Nova
    @Urfav_Nova Год назад

    Did the Ancient greeks have sinks (like basins)? Where did they wash their dishes?
    I am writing and my story is set in ancient Greece but I really need help with this and I can't find this answer anywhere.

  • @zak876
    @zak876 3 года назад +1

    This is assassin creed 😂 dude a straight genius for using the game it’s has amazing details.

    • @LookHereMars
      @LookHereMars  3 года назад +1

      Thank you for stopping by. 👍

    • @pyrexic
      @pyrexic 3 года назад

      The whole thing is AC, not just the visuals- they’ve edited together all of the documentary clips from Discovery Mode, none of this is original lol

  • @kactus_3008
    @kactus_3008 3 года назад +1

    I am afraid that greeks often lived a simple life along with their life stock and plot. They were mostly peasents and fishermen. Including the philosophers.

    • @liquidsnake6879
      @liquidsnake6879 3 года назад +1

      nothing wrong with that, i'd argue you'll never be free so long as you depend on others for survival, by growing your own food your survival is self-sustained and not dependent on anyone but you yourself, that's an important skill to have.

  • @Budseldorf
    @Budseldorf 2 года назад

    Is the house showed in the beginning of the documentary the house of a common citizen, or a rich one? What was life like for the commoners?

  • @redjacc7581
    @redjacc7581 3 года назад +1

    how has video game footage become historical fact?

  • @piushalg8175
    @piushalg8175 3 года назад

    The Greeks did not eat meat after sacrifices. Actually they ate at least parts of the sacrificed animals. Obviously the maker of this film didn't understand the character of ancient sacrifices. (Please note the connection to the last supper...)

    • @merceduslong4486
      @merceduslong4486 3 года назад

      Isn’t eating part of an animal sacrifice considered eating meat? Unless you mean milk, eggs and cheese...

  • @lessermook7608
    @lessermook7608 4 месяца назад

    So their homes were built functionally brilliant, and their diet was amazing.
    These guys had a formula
    tho the woman section of the house aspect is way too petty

  • @hariszark7396
    @hariszark7396 3 года назад +1

    The word is not pronounced "o-ikos".
    In Greek o+i (ο + ι ) pronounced as "i" ( ι ).
    So oikos (οίκος) is pronounced "ikos" ( just "i" not "ai" ).
    Please try to pronounce the Greek words correctly or not at all. It is brutal to the Greek ears hearing you like that.

  • @gabrielverveniotis5634
    @gabrielverveniotis5634 2 месяца назад

    wow, I didn't realize that ancient Greeks were indistinguishable from Indians. I mistakenly took Homer, Herodotus and Plutarch at their word when they described Achilles or Alexander's hair as being "golden." That and looking at my own skin tone. But what do Greeks know?

  • @marcosPRATA918
    @marcosPRATA918 3 года назад

    As classes altas viviam muito bem, e a servidão movendo tudo isso.

  • @MelissaBrownapt215
    @MelissaBrownapt215 3 года назад

    If the laborers suffered, then the supervisors (soldiers?) must have also reaped a shortened life span. Who'd want to live long in those conditions? It had to be miserable - waking everyday to participate in the drudgery. I wonder if they got to attend festivals, so they could at least party and drink for a little while.

    • @Laocoon283
      @Laocoon283 Год назад

      "Where is it I've read that someone condemned to death says or thinks, an hour before his death, that if he had to live on some high rock, on such a narrow ledge that he'd only room to stand, and the ocean, everlasting darkness, everlasting solitude, everlasting tempest around him, if he had to remain standing on a square yard of space all his life, a thousand years, eternity, it were better to live so than to die at once. Only to live, to live and live! Life, whatever it may be!"

  • @bramhuysen5907
    @bramhuysen5907 3 года назад +4

    Oh, also... "Ai" is pronounced "E" like in French "maison", not "A-Y" , so it's "klinE" not "Klina-y" !

  • @guilhermedinizdosreisgomes5030
    @guilhermedinizdosreisgomes5030 Месяц назад

    30:50 first accurate Greek in the video

  • @bramhuysen5907
    @bramhuysen5907 3 года назад +3

    For your information: "oi" is pronounced "ee" not "O-i". EEkonomia, PithEE.... As for "BCE", it's "BC", "AD" not Common Era... era common to what ?

    • @martinrutkowski9504
      @martinrutkowski9504 3 года назад +1

      Actually it's more widely used and accepted now to say BCE and CE so calm down. Christ isn't common to everyone.

  • @hillehai
    @hillehai Месяц назад

    Just a reminder that this was made by Ubisoft and as such any subjects relating to gender or other touchy topics should probably be taken with a large grain of salt. Unfortunately, truth and historical accuracy no longer come before certain... other things... for this company.