Newage was the company that got me hooked on the Legends scale toys with their Jazz and Megatron. Most of my collection is their figures, but I would like for them to not be constantly competing with Magic Square now and go back to doing some more Autobot cars as the ones they have put out have been really good for Legends scale figures. Like mini Masterpieces.
Magic Square's Megatron is generally considered to be the best Megatron and quite a few people are wanting them to turn him into a Masterpiece figure. They did this with Optimus Prime and I think they have the two best cartoon versions of him. I don't have NewAge Jazz but I have Capoeira, which is based on the Jazz mold and I'm not impressed. Magic Square's Jazz is very good.
This! I understand and agree with Bobby's policy on not facing off base figures VS upgrades, but the fair competition to NA Scaramanga is the metallic MS Voice Ripple, which is not really an upgrade, but a repaint. Of course an unpainted figure doesn't hold a candle to a painted one in that respect, but I do think the metallic MS one has the best of both worlds. Besides, I'd love for him to review a MS metallic figure, because what he hates so much about the materials and the choice of plastic is kind of gone. I guess the paint layer makes everything much more solid.
I don't know if you'd be open to this or not, but the Magic Square MS-B27M is incredible. That's the one that's painted dark blue metallic such that it looks exactly like MP-13. After I reviewed all the legends scale Soundwaves, this is the one I went with.
I enjoy the housekeeping at the beginning of these videos. Shows that you are looking at comments and addressing stuff. No need to try to keep them short unless you don't actually have anything to add.
I'm mostly taking NewAge for the Minibots, but their regular Bots are too small and don't fit my Legends, and I like Magic Square colors, i'm more into bright then dark
I didn't expect it to be that much of an overall I mean, I prefer the NewAge by far, but I would've thought Magic Square would put up more of a fight than it did!! (Then again, the way I see it, aside from the derpy transformation & alt mode, the only thing really wrong is that the Magic Square one is just too tall)
I wanna get the Newage figures, but I wish the Newage soundwave had a brighter color scheme more cartoon accurate, basically what the magic square version has
I actually like the house cleaning and look forward to it. I tend to not read comments anywhere like I used to due, in my view, most being negative. So the house cleaning does the filtering of that for me. Great video!
Both figures are very good, in the end it's all about preferences and the collection each one is making, in my case the New Age won't fit cause he's way to small. On a side not Magic Square has released a darker blue fully painted variant that looks way better and it's my legends Soundwave of choice.
I think the painted Soundwave might be a better toe to toe. If magic square just started painting everything all the old figures would look out of place. I think they are keeping the look the same with minimal paint to keep their line consistent with painted variants if you want that.
I got into legends a bit before Earthrise's arrival and Magic Square stalling on Autobot car output (too concerned, in my opinion, with rivalling Newage) made those pieces obselete. I collected Magic Square but picked up weird Newage repaints 'cos I thought they were fun and cool. I really like the Magic Square plastic. I don't think it's a quality issue compared to the Newage. Newage use materials TF collectors like but MS' plastic is very matte (which, in my opinion, works well with their uber-toon, mini-MP approach) and has a well-deserved reputation for indestructibility (which is appreciated in this size). I appreciate the autoscout's inclusion, too - I get what you're saying about the business practices in terms of giving you the tapes you want but any Newage fans that like the autoscout will wonder if they'll ever get one. I think the MS Soundwave does the MS thing better - mini-MP style and articulation - and the Newage one does the Newage thing better - taking legends to a new level and with creative transformation ideas.
I’ve always looked at Newage as more of a mini masterpiece. Their build quality is hands down better, and they use die cast in most of their offerings which is a masterpiece thing. I’ve always viewed magic square as more chug’ish built. The Newage seeker is a thing of beauty, and if they ever decided to upscale those things, it would set the standard for MP seekers.
@@countypoe1644 I get what you're saying in that Newage have a more intricate sculpt where MS are a bit more chunky but I think we're using the words 'MP' and 'CHUG' differently. For me, MS' products are much more consistent with the 'toon aesthetic of current MP and make much less use of the ball joints that, for me, pick out Newage as more 'excellent legends' in style than 'miniaturised MP'. Don't get me wrong, I prefer Newage's designs and the line between 'next level legends' and 'mini-MP' is more about design choices than a question of better/worse for me. I think they're both kinda great but it depends on how you see them and what you want.
Hi guys, to me MS does better bot modes overall, while NA does better alt mode. Materials and paint thoughs are more a prefference thing and die cast on legends is simply not necessary (personal opinion). What I cannot stand is the exposed ball joints NA usually has, their little shoulders and their minus legends scale, btw how can Bobby give a tie on scale with that huge size difference between 13 cm vs 11 cm figures (for legends) ? My only exceptions are the NA Seekers, there is no point of comparison there, still they are just too tiny for me.
I don't think it's correct to categorize the legends classed TF figures as closer to MP or chug. Today masterpiece, chug or legends differ from each other mainly because of scale. It didn't start like that, when it started you had Hasbro and Takara transformer kid toys, then Takara created a line called Masterpice, it consisted in high end TF figures with very good quality meant for collectors. You could tell the difference not only by size but mainly by quality, that changed with 3rd party releasing chug scaled figures built to very high standards and lately it changed again with legends of the same exact quality. Most of the legends and chug TF figures on the market today are high end figures meant for collectors so they are all "Masterpieces".
You gave MS the nod on price but to have the same tapes as the NA you have to buy the $34 ravage group and the other soundwave for laserbeak. So I guess I dont see how they won?
I just started buying these and I love I call them many masterpiece I got 1 3 weeks later now I have like 13 new age and 2 magic,sq,s looking to at least have 50 that's my long them goal that's how much I like the and Bobby u help me a lot wit this vid bro thanks.
I do find the tape wheels inside the window interesting. I'm not sure if its better or not but haven't seen that look before. The New Age material looks better than that gummy MS material.
Thanks for the video. Good comparison. I am happy you gave mst the sculpt. Again, I wish you would have used the painted version of magic square soundwave because it is beautiful and would have gave newage a run for his money. Edit small nitpick : wait a minute you give new age points at the beginning for the paint which is fair, then you give a draw for the back on the sculpt section saying mft has better sculpt but you prefer newage back paint? Sculpt is sculpt and paint is paint. A small nitpick but I think it deserved to be noticed.
Isn’t the unpainted version the first offering? I know the painted Newage is what they put out first. That’s what should be used, the initial offering.
@@countypoe1644 yeah I get what your saying, you maybe right it is like the megatron comparison when he didnt want to use the upgrade kit. I just wanted to see Bobby opinion of mft painted. Knowing how much Bobby like paint and don't like unpainted mst toys look
@@countypoe1644 Only agree with that if it's an upgrade. For example, Megs' NA hip joint upgrade. In Soundwave's case, comparing a non-painted version to a painted one, when there is a painted one to compare it with (and cheaper than the contender, so definitely not an upgrade) is pretty unfair, initial offering or not.
Hell... I'd be okay with a full video of nothing but house cleaning. A weekly cleanup, and comment reflection. I'm betting that you would make it quite entertaining. Call out the keyboard warriors!
New age does look black in color to me as well... I thought it was soundblaster originally. If only it was a couple shades lighter it would be perfect.
I disagree with your assessment, not with everything but with most of the categories and with the end result. For me NA wins gimmicks and alt mode, MS wins sculpt. and articulation on all the other categories they tie so in my assessment the end result is a tie. I know there are a lot of categories that are subjective so there's no right or wrong here not even in the less subjective categories, it will all come to what you favor, what you like best and what you're looking for in a TF figure. I know NA has more paint then MS and their materials are a harder type of plastic but that doesn't mean they are better. If you like mate colors and pliable materials less prone to breakage you will prefer MS if you prefer harder material that stick together a bit tighter and glossy colors you'll prefer NA. What got me to choose one over the other was the cassettes, since I'm buying 7 characters and 6 from those 7 go to MS, being that the seventh is a tie, I believe MS is a way better option.
My MS didn't come with stickers, that's rubbish. Great video. Couldn't agree more that MS rumble is better than the newage tapes, was the only part of the newage that let it down.
Hmmm🤔 honestly if I can complement both figure N.A's Soundwave really gives me Devastation vibes when it comes to the Blue and M.S's Soundwave definitely is more on par with the Cartoons color scheme. At least in my opinion.
I like the light blue since its how I remember things in the cartoon compare to the NA version which looks black like that other so called soundwave name which I can't recall.
I'm all in I won't more new age looks like masterpiece and magic as, like like toon version love both now that's what I won't now at this point and time.
I'm a fan of the house cleaning for some reason, but if people are so twitchy over it why section up the videos & have a housecleaning section that's easy for folks to flick past.
So I guess the swapping of visually displayed bots vs titles of MS/NA mid way through will be in the cleanup next week? Enjoyed the content, but it was somewhat jarring. So much for no time spent on cleaning up next week. Better luck next time? Maybe it's a quantity vs quality thing ;) Cheers
I love house cleaning since the video subjects are hit or miss such as legends figures which is not meaningful to mp nor chug people for the most part.
I agree, it is important to be generally clean in the pelvis and thigh area.
The names or figures switched at 4:43, and switched back again afterwards; I think.
Yeah I was like wait what
Newage was the company that got me hooked on the Legends scale toys with their Jazz and Megatron. Most of my collection is their figures, but I would like for them to not be constantly competing with Magic Square now and go back to doing some more Autobot cars as the ones they have put out have been really good for Legends scale figures. Like mini Masterpieces.
Magic Square's Megatron is generally considered to be the best Megatron and quite a few people are wanting them to turn him into a Masterpiece figure. They did this with Optimus Prime and I think they have the two best cartoon versions of him. I don't have NewAge Jazz but I have Capoeira, which is based on the Jazz mold and I'm not impressed. Magic Square's Jazz is very good.
you've brightened my Saturday!
04:30 I think you swapped your figs. Great review!
I love starting my Saturdays with your sitdowns
Always a pleasure to watch. I think you’d like the metallic Magic Square Soundwave, for me that’s the best of the three (and I own them all).
Agreed. I also much prefer mst laserbeak sculpt
This! I understand and agree with Bobby's policy on not facing off base figures VS upgrades, but the fair competition to NA Scaramanga is the metallic MS Voice Ripple, which is not really an upgrade, but a repaint. Of course an unpainted figure doesn't hold a candle to a painted one in that respect, but I do think the metallic MS one has the best of both worlds.
Besides, I'd love for him to review a MS metallic figure, because what he hates so much about the materials and the choice of plastic is kind of gone. I guess the paint layer makes everything much more solid.
I don't know if you'd be open to this or not, but the Magic Square MS-B27M is incredible. That's the one that's painted dark blue metallic such that it looks exactly like MP-13. After I reviewed all the legends scale Soundwaves, this is the one I went with.
2:31 all eyes on New Age. I mean, damn…now that’s a beautiful Soundwave.
All the more reason to look forward to my SG versionn, really feels like you can rarely go wrong with Newage.
I enjoy the housekeeping at the beginning of these videos. Shows that you are looking at comments and addressing stuff. No need to try to keep them short unless you don't actually have anything to add.
I'm mostly taking NewAge for the Minibots, but their regular Bots are too small and don't fit my Legends, and I like Magic Square colors, i'm more into bright then dark
I didn't expect it to be that much of an overall I mean, I prefer the NewAge by far, but I would've thought Magic Square would put up more of a fight than it did!! (Then again, the way I see it, aside from the derpy transformation & alt mode, the only thing really wrong is that the Magic Square one is just too tall)
From other reviews, magic square one falls apart more.
I wanna get the Newage figures, but I wish the Newage soundwave had a brighter color scheme more cartoon accurate, basically what the magic square version has
Man how I love how you break these blogs down wit the small guy new age magic,,str keep doing these.
It's mislabeled at 4:30. It's messing me up
I actually like the house cleaning and look forward to it. I tend to not read comments anywhere like I used to due, in my view, most being negative. So the house cleaning does the filtering of that for me. Great video!
The light box and hand thing that came with the Newage are sadly pre-order exclusives, so that's a point that should have gone to Magic Square.
Ha! It was me. Screw the housekeeping
Will you be comparing cassettes?
I would have thought New Age would have run away with this, but after watching your comparison, it is a close run.
HI how is it going! May I ask u whether magic square gets the copyright of hasbro? is selling magic square on amazon legal?
Yes! Thank you for these amazing videos!! Have a great weekend Bobby S ♥️
Both figures are very good, in the end it's all about preferences and the collection each one is making, in my case the New Age won't fit cause he's way to small. On a side not Magic Square has released a darker blue fully painted variant that looks way better and it's my legends Soundwave of choice.
I think the painted Soundwave might be a better toe to toe. If magic square just started painting everything all the old figures would look out of place. I think they are keeping the look the same with minimal paint to keep their line consistent with painted variants if you want that.
I got into legends a bit before Earthrise's arrival and Magic Square stalling on Autobot car output (too concerned, in my opinion, with rivalling Newage) made those pieces obselete.
I collected Magic Square but picked up weird Newage repaints 'cos I thought they were fun and cool.
I really like the Magic Square plastic. I don't think it's a quality issue compared to the Newage. Newage use materials TF collectors like but MS' plastic is very matte (which, in my opinion, works well with their uber-toon, mini-MP approach) and has a well-deserved reputation for indestructibility (which is appreciated in this size).
I appreciate the autoscout's inclusion, too - I get what you're saying about the business practices in terms of giving you the tapes you want but any Newage fans that like the autoscout will wonder if they'll ever get one.
I think the MS Soundwave does the MS thing better - mini-MP style and articulation - and the Newage one does the Newage thing better - taking legends to a new level and with creative transformation ideas.
I’ve always looked at Newage as more of a mini masterpiece. Their build quality is hands down better, and they use die cast in most of their offerings which is a masterpiece thing. I’ve always viewed magic square as more chug’ish built. The Newage seeker is a thing of beauty, and if they ever decided to upscale those things, it would set the standard for MP seekers.
@@countypoe1644 I get what you're saying in that Newage have a more intricate sculpt where MS are a bit more chunky but I think we're using the words 'MP' and 'CHUG' differently. For me, MS' products are much more consistent with the 'toon aesthetic of current MP and make much less use of the ball joints that, for me, pick out Newage as more 'excellent legends' in style than 'miniaturised MP'. Don't get me wrong, I prefer Newage's designs and the line between 'next level legends' and 'mini-MP' is more about design choices than a question of better/worse for me. I think they're both kinda great but it depends on how you see them and what you want.
@@countypoe1644 While the Newage seekers are a feat of enguneering, they would not last against the MPs.
Hi guys, to me MS does better bot modes overall, while NA does better alt mode. Materials and paint thoughs are more a prefference thing and die cast on legends is simply not necessary (personal opinion). What I cannot stand is the exposed ball joints NA usually has, their little shoulders and their minus legends scale, btw how can Bobby give a tie on scale with that huge size difference between 13 cm vs 11 cm figures (for legends) ? My only exceptions are the NA Seekers, there is no point of comparison there, still they are just too tiny for me.
I don't think it's correct to categorize the legends classed TF figures as closer to MP or chug.
Today masterpiece, chug or legends differ from each other mainly because of scale. It didn't start like that, when it started you had Hasbro and Takara transformer kid toys, then Takara created a line called Masterpice, it consisted in high end TF figures with very good quality meant for collectors. You could tell the difference not only by size but mainly by quality, that changed with 3rd party releasing chug scaled figures built to very high standards and lately it changed again with legends of the same exact quality.
Most of the legends and chug TF figures on the market today are high end figures meant for collectors so they are all "Masterpieces".
You gave MS the nod on price but to have the same tapes as the NA you have to buy the $34 ravage group and the other soundwave for laserbeak. So I guess I dont see how they won?
I just started buying these and I love I call them many masterpiece I got 1 3 weeks later now I have like 13 new age and 2 magic,sq,s looking to at least have 50 that's my long them goal that's how much I like the and Bobby u help me a lot wit this vid bro thanks.
I do find the tape wheels inside the window interesting. I'm not sure if its better or not but haven't seen that look before. The New Age material looks better than that gummy MS material.
Thanks for the video. Good comparison. I am happy you gave mst the sculpt. Again, I wish you would have used the painted version of magic square soundwave because it is beautiful and would have gave newage a run for his money.
Edit small nitpick : wait a minute you give new age points at the beginning for the paint which is fair, then you give a draw for the back on the sculpt section saying mft has better sculpt but you prefer newage back paint? Sculpt is sculpt and paint is paint. A small nitpick but I think it deserved to be noticed.
Isn’t the unpainted version the first offering? I know the painted Newage is what they put out first. That’s what should be used, the initial offering.
@@countypoe1644 yeah I get what your saying, you maybe right it is like the megatron comparison when he didnt want to use the upgrade kit. I just wanted to see Bobby opinion of mft painted. Knowing how much Bobby like paint and don't like unpainted mst toys look
@@countypoe1644 Only agree with that if it's an upgrade. For example, Megs' NA hip joint upgrade. In Soundwave's case, comparing a non-painted version to a painted one, when there is a painted one to compare it with (and cheaper than the contender, so definitely not an upgrade) is pretty unfair, initial offering or not.
Hell... I'd be okay with a full video of nothing but house cleaning. A weekly cleanup, and comment reflection. I'm betting that you would make it quite entertaining. Call out the keyboard warriors!
New age does look black in color to me as well... I thought it was soundblaster originally. If only it was a couple shades lighter it would be perfect.
I disagree with your assessment, not with everything but with most of the categories and with the end result. For me NA wins gimmicks and alt mode, MS wins sculpt. and articulation on all the other categories they tie so in my assessment the end result is a tie. I know there are a lot of categories that are subjective so there's no right or wrong here not even in the less subjective categories, it will all come to what you favor, what you like best and what you're looking for in a TF figure.
I know NA has more paint then MS and their materials are a harder type of plastic but that doesn't mean they are better. If you like mate colors and pliable materials less prone to breakage you will prefer MS if you prefer harder material that stick together a bit tighter and glossy colors you'll prefer NA.
What got me to choose one over the other was the cassettes, since I'm buying 7 characters and 6 from those 7 go to MS, being that the seventh is a tie, I believe MS is a way better option.
My MS didn't come with stickers, that's rubbish. Great video. Couldn't agree more that MS rumble is better than the newage tapes, was the only part of the newage that let it down.
Hmmm🤔 honestly if I can complement both figure
N.A's Soundwave really gives me Devastation vibes when it comes to the Blue and M.S's Soundwave definitely is more on par with the Cartoons color scheme. At least in my opinion.
I like the light blue since its how I remember things in the cartoon compare to the NA version which looks black like that other so called soundwave name which I can't recall.
I want to see a showdown between MS & NA counterpart tapes
I'm all in I won't more new age looks like masterpiece and magic as, like like toon version love both now that's what I won't now at this point and time.
Man Bobby I just spent like a 1000.00 dollers on new age 13 figs and 2 magic as figs in less than 2 weeks bro.
Would have been more helpful to put the figures on the right side because i got lost every once in a while
I need sit down Saturday Saturday like p
While I do prefer Magic Square, even the dark blue varient would fall at 3 to 4 on your comparison.
i think i like the hot soldiers mechfantoys one better than both of these bots but the tapes are pretty awesome that both of these come with
I like my New Age Soundwave better than my MP13 lol
Come skully you ALWAYS say quality beats quantity!!!!
Bobby "loves housekeeping" Face!
I'm a fan of the house cleaning for some reason, but if people are so twitchy over it why section up the videos & have a housecleaning section that's easy for folks to flick past.
Those Skullface secondary market prices gonna FansToys bad one day lol.
So I guess the swapping of visually displayed bots vs titles of MS/NA mid way through will be in the cleanup next week? Enjoyed the content, but it was somewhat jarring. So much for no time spent on cleaning up next week.
Better luck next time? Maybe it's a quantity vs quality thing ;)
Jarring? That's funny.
I'm calling it for NA at the outset.
The only thing I don’t like about Newage it’s just extended arms part 🙄
Nobody uses a reverse ab crunch
✌️out Bobby
You haven’t seen me on a Friday night
I love house cleaning since the video subjects are hit or miss such as legends figures which is not meaningful to mp nor chug people for the most part.