My personal rules 1 finger- Alex: Kettle of ale Tom: new Contract/meeting skipped Morgan: Lady Laudine/ToM update Chloe: doesn't know what's going on but is satisfied they need to kill Kerrie: discusses puppets, worked a bar shift Gate bounce Other podcast mentioned 2 fingers- Public service announcement warning against what was just discussed Sound effect (including kettle of ale sting) Theme tune singing Spot yourself in the story (with additional wink in the mirror every time the most Handsome Man in the Empire is mentioned) Down- Tarp discussion
My personal rules
1 finger-
Alex: Kettle of ale
Tom: new Contract/meeting skipped
Morgan: Lady Laudine/ToM update
Chloe: doesn't know what's going on but is satisfied they need to kill
Kerrie: discusses puppets, worked a bar shift
Gate bounce
Other podcast mentioned
2 fingers-
Public service announcement warning against what was just discussed
Sound effect (including kettle of ale sting)
Theme tune singing
Spot yourself in the story (with additional wink in the mirror every time the most Handsome Man in the Empire is mentioned)
Tarp discussion
I’d like to contribute “The Jester’s Nest” to the potentials for renaming ;)