@@natihadadprofessionalphoto7745 It looks barren and remote there. This is how the trails look where I live in western Canada. www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=594&ei=EINnXOakFI7-0wL8v5mgCg&q=chilliwack+forest+roads&oq=chi&gs_l=img.1.1.35i39l2j0l8.1972.4932..11246...0.0.. Have fun.
Where did this take place? Hello from Canada. Not a place to ride alone and unprepared.
Hi, its in the israeli desert very nice place to ride, and yes ,Not a place to ride alone and unprepared (:.
@@natihadadprofessionalphoto7745 It looks barren and remote there.
This is how the trails look where I live in western Canada.
Have fun.