Just imagine. You just finished the tutorial. You start your 1st ever real ranked duel. And you run into kripp and his 35 legendary deck. And only 1 thought remains. If this is what rank 25 is, whats in legend rank?
I played 30 legendaries at rank 22 and I got huge praise for turn 3 Brann turn 4 Elise with Brann, turn 5 Loetheb with Brann. Around the 6 or 7th legendary I got taunted over and over again.
Hey Kripp, nice to see you again, I'd like to play this kind of deck, but what could I replace these cards with: Shifter Zerus Sir Finley Mrrgglton Bloodmage Thalnos Nat, The Darkfisher Brann Bronzebeard Eydis Darkbane Fjola Lightbane Moroes Tinkmaster Overspark Barnes Elise Starseeker Gormok the Impaler Old Murk-Eye Feugen Harrison Jones Prince Malchezaar Stalagg Reno Jackson Sylvanas The Black Knight Toshley Chillmaw Dr. Boom Eadric the Pure The Curator Ragnaros, Lightlord Tirion Fordring Alexstrasza Deathwing N'Zoth, the Corruptor
It's 42 when n'zoth resurrects 6 legendarys. And when zerus turns into another legendary then you technically played two legendarys at once, so make that 43. Step up your game. Edit: 45, when sylvanas and resurrected sylvanas steal legendarys from your opponent. 46, because Thaddeus is also a legendary. This is MADNESS! Edit 2: Then Zerus turned into n'zoth, who resurrected another 6, so 52! Stalag and Fugen both got resurrected twice, and they died at the same time the first time around, so thats another 5 Thaddeusses. 57 Legendarys deck, fix the title.
Brann and Barnse can be combined to add an extra legendary. So 58. Edit: Both of the Barnse targets can be Sylvannas, so that's two more legendarys. Those Sylvannases can be ressurected for two more legendarys. One final res from Zerus nets two more legendarys. So 64 legendarys.
That extra "Dr Boom" is actually the Map that Elise put in the deck, it's just a display bug from HDT. The HS game client doesn't receive info regarding the nature of the cards drawn by the opponent so HDT couldn't have conveyed that information since it never got that information to begin with.
*Looks at description* That's not how you spell "re-define" Kripp FailFish NotLikeThis *Edit* This has become reasonably awkward since Kripp changed his description to the correct spelling *facepalms self*
You can have 60 cards in your deck (at turn 1). During the "choose 3 cards and your deck will have 10 copies of them" tavern brawl you could have malchezaar as one of them and he'd fill your deck with up to 60 cards.
Can't get enough of this series. This version is hilarious. Having Malchezaar, Barnes and Shifter Zerus makes for some crazy RNG. Playing The Curator hoping to get The Beast or one of the Muklas. And you can also get a Nozdormu or something unexpected like that. Videos like these rekindle my love for HS.
I don't know if you'll read this Kripp but the Prince can give you two of the same legendary. I was playing this deck for fun as well and I play Reno without looking to see if he was highlighted and I didn't get the full heal. So apparently the Prince can give you two of the same.
Comment section: 50% Kripperinos 25% Angry fans and hearthstone players who can't afford to make a 30 legendaries deck by their own 4% Good players who are actually commenting the video with useful comments and thoughts 20% Random ass trolls 1% *Me*
your math seems off. at this point nearly 20.000 people watched this video. let´s say 10% of these viewers commented, which seems like a rather low estimation in my book, this would result in you being 20 persons. kinda seems unlikely. (╭ರ_⊙) 464 comments - 4.64 persons
+Evo 10% of 20,000 is 2000 1000 Kripperinos 500 Angry Fans 500 Unnamed People Alargento is an Unnamed Person Which means Alargento is actually 125 people Get your facts straight
The Dr. Boom thing was propably an interaction with the Map. The Map didnt show up too, so it either got the wrong information and tracked the map as boom, or the tracker is just not designed for more than 30 card slots and that 31st card caused some wierd interaction.
+Danlord IOI i don't know how many minions there are in this game. Let's say 750. To get a specific card you want the Chance of that happening is 1/750. To get the same card you want twice in a row its 1/750^2 750^2=562500
Danlord IOI yea but my calculation is just the one he used and wanted to Show where the number of the original commenter is coming from. You still have to admit, it is VERY lucky
I tried my best to make an all-legendary deck recently but I'm missing so many of the key low-cost cards. I have Eydis but I'm missing Fjola. I don't have Darkfisher, Tinkmaster, or Murk-Eye and those latter two are much harder to get now. I have pretty well all the high cost legendaries and I want to start spending dust on the little guys but I still can't convince myself to craft a silly card when I still don't have some of the sliiightly competitive legendaries like Paletress, Velen, Hallazeal, Malkorok, Varian, Soggoth, Dragonlord, and Y'shaarj.
P.S.: If anyone has a suggestion on which of those 8 I should craft next, assuming I have pretty well everything else, I'm all ears. My guess is Malkrorok. Edit: I'm also missing Gormok... that's a candidate as well, but I'm not a huge fan of warlock zoo (just feels so dirty!)
I packed a golden herald volasj (I can't even spell it😂) and that's my second ever golden legendary, so I decided fuck it I will make y'sharrj so that's always quite fun to work with your other high cost legendaries, like I play a 16 legendary deck with rogue and the rest spells and it's just fun to play and y'sharrj is unreal when you get him and is just all round pretty cool so if your going fun factor I recommend that, if not paletress if your big on priest is fun and in all fairness relatively competitive, that's my thoughts mate
if your struggling for the lower ones just go 2 alarm o bots and one or 2 healbots depending on how much early game your missing :) i have achieved rank 18 in wild solely with this lol... (i normally play standard)
I have been playing for a year and have 2 legendaries. They are C’thun and Marin the Fox, which are instantly given to you. My little brother started this week and got a gold king krush in his FIRST PACK, a yseerja (the emerald dream dragon) in his second pack.
Thanks dude, I'm pretty casual at the game and I have a lot of fun playing your 30 legendary decks. I'll be sure to try out this list once I've unlocked all the new cards.
Not really. The card is not the most viable or OP. Its 5 cards that you can't predict or plan around and potentially block an otherwise good draw. It's good and fun but not super strong.
Actually it can interrupt Reno Jackson. I had a deck built with Reno Jackson and added Prince Malchezaar. I played about 20 games or so with the deck and on two occasions, Reno Jackson failed to fire. This was either because Malchezaar added a legendary which duplicated one already in my deck or he added 2 of the same legendary. I never found out which. So on rare occasions, he can undermine Reno Jackson.
Is... is this what Wild is? This fantasy dreamland of weird, nonsensical and fun decks? In playing Standard to get away from all the aggro bullshit of GvG and Naxx have I just been avoiding the mode where there's no aggro bullshit? These are the deep questions I ask myself.
35 legendaries and still having kind of a hard time against rank sub-20 decks. At least now, next time someone says HS is a pay to win I can shut them up with this video.
HS is pay 2 win no kappa, using money you can instantly have all the cards you want buying packs and crafting what you need to have a strong deck. There's no way any new free to play player can compete against someone who gets all the card he wants, that's a huge advantage and it's bought, that is what being pay to win means. What you can say against the pay to win argument is that the more time you invest in the game, the more the advantage that people using money have gets smaller because you can slowly farm the cards you want (every free to play player that started a few months ago should not have much trouble against money users) but still just because only the start of the game is pay to win it doesn't make the whole game not pay to win. If you want to use this video to prove anything use it to show people legendary doesn't have to mean op.
+Woland94 I understand what you are saying, and where you are coming from. As many other people that defend the same position, your argument makes sense, Its only problem is it's constructed atop two mistaken assumptions, namely: A) That in hearthstone having a full collection lets anyone automatically trump anyone with a more limited collection B) That the phrase "Pay to win" refers to the purchase of any relevant in-game benefit The first assumption is obviously wrong after watching this very video. Kripp, a player unarguably more skilled than a rookie, has trouble against the rock bottom of the ladder as soon as the skill factor in his deck building is totally removed and replaced by pure cash. A full legendary deck is obviously the most P2W deck you could build. However, even in hands of a skilled player it doesn't work. You can easily picture how a rookie with no idea of how to play nor how to build decks will hardly beat anyone beyond rank 20 even with a full golden collection. This point is also ilustrated by a hilarious personal experience. Sometime between BRM and TGT, I was assisting the organization of a hearthstone tournament for children. YOUNG children. Well, one of them didn't remember his account so I simply lent him mine. I didn't have a full collection nor many legendaries, but I had most good cards and more than enough top tier legendaries. This kid had played before, he knew by himself how to use everything in the game. So, he had to create 3 decks for the tournament, and he did so with the deck assistant. Yep, the 3 random cards thingie. The fun part comes when for one of the cards the choices he is offered are: War golem, [don't remember], and Dr. Boom. Guess what he picked. Nope, you guessed wrong, he picked the war golem. Yes, the war golem. Needless to say, he proceeded to be horribly crushed even through he had a way, *way* ampler collection at his disposal than most other kids. So purchasing doesn't let veterans beat veterans (as they already got the cards), it definitely doesn't let newbies beat veterans, and it doesn't even guarantee a newbie the victory against other newbie. Heck, with enough skill you can even beat an adventure boss with a basic deck. The second assumption is a lot easier to mistakenly make, but it's still not quite right. We should clear up that "pay to win" was a phrase that appeared to describe games in which someone could, quite literally, pay his way to almost guaranteed victory. Things like F2P players having access to 4 incrementally stronger tiers of equipment thourgh farming and leveling up, whereas a P2W player has immediate access from level 1 to a fifth, stronger tier of equipment that lets him scub the floor with any stronger f2p character. Yes, I've seen these kind of games. And a true P2W game is easily the greatest cancer on the video game industry. Those kind of games usually _need_ to be designed in a way that the free players are mere _content_ for the few paid players to enjoy. In layman's terms, P2W is to videogames what Justin Bieber is to music or what Twilight is to the seventh art. That's why we have to keep its meaning, so that we can properly tag what is truly foul. If we started calling poisonous anything with a relatively bad taste, soon we wouldn't know what would kill us and what not. What happens if you start looking at your collection the same way you look at your character level in wow? You need to invest time to grow a character to level 100 and you need to invest time to fill a collection. Would wow be p2w if you could purchase lvl 100 characters? would you win more arenas, more battlegrounds, or do better than any other similarly geared character just because you took a shortcut there? No, you'd do it sooner, but not better. In hearstone you get better decks sooner, but you still need to know how to play and how to build a deck... or how to netdeck. I would dare say net decking is way more of a problem than purchasing packs: Purchasing packs lets you circumvent part of the farming time. Netdecking lets you circumvent half of the personal skills needed to play, the same way purchases let "whales"circumvent the skill required to beat other players in P2W games. Yet noone complains about netdecking, probably because "fuck having a criterion: if I can't do it too I'll complain about it being doable, but if I can do it I'll exploit the shit out of it". Not saying you are one of those, I reckon you have developed and reasoned your arguments. Still you'll easily see half of the community deep inside aligns with that. I can understand the worrying about players being matched in such widely different positions in the power scale, but actually most of the problem there is the matchmaking system. There would be no problem if players were matched only with similar collections, indifferently of it coming from gold or cash. Sadly I don't think there even is a proper way to properly evaluate the latent power of a collection, taking into consideration how the meta, sinergies, and personal playstile sway it. Maybe we need a term to describe games in which like here you can purchase "farming-in-a-can", but it certainly shouldn't be P2W. TL; DR: P2W doesn't mean what you think it means, and paying in hearthstone doesn't give you the win.
putting together a spastic expensive deck is of course not going to be pay to win, but building a great deck of actually good cards you pay to access, that is still pay to win lol this deck only proves that you can have fun with your expensive toys, nothing else
At 14:35 you should have traded into the Gnome since you would've healed into 30 and still gotten him ways away from lethal, then again he would have never miscalculated.
So if prince can't give duplicate cards like people keep saying then I've encountered a bug. My barns labeled created by Prince pulled out another barns who I did put in the deck.
I felt I had to drop shifter zerus from my all-legendary deck, because he doesn't stay legendary, and I end up with a non-legendary played from my hand. Somehow it feels like it's going against the spirit of the deck. It's definitely a better deck with him in it, but if you're going to go all in on a silly concept you should commit entirely.
Your opponent could also give you purify with Cho and that's common. However what really matters is deckbuilding, there your zerus is legendary, you don't have full control over what's going to happen during gameplay.
Just imagine. You just finished the tutorial. You start your 1st ever real ranked duel. And you run into kripp and his 35 legendary deck. And only 1 thought remains. If this is what rank 25 is, whats in legend rank?
the noob is sad as he loses to kripp, and thinks, "whats in legend rank?"
googles, first result "tempostorm aggro decks and dragon warrior meta"
When you finish tutorial you probably dont know that legend rank even exist
Heard from freinds? Or watch like two intro videos then you know what legend means
i said probably not certainly
I played 30 legendaries at rank 22 and I got huge praise for turn 3 Brann turn 4 Elise with Brann, turn 5 Loetheb with Brann. Around the 6 or 7th legendary I got taunted over and over again.
Quickerino Kripperino Thx M8
a return to form
thanks I almost died
When hearthstone used to be fun. Miss those days.
Can't believe this is 6 years old omg, feels like yesterday when Karazhan released in HS
Yep I was just finishing HS. doesn't feel long ago
Love from 2024 😢🫵🏽👋🏾🙋🏽❤️
im on a nostalgia trip threw old kripp videos. miss those times :(
Turns out a deck with 35 legendary cards is actually pretty good. Who knew?!
Pretty good huh? Pretty good.
old memerino. He doesn't say that anymore sadface
...against rank 22-25 ranked players (bearing in mind most people are never in these ranks after their first ranked season coz of bonus stars).
Yeah! It's good below rank 20 -_-
I knew!
Hey Kripp, nice to see you again, I'd like to play this kind of deck, but what could I replace these cards with:
Shifter Zerus
Sir Finley Mrrgglton
Bloodmage Thalnos
Nat, The Darkfisher
Brann Bronzebeard
Eydis Darkbane
Fjola Lightbane
Tinkmaster Overspark
Elise Starseeker
Gormok the Impaler
Old Murk-Eye
Harrison Jones
Prince Malchezaar
Reno Jackson
The Black Knight
Dr. Boom
Eadric the Pure
The Curator
Ragnaros, Lightlord
Tirion Fordring
N'Zoth, the Corruptor
heyy thats so original
30 wisps will work good. Thanks me later :)
I hope you know youtubers with pretty girl pics are disgusting fat perverts who cage asian boys beneath their beds.
Try 30x Magma Rager, they always work... unless yo face a mege, druid, rogue or wisp!
Turns out I die to every card in this deck...
And what is Shifter Zerus transforms into Alarmo-Bot? You can kill it! :D
*ehem* lonewalker cho *ehem*
+Maties Francesc Alcover Borràs There is no Cho in there though unless Malchezaar puts it in there
+Maties Francesc Alcover Borràs That was from malchezar.
It's 36,as I can make a brilliant 36th actor!
It's 42 when n'zoth resurrects 6 legendarys. And when zerus turns into another legendary then you technically played two legendarys at once, so make that 43. Step up your game.
Edit: 45, when sylvanas and resurrected sylvanas steal legendarys from your opponent. 46, because Thaddeus is also a legendary. This is MADNESS!
Edit 2: Then Zerus turned into n'zoth, who resurrected another 6, so 52! Stalag and Fugen both got resurrected twice, and they died at the same time the first time around, so thats another 5 Thaddeusses. 57 Legendarys deck, fix the title.
Make me!
Brann and Barnse can be combined to add an extra legendary. So 58.
Edit: Both of the Barnse targets can be Sylvannas, so that's two more legendarys. Those Sylvannases can be ressurected for two more legendarys. One final res from Zerus nets two more legendarys. So 64 legendarys.
Yogg Saron They got stallag and feugen, whom then got resurrected twice as well, so thats another 6 Thaddeusses. 64 legendarys!
"That was a mistake"
Still made me laugh XD
thats why he still at 25...
*23 :D
hi Lucas remember me
"Objectively cool and funny"
The two most subjective things out there.
True lol
The insects are quite confused.
Do they Die or Live? Come on Ragnaros you can't have both.
Obviously they are now Schrodinger's bugs. Both alive and dead until the game is over and you can tell who won.
Yo remember when this was hearthstone
That extra "Dr Boom" is actually the Map that Elise put in the deck, it's just a display bug from HDT. The HS game client doesn't receive info regarding the nature of the cards drawn by the opponent so HDT couldn't have conveyed that information since it never got that information to begin with.
Finally got my first golden legendary, and it was a pretty good one too! The Beast: 6 mana 9/7 give you 1600 dust!
I got golden deathwing dragonlord, but I don't have other dragons so he became 1600 dust
That profile picture LUL
My first golden legendary was a golden Bog Creeper.
No shit, I swear my first golden was nat pagle, I crafted sneeds with the dust
my first was gahz'rilla
who needs legendarys if you can have me ?! ok i have to admit Yogg-Saron is the only legendary that gives some value, PRAISE YOGG
I am a spell. Therefore Yogg can use me. I am used confirmed.
Buzznav Videos Then why did you open a WOTOG pack instead of classic? Also yogg is way better.
0:04 Watch Kripp fuckers.
But I don't want to...
I always watch Kripp ;)
but not the intro
35 Leg Deck new meta! Best Pay 2 Lose feature ever!
Insane Value!
+Kenpatchi Ramasama how can you be so flippant, yet so desirable
Except for the fact that Kripp gets paid to play...
"Harambe lives.. Well, for now."
"Rip Harambe."
"He died for our heals."
Kripperino knows his memes! Thumbs up!
ayyylmao dank maymays
Kripp IS a meme.
hipster_jesus o
Dix out for the rank 23 who counted 30 as 31 😂
It's only natural that a card as amazing as me can revive such a glorious deck.
how is this video 7 years old..
impressive rank 25 plays...we´re proud of you
that "live insect" "die insect" combo is insane :)
...There's gonna be a haramberino kripperino account by the end of the week isn't there?
David Lennyman Of course there is
What is this Harambe meme about anyway?
+Joshua Sweetvale this country is failing us. how is meme education not teaching you this.
+Joshua Sweetvale It never crossed your mind to look it up after seeing it everywhere for the last 2 months?
The Shitposting Spaghetti Monster you called?
"harambe lives, well for now" too soon krippppp
5:40-6:50 thx kripp, #harambealwaysinourhearts
+AlexadoFeel what the actual fuck dude?
and i am the best .
Dicks out
dickerino outerino
tentacle out
Kripp was so happy back then. Now he mostly looks dead inside.
Years and years of 12 hour days on a card game will do that to you
Despair :(
I hope krip gives himself a new avenue ❤
He is married now, so.. connect the dots ;)
@@silvach2 hes vegetarian :(
*Looks at description*
That's not how you spell "re-define" Kripp FailFish NotLikeThis
*Edit* This has become reasonably awkward since Kripp changed his description to the correct spelling *facepalms self*
When you're a god like dad is, you fucking make new ways to spell words
Vegan Spelling LUL
Re-difine > re-define + divine.
C'mon that was not so hard.
He's re-difining the spelling
Erhm.... Yes it is... Or am I missing an inside joke here?
18:24 opponent clearly sets up a kill on Moroes on purpose... Kripp: "that's pretty lucky"
There is a banana in this video
You ain't a true Kripperino, you don't have the name. How can your comment make me laugh if you ain't a Kripperino?
+Monkey75 I went too fast
fucking LUL
You can have 60 cards in your deck (at turn 1).
During the "choose 3 cards and your deck will have 10 copies of them" tavern brawl you could have malchezaar as one of them and he'd fill your deck with up to 60 cards.
Now all kripp does is bgs. The good old times
3:08 Look at this genuinly happy-ass Kripp, like a cheerful child uncorrupted by salt.
6:49 "well, rip harambe"
Can't get enough of this series. This version is hilarious. Having Malchezaar, Barnes and Shifter Zerus makes for some crazy RNG. Playing The Curator hoping to get The Beast or one of the Muklas. And you can also get a Nozdormu or something unexpected like that. Videos like these rekindle my love for HS.
oldschool hearthstone video
I don't know if you'll read this Kripp but the Prince can give you two of the same legendary. I was playing this deck for fun as well and I play Reno without looking to see if he was highlighted and I didn't get the full heal. So apparently the Prince can give you two of the same.
Comment section:
50% Kripperinos
25% Angry fans and hearthstone players who can't afford to make a 30 legendaries deck by their own
4% Good players who are actually commenting the video with useful comments and thoughts
20% Random ass trolls
1% *Me*
your math seems off. at this point nearly 20.000 people watched this video. let´s say 10% of these viewers commented, which seems like a rather low estimation in my book, this would result in you being 20 persons. kinda seems unlikely. (╭ರ_⊙)
464 comments - 4.64 persons
+Evo shhhh
Such disrespect, what a savage!
10% of 20,000 is 2000
1000 Kripperinos
500 Angry Fans
500 Unnamed People
Alargento is an Unnamed Person
Which means Alargento is actually 125 people
Get your facts straight
There are 400 comments and unless you made 4 comments I doubt you're 1%
The Dr. Boom thing was propably an interaction with the Map. The Map didnt show up too, so it either got the wrong information and tracked the map as boom, or the tracker is just not designed for more than 30 card slots and that 31st card caused some wierd interaction.
When you can actually make the deck FeelsGoodMan
but finley is an expansion card? you dont craft it
Ricky Muzakki
reno is amazing thoguh
Just don't disenchant your cards, it's totally not worth it in a TCG
18:50 NO. It saw that you got the map, but for some reason it registered it as boom (this is why there was the gift icon)
The 1/490000 Zerus was really impressive. Kripp, you should play the lottery.
how is it 1/490000?
It was only 1/however many minions are in the game
+Danlord IOI i don't know how many minions there are in this game. Let's say 750. To get a specific card you want the Chance of that happening is 1/750. To get the same card you want twice in a row its 1/750^2
+Stefan Huber in the first instance were not looking for any specific minion, so there is no luck involved whaysoever, it's the second one that counts
Danlord IOI yea but my calculation is just the one he used and wanted to Show where the number of the original commenter is coming from. You still have to admit, it is VERY lucky
I queued into a mill rogue while playing prince malchezaar. by the time he reached fatigue, I still had 6 cards in my deck. FeelsGoodMan.
45 legendary deck incoming
Anyone noticed that the card count doesn't increase above 30 so when you hover over its not showing how many cards your opponent actually has left.
40 Legendary Deck WHEN? :D
I tried my best to make an all-legendary deck recently but I'm missing so many of the key low-cost cards. I have Eydis but I'm missing Fjola. I don't have Darkfisher, Tinkmaster, or Murk-Eye and those latter two are much harder to get now. I have pretty well all the high cost legendaries and I want to start spending dust on the little guys but I still can't convince myself to craft a silly card when I still don't have some of the sliiightly competitive legendaries like Paletress, Velen, Hallazeal, Malkorok, Varian, Soggoth, Dragonlord, and Y'shaarj.
P.S.: If anyone has a suggestion on which of those 8 I should craft next, assuming I have pretty well everything else, I'm all ears. My guess is Malkrorok.
Edit: I'm also missing Gormok... that's a candidate as well, but I'm not a huge fan of warlock zoo (just feels so dirty!)
I packed a golden herald volasj (I can't even spell it😂) and that's my second ever golden legendary, so I decided fuck it I will make y'sharrj so that's always quite fun to work with your other high cost legendaries, like I play a 16 legendary deck with rogue and the rest spells and it's just fun to play and y'sharrj is unreal when you get him and is just all round pretty cool so if your going fun factor I recommend that, if not paletress if your big on priest is fun and in all fairness relatively competitive, that's my thoughts mate
velen is my fav card. otk emp = unicorn
if your struggling for the lower ones just go 2 alarm o bots and one or 2 healbots depending on how much early game your missing :) i have achieved rank 18 in wild solely with this lol... (i normally play standard)
this may be 4 years late but
6:35 missed lethal with grommash lol
isn't that 25 dmg?
I have been playing for a year and have 2 legendaries. They are C’thun and Marin the Fox, which are instantly given to you.
My little brother started this week and got a gold king krush in his FIRST PACK, a yseerja (the emerald dream dragon) in his second pack.
Hey Kripparrian, how's it going guys here
wha is u?
My favorite kripperino.
I eat ass
Thanks dude, I'm pretty casual at the game and I have a lot of fun playing your 30 legendary decks. I'll be sure to try out this list once I've unlocked all the new cards.
Prepare for the obvious incoming nerf: "Add 5 cards to your deck if this is in your opening hand."
Not really. The card is not the most viable or OP. Its 5 cards that you can't predict or plan around and potentially block an otherwise good draw. It's good and fun but not super strong.
"When you draw this card"*
i hope not lol
No need to nerf a bad card.
That cards awesome! I put it in my dragon deck and he gave me alexstraza! freaking perfect I love that card
The ending to the second game is hilarious
Where is Kripperino Skipperino? :/
Skipperino Kripperino*
maybe thats why he left people say his name wrong...
+Ghostgorilla Christie he has many aliases
Did anyone else see Prince Malchezar only add 3 cards to his deck instead of 5 at 15:41?
You said this is the most epic rank 25 match ever...don’t you mean the most Legendary rank 25 match ever? ;)
Actually it can interrupt Reno Jackson. I had a deck built with Reno Jackson and added Prince Malchezaar. I played about 20 games or so with the deck and on two occasions, Reno Jackson failed to fire. This was either because Malchezaar added a legendary which duplicated one already in my deck or he added 2 of the same legendary. I never found out which. So on rare occasions, he can undermine Reno Jackson.
Kripp being a Lyerino Kripperino today again. Reno Jackson will NOT activate if Shifter Zerus becomes one of the legendaries you already have.
Shifter doesn't shift in the deck. I don't see whats the problem
Is this some kind of joke lmao
Look at this Newberino
do you even logic bro?
I had been waiting for this since the first time I saw malchezaar
Is... is this what Wild is? This fantasy dreamland of weird, nonsensical and fun decks? In playing Standard to get away from all the aggro bullshit of GvG and Naxx have I just been avoiding the mode where there's no aggro bullshit? These are the deep questions I ask myself.
no it's still full of aggro bullshit. so is standard really, with all the aggro shamans
No. This is what wild rank 25 is.
Did anyone notice the turn seven top deck Dr. Boom? Kripperino must have forgotten the salt he used to pour.
A popular streamer playing wild?!
Wouldn't be surprised if the guy in the second match played Mech Paladin now with Boomsday
im triggered, banana isnt a legend card, we need banana rights in america, stop grape culture today.
What do u advise to replace Reno dr boom price malchezaar, sir Finley, Barnes chillmaw and stalagg
git gud
Steal credit cards and get dem expansions
A credit card.
35 legendaries and still having kind of a hard time against rank sub-20 decks.
At least now, next time someone says HS is a pay to win I can shut them up with this video.
HS is pay 2 win no kappa, using money you can instantly have all the cards you want buying packs and crafting what you need to have a strong deck. There's no way any new free to play player can compete against someone who gets all the card he wants, that's a huge advantage and it's bought, that is what being pay to win means.
What you can say against the pay to win argument is that the more time you invest in the game, the more the advantage that people using money have gets smaller because you can slowly farm the cards you want (every free to play player that started a few months ago should not have much trouble against money users) but still just because only the start of the game is pay to win it doesn't make the whole game not pay to win.
If you want to use this video to prove anything use it to show people legendary doesn't have to mean op.
+Woland94 I understand what you are saying, and where you are coming from. As many other people that defend the same position, your argument makes sense, Its only problem is it's constructed atop two mistaken assumptions, namely:
A) That in hearthstone having a full collection lets anyone automatically trump anyone with a more limited collection
B) That the phrase "Pay to win" refers to the purchase of any relevant in-game benefit
The first assumption is obviously wrong after watching this very video. Kripp, a player unarguably more skilled than a rookie, has trouble against the rock bottom of the ladder as soon as the skill factor in his deck building is totally removed and replaced by pure cash. A full legendary deck is obviously the most P2W deck you could build. However, even in hands of a skilled player it doesn't work.
You can easily picture how a rookie with no idea of how to play nor how to build decks will hardly beat anyone beyond rank 20 even with a full golden collection.
This point is also ilustrated by a hilarious personal experience. Sometime between BRM and TGT, I was assisting the organization of a hearthstone tournament for children. YOUNG children. Well, one of them didn't remember his account so I simply lent him mine. I didn't have a full collection nor many legendaries, but I had most good cards and more than enough top tier legendaries.
This kid had played before, he knew by himself how to use everything in the game. So, he had to create 3 decks for the tournament, and he did so with the deck assistant. Yep, the 3 random cards thingie. The fun part comes when for one of the cards the choices he is offered are: War golem, [don't remember], and Dr. Boom. Guess what he picked. Nope, you guessed wrong, he picked the war golem. Yes, the war golem. Needless to say, he proceeded to be horribly crushed even through he had a way, *way* ampler collection at his disposal than most other kids.
So purchasing doesn't let veterans beat veterans (as they already got the cards), it definitely doesn't let newbies beat veterans, and it doesn't even guarantee a newbie the victory against other newbie. Heck, with enough skill you can even beat an adventure boss with a basic deck.
The second assumption is a lot easier to mistakenly make, but it's still not quite right.
We should clear up that "pay to win" was a phrase that appeared to describe games in which someone could, quite literally, pay his way to almost guaranteed victory. Things like F2P players having access to 4 incrementally stronger tiers of equipment thourgh farming and leveling up, whereas a P2W player has immediate access from level 1 to a fifth, stronger tier of equipment that lets him scub the floor with any stronger f2p character.
Yes, I've seen these kind of games. And a true P2W game is easily the greatest cancer on the video game industry. Those kind of games usually _need_ to be designed in a way that the free players are mere _content_ for the few paid players to enjoy. In layman's terms, P2W is to videogames what Justin Bieber is to music or what Twilight is to the seventh art. That's why we have to keep its meaning, so that we can properly tag what is truly foul. If we started calling poisonous anything with a relatively bad taste, soon we wouldn't know what would kill us and what not.
What happens if you start looking at your collection the same way you look at your character level in wow? You need to invest time to grow a character to level 100 and you need to invest time to fill a collection.
Would wow be p2w if you could purchase lvl 100 characters? would you win more arenas, more battlegrounds, or do better than any other similarly geared character just because you took a shortcut there? No, you'd do it sooner, but not better. In hearstone you get better decks sooner, but you still need to know how to play and how to build a deck... or how to netdeck.
I would dare say net decking is way more of a problem than purchasing packs: Purchasing packs lets you circumvent part of the farming time. Netdecking lets you circumvent half of the personal skills needed to play, the same way purchases let "whales"circumvent the skill required to beat other players in P2W games.
Yet noone complains about netdecking, probably because "fuck having a criterion: if I can't do it too I'll complain about it being doable, but if I can do it I'll exploit the shit out of it". Not saying you are one of those, I reckon you have developed and reasoned your arguments. Still you'll easily see half of the community deep inside aligns with that.
I can understand the worrying about players being matched in such widely different positions in the power scale, but actually most of the problem there is the matchmaking system. There would be no problem if players were matched only with similar collections, indifferently of it coming from gold or cash.
Sadly I don't think there even is a proper way to properly evaluate the latent power of a collection, taking into consideration how the meta, sinergies, and personal playstile sway it.
Maybe we need a term to describe games in which like here you can purchase "farming-in-a-can", but it certainly shouldn't be P2W.
TL; DR: P2W doesn't mean what you think it means, and paying in hearthstone doesn't give you the win.
putting together a spastic expensive deck is of course not going to be pay to win, but building a great deck of actually good cards you pay to access, that is still pay to win lol this deck only proves that you can have fun with your expensive toys, nothing else
+Thank You please read and try to understand my last reply.
they need to add a legendary that is like "if your deck contains only legendary minions, do some stupid op effect" so 35 legendaries can be viable
Still Don't Know Why They Didn't Let Me Me The First Legendary Spell Kappa
yep, you are to OP, but you are only common, sad for you......
Silence and draw a card imposter. I am the real purify Kripperino.
tries to get likes by creating a kripperino account -> cant even spell Kripperino correctly EleGiggle
AchEdeJungeNeDu Did It On Purpose So Lol Idc About Likes Lol
"Live, insect!" "Die, insect!" will never get old for me.
You guys like MagmaRagerino Kripperino over me. I'm triggered!!!
At 14:35 you should have traded into the Gnome since you would've healed into 30 and still gotten him ways away from lethal, then again he would have never miscalculated.
2022 ؟
pretty impresive and versatile... can you please show the mana curve the next time?
6:00 Watching you play Dr. 7 on turn 7 gave me PTSD.
So if prince can't give duplicate cards like people keep saying then I've encountered a bug. My barns labeled created by Prince pulled out another barns who I did put in the deck.
That double fucking ram wrangler
Yo I think it's time for another full legendary deck man. It would be pretty kool
That MrMcFeely guy must have been distracted feeling himself and thus why he missed himself not having lethal lol
Why are the youtube gods only just telling me about this video?
Love how each time it is a Ragnaros who delivers the final blow
Great vid man, just missed some shredderino out of sneederino when you play wild
Notice the typo in the deskripption: define is spelled 'difine'
that sweet insect action at the end
I did a Malchezaar Priest, and apparently the card is prettty fun :D it never failed me, in fact..
Wow. That paladin sure knows his maths.
ram wrangler twice, I know how it feels. Nexus champion saraad gave me mass dispel two turns in a row.
If the pagles said, (your enemy) you have a 50% chance to Draw a card after each turn, would they be playable?
Its good to see someone continue with legendary deck after Totalbicust and Crendor does not do it anymore
@Kripparrian FYI Shifter Zerus can also turn into Shifter Zerus
What happens when Shifter Zerus turns into Reno Jackson (in this or a Reno Deck) and you play any of the Reno's?
I felt I had to drop shifter zerus from my all-legendary deck, because he doesn't stay legendary, and I end up with a non-legendary played from my hand. Somehow it feels like it's going against the spirit of the deck. It's definitely a better deck with him in it, but if you're going to go all in on a silly concept you should commit entirely.
Your opponent could also give you purify with Cho and that's common. However what really matters is deckbuilding, there your zerus is legendary, you don't have full control over what's going to happen during gameplay.
Is there a reason for not having Soggoth? It just seems like a perfect fit to me at least.
Man Nat Pagle brings back memories. I remember when he was in prety much every deck you would face. Look at the poor guy now :(
your deck tracker showed that a copy of dr boom was added instead of showing the map is all.