if you consider being poor as shit and having no way to improve your situation through hard work as winning then yeah I guess you could say everyone is a winner in socialism. When everyone is a winner no one is truly a winner, and no one will have any incentive to work which just makes everything even worse.TheTadej123
If you are using the soviet/eastern european/chinese or any other model of the socialist/communist system as an example then you are wrong. Im talking about the PURE socialism which will be achieved in a couple of generations.
What Karl Marx and Lenin said a long time ago is getting relevant day by day, Russo-Ukrainian war is the answer for this, how profit makers and oligarchs would ruin the working class' lives for their imperialism.
Hopefully the situation lets people wake up to the fact that there are no losers in this game besides working people. The rich in Russia AND America benefit from this war, more people need to see it that way
What Marx said is pretty relevant. Marxism-Leninism, however, sucks. That just lead to forced industrialization, human rights suppression, and much other unnecessary suffering under the rule of one-party states.
@@wyattsteel411 to play devils advocate, Lenin’s/mao’s revolutions were the only successful one to date. Yes, they ushered in socialism with brute force, but in doing so launched their countries to #2 and #3 on the world stage. Having previously been agrarian, feudal states with virtually no potential, that’s a fairly impressive feat. Socialism is powerful, we must make sure it comes from the people, and acts solely in the people’s will, lest we let past mistakes be repeated
@@wyattsteel411 I don’t like the Lenin idea of the vanguard party, and especially human civil liberty suppression. But just for the economic record Lenin Instituted mostly small business liberalism, independent Worker cooperatives, With only a few industries under state control it was called the NEP new economic policy. He believed that historical materialism reached only that level and advocated evolutionary socialism from that point. The policy lasted until November 1929. Why? Because there was an international collapse of capitalism, stock market, Great Depression. Stalin immediately collectivized and industrialized as a response. He ended the liberal NEP small businesses but kept the small independent cooperative sector and state collectivized command economy for the rest. But Stalin was not the only Nation with this response, most western countries utilized a moderate version of state capitalism command economics at this time including the USA new deal.
No debate is needed as this is a work of art, created from the hearts of men yearning for improvement. It is irrelevant at the moment you are listening whether the sentiment is morally correct, historically successful, or simply a propaganda tool. It's a beautiful and stirring piece of music that expresses, lyrically, a fundamental post-enlightenment human desire.
@@eddietuite732 bro.... no I could make a more in dept discussion about it, but to sumarize, Lenin is a god compared to the other rulers of Russia, still there should be no gods and no masters
They hire you because they receive more money. once Economy regress a little bit, with huge amount of money, poor as us are always the first be fired. That is the nature of Capitalism.
Я не сказал бы что капитализм что лучшая система, мы с детство жили в социализме и не было не каких эмоции, 15 республики дружили крепко и не разрушимо, Скажу так я видел как дети капиталистами приезжали к нам пионерский лагерь Артек и когда в конце уезжали со слезами не глазах и им не охотно было возвращатся свою капитал страну. Настоящий время ю, хочу выразится, что ваши капиталисты в глубоком душе, любят Россию
I am Russian.I was born after Soviet fail,but this song lives in my heart,as a faith in a better world. World without wars,horror,nazism and fascism. World where you know-all will be fine and person isn't a tool for making a profit .Do not lose confidence, comrades, we are right. After all, as Rosa Luxemburg said, socialism or barbarism.
@@echo-channel77 I couldn’t agree more . The freedom of the worker to own and determine what happens to the means of production and the product are second only to freedom of speech
Let’s enjoy this song together, Free of infighting. The song was composed by an anarchist and written by a Marxist, we may have our disagreements, but here we are all fighting for a better Earth that’s rid of capitalism, let’s bask in our unity and enjoy this lovely song . ☭ I lean more Marxist-Leninist, but I accept whatever Left Deviations are necessary to push against Capital
I suggest you learn more about your pitiful ideology and history, mainly to the fact that your way to ´´communist utopia´´ ended with more than a 100 million people dead. Thats more than the people dead in WW2 altogether, mind you. Have a good day :)
Вставай, проклятьем заклеймённый, Весь мир голодных и рабов! Кипит наш разум возмущённый, И в смертный бой ввести готов! Весь мир насилья мы разрушим До основанья, а затем Мы наш, мы новый мир построим Кто был ничем - тот станет всем! Припев : Это есть наш последний, И решительный бой С Интернационалом Воспрянет род людской! Это есть наш последний, И решительный бой С Интернационалом Воспрянет род людской! Никто не даст нам избавленья ; Ни бог, ни царь, и ни герой Добьёмся мы освобожденья Своею собственной рукой Чтоб свергнуть гнёт рукой умелой, Отвоевать своё добро(имущество) - Вступайте в бой и куйте смело Пока железо горячо! Припев : Это есть наш последний, И решительный бой С Интернационалом Воспрянет род людской! Это есть наш последний, И решительный бой С Интернационалом Воспрянет род людской! Лишь мы, работники всемирной Великой армии труда Владеть землёй имеем право, Но паразиты - никогда! И если гром великий грянет Над сворой псов и палачей - Для нас всё так же солнце встанет Сиять огнём своих лучей! Припев : Это есть наш последний, И решительный бой С Интернационалом Воспрянет род людской! Это есть наш последний, И решительный бой С Интернационалом Воспрянет род людской!
I can't believe I have to say this again. Keep the comments civil. Ideological debate is accepted. Debate, not random name calling and bashing. Also, if anyone can give me a rough summary of the Russian noun case system, please comment so below. Also would the owner of a grey Mitsubishi Lancer please move it away from that parking spot. Thanks!
Its just that all videos related to communism instantly attracts capitalists from mainly the USA, and they just cannot resist performing what they call an 'argument'. In all my encounters and arguments with Americans, the only thing I can ever seem to hear is 'MERICA FUCK YEAH' and 'FUCK YOU COMMIES WE GOT DEZ FREEDUM'. The communists and socialist have a slightly lower count of assholes. I am not saying arguments against communism are invalid, I am only telling you that the border wars between communists and capitalists will NEVER cease, and telling them to be civil will end with no results.
Because what you are thinking of is the Soviet Union and North Korea, which cannot produce enough food for its population. In an ideal communist country, everyone would have plenty of bread all the time. Oh, and in America, the homeless cant even eat bread, they are forced to poison themselves with Mcdonalds and KFC. If enough countries were communist, trade would form, and the food problem would be solved. Do not judge a massive concept on one thing. America has been blessed with farming regions and a manageable population, the Soviet Union has the food bowl of Ukraine, but really, with a population that huge, no one is going to get lots of food. BUT, there are no homeless people in USSR, and everyone gets food at least. In America, Rich feast all day, middle class eat normally, lower class, perhaps quite a bit of Mcdonalds, and the homeless, which either starve or live off the shit-clippings of others.
@@ignacio27 correct and incorrect at the same time. Correct because Marx said "Proletarians of all countries, unite!" in his writing, which sounds neat in German ("Proletarier aller Länder vereinigt Euch!") but was deemed not 'catchy' enough for English readers. Therefore, when Schapper translated the Manifesto, he changed it to "Workers of the world". Questionably it's still Marx words, just phrased slightly differently. Also, how much Marx was involved in this translation is questionable, he might have actually been the one who came up with the translation and Schapper just wrote it.
@@shinoftilsadig.565 So your okay with people being murdered who don't think like you... The problem isn't that "real communism has never been tried", it's that it has been tried TOO MANY times.
I think any intellectually honest human being can admit that the USSR had a fair share of wonderful anthems and music. I also think the vision of the Soviet Union was a beautiful and commendable one, regardless of whether or not it was reachable.
+Myth Odiir It was reachable and had doubled its GDP despite the devastating war with fascism until betrayed by Krushchev revisionism that opened the path for the restoration of capitalism under Gorbachev.
+Åke Persson Yup. The brutal reality radical socialism wanted to address (the great loss of human potential) it made even more severe. I know it's a cliche, but communism is convincing on paper, in practice it becomes overtaken by opportunism and greed.
The devolution of Communist states into despotic oligarchies is a worthy topic for study. Personally I think there are 3 major issues: 1. Communism in a state can't work, so long as the rest of the world remains capitalist. That is like trying to compete in the Tour d'France without using steroids. If you are thinking "Doesn't that mean capitalism is stronger then communism?" the answer is yes and no. It is strength the comes at a price, much like steroids. In the case of Capitalism, that price is wanton human suffering. 2. Common sociopathy. Whether you like it or not, sociopaths walk among us and are born every day. Capitalism was pretty much made for them, but that doesn't mean they can't find success in other economic systems. Wherever hierarchies exist, sociopaths will try to dominate them. Where they don't exist, sociopaths will try to create them. This is as true under communism as any other economic or political system. 3. Cult of Personality. This issue has always plagued communist regimes. Every communist regime is defined by its leader. Stalin, Mao, Castro, Kim Jong Ill; the history of Communism is inseparable from these names. When you can reduce a entire ideology to a face, it weakens the ideology. Narcissism can be just as socially destructive as sociopathy. Indeed the two tend to go hand in hand. (A lesson America is currently learning, right now)
Many an American sang this, particularly immigrants from Eastern Europe at the turn of the 20th century, with hopes that the US truly would and could become the land with liberty and justice for all. They led strikes, created Unions that gave us the weekend, and are a proud part of American history.
In memory of my BRAVE and NOBLE father Alexander Marcowich who left his home in Glasgow, Scotland to join with his Comrades of the International Brigade in it's fight against the fascist Franco regime in Spain - many never returned :(
Allan Marcowich I didn't have such a father (different continent, Africa) but I'm glad you/we did have such a person fighting fascism at the time. And although I never knew him, I'm proud of him to have done so too.
Lyrics: Vstavay, proklyat'yem zakleymyonny, ves' mir golodnykh i rabov! Kipit nash razum vozmuschchyonny I v smertny boy vesti gotov. Ves' mir nasilya my razrushim do oslovanya, a zatem My nash, my novy mir postroim, kto byl nichem, tot stanet vsem. Eto yest nash posledniy I reshitelniy boy. S Internatsionalom vospryanet rod lyudskoy Eto yest nash posledniy I reshitelniy boy. S Internatsionalom vospryanet rod lyudskoy Nikto dast nam izbavlenya: Ni bog, ni tsar i ne geroy! Dobyomsya my osvobozhdenya svoyeyu sobstvennoy rukoy. Chtob svergnut' gnyot rukoy umeloy, otvoyevat' svoyo dobro. Vzduvayre gorn i kuyte smelo, poka zhelezo goryacho! Eto yest nash posledniy I reshitelniy boy. S Internatsionalom vospryanet rod lyudskoy. Eto yest nash posledniy I reshitelniy boy. S Internatsionalom vospryanet rod lyudskoy. Lish my, rabotniki vsemirony velikoy armii truda. Vladet' zemlyoy imeyen pravo, no parazity-nikogda! I yesli grom velikiy gryanet nad svoroy psov i palachey. Dlya nas vsyo tak zhe solntse stanet siyat' ognyom svoikh luchey. Eto yest nash posledniy I reshitelniy boy. S Internatsionalom vospryanet rod lyudskoy. Eto yest nash posledniy I reshitelniy boy. S Internatsionalom vospryanet rod lyudskoy.
Today's May 1st. In this modern world of dominating capitalism and communalism, suppressed workers still look forward to their demands being fulfilled. The internationale shall unite them together, unite us together and let again history repeat itself, and let the upcoming century hoist the red flag with pride and glory.
@Eminem So true. Like 16 year olds are So stupid. ... ... Why can't I snap my fingers and actually have my brain complete without waiting almost a fucking decade.
Is cuck literraly the only word Internet Nazi's know? Cuck this Cuck that. Why make and construct actual comprehensive arguments to persuade the other person of your argument if you can throw around one four letter word?
@@mnvmngom1901 there is no organisation called "hindutva", it is the idea of protecting the culture which has been stabbed for 1000 years by different outsiders. And btw don't act as if communism is any different from real fascism in terms of human rights, communism and fascism have killed and tortured people on similar scale. Main difference is that fascism is based on racial or religious identity , while communism isn't. Apart from that both are opposite sides of same coin.
@@JakesJoy31 Firstly if Modi were a fascist you would not have been allowed to access this video and write this. Or you would have died the following day after you wrote this . The fact that you people can go around screaming this fascist that fascist is enough to prove that there is no fascism here. Also , point to be noted that communists don't equally oppose all religions , rather they actually support and justify the actions of radical Islamists and suicide bombers . Bunch of hypocrites
Some Australian kids were stuck on an island. They adopted socialist policies without even thinking about it. They helped each other in times of need, they worked together in times of hardship and they kept each other happy during times of depression. Socialism is rooted in our brains, we just don’t know it yet
I know this is about Humans in general, but a funny little fact about Australia is that our Southern Cross flag originated from a worker's rebellion against the British.
Yeah, socialism can work in small groups, but on a large scale where people don’t have personal connections with eachother, people will start to look out for their families above other people’s. I guarantee if another group of Australian kids came to the island and started taking up resources, the original kids would look after the people they were on the island with originally, and not the others. Its not socialism thats routed in our brains, its the need to protect and help those who you know and love.
I feel crimson fire burning in my heart, sparking with gold, its scarlet tongues of flame dancing to this glorious sound. I feel the smouldering embers of revolution begin to light, and they burst into beautiful flame, rising and wavering, and from the ashes rise a majestic phoenix, the power of proletarians.
8 years ! Congratulations. All politics and memes aside, this is a musical masterpiece! Made by French and Belgian, Popularised by Soviets. I wish they recorded the entire 6 verses.
It is 16/03/2020 today. No one in the EU responded to Italy's call for help. Only Cuba, China and Venezuela send their medical teams to support Italy, All of them lead by socialist or communist parties.
Thanks for Soviet historic existence. It's an inspiration for we all workers in the world. Although it walked into some wrong directions, it's still the valid support for the International community.
Isn't asking, nay, demanding, a diverse group of folks from around the world to unite under the banner of a common cause, and against a common enemy, a sort of imperialism? Cool name btw. Do you read it きゅうざん、くやま、きゅうさん、or something else entirely? Sometimes the simplest jukugo have the hardest readings to guess.
russ.transcription Vstavai proklyatiem zakleimenny ves mir golodnykh i rabov kipit nash razum vozmuschenny i smertny boi vesti gotov Ves mir nasilia my razrushym do osnovania a zatem my nash, my novy mir postroim kto byl nichem tot stanet vsem Eto yest nash poskedny i reshitelny boi s internatsyonalom vospryanet rod lydsko eto yest nash posledny i reshitelny boi s internatsyonalom vospryanet rod lydskoi
What's your point? Are you saying people don't die in capitalist societies? Roughly 3,000 people die from homelessness in the US per month. At least stalin's famines were planned acts of genocide, should be noted that under Lenin things would have been so different it would be doubtful you would even harbor such feelings. Or are you implying capitalists are peaceful? How many innocent people does the US kill per year again?
johl kohl , no, there wouldnt. its a suppressed statistic, and its probably way, way higher than that. homeless deaths aren't required to be reported to any government agency like the CDC, so this was based off per day estimates.
johl kohl buddy i made this comment a year ago, if i recall correctly it was something like the national center on homelessness or something like that, and that was rounded from 97 or something. aint about to drop what i'm doing to look it up, but if you have access to a library with PRJs I suggest looking into it yourself. either way more research needs to be done.
When people think of communist songs, they think of the USSR Anthem or the Soviet March (not even a real communist song), yet always forget about The Internationale which IS the original communist song
My father who was English loved this song and taught me the words in English he hated capitalism all his life, he told me the words of an English politician who said if we don't take the working class half way to Russia they'll take us all the way
Боюсь констатировать факт что пациент мёртв 23 декобря 1953 года сердце остановилось. Да инерция была колоссальная до сих пор многое в россии держиться на ней. Но ссср мёртв, в ВОВ умерли те кто могли продолжить дело коммунизма, а те кто остались было не интересно ничего кроме как почему КПSS не живёт как на западе палитиканы? Так для этого надо нужен рынок, и пошло что у госплана каждый год новый руководитель и структурная перестройка каждый воторой а к 60-ым так вообще отодвинули от реальной экономики и ввели ряд рыночных реформ мудака и либермана. Вспомните когда в 1957г (не уверен) Фидель Кастро что за цирк они устроили. Хоть ТОВАРИЩА Струмилина почитайте. В следующем году как 80 лет отменили СССР, может стоит строить что то новое? Если у Сталина были проблемы с уходом от товарности то час очевидно что это роботизация которую так бояться и говорят буржуи, нужны были сотни людей чтоб подсчиать план а час это пару эконом-програмистов достаточно. Времена изменились давно изучить этот опыт как ленин изучил опыт парижской коммуны мы обязаны, но делать как там нельзя! Тем более в обществе много тех кто его не любит и дискредитирует как партия КПSS РФ "Партия гибнет, если она замыкается в свою узкопартийную скорлупу, если она отрывается от масс, если она покрывается бюрократическим налетом. "Можно признать, как правило, говорит тов. Сталин, что пока большевики сохраняют связь с широкими массами народа, они будут непобедимыми. И, наоборот, стоит большевикам оторваться от масс и потерять связь с ними, стоит им покрыться бюрократической ржавчиной, чтобы они лишились всякой силы и превратились в пустышку. У древних греков в системе их мифологии был один знаменитый герой Антей, который был, как повествует мифология, сыном Посейдона - бога морей, и Геи - богини земли. Он питал особую привязанность к матери своей, которая его родила, вскормила и воспитала. Не было такого героя, которого бы он не победил - этот Антей. Он считался непобедимым героем. В чем состояла его сила? Она состояла в том, что каждый раз, когда ему в борьбе с противником приходилось туго, он прикасался к земле, к своей матери, которая родила и вскормила его, и получал новую силу. Но у него было все-таки свое слабое место - это опасность быть каким-либо образом оторванным от земли. Враги учитывали эту его слабость и подкарауливали его. И вот нашелся враг, который использовал эту его слабость и победил его. Это был Геркулес. Но как он его победил? Он оторвал его от земли, поднял на воздух, отнял у него возможность прикоснуться к земле и задушил его, таким образом, в воздухе. Я думаю, что большевики напоминают нам героя греческой мифологии, Антея. Они, так же, как и Антей, сильны тем, что держат связь со своей матерью, с массами, которые породили, вскормили и воспитали их. И пока они держат связь со своей матерью, с народом, они имеют все шансы на то, чтобы остаться непобедимыми. В этом ключ непобедимости большевистского руководства" " (краткий курс ВКП(б) 1937г) почитай что творилось в 1950-ые, а именно это и происходило "ведь партии веднее, чем нам на местах; в партии не дураки сидят и т.д.". Так что понятно почему первым делом осудили краткий курс ВКП(б) когда в открытую отменяли социализм по словами "барьба с культом личности"
I'm a Soc Dem but I have a tendency to rebel against injustices with passion and what happened to George Floyd is what one the prime examples as to why there's widespread protests in the U.S. They have had enough. I stand in solidarity with BLM and peaceful protesters, Anarchists just don't kill the common people. Overthrow those who oppose us otherwise for a better tomorrow.
Anarchists are misguided. Their systems will never succeed on a scale larger than a small breakaway state. It simply doesn’t work, but they’ll never accept it. Marxism is the only viable leftist ideology
@@stephenscrub2114 Engels said that states exist to preserve class structures and will "wither away." en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Withering_away_of_the_state State socialism (like the USSR had under Marxism-Leninism) is more practical than pure Marxism.
Since you were conveniently taking a slumber from your selective protests when the same thing was going on with millions of Uighurs in Xinjiang communist China along with Taiwan Hong Kong etc, it's better that you at least try and act neutral by keeping shut in this case as well😏
SOON. As a side note, it must be stressed that Hillary would have been just as awful; remember never to trust either candidate in elections like these. Anyway, an oppressor is an oppressor; we shouldn't take their bullshit system any longer. With the unrest in the USA going on right now, this is a great opportunity for massive social change.
The only thing that can be said for Clinton is that it would've been more of the same. Trump's win emboldened groups like the Alt-right and other hateful people, which will lead to a greater amount of harm for oppressed groups within the USA.
Lol the American people are anti-revolutionary by nature. USA is unfortunately the ultimate unfertile ground for a socialist government, let alone a revolution. Sorry, but that won't happen at least in 200 hundred years.
The Voice of Koča Popović you seen these new statistics? out of millennials 55% view socialism favorably and only 33% view capitalism favorably if anything now would be a time for revolution in ameri
@@sloppyjoe9070 you do realize the different between economy model and goverment model right ?The USSR have a planned economy system, doesn't mean every socialists country have to have a planned economy, just to let you know why Vietnamese agree with this : "Cause if you know about socialism enough , we call the free market is the transfer stage to communism" socialism doesn't mean we have to have a planned economy , we are currently using the NEP 's economy of Lenin ,"most people are better off in a free-market economy even though some people are rich and some are poor" you know why we don't like planned economy ? with most of us the planned economy fail because it is not fit with the situation of today human's moral , cause some people are to lazy and they don't have much achievement (if they are hard working but they don't have much achievement, we may accept) ,it only work if all human moral are high ,that is why the free market fit , but free market doesn't mean the poor don't have the motivation to get a better living standard, that is why Viet's gov do as their original purpose ,we decrease the poor class turn them into middle class over time the poor class are decreasing and the middle class are getting bigger , beside the poor in Vietnam mostly are these kind of people :"gambler,drunker,multi-child family(over 3 child), loner old peoples (their family are all dead cause of war or they don't have child) have a higher tax on the rich and decrease the tax on the poor and middle class , and using the rich's tax to support the poor , educate the poor how to get better product and buy them specific tool to help them have better product
@@sloppyjoe9070 beside i wonder why the reporter don't ask directly, with most of Vietnamese take capitalists as individualists which mean don't have any duty with society(freedom in Western's mean), and most of Vietnamese live as collectivists which mean they put the duty for society on top ,you can see the reason directly at the covid crisis , meanwhile Vietnam solved the problem , the US have to struggle cause many people 's can't even use a mask ,and some even say the stupid things like "God give us breath , why we stop it?" the Vietnam collectivists ruclips.net/video/LDk9CW82puo/видео.html rice atm (people help each other by sharing food)
@@sloppyjoe9070 by the way the planned economy started to heavily used since Stalin's era , not Lenin's era , and Vietnam is Marx-Lenin-HoChiMinh 's way of system , get it ?
@@skywishr1313 Dude its Theory.... Before Capitalism there was Feudalism. and then capitalism then it'll be Socialism, karl Marx told that, Without Capitalism you can't achieve Socialism. China is Biggest example of Marxists-Leninist and look its winning and US loosing
like ginsberg said in Howl: "I'm with you in Rockland Where there are twentyfive thousand mad comrades all together singing the final stanzas of the Internationale"
Nowhere my comrade, the revolution carries on. It is our duty to achieve communism, no dictator nor an elite, we the people must unite, not be subjugated into it.
Я из Индонезии, очень благодарен за услуги России, которая помогла нам освободиться от колониализма, но, к сожалению, наш 2-й президент не соответствует Сукарно, его использовала Америка.Чтобы стать приспешниками капиталистов, мы, индонезийцы, всегда будем поддерживать Россию до конца жизни. спасибо Россия Спасибо президенту Никите Хрущеву Спасибо, Сукарно.
Russia is capitaist state with no doubt and this song should be sung by proletariats of russia as well as workers of korea and america japan and germany all around the world
同志们,首先很高兴在这里见到大家(来自中国的十七岁高中生),在这里我想说一下我自己的见解,供大家批判: 1.我们因为共同的敌人和目标团结在一起,但我们不应因为各自秉承的价值观走到对立面,因为目前的每个国家都面临着不同的情况,但是马克思主义并不是教条化的东西,我们支持的道路不同不应该阻隔我们,使我们互相指责。 2受剥削国家首先要解决被外部压榨的问题,这时的资产阶级和无产阶级的联合是重要的(中国抗日战争),因为世界被划分为剥削民族和受剥削民族两派时,民族矛盾会上升为国际共产主义运动的巨大局限,而弥补的关键就是将受剥削的民族联合起来。 3无产阶级必须在全方位活动,无产阶级革命发生后,应该指定全世界无产阶级发展的共同战略,因为国际主义是我们无产阶级革命的准则之一。无产阶级和世界垄断资本主义的斗争以及第三世界民主革命派和世界垄断资本主义的斗争之所以存在就是因为资本的垄断。 4无产阶级也必须清楚的认识到民族资产阶级的软弱性和两面性,以及我们与他们之间目标的不可调和性。 5第三世界中存在的被压迫无产阶级和资产阶级由于受到垄断资本主义的压迫,应该通力合作,在同时无产阶级必须独立自主的发展,孤立中间派的资产阶级并争取小资产阶级(比如小卖部的老板,他可以选择扩大自己的规模成为大资产阶级,也可以选择不)和民主派资产阶级。 Товарищи, во-первых, я очень рад встрече с вами здесь (семнадцатилетний школьник из Китая) Здесь я хотел бы высказать свое собственное мнение для всех, чтобы критиковать: 1. Нас объединяют общие враги и цели, но мы не должны переходить на противоположные стороны из-за ценностей, которые мы отстаиваем, потому что каждая страна в настоящее время сталкивается с разными ситуациями, но марксизм - это не догма, у нас разные пути поддержка не должна удерживать нас от обвинения друг друга. 2 Эксплуатируемые страны должны сначала решить проблему эксплуатации внешним миром.В это время важен союз между буржуазией и пролетариатом (Война сопротивления Китая против японской агрессии), потому что, когда мир разделен на две фракции эксплуататорских наций и эксплуатируемых наций, возникнут межэтнические конфликты, возникло как огромное ограничение международного коммунистического движения, и ключом к восполнению является объединение эксплуатируемых наций. 3. Пролетариат должен действовать во всех направлениях.После пролетарской революции должна быть обозначена общая стратегия развития пролетариата во всем мире, ибо интернационализм есть один из принципов нашей пролетарской революции. Борьба между пролетариатом и мировым монополистическим капитализмом и борьба между революционерами-демократами в третьем мире и мировым монополистическим капитализмом существует благодаря монополии капитала. 4. Пролетариат также должен ясно осознать слабость и двойственность национальной буржуазии, непримиримость с ней наших целей. 5 Угнетенный пролетариат и буржуазия, существующие в третьем мире, потому что они угнетены монополистическим капитализмом, должны работать вместе, и в то же время пролетариат должен развиваться самостоятельно, изолировать центристскую буржуазию и победить мелкую буржуазию (как, например, интендантские боссы), он может выбирать, увеличивать свои размеры, чтобы стать крупной буржуазией, или он может не выбирать) и демократическую буржуазию. Comrades, first of all, I am very happy to meet you here (a seventeen-year-old high school student from China). Here I would like to express my own opinion for everyone to criticize: 1. We are united by common enemies and goals, but we should not go to opposite sides because of the values we uphold, because every country currently faces a different situation, but Marxism is not a dogmatic thing, we The different paths of support should not keep us from blaming each other. 2 The exploited countries must first solve the problem of being exploited by the outside world. At this time, the alliance between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat is important (China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression), because when the world is divided into two factions, the exploiting nations and the exploited nations, ethnic conflicts will arise. It has risen as a huge limitation of the international communist movement, and the key to make up is to unite the exploited nations. 3 The proletariat must be active in all directions. After the proletarian revolution, a common strategy for the development of the proletariat around the world should be designated, because internationalism is one of the principles of our proletarian revolution. The struggle between the proletariat and world monopoly capitalism and the struggle between the democratic revolutionaries in the third world and world monopoly capitalism exists because of the monopoly of capital. 4 The proletariat must also clearly recognize the weakness and duality of the national bourgeoisie, and the irreconcilability of our goals with them. 5 The oppressed proletariat and bourgeoisie that exist in the third world, because they are oppressed by monopoly capitalism, should work together, and at the same time the proletariat must develop independently, isolate the centrist bourgeoisie and win over the petty bourgeoisie (such as the commissary bosses). , he can choose to expand his size to become the big bourgeoisie, or he can choose not) and the democratic bourgeoisie.
终有一日阶级的墙被推破,披着共产主义外皮的邪恶政权终会被无产阶级推到,任何反人民的势力终将灭亡! One day, the wall of class will be broken, the evil regime wrapped in the skin of communism will be pushed to the proletariat, and any anti people forces will eventually perish! 終有一日階級的牆被推破,披著共產主義外皮的邪惡政權終會被無產階級推到,任何反人民的勢力終將滅亡! когда - нибудь стены классового класса будут снесены, порочная власть, облеченная в кожу коммунизма, в конечном счете будет вытеснена пролетариатом, и любые антинародные силы погибнут!
@@red_isopat Yeah, the revolution itself was bloodless but what about the aftereffects? Hitler being elected was also bloodless but what happened before and after?
'Communist country' is the most illogical term ever exists in debate of communism. It basically depicts the depth of knowledge of someone about communism who says this. In fact, in communism there is no state, money, class or country. So that's a stateless situation,. You can't call a country communist. Highest you can say socialist. But unfortunately the so called socialist countries lacked so many important traits of socialism too. For example, Stalin made USSR a state socialist country where State simply replaced the bourgeoisie. No change occurred in the life of common workers. Before coming to any conclusion, I want to add that Democracy was created in 500 BC. It took more than 2000 years to become successful. Communism will take less time, comrade! Winston Churchill - 'Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm'
"They talk about the failure of socialism but where is the success of capitalism in Africa, Asia and Latin America?" - Fidel Castro
+TheTadej123 yeah in a competitive environment there are winners and losers.
In socialism everyone is a loser.
DeusDeorum in socialism everyone is a winner but they might not posses the same ''things'' as a winer in capitalism would.
if you consider being poor as shit and having no way to improve your situation through hard work as winning then yeah I guess you could say everyone is a winner in socialism.
When everyone is a winner no one is truly a winner, and no one will have any incentive to work which just makes everything even worse.TheTadej123
If you are using the soviet/eastern european/chinese or any other model of the socialist/communist system as an example then you are wrong. Im talking about the PURE socialism which will be achieved in a couple of generations.
Well, then maybe they're both bad?
The kid who made the joke:
France (l'internationale)
The kid who said it louder:
Wasnt the original german ?
@@__________________1892 no, the original was a french song written by Eugène Pottier in 1871 ( during the commune of Paris)
@@yosushundaraelda5285 Ok
It's *our* joke, therefore it cannot be stolen
It doesn't matter who made it,the song shall unite all nations
No pun intended 😅😅
Slav' commrade
What Karl Marx and Lenin said a long time ago is getting relevant day by day, Russo-Ukrainian war is the answer for this, how profit makers and oligarchs would ruin the working class' lives for their imperialism.
Hopefully the situation lets people wake up to the fact that there are no losers in this game besides working people. The rich in Russia AND America benefit from this war, more people need to see it that way
What Marx said is pretty relevant. Marxism-Leninism, however, sucks. That just lead to forced industrialization, human rights suppression, and much other unnecessary suffering under the rule of one-party states.
@@wyattsteel411 to play devils advocate, Lenin’s/mao’s revolutions were the only successful one to date. Yes, they ushered in socialism with brute force, but in doing so launched their countries to #2 and #3 on the world stage. Having previously been agrarian, feudal states with virtually no potential, that’s a fairly impressive feat. Socialism is powerful, we must make sure it comes from the people, and acts solely in the people’s will, lest we let past mistakes be repeated
Российский рабочий класс одобряет войну Z
@@wyattsteel411 I don’t like the Lenin idea of the vanguard party, and especially human civil liberty suppression.
But just for the economic record Lenin Instituted mostly small business liberalism, independent Worker cooperatives, With only a few industries under state control it was called the NEP new economic policy.
He believed that historical materialism reached only that level and advocated evolutionary socialism from that point.
The policy lasted until November 1929. Why? Because there was an international collapse of capitalism, stock market, Great Depression. Stalin immediately collectivized and industrialized as a response. He ended the liberal NEP small businesses but kept the small independent cooperative sector and state collectivized command economy for the rest.
But Stalin was not the only Nation with this response, most western countries utilized a moderate version of state capitalism command economics at this time including the USA new deal.
Can’t spell “your” without “our”
ivanng 2014 socialism confirmed
Im crying ☭ ❤️
No debate is needed as this is a work of art, created from the hearts of men yearning for improvement. It is irrelevant at the moment you are listening whether the sentiment is morally correct, historically successful, or simply a propaganda tool. It's a beautiful and stirring piece of music that expresses, lyrically, a fundamental post-enlightenment human desire.
One of the best comment I've ever seen. I greatly respect you, comrade.
If anything, one should feel sorry for the men who wrote this, as all their idealism and bold hopes for the future turned to nothing in the end.
Like you Lorgar worshipping the Emperor and shit
@T.C. Bramblett Çok doğru
couldn't agree more
literally me after my first day of work at the local supermarket
Stay strong buddy.. one day u may ✊️✊️❤
The fact that this has been translated to so many languages is beautiful to me. It makes me tear up. We are one people.
Long live the Revolution its in all countrys because lenins words are in all peoples hearts
I wish someday the world will unite as one that brings peace love and prosperity
The internet will bring about the second wave of Communism
Long live the great unity of the people of the world!
@@reiri465hopefully soon
Vladimir lenin looking at 2020 russia like: *look how they massacred my boy*
I think Russia is better now under Putin
@@eddietuite732 bro.... no
I could make a more in dept discussion about it, but to sumarize, Lenin is a god compared to the other rulers of Russia, still there should be no gods and no masters
Eddie Tuite Putin is a despot, and Russia is now a slave to its oligarchs and international capitalism.
@@eddietuite732 not really but lenin is not any better
@@boomwizardyt7228 Tell me one thing Lenin did wrong, oh right, he shouldn't have died.
It's 1 may, so Workers of the world, Unite!
Happy 1’st May!
@@bayramalibostanc9812 happy 1st May :)
世界工人团结起来!Internationale must be coming true soon
What a Coincidence that's my Birthday Too
@@ognjengradistanac5380 I thought it was Labor Day
Me before first job: capitalism is the best system ever
Me after first job:
They hire you because they receive more money. once Economy regress a little bit, with huge amount of money, poor as us are always the first be fired. That is the nature of Capitalism.
Я не сказал бы что капитализм что лучшая система, мы с детство жили в социализме и не было не каких эмоции, 15 республики дружили крепко и не разрушимо,
Скажу так я видел как дети капиталистами приезжали к нам пионерский лагерь Артек и когда в конце уезжали со слезами не глазах и им не охотно было возвращатся свою капитал страну.
Настоящий время ю, хочу выразится, что ваши капиталисты в глубоком душе, любят Россию
@@kylieritchie6190Dude C'mon you're literally saying that while listening to a communist anthem
@@kylieritchie6190oh you are complaining about being a slave?? But your masters gave you food!!!!!
I am Russian.I was born after Soviet fail,but this song lives in my heart,as a faith in a better world. World without wars,horror,nazism and fascism. World where you know-all will be fine and person isn't a tool for making a profit .Do not lose confidence, comrades, we are right. After all, as Rosa Luxemburg said, socialism or barbarism.
Chinese comrades are here with you!
ultra capitalism is better
@@babalarassrah Ultra capitalism? You mean fascism?
All politics and memes aside, we have to admit that this is a musical masterpiece
Human rights should not be considered politics
@@amirsalam2115 Should vs. are.
@@amirsalam2115 Freedom and the right to own the fruits of one's own labor should not be considered politics.
@@echo-channel77 I couldn’t agree more . The freedom of the worker to own and determine what happens to the means of production and the product are second only to freedom of speech
@@amirsalam2115 They're first
It has been 102 years comrades. Let us never forget what we stand for! Workers of the world, unite!
Better words have never been spoken.
Holden Ennis may the new decade bring forth the international rise of communism ☭ ❤️
Rise Up Gamers! A new dawn awaits you!! ✊
@Nick G humans are naturally adaptable, human nature is an invalid argument used on any political philosophy whatsoever
Long gone m8, its more people vs globalist establishment, right or left wing isn't much of a thing anymore
Happy May Day comrade
Had to come back to this for the 1st of May
Crap I missed it
Hello I’m Russian
Always happy at may day
@@IwillKillMyselfin11years hello I'm a Russia German
Let’s enjoy this song together, Free of infighting. The song was composed by an anarchist and written by a Marxist, we may have our disagreements, but here we are all fighting for a better Earth that’s rid of capitalism, let’s bask in our unity and enjoy this lovely song . ☭ I lean more Marxist-Leninist, but I accept whatever Left Deviations are necessary to push against Capital
@@Reworkd happy May Day comrade! 🚩
I thought it was composed by a marxist and written by an anarchist?
I suggest you learn more about your pitiful ideology and history, mainly to the fact that your way to ´´communist utopia´´ ended with more than a 100 million people dead. Thats more than the people dead in WW2 altogether, mind you. Have a good day :)
@@kimjongun2081 What’s wrong? I fuck w Juche too
Вставай, проклятьем заклеймённый,
Весь мир голодных и рабов!
Кипит наш разум возмущённый,
И в смертный бой ввести готов!
Весь мир насилья мы разрушим
До основанья, а затем
Мы наш, мы новый мир построим
Кто был ничем - тот станет всем!
Припев :
Это есть наш последний,
И решительный бой
С Интернационалом
Воспрянет род людской!
Это есть наш последний,
И решительный бой
С Интернационалом
Воспрянет род людской!
Никто не даст нам избавленья ;
Ни бог, ни царь, и ни герой
Добьёмся мы освобожденья
Своею собственной рукой
Чтоб свергнуть гнёт рукой умелой,
Отвоевать своё добро(имущество) -
Вступайте в бой и куйте смело
Пока железо горячо!
Припев :
Это есть наш последний,
И решительный бой
С Интернационалом
Воспрянет род людской!
Это есть наш последний,
И решительный бой
С Интернационалом
Воспрянет род людской!
Лишь мы, работники всемирной
Великой армии труда
Владеть землёй имеем право,
Но паразиты - никогда!
И если гром великий грянет
Над сворой псов и палачей -
Для нас всё так же солнце встанет
Сиять огнём своих лучей!
Припев :
Это есть наш последний,
И решительный бой
С Интернационалом
Воспрянет род людской!
Это есть наш последний,
И решительный бой
С Интернационалом
Воспрянет род людской!
Иван Кожедуб спасибо болшое!
Слава ленин
@@undimancheunepersonnalite1073, Ленин не Слава, а Владимир.
@@TheWoodstock2009 Holy shit
Fucking thank
I can't believe I have to say this again.
Keep the comments civil. Ideological debate is accepted. Debate, not random name calling and bashing.
Also, if anyone can give me a rough summary of the Russian noun case system, please comment so below.
Also would the owner of a grey Mitsubishi Lancer please move it away from that parking spot.
Its just that all videos related to communism instantly attracts capitalists from mainly the USA, and they just cannot resist performing what they call an 'argument'. In all my encounters and arguments with Americans, the only thing I can ever seem to hear is 'MERICA FUCK YEAH' and 'FUCK YOU COMMIES WE GOT DEZ FREEDUM'. The communists and socialist have a slightly lower count of assholes. I am not saying arguments against communism are invalid, I am only telling you that the border wars between communists and capitalists will NEVER cease, and telling them to be civil will end with no results.
I thought that maybe once, once, it would be different. The idealist in me got the best of me I guess.
I suppose you've covered it, so I say no more.
If communism is so great, than why do people wait for the bread? In America, the bread waits for the people.
Because what you are thinking of is the Soviet Union and North Korea, which cannot produce enough food for its population. In an ideal communist country, everyone would have plenty of bread all the time. Oh, and in America, the homeless cant even eat bread, they are forced to poison themselves with Mcdonalds and KFC. If enough countries were communist, trade would form, and the food problem would be solved. Do not judge a massive concept on one thing. America has been blessed with farming regions and a manageable population, the Soviet Union has the food bowl of Ukraine, but really, with a population that huge, no one is going to get lots of food. BUT, there are no homeless people in USSR, and everyone gets food at least. In America, Rich feast all day, middle class eat normally, lower class, perhaps quite a bit of Mcdonalds, and the homeless, which either starve or live off the shit-clippings of others.
The workers have nothing to lose but their chains!
and their freedom and their income
@@tonyblackops Those are the chains
Nateb143 the chains of being well off and a normal mental health? commies are more idiotic than I thought
@@tonyblackops lol because u don't get it, you don't know what Communism and socialism really is
I401 Blue steel I don’t huh? And you do? Ok go ahead tell me what it is
国际劳动节快乐,所有的同志!Happy May Day comrades!
Καλή πρωτομαγιά σύντροφε
You're really packing in the languages...Happy May Day to you too!
Workers of the world unite!
-Karl Marx
It was actually Karl Schapper lol
Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch!
@@ignacio27 correct and incorrect at the same time.
Correct because Marx said "Proletarians of all countries, unite!" in his writing, which sounds neat in German ("Proletarier aller Länder vereinigt Euch!") but was deemed not 'catchy' enough for English readers. Therefore, when Schapper translated the Manifesto, he changed it to "Workers of the world". Questionably it's still Marx words, just phrased slightly differently. Also, how much Marx was involved in this translation is questionable, he might have actually been the one who came up with the translation and Schapper just wrote it.
“The goal of socialism is communism” - Vladimir Lenin
@Jay Blake My previous comment in this thread is discussing that.
There is no 'I' in 'team'
But there is an 'us' in 'USSR.'
But there *is* an 'I' in Lenin, a great leader who represents the greatness we all wish to achieve.
There is 'us' in 'the US'
@@VieriMuhammadNaufal lol
Us is poor and hungry in communism
@@VieriMuhammadNaufal lol it's us in an American way (American democracy)
168 Tsars disliked this video.
I didn't know that there's internet in hell
Segismundo Caça-rabos What?
time to rev up the gulags
Tem sim, os 180 tsars estão de prova. There is. The Tsars can proof.
Sávio SG What?
Doesn't matter if you're capitalist or a socialist like me, we can all agree that this song is a true masterpiece.
The 'experts' are about to come to your house woth pitchforks for saying you are a socialist
@@harroldinab Ahhh let them come.
They will regret bringing pitchforks to a gun fight.
@@Vchk1917 😂😂
Let me come, I might get my guns out to destroy the "experts" who are just insane capitalists who don't care about real equality.
@@shinoftilsadig.565 So your okay with people being murdered who don't think like you... The problem isn't that "real communism has never been tried", it's that it has been tried TOO MANY times.
This makes me wanna start a revolution.
Ninja Briefs the Saiyan
But this time,we use non-violent acts right?
@@ellis4091 ahahhaha nice joke man
@@ellis4091 First kill the imperialists
Meh,let's just make things red with blood!
i played this video in RUclips, now is OURtube
Wetube would be the right choice because it's RUclips not YOURtube
I think any intellectually honest human being can admit that the USSR had a fair share of wonderful anthems and music. I also think the vision of the Soviet Union was a beautiful and commendable one, regardless of whether or not it was reachable.
+Myth Odiir It was reachable and had doubled its GDP despite the devastating war with fascism until betrayed by Krushchev revisionism that opened the path for the restoration of capitalism under Gorbachev.
+Åke Persson Yup. The brutal reality radical socialism wanted to address (the great loss of human potential) it made even more severe. I know it's a cliche, but communism is convincing on paper, in practice it becomes overtaken by opportunism and greed.
Myth Odiir honestly I think that the USSR has some of the best national anthems, that’s coming from a non-Russian
The devolution of Communist states into despotic oligarchies is a worthy topic for study.
Personally I think there are 3 major issues:
1. Communism in a state can't work, so long as the rest of the world remains capitalist. That is like trying to compete in the Tour d'France without using steroids. If you are thinking "Doesn't that mean capitalism is stronger then communism?" the answer is yes and no. It is strength the comes at a price, much like steroids. In the case of Capitalism, that price is wanton human suffering.
2. Common sociopathy. Whether you like it or not, sociopaths walk among us and are born every day. Capitalism was pretty much made for them, but that doesn't mean they can't find success in other economic systems. Wherever hierarchies exist, sociopaths will try to dominate them. Where they don't exist, sociopaths will try to create them. This is as true under communism as any other economic or political system.
3. Cult of Personality. This issue has always plagued communist regimes. Every communist regime is defined by its leader. Stalin, Mao, Castro, Kim Jong Ill; the history of Communism is inseparable from these names. When you can reduce a entire ideology to a face, it weakens the ideology. Narcissism can be just as socially destructive as sociopathy. Indeed the two tend to go hand in hand. (A lesson America is currently learning, right now)
Glory to the May Day Comrades
From Cuba 🇨🇺
¡Proletarios de todos los países, uníos!
From VietNam love Cuba 🇻🇳💓🇨🇺
@@AnhLe-zn7vi We are comrades! Love Vietnam too 🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳
Fuck fidel castro
Viva Cuba!
@Julius C mantap gan jangan sampai ke brainwash kaum orba
Dam capitalist pigs put an ad on this glorious video
Blocking ads is praxis.
@@farenhite4329 yes, so much this
@@farenhite4329 I've blocked around 300k ads already with my ad blocker, it's insane
@@averyseriousguy5784 haha blocking 1 million ads go brrrr
@@kingofsomething3250 imagine watching that 1 million ad, such a life wasted, must get ad blocker
Это есть наш последний
И решительный бой
С Интернационалом
Воспрянет род людской
Весь мир насилия мы разроем,
До основания, а затем,
Мы свой, мы новый мир построем!
Кто был ничем, тот станет всем!
@@Елена-б6н9я может разрушим?
Many an American sang this, particularly immigrants from Eastern Europe at the turn of the 20th century, with hopes that the US truly would and could become the land with liberty and justice for all. They led strikes, created Unions that gave us the weekend, and are a proud part of American history.
and america didn't accept anyone who claimed to be a communist so a good part of them went back to their homelands
@@UwU-xk5cx He said at the turn of the 20th century, before that nonsense policy was created
zydoburzyje zydokapitalzm strefalianckichusa germanski
They were still escaping communism and Russians and Cubans in the US are some of the most anti-communist
purpandorange He said At the Turin of the 20th century, just before the revolution m
Happy may day! Workers of the world unite!
In memory of my BRAVE and NOBLE father Alexander Marcowich who left his home in Glasgow, Scotland to join with his Comrades of the International Brigade in it's fight against the fascist Franco regime in Spain - many never returned :(
Allan Marcowich I didn't have such a father (different continent, Africa) but I'm glad you/we did have such a person fighting fascism at the time. And although I never knew him, I'm proud of him to have done so too.
I'm spanish and I really appreciate what your father did for my country. A real disgrace what fascists did to us...
Allan Marcowich Thanks from a spanish
Even though I'm a social democrat, I'm from Glasgow and very proud
Welcome to FBI watching list comredes
It's *OUR* joke *WE* can't steal it
Neki lik iz Hrvatske “OUR” joke
@@LoneStarCowboy1 sry comrade
@@nekilikizhrvatske3336 da lmao
No problem, kgb will protect us!
69 likes nice !
Vstavay, proklyat'yem zakleymyonny, ves' mir golodnykh i rabov!
Kipit nash razum vozmuschchyonny I v smertny boy vesti gotov.
Ves' mir nasilya my razrushim do oslovanya, a zatem
My nash, my novy mir postroim, kto byl nichem, tot stanet vsem.
Eto yest nash posledniy I reshitelniy boy. S Internatsionalom vospryanet rod lyudskoy
Eto yest nash posledniy I reshitelniy boy. S Internatsionalom vospryanet rod lyudskoy
Nikto dast nam izbavlenya: Ni bog, ni tsar i ne geroy!
Dobyomsya my osvobozhdenya svoyeyu sobstvennoy rukoy.
Chtob svergnut' gnyot rukoy umeloy, otvoyevat' svoyo dobro.
Vzduvayre gorn i kuyte smelo, poka zhelezo goryacho!
Eto yest nash posledniy I reshitelniy boy. S Internatsionalom vospryanet rod lyudskoy.
Eto yest nash posledniy I reshitelniy boy. S Internatsionalom vospryanet rod lyudskoy.
Lish my, rabotniki vsemirony velikoy armii truda.
Vladet' zemlyoy imeyen pravo, no parazity-nikogda!
I yesli grom velikiy gryanet nad svoroy psov i palachey.
Dlya nas vsyo tak zhe solntse stanet siyat' ognyom svoikh luchey.
Eto yest nash posledniy I reshitelniy boy. S Internatsionalom vospryanet rod lyudskoy.
Eto yest nash posledniy I reshitelniy boy. S Internatsionalom vospryanet rod lyudskoy.
Today's May 1st. In this modern world of dominating capitalism and communalism, suppressed workers still look forward to their demands being fulfilled. The internationale shall unite them together, unite us together and let again history repeat itself, and let the upcoming century hoist the red flag with pride and glory.
I love the way there's so much people arguing if either communism or capitalism is good but none of them know how do both of those systems work
They're both shit
It's better when both is combined
@@이름-w8l7n true
@@이름-w8l7n Welcome to the world of democratic socialism
@@justarandomspaceenthusiast5187 -Sweden-
@Eminem So true. Like 16 year olds are So stupid.
Why can't I snap my fingers and actually have my brain complete without waiting almost a fucking decade.
Class war when?
race war when?
+Jason Duewel That's what the capitalist class wants us to do
Deaglan Cullen ah yes, I heard the bourgeois of Russia circa 1917 greatly benefitted from the class war they had
I'm a "petit-bourgeois".
It's time, workers! Rise!
Sapply Camarade
Almost at the end and nothing happened, let's wait more 100 years
2018 lol
Romanian workers already rose up! Lokk at this: www.wsws.org/en/articles/2017/12/23/ford-d23.html
Is cuck literraly the only word Internet Nazi's know? Cuck this Cuck that. Why make and construct actual comprehensive arguments to persuade the other person of your argument if you can throw around one four letter word?
Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch!
Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!
Workers of all lands , unite!
Пролетери свих земаља, уједините се!
Пролетери свих земаља, уједините се!
Proletários de todos os países, uni-vos!
Proletariusze wszystkich krajów, łączcie się!
Whenever I am oppressed by my own fascist government I listen to some old revolutionary songs...
That's why I'm here comrade..Our motherland india ruled by modern fascist modi
@@mnvmngom1901 there is no organisation called "hindutva", it is the idea of protecting the culture which has been stabbed for 1000 years by different outsiders. And btw don't act as if communism is any different from real fascism in terms of human rights, communism and fascism have killed and tortured people on similar scale. Main difference is that fascism is based on racial or religious identity , while communism isn't. Apart from that both are opposite sides of same coin.
@@JakesJoy31 Firstly if Modi were a fascist you would not have been allowed to access this video and write this. Or you would have died the following day after you wrote this . The fact that you people can go around screaming this fascist that fascist is enough to prove that there is no fascism here. Also , point to be noted that communists don't equally oppose all religions , rather they actually support and justify the actions of radical Islamists and suicide bombers . Bunch of hypocrites
@@shauryabanerjee8206 If you think communism is comparable to facism you need to do more research
@@JakesJoy31 We need really a communist revolution. ....We need to be Stalin against Hitler
Some Australian kids were stuck on an island. They adopted socialist policies without even thinking about it. They helped each other in times of need, they worked together in times of hardship and they kept each other happy during times of depression. Socialism is rooted in our brains, we just don’t know it yet
This is interesting pls tell me what the video is?
I know this is about Humans in general, but a funny little fact about Australia is that our Southern Cross flag originated from a worker's rebellion against the British.
We will be everything. We will be working existing and being happy as one as a colective!
Yeah, socialism can work in small groups, but on a large scale where people don’t have personal connections with eachother, people will start to look out for their families above other people’s. I guarantee if another group of Australian kids came to the island and started taking up resources, the original kids would look after the people they were on the island with originally, and not the others. Its not socialism thats routed in our brains, its the need to protect and help those who you know and love.
@@місячнесвітло ------Lord of the Flies
Fire is burning in my heart when listening to this song.
Yeah! Makes me want to starve to death!
Basen on no links,qoutes,reports or evidence
Typical Capitalist fuckhead
Nigga and Pls evidence of USSR purging People Pls do it now!
Shoresh Fathi just let him be.. Idiots will never learn my workers bros
I feel crimson fire burning in my heart, sparking with gold, its scarlet tongues of flame dancing to this glorious sound. I feel the smouldering embers of revolution begin to light, and they burst into beautiful flame, rising and wavering, and from the ashes rise a majestic phoenix, the power of proletarians.
Simply brilliant! Uplifting!
8 years !
All politics and memes aside, this is a musical masterpiece! Made by French and Belgian, Popularised by Soviets.
I wish they recorded the entire 6 verses.
It is 16/03/2020 today.
No one in the EU responded to Italy's call for help.
Only Cuba, China and Venezuela send their medical teams to support Italy,
All of them lead by socialist or communist parties.
Vietnam :D
And Germany
Although they aren't communist at all, but we have to feel proud of what we are trying to achieve, comrade
Strange enough, Taiwan is exporting medical aids to all those in need
Wait, are we acheiving Dr. Sun's guidance?
@Садарик animation hello my Slav friend! 🇷🇺🇷🇺👏💪🥇🏆
workers of the world, unite ✊🏼✊🏽✊🏿✊🏾✊🏻
@@skywishr1313 Capitalist pig
@@skywishr1313 Did the American government sent you here? Lmao, that song "Ain't I right" Yes you're right on supporting terrorism everywhere
"No one can save us! No gods! No kings! No heroes! We will win liberation -- with our own hands!"
Happy 99th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution!
Pablo Cárdenas Glory to Great october revolution. yankees go to hell.
happy sionist revolution
Next year there must be a glorious celebration.
its red lenin again/this october 2017 100th anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!long live communism and lenin!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks comrade paulo
You lost your war. Communism dont exist.
Somebody please play this in front of the whitehouse lawn
would be arrested 😂
Будущее принадлежит социализму!🍺👍💕🟥
We'll surely play it in front of white house one day...socialist revolution is near...red salute comrade Lenin ✊✊✊
@Russian Federation Texas or California...whatever they are...they will never be independant under Republicans or democrats
One day all communists and socialists will gather together and all burn the whitehouse to dust.
100 years is a long time!
Да здравствует Русская революция!
Да здравствует Китайская революция!
Viva la revolución cubana
Thanks for Soviet historic existence. It's an inspiration for we all workers in the world. Although it walked into some wrong directions, it's still the valid support for the International community.
@Phantomnetic The Soviet Union wasn't good but it dosen't justify the failures of capitalism.
God, replies to this comment show the existence of morons.
Commrade Stalin, how much we miss you right now, in 2020-s!
The USSR was so ahead of its time, one of the greatest countries the world has ever known, if not the best in history
@@rachel1426 comrade i stand with you. the soviet union could not walk in another direction, or it would be annhialated
Down with imperialism!
Workers of the world, Unite!
I need pokemon, why am I here
Yes, yes, yes!!!
BetterThanJesus3 Look at your name and read the last part of your comment.
Isn't asking, nay, demanding, a diverse group of folks from around the world to unite under the banner of a common cause, and against a common enemy, a sort of imperialism?
Cool name btw. Do you read it きゅうざん、くやま、きゅうさん、or something else entirely? Sometimes the simplest jukugo have the hardest readings to guess.
Where are you from comrade
It has been 99 years since the October Revolution.
It will be a hundred this year, and I wonder how our comrades will be celebrating.
Felcie Nesramsk it's looking like we might have to celebrate by acquainting some nazis with the pavement
NOW 100!
Felcie Nesramsk
Not anymore.
Felcie Nesramsk 100 years
ALL POWER TO THE WORKERS! ☭ Salute from Brazil, comrades!
From China, comrade
From Hong Kong, comrade.
@@FlatEarthKiller traitor
Brasileiro aqui também, um dia conseguiremos
From Black America and from Hungary, comrade
Press Z
@@eedienuh518 press Z to open the main menu
-Quit the game
@@TankMasterGo resume
Never knew this video would blow up to 300000 views. Damn.
+VladimirGLenin You mean 400000
Nahben Haben God damn.
+TigerClaw92 Socialist. But I've got a deep fascination and appreciation for Soviet/Russian culture.
+VladimirGLenin I don't!!!
+ VladimirGLenin What specific school of thought?
Workers of the world, unite!
+Felix De Simone se lo preguntamos al sociolisto del felipe ese como gonzalez, ese neofascista, no se, salud camarada
+Felix De Simone At least with the female ones!
+Felix De Simone Get out you filthy bourgeoisie liberal; social democracy is reactionary pandering.
31T3 1337 N008 Who, me? I'm not a social democrat.
Felix De Simone Oh, I'm sorry comrade. I mistook you because of your thumbnail.
Greetings for the workers of Russia from Hungary!
Happy International workers day, comrades, one day, we shall reach world revolution together!
Vstavai proklyatiem zakleimenny
ves mir golodnykh i rabov
kipit nash razum vozmuschenny
i smertny boi vesti gotov
Ves mir nasilia my razrushym
do osnovania a zatem
my nash, my novy mir postroim
kto byl nichem tot stanet vsem
Eto yest nash poskedny i reshitelny boi
s internatsyonalom vospryanet rod lydsko
eto yest nash posledny i reshitelny boi
s internatsyonalom vospryanet rod lydskoi
Happy October Revolution Day comrades!
*looks at comment*
me: cool
*looks at stirner pic*
me: what
Greetings comrade
hello comrades
Fuck you Stalin, you corrupted our glorious commune with your filthy dictatorship!
Socialist Federation of Gh0sty But he fought and won against nazi
joseph stalin hello
Hello comrade
Mein gott, not you again!
The most beautiful song ever.
And it will ring in Russia Europe America Asia and Australia
+Soviet Union Please come back!
Proletarians of the world, unite!
Here's to another 100 years, comrades.
What's your point? Are you saying people don't die in capitalist societies? Roughly 3,000 people die from homelessness in the US per month. At least stalin's famines were planned acts of genocide, should be noted that under Lenin things would have been so different it would be doubtful you would even harbor such feelings. Or are you implying capitalists are peaceful? How many innocent people does the US kill per year again?
But if that number includes the 8 million or so fascists killed in world war 2, then maybe yes, some of those people needed to die.
johl kohl , no, there wouldnt. its a suppressed statistic, and its probably way, way higher than that. homeless deaths aren't required to be reported to any government agency like the CDC, so this was based off per day estimates.
johl kohl buddy i made this comment a year ago, if i recall correctly it was something like the national center on homelessness or something like that, and that was rounded from 97 or something. aint about to drop what i'm doing to look it up, but if you have access to a library with PRJs I suggest looking into it yourself. either way more research needs to be done.
@@AcidEfflux except it is fallacious to blame something that is resulted from government intervention on the free market
This tune slaps (the means of production out of the hands of the decadent bourgeoisie ruling class).
Unite brothers
+Åke Persson flawed, but aren't all systems?
***** No system is without a flaw, but marxism/communism is the one with the least of them.
When people think of communist songs, they think of the USSR Anthem or the Soviet March (not even a real communist song), yet always forget about The Internationale which IS the original communist song
100 years tomorrow since Red October! (Russian Calendar)
No matter who made this and where it came from, this is a brilliant piece
Imagine how the world would be different if the workers had better working conditions
No joke this is the best song I have ever heard. It is so incredibly powerful. The chorus and the drums go so well together and I love it.
"Trabalhadores de todos os países, uni-vos!"
My father who was English loved this song and taught me the words in English he hated capitalism all his life, he told me the words of an English politician who said if we don't take the working class half way to Russia they'll take us all the way
Visu zemju proletārieši- savienojieties!
Yea I don't want American rwgime
No American regime
Советский Союз не мёртв. Он живёт в нашей красной крови, он живёт в наших сердцах, и он живёт в наших умах.
She* because is mother Russia
Non l'Unione Sovietica, quella é solo una nazione, la Repubblica Socialista mondiale é l'obbiettivo
on mertv !!!! Soviet Union
Боюсь констатировать факт что пациент мёртв 23 декобря 1953 года сердце остановилось. Да инерция была колоссальная до сих пор многое в россии держиться на ней. Но ссср мёртв, в ВОВ умерли те кто могли продолжить дело коммунизма, а те кто остались было не интересно ничего кроме как почему КПSS не живёт как на западе палитиканы? Так для этого надо нужен рынок, и пошло что у госплана каждый год новый руководитель и структурная перестройка каждый воторой а к 60-ым так вообще отодвинули от реальной экономики и ввели ряд рыночных реформ мудака и либермана. Вспомните когда в 1957г (не уверен) Фидель Кастро что за цирк они устроили. Хоть ТОВАРИЩА Струмилина почитайте.
В следующем году как 80 лет отменили СССР, может стоит строить что то новое? Если у Сталина были проблемы с уходом от товарности то час очевидно что это роботизация которую так бояться и говорят буржуи, нужны были сотни людей чтоб подсчиать план а час это пару эконом-програмистов достаточно. Времена изменились давно изучить этот опыт как ленин изучил опыт парижской коммуны мы обязаны, но делать как там нельзя! Тем более в обществе много тех кто его не любит и дискредитирует как партия КПSS РФ
"Партия гибнет, если она замыкается в свою узкопартийную скорлупу, если она отрывается от масс, если она покрывается бюрократическим налетом.
"Можно признать, как правило, говорит тов. Сталин, что пока большевики сохраняют связь с широкими массами народа, они будут непобедимыми. И, наоборот, стоит большевикам оторваться от масс и потерять связь с ними, стоит им покрыться бюрократической ржавчиной, чтобы они лишились всякой силы и превратились в пустышку.
У древних греков в системе их мифологии был один знаменитый герой Антей, который был, как повествует мифология, сыном Посейдона - бога морей, и Геи - богини земли. Он питал особую привязанность к матери своей, которая его родила, вскормила и воспитала. Не было такого героя, которого бы он не победил - этот Антей. Он считался непобедимым героем. В чем состояла его сила? Она состояла в том, что каждый раз, когда ему в борьбе с противником приходилось туго, он прикасался к земле, к своей матери, которая родила и вскормила его, и получал новую силу. Но у него было все-таки свое слабое место - это опасность быть каким-либо образом оторванным от земли. Враги учитывали эту его слабость и подкарауливали его. И вот нашелся враг, который использовал эту его слабость и победил его. Это был Геркулес. Но как он его победил? Он оторвал его от земли, поднял на воздух, отнял у него возможность прикоснуться к земле и задушил его, таким образом, в воздухе.
Я думаю, что большевики напоминают нам героя греческой мифологии, Антея. Они, так же, как и Антей, сильны тем, что держат связь со своей матерью, с массами, которые породили, вскормили и воспитали их. И пока они держат связь со своей матерью, с народом, они имеют все шансы на то, чтобы остаться непобедимыми.
В этом ключ непобедимости большевистского руководства" " (краткий курс ВКП(б) 1937г) почитай что творилось в 1950-ые, а именно это и происходило "ведь партии веднее, чем нам на местах; в партии не дураки сидят и т.д.". Так что понятно почему первым делом осудили краткий курс ВКП(б) когда в открытую отменяли социализм по словами "барьба с культом личности"
Can a fellow comrade get a like
A bottle of Auqafina left out in the sun we cyka blyat*
No, but you can get a bullet to the cranium
We all get likes comrade.
can fellow comrades*
Working men of all countries ,UNITE!
Proud to be a leftist, wake up and fight against injustice and oppression ✊
How much freedom a human should have?
Communists: how you count past infinity?
Andi have a shower, hippie.
Ok bernie
Bocah pki goblok
@MADNUB I'm aware of the bases.
The workers of the world,unite!!
I'm a Soc Dem but I have a tendency to rebel against injustices with passion and what happened to George Floyd is what one the prime examples as to why there's widespread protests in the U.S. They have had enough. I stand in solidarity with BLM and peaceful protesters, Anarchists just don't kill the common people. Overthrow those who oppose us otherwise for a better tomorrow.
Anarchists are misguided. Their systems will never succeed on a scale larger than a small breakaway state. It simply doesn’t work, but they’ll never accept it. Marxism is the only viable leftist ideology
@@stephenscrub2114 Engels said that states exist to preserve class structures and will "wither away." en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Withering_away_of_the_state State socialism (like the USSR had under Marxism-Leninism) is more practical than pure Marxism.
Since you were conveniently taking a slumber from your selective protests when the same thing was going on with millions of Uighurs in Xinjiang communist China along with Taiwan Hong Kong etc, it's better that you at least try and act neutral by keeping shut in this case as well😏
@@stephenscrub2114 Anarcho-communism FTW.
@@sdbiswas9972 US empire killed millions of Middle Easterns in this century alone.
105 years ago today, the proletarian state was born.
The state that defeated the Nazis
How the greatest fell...
They took the precincts, this is worthy of a celebration song
Happy May day of struggle. Greetings to all comrades who could not take to the streets due to the pandemic.
Who's here after the results of the American election?
Revolution when?
As a side note, it must be stressed that Hillary would have been just as awful; remember never to trust either candidate in elections like these. Anyway, an oppressor is an oppressor; we shouldn't take their bullshit system any longer. With the unrest in the USA going on right now, this is a great opportunity for massive social change.
The only thing that can be said for Clinton is that it would've been more of the same.
Trump's win emboldened groups like the Alt-right and other hateful people, which will lead to a greater amount of harm for oppressed groups within the USA.
Revolution and chill comrade?
Lol the American people are anti-revolutionary by nature. USA is unfortunately the ultimate unfertile ground for a socialist government, let alone a revolution. Sorry, but that won't happen at least in 200 hundred years.
The Voice of Koča Popović you seen these new statistics? out of millennials 55% view socialism favorably and only 33% view capitalism favorably if anything now would be a time for revolution in ameri
A song that can be sung in almost all languages is truly a masterpiece
Communism long live!
From VietNam 2020!🇻🇳 😃😃😃
Greeting from China🇨🇳
@@sloppyjoe9070 you do realize the different between economy model and goverment model right ?The USSR have a planned economy system, doesn't mean every socialists country have to have a planned economy, just to let you know why Vietnamese agree with this : "Cause if you know about socialism enough , we call the free market is the transfer stage to communism" socialism doesn't mean we have to have a planned economy , we are currently using the NEP 's economy of Lenin ,"most people are better off in a free-market economy even though some people are rich and some are poor" you know why we don't like planned economy ? with most of us the planned economy fail because it is not fit with the situation of today human's moral , cause some people are to lazy and they don't have much achievement (if they are hard working but they don't have much achievement, we may accept) ,it only work if all human moral are high ,that is why the free market fit , but free market doesn't mean the poor don't have the motivation to get a better living standard, that is why Viet's gov do as their original purpose ,we decrease the poor class turn them into middle class over time the poor class are decreasing and the middle class are getting bigger , beside the poor in Vietnam mostly are these kind of people :"gambler,drunker,multi-child family(over 3 child), loner old peoples (their family are all dead cause of war or they don't have child) have a higher tax on the rich and decrease the tax on the poor and middle class , and using the rich's tax to support the poor , educate the poor how to get better product and buy them specific tool to help them have better product
@@sloppyjoe9070 beside i wonder why the reporter don't ask directly, with most of Vietnamese take capitalists as individualists which mean don't have any duty with society(freedom in Western's mean), and most of Vietnamese live as collectivists which mean they put the duty for society on top ,you can see the reason directly at the covid crisis , meanwhile Vietnam solved the problem , the US have to struggle cause many people 's can't even use a mask ,and some even say the stupid things like "God give us breath , why we stop it?" the Vietnam collectivists ruclips.net/video/LDk9CW82puo/видео.html rice atm (people help each other by sharing food)
@@sloppyjoe9070 by the way the planned economy started to heavily used since Stalin's era , not Lenin's era , and Vietnam is Marx-Lenin-HoChiMinh 's way of system , get it ?
@@sloppyjoe9070 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Economic_Policy here is the economy that Vn are using
Comrades the time is here and now!
Marshall Culver lmao I thought I wrote this comment
socialism is the destination...we all will eventually end up there. 🚩
Socialism is the journey, communism is the destination. Regardless, solidarity forever ✊
I'm from Romania. We've already been there. So no, thanks...
Socialism is the end goal? For the internationale? hmmmm. Im in the RCI...I can tell you we aim a little higher comrade
Capitalism is the last step before socialism followed by communism----karl marx
imperialism is the highest level of capitalism,and the next level is communism.-----Vladimer Lenin
@@comrades2223 sociaöisn is supposed to be between that two mine is from marx
I hunt fascists to this theme
I am fascist and I find this useful.
Suzuki Nathie you probably just play while acting tough wearing a bandana over your shouting "nazi" and throwing things from a safe distance
Plenty of fascists to hunt
One day we will see the final failures of capitalism in the world
Not in a trillion years
Nature will bring it about through global climate change.
it dying
@@skywishr1313 Dude its Theory.... Before Capitalism there was Feudalism. and then capitalism then it'll be Socialism, karl Marx told that, Without Capitalism you can't achieve Socialism. China is Biggest example of Marxists-Leninist and look its winning and US loosing
like ginsberg said in Howl:
"I'm with you in Rockland
Where there are twentyfive thousand mad comrades all together singing the final stanzas of the Internationale"
It brings tears to my eyes. where has this promise gone.
Nowhere my comrade, the revolution carries on. It is our duty to achieve communism, no dictator nor an elite, we the people must unite, not be subjugated into it.
The gulag and the torture chamber.
Не унывай, товарищ, если человечество не умрет то обязательно придет к социализму. Главное вести знания в массы и объединяться.
I typed "music for work" and came across this
Я из Индонезии, очень благодарен за услуги России, которая помогла нам освободиться от колониализма, но, к сожалению, наш 2-й президент не соответствует Сукарно, его использовала Америка.Чтобы стать приспешниками капиталистов, мы, индонезийцы, всегда будем поддерживать Россию до конца жизни.
спасибо Россия
Спасибо президенту Никите Хрущеву
Спасибо, Сукарно.
ew, stop speaking Russian
This song has nothing to do with russia this is french song written during french commune and supports anarchism and rejects nationalism
Russia is capitaist state with no doubt and this song should be sung by proletariats of russia as well as workers of korea and america japan and germany all around the world
Да здравствует Коммунизм!
I like your profile picture comrade. Im in the Revolutionary Communist Internationale, so we are allies.
For the Red General.
For the people.
Salute to Russian comrades
from India
Ну, здравствуй!
(Jana Gana Mana) Indian National anthem
@Our ship Lusitania ugly colonialist!
Товарищи, во-первых, я очень рад встрече с вами здесь (семнадцатилетний школьник из Китая) Здесь я хотел бы высказать свое собственное мнение для всех, чтобы критиковать:
1. Нас объединяют общие враги и цели, но мы не должны переходить на противоположные стороны из-за ценностей, которые мы отстаиваем, потому что каждая страна в настоящее время сталкивается с разными ситуациями, но марксизм - это не догма, у нас разные пути поддержка не должна удерживать нас от обвинения друг друга.
2 Эксплуатируемые страны должны сначала решить проблему эксплуатации внешним миром.В это время важен союз между буржуазией и пролетариатом (Война сопротивления Китая против японской агрессии), потому что, когда мир разделен на две фракции эксплуататорских наций и эксплуатируемых наций, возникнут межэтнические конфликты, возникло как огромное ограничение международного коммунистического движения, и ключом к восполнению является объединение эксплуатируемых наций.
3. Пролетариат должен действовать во всех направлениях.После пролетарской революции должна быть обозначена общая стратегия развития пролетариата во всем мире, ибо интернационализм есть один из принципов нашей пролетарской революции. Борьба между пролетариатом и мировым монополистическим капитализмом и борьба между революционерами-демократами в третьем мире и мировым монополистическим капитализмом существует благодаря монополии капитала.
4. Пролетариат также должен ясно осознать слабость и двойственность национальной буржуазии, непримиримость с ней наших целей.
5 Угнетенный пролетариат и буржуазия, существующие в третьем мире, потому что они угнетены монополистическим капитализмом, должны работать вместе, и в то же время пролетариат должен развиваться самостоятельно, изолировать центристскую буржуазию и победить мелкую буржуазию (как, например, интендантские боссы), он может выбирать, увеличивать свои размеры, чтобы стать крупной буржуазией, или он может не выбирать) и демократическую буржуазию.
Comrades, first of all, I am very happy to meet you here (a seventeen-year-old high school student from China). Here I would like to express my own opinion for everyone to criticize:
1. We are united by common enemies and goals, but we should not go to opposite sides because of the values we uphold, because every country currently faces a different situation, but Marxism is not a dogmatic thing, we The different paths of support should not keep us from blaming each other.
2 The exploited countries must first solve the problem of being exploited by the outside world. At this time, the alliance between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat is important (China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression), because when the world is divided into two factions, the exploiting nations and the exploited nations, ethnic conflicts will arise. It has risen as a huge limitation of the international communist movement, and the key to make up is to unite the exploited nations.
3 The proletariat must be active in all directions. After the proletarian revolution, a common strategy for the development of the proletariat around the world should be designated, because internationalism is one of the principles of our proletarian revolution. The struggle between the proletariat and world monopoly capitalism and the struggle between the democratic revolutionaries in the third world and world monopoly capitalism exists because of the monopoly of capital.
4 The proletariat must also clearly recognize the weakness and duality of the national bourgeoisie, and the irreconcilability of our goals with them.
5 The oppressed proletariat and bourgeoisie that exist in the third world, because they are oppressed by monopoly capitalism, should work together, and at the same time the proletariat must develop independently, isolate the centrist bourgeoisie and win over the petty bourgeoisie (such as the commissary bosses). , he can choose to expand his size to become the big bourgeoisie, or he can choose not) and the democratic bourgeoisie.
The Chinese Communist Party is no more Marxist and allied to Russia's fascist oligarchy. We have much to do to implement communism.
@@arthurs4093 I can't refute, now the domestic work on ideological education is better than nothing
One day, the wall of class will be broken, the evil regime wrapped in the skin of communism will be pushed to the proletariat, and any anti people forces will eventually perish!
когда - нибудь стены классового класса будут снесены, порочная власть, облеченная в кожу коммунизма, в конечном счете будет вытеснена пролетариатом, и любые антинародные силы погибнут!
@@minzheliu6610 哥,咱还是先好好上学吧,等脚踏上了社会再谈这些吧。。现在你只是一个脱产学生,书读一万遍也不如亲身经历一遍。
同志你好!能在学生时代思考和观察这个社会 就已经是领先同龄人一步了!说我们是共产主义也好 民族主义也好 首先要做好自己 要让中国人先富起来 我们为全人类的发展 展示了另一条道路 实践和发展了马克思主义 让这伟大的思想在中国落地生根 这是最伟大的壮举!
Long live Vladimir Ilyich LENIN. Long live Great OCTOBER REVOLUTION. We still remember!!!!
Well both of these have been dead for years
Yeah, the people that got killed will also remember.
A century later, late capitalism has creeped back into our lives, and we need to decide where we stand
@@filzhut6234 the october revolution was bloodless lol, well, if you exclude the brutal counterrevolution the reactionary forces attempted afterwards
@@red_isopat Yeah, the revolution itself was bloodless but what about the aftereffects? Hitler being elected was also bloodless but what happened before and after?
Who else is here on Earth Day to celebrate Comrade Lenin’s birthday?
Happy May Day to the Worker's and Toilers!
Workers of all countries, Unite!
So many americans supporting socialism here, without ever stepping in a post-communist country…
'Communist country' is the most illogical term ever exists in debate of communism. It basically depicts the depth of knowledge of someone about communism who says this. In fact, in communism there is no state, money, class or country. So that's a stateless situation,. You can't call a country communist. Highest you can say socialist. But unfortunately the so called socialist countries lacked so many important traits of socialism too. For example, Stalin made USSR a state socialist country where State simply replaced the bourgeoisie. No change occurred in the life of common workers.
Before coming to any conclusion, I want to add that Democracy was created in 500 BC. It took more than 2000 years to become successful. Communism will take less time, comrade!
Winston Churchill - 'Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm'
Ключевое слово "post"
@@台独的老父亲 Is china even socialist? It's basically capitalist, even more than USA itself...