Mizrahim/Arab Jews: do you get offended when someone calls you Arabs?

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
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    Want to know what Israelis and Palestinians in the Middle East really think about the conflict? Ask a question and I will get answers.
    People ask Israelis questions. I go out and ask random people to answer. Inass from Germany asks "Do Mizrahim get offended if someone calls them Arabs?"

Комментарии • 1,7 тыс.

  • @sdkelmaruecan2907
    @sdkelmaruecan2907 2 года назад +372

    Kind of reminded me of what the father of my uncle's wife answered to me when I asked him why he left Morocco as a youth: "because although I felt like an Arab I was labelled as a Jew" and then he added "so I went to Israel where I felt like a Jew but was labelled as an Arab" (true story)

    • @ab456z
      @ab456z Год назад

      They're Arab Jews.

    • @lanavandutch5591
      @lanavandutch5591 Год назад +25

      Moroccans are not Arabs, they are Amazigh. It’s not because you speak Arabic you’re an Arab. My parents are also from Morocco, but we call ourselves Amazigh.

    • @AndrewMalone_
      @AndrewMalone_ 11 месяцев назад +11

      @@lanavandutch5591 facts. It's like if Bolivians or Peruvians called themselves Spanish because they speak the language. The sad thing is that there are still some ignorant north-africans who believe they're Arabs. North Africa population is still over 90% Amazigh today and has been for over 9000 years. There are Amazighs of various faiths in North Africa: Muslims, Christians and Jews.

    • @deadbeat5165
      @deadbeat5165 11 месяцев назад

      @@lanavandutch5591 jews are semitic not amazigh regardless where they come from

    • @deadbeat5165
      @deadbeat5165 11 месяцев назад

      @@AndrewMalone_ jews call themselvs semitic regardless where they are from

  • @iloveriyadh2877
    @iloveriyadh2877 10 лет назад +780

    We are all Middle-Eastern. We are all Semitic. We are all decedents of Shem. We all speak Semitic languages. Arabs and Jews are almost the same.

    • @Falamu445
      @Falamu445 10 лет назад +78

      But why is there such hatred from Jews against Muslims, they always help the whites in their fights against other Middle Easterners. When USA and UK invaded Iraq, where Jews' ancestor Abraham came from and killed many Semites, no Israeli said a word in protest...

    • @nir31isback
      @nir31isback 9 лет назад +8

      Falamu445 jews don't hate or love Muslims. We just don't give a fuck. You are air for us. We ignore you.
      Why we don't care? People that lies even in the meaning of the word islam are nothing but hypocrites.
      You have no self respect so don't expect to get it from others.

    • @shawarmabrah3717
      @shawarmabrah3717 9 лет назад +29

      the middle of what? the east of where?
      How about we say we're West Asian?

    • @SikismekAtaturk
      @SikismekAtaturk 9 лет назад +21

      iloveriyadh2877 It sad to know how religion had divided people who share same cultural and linguistic characteristics. I believe if there was no religion all people in Middle East could have lived together peacefully, by the way I am Kord.

    • @itaibh1
      @itaibh1 9 лет назад +11

      iloveriyadh2877 You know what is the second most used word (After "Arabs" of course) we call Arabs in Israel? cousins. lol.

  • @Al_Srour
    @Al_Srour 2 года назад +220

    Im half belarusian ashkenazi and half syrian/lebanese mizrahi and if someone call me arab I will be proud, because yes, I'm arab and every jew is a blood brother of the arabs. This is not insultant this is who the mizrahis are, and we have to be proud of this!

    • @lampsaltlight
      @lampsaltlight Год назад +10

      Beautiful! 💯

    • @ab456z
      @ab456z Год назад +7

      I love you dude. Great take on an important issue.

    • @AlaZenH
      @AlaZenH 10 месяцев назад +3


    • @seena889
      @seena889 10 месяцев назад +2

      Glad to see such open mindedness!

    • @freepagan
      @freepagan 10 месяцев назад +8

      Except neither Syrians nor Lebanese are actually Arabs. Arabs come from the Arabian peninsula. Lebanese are Mediterranean Canaanites that are mixed with Europeans.

  • @ssfdf7751
    @ssfdf7751 2 года назад +79

    I am arab muslim I've done dna test I found out that I have 29% Mizrahim jews in me
    now I feel offended when people call me arab

    • @olaali1090
      @olaali1090 2 года назад

      Are you Yemeni ?

    • @Cyrano1971
      @Cyrano1971 Год назад

      What an answer! Let those snob racist minded Jews chew this over!

    • @briandfox16
      @briandfox16 Год назад +11

      If you can trace it to a specific Jewish grandparent, then you could claim Israeli citizenship.

    • @Millie1nunez
      @Millie1nunez Год назад +3

      😂😂😂😂😂😂 this was cute

    • @briandfox16
      @briandfox16 Год назад +4

      Is your family from Yemen?
      You know Yemen used to have a Jewish kingdom before Islam?
      Link below:

  • @CoreyGilShusterAskProject
    @CoreyGilShusterAskProject  11 лет назад +24

    No. Mizrahim means "easterners" and is the term used for Jews who came from Arab/Muslim countries. Ashkenazim is "westerners" or "Europeans"

    • @lynx777
      @lynx777 2 года назад +1

      This is a real question... "Egypt" is actually a Greek word... and the true name of Egypt is actually Mizra or Mizrahim in hebrew.... so are the Northern Africans still considered Mizrahim?.... I've never been able to ask anyone that. I gave you a thumbs up by the way.

    • @CoreyGilShusterAskProject
      @CoreyGilShusterAskProject  2 года назад +5

      @@lynx777 Egypt is Mitsra'im in Hebrew (not Mizrahim), East is Mizrahi. Two different letters in Hebrew and unrelated.

    • @lavender5765
      @lavender5765 28 дней назад

      Funny thing is that Ashkenazim who are new converts to Judaism and whose mothers are from Poland or the Jewish Union describe the original Iraqi Babylonian Aramaic Torah Jews as Arabs.

    • @violetsky5202
      @violetsky5202 10 дней назад

      @Lavender5765 no Ashkenazi are not new converts. This is a myth and I see you actually believed the debunked Khazer theory. Shame on you for spreading lies to try to delegitimize a group of people. My family was killed in the Holocaust specifically for being a different race than the so called “pure blood” Europeans. We’re on average 50-60% Middle Eastern and the rest European. Some look very European others not so much and have some more middle eastern type features. I see the variation in my own family. This is not a political statement, it’s just plain old information. Conspiracy theories don’t equal facts.

  • @dinaibrahim4022
    @dinaibrahim4022 8 лет назад +250

    I am an Iraqi and it is amazing how I was able to spot the Iraqi Jews. Their features are Iraqi. It will be interesting to test DNAs.

    • @Yuval012
      @Yuval012 6 лет назад +83

      Dina Ibrahim many non-jewish Iraqies are actually originally jews,
      before the Islamic Caliphate Iraq had the biggest jewish population in the world, many of them converted to Islam by the Caliphate (mostly by force). plus according to the bible Abraham was borned in Iraq so all the jews are originally Iraqies.

    • @danielnaorr
      @danielnaorr 5 лет назад +19

      Yes I also recognize them. The blue/turquoise eyes. My dad has those too.

    • @princehmg
      @princehmg 5 лет назад +10

      @@Yuval012 so the claim of their homeland being Israel?

    • @zazozazo400
      @zazozazo400 5 лет назад +20

      I am Moroccan and I do the same with Moroccan Jews, I can easily say

    • @ladyra3450
      @ladyra3450 5 лет назад +2

      Liran c not all the Jews !
      Please don’t tell me Indian /Ethiopian etc are all Iraqi . You are so ignorant

  • @ShmorgelBorgel
    @ShmorgelBorgel 11 лет назад +43

    "Mizrahi" of course, is a catch-all term that refers to Jews of many backgrounds, not all of whom came from Arabic-speaking lands, so just on those grounds it would be inaccurate to call an Iranian Jew or a Bukharan Jew an Arab Jew (but they are included as Mizrahim).

    • @56username
      @56username 2 года назад

      🤔😉Tender Plant
      Hidden Message in the
      Torah /Tanak / Bible
      Hidden within within the genealogy first Sons from Adam. Genesis 5 : 3-32
      NAMES ---- Name
      Adam - Man
      Seth - Appointed
      Enos - Mortal
      Cainan - Sarrow
      Mahalaleel - Blessed GOD
      Jared - Shall come Down
      Enoch - Teaching
      Methuselah -His Death shall
      Lamech -To Make /Low
      Noah -Rest / Favor /
      Name Meanings written in a
      Sentence 😳
      Man appointed mortal Sarrow Blessed GOD shall come down
      teaching His death shall bring to make low/MIGHTY , rest favor FULFILLED
      My Interpretation:
      Jesus given a task to preform from this earth feeling of deep distress BLESSED GOD shall come down as Jesus teaching Jew as a Rabbi His death shall bring SALVATION to make low to hang on a tree becomes MIGHTY rest/ favor/ FULFILLED HIS Purpose 🤔
      Keep this in mind 🤔all 10 generations timeline took place up to chapter 5 of Genesis ,Hidden Message telling Jesus COMING 😲
      Approximately 4 thousand years later be fore it HAPPENED only God
      Ten Trillion people could not gotten together and had have written 1 fact and placed it in a book Foretelling of there coming Christ 4K years before it Happened .
      Who hath believed our report ? For and to whom is the arm of lord Lord revealed ?
      For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath
      No form nor comeliness ; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.
      He is despised and rejected of men; a men of sorrows , and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised and we esteemed him not.
      Surely he hath borne our grief , and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
      But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
      All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
      He was oppressed, and he was
      all .
      He was oppressed , and he was afflicted , yet he opened not his mouth : he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter , and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openers not his mouth.
      He was taken from prison
      From judgment: and who shall declare this generation? For
      He was cut off out of the land of the living: for he was cutting off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.
      And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence , neither was any deceit in his mouth.
      Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him ; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin he shall see his seed , he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand.
      He shall see of the travail of his soul , and shall be satisfied : by
      His knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many ; for he shall bear their iniquities. Therefore Will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the spoil with the strong ; because he hath pored out his soul unto death : and he was numbered with the transgressor ; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.
      Who is this About?
      KJV in Isaiah 53
      The Truth will set you free
      Christ means Messiah
      Jesus was a Jew
      Jesus is not a religion,
      Jesus Loves You
      Believe ON The Lord Jesus Christ
      You are Born Again
      Believe as a child
      Just Believe

  • @Alburr250
    @Alburr250 3 года назад +67

    I listen to Mizrahi Music and it’s got a very strong Arabic flavor to it. Besides Abraham is the father of the Hebrews and Arabs, so they are brothers.

    • @theowl2134
      @theowl2134 Год назад +11

      Fun fact: That Arabic Flavor is the original Hebrew

    • @ab456z
      @ab456z Год назад +4

      You mean mostly Arabic flavor to it.

    • @lavender5765
      @lavender5765 28 дней назад

      Coz arabic after invaded Iraq took all heratige and erekate it to them

  • @pgbk87
    @pgbk87 9 лет назад +97

    Mizrahim "Arab" Jews are the original jews.

    • @aragog0559
      @aragog0559 9 лет назад +26

      pgbk87 Mizrahim and ashkenazim as genetically as close as fifth cousins

    • @danielregwan
      @danielregwan 9 лет назад +14

      pgbk87 Most Jews in Israel are from Arab countries. The new generations are mostly mixed Half Ashkenazi/Half Mizrahi.

    • @0779
      @0779 9 лет назад +2

      ***** wow, original jews is a theory now? what a deluded individual. Research the the khazar empire.

    • @0779
      @0779 9 лет назад +3

      pgbk87 Ibrahim(AS) had 2 sons, *Ishmael*(AS) and *Isaac*(AS).
      Isaac(AS) later become the father of Jacob(AS), It is from Isaac(AS) that *the children of Israel trace their roots.*
      It is from Ishmael(AS), Ibrahim’s (AS) first-born son, that *the people of Arabia trace their lineage.* Thus can two peoples, *the Jews and the Arabs, trace their beginnings back to a single ancestor, Ibrahim (AS),* the father of Ishmael(AS) and Isaac(AS).
      *That's true to say that both the jews and arabs are both Semite but they have their differences in roots but again who cares ...*
      If you care about these things, then you have some soul searching to do.

    • @0779
      @0779 9 лет назад

      *****​ How very ignorant of you to ask for a archaeological evidence for a person that has been passed away for thousand of years.
      With Historical proof (writing), What kind of a serious mind rejects a evidence in written form (Either be it religious or non-religious)?
      I think you just don't want to believe he never existed! so you can continue living in your deluded lifestyle. *Go right ahead and stop bothering us with your ignorance please.*

  • @remaalawi
    @remaalawi 8 лет назад +38

    you should rephrase the question..
    do u consider yourself an Arab?

  • @FeralglanceBengals
    @FeralglanceBengals 10 лет назад +42

    Arabs and Jews are cousins by blood. I am an arab muslim and the Quran tell us that we are both decendents of the Prophet Abraham (Peace be onto him). Their faith is also the closest to Islam in it's foundation and source. So we are cousins in blood and faith.

    • @Falamu445
      @Falamu445 10 лет назад +6

      But are today's Jews really from the Children of Israel mentioned in Bible and Qur'an?

    • @FeralglanceBengals
      @FeralglanceBengals 10 лет назад +11

      Falamu445 From an Islamic point of view it doesn't matter. Islam doesn't care about people's race, skin colour ect. However it's relevent when it comes to jewish claims about being the chosen people of God, that God made them his favourite and that he promised them the land of Palestine. There is a strong theory backed with genetic evidence that between 80-90% of the jews today are not connected to the midle east. They are called Ashkinatzi Jews. They are from Europe by blood and history and it is said they originally come from Khazaria which is south of Rrissia/Ukraine.

    • @eldadmaster
      @eldadmaster 9 лет назад +7

      FeralglanceBengals Actually genetic tests showed that 89% of Ashkenazim are indeed descended from middle east. Only 11% had a gene that could mean that one of their ancestor was east European convert. Notice that it's a single gene.
      But it really doesn't matter, because Judaism doesn't discriminate people over skin color. Even if you converted yesterday, you're still Jewish. According to Judaism stance, converts are people who were born with Jewish souls and just happened to be born into non-Jewish families and found their way back. For most intents, they're considered just as jewish as those that were with Moses at mount Sinai... So racial doctrine don't apply. The flesh don't matter, only the soul.

    • @eldadmaster
      @eldadmaster 9 лет назад +3

      sn00piedog That's the whole point... It isn't. One of the origins of Jew-hatred is BECAUSE their communities were relatively closed, and didn't mingle with their non-Jewish neighbors. When looking for a match (they often used arranged marriage, as the majority of the world did, and some still do) they would sometime travel hundreds of kilometers to other Jewish communities. There were exceptions, sure.
      For children born of rape, the community still took them in, and raised them as Jews.
      And of course in the case of converts. But since unlike Christianity and Islam, Judaism isn't a missionary religion (meaning they aren't actively trying to convert people), the conversion process is very long and rigorous, meant to test the convert resolve as well as his knowledge of Judaism. So, this two cases represent the exception rather than the rule. As I said, barely 1 in 9 Ashkenazi Jews can be scientifically claimed that one of their ancestors wasn't born Jewish.

    • @snakey934Snakeybakey
      @snakey934Snakeybakey 9 лет назад +2

      why can't there be more Muslims like you?
      Shalom :)

  • @vinnie9458
    @vinnie9458 8 лет назад +10

    You always hear Israel haters saying Israel is a white racist colonist country. I don't know if they're ignorant or just deliberately ignoring middle eastern Jews. Not that it matters since even ashkenazi Jews are proven to be of Levantine heritage by genetics testing.

  • @aminebenz1411
    @aminebenz1411 3 года назад +34

    Outside politics,
    Jews should be more proud of their middle eastern origins, they're semitic and cousins of Arabs not europeans.
    Arabs too should stop considering Israelis as enemies, and be proud that both are of the oldest people on earth.

    • @reuterromain1054
      @reuterromain1054 Год назад +2

      THat was nicely said.

    • @kaitobrooks
      @kaitobrooks Год назад

      Isr*el is an Apartheid colonial state, that's built on top of palestine then filled up with jewish colonizers & refugees who came from all over the world after displacing Indigenous palestinians, I have nothing against jews, and the arab world is made of amazing people from many ethnicities, maghrebis,Amazigh,Palestinians(Canaanites),Phoenicians,Egyptians,Sudanese,kurds,Somalis,iraqis(Mesopotamians),Assyrians and Ethnic arabs, and with many religions muslim,Christian,Jewish,druze,bahai and with even more sects within those religion's, they make the Arab world, isr*el is a foreign presence within this region that's occupying palestine and stealing palestinian land

    • @Firstname_Surname
      @Firstname_Surname 10 месяцев назад +3

      Well, Ashkenazi Jews do not consider themselves European as well (generally speaking), both groups see themselves as Israeli Jews, so your argument is kind of irrelevant.

    • @mrhcl6kerson1783
      @mrhcl6kerson1783 9 месяцев назад

      Arab Jews exist but the European Jews didn't like it so they made them think they're not Arabs ..... It's because of racism and brainwashing...... But nowadays more people know the truth, the truth always comes out.

    • @محمدبريداوي
      @محمدبريداوي 3 месяца назад

      As long Palestinians are being oppr.ssed they will be seen as enemies.
      Like Europeans saw Germans as enemies during German nazi occupation.
      Let them stop behaving like the chsn ubrm'ench then things could change.

  • @yatamato3283
    @yatamato3283 9 лет назад +170

    I'm a Muslim from japan, People call me an Arab.

    • @yatamato3283
      @yatamato3283 9 лет назад +96

      cohen miki Your brain does't exist.

    • @yatamato3283
      @yatamato3283 9 лет назад +77

      cohen miki The pig is useful than you.

    • @AbeNajiD
      @AbeNajiD 8 лет назад +2

      +cohen miki owh evil. than who whorshiping satanic?

    • @islambary2menkom
      @islambary2menkom 8 лет назад +23

      +yatamato :Lmao ,yes pples still don't get the fact that to be Moslim means only that you submit to Allah ,it's not an ethnicity .

    • @iamnotblackorred
      @iamnotblackorred 8 лет назад

      +yatamato lol are they japanese who call u arab?

  • @BelleroseQC
    @BelleroseQC 9 лет назад +74

    4:06 His eyes are fucking awesome.

  • @karri2004
    @karri2004 9 месяцев назад +53

    I am Arab. At 18 Years old I left Yemen, and when meeting people in the west I get mixed questions if I am Arab or Jewish, that is when I realized we look alike. It never offended me. If you are from a region of the world to the rest of the world you look alike even between us we can tell the difference they can’t. To us all white people look alike, all Asians look a like, nothing to be offended of, it is regional. Having said that, I think in Israel the European Jews are the higher class in Israel and they look down on Jews that came from Arab and African countries.

    • @Juuuq
      @Juuuq 9 месяцев назад +11

      What is Israel? I see all these people claim they are from that place but when you see their origins are not from there. They are moroccans, iraqis, yemenis, polish, russian, bulgarian all but I dont see that their DNA is the same that of the people that lived thousands years ago there.

    • @All4cheese
      @All4cheese 9 месяцев назад

      You can come back home 😢, i'm yemeni too

    • @kobss
      @kobss 9 месяцев назад

      and we the black jews?

    • @chel4671
      @chel4671 9 месяцев назад +8

      @@Juuuq Those are our diaspora locations.... we were never treated like we were from there, it was always "go back to where you come from" so we decided to do it, now we have Israel where we all link to genetically when you go far back enough. Ashkenazi genome is 1/2 European 1/2 Levantine.

    • @chel4671
      @chel4671 9 месяцев назад +11

      My parents would disagree with your last statement, my father a Polish Jew and my mother a Syrian Jew came together to have me and I've never felt any sort of "higher class", neither has my father, nor my grandparents. We look Arab and we don't get offended when someone calls us Arab, but we are not Arab. It's just a fact.

  • @Behemot_
    @Behemot_ 3 года назад +16

    North Africa people have not arab background, they have bereber or amazigh background. Berebers were arabized in 7th centuries but not al all. Even now they have their own culture and language in many places. Also, north Africa sefaradim have iberian roots (Sefarad= Spain).

    • @gsalsam
      @gsalsam Год назад +1

      Yes but dont forgot there were jews who lived there from the time of the expulsion after the destruction of the second temple. They were not from spain, but were later still refered to as sephardim.

  • @gafteng
    @gafteng 8 лет назад +79

    Divide and rule, says the British.

    • @reabetsweimanmoabi7911
      @reabetsweimanmoabi7911 5 лет назад +3


    • @themako990mako9
      @themako990mako9 4 года назад +2

      Also USA democrats

    • @ethan8445
      @ethan8445 2 года назад

      well it worked well with the muslims arabs since they kept fighting among eachother
      but it didnt work well with the jews since the jews are cool with eachother and other people regardless of ethinicity as long you dont try to hurt them.

    • @user-rv6cx3rz7t
      @user-rv6cx3rz7t 6 месяцев назад

      ​@themako990mako9 you're obsessed

  • @CoreyGilShusterAskProject
    @CoreyGilShusterAskProject  11 лет назад +50

    It depends on how you define Arab. They mainly don't speak Arabic anymore (often how Arabs are defined) but the culture is obviously Arab. My experience living with Mizrahim for 20 years is they are a "light-version" of Arabs- similar culture, just a little more Westernized.

    • @abdullahalrai
      @abdullahalrai 2 года назад +18

      you mean Ashkenized (Zionised) :)
      Just as there are Arab Christians and Arab Muslim in the Middle-east and Africa
      But they are still Arab. similarly they are Arab-Jews of Middle-east and Africa
      Just by speaking Modern Hebrew won’t change their identity. :)

    • @michaelsmullen9891
      @michaelsmullen9891 2 года назад

      @@abdullahalrai Jews are Jews are Jews it makes no difference where they are or where they are from.

    • @Salam-df7ml
      @Salam-df7ml Год назад +1

      @@abdullahalrai so sad how they are poisoned by Zionism

    • @ab456z
      @ab456z Год назад +3

      Honestly, I think they just are. Sure because of where they live, and the Ashkenazi dominant culture in Israel, the Arab Jews have had an identity crisis spanning decades. That does not discount the culture, similar complexion, rituals as their Arab Jewish forefathers.

    • @realperson6713
      @realperson6713 10 месяцев назад

      Solution: to deport all ashkenazi and with ashkenazi background to Europe, and to give the state to the indigenous of the land

  • @xoxoprincess33
    @xoxoprincess33 8 лет назад +149

    The last Iraqi guy though... hottie!

    • @sarsup3170
      @sarsup3170 8 лет назад +5

      +Sara Ebrahimi He was not hot. Women have weird preferences in men.

    • @02Nawal
      @02Nawal 8 лет назад +31

      Yes girl he is fine I would totally be his baby momma.

    • @sarsup3170
      @sarsup3170 8 лет назад +3

      02Nawal Ewww...Disgusting.

    • @stephanezick4658
      @stephanezick4658 8 лет назад +19

      +Sarsu P feminist detected

    • @sarsup3170
      @sarsup3170 8 лет назад +4

      amar coldx I am a man. I hate feminists.

  • @mikeletterst9882
    @mikeletterst9882 6 лет назад +76

    Salam / Shalom to my Iraqi brothers and sisters in Israel

    • @moncef9778
      @moncef9778 3 года назад +14


    • @warrior5215
      @warrior5215 3 года назад +5

      למה ליילל, אה אחי? שלום וسلاك גם לך אחים ואחיות מישראל ופלסטין

    • @avivaleib
      @avivaleib Год назад +1


  • @characterparade
    @characterparade 9 лет назад +40

    Thanks for making these videos, Corey. They are Eye-opening to say the least. I've learnt a lot from your videos.

  • @ThatsAce12
    @ThatsAce12 10 лет назад +89

    Why the hell is being an 'Arab' considered to be an insult? Arabs are awesome people. Arabs created the numbers we use today (1,2,3..etc), invented chemistry (Geber), and so much more. If I was an Arab I'd be proud as fuck.

    • @shawarmabrah3717
      @shawarmabrah3717 9 лет назад +8

      Suspicious Milk Arabs have made a lot of advancements in science and mathematics, even if they learned the numbers from the Indians.

    • @snakey934Snakeybakey
      @snakey934Snakeybakey 9 лет назад +15

      we are simply not Arab. the Mizrahi are not Arab, and the Mizrahi are not European. we are all Israeli.

    • @kianchampion9581
      @kianchampion9581 9 лет назад

      no you are not , but we are all humans just like every one else living on this tiny pebble called earth , i wish one day we can over come our hate so we can have better life and start exploring the galaxys

    • @TheShatry
      @TheShatry 9 лет назад +3

      +Joseph Anton i think thats wrong history...no proofs that Arab use indian number. we use arabic numerals today not hindu numerals. almost all sciences flourished in Islamic civilizations from Quran and Islamic teachings...not from hindu.

    • @jtkhan1444
      @jtkhan1444 9 лет назад +4

      +alley shatree these numerals are called Adad Ul Hind (Indian Numerals) in Arabic Language . I advise you plz go to school first before commenting here
      Anyway , the religion of Islam and Arab culture was stolen from Jews and as well the entire Islamic Shariah is stolen from Jewish Tohrah and Prophets stories too...
      Your prophet was the first person who claimed that the Quraish tribe is the descendant of Ishmael the son of Abrahim and his slave girl Hager and your Prophet Hadith claim that Ishmel learned the Arabic language from a Arab tribe of Mecca (even according to fake islamic claim only Qurashi are the descendants of Ishamel not other Arabs , even there is no historical evidence of it too )

  • @harag4894
    @harag4894 8 лет назад +47

    This pride and sens of respect, no matter where we're from, is beautiful to see.
    I wish much blessings to the man who rightfully said "We're all ONE".
    Peace out

  • @fuscinula
    @fuscinula 10 месяцев назад +47

    It's funny how Israelis often think of 'Arab' as an identity and not an ethnicity. Many of them will say "yes, my parents were when they lived in Syria, Iraq, Yemen etc." but not anymore... Also, Corey, there aren't Arabs in Morocco, safe for a few people of mixed ancestry. So Moroccan Jews were never Arabs ethnically, but might have shared some common features culturally.

    • @arielm6613
      @arielm6613 10 месяцев назад +14

      Because being an Arab is an identity except for people of Arabian decent, most people that live in the “Arab world” were Arabized meaning they either speak Arabic have an Arab culture and practice a religion that is of arab origin.

    • @lets_wrapitup
      @lets_wrapitup 10 месяцев назад

      @@arielm6613not true.

    • @Epimundo
      @Epimundo 10 месяцев назад

      arab is about language
      , nothing else right now.

    • @arielm6613
      @arielm6613 10 месяцев назад +4

      @@lets_wrapitup so search up the term Arab, it will give you 2 definitions: 1- someone of Arabian decent i.e ethnicity. 2- someone who was “Arabized” meaning they speak Arabic and practice the arab culture and traditions. This means that those Jews who lived in Arab countries are no long “arab” after leaving because they no longer speak the language and practice arab culture

    • @lets_wrapitup
      @lets_wrapitup 10 месяцев назад +5

      @@arielm6613 that’s assuming they were of non-arab descent. There is no evidence to suggest that.

  • @AaYy0o
    @AaYy0o 9 лет назад +36

    4:06 Holy hotness, Batman! I'll take one of those, please.

    • @exionem
      @exionem 9 лет назад +1

      Lol :)

    • @renrezcrypto6155
      @renrezcrypto6155 9 лет назад +1

      A Yo Do you like me too? Cat girl

      @NELSONFAIER1 9 лет назад

      A Yo lol

    • @TheGhostGamer2
      @TheGhostGamer2 9 лет назад +1

      A Yo you will find many of them in Iraq

    • @123weify
      @123weify 9 лет назад

      A Yo for me I see that his origins is not from iraq !! his origins maybe from iran (parsian) or afganistan or nearby

  • @AyoubHD
    @AyoubHD 10 лет назад +84

    So being an arab in Israel is like being black in the 60s?

    • @MAONaime
      @MAONaime 10 лет назад +11

      ***** there's no more Jews in the Arab countries but a little minority in Morocco who live happily in that country
      maybe try being a Palestinian in Israel !!!

    • @DrHavoc1
      @DrHavoc1 10 лет назад +15

      Naime Omar
      I see Palestinian doctors, lawyers, architects, engineers every day.

    • @JohnDoeUDI
      @JohnDoeUDI 10 лет назад +1

      Naime Omar
      try getting the right to vote in a country around Israel. Because that is a right you would/have in Israel.

    • @AyoubHD
      @AyoubHD 10 лет назад +7

      JohnDoe22 Many Arab countries have that right... Egypt,Libya,Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, etc. I think your problem is that you think all Arab countries are like Saudi Arabia which is very wrong.

    • @JohnDoeUDI
      @JohnDoeUDI 10 лет назад

      oh yeah Egypt where they killed a lot of Muslim brotherhood members (< not so demoratic) Syria? Arabia? maybe its wrong but at least people can easily live there.. even westerners, can live at ease there if they obey by local rule which makes sense cause you are in that country..

  • @90sHouseBoy
    @90sHouseBoy 6 лет назад +12

    4:16 wow he’s gorgeous look at them eyes. Could melt my heart

  • @yonikatz3513
    @yonikatz3513 2 года назад +21

    Mizrahi Jews are not Arab. They are Hebrew. Mizrahi and Ashkenazi DNA are the same. This has been proven. We are the indiginous people of the land of Israel who fled to other countries when the Romans expelled us. We never used these terms growing up. These terms are divisive. We are simply Jews.

    • @u.s.d.k3218
      @u.s.d.k3218 2 года назад +1


      @QUINTUSMAXIMUS 10 месяцев назад +5

      Well, not exactly. The Ashkenazi are heavily European on the maternal side, though they match up paternally with the Ashkenazis. I mean they look somewhat different. In reality, a lot of the Mizrahim have a lot of Sephardim ancestry from the 1500s.

    • @cryptomaniac1866
      @cryptomaniac1866 9 месяцев назад +4

      Yeah ofc the Ashkenazi Jews who lived in Europe for the last 2k years have the same DNA with mizrahi Jews who lived in the middle east for the last 2k years and ofc they both have the same DNA with Ethiopian Jews

    • @matcha.addict4139
      @matcha.addict4139 9 месяцев назад

      @@QUINTUSMAXIMUS I mean to be fair the diaspora was 3000 years ago so they left and obviously they mixed with European peoples as well but they are still Judean

    • @apap745
      @apap745 4 месяца назад

      Bullshit the jews who were exiled 2000 years go didnt go to rusia, poland ukrain or germany. They went to morocco yemen irak iran etc. They are the real jews. The european so called jews are in reality khazars who converted to judaism once upon time

  • @khaledkadry3153
    @khaledkadry3153 8 лет назад +6

    Gorey I like your videos and I just subcribed. Thanks from Cairo.

  • @mugekolukisa783
    @mugekolukisa783 9 месяцев назад +3

    The young man who says '...we are all one...' This simple belief would have saved thousands of Palestinian (& Israeli) lives in recent weeks. The indoctrination & ignorance of people is unbearably tragic.

  • @multilingual972
    @multilingual972 7 лет назад +46

    That last guy had the most beautiful blue eyes:)

  • @ForeverRepublic
    @ForeverRepublic 8 лет назад +7

    Yes. Jews are not Arabs, we're Jews. Know the difference. The Middle East has many ethnic groups not just Arabs. Jews, Samaritans, Arameans, Kurds, Assyrians, Persians, Maronites, Mandeans, Copts, etc.

    • @wovokanarchy
      @wovokanarchy 8 лет назад

      Yes, but all are Semitic people's and from the same genetic family tree. It's the religious divide that separates both.

    • @ForeverRepublic
      @ForeverRepublic 8 лет назад +1

      wovokanarchy Extreme oversimplification.

    • @wovokanarchy
      @wovokanarchy 8 лет назад

      I thought being Jewish was a religious identity, similar to being a Muslim being a religious identity?

    • @ForeverRepublic
      @ForeverRepublic 8 лет назад

      wovokanarchy Well it is but it's not only that. Jews are an ethnoreligious group like Armenians, Assyrians, Irish Catholics, etc.
      Religion is not the only reason why we're fighting.

    • @kusari86
      @kusari86 8 лет назад

      +ForeverRepublic Not really, many Arabs converted to Judaism. Semites often mixed, so many Arab Jews likely have some Arab blood. I am a Yemeni Arab and I think it's possible that I have Jewish blood in me. There's a rumor that my great grandmother was a Yemenite Jew (convert to Islam). It's devastating.
      lol just kidding with the last line.

  • @AmGirl-lf5xh
    @AmGirl-lf5xh 6 лет назад +21

    It's sad some have to deny their heritage. If your born in morrocco you should be proud of it. Most Jewish Moroccans are amazigh and few arabs.

    • @knightara
      @knightara 2 года назад

      They’re jews genetically

    • @Theone-dv1pn
      @Theone-dv1pn 10 месяцев назад +2

      Lol how can someone be jew and at the same time "amazigh"? Arabs and israelites descend from one father, while amazigh father is unknown

  • @shevetlevi2821
    @shevetlevi2821 5 лет назад +6

    They are not Arab Jews; that's a contradiction. They are Mizrachi Jews, period, and of the Jewish people.

    • @shaboki802
      @shaboki802 5 лет назад

      yes its because jewish is ethnic group and arab is an ethnic group.

    • @isaacperess8852
      @isaacperess8852 3 года назад +1

      We were Arab Jews before we came to Israel and were sprayed with disinfectant because y’all thought we were animals. The term mizrachi only exists so white ashlanaz could differentiate themselves from us, we were Arab Iraqi jews before Israel bull shit divisive and racist politics. Israeli society try’s to disconnect us from our Arab roots and that fucked up because maybe if we realized we weren’t that different from the enemy there would be peace but governments don’t want peace they want an enemy so they can control the minds of the population.

  • @wovokanarchy
    @wovokanarchy 9 лет назад +45

    Are the Mizrahim Jews closest, in terms of biology, to the original Hebrews thousands of years ago? Considering the Mizrahim never left the area wouldn't they be genetically Hebrew as opposed to European Ashkanazi Jews?

    • @wovokanarchy
      @wovokanarchy 8 лет назад +11

      Yeshayahu ben Pinchas Cohen
      Oh yeah, but the Mizari Jews are the real Jews as opposed to the Ashkkanazi Jews who are Jews in name and religion only.

    • @wovokanarchy
      @wovokanarchy 8 лет назад +9

      Yeshayahu ben Pinchas Cohen
      No doubt, but so remote that their European blood is predominately their entire DNA makeup.

    • @wovokanarchy
      @wovokanarchy 8 лет назад +1

      All the European looking Jews sure have me fooled.

    • @ForeverRepublic
      @ForeverRepublic 8 лет назад +10

      wovokanarchy Why? Because some of us have fair skin? That is perhaps the stupidest argument you could have made. Many ethnic groups in the Levant can pass for European, here are some pictures:
      Only stupid Americans think everyone from the Middle East is brown. The Middle East has dozens of ethnic groups. Jews, Samartians, Maronites, Copts, Aramean, Druze, Kurds, Persians, Assyrians, Mandeans, etc. Some are lighter than others.

    • @wovokanarchy
      @wovokanarchy 8 лет назад +3

      I've lived in New York and all the Jews I knew looked European, One couldn't even distinguish the difference myself and my Jewish friends.

  • @Cocologs
    @Cocologs 4 года назад +6

    Wow , the last guy is stunning!

  • @zenzenyokunai
    @zenzenyokunai 7 лет назад +53

    My ovaries exploded watching the last guy and I don't even have ovaries.

  • @1q1q1q981
    @1q1q1q981 10 лет назад +22

    most Israelis are mixed race. love that

    • @wynnhorton1208
      @wynnhorton1208 3 года назад +1

      yet some Ashkenazi teach their children that Ashenazis are not white. Yet, DNA proves that they have 85% white/European mtDNA. Jewish needs to be embraced as what it really is - a religion.

    • @shmuelp4504
      @shmuelp4504 3 года назад +3

      Yes, Ashkis are 85% white matrilineally, you forgot to mention they are 85% middle eastern paternally, Ie half and half. We are a religion, but we are also a nation. Where can’t we both like we also have been without people telling us who and what we are?
      Whether we are white or Middle Eastern or somewhere in between doesn’t matter, we are Jews, our own nation.

    • @shmuelp4504
      @shmuelp4504 3 года назад

      Edit :”why can’t we be both, like we always have been”
      Typo :)

    • @wynnhorton1208
      @wynnhorton1208 3 года назад

      @@shmuelp4504 long ago, israel was a nation and then for centuries it was not and now it is again. america and australia are nations, too - mixed race, mixed religion, mixed ethnicities- so to call jews a nation is a bit silly in this day and age. and you leave out all of the athiests who grew up in Jewish homes, but realized that religion is crap and that there is no god. culture does not completely bind jews either, becuase shephardi, hasidim, and ashenazim, for example, don't share all of the same traditions. i am told (not sure) that some segments of jews believe (unlike most other jews) that the holy land and even much of the holy text is all allegory and shoudnt be taken literally -might be Hasidim who think this way, unsure. so, jews are only loosely bound to some things. I think the desire to belong to a group sometimes makes people a bit illogical.

  • @twostrudelsplease2511
    @twostrudelsplease2511 6 лет назад +20

    The two pure Iraqi dudes are so 🔥🔥

  • @Gideon01
    @Gideon01 6 лет назад +11

    These questions (and answers) are a bit misleading. Many Israeli-born Mizrahi Jews will indeed describe themselves as being Moroccan, Iraqi, Yemenite etc. if that is where their families came from, they do not deny that. But they don't feel they are Arab. It's just not part of their identity.

    • @HatimAKNNIpm
      @HatimAKNNIpm 5 лет назад

      I don't know, but I assume Israeli people of Moroccan origin are attached to Morocco, aren't they?

    • @michaelacohen3308
      @michaelacohen3308 5 лет назад +1

      Hatim AKNNI
      Yes. just because they and the rest of Mizrahi jews dont identify as arab doesnt mean they dont like their culture

    • @jamillamohamed6145
      @jamillamohamed6145 5 лет назад

      @@michaelacohen3308 so mizrahi came from Arab country, but they were not Arabs?, is it correct to say they were Israelis/Jew living in those arab nations.

    • @cristiano7ronaldoTHEGOAT
      @cristiano7ronaldoTHEGOAT 9 месяцев назад

      ​​@@jamillamohamed6145 They are dont identify as arab but they are mostly arabized. There are Assyrian, Chaldean, Kurds in middle eastern countries but they dont identify as arabs. Levantines were "arabized" and "islamized" through arab muslim conquests and invasions.

    • @zjzr08
      @zjzr08 3 месяца назад

      ​@@jamillamohamed6145It's like the Druze, or Amazigh, or Assyrians - they may speak Arabic due to being in Arab-majority lands but they don't belong in the Arab ethnicity (which in itself have sub-groups like Egyptian, North African, Levantine, Arabian, etc.) and same can be said with Jews who lived in those lands too (even if they may adopt some Arabic cultural elements).

  • @tonycallahan4488
    @tonycallahan4488 9 месяцев назад +2

    I love how the second guy thinks that being called “Arab” is an insult and compares it to being called an “assh*le”

    • @bashbash7
      @bashbash7 9 месяцев назад +1

      No he think all arabs hate him as a jew ...thats why he said ..."why give them the honor" by identfying a an arab jew

  • @user-se9mu5xt3f
    @user-se9mu5xt3f 8 лет назад +3

    were not arabs were just born in there as jews with no arab connection to us thats all balestine is close to narnia

  • @carlxross8013
    @carlxross8013 11 лет назад +5

    I wonder if a pit-bull gets offended if he is called a bulldog.

  • @משהכהן-ד6צ
    @משהכהן-ד6צ 6 лет назад +4

    Hello everyone I'm a religious Jew And I live in Morocco I consider myself A Moroccan Jew And not a Moroccan Arab Jew
    Because it is believed Jewish conflict The Arabs are descendants Of Yashmal According to Judaism there is no Arab people with Ishmaelite And the Jews were originally descendants of Jacob whom God called Israel Because of this there is a difference in the Jews. It is not a religion. Originally, this people is called Hebrew. Because if they spoke Hebrew and the Arabs would ask that the father of the Arabs be above the Jews all over the world before they came to the Arab countries. Members of the same religion, but they do not uproot Jews because the Kingdom of Judah did not come despite the fact that the Jews and the Jews are one and I also want to say that in the Jewish religion

  • @Mexicali686MX
    @Mexicali686MX 8 лет назад +41

    As a Mexican my self, I wouldn't feel offended if somebody calls me Hispanic or latino

    • @micka101
      @micka101 8 лет назад +2

      +erick castro and if people call you spanish?

    • @Mexicali686MX
      @Mexicali686MX 8 лет назад +1

      I've never called spanish, but that will probably piss me off just a little, not because I hate spanish people but beause of ignorance being shown.Some people from countries like el salvador are called mexicans, and that annoys them a lot.They can't differantiate between ethnic group and nationality

    • @LastNinjaBB6
      @LastNinjaBB6 8 лет назад +5

      +erick castro ..Arabs are semites, but not all semites are arabs. This is why arabs, kurds and jews dont want it mixed up. But after watching this video it's obvious that most israelis dont care so much if other people get it mixed up.

    • @lookatmeimthepilotnow
      @lookatmeimthepilotnow 5 лет назад +1

      My Dad is Latino / Chinese, I don't know what to call him....

    • @panarabunity6077
      @panarabunity6077 3 года назад +8

      @@LastNinjaBB6 Judaism is a religion. How the hell does a Ethiopian, a Pole, and. Moroccan who speak separate languages and have different ethnicities somehow are in the same ethnicity?

  • @riogrl324
    @riogrl324 Год назад +9

    Interesting answers no doubt! This has always been a fascination of mine. The affiliation of the middle eastern cultures in Israel or how someone identifies

  • @fahadkelantan6089
    @fahadkelantan6089 3 года назад +7

    Ethnic Arab are from the Arabian Peninsula only. Morrocans, Iraqis, and Palestinians are Arabized, or Arabic speaking nations, but they are not ethnically Arab.
    For example, everyone in America speaks English but not all of them are also ethnically English.

    • @panarabunity6077
      @panarabunity6077 3 года назад

      Wrong. Arabian peninsula are not originally Arabs. Eastern Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, and Kuwait were Dilmun. They spoke their own Akkadian like langauge and later spoke Aramaic. UAE and Oman were known as Maggan. They also spoke their one language. Yemen and southern Saudi Arabia were Himyarite, Sabaen, Qataban, Hadhramitic, etc. Peninsula was mostly not Arab until the Islamic conquest. The oldest Arabic and Arabs come from Jordan and southern Syria. Look up the Qedarite empire. It was the first Arab state and it was definitely not in peninsula. This is a common misconception I keep seeing. Plz do your research.

    • @abumishalkhalidadwan3543
      @abumishalkhalidadwan3543 2 года назад

      @@panarabunity6077 ما هي ادلاتك هات برهانك

    • @panarabunity6077
      @panarabunity6077 2 года назад

      @@abumishalkhalidadwan3543 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magan_(civilization)

    • @StrongerThanYsterday
      @StrongerThanYsterday 11 месяцев назад

      @@panarabunity6077are you stupid ??😂 the Arabians tribes are ARABS before Islam . Arabs are Semitic ancient race started from Yemen and the tribes that you mentioned distributed through times over the Arab peninsula. (F) in history dude

    • @StrongerThanYsterday
      @StrongerThanYsterday 11 месяцев назад


  • @ShmorgelBorgel
    @ShmorgelBorgel 11 лет назад +6

    Also there is a specific Hebrew nusakh (liturgical prayer rite) that is called nusakh eidoth ha MizraH, that is used commonly by different groups of Mizrahi Jews--whether they have roots in Arabic-speaking lands like or Iraq or in Persia or Bokhara, where Farsi-Jewish dialects were traditionally used by the Jews--some people say Mizrahi means that--but it has nothing to do with Arabs.

  • @azharAD
    @azharAD 11 лет назад +17

    Arab simply means anyone who speaks/Spoke arabic as a mother tongue! an Arab doesn't necessary mean someone from Arabia!
    For example I'm Iraqi of Sumerian/Turcoman origin, but I speak Iraqi Arabic, therefore I consider myself an Iraqi Arab! ברכות של אהבה וכבוד מבצרה לכל יהודי עיראק :))

    • @panarabunity6077
      @panarabunity6077 3 года назад +1

      @drc ula Arab identity isn’t the same as thousands of years ago. If you want to talk about stupid genetics, then the only Arabs would be in Jordan, southern Palestine, Sinai, eastern desert, Tabuk, western Iraq, and southern Syria. The rest are all Arabized. And yes, that would also mean majority of Saudi Arabia isn’t Arab. But that’s a stupid definition. Arab culture evolved and branched out with its language spreading and remaining for thousands of years now with Arabic civilization.

    • @PiousRefutor_
      @PiousRefutor_ 9 месяцев назад

      ⁠​⁠​⁠@@panarabunity6077Some Arabs came from Ishmael(as) son Of Abraham(as)but true Arabs came from around Yemen which Yemen have a Jew population also.

  • @MasamiK
    @MasamiK 8 лет назад +19

    The last guy is gorgeous!

  • @tinalettieri
    @tinalettieri Год назад +2

    I live in Haifa and I have Sicilian ancestry. I love my Arab neighbors and feel more comfortable in their culture than the Ashkenazified Jewish sector. My neighbor is an Arab woman and she has taken me to her mother's home. No Jew has befriended me to that extent.

    • @xochiltepetzalailhuicamina2322
      @xochiltepetzalailhuicamina2322 9 месяцев назад

      Sicily was under Arab Occupation for a some time in the past just like Spain. In fact the Maltese Language is a Semitic language descended from Siculo-Arabic.

  • @shattynatty27
    @shattynatty27 7 лет назад +3

    The problem with this type is question is that, genetically speaking, these are not clearly distinct categories. Jews can trace their roots to indigenous Cannanite populations, which over time developed a distinct identity via a via their neighbors. These are cultural and social distinctions that become conflated with genetic distinctions. studies show that Israelis and Palestinians share significant ancestry. Additionally, most Muslims in the region identify as ethnically Arab, but one only need compare a person from Northern Syria and a person from Saudi Arabia to notice the cosmetic differences (i.e skin tone, hair texture etc.)

  • @Eng_This
    @Eng_This 9 месяцев назад +2

    Too bad that one guy doesn’t feel the need to positively acknowledge his roots.

  • @sabrinashahab795
    @sabrinashahab795 8 лет назад +33

    So being Arab is an insult .

    • @haider22229
      @haider22229 8 лет назад +23

      No being arab is amazing unless ur in isreal... I mean palistine

    • @momoboss6866
      @momoboss6866 8 лет назад +4

      +JonnyCUBA ! no he is correct PALESTINE

    • @momoboss6866
      @momoboss6866 8 лет назад

      +JonnyCUBA ! you talk shit

    • @momoboss6866
      @momoboss6866 8 лет назад

      +JonnyCUBA ! in the War israhelll was Supported from USA And european countries!!! israhell alone had NO CHANCE . PALESTINE (HAMAS/FATAH(ARAFAT) WOULD ALONE FUCK israhell up hahaha

    • @momoboss6866
      @momoboss6866 8 лет назад

      +JonnyCUBA ! israhell aka shit hahaha

  • @shtunkykatz9653
    @shtunkykatz9653 9 лет назад +37

    We are Jews, proud Jews!!.. When our families lived in Arab countries, they called us Jews. When our families lived in European countries, they called us Jews. Now that we have returned to our ancestral homeland, the Jewish homeland, they have the audacity to call us Arabs and Europeans.
    FYI, Mizrahi means Eastern. Referring to Mizrahi or Mizrahim, simply means Eastern Jews.... NOT Arab Jews!!

    • @danielregwan
      @danielregwan 9 лет назад +5

      You can only dream of My Land!! Hands down, the best comment on this page

    • @aviavi4717
      @aviavi4717 9 лет назад +6

      When Jews lived with Arabs they were called Jews just like the Christians were called Christians. It was just a way of identifying each other. It is the same in all countries around the world. Arabs And Jews are family and have lived together for many thousand years. Jews were Arab Jews till the creation of Israel. Today, there are still many Jews that identify as Jewish Arabs. Peace to all who seek peace. Greetings from Jordan.

    • @danielregwan
      @danielregwan 9 лет назад +2

      Bobby A
      Jews lived in Arab countries as 2nd class citizens, and every once in a while got slaughtered by their bloodthirsty Arab neighbours for sport. That's the historical truth

    • @ewqdsacxz765
      @ewqdsacxz765 9 лет назад +1

      Lubliana Same thing in Europe.
      At least until the 19th century and the emancipation. And then you've got the Holocaust.

    • @katalacasaverde2841
      @katalacasaverde2841 9 лет назад +3

      Lubliana that is just propaganda and lie . if what you saying is right maybe you will never have a jewish arab called it what you want .example from my country morocco : if what you saying is true how come that more than almost 2 millions jewish from moroccan background live in isreal today and maybe the same number in europ and usa canada ? and a lot of them still in morocco till today .

  • @ryanhuntington2743
    @ryanhuntington2743 11 лет назад +6

    I like these videos bc even though im not a jew it shows love for all people

  • @oneking2819
    @oneking2819 3 года назад +4

    So here the deal , I am Lebanese and so are my parents and so forth south Lebanon .. there was a debate that we have Jewish ancestors. Me and my cousins did a DNA test and the results were more than 30 percent on both sides with Mizhrahi Jew and only 31 percent middle eastern. So my argument is now wtf are you fighting us for... we belong to the Land

    • @Firstname_Surname
      @Firstname_Surname 10 месяцев назад

      Unfortunately identities and ideologies were never based on science to begin with, so really I think people care more about their perceived identity rather than what genetic say, although maybe if somehow you convince everyone that we are all the same it may also impact behavior, but that would be a highly unlikely task to achieve in and of itself.

  • @Cfish613
    @Cfish613 8 лет назад +12

    we used to live in peace with you Jews

  • @MizMiz84
    @MizMiz84 Год назад +2

    My name is Mizrahi and im very proud of my family and background

  • @XPimKossibleX
    @XPimKossibleX 8 лет назад +4

    It's a theoretical race called Jewish. But then again all races are theoretical - which does remind us that every group that has tried to racially separate themselves from another hasn't had good intentions, or consequences.

    • @cicero1178
      @cicero1178 8 лет назад

      michael benzur Not really works out great for some

  • @Linoynooy
    @Linoynooy 9 месяцев назад +1

    4:20 protect this man this eyes looks like heaven

  • @lauran1962
    @lauran1962 Год назад +3

    Ask the Africans how they are being treated by European Jews who are not from Israel.

    • @e.777.r2
      @e.777.r2 5 месяцев назад

      Better than how Africans are treated in Gulf Arab Countries or Libya when they still practice slavery 👍

  • @kdmo7814
    @kdmo7814 10 месяцев назад +2

    0:45 this person equated the term "arab" to someone calling you "asshole"...
    these are some great people!!

    • @JawnBoyd-rt9gd
      @JawnBoyd-rt9gd 10 месяцев назад +1

      I think almost all of them interpreted the question as: how would you feel if somebody insulted you (by calling you an Arab) instead of: how would you feel if somebody mistook you for an Arab/ views Arabs and Mizrahim as similar.

    • @analienable1398
      @analienable1398 9 месяцев назад

      ​@@JawnBoyd-rt9gdthe idea of that being considered an insult combined with the fact that many of them have been killed by settlers by accident shows a level of racism that is undeniable to anyone who is at least a bit impartial.

  • @tareqzeidalkilani949
    @tareqzeidalkilani949 9 месяцев назад +3

    basically, the question itself, adopted by this content provider, is misleading. Palestinians among others in the "Arab world" are not really Arabs, still we speak Arabic and have a nearly common approach on major topics. I as a Palestinian consider myself an Arab, even if Saudis are on the other side of Palestinians. it's not more than an accumulated cultural awareness.

  • @slightlyopinionated8107
    @slightlyopinionated8107 Год назад +2

    I’m Muslim from the US so don’t have much experience with Jews but I’ll say the ones I’ve met that were Moroccan or Yemenite have been extremely pleasant. Also those that wear the suits that look Russian. Have nothing but good to say about them.

  • @vermilionskin
    @vermilionskin 9 лет назад +19

    We hope Iraqi Jews would come back to Iraq, you have left a great void. Iraq needs a balance right now, Jews and Christians could go back and claim their place.

    • @kolewilner7808
      @kolewilner7808 9 лет назад

      and during the conflict israel will get condemmed for winning the three day war when the arab nations will have there asses handed to them

    • @MESSI-fx1ob
      @MESSI-fx1ob 4 года назад

      vermilionskin sounds like u have some hatred for specific group and the whole Jews and Christian thing didn’t work out much I think I forget holocaust

    • @jamesr.g.2320
      @jamesr.g.2320 3 года назад


    • @jacobp9621
      @jacobp9621 3 года назад

      Fuck off

  • @ehalverson6431
    @ehalverson6431 3 года назад +2

    Mizarahi are the genetic Israelis.

  • @yousef.al-assaf
    @yousef.al-assaf 9 лет назад +48

    I hope one day, our Iraqi Jews will come back to where they really belong!
    Enough of this hatred!

    • @dante8674
      @dante8674 9 лет назад +13

      I wouldn't count on any Jewish person going back to any middle eastern country.

    • @yousef.al-assaf
      @yousef.al-assaf 9 лет назад +6

      Dante I agree with you, but give them a small chance maybe. There's good and bad everywhere!

    • @dante8674
      @dante8674 9 лет назад +6

      Yousef Al-Assaf There is a land where they don't need to feel like foreigners. I can't see them moving to even places more accepting like the U.S.

    • @itaibh1
      @itaibh1 9 лет назад +13

      Yousef Al-Assaf I hope Iraq will sort it's problems. I want to visit the country where my ancestors used to live for so long.

    • @yousef.al-assaf
      @yousef.al-assaf 9 лет назад +2

      itaibh1 I wish that too brother. One day, one day we will unite again under one flag. Greetings

  • @asaf158
    @asaf158 8 лет назад +2

    As there are Arab Muslims, Christians, Druze Arabs you also have Jewish arab. There is nothing to be ashamed of. I am a second generation yemen Jew in Israel. My cousins are Muslim Arabs sons of Ismael. No matter amch Ashkenazi determined in the past generations to push as to forget our history, we, the Arabs Jews will go back to our roots. The way we read the Torah and the way we prayed. in Israel we had a lot of racism that cem frome Ashkenazi to Mizrahi, today it's less but still exists in many places just it's not showed. The funny thing is that Europe did not even know about mizrahi Orientals only Ashkenazim and Sephardim. When I talk with an Arab in Europe is shocked how similar we are. [and NO, I will never forget about the Yemeni children that been kidnapped by Ashkenazi Jews when we got 1st to Israel]

    • @Yuval012
      @Yuval012 6 лет назад

      asaf158 you should check genetic studies about yemenite jews, most of them are in fact jewish Arabs. 2000 years there was a kingdom in Yemen called Khemyar and they converted to judaism, so Yemenite jews are allmost excactly the same as non-jewish Yemenites.

  • @zarius6363
    @zarius6363 5 лет назад +4

    last guy looks like Gad Elmaleh, french jewish moroccan comedian

    • @kholoudfayed5733
      @kholoudfayed5733 5 лет назад

      Oh yes!!

    • @amaliab6682
      @amaliab6682 4 года назад

      Gad is Canadian Jewish Moroccan :) he grew up in Montreal, went to university there and his family still lives there. He moved to France in his 20s

  • @MindManifestator
    @MindManifestator 9 месяцев назад +2

    strange obviously arab but not able to be proud of it

  • @ayazmunir3302
    @ayazmunir3302 6 лет назад +2

    Jews , Arabs , Kurds, all of them should have good relations for a better middle East

  • @yusufakhter923
    @yusufakhter923 3 года назад +12

    We all are humans made up of same blood, bone and meat, still we feel insulted if some one call us from a different community. Very sad!

  • @elodie2222
    @elodie2222 9 лет назад +15

    tomer is HOT!

  • @musharafhussain2316
    @musharafhussain2316 3 месяца назад +1

    Seems like people have no idea the difference between an Arab and a Jew😂😂😂

  • @someone-kk9ft
    @someone-kk9ft 11 месяцев назад +2

    0:44 so being called a Arab is like being called an asshole, what scumbags

    • @shivamrai2886
      @shivamrai2886 10 месяцев назад +2

      You have to understand how Jews were treated under Arab rule. Most Middle Eastern Jews have very negative views of Arabs based on what their parents and grandparents went through

  • @CoreyGilShusterAskProject
    @CoreyGilShusterAskProject  11 лет назад +2

    Only a little. Alot of Hebrew slang comes from Mizrahim using Arabic words. But most couldn't carry on a conversation. Only the older generation who lived in Arab countries or worked with Arabs before the intifadas.

  • @Trach3a
    @Trach3a 10 лет назад +24

    I love the heavy racist vibe in the comments, contrasted with the very laid back answers in the video.
    Goes to show you know...

    • @wynnhorton1208
      @wynnhorton1208 3 года назад

      very few admit it, but we all have biases or prejudices. you cannot control others. just make sure that YOU don't live up to the negative generalizations others have of your group (control yourself and stop worrying about others so much).

  • @1ycan-eu9ji
    @1ycan-eu9ji 10 месяцев назад +1

    1:52 Holy sht he looks so much like my dad, just slightly softer/softer voice but damn.... he looks so much like my lebanese dad

  • @mohd.syahrold3394
    @mohd.syahrold3394 5 лет назад +3

    this question implyng that being arab is a bad thing.

  • @CoreyGilShusterAskProject
    @CoreyGilShusterAskProject  11 лет назад

    No. the person who asked is a Lebanese German Muslim Arab who spent time in Israel researching Mizrahim. I don't even understand what you mean.

  • @ShmorgelBorgel
    @ShmorgelBorgel 11 лет назад +5

    Well, not all Mizrahim have roots in Arab countries--I guess technically Aramaic-speaking Jews from Iraqi Kurdistan lived in an Arab country, but it doesn't apply to Persian Jews, Bokharan Jews, Afghan Jews, Indian Jews, etc. The other thing is that most of us Mizrahi Israeli Jews who have roots in Arabic-speaking lands no longer speak Arabic fluently if at all (maybe parents/grandparents do) and most of us never really identify as Arab, per se. Not that it's bad to be Arab, but it's not us.

    • @prsimoibn2710
      @prsimoibn2710 9 месяцев назад

      You speak modern Hebrew, then you are an Arab, if you speak Torah Hebrew then you are also an Arab. Welcome to middle east

    • @zjzr08
      @zjzr08 3 месяца назад

      ​@@prsimoibn2710Are you just trolling, or is accepting that Arab hegemony actually took over the then diversity of Middle Eastern culture (like Syriacs, Punics, Coptics, Arameans, etc.)?

  • @kegheihga3374
    @kegheihga3374 8 месяцев назад +1

    So the bottom line seems to be: most think it is a wrong description, but not an insulting misconception

  • @aniiisahs6052
    @aniiisahs6052 8 лет назад +11

    This baffles me... If a couple from let's say Japan moves to Saudi Arabia for example, and they are Muslims, their children will be ethnically Japanese. It's like asking those children if they are offended if someone calls them Japanese just because they're Muslims living in Saudi Arabia a Muslim majority country.

    • @lolhiho1
      @lolhiho1 8 лет назад

      +Sarsu P ....eh no you dumb fuck, nothing offensive with the word "Arab"

    • @redx11x
      @redx11x 3 года назад +3

      You don't understand. Jews are a race of people. You cannot become a Jew, you have to be born into the race called Bani Israel (Children of Israel/Yacoub)

    • @panarabunity6077
      @panarabunity6077 3 года назад +4

      @@redx11x You can convert. Jews are not a race. Judaism is a religion.

    • @panarabunity6077
      @panarabunity6077 3 года назад +4

      @Mizrahi With Attitude wrong again. Ashkenazis, Sephardim, Yemenite, Ethiopian, etc. are separate ethnic groups. They speak different language and have different races. Judaism is a religion. MANY people converted. Stop promoting this Zionist lie.

    • @Cyrano1971
      @Cyrano1971 Год назад

      @@redx11xNo only you understand! Stop being charlatan.

  • @CoreyGilShusterAskProject
    @CoreyGilShusterAskProject  11 лет назад +1

    Israelis use the term Arab to refer to Palestinians mostly and then all Muslim Arabs. They don't consider themselves to be Arabs even though they have an Arab culture.

  • @imanshiman2764
    @imanshiman2764 8 лет назад +50

    The last guy is sexy. I never seen Iraqi with blue eyes

    • @imanshiman2764
      @imanshiman2764 8 лет назад

      Matters Else What do you mean?

    • @chonchon7038
      @chonchon7038 8 лет назад +27

      Come to Iraq to see that you are wrong

    • @momoboss6866
      @momoboss6866 8 лет назад +1

      +Matters Else that not true

    • @momoboss6866
      @momoboss6866 8 лет назад +3

      +Matters Else bitch y want to teach me about the syria and iraq etc. hahaha i know it better than you fucking textes

    • @momoboss6866
      @momoboss6866 8 лет назад +2

      +Matters Else you are god ? hahaah no you are a fucking bitcch #FREE PALESTINE

  • @Culturebreach
    @Culturebreach 11 лет назад +2

    I agree...but theres nothing wrong in stating your ethnicity. For example. A Chinese born in American can refer to himself as chinese american. Sameway if a Arabs in Israel wish to call themselves Arab Israelis it should not be a problem

  • @iicrywheniipoo
    @iicrywheniipoo 8 лет назад +11

    Wow, these people are in denial of what they are... Im British Pakistani, I was born in England and parents in Pakistan. I wouldn't class myself as full on British, because im not. Its the same for these people.

    • @LastNinjaBB6
      @LastNinjaBB6 8 лет назад +3

      +Umar Ali ..This is why kurds dont call themselves arabs and alot of other people in lebanon, syria dont call themselves arabs. And many Iranians call themselves persians... and so on... I guess that jews do the same.
      They want more details than just saying semitic... and arabs, kurds and jews are different kinds of semitic people but all are not necceserily arabs even if they are genetically close. I think people mix up the word "semite" with "arab".
      It's the same in europe. Even if we are Aryans there still are different kinds of aryan people.

    • @iicrywheniipoo
      @iicrywheniipoo 8 лет назад

      LastNinjaBB6 Ahh, that makes so much more sense now haha! Thanks!

    • @itaibh1
      @itaibh1 8 лет назад +1

      +Umar Ali Well, that's a little different, since British presents you as part of the joint confederate known as "Great Britain", which is actually right. A more fitting example would be if you class yourself as English/Scottish/Welsh/Irish, depending on where exactly you were born in Britain, and you have to admit, it will be rather weird/funny if you'll start presenting yourself as Scottish.

    • @iicrywheniipoo
      @iicrywheniipoo 8 лет назад

      itaibh1 I agree, I was born in England. But im British Pakistani

    • @malvolio01
      @malvolio01 8 лет назад +4

      +Umar Ali You weren't kicked out Pakistan. These people were kicked out of Arab countries for being Jews. Why the hell what they want to identify as Arab?? Arabs should just be happy they don't harbor more resentment than they do.

  • @FxpSimsDesigns
    @FxpSimsDesigns 11 лет назад +1

    They are Israelis, not Arabs.

  • @Elmattano
    @Elmattano 10 месяцев назад +3

    I love calling my self an Arab Jew it’s make me feel awesome hahaha I can get away certain stuff hahaha

  • @ehabl8816
    @ehabl8816 Год назад +1

    People can be more then just one thing and be proud of all his backgrounds

  • @xaderp
    @xaderp 10 лет назад +9

    Ashkenazi jews descended from European converts. Look it up, Haaretz wrote about it.

    • @DrHavoc1
      @DrHavoc1 10 лет назад +3

      Haaretz would be a better newspaper if it was published in rolls and without text. All its good for is wiping ass.

    • @Yuval012
      @Yuval012 6 лет назад +2

      haaretz is more anti-jewish than the Daily Stormer, it's not a reliable source.

    • @daniely8350
      @daniely8350 5 лет назад

      No: www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=www.haaretz.com/amp/1.5131928&ved=2ahUKEwjvjf7Cno7jAhUUK80KHRIxC2kQFjAAegQIAxAB&usg=AOvVaw3xu5F2G9c7t6thG8S1PLm4&cf=1

    • @JohnChristenNizzaDiCorsi
      @JohnChristenNizzaDiCorsi 15 дней назад

      That theory has been debunked several times.

  • @edanerlich4270
    @edanerlich4270 2 года назад +1

    I’m 38% Ashkenazi 37% European ( not Jewish) and 25% mizrahi but I consider myself as arab

  • @saadmerhi1
    @saadmerhi1 11 лет назад +6

    Elhaik’s study, published in the British journal Genome Biology
    Palestinians are the real owners of the land
    70 to 80% of Jews are Ashkenazim, and according to Elhaik's study, that was done in Maryland university, Ashkenazim are not from the middle east.
    Why don't you ask a question related to this study?

    • @batmanrobin6848
      @batmanrobin6848 Год назад

      Eren Elhaik is one scientist who has been dismissed by all of his colleagues and has been caught manipulating data to support his khazar theories (compare Yiddish to Turkish vs. Hebrew, and ask yourself where Ashkenazi culture comes from originally)

    • @matcha.addict4139
      @matcha.addict4139 9 месяцев назад

      70-80% of jews arent ashkenazi

  • @dudefrombelgium
    @dudefrombelgium 5 лет назад +2

    Israeli's have roots in many different cultures so any israeli citizen should not exclusively be defined as anything other than Israeli. since their roots are so diverse.

  • @hb.xg1021
    @hb.xg1021 7 лет назад +10

    The last guy his eyes wow

  • @CoreyGilShusterAskProject
    @CoreyGilShusterAskProject  11 лет назад

    70% of Jews are Ashkenazim worldwide. In Israel they make up about 33%. But even that is difficult to measure because most people are mixed (Ashenazi/Mizrahi). Plus genetic tests show Ashkenazis are related to Palestinians. I don't know what that has to do with owning the land. You live in the US- are you not real? do you not own your home?

    @SNFDNSD 8 лет назад +4

    I don't understand. Is Judaism a religion, race, ethnicity, nationality, or what? Are all Jews related to each other?

    • @taifhamid1
      @taifhamid1 8 лет назад +3

      +Brendan Alimony Judaism is a religion, Hebrew is a language, the fact that they don't speak Arabic means that they aren't Arabs, even if the languages are somewhat similar.

    • @XPimKossibleX
      @XPimKossibleX 8 лет назад +1

      +mack rodrigo they look at all Jews from different countries and compare i assume

    • @a9029k
      @a9029k 8 лет назад

      Do you mean "all four"?

    • @a9029k
      @a9029k 8 лет назад +1

      Ashkenazi Jews have the purest bloodline of any race

    • @Silent-observer173
      @Silent-observer173 8 лет назад

      you are an absolute idiot

  • @hdy2569
    @hdy2569 2 месяца назад

    Those jewish people are so nice & open minded, none of them said anything bad. I like them