When people picture advances in technology they always think about large setups and delicate meassurements and machines. But the true innovation is when all of that is later used by consumers or average labs around the world in a small and robust form factor. Also note his t-shirt, those are the true heroes in making science open to everyone.
We need more such discussions in the research world. Things are changing albeit slowly even in Africa. We need more voices and mine is one of them. I will remember watching this from Kenya in 2022. I hope to one day get a chance to give a talk on Open Science and the African experience! I still have hope
When people picture advances in technology they always think about large setups and delicate meassurements and machines. But the true innovation is when all of that is later used by consumers or average labs around the world in a small and robust form factor.
Also note his t-shirt, those are the true heroes in making science open to everyone.
Bellissimo discorso, viva l'open science, sperando possa prendere sempre più piede!
We need more such discussions in the research world. Things are changing albeit slowly even in Africa. We need more voices and mine is one of them. I will remember watching this from Kenya in 2022. I hope to one day get a chance to give a talk on Open Science and the African experience! I still have hope
I really hope so :)
Hopefully more scientists follow his ideas about open science!
Just stumbled upon this video via Twitter, what an inspiring talk!
Great talk, thank you!
Open source tech commons!