Kiyosaki is a scam artist. Do some research on this guy. He threw his own dad under the bus, after his dad went him $100,000.00 dollars and Kiyosaki lost it all. Now his dad is dead and can't defend himself. Kiyosaki belongs in jail for all the elderly he has bankrupted for his courses. He's a CROOK! His advice is meaningless
You are correct. Kiyosaki is a con man. I probably saw the same video you did. He really irritated me in the past. He had a story about landing his chopper in Cambodia during the Vietnam war and learned about spot price for gold. I'm a Vietnam vet and knew that was bull. He gave that story twice that I know of then it changed to a lady in Japan. He's a con man, just like our president.
I'm right there with you. 👍👍👍 Crypto doesn't have any intrinsic value at all. Hard assets like gold have stood the test of time and will stand the test of time. 💪👊
Of course he pays it back! You think he doesnt have a monthly payment on all that debt??? That shows how little you know lol He like many others including Trump made their wealth from debt! He's obviuosly doing something right if he's billionair! You can do it too you just have to learn but most boomers are stuck in their ways!
@@grayman7208 actually he sold something I bought as a kid. It’s a pouch you put around your shoelaces that holds a house key. It was cool in the 70’s.
@@WvlfCvlt if you take $1 billion from someone, did you do something right cause you’re now a billionaire? When you do things right everybody is happy when you do things wrong you’re happy but the person you did business isn’t.
The very first time I read something from him on the web, my 1st thought was, "What a flimflam man!" In fact, I almost quit stacking silver at that point because he was beating the drum so hard about it.
@@2is1gold It gets better. Are you aware he actually owns gold and silver mines in South America? I did a quick check, he last confirmed it in March of 2024.
Rule number one, never ever take financial advice from Kyosaki. Stacking gold since 2010 and I purchased another 20 krugerrands in 2024 best strategy ever.
anyone with a brain knows he's holding real assets. I am holding mine and I do have some tiny bit of crypto because why not? I am not a crypto pumper in any fashion however. that's my thing.
If you got the right Tulip its worth millions! Tulip mania was not about ordinary tulip bulbs. Ordinary tulip bulbs weren't worth a lot of money. The tulip mania bulbs were mutants that were infected with an aphid-borne mosaic virus which gave them bright and unique patterns. The mutated DNA could not be passed down by normal seeds, only bulb offsets which occur maybe once a year. So these “broken” bulbs controlled the only supply for a specific rare and desirable flower. Estimates on the value of one of those mutant tulip bulbs if a single one existed today are between 1 to 2 million dollars. You could sell one of those rare tulip bulbs for over a million dollars now but they don't exist anymore!
Born in 1964 so I’m technically a Boomer. Bitcoin, equities and fiat currencies all have counterparty risks attached to them. Physical metal “in hand” doesn’t. Call me old school but Land and Metal are the real deal. Shout out to Summit Metals for my most recent order. Got here fast and in good order. Cheers🥃
Historical footnote: There was a time just after WW-II, when "boomers" were the children of US troops coming home from WW-II in 1945-46 and no one else. My older sis was born in 1946, so is an original boomer. So is my older brother, born in 1945. But I was born in 1949 and my younger brother was born in 1954, so neither of us qualify as original "boomers". Then, for some obscure reason, the "boomer" label got stretched way out to 1964 and the "boomer" generation was vastly expanded. Definitely one of those "meh" moments in US history.
@edb3877 During WW II, the birth rate in the States was down for obvious reasons. When the war ended and soldiers returned, there was a lot of catching up to do, resulting in the birth rate boom. This was recognized at that time and the new population were deservedly called boomers. The reason they stretched it out is because the increased birth rate continued through 1964. No great mystery really. I wish it had lasted longer. We have been under the replacement rate for births for decades and that is not working in our favor. The reasons for the decline are many and complex. I think the birth of the Boomer generation is just one more reason the men who fought in WW II earned the right to be called the greatest generation! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
He was sleeping with gold and silver at that time. Now he woke up in the digital world and said “you can’t beat’em? Join’em!” And so he’s selling the Silver for Bitcoin (fake money).
@@PenArrowNation and currently gold contracts owners are discovering they have to wait 2 months to exchange to solid metal because they don't have the gold
@@Alex254561 Agreed and that's a HUGE "tell" in the fractional gold reserve business. I haven't seen anything that even suggests that central banks are buying cryptos but a great deal about them buying gold. Gold prices are rising despite the US$ index also rising. Since when has than been possible? Only lately, say over the past year / year and a half. Used to be that rising gold meant a falling dollar and a rising dollar meant falling gold prices. Not anymore, and that is telling a lot of us that the wheels are coming off this paper gold cart. Failure to deliver on paper gold contracts when they are held and stand for delivery is a HUGE deal in the futures markets. Those who buy gold and sell it for paper profits don't care if the profits come from gold or from fiat paper contracts but those who need gold (and silver too) for their businesses DO care. Apple can't build iPhones with paper profits, they NEED physical silver. Same with those who sell gold and products made from it.
I guess the only bright side to buying Bitcoin at the all time high, is that he sold his metals at all time high (gold). Still one of the dumbest things he ever did. Hope he doesn’t live to regret it. His children might be angry😂
One of the best idea supported by most of the people we follow on the internet. And if we’ve learned anything from the entertainment 2for1 has given, it points to the same direction.
I finally sold some silver for the first time the other day.. lost my job in December. Thankfully, I had some sitting around. Sold 1/4 of my stack for 44.50 cdn. Got in around 30 cdn. I'm back to work now. Still have some. Thanks, buddy. love your show.
This is something that doesn't get emphasized enough in the stacking community, IMO. PMs are a source of wealth and when one has reverses in life, it's both handy and comforting to have that kind of financial asset as a backup. Best of luck as you recover from this economic loss and may your stack have time to grow again. Cheers! 🙂
Then you should probably understand it. Neither one of them have counter party risk. Gold is great within borders. However for crossing borders BTC has no equal. With the world the way it is...
All you need to know is that BC has no intrinsic value like an ounce of gold, a barrel of oil, a bushel of wheat, etc. It only has the value that the next person is willing to pay you for it; that's all.
I’ve been in and out of crypto since 2017, but I’ve always found it a little scary that I need electricity and Internet to access it. I like having gold that I can have in my hand.
@@_outofphase5480 Anyone who bought BTC when it was MUCH cheaper can "ring the register" and bank their profits. Buy low, sell high does not mean to always buy at the bottom or sell at the top. While that does happen, it's rare. In 45 years of investing, I've done that exactly twice in hundreds of stock trades. In spite of that, I've made a lot of money in the stock market. A famous investor once said, "You can have the top and bottom 20% percent of every bull market that comes along, and I'll take the 60% slice out of the middle." THAT is how wealth is created.
@_outofphase5480 I own all 3, but the scam-man often does the opposite of what he tells his blind minions. Not selling hard currency, G&S, likely buying more, my Bitcoin is so minimal of my holdings, not worth selling...if I can find my crypto wallet...🤣🤣🤣🤣
For 12 years? Its nothing like tulips , if you actually studied what happened with tulips. Its closer to a cult...if you ever encountered a bitcoin maxi. The difference is instead of having to bunk with other cult members , or give up meat or give up your girl to the guru, you just preserve your buying power on a self custody digital asset.
Gold has been valued since the beginning of time. Well, as long as people existed, and it always will be. Bitcoin may go poof when the internet goes down. With that said, any chance Bitcoin might be an instrument of the doomsday?
As we say in the UK, Bollox! (Balls). I'm keeping mine. Only 7 months ago, he said gold will be $12,000 by the end of 2025. He is like a mixer tap. He runs hot and cold all the time.
I've spread everything out. Silver, gold, guns, ammo, seeds, stocks, crypto. Shot 2 elk end of December. Freezers are full of meat. I'm not going hungry! Alberta = 51st state. Let's do it!
Not as long as you have electricity for keeping all that meat frozen. I think that if I had a lot of meat, I would be canning a lot of it, since that requires no electricity and can keep in a cool dark place for 3-4 years.
@edb3877 I've got a bunch in Mason jars. Canada is frozen for the next 3 months. I got firewood can easily can if the power goes out. Also got back up generators that run off propane of gas.. I'm not worried
Dude is full of shit. He shit all over his father in that rich dad poor dad garbage only to borrow 100k from him that he pissed away and never paid back. Oh yea but that was never in that book.
It’s the boomers like me (69yo) that put him on the map 25/30 years ago! Biting off the hand that gave him his start is quite offensive. I’ll stick with people of character such as you!
Friendly reminder Kyosaki doesnt take silver, gold or bitcoin as payment for his books or financial "sc@m education" training classes. He and his businesses only take US dollars.
I just saw an interview with Mr. K. He says that he still loves gold and silver (actually owns gold and silver mines) and has loved gold and silver since he was a teenager. According to him, he sold some of his precious metals to buy BC, not all of it. I'm not a fan of crypto's. They don't have any intrinsic value and a proven track record like an ounce of gold, a barrel of oil, a pound of copper, a bushel of wheat, etc.💪👊 I see crypto's as a pyramid scheme, essentially gambling, and we know how pyramid schemes end. 😲
In interview, I saw Robert cashed out a small portion of his gold to put a deposit on a building so he could buy more gold and bitcoin with his cash flow. I never heard him say he would give up gold for bitcoin.
That is one of Robert's main thinks, it seems. He buys property and then takes loans out on that property to make other investments. Tells you why rent is so high! He isn't the only one doing it.
Too bad the gov't will know your keys via phone/device AI as soon as you log into your account. They can tax you or take it anytime they want. I can see it now: ''IRS; do you own crypto and have you made any money?" Me: no. IRS; "we can see into your accounts and you owe us $X amount. Plus you lied and tried to hide it from us, so that'll cost you. We can help ourselves to your account. The AI on the phone recorded and reported all of that to us. "..... Did you really think you could operate OUTSIDE if the system?.... silly mortal.
He was one of the first people I started watching when I was a new stacker... The guy is sketchy at best. I don't care if he's rich, I don't trust the guy.
I hear a lot of people say they view him as "sketchy". Is it because they've seen him do something specific to cause that? Or, have they not actually taken time to dig down deep and find out if he is full of shat or not? From what I know of him, he has advocated for people to invest in passive income generating ventures which will allow you to get out of the "rat race" of working a 9-5 job. That isn't exactly a sketchy strategy if you do it right.
Because the world is looking for a way to end fiat currencies due to their non-stop deficit spending. When they ruin fiat currencies, they will look to digital currency to move into. Its just a matter of time.
I just don't trust something as thin as air. Only an account number, nothing more, nothing real. Maybe it's because I'm an Ol' Geezer. I do have a few friends trying to talk me into Bitcoin but as much as they tell me of their gain in wealth, it's not for me. My pension, gold and silver are my cup of tea. Right now I am focusing on gold.
@@gwynedd1 I strongly suggest you do not invest in my posts, they might disappear. But if you do want to invest in my posts, I'll make you good deal. Check or PayPal are fine. 😉
That's not how bitcoin works. There are no accounts or account numbers. You're just objectively wrong. You WISH it worked that way so you could laugh it off as fake, but it's not fake, it's money. It does everything you say it can't do.
Try as some might, speculating is NOT for everyone and buying anything that cannot be correctly valued as to what you get for your money is speculating. This may be fine for some or for a small part of your money but it is not for everyone and it never will be, so they can cut the cheerleading.
Ever since i read a book about about how crypto currencies work I've realised anyone who asks anybody to "get into bitcoin" is either being scammed or is a scammer. I'd never heard of the guy until recently but as soon as I heard those words I knew he had an angle. Time to show what it is.
OUCH!!! The old milk in the back of my fridge aged better than that quote. BTC hit $92K less than an hour ago and dragging the rest of the ecosystem with it. Stuff your bags kids!!! This is what “blood in the streets” looks like 💰🤑💰
I'm out in the desert, We deal in reality everyday.. Not the perception of reality.. Digital doesn't really perform all that well out here.. I'm good on gold.......
Even just the title of this video had me immediately. Kiyosaki is a serial liar. His "poor" dad was a home owner and had a career as a teacher. I wouldn't say he was rich, but to say he was poor is pretty extreme. It's really sad how many people take that guy seriously.
I stopped taking Kiyosaki seriously years ago and his businesses are now all about getting attention on social media and selling you stuff. Who knows what's he's actually doing with his money and he has little credibility. He just follows trends.
@@blitzoncontroller9386 I just read up on this and it's 25 ozs. or more at one time for a 1099 to be issued. AGEs were not mentioned, so they may be exempt from 1099 reporting.
RK always makes me remember some lines from a song by singer/songwriter, David Olney: "I could tell you black was white/I could tell you day was night/And more than that/I could tell you why/Back then/I could really tell a lie."
"Sooo…. What will bitcoin be worth if the grid goes down and there is no electricity???" I agree with what you're asking, but at the same time, if you have money in a checking or savings account, and the grid goes down and there is no electricity, how will you get your money? Write a check( will anyone accept it)? If you are getting SS or a pension, how will you get those?
@@2is1gold Make mine a pristine 1965 Pontiac GTO with 6-spd auto trans, 3,90:1 gears, darker blue paint, black interior, and a tri-power 421 V-8 under the hood. WOWIE! lol
I don’t remember the video he put out saying he was selling any of his gold in it. He did say he was selling his silver. I’ll have to go back and watch it again to make sure.
Robert has 85 BTC so he's trying to get to 100 BTC. Maybe that's the reason for selling precious metals. From another interview I think he mentioned he's only selling 1 million and not all his metals. That was just to get people's attention.
I saw what he said a day after I made the video. Him and ITM trying to walk back what he said doesn't change the very specific insults and advice he gave.
Kiyosaki is a scam artist. Do some research on this guy. He threw his own dad under the bus, after his dad went him $100,000.00 dollars and Kiyosaki lost it all. Now his dad is dead and can't defend himself. Kiyosaki belongs in jail for all the elderly he has bankrupted for his courses. He's a CROOK!
His advice is meaningless
You are correct. Kiyosaki is a con man. I probably saw the same video you did. He really irritated me in the past. He had a story about landing his chopper in Cambodia during the Vietnam war and learned about spot price for gold. I'm a Vietnam vet and knew that was bull. He gave that story twice that I know of then it changed to a lady in Japan. He's a con man, just like our president.
Idk about meaningless, you can def glean some important things from his advice.
Amen...i was getting ready to say this. He is also a Mason and an insider
@@huwhitecavebeast1972 Maybe so, but just how much useless mud and sand do you have to dig through before you spot any "color"?
I refuse to ever do digital anything coin, if the world goes that way it goes so without me.
💯 %
I'm right there with you. 👍👍👍 Crypto doesn't have any intrinsic value at all. Hard assets like gold have stood the test of time and will stand the test of time. 💪👊
I'm with you, but I do think it is going that way. Sooner than we think.
My bank was down this weekend for nearly 2 days. could not use my card or transfer money. I had cash at home so was ok. 😞
I agree with you 💯 👍🏻
robert kiyosaki ... the man who made his "fortune" by borrowing money and never paying it back.
He mostly made his fortune by selling a series of Rich Dad, Poor Dad Best Selling books.
Robert Kiyosaki!
He created and or sold something a free markets decided had value. Seems like something people decide was worth it.
Of course he pays it back! You think he doesnt have a monthly payment on all that debt??? That shows how little you know lol He like many others including Trump made their wealth from debt! He's obviuosly doing something right if he's billionair! You can do it too you just have to learn but most boomers are stuck in their ways!
@@grayman7208 actually he sold something I bought as a kid. It’s a pouch you put around your shoelaces that holds a house key. It was cool in the 70’s.
@@WvlfCvlt if you take $1 billion from someone, did you do something right cause you’re now a billionaire? When you do things right everybody is happy when you do things wrong you’re happy but the person you did business isn’t.
Kiyosaki's worse than a used car salesman.
The very first time I read something from him on the web, my 1st thought was, "What a flimflam man!"
In fact, I almost quit stacking silver at that point because he was beating the drum so hard about it.
That is not fair to the used car people
Debt Dad has always annoyed me. He can have his bitcoins.
i saw a video about how he's really a fraud.
He was telling people to buy silver and dump gold before 😂
Ha, I missed that one.
@@2is1gold It gets better. Are you aware he actually owns gold and silver mines in South America? I did a quick check, he last confirmed it in March of 2024.
@@tinyconspiracy9997He is not dumb but he is sketchy in my book ( pun intended ) 😂
So did bixey bi... boy.... heck my ag been stuck. While au off and running
Rule number one, never ever take financial advice from Kyosaki.
Stacking gold since 2010 and I purchased another 20 krugerrands in 2024 best strategy ever.
To put it in perspective, gold outperformed the S&P 500 during 2024.
Actually, his education taught me built my wealth 2 yrs. Otherwise I was still deep sleep in fiat money.
Kiyosaki is chasing returns rather than a store of wealth preservation. It's a totally different investment strategy.
Going from physical assets to digital currency is like going from reality to dream 🛌 .
I don't believe he's dumping all of his metals.
I'm skeptical too.
No chance he will sell his Precious Metals.
He is just acting like he is to possibly satisfy his buddy Donald Trump.
anyone with a brain knows he's holding real assets. I am holding mine and I do have some tiny bit of crypto because why not? I am not a crypto pumper in any fashion however. that's my thing.
I sold all my gold for tulips.
If you got the right Tulip its worth millions!
Tulip mania was not about ordinary tulip bulbs. Ordinary tulip bulbs weren't worth a lot of money. The tulip mania bulbs were mutants that were infected with an aphid-borne mosaic virus which gave them bright and unique patterns. The mutated DNA could not be passed down by normal seeds, only bulb offsets which occur maybe once a year. So these “broken” bulbs controlled the only supply for a specific rare and desirable flower. Estimates on the value of one of those mutant tulip bulbs if a single one existed today are between 1 to 2 million dollars. You could sell one of those rare tulip bulbs for over a million dollars now but they don't exist anymore!
How are those Cabbage Patch Doll futures doing?
@ not as good as I’d hoped, but I’ve got a beanie baby fortune to fall back on.
Born in 1964 so I’m technically a Boomer. Bitcoin, equities and fiat currencies all have counterparty risks attached to them. Physical metal “in hand” doesn’t.
Call me old school but Land and Metal are the real deal.
Shout out to Summit Metals for my most recent order. Got here fast and in good order.
Seems smart to me. Cheers!
Historical footnote: There was a time just after WW-II, when "boomers" were the children of US troops coming home from WW-II in 1945-46 and no one else.
My older sis was born in 1946, so is an original boomer. So is my older brother, born in 1945. But I was born in 1949 and my younger brother was born in
1954, so neither of us qualify as original "boomers". Then, for some obscure reason, the "boomer" label got stretched way out to 1964 and the "boomer"
generation was vastly expanded. Definitely one of those "meh" moments in US history.
To me physical metals are a hedge. Real estate can preserve wealth and make you money.
@ 1946-1964 is what it is technically.
@edb3877 During WW II, the birth rate in the States was down for obvious reasons. When the war ended and soldiers returned, there was a lot of catching up to do, resulting in the birth rate boom. This was recognized at that time and the new population were deservedly called boomers. The reason they stretched it out is because the increased birth rate continued through 1964. No great mystery really. I wish it had lasted longer. We have been under the replacement rate for births for decades and that is not working in our favor. The reasons for the decline are many and complex. I think the birth of the Boomer generation is just one more reason the men who fought in WW II earned the right to be called the greatest generation! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Bitcoin is at an all time high ,why was Kiyosaki not pushing bitcoin when it was $5000 ,now he is pumping it at $100.000 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
He was sleeping with gold and silver at that time. Now he woke up in the digital world and said “you can’t beat’em? Join’em!” And so he’s selling the Silver for Bitcoin (fake money).
@@PenArrowNation and currently gold contracts owners are discovering they have to wait 2 months to exchange to solid metal because they don't have the gold
@@Alex254561 Agreed and that's a HUGE "tell" in the fractional gold reserve business. I haven't seen anything that even suggests that central banks are
buying cryptos but a great deal about them buying gold. Gold prices are rising despite the US$ index also rising. Since when has than been possible?
Only lately, say over the past year / year and a half. Used to be that rising gold meant a falling dollar and a rising dollar meant falling gold prices. Not
anymore, and that is telling a lot of us that the wheels are coming off this paper gold cart. Failure to deliver on paper gold contracts when they are held
and stand for delivery is a HUGE deal in the futures markets. Those who buy gold and sell it for paper profits don't care if the profits come from gold or
from fiat paper contracts but those who need gold (and silver too) for their businesses DO care. Apple can't build iPhones with paper profits, they NEED
physical silver. Same with those who sell gold and products made from it.
I guess the only bright side to buying Bitcoin at the all time high, is that he sold his metals at all time high (gold). Still one of the dumbest things he ever did. Hope he doesn’t live to regret it. His children might be angry😂
Kiyosaki is a clown - if he knew all the answers he wouldn't be grifting so hard
I love stacking gold once month all year long, my money is on Gold all day long. It’s real preservation of wealth for the long haul.
One of the best idea supported by most of the people we follow on the internet. And if we’ve learned anything from the entertainment 2for1 has given, it points to the same direction.
Yer exactly like me Homes.
@ Right on Gold Stacker!!! 🥇💯👍
Bitcoin at its base is nothing. With Gold you have something that is tangible and virtually eternal.
Dementia can creep in almost like a ghost. Kiyosaki isn’t a young guy.
Rob ain’t no young Buck anymore 🙁😳
I finally sold some silver for the first time the other day.. lost my job in December. Thankfully, I had some sitting around. Sold 1/4 of my stack for 44.50 cdn. Got in around 30 cdn. I'm back to work now. Still have some. Thanks, buddy. love your show.
Good to have it. Good luck on your upswing. Cheers!
This is something that doesn't get emphasized enough in the stacking community, IMO. PMs are a source of wealth
and when one has reverses in life, it's both handy and comforting to have that kind of financial asset as a backup.
Best of luck as you recover from this economic loss and may your stack have time to grow again. Cheers! 🙂
@edb3877 thank you very much!
Never get into an asset class when everyone else is jumping in. Bitcon had it's day, but is a massive bubble now. Kiyosaki is an absolute scammer.
Never, ever would I sell my gold for bitcoin. Nothing against it, because I really don't understand it i suppose but still. Never
On the contrary, my friends are selling Bitcoin for gold 😊
Then you should probably understand it. Neither one of them have counter party risk. Gold is great within borders. However for crossing borders BTC has no equal. With the world the way it is...
@@PenArrowNation You got some good friends dude.
@@PenArrowNation You have some great friends. Cherish them. 👍
All you need to know is that BC has no intrinsic value like an ounce of gold, a barrel of oil, a bushel of wheat, etc. It only has the value that the next person is willing to pay you for it; that's all.
I’ve been in and out of crypto since 2017, but I’ve always found it a little scary that I need electricity and Internet to access it. I like having gold that I can have in my hand.
It's hard for me to let it sit too. The more you have, the more nervous it makes you.
No digital for me, sticking with my hard assets. Silver, Gold and Real Estate.
The scam-man said that....time to double down on my silver and gold and sell my Bitcoin
If you actually own bitcoin then you know it’s not time to sell.
@@_outofphase5480 Anyone who bought BTC when it was MUCH cheaper can "ring the register" and bank their profits. Buy low, sell high does not mean to always buy at the
bottom or sell at the top. While that does happen, it's rare. In 45 years of investing, I've done that exactly twice in hundreds of stock trades. In spite of that, I've made a lot of
money in the stock market. A famous investor once said, "You can have the top and bottom 20% percent of every bull market that comes along, and I'll take the 60% slice out
of the middle." THAT is how wealth is created.
@_outofphase5480 I own all 3, but the scam-man often does the opposite of what he tells his blind minions. Not selling hard currency, G&S, likely buying more, my Bitcoin is so minimal of my holdings, not worth selling...if I can find my crypto wallet...🤣🤣🤣🤣
Bitcoin sounds like Tulips all over again.
Making people rich for 15 years tulips...
For 12 years? Its nothing like tulips , if you actually studied what happened with tulips. Its closer to a cult...if you ever encountered a bitcoin maxi. The difference is instead of having to bunk with other cult members , or give up meat or give up your girl to the guru, you just preserve your buying power on a self custody digital asset.
When did tulips crash 80%+ multiple times only to return to new all time highs every single time?
I like long term and stable investments. If it's mentioned in the Bible, it's long term.
Gold speaks every language.
@@PenArrowNation Yes, and to every time in recorded history... and probably even before then.
Not selling anything for Bitcoin. I agree that both have value. But, gold you can hold and Bitcoin you can not.
Gold has been valued since the beginning of time. Well, as long as people existed, and it always will be.
Bitcoin may go poof when the internet goes down. With that said, any chance Bitcoin might be an instrument of the doomsday?
@@PenArrowNation I get your point, but if we have a doomsday scenario gold won‘t be useful either. You would benefit more from guns and ammo lol
Yeah, I like to prep for all levels of societal decay, from utopia all the way down to dystopia 😁
yes, you can, actually. its definitely more real than paper gold anyway.
You can absolutely hold bitcoin, you can also lose it at the bottom of a landfill.
There is a point where one, with age, becomes demented...
As we say in the UK, Bollox! (Balls). I'm keeping mine. Only 7 months ago, he said gold will be $12,000 by the end of 2025. He is like a mixer tap. He runs hot and cold all the time.
I've spread everything out. Silver, gold, guns, ammo, seeds, stocks, crypto. Shot 2 elk end of December. Freezers are full of meat. I'm not going hungry!
Alberta = 51st state. Let's do it!
Not as long as you have electricity for keeping all that meat frozen. I think that if I had a lot of meat, I would
be canning a lot of it, since that requires no electricity and can keep in a cool dark place for 3-4 years.
@edb3877 I've got a bunch in Mason jars. Canada is frozen for the next 3 months. I got firewood can easily can if the power goes out. Also got back up generators that run off propane of gas.. I'm not worried
What lodge did they belong to?
@@billyhomeyer7414 Nice
@@christremblay1848 Sounds like you"re far ahead of most people
Regardless of the profits I refuse to buy any that can disappear by the flick of a switch and will not work during a national emergency.
You don't have a generator and a satellite dish?
Dude is full of shit. He shit all over his father in that rich dad poor dad garbage only to borrow 100k from him that he pissed away and never paid back. Oh yea but that was never in that book.
It’s the boomers like me (69yo) that put him on the map 25/30 years ago! Biting off the hand that gave him his start is quite offensive. I’ll stick with people of character such as you!
The only thing his material is good for is kitty litter.
As per RK, he probably use the fiat money as kitty litter. And now he can use the Bitcoin for his digital NFT kitty
The guy has 2 silver and 1 gold mine. He just sell lies...
Friendly reminder Kyosaki doesnt take silver, gold or bitcoin as payment for his books or financial "sc@m education" training classes. He and his businesses only take US dollars.
Kiyosaki the con man!
Coin man.
Just buddy buddying with DT the prez if true, obviously.
I just saw an interview with Mr. K. He says that he still loves gold and silver (actually owns gold and silver mines) and has loved gold and silver since he was a teenager. According to him, he sold some of his precious metals to buy BC, not all of it. I'm not a fan of crypto's. They don't have any intrinsic value and a proven track record like an ounce of gold, a barrel of oil, a pound of copper, a bushel of wheat, etc.💪👊 I see crypto's as a pyramid scheme, essentially gambling, and we know how pyramid schemes end. 😲
I’d be curious to know how much gold the rich like him actually have in their possession.
@@navyvet3660 I imagine that asking the rich about how much gold they have would be like asking Goldfinger about how much gold he had. 😊
In interview, I saw Robert cashed out a small portion of his gold to put a deposit on a building so he could buy more gold and bitcoin with his cash flow. I never heard him say he would give up gold for bitcoin.
That is one of Robert's main thinks, it seems. He buys property and then takes loans out on that property to make other investments. Tells you why rent is so high! He isn't the only one doing it.
Too bad the gov't will know your keys via phone/device AI as soon as you log into your account. They can tax you or take it anytime they want. I can see it now: ''IRS; do you own crypto and have you made any money?" Me: no. IRS; "we can see into your accounts and you owe us $X amount. Plus you lied and tried to hide it from us, so that'll cost you. We can help ourselves to your account. The AI on the phone recorded and reported all of that to us. "..... Did you really think you could operate OUTSIDE if the system?.... silly mortal.
He was one of the first people I started watching when I was a new stacker... The guy is sketchy at best. I don't care if he's rich, I don't trust the guy.
You know, I also had that same feeling about this guy and also about Rick Rule, a guy who looks entirely too foxy for my own good.
I hear a lot of people say they view him as "sketchy". Is it because they've seen him do something specific to cause that? Or, have they not actually taken time to dig down deep and find out if he is full of shat or not? From what I know of him, he has advocated for people to invest in passive income generating ventures which will allow you to get out of the "rat race" of working a 9-5 job. That isn't exactly a sketchy strategy if you do it right.
Why do people care about imaginary coins when they have real ones that they can see and hold in their hands
Because if you bought bitcoin instead of gold at the second halving in 2016 you'd have 100x as much money right now.
And because you can 100% see and hold bitcoin in your hands.You're just wrong.
So you're telling me I can hold bitcoin in my hand and I don't need a device like a computer or laptop to do it with that's really cool
Because it's "The NEW SHINY OBJECT", metaphorically speaking, since it isn't shiny and it's not an object. lol
Because the world is looking for a way to end fiat currencies due to their non-stop deficit spending. When they ruin fiat currencies, they will look to digital currency to move into. Its just a matter of time.
I just don't trust something as thin as air. Only an account number, nothing more, nothing real. Maybe it's because I'm an Ol' Geezer. I do have a few friends trying to talk me into Bitcoin but as much as they tell me of their gain in wealth, it's not for me. My pension, gold and silver are my cup of tea. Right now I am focusing on gold.
you are posting something in thin air.
@@gwynedd1 I strongly suggest you do not invest in my posts, they might disappear. But if you do want to invest in my posts, I'll make you good deal. Check or PayPal are fine. 😉
That's not how bitcoin works. There are no accounts or account numbers. You're just objectively wrong. You WISH it worked that way so you could laugh it off as fake, but it's not fake, it's money. It does everything you say it can't do.
Try as some might, speculating is NOT for everyone and buying anything that cannot be correctly valued as to what you get for your money is speculating.
This may be fine for some or for a small part of your money but it is not for everyone and it never will be, so they can cut the cheerleading.
He's a fraud. Lied about everything in his life and scammed a lot of people
Who did he scam?
This is one of the stupidest ideas ever.
"Rich dad got caught" just watched on RUclips the other day, Cannot take this guy seriously anymore
Ever since i read a book about about how crypto currencies work I've realised anyone who asks anybody to "get into bitcoin" is either being scammed or is a scammer. I'd never heard of the guy until recently but as soon as I heard those words I knew he had an angle. Time to show what it is.
OUCH!!! The old milk in the back of my fridge aged better than that quote. BTC hit $92K less than an hour ago and dragging the rest of the ecosystem with it. Stuff your bags kids!!! This is what “blood in the streets” looks like 💰🤑💰
If the digital market crashes, then you have nothing left. If the stocks of precious metals collapses, you still have the physical value.
Kiyosaki has been proven to be a fraud and a liar on his timeline of how he made his money if you do some digging.
I'm out in the desert,
We deal in reality everyday..
Not the perception of reality..
Digital doesn't really perform all that well out here..
I'm good on gold.......
Even just the title of this video had me immediately. Kiyosaki is a serial liar. His "poor" dad was a home owner and had a career as a teacher. I wouldn't say he was rich, but to say he was poor is pretty extreme. It's really sad how many people take that guy seriously.
Robert lost all credibility
LMAO, I started when it was 280. Think I'll just sit tight
I stopped taking Kiyosaki seriously years ago and his businesses are now all about getting attention on social media and selling you stuff. Who knows what's he's actually doing with his money and he has little credibility. He just follows trends.
Sold all for Ron's Basement meme coin!
If you had to sell an ounce of gold, you'll get spot and end of the story. You sell 1 Bitcoin,and here comes capital gains tax.
LOL, are you admitting to tax fraud? Capital gains applies to everything, including gold.
@LarsLarsen77 Only if it's over 100 ounces in a single transaction
@@blitzoncontroller9386 I just read up on this and it's 25 ozs. or more at one time for a 1099
to be issued. AGEs were not mentioned, so they may be exempt from 1099 reporting.
RK always makes me remember some lines from a song by singer/songwriter, David Olney: "I could tell you black was white/I could tell you day was night/And more than that/I could tell you why/Back then/I could really tell a lie."
Robert is making the mistake of buying high, eventually selling low.
Who's stupid, Robert?
A Boomer!
Kiyosaki is a grifter
I,am not selling any of my gold or silver for digital anything.😂😂
What if you’re a zoomer? Asking for a friend.
Then you're selling your DOGE for memes.
@ anything but my precious Pepe!!
Sooo…. What will bitcoin be worth if the grid goes down and there is no electricity???
"Sooo…. What will bitcoin be worth if the grid goes down and there is no electricity???" I agree with what you're asking, but at the same time, if you have money in a checking or savings account, and the grid goes down and there is no electricity, how will you get your money? Write a check( will anyone accept it)? If you are getting SS or a pension, how will you get those?
Bitcoin=Dutch tulip craze
After 400 years, a lot of people STILL want something for nothing.
AFTER they lose their shirts, they will slink away into total obscurity.
I own BTC and XRP but I would never sell my physical assets for digital!
I have some bitcoin. They’re my pet electrons.
He has always come off as a bit scammy to me. I don't take him seriously.
That was a stupid thing for him to say. I have a little bitcoin but I’d never rest my savings in it. I like having metals better anyway.
Kiyosaki got paid $1m to say this. Then 50,000 carbon units pumped $500m into bitcoin.
Whatever he may be, he’s not wrong.
Time will tell on that one. No one knows or can know the future. No one.
I own both, no need to put all my eggs in one basket.
Well, Silver hasn't done much the last 20 years, but I'm keeping the gold longterm, for the kids.
That Robert K is kinda off. I am a boomer. Wealth makes people nuts. Ya gotta be careful.
He came out after he made this video talking about how silver was going to 70. He's more into real estate like that Ramsey guy...
I saw a video come out after, but it was recorded prior.
Sell metals and get into vintage Hasselblads and Leicas!
Ha, yeah. And Shelby Cobras.
@@2is1gold Make mine a pristine 1965 Pontiac GTO with 6-spd auto trans, 3,90:1 gears,
darker blue paint, black interior, and a tri-power 421 V-8 under the hood. WOWIE! lol
I own both, but current. 903CX Blad and M11 Leica. Rolex and gold too!
Last time that dude was relevant i had a full head of hair and blockbuster was thriving
He wasn't relevant then either. People just hadn't caught on to his con yet..
@@seanoconnor1478 Maybe not but this comment was really funny. 🤣
That man is broke. He’ll push anything he’s paid to push.
They can still steel your BTC in a press of a button , but no way of your gold and silver.
As long as you have it in your possesion.
Anyone who would take his advice doesn’t know what they’re doing.
Kiyosaki will say whatever puts money in HIS pocket.
like you said, I prefer to sleep at night :D
Do not trust this guy! Period!
Why would he sell at his gold and silver NOW, when Bitcoin is @ $100,00 vs. when Bitcoin was a baby @ $500-1000?
Either he filled his Bitcoin bags and is pumping it or wants you to sell your gold because he wants to buy more.
I think it is good to have some bitcoin but also I like holding my physical silver and gold
I've tried watching Kiyosaki videos but after 2 or 3 minutes I had to move on. Besides, this old Vietnam Vet/boomer has been called worse.
Kiosoki wants his bitcoin to go up. He thinks he’s a market mover.
He very well might be... just not in the direction he's hoping! 🤣
I don’t remember the video he put out saying he was selling any of his gold in it. He did say he was selling his silver. I’ll have to go back and watch it again to make sure.
Oh my bad. I went back and watched it again and he did say he was selling both.
I hold both. Gold is great, Bitcoin is better money.
Such advice to bet everything on non-physical assets and give up physical ones is insane. Moreover, I find doing so not only reckless but also boring.
Kiyosaki is as trustfull as Maloney,Schiff,Morgan and others shamans..
All assets are a problem in some assets is a bigger problem. Do i want my assets reliant on an internet connection?... No.
He is nothing but a liar and a scammer. NEVER listen to his scam.
He fought and protected America from Vietnam where he supported the Vietnamese economy with the purchase of his first gold coin.
There is no way I'd sell anything to buy Bit-con
Kiyosaki doesn't know it all. I'll stick with my tangible pms. I think he's a sensational con!
Kiyosaki is showing some mental decline. I don't agree with his decision.
Robert has 85 BTC so he's trying to get to 100 BTC. Maybe that's the reason for selling precious metals.
From another interview I think he mentioned he's only selling 1 million and not all his metals. That was just to get people's attention.
Well bitcoin is down to 99 at 10:13 am.
Yea, only up 127% the past year
If you did your investigation, you would know he only sold 1 million of gold. You must have been starving for clicks
I saw what he said a day after I made the video. Him and ITM trying to walk back what he said doesn't change the very specific insults and advice he gave.
He telling people to sell the gold so he can buy it 😂