When he said that bipolar disorder doesn’t define who you are, it made me think about how I’ve let my own anxiety control my life. It’s a good reminder that we’re more than our mental health struggles.
My dad has struggled with depression for years, and hearing about how many people with bipolar also deal with anxiety and depression made me think of him. It’s a reminder that there’s often more going on than we realize.
I appreciate that he talked about therapy and meds alongside personal growth. Too often people act like you can just positive-think your way out of mental illness and it really doesn't work like that
The part where he mentioned feeling like a failure in every aspect of life hit me hard. I don’t have bipolar disorder, but I’ve definitely been in that place where you feel like nothing’s working. I can't imagine how much harder that must hit when your feelings are intensified
The stat about 15% of people with bipolar committing suicide is so sad. It really shows how serious this illness is, and how important it is to support people who are struggling before it’s too late.
Seeing how he turned his life around after hitting rock bottom is really inspiring. It reminds me that even in my worst moments, there’s always hope for change and growth
There will always be, my friend. God’s never loose control and He is seeing you right now. Keep in mind that a short moment doesn’t define your life, you’re a winner! Keep the pace
My brother struggles with depression, and sometimes it feels like we’re all carrying the weight of it. This talk reminded me to be more supportive and patient with him, thank you.
Thank you for shedding light on bipolar disorder. It's crucial to educate ourselves on mental health conditions and support those who are affected by them. I think every story counts towards doing that.
man, when he talked about that year he spent just staring at the ceiling, I felt that in my soul. I've been through some rough patches myself and that feeling of being completely stuck is so real. Makes me appreciate how far I've come...
It’s so easy to think that successful people have it all together, so hearing about how someone as accomplished as him ended up in a psychiatric hospital was eye-opening. It really shows that mental illness doesn’t care about your status or job.
Nacho this is very touching message and full of hope for my son , who has this condition Bipolar I, for more than a decade and he is not helping himself , he see me as his enemy , I am believer of God and I know He is protecting him and my son needs to his part, accepts his condition and allow professionals to help him. Love your courage and faith , God bless you. Will share with my son.
Love the unmatched pair of shoes. It's very symbolical - the shoes are like the illness. But if you try and see the whole person, you will see that they are still beautiful despite their unmatched "unusual" pair of shoes.
When he talked about that therapist who believed in him when he was at rock bottom, that hit me hard. It reminds me of my high school counselor who saw potential in me when I was failing everything. Sometimes you don't realize how much those small moments of faith can change your life.
Soy algo más joven que su hijo. Me cuesta bastante decirle a la gente que soy bipolar. Me da miedo. Espero muchísimo, y a veces eso trae problemas. No quiero mentirle a la gente que quiero. El trabajo de su hijo ayuda mucho a que personas como yo podamos llevarnos mejor con los demás. Que sea más fácil contarlo. Comunicarse, y dejar de sufrir innecesariamente. Un abrazo.
Muchas gracias!! Tu comentario es muy positivo! Mucho ánimo y mucha fuerza!! Ten fe, porque te aseguro que he visto con mis propios ojos cómo Nacho ha levantado el vuelo. Y vive ‘con ello’ sin pudor. Así que tú también puedes! 🙌⭐️♥️
One more thing. When I was helping Nacho prepare by listening to his talk on zoom, I was feeling so sad and quite miserable (for other personal reasons). This talk by Nacho Ruiz cheered me up dramatically. It was precisely the message I needed. The right message by the right messenger at the right moment. Thank you Nacho!
Thank you for this talk. It was courageous and needed and wise. I am bi polar and have been diagnosed sine 17 and am now 72and have lerned so much from this illness I believe in God and have seen his wofk in my life through bi polar Carol New Zealand
Gracias Nacho por tu autenticidad, el mundo necesita saber que las enfermedades mentales no son un estigma, debemos ser sensibles a este tema porque todos somos tan vulnerables a pasar por cualquier tipo de enfermedad mental. Sin embargo hay esperanza y sanidad si tenemos fe y hacemos lo que nos corresponde.
I used to love my manic periods, I would stay up for days on end painting these huge canvases and messaging people I hadn't spoken to for years at like 3 in the morning lol and during those moments I really thought it was all perfectly normal behaviour.
Impressive talk! You are really Superman! You have been fighting against your worst enemy, the only one at you capacity level: yourself! And you have shown us all how to defeat that part of you that you do not need. Or perhaps yes, as you say, to make the best of yourself! I think this talk is better than 1000 therapy sessions, and can help a lot of people who are now learning the process to see back the light. It also helps normalize a situation that should be normal!!
My brother and I have bipolar disorder and this was very powerful to me. I’ve tried to embrace my condition and make the most of it. It doesn’t define me, what I do with it does. Stay strong and God bless you all! 🤟🏼
I have schizoaffective disorder which is a combination of bipolar and schizophrenia. It has been a long road to recovery. I am happy to say that I have now been stable for 6 years after being in the hospital 21 times. These are serious illnesses that need to be taken seriously. I'm so glad you are speaking out about this important topic. Congratulations Nacho! Annie
What an interesting and inspiring speech! It is great that you have been able to speak about your condition to help other people in the same situation. God bless you, Nacho.
Nacho, me emocionaste! Bravo, sé tu mismo y continua batallando por tu persona, tu felicidad. Orgullosa de haberte leido, escuchado y siempre, cuentas conmigo.
Listening to his journey from rock bottom to helping others is honestly inspiring. It makes me want to volunteer or something. Like, if he can turn his pain into purpose, maybe I can do something good with my struggles too.
I've been on and off medication for depression and always felt kind of ashamed about it. Hearing him talk so openly about his treatment made me feel less alone, like it’s okay to do what you need to feel better.
Nacho, I am so deeply moved by your story and journey. While I always had the greatest respect for you as a work colleague, the work you do now is a true legacy and inspiration to others. So happy to know you and for the peace you now have and the important message you now share.
Amazing,Nacho! I really understand that your mother is so proud of you. I know something of all that you tell ... but I had not raised the importance of transparency. It's true: hiding things never helps. Congratulations!
Querido Nacho, eres un tío grande, sí señor. Me ha encantado tu charla, tu valentía y tu franqueza. Servirá para mucho, para muchos. Cuídate y déjate ver.
Man I wish more people felt okay sharing their stories about mental health struggles or just the everyday conditions they have that affect their mood. The more people who do hopefully the more neuro-typical people will realize how much easier they have it and to just ease up on us lol
Eres admirable, hijo. Cuando niño y joven, nunca podíamos pensar que ibas a atravesar este desierto. Eras brillante como estudiante, buen hijo y buena persona, a la par que original y simpático. Ningún problema. Cuando a los 39 años te diagnosticaron la enfermedad, no podíamos creerlo. Nos quedamos bloqueados, mudos, perplejos ¡Trastorno bipolar! ¿Cómo era posible? Jamás habíamos oído que nadie de la familia materna o paterna hubiera pasado por esto, aunque al parecer en un 75% de los casos tiene causa genética. También indicaron que el estrés era un detonante. Ciertamente tu profesión era estresante. Han pasado 4 años desde tu primer brote y hospitalización y casi tres años desde el segundo. En este tiempo has tenido que superar un largo proceso de recuperación, la tramitación de un divorcio amistoso, el aislamiento social y el parón -transitorio, sin duda- en tu brillante carrera profesional ¡Y nosotros, tu familia originaria, tan lejos físicamente!. Con todas estas dificultades, has sabido reconocer la enfermedad, afrontarla, y buscar la motivación para salir adelante, como no podíamos ni imaginarnos. Enhorabuena porque estás en el camino de vuelta a los logros personales que a lo largo de tu vida te han acompañado. Las muestras de cariño, admiración y respeto que vemos en estos comentarios así lo demuestran.
Respect, Nacho! 🙌 Congratulations and thank you for your talk, very brave and helpful for so many people around the globe. Keep going and never give up, you'll never walk alone!!!💪
Valiente Nachete. Me alegro mucho que hayas encontrado con la fórmula de avanzar, de recuperar tu orden y de incluso servir de inspiración y ejemplo a mucha gente. Toda lo mejor para que esa energía sea duradera, es a buen seguro el mejor de los caminos!
Radical transparency is a crucial healing tool for us as individuals, and also a vital public health philosophy that can help reduce stigma and isolation.
It is not easy to have the courage to talk about such intimate topics just to try to help others and the transparent and personal way you have approached it, seems to me that it was exactly what the people need, BRAVO NACHO!!
Tengo que reconocer que con el tiempo te has convertido en un verdadero Superman, que no necesita una capa para volar muy alto. Una gran charla, llena de aprendizaje y motivación! Enhorabuena por todo tu esfuerzo
I really felt it when he talked about feeling like a failure in every part of life. I don't have bi-polar but I've been in that dark place before and it's so hard, was really great to hear him talk about how he turned it around
Fantastic talk Nacho, thanks for sharing. Mental fitness, the way I like to call it, is more about let go of the fears and embrace diversity. As a therapist and coach I can see how many need support and awareness is key. “Don’t make a permanent decision or temporary feelings”. I love this quote which helps make it all relative. Love yourselves as your life depended it on it 🫶
I have to admit I've been fairly judgemental about people with mental health issues in the past... this had made me realize though that those judgements come from an ign0rant place. We've all got our own battles and should be more understanding and supportive of one another
Amazing talk Nacho! I believe it is a really important thing that people needs to learn about and you opening up is a big step in order to change this.
Wow! Thank you Nacho for such an inspiring and heartfelt message. I totally agree with you. We need to open space for truth and forget about tags that limit our ability to communicate what we truly feel. Coming back to our truth, to our hearts will set us free. ❤
Kind of embarrassed to admit that I've always been a little scared of people with bipolar... this talk is making me realize how messed up that is because their just people dealing with some heavy stuff just like everyone else
Congratulations! Beautiful message you deliver. Society must raise awareness and your speech helps create a collective message. May this be the first of many presentations around the world to create a community of radical transparency. Count on me.
Wow... Your words really, really touch my heart. Thanks for opening yours. This is a great and important message. Each minute is gold. This moves a lot. Makes us think and feel. Thanks for making this, a better world!
Thank you Andrés, I am glad that you liked it!! What was your favorite part? Mine were when I said that this condition does not define who we are and, of course, the Superman moment 😂
Even better than when I first heard it five months ago during practice. As someone who has endured severe bouts of depression, your message resonates strongly with me. It inspired me, made me laugh, and has given me great hope. You’ve been such a big supporter of mine Nacho. I am glad now that I can return the favor by helping you to promote this amazing talk. It deserves to go viral to all ends of the earth!
I've got an uncle with bipolar and I never really understood what he was going through... I feel pretty bad now for all the times the family would talk about his drama and get dismissed as being dramatic
I was diagnosed at 26 with Cyclothymia after struggling for years with most of the problems you listed. I've gone through medication adjustments and therapy (no hospitalizations, tho I probably should've had one or two), and learning to re-love hobbies that I would normally need to be manic to enjoy. I've been incredibly blessed and lucky to have a supportive family who've loved me on and off medication. It was a surprise to them, and to me, at how much I was struggling internally. Learning to admit to myself how bad off I was a big part in accepting help since I was in denial about having a mood disorder. Radical transparency needs to begin with yourself.
I’ve been on and off meds for years and I’ve always felt pretty ashamed about it. Hearing him talk so openly about his treatment is oddly comforting though. Like you know other people experience this stuff too but it’s kind of rare to hear about it
The concept of radical transparency is intriguing. I hope we can implement this in our communities but I feel like there needs to be a lot more understanding and support before people are comfortable doing that
Radical Transparency! What a great concept! Rid yourself of the shame attached to mental illness and accept and share your diagnosis! Normalize the conversation about mental health. Thank you Nacho for what you are doing to help transform the stigma!
I love your message of radical transparency! As someone who as a therapist works with many diagnosed with BPD, I appreciate that we are not our diagnoses; they are a part of us, but not the most important part. The most important step is getting help from professional therapists we trust (don't settle for any one person-If you don't click with them, find one with which you connect). Bravo, Nacho!
I fully agree!! Trusting your therapist is so important!! And your psychiatrist. Maintaining an open line of communication if anything arises. Thank you for your comment! 🤗
Thank you, Nora! People are usually ashamed to open up for a number of reasons, they think it makes them look weak. But if you talk about it, you can seek help and it can help your life. Thanks 🙏🏽 for your comment.
¡Bravo! Además de tu valentía, consigues emocionar con tu historia. Un final cargado de positividad y HOPE. Ojalá tuviera palabras a la altura del mensaje.
Nice presentation Nacho appreciate your wisdom...I like radical transparency, people being open minded. Acceptance n tolerance. All the best on the quest.
Magnífico Nacho!! Gracias por compartirlo! Transmites tanta pasión, tanto conocimiento y tanta esperanza que tú video merece ser visto por todos. Lección de vida de las q merecen la pena. Resalto dos de tus frases para momentos de angustia: 1. "Esto también pasará" y 2. "El suicidio es una solución permanente para un problema temporal".
Gracias Javi por este mensaje, que me ha hecho sonreír!! Me alegra de que el toque “Superhéroe” te haya gustado. De las zapatillas, mejor ni hablamos…😅🤣
If you want to know my story, I won't tell you in a comment, but I will tell you that I have risen high and fallen low, but that is not something that distinguishes anyone. We have all been there, bad times and good. What distinguishes some from others is that people like you had the courage to say that despite adversity you could be happy again. Thank you!!!
It's so nice to hear stories about someone who has overcome the more adverse side of bipolar. It gives me hope for someone I know who was recently diagnosed and I think is struggling a little to come to terms with that as part of their identity
Felicidades Nacho ! Que charla más emotiva y sincera. Aplaudo tu valentía y coraje para asumir tu nueva mirada de la vida , con consciencia y aceptación radical . Un abrazo grande 🎉
Learning about different types of bipolar disorder and the spectrum of symptoms is so interesting. I had no idea there were different types! I guess that's why it's so important to raise awareness
Muchas gracias por compartir tu experiencia! Es vital visibilizar la necesidad de hablar de estos temas, airearlos en lugar de meterlos bajo el tapete. Gracias por tu valentía y muchas felicidades por lo bien que cuentas tu historia
I've been reading about psilocybin mushrooms and their potential for treating mental health disorders, has anyone tried it?
Yes! Psilocybin-assisted therapy helped me manage symptoms.
I do 3.5 g of mushrooms every 6 months to reboot my brain.
The hardest part is trying to find where to buy, how did you yours?.
ᵒⁿ ᵗⁱᵏᵒᵏ ᵃⁿᵈ
When he said that bipolar disorder doesn’t define who you are, it made me think about how I’ve let my own anxiety control my life. It’s a good reminder that we’re more than our mental health struggles.
My dad has struggled with depression for years, and hearing about how many people with bipolar also deal with anxiety and depression made me think of him. It’s a reminder that there’s often more going on than we realize.
Preach it: "Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem." Everyone needs to hear this!
Thank you, Katie!! Without your help and expertise I would not have been able to deliver this talk!!
I appreciate that he talked about therapy and meds alongside personal growth. Too often people act like you can just positive-think your way out of mental illness and it really doesn't work like that
The part where he mentioned feeling like a failure in every aspect of life hit me hard. I don’t have bipolar disorder, but I’ve definitely been in that place where you feel like nothing’s working. I can't imagine how much harder that must hit when your feelings are intensified
The stat about 15% of people with bipolar committing suicide is so sad. It really shows how serious this illness is, and how important it is to support people who are struggling before it’s too late.
Seeing how he turned his life around after hitting rock bottom is really inspiring. It reminds me that even in my worst moments, there’s always hope for change and growth
There will always be, my friend. God’s never loose control and He is seeing you right now. Keep in mind that a short moment doesn’t define your life, you’re a winner! Keep the pace
My brother struggles with depression, and sometimes it feels like we’re all carrying the weight of it. This talk reminded me to be more supportive and patient with him, thank you.
Thank you for shedding light on bipolar disorder. It's crucial to educate ourselves on mental health conditions and support those who are affected by them. I think every story counts towards doing that.
man, when he talked about that year he spent just staring at the ceiling, I felt that in my soul. I've been through some rough patches myself and that feeling of being completely stuck is so real. Makes me appreciate how far I've come...
It’s so easy to think that successful people have it all together, so hearing about how someone as accomplished as him ended up in a psychiatric hospital was eye-opening. It really shows that mental illness doesn’t care about your status or job.
Nacho this is very touching message and full of hope for my son , who has this condition Bipolar I, for more than a decade and he is not helping himself , he see me as his enemy , I am believer of God and I know He is protecting him and my son needs to his part, accepts his condition and allow professionals to help him. Love your courage and faith , God bless you. Will share with my son.
Love the unmatched pair of shoes. It's very symbolical - the shoes are like the illness. But if you try and see the whole person, you will see that they are still beautiful despite their unmatched "unusual" pair of shoes.
What you said is beautiful, thanks for sharing your thought.
When he talked about that therapist who believed in him when he was at rock bottom, that hit me hard. It reminds me of my high school counselor who saw potential in me when I was failing everything. Sometimes you don't realize how much those small moments of faith can change your life.
labels are for shampoo, not people... love that! Gonna remember that next time I feel defined by my anxiety.
I learned this from an entrepreneur called Ryan Blair and I love it too!
Having a bipolar partner and this talk was right on the spot. Powerful words. Thank you for this!
¡I am glad you liked it!
I love how far he's come! Just shows that healing is possible 💜💜
Maravilloso hijo!!! Valiente!!! Claro, que yo soy tu madre, pero me siento muuuy orgullosa🌈🌈🌈🩵
Soy algo más joven que su hijo. Me cuesta bastante decirle a la gente que soy bipolar. Me da miedo. Espero muchísimo, y a veces eso trae problemas. No quiero mentirle a la gente que quiero. El trabajo de su hijo ayuda mucho a que personas como yo podamos llevarnos mejor con los demás. Que sea más fácil contarlo. Comunicarse, y dejar de sufrir innecesariamente.
Un abrazo.
Muchas gracias!! Tu comentario es muy positivo! Mucho ánimo y mucha fuerza!! Ten fe, porque te aseguro que he visto con mis propios ojos cómo Nacho ha levantado el vuelo. Y vive ‘con ello’ sin pudor. Así que tú también puedes! 🙌⭐️♥️
One more thing. When I was helping Nacho prepare by listening to his talk on zoom, I was feeling so sad and quite miserable (for other personal reasons). This talk by Nacho Ruiz cheered me up dramatically. It was precisely the message I needed. The right message by the right messenger at the right moment. Thank you Nacho!
Increíble discurso Nacho! Muy bien contado! Seguro que ya estás ayudando a más personas con este mismo problema! Eres una persona muy grande!!!❤
Thank you for this talk. It was courageous and needed and wise. I am bi polar and have been diagnosed sine 17 and am now 72and have lerned so much from this illness I believe in God and have seen his wofk in my life through bi polar Carol New Zealand
Gracias Nacho por tu autenticidad, el mundo necesita saber que las enfermedades mentales no son un estigma, debemos ser sensibles a este tema porque todos somos tan vulnerables a pasar por cualquier tipo de enfermedad mental. Sin embargo hay esperanza y sanidad si tenemos fe y hacemos lo que nos corresponde.
Muchas gracias, Alexa, ¡por estar en mi equipo! ❤
I have a very good friend diagnosed with this and your talk help me understand it a little better. Thanks, Nacho
I am glad, Luis. All my love for you and your friend.
Such a powerful message for everyone dealing with mental health issues… we need to be better at normalising not being OK, thank you Nacho!
Felicidades por contarlo. Es bueno para ti y para toda la sociedad. Bravo.
I used to love my manic periods, I would stay up for days on end painting these huge canvases and messaging people I hadn't spoken to for years at like 3 in the morning lol and during those moments I really thought it was all perfectly normal behaviour.
Thank you Nacho for being so brave and so open.
Impressive talk! You are really Superman! You have been fighting against your worst enemy, the only one at you capacity level: yourself! And you have shown us all how to defeat that part of you that you do not need. Or perhaps yes, as you say, to make the best of yourself! I think this talk is better than 1000 therapy sessions, and can help a lot of people who are now learning the process to see back the light. It also helps normalize a situation that should be normal!!
Thank you, dear Ricardo!
My brother and I have bipolar disorder and this was very powerful to me. I’ve tried to embrace my condition and make the most of it. It doesn’t define me, what I do with it does. Stay strong and God bless you all! 🤟🏼
What a courageous talk brother! You are helping so many find peace and freedom to live without judgement. Thank you - Dante Poole
What a wonderfully personal (and vulnerable) share. I'm glad to have met you in California and spend some time with you! Take care my friend.
Thank you Tom! Likewise
Estoy tremendamente emocionada leyendo todos los comentarios!!! Hijo maravilloso!!! regalo del cielo🩵
Very important message, and delivered perfectly! Congratualions on your journey!
Radical Transparency! I loved the concept
Thank you, Kenneth! I am honored by your comment coming from another TEDx Speaker!
I have schizoaffective disorder which is a combination of bipolar and schizophrenia. It has been a long road to recovery. I am happy to say that I have now been stable for 6 years after being in the hospital 21 times. These are serious illnesses that need to be taken seriously. I'm so glad you are speaking out about this important topic. Congratulations Nacho!
Thank you for sharing, Annie and congratulations on your stability!
how did you accomplish your stability? medication? lifestyle change? therapy?
thank you
bless you❤
What an interesting and inspiring speech!
It is great that you have been able to speak about your condition to help other people in the same situation. God bless you, Nacho.
Amazing! You made me cry Nacho... Congratulations for taking this great step! You are an amazing human being! Thank you for being there!
Nacho, me emocionaste! Bravo, sé tu mismo y continua batallando por tu persona, tu felicidad. Orgullosa de haberte leido, escuchado y siempre, cuentas conmigo.
¡Muchísimas gracias, Marcela! ❤ ¡Y encantado de saber que cuento contigo!
Listening to his journey from rock bottom to helping others is honestly inspiring. It makes me want to volunteer or something. Like, if he can turn his pain into purpose, maybe I can do something good with my struggles too.
@arthurjansen Thank you very much for your comment. There are a lot of positive comments which I appreciate but yours made me feel specially good.
Excellent Nacho, a beautifully delivered message, with vulnerability and giving hope.
Thank you for sharing your life experience with this sensitive matter and congratulations on your achievements. Don´t give up!
Thank you Laura, really appreciate the support
I've been on and off medication for depression and always felt kind of ashamed about it. Hearing him talk so openly about his treatment made me feel less alone, like it’s okay to do what you need to feel better.
how did u manage to recover from the depressive parts? And did you mask It to the people around you
@@JeanThi-fy9io not sure I have, and I am an open book to my friends
@@BeenFoundTwice oh okay and did it give you lot of anxiety or excessive worrying abt everything aftermath?
Nacho, I am so deeply moved by your story and journey. While I always had the greatest respect for you as a work colleague, the work you do now is a true legacy and inspiration to others. So happy to know you and for the peace you now have and the important message you now share.
Thank you, Tiffany! The great respect is mutual and I love what you say about a legacy!! ❤
Amazing,Nacho! I really understand that your mother is so proud of you. I know something of all that you tell ... but I had not raised the importance of transparency. It's true: hiding things never helps. Congratulations!
Thank you! I am glad that my message resonated with you!!
Nacho, how courageous to share your story with all us. I loved the action items you mention.
Querido Nacho, eres un tío grande, sí señor. Me ha encantado tu charla, tu valentía y tu franqueza. Servirá para mucho, para muchos. Cuídate y déjate ver.
A very strong, powerful and beautiful speech.
Man I wish more people felt okay sharing their stories about mental health struggles or just the everyday conditions they have that affect their mood. The more people who do hopefully the more neuro-typical people will realize how much easier they have it and to just ease up on us lol
Thank you @lacylahoma. More and more people are comfortable little by little I think. The more we open up, the more we normalize.
Nacho, you are a force of nature. I am lucky to have met you. You are an inspiration.
Eres admirable, hijo. Cuando niño y joven, nunca podíamos pensar que ibas a atravesar este desierto. Eras brillante como estudiante, buen hijo y buena persona, a la par que original y simpático. Ningún problema. Cuando a los 39 años te diagnosticaron la enfermedad, no podíamos creerlo. Nos quedamos bloqueados, mudos, perplejos ¡Trastorno bipolar! ¿Cómo era posible? Jamás habíamos oído que nadie de la familia materna o paterna hubiera pasado por esto, aunque al parecer en un 75% de los casos tiene causa genética. También indicaron que el estrés era un detonante. Ciertamente tu profesión era estresante.
Han pasado 4 años desde tu primer brote y hospitalización y casi tres años desde el segundo. En este tiempo has tenido que superar un largo proceso de recuperación, la tramitación de un divorcio amistoso, el aislamiento social y el parón -transitorio, sin duda- en tu brillante carrera profesional ¡Y nosotros, tu familia originaria, tan lejos físicamente!. Con todas estas dificultades, has sabido reconocer la enfermedad, afrontarla, y buscar la motivación para salir adelante, como no podíamos ni imaginarnos. Enhorabuena porque estás en el camino de vuelta a los logros personales que a lo largo de tu vida te han acompañado. Las muestras de cariño, admiración y respeto que vemos en estos comentarios así lo demuestran.
No puedo estás más de acuerdo con todas y cada una de tus palabras!!! Te quiero, amor!!! Queridísimo Edu
Tú el padre, y yo la madre! 🩵🩵
Respect, Nacho! 🙌 Congratulations and thank you for your talk, very brave and helpful for so many people around the globe. Keep going and never give up, you'll never walk alone!!!💪
Thank you, José!! And thanks for your support!! 🫶
By the way what did you think of the shoes? 😂
Valiente Nachete. Me alegro mucho que hayas encontrado con la fórmula de avanzar, de recuperar tu orden y de incluso servir de inspiración y ejemplo a mucha gente. Toda lo mejor para que esa energía sea duradera, es a buen seguro el mejor de los caminos!
¡Muchísimas gracias! Espero poder ayudar ❤
What a beautiful message! Even in our challenges we are powerful. We can all each other real questions and give space for real answers.
¡Thank you, Cynthia! ❤
Radical transparency is a crucial healing tool for us as individuals, and also a vital public health philosophy that can help reduce stigma and isolation.
I am glad that we are in agreement! 🦾🦾🦾
It is not easy to have the courage to talk about such intimate topics just to try to help others and the transparent and personal way you have approached it, seems to me that it was exactly what the people need, BRAVO NACHO!!
Thank you, Javi! ❤
Tengo que reconocer que con el tiempo te has convertido en un verdadero Superman, que no necesita una capa para volar muy alto. Una gran charla, llena de aprendizaje y motivación! Enhorabuena por todo tu esfuerzo
Hola Estrella!!! Muchísimas gracias por tus palabras. Me has sacado una sonrisa. 😊
Nacho esto es valentía con mayúsculas. Eres un superman, pero ya lo eras desde hace mucho tiempo.
I really felt it when he talked about feeling like a failure in every part of life. I don't have bi-polar but I've been in that dark place before and it's so hard, was really great to hear him talk about how he turned it around
Fantastic talk Nacho, thanks for sharing. Mental fitness, the way I like to call it, is more about let go of the fears and embrace diversity.
As a therapist and coach I can see how many need support and awareness is key.
“Don’t make a permanent decision or temporary feelings”. I love this quote which helps make it all relative.
Love yourselves as your life depended it on it 🫶
Thank you, Silvia!! I love the concept of mental fitness!!
I have to admit I've been fairly judgemental about people with mental health issues in the past... this had made me realize though that those judgements come from an ign0rant place. We've all got our own battles and should be more understanding and supportive of one another
Thanks and don't forget it.
Enhorabuena!! Me ha encantado oírte. Lo he hecho dos veces.
Lo mejor, afrontarlo, no esconderte.
Eres grande. Muy grande.
Amazing talk Nacho! I believe it is a really important thing that people needs to learn about and you opening up is a big step in order to change this.
Thank you Edu for your appreciation!! 🫶 It was a really nice surprise to read your comment. What was your favorite part of the talk?
Thank you very much for that inspiring lesson, Nacho.❤
¡Mil gracias, Laura!
Wow! Thank you Nacho for such an inspiring and heartfelt message. I totally agree with you. We need to open space for truth and forget about tags that limit our ability to communicate what we truly feel. Coming back to our truth, to our hearts will set us free. ❤
¡Thank you so much for your supportive words! I am glad my message resonated with you.
Kind of embarrassed to admit that I've always been a little scared of people with bipolar... this talk is making me realize how messed up that is because their just people dealing with some heavy stuff just like everyone else
Congratulations! Beautiful message you deliver. Society must raise awareness and your speech helps create a collective message. May this be the first of many presentations around the world to create a community of radical transparency. Count on me.
¡Thank you so much for your supportive words Nadeska!
Wow... Your words really, really touch my heart. Thanks for opening yours. This is a great and important message. Each minute is gold. This moves a lot. Makes us think and feel. Thanks for making this, a better world!
Thank you Andrés, I am glad that you liked it!! What was your favorite part? Mine were when I said that this condition does not define who we are and, of course, the Superman moment 😂
Gracias por compartir tu vivencia que visibiliza, ensen̈a y normaliza. ❤
Extremely informative TedTalk. Thank you for educating us about this condition and how we can help.
Thank you, Nancy! ❤
Thank you for sharing your story. It has inspired me and I am sure will inspire others
Full props to this guy just baring his soul like this
@jacobydesolles Thank you for the appreciation! It was scary in some ways but in reality it was liberating to be so open about everything.
@@nachoruizhens Yeah I'll bet it would have been such a rush and very freeing!
Even better than when I first heard it five months ago during practice. As someone who has endured severe bouts of depression, your message resonates strongly with me. It inspired me, made me laugh, and has given me great hope.
You’ve been such a big supporter of mine Nacho. I am glad now that I can return the favor by helping you to promote this amazing talk. It deserves to go viral to all ends of the earth!
Very proud of you! I hope your talk can help others. You are not alone.
I've got an uncle with bipolar and I never really understood what he was going through... I feel pretty bad now for all the times the family would talk about his drama and get dismissed as being dramatic
I was diagnosed at 26 with Cyclothymia after struggling for years with most of the problems you listed. I've gone through medication adjustments and therapy (no hospitalizations, tho I probably should've had one or two), and learning to re-love hobbies that I would normally need to be manic to enjoy.
I've been incredibly blessed and lucky to have a supportive family who've loved me on and off medication. It was a surprise to them, and to me, at how much I was struggling internally. Learning to admit to myself how bad off I was a big part in accepting help since I was in denial about having a mood disorder. Radical transparency needs to begin with yourself.
Nacho, Gracias por compartir tu Historia. Viktòria*Compañera de Escritura de MAPEA 📖✍🏻🪄
Qué plática tan hermosa y conmovedora. Gracias, gracias, querido Nacho.
Muchísimas gracias, ¡querida Pili!
¿Cuál fue tu parte favorita?
I’ve been on and off meds for years and I’ve always felt pretty ashamed about it. Hearing him talk so openly about his treatment is oddly comforting though. Like you know other people experience this stuff too but it’s kind of rare to hear about it
Amazing speech Nacho, congratulations!!
The concept of radical transparency is intriguing. I hope we can implement this in our communities but I feel like there needs to be a lot more understanding and support before people are comfortable doing that
I agree. We need to take little steps in the right direction. Change will not happen overnight. ❤
Radical Transparency! What a great concept! Rid yourself of the shame attached to mental illness and accept and share your diagnosis! Normalize the conversation about mental health. Thank you Nacho for what you are doing to help transform the stigma!
Thank you, Ginny, I am glad that my message resonated with you and I hope it continues to resonate with others. ❤
I love your message of radical transparency! As someone who as a therapist works with many diagnosed with BPD, I appreciate that we are not our diagnoses; they are a part of us, but not the most important part. The most important step is getting help from professional therapists we trust (don't settle for any one person-If you don't click with them, find one with which you connect). Bravo, Nacho!
I fully agree!! Trusting your therapist is so important!! And your psychiatrist. Maintaining an open line of communication if anything arises. Thank you for your comment! 🤗
Nacho, podría haber estado escuchándote horas…aparte de un superhéroe en superación has demostrado ser un comunicador extraordinario, enhorabuena!!!
I have so much respect for him for talking about svicidal thoughts, that's not easy to open up about.
Thank you, Nora! People are usually ashamed to open up for a number of reasons, they think it makes them look weak. But if you talk about it, you can seek help and it can help your life. Thanks 🙏🏽 for your comment.
@@nachoruizhens Definitely, I think it also has the power to help others in their life too! 💜
I wonder how many people in the audience could relate to his experiences. Probably more than we realize.
¡Bravo! Además de tu valentía, consigues emocionar con tu historia. Un final cargado de positividad y HOPE. Ojalá tuviera palabras a la altura del mensaje.
¡Mil gracias querido Diego! ❤
Nice presentation Nacho appreciate your wisdom...I like radical transparency, people being open minded. Acceptance n tolerance. All the best on the quest.
Thank you, Heath!!❤
Gran historia de superación y una esperanza para todas las personas que sufren esta enfermedad. Enhorabuena por tu valentía.
Magnífico Nacho!! Gracias por compartirlo! Transmites tanta pasión, tanto conocimiento y tanta esperanza que tú video merece ser visto por todos. Lección de vida de las q merecen la pena. Resalto dos de tus frases para momentos de angustia: 1. "Esto también pasará" y 2. "El suicidio es una solución permanente para un problema temporal".
Siempre supe que eras un superhéroe! una presentación brillante! un abrazo muy grande!
(tu amigo y antiguo vecino javi) ❤
Gracias Javi por este mensaje, que me ha hecho sonreír!! Me alegra de que el toque “Superhéroe” te haya gustado. De las zapatillas, mejor ni hablamos…😅🤣
If you want to know my story, I won't tell you in a comment, but I will tell you that I have risen high and fallen low, but that is not something that distinguishes anyone. We have all been there, bad times and good. What distinguishes some from others is that people like you had the courage to say that despite adversity you could be happy again. Thank you!!!
Thank you very much Pilar @fundacionsoysol2021 for your insightful comment and appreciative words! ❤
It's so nice to hear stories about someone who has overcome the more adverse side of bipolar. It gives me hope for someone I know who was recently diagnosed and I think is struggling a little to come to terms with that as part of their identity
There is hope. Just be there for that person! ❤
Felicidades Nacho ! Que charla más emotiva y sincera. Aplaudo tu valentía y coraje para asumir tu nueva mirada de la vida , con consciencia y aceptación radical . Un abrazo grande 🎉
¡Mil gracias Yemilie!
Incredibly inspiring Nacho, big kudos to you my friend. I fully support you, Camilo
Thank you, Camilo! I truly appreciate your support.
You’re an inspiration, Nacho - congrats on an awesome Ted Talk! 😊
Amen brother!
This had to be said, well done, Sir! I’m sure it is going to help many people and open up lots of conversations.
Gracias por esta maravillosa charla tan didáctica.
Learning about different types of bipolar disorder and the spectrum of symptoms is so interesting. I had no idea there were different types! I guess that's why it's so important to raise awareness
Thanks for the appreciation! ❤ if you liked the video, please share it so that others can learn as well about that and the importance of sleep.
Muchas gracias por compartir tu experiencia! Es vital visibilizar la necesidad de hablar de estos temas, airearlos en lugar de meterlos bajo el tapete. Gracias por tu valentía y muchas felicidades por lo bien que cuentas tu historia