In a distant future, a gigantic alien spaceship appears in Earth's sky, accompanied by a small floating planet called Khaldora, a celestial caravan for the mysterious Zentarii. The Zentarii give humanity an ultimatum: submit and join Khaldora, or perish. As panic spreads, a group of rebels, led by engineer Lyra Kass, realizes that the key to defeating the Zentarii lies in their sanctuary planet. Infiltrating Khaldora, Lyra discovers that this hidden paradise is powered by a mysterious energy. By destroying its source, she hopes to force the Zentarii to leave Earth, thus freeing humanity.
In a distant future, a gigantic alien spaceship appears in Earth's sky, accompanied by a small floating planet called Khaldora, a celestial caravan for the mysterious Zentarii.
The Zentarii give humanity an ultimatum: submit and join Khaldora, or perish. As panic spreads, a group of rebels, led by engineer Lyra Kass, realizes that the key to defeating the Zentarii lies in their sanctuary planet. Infiltrating Khaldora, Lyra discovers that this hidden paradise is powered by a mysterious energy. By destroying its source, she hopes to force the Zentarii to leave Earth, thus freeing humanity.