Film also didn't have: Ulm. Marengo. Eaylu. Leipzig. Movies are a time economy. I think the real issue is the film didn't know what it wanted to be: drama about Napoleon's life or a war film and by trying to be both it diminished the potential of both.
OMG, It's more like an invasion of Mongolia. Apparently, it was impossible for Mr. Scott to avoid stupid stereotypes, such as that the Russian army consisted of Asians dressed as Mongol warriors maybe 5 centuries before the events described. Even June in wеstern part (at that time) of Russia, in Mr. Scott's mind, looks more like spring in the tundra above the Arctic Circle.
Yes, ridiculous nonsense. And there are plenty of sources to make sure to get this right, but no one bothers. Take a look at the Duellists, another otherwise sumptuous historical movie, but the French invasion of Russia just looks embarrassingly silly. It seems that when it comes to Russia, the West's brain goes off the rails.
The Russia-Napoleon story it is a movie on it's own, while in this film they only picked out the Moscow fire story... There's so much more to this. The Napoleon army suffered the largest losses in this Russian campaign, more than a half million souls, I believe, and they were from all over Europe, not France only. Ironically, history repeats itself.
@@kos_znamya история повторяется и теперь Путин пытается повторить успех наполеона. Пока за 2 года с одной из сильнейших армий мира дошел до Авдеевки. Но то ли еще будет. 5-10 лет захватнической войны, пару миллионов жизней славян и до Нью Йорка дойдет, села Нью Йорк в Донецкой области недалеко от Горловки.
I had italian ancestors in both invasions in napelonic and ww2 well you know what they said about invading Russia 3rd times a charm just kidding hope I don't have to do that
No, the Russians lost all their battles to the French and lost their army due to Winter! And the Nomads in Russia, dozens of nations, they defeat and the Russians piss on themselves
Сначала обалдел от Наполеона с шашкой наголо в лихой атаке. Потом вспомнил, это ж Хоакин наш Феникс. Он и римским императором в бытность гладиатором сражался. Пойдёт.
The appearance of Russians is more similar to Northern Europeans and similar to the inhabitants of Eastern Europe. There were warriors from the Asian provinces, but it was an irregular army and they were cavalry - not infantry or artillery. It feels like it was filmed by Netflix.
@r.m2072 in the west of Russia? huh? You think someone would find this reasonable to bring east-asian looking people from literally other edge of continental empire? Cossack culture lies origin from slavic people, who were obviously later were interconnected with late colonisation of Siberia, the thing is the innumerous asian population haven't layed significant mark on ethnic slavs who moved there, but the question remains, why would you even bring Baikal Cossacks who's obligation was to control the river outposts in the eastern edges of the empire to the Napoleonic battlefield in the West of Russia, where the abundance of common slavic population are ready to serve and protect the land their forfathers sowed
@m i dont know what your argueing here bro it is well documented that tsar alexander used cossack scouts during the napoleanic invasion, the russian army had like 600000 people recruited from all over the empire...i dont know why they look asian in this crappy film but they were definetely being depicted as cosacks , the ambush and recon and harassment was their bread and butter
@m During the Napoleonic Wars (1799-1815), the Cossacks were Russia's unique and plentiful supply of irregular cavalry. They were employed as skirmishers, raiders and scouts, and their tactics of harassment and harrying caused great problems for Napoleon's Grand Armée as it retreated through Russia in 1812. Dont know why they looked asian in this crappy film but that is what they were in this scene .
I think the most appropriate conclusion for this movie which might not have been financially viable, was to make it into two movies or even a trilogy. The story of Napoleon has clearly got too many big events with detail that needs to be included to chain the thing together. Borodino, Austerlitz, these battles could both last 30 minutes easy in the re-telling.
I think that this movie, no matter which direction they would take or what they would decide to do, had no hope whatsoever just because Ridley Scott was in charge. He is the first, second and third problem with this movie. Never had a chance.
@@seperependipity Боту с оптиков 4 всё нужно смешать в кучу. Вот причина . Стоит отметить ,что Наполеон не хотел воевать с Россией ,и России была совершенно не нужна эта война ,это англичане заставили Россию вступить в войну ,убив Павла и поставив править "ЛЫСОГО ЩЕГОЛЯ ,ВРАГА ТРУДА.." Сашу 1 . А Россия всегда была при Романовых (кроме Петра и Павла) английской собакой. Куда входил Наполеон там отменялось крепостное право. Наполеон великий военноначальник и тактик Но в плане тыла и обеспечения тупой баран , придти в Россию по форме 4 воевать ,мог только дегенерат . 8 сентября ,после продолжительных ливней уже срывался первый снег в пиджочках зимой много не навоюешь . Бородино показало ,что наши противопоставить в плане боя ни чего не могут, французы не введя элиту в бой потеряли в три раза меньше убитыми ,чем наши обороняющиеся войска ( позорище). И стоит отметить что когда наши войска пришли в Париж то по самым скромным подсчётам 20 тыс ,а в реальности более 40 тыс. так и осталось в нём ( увидав , что общество там свободное от рабства солдаты начали прибиваться в французкие семьи ) ) и поэтому нужно было срочно сниматься с якоря и валить домой. Этот поход и открыл глаза многим ,что вылилось позже в выступление ДЕКАБРИСТОВ. И не нужно сравнивать рабство над своим народом в РФ и то что было в некоторых странах Европы. Русских русские продавали и использовали как скот .Создавали гаремы (Троекуров в Дубровском у Пушкина), убивали травили собаками .Доводили до самоубийства .(Салтыков -Щедрин ""Миша и Ваня). Рабство было на Руси отменено наравне с неграми США и то после позорнейшей крымской компании ,когда передовые страны в которых не было рабства пришли учить деградированного соседа. на паровых крейсерах с нарезными пушками и нарезными винтовками у матросов ,а их вышел встречать самый тупой и дегенеративный из Романовых коля Палкин на Петровских парусниках с гладкоствольной артиллерией и гладкоствольными ружьями у матросов (раб не создаст паровую машину) .и хватило ума самим затопить этот морально устаревший флот. А дальше было избиение младенцев ,Нарезные пушки перебивая береговую артиллерию ( позорище!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) сравняли Севастополь ,А англо французкие солдаты расстреливали русских солдат идущих в штыковой бой за 300 шагов как они это делали в Африке с племенами .Больно читать дневники участников тех событий. И только после этого позорища Саша2 отменил рабство что бы не разделить участь Османской империи. и сделал это по романовски через задницу.
@@ИгорьМатвеев-д8ж Поздравляю! Вы очень хорошо пишете по-русски. Однако сквозь ваш текст просвечивает польский культурный код. После предложения "Россия всегда была при Романовых (кроме Петра и Павла) английской собакой", в принципе, уже всё становится ясно. Если вы хотите переубедить русского человека, старайтесь в своём тексте чуть получше скрывать ненависть и презрение к истории нашего великого государства.
I'm Russian and it's funny to me to tears to see how Cossacks with bows and arrows are depicted here, well, okay, I know that Ridley Scott is a terrible director who drank all his talent a long time ago, but imagine what idiots he made the French and the Great Napoleon that he lost the war against an army of ragamuffins with bows and arrows. Did he study with George Lucas where stormtroopers moving across the galaxy and destroying entire planets lost to furry cats with sticks and bows? Even in the 16th century, the Cossacks never used bows and were armed with firearms and sabers. The Napoleon movie is another Ridley Scott-type Prometheus.
Movies aren't supposed to be completely historically accurate. Movies are meant to draw emotions, to get their audience engaged, and in these occasions, try to remake historical events while still making them enjoyable to watch. Most people wouldn't be entertained unless Ridley Scott did it this way. This is a movie, not a series or a documentary, which is what you're really asking for. In a few words, you're a sad, miserable individual too unhappy with his life and having to come here to comment nonense.
As a person from Russia, I was perplexed that the audience was not properly shown the battle of Borodino. They spent only 1-2 minutes on the battle itself, while the same Vaterllo was shown longer (Although there is also plenty of outright nonsense, like British soldiers with a musket to which an optical sight was attached). What Kutuzov, Barclay de Toli and Bagration? What other Raevsky battery was there for which there were fierce battles? Why say that Napoleon lost all his cavalry at Borodino and could not properly restore it? Why show the French marshals Ney, Murat, Grouchy, Davout? Why show the French crossing the river after the retreat? Why show "Battle of the Nations"? Ridley Scott isn't interested. He believes that audiences will enjoy watching the bleak love story of Napoleon and Josephine.
True Borodino should have been shown in more detail, and Scott definitely should have shown the battle of Berezina, big bummer! So many crazy things happened there that could have been included in a dramatic reenactment of the French tragedy: - The French moved to cross the river and narrowly avoided Chichagov's men on the western Berezina bank -The engineer/ pontonier corps secretly disobeyed Napoleon's order to leave bridge building equipment behind during retreat, allowing them to bridge the Berezina when they reached it. They built 2 bridges in the cold water, some dying of hypothermia. - The massacre of cold and hungry French stragglers trying to reach bridges by the Russian vanguard - One of the bridges collapsed twice but the engineers somehow managed to repair it! - Marshal Victor's rearguard taking heavy casualties but managing to hold the Russians under Wittgenstein so the French can evacuate to the other shore. -Chichagov later caught up but not fast enough to completely stop the French on the western shore of the Berezina This is why books and documentaries are better!
смех смехом, но против французов действительно использовались крупные калмыцкие подразделения, и гипотетически можно предположить, что Скотт решил запечатлеть столкновение с одним из них )
@@rin4en Добровольческие подразделения не славянских народов, на которых не распространялась воинская повинность, появились далеко не в июне, а несколько позже. Они уже принимали участие после Бородино
в российских исторических документах легко найти информацию об участии нескольких полков калмыков в войне 1812 года, в частности одного из них - в Бородинском сражении@@user-wj4ol3xx2r
As a Spaniard I share the same anger as the Russians. At least in the movie they mention them, because Mr. Scott decided to ignore us Spaniards even though our guerrillas were a pain in Napoleon's ass.
Вообще-то такие шапки служили хорошим защитным шлемом от сабли. Конусообразные шапки Кивер именно были высокими для защиты головы от разрубания режущем предметом.
here is a fact a lot of people for some reason don't know about Nepoleon's invasion of Russia, more of his soldiers died in the summer than they did in the winter season. That's for all of you couch generals screaming about the Russian general winter.
@@reimuhakurei9409and russians always suck in each war. In Napoleon's campaign there was weather, in wwll the US and UK saved it, in Japanese and Finland wars just lost, just like getting lost in Ukraine
@@ДенисШинковский4% от общего объема вооружения советского союза было передано по ленд лизу. Сша и Англия помогли, но уж точно не спасли. Это им приспичило в 44 открыть второй фронт, что бы успеть хоть как то западную Европу оставить за собой
True. Most of his army died because the supply lines were overextended, not because of the Russian winter. Invading Russia was a disaster from the start.
A huge part of his army ( not the French but the troops from the other European countries he recruited) actually deserted during the end of summer/beginning of fall. They realized that this campaign was doomed and got the hell out of Russia. But Napoleon in his hybris & arrogance, though himself invincible and his French troops still followed him without question.
Смоленская битва похоронила надежду Наполеона разбить русскую армию по частям в 16-19 Августа 1812 г. Барклаю де Толли и Багратиону угрожали разгром поодиночке. Они отступали, ведя ожесточённые арьергардные бои. Советники Александр предлагали отвести 1-ю Западную армию к лагерю близ Дриссы и принять главный удар Наполеона, а 2-я армия атаковала бы фланги и тылы врага. Но отказались в самый последний момент от плана, убедившись в правильности позиций и численном превосходстве французов. Прорыв Багратиона через Могилёв не удался. Армии успели соединиться лишь под Смоленском. Войско Наполеона растянулось, но попытка русского контрнаступления провалилась. Неверовскому удалось сдержать авангард Мюрата. Русские части укрепились в Смоленске, но не чтобы отстоять его, а для того, чтобы задержать неприятеля и переправить армию через Днепр. Им это удалось. Наполеон достался сгоревший город. Его армия уходила всё дальше от провиантских баз и растягивала коммуникации, а русская, несмотря на тяжелейшие удары, оставалась боеспособной.
Почему Наполеон шёл на Москву, если столица была в Петербурге? Он гнался за русской армией, а та отступала к Москве. Барклай де Толли пошёл на соединение с Багратионом, а дорогу на Петербург закрыл, оставив 1-й корпус Витгенштейна. Прикрывая свой левый фланг, Наполеон направил против Витгенштейна корпус Удино. Гусары Кульнева застигли врага на марше и атаковали. Французы были вынуждены остановиться в Клястицах. Не позволяя противнику сосредоточить силы, Вингенштейн развил наступление. Артиллерия Удино оказалось бессильна перед Павловскими гренадёрами, провавшимися по горящему мосту, и конницей, форсировавшей реку вброд. Удино отступал к Полоцку. Для его усиления Наполеон направил корпус Сен-Сира. Витгенштейн надёжно прикрыл Санкт-Петербург, сковал значительные силы французов и не позволил им принять участие в Бородинском сражении. Победа русских под Клястицами стала одной из первых в войне 1812 года.
My 4x great-grandfather served as a soldier in the Württemberg regiments with the Grande Armée in Moscow. He survived as one of the few from his regiment and walked the entire way back to Poland on foot. Due to severe frostbite on his feet and hands, which had cost him half of his feet and several fingertips in the harsh Russian winter, he had to use crutches for the rest of his life. From the infirmary in Poland, he wrote to his father in the Black Forest - detailing the incredible cruelties he experienced and witnessed, as all his comrades perished, succumbing to wounds, cold, hunger, diseases, and even wild animals. With his last ounce of strength, wounded and mentally scarred, he managed to make it back into the French sphere of influence - and there, on the sickbed, he married the camp follower who had accompanied him and refused to abandon him - my great-great-great-great-grandmother. Such a story is worth telling, not just the tale of the megalomaniac monarch who callously sacrificed hundreds of thousands for his ambitions.
that is startling to behold account of. napoleon led the biggest army into russia, favor was on the russian side that didnt budge as they vacated, then a blizzard drops in mid october who couldve planned that??? truly
@@gibblewaywhen Braveheart came out everyone thought they were Scottish, then the Viking series on History channel people with 1% Scandinavian DNA thought they were Vikings, I think Mel Gibson should have played Napoleon
On December 5, 1812, Napoleon left the remnants of his army to freeze in Russia and fled to Paris. In the spring of 1814, the Russian army was already in Paris. Napoleon abdicated the throne.
It was not the Russians who entered Paris but all of Europe, supported by British gold. The Russians alone never defeated Napoleon. Borodino is a French victory: the Russian losses were much higher than the French, and with the retreat of the Russian army in the night that followed the battle, the doors of Moscow were wide open to the French. Balance sheet: huge losses Abandonment of the battlefield Moscow open city = how to interpret history to make it a victory?
@@mlipeck Actually in Wiki they said that: "The French lost about roughly the same number of soldiers as Russia". It seems correct estimation because if the victory of France was so undisputable why Napoleon later on could not win in Maloyaroslavets and had to return via the same devastated region (Smolensk). So your opinion about the huge Russian losses is not correct.
uh no he didnt flee to paris. he continued to fight in battles quoted by wellington as showing his true genius, and most of the fighting was between him prussia and austria
@@Vlad-sv8tz Strange, We don’t have the same wiki ... This is mine. Battle of Borodino French Commanders: Napoleon I Louis Nicolas Davout Michel Ney Eugène de Beauharnais Joachim Murat Russian Commanders: Mikhail Kutuzov Piotr Ivanovitch Bagration † Michel Barclay de Tolly French forces in presence 130,000 men including: 102,000 infantrymen 28,000 horsemen 587 guns Russian forces present 138,000 men including: 110,000 infantrymen 9,000 Cossacks 19,000 militias 624 guns French losses: 28,000 dead or injured 13 guns captured Russian losses: 45,000 dead or injured 100 to 200 prisoners 15 - 60 guns captured We notice that the French and allied forces were a little less numerous than the Russians. About the Battle of Maloïaroslavets: It took place on 24 October 1812 during the War of the Sixth Coalition, during the Russian Campaign, between the vanguard of the Grande Armée, commanded by Eugène de Beauharnais, and the forces of Alexander I. The Franco-Italian troops could not break through to the south, forcing Napoleon to evacuate Russia by the road already followed on the way, by a devastated region and lacking provisions, turning Russia’s retreat into a disaster. French Commanders: Eugène de Beauharnais Napoleon Bonaparte Alexis Joseph Delzons † Russian Commander: Dmitri Dokhturov Presence forces: 15,000 French and Italian against 20,000 Russians Fatalities: 5000 killed or wounded French, 6000 killed or wounded Russian We see that this battle had fatal consequences for Napoleon, but on the purely military level it cannot be compared to the battle of Borodino, and cannot represent either the demonstration of a military superiority of the Russians. The Russians never decisively defeated Napoleon: Austerlitz victory of Napoleon Eylau victory of Napoleon Friedland victory of Napoleon Borodino victory of Napoleon. Even the passage of the Berezina can be considered as a demonstration of Napoleon’s military genius. The Russians thought it was time to strike the blow and capture Napoleon. He escaped them with his Imperial Guard by making absolutely remarkable arrangements. After the disastrous retreat of Russia Napoleon managed to reassemble an army with which he would fight against the whole of Europe coalition for 1.5 years, with many victories that forced the admiration of his opponents. Its final defeat is due to numbers. And the Russian presence in Paris was only possible thanks to the uprising of an entire continent. Without the coalition of all European forces the Russians would never have succeeded. But all this does not detract from the Great Russian Patriotic Spirit who has shown on many occasions his strength and determination. But Napoleon is above men. He is one of those geniuses who transcend human history. His work is not only military. Its Civil Code has served as a model for more than 80 countries around the world! The list of all his work would be too long ...
@@bisratgetachew8286 They fought bro. If you look at the current Russian defense minister, you will understand. And you'll find out that Kornelov, the general of the Russian white Army. They are the only Asiatic people living in Europe.
@@Mr.Chicken-z6v i know but if you are going to represent invasion of russia in 3 mins the kalmyks should not be the representatives ...unless they have an agenda to represent russia as "Asiatic hoarde".
No, the Russians lost all their battles to the French and lost their army due to Winter! And the Nomads in Russia, dozens of nations, they defeat and the Russians piss on themselves
The problem with movies/shows these days is that they are all about instant gratification and shock value. They treat us (the audience) like we are dummies.
No, the Russians lost all their battles to the French and lost their army due to Winter! And the Nomads in Russia, dozens of nations, they defeat and the Russians piss on themselves
@@karaltar7914 ....LoL. Russia always wins back (and bigger), some years later. Same happened with those wars. The Turks, Japanese and Germans still have a kind of National PTSD today. That's why Russia's enemies perish "with the same sword".... If the enemies 'win' one round, they soon lose the entire fight, horribly.
@@karaltar7914well Crimea belongs now to Russia and during ww2 Russia destroyed all the Japanese forces that were occupying north China and took most of the Japanese northern islands 😂😂😂
@@sunrisings292 Afghanistan?...and this part - always wins back... :DDD really :D... so u can lose the war but it is ok because in future u will win another. This shit u can apply on each european country...
My great-great...grandfather served as a conscript in the 37th infantry regiment, he was also part of the Russian invasion. He got left behind in mid-august 1812 in present-day Belarus (around the city of Polotsk). What happened to him is unclear, but he made it back to his hometown a few years later, but he had lost the use of his left hand. In 1858 he was awarded the Saint-Helena medal
My ancestor was French) He was captured by the Cossacks who were covering the retreat of the Russian army to Moscow. He remained with them until the end of the war, then went to join the regiment in Kuban. He took a local wife and had many children. Later he took part in wars for the Kuban Cossacks. Such different fates for people from the same war.
On the flip side though, you had better medical treatment and off duty life (an economy with products you could buy to make you happy, etc.) during napoleonic times, they didn’t even know about germs. Let that sink in
>Ancient battle tactics >ancient mate, this was like 200 hundred years ago. Literally fucking nothing compared to human history. also movie got everything wrong. No one was fighting like this.
Logistics is always what makes or breaks an army. He would have done better to withdraw to a city on the coast of the Baltic and resume his assault in the spring. Taking Moscow doomed his army.
It was the shortest, most economical and most ridiculous depiction of the Battle of Borodino that I've ever seen, especially when compared with Bondarchuk's 1967 film War and Peace.
They still repeat the lie that winter influenced the actions of the EU army. In fact, the 600,000 army of the European Union under the command of Napoleon invaded Russia in June, and left Russia in November.
Yeah, they never talk about Kutuzov who is historically considered the most successful general in the history. Can't make proper depiction if your writing is mediocre.
nice job, Ridley - snow on the ground in June at the start of the clip (it was searingly hot when the Army crossed the Nieman River), the middle-aged Emperor leads a cavalry attack (non-historically stupid beyond belief) and Napoleon eats his hat as Moscow burns - which of these is worse? Scott has met his Waterloo.
@@stevekay5486yeah - the aging Emperor was suffering from hemorrhoids for some of the day, and Scott has him leading cavalry charges - simply absurd (stick to the Duellists instead)
Should have been a 3 part movie series broken up as follows: Movie 1. "Rise of the Corsican Eagle" - Covers Napoleon's early life, military education, and rise to prominence, focusing on events up to and including the Italian Campaign (1769-1799). Movie 2. "Emperor of Europe" - Explores Napoleon's rule as First Consul, his coronation as Emperor, and major military campaigns, including Austerlitz and the Peninsular War (1800-1812). Movie 3. "Fall of the Eagle" - Chronicles Napoleon's downfall, from the Russian Campaign to the Battle of Waterloo, his exile to Elba, return to power, and ultimate defeat at Waterloo, leading to his exile on Saint Helena (1812-1821). Each film would need at least 2hrs 15mins.
Стоило посмотреть весь этот псевдоисторический берд только для того что бы увидеть как Наполеон орет в треуголку. Шутка: Джокер перестал принимать таблетки и стал Наполеоном
This movie suck ass. Battles were too over simplified and small scale. Everyone was barely using formation or their fkin guns. The patriot was actually better at battle scenes lmao. Napoleon wasn't charismatic at all. I dont see anyone following this awkward ahh emperor of a man. Ridley scott rlly englishfied Napoleon
they didn't showed kutuzov who was fighting against him in russia, kutuzov said - "We will not defeat Napoleon, we will deceive him", and they didn't showed how after moscow he was fighting against random small groups and how he was lost for couple of days didn't know where to go and etc, its just looks like they cutted like 30 mins of it and jump straight to next scene, borodino battle was kinda fast too
Napo was scared to retreat oyver the same land he ravaged for supplies on the advance to Moscow. He was probably correct, but somehow, the French didn't have maps? ot a route to the South. In the end he had to run back the road they knew. It's a mis-statement that Napo lost 500,000 men. He only fielded 200,000+ at Borodino. All the other units where guarding the flanks. Flanks that were 800 miles long, EACH. There are a lot of war diaries online that describe the actions on the flanks. Dialy harrassments. My fav is the little town that was "walled" in history, they'd let small groups of scavaging French in, hst and feed them. Then slaughter them at night. There is a lot of info with the Austrians fighting sevearl battles on the Southern Flank.
@@alexgaelsotorodriguez3870 no but there is one that survives that details the sicknesses they had as the walked back from Moscow. Seems most of the men had lice, those lice carry the deseases like ticks do. Sooo, based on those entries, they exhumed some men buried in a common grave. There clothes were FULL of dead lice. There are a few you tube vids of this
Imagine capturing your enemy’s most important city, thinking it’s militarily and symbolically significant to them, only to have them set it on fire 😂 Napoleon knew he could never win at that point
Есть французский 4-х серийный фильм Наполеон, 2002 года, режиссёра Ив Симоно. Во первых он французский, там говорят по французски, это важно. Французы говорящие на английском как то не то. Хотя у нас в дубляже не слышно, но это не главное. Тот идёт аж 6 часов и то все показано не полностью. Актёрский состав великолепный. Там и Джон Малкович и Жерар Депардье. Посмотрите не пожалеете.
Спасибо за совет, начал просмотр - Клавье, конечно, потрясающий и харизматичный актёр, мне кажется более убедительным в роли Наполеона (вообще его только по комедийным ролям знал). Не в обиду Фениксу - он тоже талантливый актёр, но, видимо, сам фильм (режиссура + сценарий) слабый.
Шутите? Это художественный фильм о Наполеоне, этот фрагмент о его первой неудаче. Если нужна достоверность, то надо смотреть исторический фильм. А тут не это главное
And you dont comment on history when you dont read history. Napolean incaded russia in june of 1812, genius. By august he was already settled in smolensk some 200 mi from moscow. Even when he occupied moscow the weatherwas reported as being mild. What you and ridley scott dont seem to get is that it was the RUSSIAN RESPONSE that kicked napoleans ass. Not the weather. Even if we backtrack to the battle of the pyramids, weather was ALWAYS an issue with the french army. Napolean lost more men to heat and desert than he did to the ottoman army. And yet we dont mention weather here. Why!? Because the ottoman army of 40000 strong lost to napoleon army of 10000 max (not even bc he split his 10 in half to to fight the british at acre) So again. What shouldve been underscored was the russian military attacking all of his supply depots, cutting off his LOC. and then using cossacks to trail his exhausted men. They also used effective scorch earth tactics that forced his army to move without food or sleep. Thats why he lost. The winter was simply a backdrop.
@@MrEvldreamr No one will give Russia credit for anything. Napoleon simply lost to the Weather and Hitler lost to the weather and "human wave" tactics at Stalingrad. I'm sure it's argued somewhere in the history books that the Mongols simply disbanded too.
@@themarketm8382 I mean Russia is never really seen as tactical geniuses for many reasons: 1) In most fights Russia has won they lost more men than their opps, kinda using men as meat shield, if they were tactical geniuses wouldn't have lost more men with a bigger army. 2) Most invaders fought Russians just fine in summers, they were always fucked in the winters, the armies were weak, low supply and low morale before any battle just from weather, weather killed lots of their men. so it is safe to say while Russia did have strong and big army, their advantage was weather and sometimes abundance of men not really tactics and strategies.
@@johnysky6066 Мужчина из США намного умнее. Деньги, деньги и ещё раз деньги. Это хорошая инвестиция в наше общие благополучие. Только я тут главный. Мне положено по закону больше как и моим друзьям по бизнесу. Ничего личного.
Ах! Как дали звиздюлей французам! У нас в Смоленске есть "Аллея Героев1812 года", каждый день смотрю из окна на аллею. Знаете, горжусь, и поляков выбили и французов и немцев.
This movie was made from a completed Netflix TV series with one hour edited out .Hopefully when the full TV series is shown with the extra hour added back in it will improve .
Napoleon self-destructed in Russia; during the invasion of 1812, he was still undefeated, he could legitimately believe himself invested by "fortune". Like a demigod, nothing could defeat him, except himself. Without Russia its defeat of 1814 is impossible. He would have remained on the throne for 30 more years.
Truth be told he was defeated in Russia 🇷🇺 ,he went to Russian with 600,000 men and returned with only 40,000 ,560,000 men loosed their lives that shit is crazy !!
@@jermainemyles1825 It's the untold deaths that really baffles the mind. During his attack and retreat both sides from Russia to western Europe used none stop scorched earth tactics. The troops might as well of all stayed home and just starved their own populations. The warfare was mass murder. The tactics were mass murder. Culling peasants . That's all it ever was, ww1 and 2 were no different. Mass culls of peasants.
@@jermainemyles1825 All of his defeats from 1813-1815 occurred because he himself scuttled his Grande Armée and had only inexperienced teenagers left to enlist. Without 1812, the Bonapartes would still reign over a large part of Europe today.
Победа в войне 1812 года - заслуга не только генералов и солдат, но и организованной системы снабжения. Её возглавлял Егор Канкрит, генерал-интендант 1-й Западной армии. План обеспечения армии продовольствием, фуражом и снаряжением составляли заранее. По направлению к западной границе были построены военные дороги, склады - >, укомплектованы части для их охраны и сопровождения обозов. Это помогло на первом этапе. Чтобы избежать грабежей, реквизиции у местных жителей проводились под расписку. Впоследствии казна приняла их в счёт налогов. Губернии жертвовали деньги, транспорт, продукты. Так, Псковская губерния оказала помощь воюющему на её территории корпусу Витгенштейна на 14 млн рублей. Тяжёлую зиму 12 года армии помогло пережить снабжение из южных аграрных губерний. Канкрину даже удалось сэкономить: из выделенных на войну 426 мил было потрачено около 400. Почему из-за санкций на территории Казахстана запрещено смотреть фильм про Наполеона. Мне очень интересно. В какой стране я мог бы посмотреть фильм про Наполеона. Я бы купил билеты в эту страну. Во всех странах Азии запретили показывать фильм про Наполеона. Это национальное достояние всей Западной Европы. Запретить. Почему вы не хотите поделиться своими фильмами с нами? Вы там были? Хотели? Попробуйте?
Наполеон начал военную службу как артиллерист. Он считал: > и не раз доказывал это. Нельзя было отставать и России. Да! Да! Накануне войны 1813 года русская артиллерия стала одной из самых передовых в Европе - благодаря успешной реформы. Удалось добиться единообразного вооружения армии, ввели стандарт на производство оружия и материальной части, орудийные команды начали готовить по единой системе. Скорострельность была в 2 раза выше, чем у французов: от установки оружия до самого выстрела проходило не более 30 секунд. Тактика артиллерии в атаке: дуэль с батареями противника, чтобы не дать обстреливать наступающие войска. В обороне главные цели - атакующая пехота и кавалерия врага. Пешая артиллерия - батарейная и линейная - поддерживала пехоту. Конная - могла определить помочь кавалерии. Модернизированная артиллерия стала грозной силой - настоящим > Война - это в первую очередь наука. Умереть на войне много ума не надо. Храбрости недостаточно. Побеждает тот кто лучше учился.
🇧🇷🇨🇵Foram mais 600.000 soldados franceses, poloneeses, portugueses, italianos invadiram solo Russo 1812. Dos quais morreram metade em batalhas, mortos pelos camponeses, frio dizimou restante do Gran Armé. So mente 10 000 retornaram a França é Napoleão com sua comitiva.diante disso um outro general se sentiria Arruinado. Mais pra ele a Frase foi: "meu Exercito sofreu algumas Baixas"..
Для Наполеона, как и для других диктаторов, люди были мусором. По моему про Наполеоне погибло около 3 миллионов человек, сущий пустяк для "великого человека".
Napoleon, the French Revolution and the wars that followed are so complex that one film or even a trilogy is not enough to provide a proper balanced account of what happened and who did what and why. It is an amazing story that needs to be told over a whole series, similar in depth and scope to Game of Thrones... If we can do it for fantasy, surely there is even more reason to give our real history, events and people the same treatment.
It really shouldve been a trilogy tbh French revolution until Robespierre gets executed, Rise of Napoleon and the end of the third coalition, Russia+fall of napoleon. Maybe 4th movie where he comes back and gets beaten at waterloo
No, the Russians lost all their battles to the French and lost their army due to Winter! And the Nomads in Russia, dozens of nations, they defeat and the Russians piss on themselves
THIS! This is what I WANTED To see when I went to see Napoleon! His fights and conquers and defeats were more interesting than whatever the hell his relationship was.
How russian's 10-th grader read War and Pease by L. Tolstoy Boys: Read only battles, skip high society life Girls: Read only high society life, skip battles
@mvenmass Yep when I first read War and Peace, it was said to be a difficult book to read. I skipped the high society stuff and the political jibber jabber and read the battle scenes. That was when I was 18. I then started reading Bernard Cornwell's Sharpe series set in the Napoleonic Wars. It too goes into the politics and high society and stuff. But I was also watching the Sharpe TV series. So I read everything and loved it. Have recently read War and Peace all the way through and loved it.
@@jessepassage425 From the trailers I expected to see lots of napoleons conquers. His rise and fall in his battles and tactics. I understand the political part and relationship, but felt like we got too much of that and too little of what people truly remember Napoleon by: An Emperor of the French Revolution.
at some point he apparently complained about the script to Ridley Scott. I really hope he was complaining about how dogshit this script was and not because he was the one who actually made this script happen
@@Elliesbow This movie was made from a completed Netflix TV series with one hour edited out .Hopefully when the full TV series is shown with the extra hour added back in it will improve .
Это сейчас вообще что было? Горе - режиссеры не знающие ни культуры,ни нравов,ни обычаев страны, смеют показывать своё невежество, выдавая это за кино. Господа, хотите посмотреть действительно достойное кино , чтобы понять всё то, что было написано выше? Понять масштаб катастрофы, беды какая постигла Россию при вторжение Бонапарта, о стойкости и мудрости русского народа,о его духовном величии. Для начала, читайте классику Л.Н. Толстой "Война и Мир",а экранизация 1965 года, режиссёра Сергея Бондарчука.
Я тоже советую посмотреть фильм Сергея Бондарчука "Война и мир ". Лучше уже никто не снимет. То, что показано а этом видео - не соответствует многим историческим фактам. А про фильм " Анна Каренина " вообще молчу. Особенно про бал 😢
Its a Russian tactic, keep people around you underestimating you, what do you think Putin is doing, Nato expands into ukraine covid breaks out, cripples american & europes economy, has enough hypersonic nukes 10 times over to level all of europe & america
Наполеон вошел в Москву, когда еще из нее выходили русские войска и мирные жители....потом начались грабежи, пожар и т.д. Дальше Наполеон не понимал что делать. Идти на Санкт-Петербург или Нижний Новгород и столкнуться еще раз с армией Кутузова, которая отступила на подготовленные позиции и имела все види припасов ИЛИ ждать в Москве видя как умирает разлагаясь армия тысячи языков! Да это была армия тысячи народов, а не только ФРАНЦУЗОВ!
Ты явно не знаком с системой обучения в России. У нас это изучается, у нас существует целый пласт культуры по этому периоду - книги, стихи, кино, театр, памятники. Поэтому да, мы знаем свою историю и чтим ее.
I cheer every time I see Napoleon shout "See ya in the afterlife, Bagman!" as he strafes the Soviets with his F14 Tomcat. Such a historically accurate classic!
Россия - это кладбище Империй (без обид Афганистан). Сколько раз величайшие армии Мира пересекали нашу границу, и сколько раз мы их гнали прочь. Россия великая Страна с великой Судьбой и я благодарю Господа за то, что я часть этой истории.
😂😂😂 Я поздравляю тебя. Ты даже не представляешь как тебе повезло стать частью истории. Это лучше чем фильмы смотреть в 3D. Освободи людей из Центральной части страны, защити людей из Восточной страны от Западной части страны. Только не надо там всё смешивать. Они уже и без вас там все перемешались. Главное не давай чужеземцам ползать у себя на заднем дворе. Осваивай территорию. Скажи спасибо Ленину за наше счастливое будущее. Следующие поколение обязательно всё развалит, продаст. Чтобы было интереснее жить. Наверное лучше работать на благо общества, семьи.
Меня всегда интересно было - почему великие империи вторгались в Россию? Чего они тут забыли? Мы не лезем же к ним. Почему они так быстро забыли как погибли их империи?
Not sure why they didn't show more of Borodino, it was one of the most important battles for Napoleon and a pretty cool one too... just imagine the close-up shots of the clouded by explosions battlefield, lots of burning fortifications, assaults on artillery batteries, hills covered by corpses, grape shots turning formations into red mist, scenes of cavalry raids from the flanks (and not head on bs). Could have been so beautiful. The other thing is like... movie didn't even briefly show what happened *after* Moscow was set on fire, which is important. Made it look like it was just winter, but in reality, Russian Empire's army made a huge manover and cut off Napoleon's army that was retreating out of the city, which forced him to leave a lot of resources behind in not organized manner, take unfavorable fights, send men for certain death just to win some time while they were crossing cold rivers, eat horses and etc. it was a brutal, desperate, bloodiest fucking chase.
The use of horses in war over thousands of years of warfare was the most extreme form of animal cruelty and suffering . And often the reward for all their hard work and dedication and suffering for their human masters was to be rewarded by being killed and eaten . Such a tragedy
@@polinaamerkhanova6971Russia hasn't understood anything either i guess cuz your "invincible army" is not able to conquer a country armed with outdated usa weapons. Classic russian cope
It's made primarily for an American audience. They aren't going to have him speaking French because then no one would see it, and having him speak English with a phony French accent would have been stupid. He wasn't even a native French speaker anyway. He was Corsican, so his native language was Italian. He always spoke French with an Italian accent, which really would have confused audiences.
When crossing the Berezina, the air temperature fluctuated around 0 Celsius. This is an indisputable fact, given that the river has not frozen, or rather, the ice has not yet been so strong that it can be moved on foot and, moreover, on horseback. Because of this, the French were forced to build crossings. So what kind of severe frosts can we talk about? Russian Russian command's more competent strategy, combined with the extremely high morale of the Russian army, was not the weather, but the main reason for Napoleon's defeat in Russia. When the war becomes a Patriotic war for Russians, it is impossible to defeat us. I hope that everyone who wants to invade Russia will remember this.
The invasion of the "twenty languages" is called Napoleon's attack on Russia in 1812. This war got its name because the so-called Napoleonic "Great Army" included all European nations. and there is nothing to be surprised about the peoples in the war, who also inhabit Russia.They fought for their land.
You do not know that those 20 nations sent him to get rid of him!!! And you are so deceived that do not ask how it was that those who supported him with weaponry fought him afterward!! They have fooled you!!!
As someone who visited Borodino Panorama gallery depicting this battle, I got the shivers watching the battle scene. Not many can make movie scenes look like paintings.
No mention of the great redoubt charges. No mention of napoleons refusal to send in his guard, no massive charges into the complex Russian trenches. Granted this is probably still the best depicted battle in the movie
@@eddiemoran8044 This movie is not a blow by blow documentary depicting the minute intricacies of Napoleonic battles. It's a character study about the big man himself. If you fail to grasp that, you're a bigger fool than old Boney was.
@@claremontcowboy7409 funny how it's a character study that completely neglects the real attributes napoleon was described to have. This isn't a character study it's a hit piece
YT search "War and Peace, Part Three". Its epic Soviet move with english subtitles inspired by Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace novel. Almost all this part is about Borodino battle and all movie is about russian perspective of 1812 war with Napoleon. I dont think we will see better movie version about Borodino battle that this in our life time.
@@claremontcowboy7409 a charcuterie study about the greatest tactical commander of modern history. Yet they don’t show any of his tactics. Neither in this battle nor any others. As for his character outside of warfare they complete mangled what any person remotely familiar with the real man would’ve known. No showcase of his political manuevers. A complete skip over of Talleyrand. And the whole Josephine story was overblown. And you swoop as low as to call somone names as a point of argument. If anyone is the fool it’s you my friend.
Ik its easier said then done considering you can only fit so many huge events into one movie, but I definitely wish we could’ve seen more about the Russian campaign in this movie
As you said, you can only fit so much into one movie, and Ridley Scott attempted to cover the entirety of Napoleon's career in one film. I honestly think he did about as well as one could do, given the circumstances, and I like it for what it is, despite its shortcomings.
First, Ridley Scott has weirdly some soft spot for fighting in the woods - it is in all his movies. Second, he has no idea how battles where fought in Napoleon times . Infantry did not run into battle breaking the lines and order, it was unthinkable. It marched slowly in even formations back and forth, but to film that, you need to train participants to do that, a lot of work and research
You’re describing textbook infantry. Battles don’t always go according to textbook. Soldiers are not textbook trained to never falter all the time in history.
@@Aroverlord Oh, yeah, rrright, they all ran around like rabbits... Take the memoirs of those who fought in these wars and read them. Your Ridley Scott is plain ignorant
@@nicolafiliber3062 lol, what do you think happens when a line is broken? What do you think happens when morale is low? You think there isn’t a moment in any battle in history, even for just a moment, where it got “out of hand”? I can tell you one. How about the civil war Petersburg crater battle? What the heck do you think that was? Memoirs describe it as a “turkey shoot”. Running around like rabbits. Enjoy life a little, stop scrutinizing everything.
@@Aroverlord I am not gonna enjoy poorly made reconstruction of historical events. I am not going to persuade an amateur about historical realities of Napoleonic wars. I understand that your ignorance makes the world full of wonders
Слово происходит от французского >, то есть часть, отряд регулярных войск. Это более многочисленный прототип современных разведывательно-диверсионных групп. Они совершали рейды по тылам, наносили удары по армейской коммуникации, препятствовали снабжению. Действие партизан были согласованы со штабом регулярной армии. В войне с Наполеоном преобладали именно такие - армейские партизаны. Позже им стали помогать стихийно возникшие отряды народной самообороны. Первый > возглавил Фердинанд Винценгероде. И сразу же в стычке под Витебском его отряд захватил в плен 800 солдат противника. Отряд Давыдова, Кудашёва, Чернышёва, Дорохова, Селавина устраивали засады, нападали на обозы, захватывали курьеров, освобождали пленных, изнуряли внезапными атаками отступающую армию Наполеона. Действия партизан называли >. Они имели стратегическое значение и помогли выиграть войну большую.
Hello everyone! If you want to understand, why the movie differs from the history (and the movie still called "Napoleon"). Its for purpose. Scott is British, and they always laughed at this part of French history. This movie is just a parody (but expensive parody). That's all.
1:44 They shout "Wracać!" (Go back!) meaning they are Polish troops that accompanied Napoleon on this operation, more than 100,000 out of 600,000 expedition force.
Good catch. It's not totally inaccurate as the term "Allemagne" was in use at the time, albeit only as a geographical region for all german-speaking countries, much like with "Italy". However, as he lists "Germany" next to "Austria", it's probably wrong. What is today called "Austria" back then would have been included in what was then called "Germany".
@@JozeManuLOL yeah I remember wondering in the theater why they skipped or glossed over so many important events just to showcase what they thought his personal life was. True or not it should’ve been about why he’s such an important figure in the first place
I'd rather watch a movie about his Russian retreat ... and the crossing of the Berezina .... it wasn't just the winter that killed his army, it was him, but it wasn't just his army that was able to cross the Berezina, it was him. By the time they got to the Berezina the army hated him. It cannot have been fun for him to be hated by a starving, freezing, cannibal desperate mob .... but they didn't kill him because they needed his genius to get them through. He pulled it off. What other general was such a genius?
You fanboying over general who died in exilement because of his heavy losses. ye, he was genius. As thousands other human warlords trough human history. But somewhere in the end of top.
Napoleon was a great general, but the Russian Campaign was an unmitigated disaster that was entirely his own fault. It's not something to laud his genius over.
@@waynedugger7697 He literally lost because of strategic mistakes and inability to deal with logistics. He not even close to the "best" general ever. You r delusional.
@@romans8024 what was alright? Napoleon's retreat from Russia? And Russians Cossacks in Paris afterwards? Do you know where the French word Bistro came from?
@@facuuu2809 as other ethnic groups within the Russian empire the Kalmyks did provide troops for the Russian army. But from what I read only 3 cavalry regiments were fielded in 1812, about 1500 men in total. So, not particularly representative and the decision to present this “diverse” cast in a unrelated to history way seems not justified in a movie, bordering with racism. Also, as I said, they served as light cavalry, not as mortar shooting weird-looking homeless people. They did fight in one military unit with the cossacks under Platov, because cossacks also acted as light cav, but they certainly were not considered belonging to the same class as Cossacks. The Cossacks, being a social strata and a way of live defined people, rather than an ethnic group, did have different ethnic influences within their groups, because they essentially lived in the borderlands and often married foreign women. But still predominantly they were just your regular eastern slavic white males
@@eugenepavlov2280 cossacks did use mortars against french troops, at least from what I read (mainly Ure) they did use these small cannons which could be easily transported for these kind of attacks but I get your point, showing all cossacks as asians is certainly wrong, they were ethnically diverse but that also included slavs
@Hmzmslm and? Cossacks did not care too much about religion to begin with, yes, they were generally orthodox but they literally sided with anyone (from tatars to poles to turks to russians).
Can you imagine President Micron even doing this? After giving the order to invade Russia, he'll be the first one to hide under the catacombs of Paris! 😂
The charge cavary is a cut of italian campaing. If you pay attention, Napoleon use his general uniform and the same with the cavary with revolutionary clothes
You can’t reason with an egotistical psycho who wants to conquer..He likely viewed himself, and the SS as far superior to Napoleon and his Army. In his mind there was no way they would ever fail like that..until they did!!
у нас в России есть торт Наполеон, он довольно прост в изготовлении и его стряпают как хозяйки в семьях, так в кафе и в дорогих ресторанах. А рецепт известен очень давно, кондитеры, на этот счет шутят - с 1812 года... 😉
The heroic and ultimately fatal effort of the Dutch Engineers and their desperate bridge construction during the retreat would be worth an episode in itself..
how they could show Borodino just for a several seconds???? it's one of the most important battles in Napoleon's history
They needed to make enough time for cringeworthy Josephine scenes that nobody wanted or asked for
@@jaredschmidt8013 😆
At least they showed... Spain wasnt shown... Bailen was the first defeat of Napoleon :p
Film also didn't have: Ulm. Marengo. Eaylu. Leipzig.
Movies are a time economy. I think the real issue is the film didn't know what it wanted to be: drama about Napoleon's life or a war film and by trying to be both it diminished the potential of both.
Brother they skipped the entire war of the sixth coalition. This movie is a train wreck.
OMG, It's more like an invasion of Mongolia. Apparently, it was impossible for Mr. Scott to avoid stupid stereotypes, such as that the Russian army consisted of Asians dressed as Mongol warriors maybe 5 centuries before the events described. Even June in wеstern part (at that time) of Russia, in Mr. Scott's mind, looks more like spring in the tundra above the Arctic Circle.
Yes, ridiculous nonsense. And there are plenty of sources to make sure to get this right, but no one bothers. Take a look at the Duellists, another otherwise sumptuous historical movie, but the French invasion of Russia just looks embarrassingly silly. It seems that when it comes to Russia, the West's brain goes off the rails.
He was criticised for his historical inaccuracies over two decades ago in Gladiator. Why are you shocked? It's entertainment.
There were asians in the Russian army at that time - Bashkirs, Tatars.
@@claremontcowboy7409 Then why am I not entertained?! 😂
I didn't see anything stereotypical in it. There were many Bashkir and Tatar warriors fighting in the Russian army.
Russian movie "War and peace" 1966 directed by Bondarchuk is the best movie about this period.
it has one of three oscars that we have if im not wrong , plus it was most expensive picture in the world during decades if im not wrong
"Waterloo" 1970 by Bondararchuk is awesome too
Napoleon tv series from 2002 is also better then this movie
@@dejuren1367Back then they had.
Napoleon participating in a front-line cavalry charge..... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
My sentiments exactly
And speaking english 😅
and I thought Black Hawk Down is badddd
Yep. Stupidity and bullshit. As the whole movie.
The Russia-Napoleon story it is a movie on it's own, while in this film they only picked out the Moscow fire story... There's so much more to this. The Napoleon army suffered the largest losses in this Russian campaign, more than a half million souls, I believe, and they were from all over Europe, not France only. Ironically, history repeats itself.
Совершенно верно мой друг,история циклична 🇷🇺🇷🇺
@@kos_znamya да циклична. В данный момент идет цикл 1914 года. Когда идет война , весь мир враг - а далее революция и распад.
@@kos_znamya история повторяется и теперь Путин пытается повторить успех наполеона. Пока за 2 года с одной из сильнейших армий мира дошел до Авдеевки. Но то ли еще будет. 5-10 лет захватнической войны, пару миллионов жизней славян и до Нью Йорка дойдет, села Нью Йорк в Донецкой области недалеко от Горловки.
I had italian ancestors in both invasions in napelonic and ww2 well you know what they said about invading Russia 3rd times a charm just kidding hope I don't have to do that
@@issstari954would be fun
June 1812. No green leaves, no green grass. Did Napoleon invade Russia through Lapland? In general, a spreading cranberry.😂
Это Антарктида.) Бородино в Антарктиде же)
That is the movie for Westeners who think that everything on the east is Mordor.
@@DK-yc9qo hahahahaa
No, the Russians lost all their battles to the French and lost their army due to Winter! And the Nomads in Russia, dozens of nations, they defeat and the Russians piss on themselves
Napoleon actually invaded Russia in this movie by sailing to canada and then along the northern coast and then he landed in Kamchatka
My grand-grand-grand-granddad was a Bashkort arrow man and went from Smolensk through whole Europe to Paris
Вот кто обосрал Лувр!
Слава твоему прадеду !!!
слава Северным Амурам!
to teach French the "Bistro"
Сначала обалдел от Наполеона с шашкой наголо в лихой атаке. Потом вспомнил, это ж Хоакин наш Феникс. Он и римским императором в бытность гладиатором сражался. Пойдёт.
Ну так-то, его прототип по "Гладиатору" реально баловался гладиаторскими боями.
Погугли -римский император Коммод
Почему нет? Он конечно с шашкой наголо не скакал но командиры той эпохи брали непосредственное участие в битве на передовой
@@1222-n4k Потому что Наполеон был артиллеристом, а не кавалеристом.
Parece que no .
The appearance of Russians is more similar to Northern Europeans and similar to the inhabitants of Eastern Europe. There were warriors from the Asian provinces, but it was an irregular army and they were cavalry - not infantry or artillery. It feels like it was filmed by Netflix.
these were cossack scouts, and they were used quite frequently
А то что они в шубах в июне не смущает?)
@r.m2072 in the west of Russia? huh? You think someone would find this reasonable to bring east-asian looking people from literally other edge of continental empire? Cossack culture lies origin from slavic people, who were obviously later were interconnected with late colonisation of Siberia, the thing is the innumerous asian population haven't layed significant mark on ethnic slavs who moved there, but the question remains, why would you even bring Baikal Cossacks who's obligation was to control the river outposts in the eastern edges of the empire to the Napoleonic battlefield in the West of Russia, where the abundance of common slavic population are ready to serve and protect the land their forfathers sowed
@m i dont know what your argueing here bro it is well documented that tsar alexander used cossack scouts during the napoleanic invasion, the russian army had like 600000 people recruited from all over the empire...i dont know why they look asian in this crappy film but they were definetely being depicted as cosacks , the ambush and recon and harassment was their bread and butter
@m During the Napoleonic Wars (1799-1815), the Cossacks were Russia's unique and plentiful supply of irregular cavalry. They were employed as skirmishers, raiders and scouts, and their tactics of harassment and harrying caused great problems for Napoleon's Grand Armée as it retreated through Russia in 1812.
Dont know why they looked asian in this crappy film but that is what they were in this scene .
I think the most appropriate conclusion for this movie which might not have been financially viable, was to make it into two movies or even a trilogy. The story of Napoleon has clearly got too many big events with detail that needs to be included to chain the thing together. Borodino, Austerlitz, these battles could both last 30 minutes easy in the re-telling.
This. Could’ve been dope if they took their time with it
Right after I finished watching this, I was thinking a 10 part HBO miniseries could have been amazing.
I think that this movie, no matter which direction they would take or what they would decide to do, had no hope whatsoever just because Ridley Scott was in charge.
He is the first, second and third problem with this movie. Never had a chance.
This is the only idea that makes sense literally a trilogy or two parter
The idea of telling Napoleon's life, even just while in power, in a single film was ridiculous from the beginning.
Я подозреваю, что информация для этих эпизодов бралась из европейских карикатур про Суворова и Россию 18 века.
@The1234Gunnтакое позорнейшее, что существовало во многих государствах Европы. Например в Австрии было отменено только в 1848 году. После революции.
@@8Celestial Суворов скончался в 1800 году. При чём здесь он?
В этот раз надо повторить все до Ламанша, чтобы не на 100 лет запомнили, а на 500!
@@seperependipity Боту с оптиков 4 всё нужно смешать в кучу. Вот причина .
Стоит отметить ,что Наполеон не хотел воевать с Россией ,и России была совершенно не нужна эта война ,это англичане заставили Россию вступить в войну ,убив Павла и поставив править "ЛЫСОГО ЩЕГОЛЯ ,ВРАГА ТРУДА.." Сашу 1 .
А Россия всегда была при Романовых (кроме Петра и Павла) английской собакой.
Куда входил Наполеон там отменялось крепостное право.
Наполеон великий военноначальник и тактик Но в плане тыла и обеспечения тупой баран , придти в Россию по форме 4 воевать ,мог только дегенерат . 8 сентября ,после продолжительных ливней уже срывался первый снег в пиджочках зимой много не навоюешь .
Бородино показало ,что наши противопоставить в плане боя ни чего не могут, французы не введя элиту в бой потеряли в три раза меньше убитыми ,чем наши обороняющиеся войска ( позорище).
И стоит отметить что когда наши войска пришли в Париж то по самым скромным подсчётам 20 тыс ,а в реальности более 40 тыс. так и осталось в нём ( увидав , что общество там свободное от рабства солдаты начали прибиваться в французкие семьи ) ) и поэтому нужно было срочно сниматься с якоря и валить домой. Этот поход и открыл глаза многим ,что вылилось позже в выступление ДЕКАБРИСТОВ.
И не нужно сравнивать рабство над своим народом в РФ и то что было в некоторых странах Европы.
Русских русские продавали и использовали как скот .Создавали гаремы (Троекуров в Дубровском у Пушкина), убивали травили собаками .Доводили до самоубийства .(Салтыков -Щедрин ""Миша и Ваня).
Рабство было на Руси отменено наравне с неграми США и то после позорнейшей крымской компании ,когда передовые страны в которых не было рабства пришли учить деградированного соседа. на паровых крейсерах с нарезными пушками и нарезными винтовками у матросов ,а их вышел встречать самый тупой и дегенеративный из Романовых коля Палкин на Петровских парусниках с гладкоствольной артиллерией и гладкоствольными ружьями у матросов (раб не создаст паровую машину) .и хватило ума самим затопить этот морально устаревший флот. А дальше было избиение младенцев ,Нарезные пушки перебивая береговую артиллерию ( позорище!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) сравняли Севастополь ,А англо французкие солдаты расстреливали русских солдат идущих в штыковой бой за 300 шагов как они это делали в Африке с племенами .Больно читать дневники участников тех событий.
И только после этого позорища Саша2 отменил рабство что бы не разделить участь Османской империи. и сделал это по романовски через задницу.
@@ИгорьМатвеев-д8ж Поздравляю! Вы очень хорошо пишете по-русски. Однако сквозь ваш текст просвечивает польский культурный код. После предложения "Россия всегда была при Романовых (кроме Петра и Павла) английской собакой", в принципе, уже всё становится ясно. Если вы хотите переубедить русского человека, старайтесь в своём тексте чуть получше скрывать ненависть и презрение к истории нашего великого государства.
I'm Russian and it's funny to me to tears to see how Cossacks with bows and arrows are depicted here, well, okay, I know that Ridley Scott is a terrible director who drank all his talent a long time ago, but imagine what idiots he made the French and the Great Napoleon that he lost the war against an army of ragamuffins with bows and arrows. Did he study with George Lucas where stormtroopers moving across the galaxy and destroying entire planets lost to furry cats with sticks and bows? Even in the 16th century, the Cossacks never used bows and were armed with firearms and sabers. The Napoleon movie is another Ridley Scott-type Prometheus.
Movies aren't supposed to be completely historically accurate. Movies are meant to draw emotions, to get their audience engaged, and in these occasions, try to remake historical events while still making them enjoyable to watch. Most people wouldn't be entertained unless Ridley Scott did it this way. This is a movie, not a series or a documentary, which is what you're really asking for. In a few words, you're a sad, miserable individual too unhappy with his life and having to come here to comment nonense.
@@lewisnostredame5605 The real life events in Napoleon’s Russia campaign were far more riveting than this garbage.
@@lewisnostredame5605 Absolutely stupid take
I would have liked your comment, until you insulted the guy. Unnecessary.
😂😂 рецензия класс
As a person from Russia, I was perplexed that the audience was not properly shown the battle of Borodino.
They spent only 1-2 minutes on the battle itself, while the same Vaterllo was shown longer (Although there is also plenty of outright nonsense, like British soldiers with a musket to which an optical sight was attached).
What Kutuzov, Barclay de Toli and Bagration? What other Raevsky battery was there for which there were fierce battles? Why say that Napoleon lost all his cavalry at Borodino and could not properly restore it? Why show the French marshals Ney, Murat, Grouchy, Davout? Why show the French crossing the river after the retreat? Why show "Battle of the Nations"?
Ridley Scott isn't interested. He believes that audiences will enjoy watching the bleak love story of Napoleon and Josephine.
Потому что на Западе не принято говорить о победах России.
True Borodino should have been shown in more detail, and Scott definitely should have shown the battle of Berezina, big bummer! So many crazy things happened there that could have been included in a dramatic reenactment of the French tragedy:
- The French moved to cross the river and narrowly avoided Chichagov's men on the western Berezina bank
-The engineer/ pontonier corps secretly disobeyed Napoleon's order to leave bridge building equipment behind during retreat, allowing them to bridge the Berezina when they reached it. They built 2 bridges in the cold water, some dying of hypothermia.
- The massacre of cold and hungry French stragglers trying to reach bridges by the Russian vanguard
- One of the bridges collapsed twice but the engineers somehow managed to repair it!
- Marshal Victor's rearguard taking heavy casualties but managing to hold the Russians under Wittgenstein so the French can evacuate to the other shore.
-Chichagov later caught up but not fast enough to completely stop the French on the western shore of the Berezina
This is why books and documentaries are better!
I feel you, bro. I did a college presentation on Waterloo, and that battle scene was super disappointing and mediocre.
@@АэнигматаРекил You are looking for something that is not there. That is simply Scotts shity interpretation :D not the "western propaganda" :DD
@@pieronem9311Основанная на западной пропаганде. Бытие определяет сознание, друг мой, а не наоброт
0:30 как же меня забавляет это виденье европейцев что на востоке все - калмыки 😊
хорошо что не евреи и то ладно. поду в зеркало гляну может я тоже коренной москвич-монголоид )
смех смехом, но против французов действительно использовались крупные калмыцкие подразделения, и гипотетически можно предположить, что Скотт решил запечатлеть столкновение с одним из них )
@@rin4en Добровольческие подразделения не славянских народов, на которых не распространялась воинская повинность, появились далеко не в июне, а несколько позже. Они уже принимали участие после Бородино
в российских исторических документах легко найти информацию об участии нескольких полков калмыков в войне 1812 года, в частности одного из них - в Бородинском сражении@@user-wj4ol3xx2r
21 век! И они называют себя культурными, цивилизованными людьми.
I think $200 million on a 10 episode series without any A-list salaries would have been a better investment.
Yes. My thought also.
His life such a grand and complex situations. A movie could accurately portrait everything.
Phönix has Not the Voice of Napoleon
Even Napoleon could not conquer us in the Republic of Montenegro.
@@aneozivota5699 has nothing to do that Phoenix sounds very gay.
As a Spaniard I share the same anger as the Russians. At least in the movie they mention them, because Mr. Scott decided to ignore us Spaniards even though our guerrillas were a pain in Napoleon's ass.
Испанцы спустили Наполеона с небес на землю и заставили его уважать их👍
OMG, where are the bears with vodka and balalaika??
Из медведей сделали шубы чтобы выжить в морозном июне
unfortunately, they are out from budget:)))
Летом в меховых шапках 😂😂😂😂, а че не в обнимку с медведем и бутылкой водки?
Еще и в валенках и дубленках!!! 🤣
Вообще-то такие шапки служили хорошим защитным шлемом от сабли. Конусообразные шапки Кивер именно были высокими для защиты головы от разрубания режущем предметом.
И трава желтая, как в конце лета хотя пишут июнь , а в декабре снега почти нет, хотя по брюхо коню должно быть.
Меховые шапки спасали от жары. Еще римляне это просекли, когда в мехах ходили по пустыням Парфянского царства
Krim Tatar
here is a fact a lot of people for some reason don't know about Nepoleon's invasion of Russia, more of his soldiers died in the summer than they did in the winter season. That's for all of you couch generals screaming about the Russian general winter.
europeans always die trying smth against russia
@@reimuhakurei9409 Apparently you want to tell us about the Crimean War and the siege of Sevastopol in the mid-19th century
@@reimuhakurei9409and russians always suck in each war. In Napoleon's campaign there was weather, in wwll the US and UK saved it, in Japanese and Finland wars just lost, just like getting lost in Ukraine
@@ДенисШинковский4% от общего объема вооружения советского союза было передано по ленд лизу. Сша и Англия помогли, но уж точно не спасли.
Это им приспичило в 44 открыть второй фронт, что бы успеть хоть как то западную Европу оставить за собой
apparently about napoleonic war and ww2@@maxp5964
Историчности столько же сколько и в его фильме гладиатор😂
Смешнее только то что я даже этот короткий отрезок перематывал😂😂
хорошо подмечено, тоже перематывал.
Я тоооооже. Невозможно это смотреть.
He pulled all of the heroism and glory out of it.
В Белорусских лесах и Смоленщине партизанили монголы🤣🤣🤣.
гугля кто париж брал будет казах👆
@@forestdruid2816 упоролся,монгол))))
@@forestdruid2816 🤣🤣🤣
Точик тоже чут чут брал Москву раскажыти об этам!@@forestdruid2816
Napoleon lost most of his army already in summer before the Borodino battle in September. Only 20% of his army survived till winter.
True. Most of his army died because the supply lines were overextended, not because of the Russian winter. Invading Russia was a disaster from the start.
A huge part of his army ( not the French but the troops from the other European countries he recruited) actually deserted during the end of summer/beginning of fall.
They realized that this campaign was doomed and got the hell out of Russia.
But Napoleon in his hybris & arrogance, though himself invincible and his French troops still followed him without question.
Смоленская битва похоронила надежду Наполеона разбить русскую армию по частям в 16-19 Августа 1812 г.
Барклаю де Толли и Багратиону угрожали разгром поодиночке. Они отступали, ведя ожесточённые арьергардные бои. Советники Александр предлагали отвести 1-ю Западную армию к лагерю близ Дриссы и принять главный удар Наполеона, а 2-я армия атаковала бы фланги и тылы врага. Но отказались в самый последний момент от плана, убедившись в правильности позиций и численном превосходстве французов. Прорыв Багратиона через Могилёв не удался. Армии успели соединиться лишь под Смоленском. Войско Наполеона растянулось, но попытка русского контрнаступления провалилась. Неверовскому удалось сдержать авангард Мюрата. Русские части укрепились в Смоленске, но не чтобы отстоять его, а для того, чтобы задержать неприятеля и переправить армию через Днепр. Им это удалось. Наполеон достался сгоревший город. Его армия уходила всё дальше от провиантских баз и растягивала коммуникации, а русская, несмотря на тяжелейшие удары, оставалась боеспособной.
Почему Наполеон шёл на Москву, если столица была в Петербурге?
Он гнался за русской армией, а та отступала к Москве.
Барклай де Толли пошёл на соединение с Багратионом, а дорогу на Петербург закрыл, оставив 1-й корпус Витгенштейна. Прикрывая свой левый фланг, Наполеон направил против Витгенштейна корпус Удино. Гусары Кульнева застигли врага на марше и атаковали. Французы были вынуждены остановиться в Клястицах.
Не позволяя противнику сосредоточить силы, Вингенштейн развил наступление. Артиллерия Удино оказалось бессильна перед Павловскими гренадёрами, провавшимися по горящему мосту, и конницей, форсировавшей реку вброд. Удино отступал к Полоцку.
Для его усиления Наполеон направил корпус Сен-Сира.
Витгенштейн надёжно прикрыл Санкт-Петербург, сковал значительные силы французов и не позволил им принять участие в Бородинском сражении.
Победа русских под Клястицами стала одной из первых в войне 1812 года.
Thi si Hollywood's version. In real life they would have been tattered and straggling.
My 4x great-grandfather served as a soldier in the Württemberg regiments with the Grande Armée in Moscow. He survived as one of the few from his regiment and walked the entire way back to Poland on foot. Due to severe frostbite on his feet and hands, which had cost him half of his feet and several fingertips in the harsh Russian winter, he had to use crutches for the rest of his life. From the infirmary in Poland, he wrote to his father in the Black Forest - detailing the incredible cruelties he experienced and witnessed, as all his comrades perished, succumbing to wounds, cold, hunger, diseases, and even wild animals. With his last ounce of strength, wounded and mentally scarred, he managed to make it back into the French sphere of influence - and there, on the sickbed, he married the camp follower who had accompanied him and refused to abandon him - my great-great-great-great-grandmother. Such a story is worth telling, not just the tale of the megalomaniac monarch who callously sacrificed hundreds of thousands for his ambitions.
that is startling to behold account of. napoleon led the biggest army into russia, favor was on the russian side that didnt budge as they vacated, then a blizzard drops in mid october who couldve planned that??? truly
@@gibblewaywhen Braveheart came out everyone thought they were Scottish, then the Viking series on History channel people with 1% Scandinavian DNA thought they were Vikings, I think Mel Gibson should have played Napoleon
Soldiers always the ones who suffer the most, but I would not conclude Napoleon to megalomaniac simple out of soldiers bad fortune
thanks for the interesting comment
So... you exist because of Napoleon. Sort of.
On December 5, 1812, Napoleon left the remnants of his army to freeze in Russia and fled to Paris.
In the spring of 1814, the Russian army was already in Paris. Napoleon abdicated the throne.
It was not the Russians who entered Paris but all of Europe, supported by British gold.
The Russians alone never defeated Napoleon. Borodino is a French victory: the Russian losses were much higher than the French, and with the retreat of the Russian army in the night that followed the battle, the doors of Moscow were wide open to the French.
Balance sheet:
huge losses
Abandonment of the battlefield
Moscow open city
= how to interpret history to make it a victory?
@@mlipeck Territory was not important to Russia. They treated it like the Navy treats water.
@@mlipeck Actually in Wiki they said that: "The French lost about roughly the same number of soldiers as Russia". It seems correct estimation because if the victory of France was so undisputable why Napoleon later on could not win in Maloyaroslavets and had to return via the same devastated region (Smolensk). So your opinion about the huge Russian losses is not correct.
uh no he didnt flee to paris. he continued to fight in battles quoted by wellington as showing his true genius, and most of the fighting was between him prussia and austria
@@Vlad-sv8tz Strange, We don’t have the same wiki ...
This is mine.
Battle of Borodino
French Commanders:
Napoleon I
Louis Nicolas Davout
Michel Ney
Eugène de Beauharnais
Joachim Murat
Russian Commanders:
Mikhail Kutuzov
Piotr Ivanovitch Bagration †
Michel Barclay de Tolly
French forces in presence
130,000 men including:
102,000 infantrymen
28,000 horsemen
587 guns
Russian forces present
138,000 men including:
110,000 infantrymen
9,000 Cossacks
19,000 militias
624 guns
French losses:
28,000 dead or injured
13 guns captured
Russian losses:
45,000 dead or injured
100 to 200 prisoners
15 - 60 guns captured
We notice that the French and allied forces were a little less numerous than the Russians.
About the Battle of Maloïaroslavets:
It took place on 24 October 1812 during the War of the Sixth Coalition, during the Russian Campaign, between the vanguard of the Grande Armée, commanded by Eugène de Beauharnais, and the forces of Alexander I. The Franco-Italian troops could not break through to the south, forcing Napoleon to evacuate Russia by the road already followed on the way, by a devastated region and lacking provisions, turning Russia’s retreat into a disaster.
French Commanders:
Eugène de Beauharnais
Napoleon Bonaparte
Alexis Joseph Delzons †
Russian Commander:
Dmitri Dokhturov
Presence forces:
15,000 French and Italian against 20,000 Russians
5000 killed or wounded French, 6000 killed or wounded Russian
We see that this battle had fatal consequences for Napoleon, but on the purely military level it cannot be compared to the battle of Borodino, and cannot represent either the demonstration of a military superiority of the Russians.
The Russians never decisively defeated Napoleon:
Austerlitz victory of Napoleon
Eylau victory of Napoleon
Friedland victory of Napoleon
Borodino victory of Napoleon.
Even the passage of the Berezina can be considered as a demonstration of Napoleon’s military genius.
The Russians thought it was time to strike the blow and capture Napoleon. He escaped them with his Imperial Guard by making absolutely remarkable arrangements.
After the disastrous retreat of Russia Napoleon managed to reassemble an army with which he would fight against the whole of Europe coalition for 1.5 years, with many victories that forced the admiration of his opponents.
Its final defeat is due to numbers. And the Russian presence in Paris was only possible thanks to the uprising of an entire continent.
Without the coalition of all European forces the Russians would never have succeeded.
But all this does not detract from the Great Russian Patriotic Spirit who has shown on many occasions his strength and determination.
But Napoleon is above men. He is one of those geniuses who transcend human history. His work is not only military. Its Civil Code has served as a model for more than 80 countries around the world! The list of all his work would be too long ...
Cossacks with the faces of Polynesians? It's cool. :) :) :)
I think they are supposed to be Kalmyks(mongols) lol
@@bisratgetachew8286 They fought bro. If you look at the current Russian defense minister, you will understand. And you'll find out that Kornelov, the general of the Russian white Army. They are the only Asiatic people living in Europe.
@@Mr.Chicken-z6v i know but if you are going to represent invasion of russia in 3 mins the kalmyks should not be the representatives ...unless they have an agenda to represent russia as "Asiatic hoarde".
No, the Russians lost all their battles to the French and lost their army due to Winter! And the Nomads in Russia, dozens of nations, they defeat and the Russians piss on themselves
@@Mr.Chicken-z6v Shoigu is from Tuva though and that's in Asia.
Wow. Whole invasion of Russia in under 7 minutes. Feels a bit of like speedrun, but whatever.
This can be said about the whole movie :((
The problem with movies/shows these days is that they are all about instant gratification and shock value. They treat us (the audience) like we are dummies.
Invading Russia speedrun any %
And it took only twenty minutes to secure Omaha Beach in Saving Private Ryan. Who knew!!
A scene in a bar:
Customer: “It would be impossible to make a boring movie about Napoleon Bonaparte.”
Ridley Scott: “Challenge accepted!” 🤣🤣🤣
No, the Russians lost all their battles to the French and lost their army due to Winter! And the Nomads in Russia, dozens of nations, they defeat and the Russians piss on themselves
'Everyone who comes to us with a sword, will perish from that same sword', - a Russian saying that has proven to be always true.
Except for the Crimean war the Russo-Japanese war and the First World War
@@karaltar7914 ....LoL. Russia always wins back (and bigger), some years later. Same happened with those wars. The Turks, Japanese and Germans still have a kind of National PTSD today. That's why Russia's enemies perish "with the same sword".... If the enemies 'win' one round, they soon lose the entire fight, horribly.
@@karaltar7914well Crimea belongs now to Russia and during ww2 Russia destroyed all the Japanese forces that were occupying north China and took most of the Japanese northern islands 😂😂😂
@@karaltar7914 why so salty, coping much?
@@sunrisings292 Afghanistan?...and this part - always wins back... :DDD really :D... so u can lose the war but it is ok because in future u will win another. This shit u can apply on each european country...
My great-great...grandfather served as a conscript in the 37th infantry regiment, he was also part of the Russian invasion. He got left behind in mid-august 1812 in present-day Belarus (around the city of Polotsk). What happened to him is unclear, but he made it back to his hometown a few years later, but he had lost the use of his left hand. In 1858 he was awarded the Saint-Helena medal
He was captured. He was lucky. There was a film about how a Frenchman was captured by the peasants.
My ancestor was French) He was captured by the Cossacks who were covering the retreat of the Russian army to Moscow. He remained with them until the end of the war, then went to join the regiment in Kuban. He took a local wife and had many children. Later he took part in wars for the Kuban Cossacks. Such different fates for people from the same war.
Bullshit story😂
Stay home French boy
Winter in July? What?)
I can’t imagine being a foot soldier in this brutal type of warfare. Ancient battle tactics with firearms is insanity.
The jungles of vetinam were far worse men chopped to pieces by 50 cal fire
.50 cal fire? lol @@45thnewsbrigade-tacticalop60
On the flip side though, you had better medical treatment and off duty life (an economy with products you could buy to make you happy, etc.) during napoleonic times, they didn’t even know about germs. Let that sink in
>Ancient battle tactics
mate, this was like 200 hundred years ago.
Literally fucking nothing compared to human history.
also movie got everything wrong. No one was fighting like this.
@@45thnewsbrigade-tacticalop60Subjective opinion
А как же катастрофа на переправе реки Березина ? Из 40 000 Наполеон там потерял 31 000. Это после Москвы было.
Об этом не снимут. Западники всегда стараются замылить свои провалы и обесценить наши успехи.
Combined forces of France,Austria,Italy, Germany and Poland rofl😂 and still got fcked up
basically NATO
Don't mess with Russia. The message is still valid
same as in 2023 but now they have the O$
@@MarioSchlemmer-s5k I think overall 650k invaded to 225k on the Russian side.
Logistics is always what makes or breaks an army. He would have done better to withdraw to a city on the coast of the Baltic and resume his assault in the spring. Taking Moscow doomed his army.
It was the shortest, most economical and most ridiculous depiction of the Battle of Borodino that I've ever seen, especially when compared with Bondarchuk's 1967 film War and Peace.
This is nowhere near as good as the 1967 movie
@@jacktattisisn't that what he said?
@@justincohen4823 Yes and I was agreeing.
@@jacktattis gotcha 👍🏾
Few minutes for Borodino...not a good job.
They still repeat the lie that winter influenced the actions of the EU army. In fact, the 600,000 army of the European Union under the command of Napoleon invaded Russia in June, and left Russia in November.
😂😮😅Да, но мало кто знает об этом. Сейчас в школах этому не учат.
november is pretty cold tho !
@@GenevybesДа холодный!! Но это осень!!! Зима ещё впереди!!! Вот там холодно. 😅😊😮😊😅
What about master mind tactical warfare general Kutuzov who defeated Napolean
Yeah, they never talk about Kutuzov who is historically considered the most successful general in the history. Can't make proper depiction if your writing is mediocre.
ходит слух что французы снова хотят попробовать русскую землю на вкус
Где это русская земля ?
Реванш Будет 🇺🇦🇺🇸🇺🇦🇺🇸🇺🇦
До мозга костей что ни на есть русская
@@zigomar-m2m Поверь Орк зашифрованный ✌🏼😎🇺🇦
russians are setting their cities ablaze then?
nice job, Ridley - snow on the ground in June at the start of the clip (it was searingly hot when the Army crossed the Nieman River), the middle-aged Emperor leads a cavalry attack (non-historically stupid beyond belief) and Napoleon eats his hat as Moscow burns - which of these is worse? Scott has met his Waterloo.
Scott even messed up big style with the waterloo part too.
@@stevekay5486yeah - the aging Emperor was suffering from hemorrhoids for some of the day, and Scott has him leading cavalry charges - simply absurd (stick to the Duellists instead)
Should have been a 3 part movie series broken up as follows:
Movie 1. "Rise of the Corsican Eagle" - Covers Napoleon's early life, military education, and rise to prominence, focusing on events up to and including the Italian Campaign (1769-1799).
Movie 2. "Emperor of Europe" - Explores Napoleon's rule as First Consul, his coronation as Emperor, and major military campaigns, including Austerlitz and the Peninsular War (1800-1812).
Movie 3. "Fall of the Eagle" - Chronicles Napoleon's downfall, from the Russian Campaign to the Battle of Waterloo, his exile to Elba, return to power, and ultimate defeat at Waterloo, leading to his exile on Saint Helena (1812-1821).
Each film would need at least 2hrs 15mins.
Agree! 👍🏼
I suggest looking up (if you already haven't) the four part Napoleon documentaries on the RUclips channel People's Profiles
And they would've made more money. More story telling time, more detail and more films! More people taking an interest in history!
Ты бесспорно прав
"Hey.. I have an ideal. Let's walk from Paris to Moscow. It's only 1,800 miles. "
Let's run back faster.
С ответным визитом в Париж из Петербурга прибыл Российский Император со своим войском😂.
Siberia sounds funner
Стоило посмотреть весь этот псевдоисторический берд только для того что бы увидеть как Наполеон орет в треуголку. Шутка: Джокер перестал принимать таблетки и стал Наполеоном
Did they really just jump straight from the Russian campaign into the aftermath of the War of the Sixth Coalition?
Yes. The movie is rushed af
This movie suck ass. Battles were too over simplified and small scale. Everyone was barely using formation or their fkin guns. The patriot was actually better at battle scenes lmao. Napoleon wasn't charismatic at all. I dont see anyone following this awkward ahh emperor of a man. Ridley scott rlly englishfied Napoleon
Napoleon in this movie? “What is Spain?”
@@ogeraldo1388Haven't even seen the movie yet and just said this to myself watching this lol
Praying this gets cleared up in director's cut
Napoleon deserves his own dramatic series on Netflix. Impossible to understand the scale of his feats in 2hrs+
No, netflix would make Napoleon a black lesbian.
In each new episode, he will take his ass out of Russia
John David Washington as Napoleon.
@@Callahan757575bru 😂😂😂😂😂
they didn't showed kutuzov who was fighting against him in russia, kutuzov said - "We will not defeat Napoleon, we will deceive him", and they didn't showed how after moscow he was fighting against random small groups and how he was lost for couple of days didn't know where to go and etc, its just looks like they cutted like 30 mins of it and jump straight to next scene, borodino battle was kinda fast too
It was necessary to save the army of Russia. Napoleon did not even think about how to protect his empire. It was a defeat.
Napo was scared to retreat oyver the same land he ravaged for supplies on the advance to Moscow. He was probably correct, but somehow, the French didn't have maps? ot a route to the South. In the end he had to run back the road they knew.
It's a mis-statement that Napo lost 500,000 men. He only fielded 200,000+ at Borodino. All the other units where guarding the flanks. Flanks that were 800 miles long, EACH.
There are a lot of war diaries online that describe the actions on the flanks. Dialy harrassments.
My fav is the little town that was "walled" in history, they'd let small groups of scavaging French in, hst and feed them. Then slaughter them at night.
There is a lot of info with the Austrians fighting sevearl battles on the Southern Flank.
@@SuperChuckRaney Do you have any links for some of those diaries?
@@alexgaelsotorodriguez3870 no but there is one that survives that details the sicknesses they had as the walked back from Moscow. Seems most of the men had lice, those lice carry the deseases like ticks do.
Sooo, based on those entries, they exhumed some men buried in a common grave. There clothes were FULL of dead lice.
There are a few you tube vids of this
Вырезали Бородино, т.к. это был фактически проигрыш Наполеона - он не смог уничтожить русскую армию.
Imagine capturing your enemy’s most important city, thinking it’s militarily and symbolically significant to them, only to have them set it on fire 😂 Napoleon knew he could never win at that point
Всё по Бисмарку: "На любую вашу хитрость они ответят блистательной глупостью"
Есть французский 4-х серийный фильм Наполеон, 2002 года, режиссёра Ив Симоно. Во первых он французский, там говорят по французски, это важно. Французы говорящие на английском как то не то. Хотя у нас в дубляже не слышно, но это не главное. Тот идёт аж 6 часов и то все показано не полностью. Актёрский состав великолепный. Там и Джон Малкович и Жерар Депардье. Посмотрите не пожалеете.
Спасибо за совет, начал просмотр - Клавье, конечно, потрясающий и харизматичный актёр, мне кажется более убедительным в роли Наполеона (вообще его только по комедийным ролям знал). Не в обиду Фениксу - он тоже талантливый актёр, но, видимо, сам фильм (режиссура + сценарий) слабый.
Шутите? Это художественный фильм о Наполеоне, этот фрагмент о его первой неудаче. Если нужна достоверность, то надо смотреть исторический фильм. А тут не это главное
Good sense: You don’t invade a country in which winter temperatures can freeze diesel.
Napoleon and Hitler: Convince me 😂
Those famous diesel engines of the Napoleonic times: ...
And you dont comment on history when you dont read history.
Napolean incaded russia in june of 1812, genius. By august he was already settled in smolensk some 200 mi from moscow.
Even when he occupied moscow the weatherwas reported as being mild.
What you and ridley scott dont seem to get is that it was the RUSSIAN RESPONSE that kicked napoleans ass. Not the weather.
Even if we backtrack to the battle of the pyramids, weather was ALWAYS an issue with the french army. Napolean lost more men to heat and desert than he did to the ottoman army.
And yet we dont mention weather here. Why!? Because the ottoman army of 40000 strong lost to napoleon army of 10000 max (not even bc he split his 10 in half to to fight the british at acre)
So again. What shouldve been underscored was the russian military attacking all of his supply depots, cutting off his LOC. and then using cossacks to trail his exhausted men. They also used effective scorch earth tactics that forced his army to move without food or sleep. Thats why he lost.
The winter was simply a backdrop.
lost most of his troops to typhus, and logistical issues in the summer.
@@MrEvldreamr No one will give Russia credit for anything. Napoleon simply lost to the Weather and Hitler lost to the weather and "human wave" tactics at Stalingrad. I'm sure it's argued somewhere in the history books that the Mongols simply disbanded too.
@@themarketm8382 I mean Russia is never really seen as tactical geniuses for many reasons:
1) In most fights Russia has won they lost more men than their opps, kinda using men as meat shield, if they were tactical geniuses wouldn't have lost more men with a bigger army.
2) Most invaders fought Russians just fine in summers, they were always fucked in the winters, the armies were weak, low supply and low morale before any battle just from weather, weather killed lots of their men.
so it is safe to say while Russia did have strong and big army, their advantage was weather and sometimes abundance of men not really tactics and strategies.
And some 120 years later, another man from Germany made same mistake...
And in 2 years Russia can't finish a invasion of a country right next door .
3000 самолётов, 2.600.000 солдат, 6.000 танков были уничтожены у захватчика. На этот раз город был спасён. Эта сражение невероятного масштаба.
@@johnysky6066 Мужчина из США намного умнее. Деньги, деньги и ещё раз деньги. Это хорошая инвестиция в наше общие благополучие. Только я тут главный. Мне положено по закону больше как и моим друзьям по бизнесу. Ничего личного.
@@johnysky6066 the Mexican-American vlogger who is now living fruitfully in Siberia?
100 years later a German man defeated Russia 😂
The film makes Braveheart look like an eyewitness account. 😂
Moscow in 1812, it turns out, resembles Rome in the period of Emperor Trajan. Even more beautiful than it is now
Old gold tradition: once in a century whole Europe unites around a true leader and goes to Russia to get screwed up. You’re welcome.
I thought it was only noticed in Russia)
Whole europe unites against russia every century? 😂
One in a century ?
@@Gutvald Once. Like one time per period of time. I
@@BGSGBF when did whole europe unite against russia in war?
Ах! Как дали звиздюлей французам! У нас в Смоленске есть "Аллея Героев1812 года", каждый день смотрю из окна на аллею. Знаете, горжусь, и поляков выбили и французов и немцев.
If only Kubrick had been in charge.
Napoleon deserves a trilogy or a Series hands down.
This movie was made from a completed Netflix TV series with one hour edited out .Hopefully when the full TV series is shown with the extra hour added back in it will improve .
They actually made a series, but not this type, but a better one
worst movie i've seen in a long time. it took everything to complete it
"commanders have better things to do than to try and kill one another"
Watch war and peace. Great Soviet Film.
Napoleon self-destructed in Russia; during the invasion of 1812, he was still undefeated, he could legitimately believe himself invested by "fortune". Like a demigod, nothing could defeat him, except himself. Without Russia its defeat of 1814 is impossible. He would have remained on the throne for 30 more years.
Truth be told he was defeated in Russia 🇷🇺 ,he went to Russian with 600,000 men and returned with only 40,000 ,560,000 men loosed their lives that shit is crazy !!
@@jermainemyles1825 It's the untold deaths that really baffles the mind. During his attack and retreat both sides from Russia to western Europe used none stop scorched earth tactics.
The troops might as well of all stayed home and just starved their own populations.
The warfare was mass murder. The tactics were mass murder.
Culling peasants . That's all it ever was, ww1 and 2 were no different.
Mass culls of peasants.
@@jermainemyles1825 All of his defeats from 1813-1815 occurred because he himself scuttled his Grande Armée and had only inexperienced teenagers left to enlist. Without 1812, the Bonapartes would still reign over a large part of Europe today.
Победа в войне 1812 года - заслуга не только генералов и солдат, но и организованной системы снабжения. Её возглавлял Егор Канкрит, генерал-интендант 1-й Западной армии.
План обеспечения армии продовольствием, фуражом и снаряжением составляли заранее. По направлению к западной границе были построены военные дороги, склады - >, укомплектованы части для их охраны и сопровождения обозов. Это помогло на первом этапе. Чтобы избежать грабежей, реквизиции у местных жителей проводились под расписку. Впоследствии казна приняла их в счёт налогов.
Губернии жертвовали деньги, транспорт, продукты. Так, Псковская губерния оказала помощь воюющему на её территории корпусу Витгенштейна на 14 млн рублей. Тяжёлую зиму 12 года армии помогло пережить снабжение из южных аграрных губерний. Канкрину даже удалось сэкономить: из выделенных на войну 426 мил было потрачено около 400.
Почему из-за санкций на территории Казахстана запрещено смотреть фильм про Наполеона. Мне очень интересно. В какой стране я мог бы посмотреть фильм про Наполеона. Я бы купил билеты в эту страну. Во всех странах Азии запретили показывать фильм про Наполеона. Это национальное достояние всей Западной Европы. Запретить.
Почему вы не хотите поделиться своими фильмами с нами?
Вы там были? Хотели? Попробуйте?
Наполеон начал военную службу как артиллерист. Он считал: > и не раз доказывал это.
Нельзя было отставать и России. Да! Да! Накануне войны 1813 года русская артиллерия стала одной из самых передовых в Европе - благодаря успешной реформы. Удалось добиться единообразного вооружения армии, ввели стандарт на производство оружия и материальной части, орудийные команды начали готовить по единой системе. Скорострельность была в 2 раза выше, чем у французов: от установки оружия до самого выстрела проходило не более 30 секунд. Тактика артиллерии в атаке: дуэль с батареями противника, чтобы не дать обстреливать наступающие войска. В обороне главные цели - атакующая пехота и кавалерия врага. Пешая артиллерия - батарейная и линейная - поддерживала пехоту. Конная - могла определить помочь кавалерии.
Модернизированная артиллерия стала грозной силой - настоящим > Война - это в первую очередь наука. Умереть на войне много ума не надо. Храбрости недостаточно. Побеждает тот кто лучше учился.
🇧🇷🇨🇵Foram mais 600.000 soldados franceses, poloneeses, portugueses, italianos invadiram solo Russo 1812. Dos quais morreram metade em batalhas, mortos pelos camponeses, frio dizimou restante do Gran Armé. So mente 10 000 retornaram a França é Napoleão com sua comitiva.diante disso um outro general se sentiria Arruinado. Mais pra ele a Frase foi: "meu Exercito sofreu algumas Baixas"..
😂 🇲🇫💪 vive la France .
Napoleão também disse, depois de voltar da Rússia: "do Grande ao ridículo é apenas um passo..." 1812.
Для Наполеона, как и для других диктаторов, люди были мусором. По моему про Наполеоне погибло около 3 миллионов человек, сущий пустяк для "великого человека".
Napoleon, the French Revolution and the wars that followed are so complex that one film or even a trilogy is not enough to provide a proper balanced account of what happened and who did what and why. It is an amazing story that needs to be told over a whole series, similar in depth and scope to Game of Thrones... If we can do it for fantasy, surely there is even more reason to give our real history, events and people the same treatment.
It really shouldve been a trilogy tbh French revolution until Robespierre gets executed, Rise of Napoleon and the end of the third coalition, Russia+fall of napoleon. Maybe 4th movie where he comes back and gets beaten at waterloo
I was in a state of deep sleep in the theater by the time this scene came . 😂
Means the movie was bad lol.
No, the Russians lost all their battles to the French and lost their army due to Winter! And the Nomads in Russia, dozens of nations, they defeat and the Russians piss on themselves
THIS! This is what I WANTED To see when I went to see Napoleon! His fights and conquers and defeats were more interesting than whatever the hell his relationship was.
How russian's 10-th grader read War and Pease by L. Tolstoy
Boys: Read only battles, skip high society life
Girls: Read only high society life, skip battles
@mvenmass Yep when I first read War and Peace, it was said to be a difficult book to read. I skipped the high society stuff and the political jibber jabber and read the battle scenes. That was when I was 18. I then started reading Bernard Cornwell's Sharpe series set in the Napoleonic Wars. It too goes into the politics and high society and stuff. But I was also watching the Sharpe TV series. So I read everything and loved it. Have recently read War and Peace all the way through and loved it.
His relationship was used as a vehicle to show who he was as a person. If you wanted a Michael Bay movie you picked the wrong one.
@@jessepassage425 From the trailers I expected to see lots of napoleons conquers. His rise and fall in his battles and tactics. I understand the political part and relationship, but felt like we got too much of that and too little of what people truly remember Napoleon by: An Emperor of the French Revolution.
“I don’t know what to do” Phoenix to Ridley Scott 10 days before filming. He was miscast.
Ridley Scott is also a has been. This should have been a series not a movie.
at some point he apparently complained about the script to Ridley Scott. I really hope he was complaining about how dogshit this script was and not because he was the one who actually made this script happen
@@Elliesbow This movie was made from a completed Netflix TV series with one hour edited out .Hopefully when the full TV series is shown with the extra hour added back in it will improve .
I would have liked to have seen William Shatner as napoleon
@@Crashed131963 Apple TV not Netflix and I still think it will be shit. Just more scenes with Josephine
Napoleon:I only see success in my future
Me: u sure about that?
Это сейчас вообще что было? Горе - режиссеры не знающие ни культуры,ни нравов,ни обычаев страны, смеют показывать своё невежество, выдавая это за кино. Господа, хотите посмотреть действительно достойное кино , чтобы понять всё то, что было написано выше? Понять масштаб катастрофы, беды какая постигла Россию при вторжение Бонапарта, о стойкости и мудрости русского народа,о его духовном величии. Для начала, читайте классику Л.Н. Толстой "Война и Мир",а экранизация 1965 года, режиссёра Сергея Бондарчука.
Это вы еще не видели что они из Карениной сделали)
Я тоже советую посмотреть фильм Сергея Бондарчука "Война и мир ". Лучше уже никто не снимет. То, что показано а этом видео - не соответствует многим историческим фактам.
А про фильм " Анна Каренина " вообще молчу. Особенно про бал 😢
"300,000 souls lived in this city. Now it's a ghost town. I've never seen anything like it."
Come to Cleveland
Its a Russian tactic, keep people around you underestimating you, what do you think Putin is doing, Nato expands into ukraine covid breaks out, cripples american & europes economy, has enough hypersonic nukes 10 times over to level all of europe & america
Raise you New Orleans
@@reycesarcarino4653 Detroit
@@brittking3990 Katrina says otherwise
Наполеон вошел в Москву, когда еще из нее выходили русские войска и мирные жители....потом начались грабежи, пожар и т.д. Дальше Наполеон не понимал что делать. Идти на Санкт-Петербург или Нижний Новгород и столкнуться еще раз с армией Кутузова, которая отступила на подготовленные позиции и имела все види припасов ИЛИ ждать в Москве видя как умирает разлагаясь армия тысячи языков! Да это была армия тысячи народов, а не только ФРАНЦУЗОВ!
20 народов. "Двунадесять языков"
crazy how everyone turns into a history expert when they watch a period piece🤣
you’re so enlightened… no, it’s widely documented events that are blatantly disrespected for the sake of revisionism.
Ты явно не знаком с системой обучения в России. У нас это изучается, у нас существует целый пласт культуры по этому периоду - книги, стихи, кино, театр, памятники. Поэтому да, мы знаем свою историю и чтим ее.
I cheer every time I see Napoleon shout "See ya in the afterlife, Bagman!" as he strafes the Soviets with his F14 Tomcat. Such a historically accurate classic!
Ничего не меняется. ......жить без нас не могут😂😂😂😂😂 и опять получат
Ну пока яйца по 170 покупаем мы. И на китайских машинах катаемся мы. И дефицит бюджета у нас.
@@Ast151 и еще он судя по всему не из окопа пишет такие грозные слова
мыв риге яйца покупаем по 200 уже 10 лет при зарплате 70 000@@Ast151
@@Ast151ты в ценах на яйца видишь смысл жизни? А если я тебе скажу, что на западе они ещё дороже
@@user-se4qqffa ты что раскукарекался, обиделся что-ли?
Россия - это кладбище Империй (без обид Афганистан). Сколько раз величайшие армии Мира пересекали нашу границу, и сколько раз мы их гнали прочь. Россия великая Страна с великой Судьбой и я благодарю Господа за то, что я часть этой истории.
😂😂😂 Я поздравляю тебя. Ты даже не представляешь как тебе повезло стать частью истории. Это лучше чем фильмы смотреть в 3D. Освободи людей из Центральной части страны, защити людей из Восточной страны от Западной части страны. Только не надо там всё смешивать. Они уже и без вас там все перемешались. Главное не давай чужеземцам ползать у себя на заднем дворе. Осваивай территорию. Скажи спасибо Ленину за наше счастливое будущее. Следующие поколение обязательно всё развалит, продаст. Чтобы было интереснее жить.
Наверное лучше работать на благо общества, семьи.
Меня всегда интересно было - почему великие империи вторгались в Россию? Чего они тут забыли? Мы не лезем же к ним. Почему они так быстро забыли как погибли их империи?
@@lmagine_sky2920в случае с Наполеоном, Россия первая шла войной на Францию, причём несколько раз.
Not sure why they didn't show more of Borodino, it was one of the most important battles for Napoleon and a pretty cool one too... just imagine the close-up shots of the clouded by explosions battlefield, lots of burning fortifications, assaults on artillery batteries, hills covered by corpses, grape shots turning formations into red mist, scenes of cavalry raids from the flanks (and not head on bs). Could have been so beautiful.
The other thing is like... movie didn't even briefly show what happened *after* Moscow was set on fire, which is important. Made it look like it was just winter, but in reality, Russian Empire's army made a huge manover and cut off Napoleon's army that was retreating out of the city, which forced him to leave a lot of resources behind in not organized manner, take unfavorable fights, send men for certain death just to win some time while they were crossing cold rivers, eat horses and etc. it was a brutal, desperate, bloodiest fucking chase.
The same reason why Stanley Kubrick messed up the Seven Years War in Barry Lyndon, which remains a far better film compared to this joke.
Imagine if horses could talk throughout the years. Imagine their stories and sights.
People see just as much and do more their stories are best
Why do you want to hear from horses when humans have eyes, a bigger brain, live longer and also saw the same events?
@@tyrellcobb4665 but humans lie a lot and distort stories
I’ve often wondered and felt a bit sad about that!
The use of horses in war over thousands of years of warfare was the most extreme form of animal cruelty and suffering . And often the reward for all their hard work and dedication and suffering for their human masters was to be rewarded by being killed and eaten . Such a tragedy
Чтобы наказать Англию, не надо было ходить в Москву😂
Do not mess with mother Russia .
tell that to Subutai the valiant
The mother of Russia is the Kievan Rus.
@@amuthi1 Kievan Rus was founded by Oleg, the Prince of Novgorod. Rus itself was spread from Ladoga (modern day Leningrad Oblast) down to the south.
@@mcbrians.8508все что завоевал Субутай теперь Россия. Россией были уничтожены все ханства Золотой орды.
russia can't even defeat ukraine lmfao
Europe still hasn’t understood anything...Russia is not Europe, Russia is not Asia. Russia is Russia
Don't make sense because there are many genes from europe and asia on your land
You as an example could be from england, denmark, sweden or ireland
russia is 90% asia
@@emilianolozano8798 🤣🤣🤣
Russia still hasn't understood anything. Hollywood is not Europe.
@@polinaamerkhanova6971Russia hasn't understood anything either i guess cuz your "invincible army" is not able to conquer a country armed with outdated usa weapons.
Classic russian cope
Napoleon's greatest blunder, that marked the beginning of his end. And Hitler never learned from it too. Russia cannot be conquered. Period.
Well, not without nukes anyway.
@@scottb4579Did u hear about dead hand?)) Mudachila))
@@scottb4579 Which it still has over 4000 at its disposal, son
Russia was conquered in World War I.
Damn, Napoleon's English is pretty good.
It's made primarily for an American audience. They aren't going to have him speaking French because then no one would see it, and having him speak English with a phony French accent would have been stupid. He wasn't even a native French speaker anyway. He was Corsican, so his native language was Italian. He always spoke French with an Italian accent, which really would have confused audiences.
@@kitchenaidwhiskeyjones People hate reading movie subs for almost 3 hours .
@@Crashed131963 Exactly why they just went ahead and used English. 🤷
@@kitchenaidwhiskeyjones Imagine the movie "Gladiator "with everyone talking in Roman Latin instead of English ?
Every hundred years Europe gathers to get .. 👊
annihilated. There i completed your sentence.
На столько круто Джокер ещё не шутил
When crossing the Berezina, the air temperature fluctuated around 0 Celsius. This is an indisputable fact, given that the river has not frozen, or rather, the ice has not yet been so strong that it can be moved on foot and, moreover, on horseback. Because of this, the French were forced to build crossings. So what kind of severe frosts can we talk about? Russian Russian command's more competent strategy, combined with the extremely high morale of the Russian army, was not the weather, but the main reason for Napoleon's defeat in Russia. When the war becomes a Patriotic war for Russians, it is impossible to defeat us. I hope that everyone who wants to invade Russia will remember this.
The invasion of the "twenty languages" is called Napoleon's attack on Russia in 1812. This war got its name because the so-called Napoleonic "Great Army" included all European nations. and there is nothing to be surprised about the peoples in the war, who also inhabit Russia.They fought for their land.
You do not know that those 20 nations sent him to get rid of him!!! And you are so deceived that do not ask how it was that those who supported him with weaponry fought him afterward!! They have fooled you!!!
It’s funny that youtube recommended this video to me after another french non-Napoleon threatened my country with sending troops into Ukraine😂
As someone who visited Borodino Panorama gallery depicting this battle, I got the shivers watching the battle scene. Not many can make movie scenes look like paintings.
No mention of the great redoubt charges. No mention of napoleons refusal to send in his guard, no massive charges into the complex Russian trenches. Granted this is probably still the best depicted battle in the movie
@@eddiemoran8044 This movie is not a blow by blow documentary depicting the minute intricacies of Napoleonic battles. It's a character study about the big man himself. If you fail to grasp that, you're a bigger fool than old Boney was.
@@claremontcowboy7409 funny how it's a character study that completely neglects the real attributes napoleon was described to have. This isn't a character study it's a hit piece
YT search "War and Peace, Part Three". Its epic Soviet move with english subtitles inspired by Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace novel. Almost all this part is about Borodino battle and all movie is about russian perspective of 1812 war with Napoleon. I dont think we will see better movie version about Borodino battle that this in our life time.
@@claremontcowboy7409 a charcuterie study about the greatest tactical commander of modern history. Yet they don’t show any of his tactics. Neither in this battle nor any others. As for his character outside of warfare they complete mangled what any person remotely familiar with the real man would’ve known. No showcase of his political manuevers. A complete skip over of Talleyrand. And the whole Josephine story was overblown. And you swoop as low as to call somone names as a point of argument. If anyone is the fool it’s you my friend.
Ik its easier said then done considering you can only fit so many huge events into one movie, but I definitely wish we could’ve seen more about the Russian campaign in this movie
And that's the problem with this cut,Though I hear that the 4 hour Apple TV presentation is more coherent.
Oh you mean this 6 minute clip wasn’t enough? 😂😂😂
First said.
Then done.
Ooooh did you mean THAN done. FFS when will people learn the difference between then and than.
@@iwritechecksatthegrocerystore maybe it only took 6 minutes lol
As you said, you can only fit so much into one movie, and Ridley Scott attempted to cover the entirety of Napoleon's career in one film. I honestly think he did about as well as one could do, given the circumstances, and I like it for what it is, despite its shortcomings.
First, Ridley Scott has weirdly some soft spot for fighting in the woods - it is in all his movies. Second, he has no idea how battles where fought in Napoleon times . Infantry did not run into battle breaking the lines and order, it was unthinkable. It marched slowly in even formations back and forth, but to film that, you need to train participants to do that, a lot of work and research
You’re describing textbook infantry. Battles don’t always go according to textbook. Soldiers are not textbook trained to never falter all the time in history.
@@Aroverlord Oh, yeah, rrright, they all ran around like rabbits... Take the memoirs of those who fought in these wars and read them. Your Ridley Scott is plain ignorant
@@nicolafiliber3062 lol, what do you think happens when a line is broken? What do you think happens when morale is low? You think there isn’t a moment in any battle in history, even for just a moment, where it got “out of hand”? I can tell you one. How about the civil war Petersburg crater battle? What the heck do you think that was? Memoirs describe it as a “turkey shoot”. Running around like rabbits.
Enjoy life a little, stop scrutinizing everything.
@@Aroverlord I am not gonna enjoy poorly made reconstruction of historical events. I am not going to persuade an amateur about historical realities of Napoleonic wars. I understand that your ignorance makes the world full of wonders
Слово происходит от французского >, то есть часть, отряд регулярных войск. Это более многочисленный прототип современных разведывательно-диверсионных групп. Они совершали рейды по тылам, наносили удары по армейской коммуникации, препятствовали снабжению. Действие партизан были согласованы со штабом регулярной армии. В войне с Наполеоном преобладали именно такие - армейские партизаны. Позже им стали помогать стихийно возникшие отряды народной самообороны. Первый > возглавил Фердинанд Винценгероде. И сразу же в стычке под Витебском его отряд захватил в плен 800 солдат противника. Отряд Давыдова, Кудашёва, Чернышёва, Дорохова, Селавина устраивали засады, нападали на обозы, захватывали курьеров, освобождали пленных, изнуряли внезапными атаками отступающую армию Наполеона. Действия партизан называли >. Они имели стратегическое значение и помогли выиграть войну большую.
Hello everyone!
If you want to understand, why the movie differs from the history (and the movie still called "Napoleon"). Its for purpose. Scott is British, and they always laughed at this part of French history. This movie is just a parody (but expensive parody). That's all.
One does not simply walk into Russia
Скоро увидим...
@@aleksandrdepavlov5602 God is with Russia
Sweden, France, Germany were all relieved of their Empireship 🤣
@@aleksandrdepavlov5602кастрюлю сними. Никто этого не увидит.
@@ЛюкДэверо-ы3к высри ещё что-нибудь шаромыжник!
1:44 They shout "Wracać!" (Go back!) meaning they are Polish troops that accompanied Napoleon on this operation, more than 100,000 out of 600,000 expedition force.
0:11 would the use of the word “Germany” be accurate here? I believe there wasn’t a unified state at the time and he’s probably referring to Prussia.
Good catch. It's not totally inaccurate as the term "Allemagne" was in use at the time, albeit only as a geographical region for all german-speaking countries, much like with "Italy". However, as he lists "Germany" next to "Austria", it's probably wrong. What is today called "Austria" back then would have been included in what was then called "Germany".
He would be referring to the Confederation of the Rhine which Prussia wasn’t part of.
The whole movie is a spit in history
@@JozeManuLOL yeah I remember wondering in the theater why they skipped or glossed over so many important events just to showcase what they thought his personal life was. True or not it should’ve been about why he’s such an important figure in the first place
Visuals and sounds are amazing though
Fun fact Scott is using the same audio as the Borodino charge scene in the War and Peace Miniseries
Sounded like it.
I thought it sounded familiar.
I'd rather watch a movie about his Russian retreat ... and the crossing of the Berezina .... it wasn't just the winter that killed his army, it was him, but it wasn't just his army that was able to cross the Berezina, it was him. By the time they got to the Berezina the army hated him. It cannot have been fun for him to be hated by a starving, freezing, cannibal desperate mob .... but they didn't kill him because they needed his genius to get them through. He pulled it off. What other general was such a genius?
You fanboying over general who died in exilement because of his heavy losses.
ye, he was genius. As thousands other human warlords trough human history. But somewhere in the end of top.
@@HjartulvHuh? You kidding right?
Napoleon was a great general, but the Russian Campaign was an unmitigated disaster that was entirely his own fault. It's not something to laud his genius over.
@Hjartulv I mean.. dude was the best general ever. Got way to greedy lol. But he wasn't just some guy
@@waynedugger7697 He literally lost because of strategic mistakes and inability to deal with logistics.
He not even close to the "best" general ever. You r delusional.
I didn't know Napoleon was made of wood...He says his lines like a Kid in a High School Play
Love how napoleon rides the horse at 3:18, makes it seem so cool.
Hope the movie shows the retreat of Napoleon from Russia during winter. That was epic...
it was alright
@@romans8024 what was alright? Napoleon's retreat from Russia? And Russians Cossacks in Paris afterwards? Do you know where the French word Bistro came from?
The Cossacks were brutal.
And certainly looked quite different from what the movie shows us😂
@@eugenepavlov2280supposedly the ones of the movie were Kalmuk cossacks which did exist but well some of the uniforms are quite different ye
@@facuuu2809 as other ethnic groups within the Russian empire the Kalmyks did provide troops for the Russian army. But from what I read only 3 cavalry regiments were fielded in 1812, about 1500 men in total. So, not particularly representative and the decision to present this “diverse” cast in a unrelated to history way seems not justified in a movie, bordering with racism. Also, as I said, they served as light cavalry, not as mortar shooting weird-looking homeless people. They did fight in one military unit with the cossacks under Platov, because cossacks also acted as light cav, but they certainly were not considered belonging to the same class as Cossacks. The Cossacks, being a social strata and a way of live defined people, rather than an ethnic group, did have different ethnic influences within their groups, because they essentially lived in the borderlands and often married foreign women. But still predominantly they were just your regular eastern slavic white males
@@eugenepavlov2280 cossacks did use mortars against french troops, at least from what I read (mainly Ure) they did use these small cannons which could be easily transported for these kind of attacks but I get your point, showing all cossacks as asians is certainly wrong, they were ethnically diverse but that also included slavs
@Hmzmslm and? Cossacks did not care too much about religion to begin with, yes, they were generally orthodox but they literally sided with anyone (from tatars to poles to turks to russians).
In the first scene (ambush) the absence of Maximus is striking. That's the reason for emperor's defeat🤷🏼♂️
Can you imagine President Micron even doing this? After giving the order to invade Russia, he'll be the first one to hide under the catacombs of Paris! 😂
The charge cavary is a cut of italian campaing. If you pay attention, Napoleon use his general uniform and the same with the cavary with revolutionary clothes
austrian cavalry uniforms as well
Not Austrians exactly. More like Russian heavy cavalry in their 1805 Austerlitz uniforms. Without the cuirasse. They would look different in 1812.
yes, it's Marengo
he holds his saber in the left hand. Flipped shot?
You would have thought Hitler would have learned from Napoleon😂😂😂
Exactly !!!
Same big mistake...
You can’t reason with an egotistical psycho who wants to conquer..He likely viewed himself, and the SS as far superior to Napoleon and his Army. In his mind there was no way they would ever fail like that..until they did!!
у нас в России есть торт Наполеон, он довольно прост в изготовлении и его стряпают как хозяйки в семьях, так в кафе и в дорогих ресторанах. А рецепт известен очень давно, кондитеры, на этот счет шутят - с 1812 года... 😉
Не буди лихо, пока спит тихо, как говорится
The heroic and ultimately fatal effort of the Dutch Engineers and their desperate bridge construction during the retreat would be worth an episode in itself..