Crickets vs Superworms - Which is the best feeder insect?

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • Crickets and superworms are 2 of the most common feeder insects for reptiles. But which one is the most nutritional for your reptile pet?
    Reptiles typically need a diet that consists of:
    High protein (30 to 60%)
    High fat (40 to 70%)
    Mineral content that consists of 2 parts calcium to 1 part phosphorus
    Low carbohydrates and indigestible fiber
    Lets see how superworms and crickets compare to each other.
    Superworms are about 47% protein content, and crickets are about 66%.
    Crickets are on the higher side of protein content, which could lead to kidney stones for your pet. But they will be great for young, growing reptiles. Superworms have less protein. But they fall right in the middle of the protein-range that your reptile pet needs.
    Fat content:
    Crickets are lean with about 22% fat. But superworms are chunky, with 44% fat.
    Superworms are a good source of both protein and fat and a great option for growing reptiles. Crickets are also great for growing reptiles, but will need to be supplemented with fatty feeders like superworms.
    Calcium to phosphorus ratio is an important measurement that determines how much calcium your reptile absorbs. Reptiles need calcium for strong bones. So it's important that the feeder insect offers 2 parts calcium to 1 part phosphorus.
    Crickets have a poor calcium to phosphorus ratio, measuring at 1 part calcium to 3.7 parts phosphorus. Superworms have an even worst calcium to phosphorus ratio at 1 to 7. This means that both crickets and superworms will need to be gut loaded with calcium-rich food, and also dusted with calcium powder.
    Fiber content is also important. Too much fiber can sometimes be challenging for your reptile to digest.
    Superworms have 8% fiber content, while crickets have 12%. This means superworms will be a little easier to digest. However, both are suitable.
    Overall, it’s important to offer your pet a variety of food for a well balanced diet.
    Crickets are superior with lean protein. But superworms may be easier to digest, while offering more fat for growing pets.
    All of this nutritional information was gathered from an academic study listed in the video description below.
    Learn more about insect nutrition at

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