I guess that works, but you know, we aren't in the stone age anymore. I for one just googled "4K screen", and found a bunch in an instant. Then I clicked play. Simple as that.
80% of the Asari in the previous games were hotter than this one to be honest. I am not counting the bartender with Krogan father for example, and I still think that one is hotter xD
"If you're here for the engaging story, imaginative universe, and well-written characters, get the fuck out. This game is for people who have a lot of money and want tech porn."
***** the lighting looks great but they could probably achieve good lighting and great textures because there's a lot of low poly structures and rendering the inside of a dark cave wich is less demanding then an open area.
Almost immediately after they said that I noticed that the omnitool's lights were appearing on the BACK of not-shepard's head. As opposed to, you know, the front, where the light was coming from.
Remember back in Mass Effect 2, when you enter Donavan Hock's party and the epic scenery combine with the party's theme make you stand still for hours just to enjoy the moment. What a great fking game. I really hope i can re-live moment like that in the new game.
I thought I was the only one... Looking at the city in the distance and listening to the chatter and party music made me feel like I was living there, in the future. Truly immersive
For me it ended with Mass Effect 2 and believe me I thoroughly enjoyed that game. What came after was just horrendous and the fact that they haven't shown actual gameplay yet is concerning to me.
I hope this isn't just a DAI clone. Games have to stop making areas bigger just to be bigger. I think most Bioware fans would rather small well polished areas filled with meaningful quests and memorable characters over massive empty areas filled with fetch quests and 2 lines of dialogue.
i really hope they do not make a DAI clone, that game was a waste of money(and i don't speak about multiplayer wich is even worst), the only nice character is Sera and in part Varric, the open world thing is useless, the character from the old games? Where are they? Spell and skill trees? Tactical management?
yeah a lot of sad characters, nothing like, Zevran, Ogren, Alistar, even the dog is more funny. And do not forget this, the main antagonist (Corypheus) come from a DLC and he suck too. All your time spent in the previous title has been a waste, nothing change and plus again to discover the true ending another DLC, c'mon it's not the way to release a full game, it's an alternative way to steal money from the fan of the series.
I rather play this on 1080 60 FPS or 720 60 FPS. But if you guys chose to focus on graphics instead of story. Then BioWare...you truly didn't care about the game itself.
This was specifically done for the Sony event. Of course the demo would be mostly about graphics, when the main goal of the event was to introduce the PS4 Pro and its capabilities. Expect to see more on the story and characters after N7 Day.
Graphics, gameplay, graphics, gameplay. "BIoware is all about the story" my foot. You're no longer BioWare just because you have Aaryn Flynn and some odd writers left.
it would take a lot of time, taken off from the making of ME: andromeda and other possible new ME games, so NO, i'd rather want bioware to bring new games instead of games i've alrady played with better graphics
If I were Bioware, I wouldn't put out pre-alpha footage, because all the morons on the internet will proclaim their hatred and disgust for their game. I'm happy to see some in-game footage and gameplay. Can't wait until N7 day!
This video didn't show much and therefor its pretty hard to make a statement either for or against it. There will always be haters but most people I see just want it to be a good game and they get shit from fanboys instead. It goes both ways my friend.
That's what happen with Mafia 3 game too some smart ass are saying this game is stupid like gta 5 or graphics are stupid and more more hate ( there arent more people who hate it, as you know, there always will be haters )
i don't really care about graphics that much i just hope they don't destroy the previous story with a shitty one and ... you know bang some asari , okay
" If you're not watching this on a 4K screen find one and come back " What a dickhead comment to make. Please shell out more money to experience this in the best quality. I wish this video was more informative. Like this is a sequel to Mass Effect 3, I wish they'd tackle more interesting topics like " How will my story carry over to this game. " Etc,Etc. But it's still good to see more mass effect.
1) This is not a sequel to Mass Effect 3, it is a Mass Effect spinoff. 2) They have been very cleqr already that the previous game will have zero impact.
Yeah it was jerkish but I think this was specifically for a Playstation event for a console version that is all about 4k gaming. Hell, this was probably downright contractual how he said it.
Sorta. They continue to not rule out it potentially being in references. But yes, there so far seems to be more of the Dragon Age treatment (maybe even less). There's still possibility that there may be an app that lets us customize some of the state of things, but its almost certain that nothing will affect (in cause --> effect sense, maybe thematic or details) plot like it happened a little bit in ME1 --> ME2 and pretty significantly in ME2 --> ME3 (barring the original ending haha). Point is, we still may hear about something. But it won't be a big something in any case. They want MEA to act the most standalone than ever.
I tried both, and truth be told you would be hard put to tell the difference ;) Graphics quality is about a lot more than just resolution, and I would rather they focus on other things, such as texture and model quality, and lighting (the lighting in particular looked a bit flat). That said, I never played ME for the graphics. If it looks like this, and they provide more open an sprawling levels than the earlier games, I will be a very happy camper :)
She is a 9/10, little bit masculine but since their whole race is only consists of "females" I imagine it's quite common! And Liara was maybe a 7, she was not realy my type! The best was Tali'Zorah nar Rayya sinace she is so cute!
I went to a Comic Con Panel in 2014 for Mass Effect where they had revealed for the first time to the public a few models from the new Mass Effect game they were working on (mainly the Mako and a few of the background maps and such). At the time, if it had a name, it was not even revealed to us yet. This tells me, they have probably been working on it since at least 2013 if they already had some models together. Keep in mind that it took 3 years from ME1 to ME2 then 2 years from ME2 to ME3. That means this game will have been in development for 4 years, longer than any of the other Mass Effect games, by the time it comes out. At the very least, they are taking their time to make sure this game will be great, so I trust it will not disappoint.
yhea thats a long time for a sequal but this is not a sequal its probably going to be a new franchise and can take their time since they dont have to get it out as soon as possible like massefct 3 and they probably arent putting 100% into development since they where still working on massefect 3 after it released.
Remembering that just because it's been in development for that time doesn't mean they've had resources to do so. Take for example artists. They often work in quite large teams on projects like this (imagine 100+ artists). If you "only" have 20 artists allocated for those 4 years, that's literally half as many man hours as 80 or 100 artists for 1.5 - 2 years. Script writing is another thing. I daresay that it would have been a significant effort in cost of implementation (new zones, area's etc) vs enjoyability. You can see this clearly in all the Mass effects where quite a few of the zones are very very small. Just basic level design, to accommodate the side quests. I'm really against EA, I think they are flogs. So we'll see how this goes. Hopefully it doesn't fail to impress. It sure looks pretty!
they cant just make good RPG like Witcher 3 because it must have bilions of sidequest like bring me 10 flowers or kill 10 bandits. Hope this gonna be better than DAI
At first I was like "looks nice for a game still in production. Can wait to get my hands on it". And then I read the comment section here. Since then I can feel mix of shame and existential nausea aimed toward humankind as a whole.
This was just to fit with recent Playstation (not just Mass Effect connected) stuff. Like they said, 'official new trailer' is in November. Then from then on, sure, there will be HUD, companions, combat. This game is releasing most likely several months from now. Chill.
It's not the graphics they're complaining about it's the game allowing you to interact with gay characters (which we know nothing about as of yet) because apparently you couldn't do this in any other Bioware games.
If the game will not be like Dragon Age:Inquistion,by not like that I mean limit the game to only 1 gay and 1 lesbian if they want it,but not fill the game with lesbians and gays
BlueShit199 There's a few yes but most of the criticism is seemingly centered on people complaining about Bioware pandering to a group while the complainers essentially want to be pandered to.
Apparently that's the bad thing about EVERYTHING nowadays. Holy fucking shit, let's stop complaining about everything's fanbase? Please? Just let people be annoyingly passionate about what they love. It's not the end of the world. Ugh.
***** ehhhh, no. but literally love can be a crime. but im going to let you decide where to go from there. im just being hyperliteral here, but yeah, love can be illegal. and rightfully so.
This been a pretty good day. First was the NBA 2k17 trailer for my career. Then the trailer for Underworld Blood Line and now this. Words can't describe how hype I am right now.
That's not what "Pre-alpha" is. There's no such thing as a fucking "pre-alpha", it's just a fancy PR word. The Alpha stage is the first playable stage of the game, "pre-alpha" would basically mean nothing more than a prototype, an idea for what the game could be.
HAH! That's become a buzz word that companies throw around like they mean it. This is clearly NOT pre alpha. Come back when the game is released and see for yourself..
Since this promo is pushing "visuals" it makes me wonder if other aspects of the game such as... I don't know... story... is lacking. That's awesome that they have 4K in mind, but that's not what made Mass Effect popular. If it's just another generic EA shooter I won't even buy this game on sale.
I think they just want to keep the story a mystery for as long as they can. Sort like how LucasFilm promoted the practical effects and nostalgic tone of The Force Awakens instead of the film's story. And if we look at everything that's been released so far regarding Andromeda, the focus seems to be on exploration. Not graphics. This video is just to give us a glimpse as to what that exploration will look like and how well the game is coming along.
twmcgraw303 I hope so too. I'm not too optimistic, though. I will wait until after reviews from customers, NOT IGN or whatever sellout organization, says.
+Miguel Pena They've been working on this game for a long time and they have a good writing team behind it so I'd say that the chances of this game being good are quite high. EA seems to be slowly learning from their past mistakes so let's hope that's the case here.
It's Bioware, I feel like the one thing you can count on is a good storyline, what you should be worrying about is the gameplay, does what you do in the game affect the storyline or are you just playing to get to the cutscene, dialogue.
He's not an idiot for looking at EA's previous actions and resenting them for all the crushed potential by their hands. They've hounded a lot of developers to cut content and quality assurance for purposes of rushing games out the door to meet EA deadlines.
I shouldn't have come into the comments. It's just a warzone. Good to know these sorts of people will being the ones rating the game. I think it's Pre-Doomed just because of ultra oversalty people. And as for anyone who came here to say things like "Wow looks great!" "Can't wait for N7 day!" "Good to see a cutscene finally!" Good on you for not adding to the absolutely shocking level of overwhelming anger and vulgarity that was already here. Bioware, my honest recommendation is to not release any further videos on Mass Effect Andromeda, Except the trailer. [which, in and of itself, will probably be full of salty and terrible comments] Geez people, As if I needed any help losing faith in humanity.
I wont be getting this game if it is going to be mediocre. I said stuff like "Wow looks great!" on ME3 videos and we know how ME3 turned out. I will keep my expectations very LOW and see if Bioware can prove me wrong.
gravityhammer25 It's all good man, I'm just referring to the overwhelming levels of nasty comments and people. I am reserving judgment on the game Till i see the trailer.
Characters/team members I want to see in Mass Effect Andromeda: - A rude Hanar. - A hard-ass Volus soldier. - A pacifist Krogan. - A stupid Salarian. - A tech-inept Quarian. - An excitable Turian. - A wise-cracking Elcor.
not saying I won't buy the new one. They also said in each one how REVOLUTIONARY it will be. Your decisions MATTER like NEVER BEFORE, ect of that nature. annoying marketers
This trailer is primarily a graphics showcase (in pre-alpha, no less). If we get to a choice and consequence trailer and it's full of auto-dialogue, then I'll worry.
You do know it's called a tech demo for a reason and throughout the video, it was just talking about how it will look and run not the actual gameplay which they just said will be shown later this year. Your comment is basically complaining about something the video was not meant to show.
I think they're doing what dai kind of did in that they aren't really giving their trailer protagonist a unique face. I guarantee you that's a create a character face.
I think they're doing what dai kind of did in that they aren't really giving their trailer protagonist a unique face. I guarantee you that's a create a character face.
***** Bioware has always been my favorite game developer, the past three Mass Effect games were magnificent, and it looks like with this new game there's going to be more exploration gameplay which I love. I can't see how any game could be better than this next year. I just hope they stick to Mass Effect's RPG roots, if they stray too far from that, it's the only thing that could ruin it.
We did not even get a proper trailer and this is just some penis-length competition who's got the better graphics, this video shows nothing else than sharp textures. Even animations are bad. Everything else is just words we've read on gaming websites, and games like No Man's Sky show us how much are words worth. There is like zero things we know about Andromeda and you call it Goty 2017. Come on. Turn your brain on please and quit fanboying blindly.
***** The full trailer will be released on November 7. No Man's Sky was made by a small team of a dozen people. I can assure you Bioware has a much much larger team. No Man's Sky was actually a very impressive game considering the small number of people that made it. Also this gameplay is pre-alpha it does not reflect the final product. But most importantly Bioware has never let me down in the past, they have always provided a great gaming experience.
whatever dude, the ps4 is not going to do native 4k so stfu. The master race will continue to uphold it's pristine tower of higher resolutions and higher fps.
The graphics were good enough. Look at ME1! Traveling on planets and seeing planets beside planets. Beautiful. What happened to that? We just want a game with a GOOD ENDING that includes ALL DLC.
+dodo2208 with that kind of graphics, they will spend way too much on developing, and on sales u will number the sales on fingers. Mass Effect 1 was great for story not graphics.
I'm not an expert but what's so great about frostbite? DAI had it and it didn't make the game any more enjoyable. Personally, I don't care if the water is super HD or whatever, I'd rather have fun combat, meaningful quests, locations that are interesting to explore and not just to stare at and hairstyles that aren't fugly. I'm not familiar with the developing process of video games, but all these things seemed to have been sacrificed in favour of pretty sights in DAI. I wouldn't want the same thing to happen to MEA, but I'm not getting my hopes up.
Don't use never, always, hero, love those words aren't for humans www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2016/08/16/ea-strongly-hints-that-mass-effect-games-will-get-remastered.aspx
it almost looks like DA:I. I don't see much progress in graphics. the art design is nice but the character models and animation looks a bit off. frostbite engine is not my jam. red engine is far better. I hope the gameplay and the story will be good at least.
Whoa - this video blew me away. Not because of the graphics - but because they managed to find a male main character voice actor that actually knows how to act.
Wayne Cox Yeah I loved the sarcastic Hawke. Honestly I hated Hawke and thought the VA was bad for like the first 2 hours. Then after that it grew me and I liked it alot especially on replay.
Zamio1 i really hope you're right but the thing is that every video i saw was about ,,look how fucking cool our game loooks!!,, And thats it. :/ Im worried
Sigh... It looks better than the last one because they are using a better engine. Fuck man would you rather they use the same shit from the first game.. and don't say yes if it means a better story cause that's obviously not going to happen. If they game sucks its not going to be because of graphics department. They have teams dedicated to the engine, 3d modelers, textures, audio, voice actors, story, and so on. They are all working on separate things so no, they aren't focusing on graphics more than before. The tech was not available to them at the time. The better graphics now are a byproduct of a better engine. An existing engine, that they have been using for games like Star Wars and the Battlefield franchise.
According to Steam analytics, only 0.07% of PC users can play games at 4K resolution. It is something special to be able to hit that target and wrestle out a stable framerate to boot.
On a PS4 Neo no less. This is when it starts, the thing people hoped wouldn't; PS4 Neo elitism. Every new bit of promotional material is now Neo and the original PS4 can go fuck itself and all owners included. Man, I'm jumping over to PC soon.
almost any PC user can play games at 4K resolution - its just a matter of changing your resolution in game settings (even if you only have a 1080p monitor) also, consoles have now moved from 1080p30FPS gaming to 4K@30FPS gaming with dips to 20~FPS noice...
I am SO apprehensive about this game. I came late to the trilogy so I bought and played them all straight after one another. I'll never forget the pain of playing ME3 and the disappointment when I finished it... That said, this is a new universe so it's been created without the pressure of being a direct sequel following two already amazing games. That might make it better. EA's involvement worries me. I probably will purchase it but I remain sceptical for fear of being heart broken again. Also will be very disappointed if the turians aren't in this or if there isn't a turian-like race because I LOVE the turians.
I know what you mean, keep that skepticism honestly and don't buy until after some reviews and opinions come out. I remember following this series since the initial release of ME1, it was a lot more devastating to play ME3 after years of buildup. I'm just going to hope it's good and try to ignore it up until I hear some feedback on it. Money is power (and the only thing EA cares about at this point), and if people buy the game blindly they'll keep throwing out crappy games because they know it works, which is really sad to see happen to a universe as cool as Mass Effect.
Skylar Nielsen I could not agree with you more! I'm quite glad I played them all one after the other rather than having years of build up in between all the games. Likewise, I'm hoping it'll be good, but I daren't expect anything until reviews come out and it's been positively received. Mass Effect is probably my favourite game universe and it would be gutting for EA to ruin the franchise. If they do release a crappy ME game, I'd rather never play it and have my ME experience be mostly good~
I am pretty sure the cannon for Andromeda actually ignores ME3 because the characters are all like, welp the universe is screwed, see ya. If the game ends up just being another Dragon Age Inquisition except with a space skin, I think most people could be happy. It seems that EA has learned its lesson by giving Bioware the time to complete the game, making delays. Time will tell if we get a good game, but I think that we could at least be cautiously optimistic.
Little known fact, ME:Andromeda will be a crossover of Mass Effect and Borderlands. You will have access to billions of unique weapons (c) and meet the character that teleported out of the vault at the end of Tales Of Borderlands.
i said that too, really cant think of a new name for "vault"? seriously they even talk in the cut scene about "vaults on other planets" LMAO thats exactly how borderlands 2 and tales ended. not to mention fallout has its own vaults... im going to get all this vault shit mixed up
1:17 can we just acknowledge all these years later awesome that bridge generation animation looks? As well as just the design of the vaults in general! Still looks so futuristic, cutting edge and alien! I love it!
Please, PLEASE disclose the correct information, both you and Sony. This is not native 4K. It's 1440p upscaled, the PS4 Pro can't do native 4K. This game is still in development, there's still a good chance the Scorpio will be out by the time Andromeda releases. If you're already prepping for the PS4P, please do it justice and cater for native 4K on the Scorpio if the game is still a ways off. Also, there's a slight frame drop at 1:00 in, watch the levitating creatures as they float past. I wonder if that's due to attempting to upscale on the PS4P, perhaps resulting in performance issues? Who knows. I don't mean to speak poorly of the game and Sony, but it's misleading. Ubisoft is doing the same. This is NOT native 4K, and the PS4 Pro cannot do native 4K.
FYI, game is scheduled for March 2017, Scorpio is loosely scheduled for 2017, assumed for a Q3/4 release. This game doesn't look as though it'll be ready by March, and it has been delayed a numerous amount of times. This could be considered the first genuine gameplay we are seeing, and it's barebones, moving, jumping, animations that seem to be off, pressing triangle and one cutscene. Would not be surprised if this game is going to be delayed again and launch after the Scorpio/close to it. If they're taking the PS4P into account, if they're already tinkering with 4K on console, and with the Scorpio in development AND games in development to run at 4K native on the Scorpio, I'm hopeful this game is doing the same. Not a fanboy. Own both a PS4 & Xbox One, just pointing out that Sony and now both BioWare & Ubisoft need to be honest with us instead of implying it's native 4K, Ubisoft especially with their recent announcement. Excited for Andromeda nonetheless. 😊
I agree with all except that Scoripio will have real 4k.. Neither ps4 neo or xbox scorpio will have real 4k. There's no way they can run it, unless they want 10fps for every game. Only pc can handle real 4k, and only the best pc's do it. Which is far to expensive for an console to do it.
I have an overclocked 980Ti, an i7 6700k and 16gb ddr4 3000mhz and even that power cant handle 4k ultra 60+fps in demanding AAA Games. 1440p 144Hz is the way to go.
Don't forget the chick who complained to the media about the 'virtual rape' mod in GTA5. She's also now at Bioware. Whether Bioware is SJW infested or not, I'll buy the game if and only if 3rd party reviewers say it's good (no preorders or first day buy) because I love the trilogy. I just hope there's little influence from these people.
He's the racist one? Jesus Christ you goddamn imbecile. Manveer Heir has hundreds of overtly racist tweets about white people and you're asinine enough to call tomme25 the racist? Where do idiots like you come from lmao.
Make it in 9k we dont care. Make a Mass Effect with NO MICROTRANSACTIONS not DLC's THAT ARE INCLUDED IN THE DISK, no HUGE BLACK (plot) HOLES, SHITTY ENDINGS, DLC OUT OF PLACE like Citadel dlc ("hey the apocalypse is here but who cares let's have a party when millions of people in Earth die")
Testractus I know the reason of why they released this dlc. For a "farewell". But as I said it doesnt make any sence to throw a party in the end of the apocalypse :P This is not what Commander Shepard is do. They could make a dlc that would give ME3 the end we all wanted. A clear ending with no plotwholes etc. Instead they gave crappy dlc's like Citadel and the "ending" dlc. That was like a small petty work.
Not everyone hates the ending. After the uproar they extended the endings in MONTHS. This means additional voice acting and cutscenes. It wasn't a pretty small work. They care about their fans, which isn't exactly mutual considering the overwhelming hatred.
Oh yes I remember, the slides they made, Normady is coming in the middle of your rally to pick your crew up which also doesn't make sence. The extended cut was nothing more than a cheap "patch" to their huge plotholes
One thing I noticed in this video is the perspective, we no longer look over the shoulder or from the back of our character like we did in previous Mass Effects but rather from above it which makes the game look more like Dragon Age: Inquisition. Is this the direction you are going for?
+VillainQueen ah yes, I meant the "exploring mode" camera, the combat looks just like previous titles (from what I've seen in gameplay trailer). I guess such shift is necessary to show off all that sweet sweet Neo tech ;)
"If you're not watching this on a 4K screen find one and come back" Don't be so arrogant with poor people. We don't have money but we have feelings. **cries in a corner**
Pre-alpha just means before the features are complete. Alpha is feature implemented but not content complete. Beta is content complete but not polished. Generally. They're really just shorthand for more complete layers of development process. By saying 'pre-alpha' here, Bioware is just saying "Not all the things of the game are put in here or working smoothly, and that is intended and fine." They have probably reached Alpha this year (if not then soon) but this presentation footage was planned months in advance. They'll reach beta this or next year and possibly have public testing, and they'll release early next year. Alpha is the bulk of the 'putting stuff together' phase but there can be years of pre-alpha creation of assets, learning the engine, figuring out features, etc.
Pre-alpha means the state of the game before Alpha. This is not pre-alpha footage. In the entire history of game development, there has never been a game that looked like this pre-alpha, including this one.
No, that's exactly correct. Pre-alpha does not mean before features are complete and this game is so obviously past alpha state that I can only imagine you are trolling.
The first playable is the game version containing representative gameplay and assets,this is the first version with functional major gameplay elements. It is often based on the prototype created in pre-production. Alpha and first playable are sometimes used to refer to a single milestone, however large projects require first playable before feature compleate alpha. First playable occurs 12 to 18 months before code release. It is sometimes referred to as the "Pre-Alpha" stage.
The new Asari looks fine and if you don't think so who gives a fuck. It's your opinion, you don't have to shove down everyone's throat. The game is not immediately ruined because you don't think a character is hot.
pistendee r when "class mobility" is at the highest it's ever been, a certain level of elitist derision is justified towards those who have chosen not to ascend to the higher levels. I have both a PS4 and a PC
So many salty people still remembering the end of ME3 and deciding that any future ME game will be shit just because this section has good graphics and plat forming does not mean the story will be shit they have been working on this for 4 years, they even pushed back the release date... EA pushing back a release date on a completely playable game so they can iron out bugs this alone gives me hope
If only they can escape the limbo of hatred and learn to love again. So sad. I played ME3 with the EC and I loved the ending and I'm looking forward to this installment. More ME1 with in depth exploration. I'm down for it.
Well it's not really Mass Effect 3 that has me worried, it's Dragon Age Inquisition. This will be my first Bioware game I'm not pre-ordering because of the latest Dragon age.
im concerned about this game because biowares last 3 games have been lackluster. Also look at how many people have left bioware that worked on the original, its like a completely different developer making this game now.
There is one 1 lesbian and 1 gay. I'm not sure where you get your number from. DA has always had the same number of straight male LIs from the very beginning which is 2. Dorian and Sera are the first gay companions of the series.
Its really funny how there a bunch in the comments who say the opposite. They say that they made all the straight romances ugly and are pandering to the LGBT community.
Seeing as most straight people love a good gay romance on at least one of their playthroughs, it's good to pander. The shipping communities far outweigh the manboys crying that there was a gay in their video game.
attractive women are oppressive, so yes. And they aren't "ugly" they are REAL women, because in real life there is no such thing as a beautiful woman. That's what feminism thought me
See, thing is we all have different ideals of beauty. It's a wonderful thing called "opinion". Crazy right? I happen to think that asari is way hotter the both Liara and Ashly baring Liara from the first game who looked better (not graphically but you know)
+Jerek Headrick Agreed. I think she's cute. To be honest it seems like these dudes want porn stars. I don't even know how they'd react to a turian romance or something. Meanwhile every straight woman ever is in love with Garrus Vakarian.
You perfectly represent the typical, anti-logical, traditional, status quot reactionary that plague the meta gaming community for ages. Grow the fuck up and accept change. Not everything has to meet your selfish standards. Are you in still puberty or something?
Looks great. Obviously it's a tech preview and people seem to be missing the obvious, as usual (footage from a _very_ early stage of development), but I like the direction that I'm seeing. Looking forward to seeing the results of everyone's hard work. o/
No, you're not. Seducing cartoons isn't interesting. What a waste of time, especially when the NPC characters are going to worship you anyway. Can you imagine the commander of a naval vessel dating and dumping crew members IRL?
True. I don't have anything against the romance system, it has its perks, though I always felt like it didnt really make sense in the gaming's narrative. When I played ME:1 for the first time, I didn't romance anyone, because honestly I didn't think you could lol. Besides, I was too engrossed in the lore and plot than anything else. Kinda hard to flirt and screw around when you had to stop a Reaper from trying to literally kill everyone in the galaxy!
Hope they still give the option to play in 1080p on the Neo. And get an fps boost due to the lower resolution. Cause 4k 30fps is pointless to me on my 1080p screen. So it'd be nice to have 1080p 60 fps instead. Then again, it's multiplatform so I may just end up getting it on my PC anyway.
This. I have exactly 0 interest in the 4K push until reasonably priced 144Hz panels start hitting the market, going back to 60Hz is a massive downgrade, not progress.
I been waiting for a Mass Effect game for a awhile now. Ever since I got out of High school 11 years ago I haven't been able to keep up with Video games. When I heard there was a new one I was glad to hear it. I don't buy games when they first come out often, but this one I will. Love the Mass Effect series.
I don't know, I'm not liking the face of the main character. Hopefully, they'll allow us to change the features of him. Also, I'm really not impressed by this video. There's just something missing...something that you just could feel from the trailers/gameplay of the first trilogy. Ah well, I'm open to new experiences so here's hoping for the best!
I feel the same way. I squealed like a girl when I saw this in my sub box, never would have imagined that I would have finished the video with a grimace. It just feels as if they are putting too much time into graphics rather than story.
I guarantee you that they just made a generic create a character face for the trailers. I don't really think they care about establishing a definitive character look like they did with male Shep. They say their big reveal is in November so I think this was supposed to leave you wanting more.
That Asari's design seems way out of place. Everyone else is wearing armor, and she's wearing some sort of leather biker outfit that's 3 sizes too small
I doubt it. ME3 was praised for it depth of class's and better RPG than ME2. I do really they they would go back to ME RPG and tbh would be just fine if they didn't. If they like ME3 and expand on it that would be great though. I just do not need like 20 things to level when in all I will only do like 5 or 6 areas.
Well ME3 had an actual story where the characters contributed something, like there thoughts and opinions on the war and their ideals toward it and towards each other rather than share there story and thoughts and feelings only to you and no one else ME2.
ME3 was worse in that aspect, they even reduced the amount of dialogue options compared to ME2. Mass Effect 3 was a good game, but if you compare it to Mass Effect 2, it doesn't beat it in any category, whether that is story (worse than ME2), gameplay (Equal with ME2) or even graphics (Equal with ME2).
40% of the mass effect 2 dialogue had only 2 choice , and mass effect 3 had way better combat, much more dynamic and with the introduction of better melee fight. So no mass effect 3 was not less good than ME 2 on every point.
Daniel Leemet How is ME3 worse with story. In ME2 what do you do? Destroy a bunch of Space bugs who only want to turn humans into bug juice. What do you do in ME3? YOU SAVE EVERYONE!!! I had more connection and sense of accomplishment in 3. In 2, all I felt that I accomplished was destroy a side faction while saving the Alliance a large amount of precious tax dollars. THAT"S IT! THAT'S ALL I DID! In ME3, I save the Krogan, I save the Quairans and the Geth. I contribute to a temporary truce between the Alliance and what's left of the Batarians. I did all of that. ME3 > ME2
When the devs themselves keep talking about the graphics like that's the only thing that matters No this is a tech demo,they simply created a few assets and models and put them to work in a scripted video. This is not the gameplay Incredibly misleading
Holy shit the comment section is pure fucking acid, but hey, what the hell else can you expect with this fanbase? Anyway it looks amazing and I'm already in love with that Asari, can't wait till November 7
People complaining about gay characters and 'ugly' women are the worst. If they don't get exactly what they want, the way they wanted it, so fuck everything. Guess what, there are so many kinds of players, it is nice that they are portraiting humams in such a glorious diversity. Bioware games are about the characters, afterall
+Adolf Hitler The 4th Democratic Liberal Feminist Queen Of Stalingrad Which characters exactly? Cortez is the only one who would end up an empty shell of a character without his backstory. I've seen people complaining about Traynor too, but she has more of a personality than her predecessor. I can't think of a single other character that you could argue is defined by their sexuality, not even Isabela and Zevran who are extremely sexual characters. And the physical attributes of the asari in this video are no less "sexy" than some of the asari in the first game, so I don't know wtf you're going on about there. Dressing like a stripper in combat sounds like a bad idea.
Yeah, I don't see it. But I also don't give a shit about the "gay agenda". Dragon age has always been a franchise that focuses heavily on the romance arcs, and Bioware have always made sure to provide options for everyone, realism be damned. That makes sense to me, but perhaps it feels more forced now due to the poorer writing. It just seems like Dorian and Cortez' subplots, Kaidan "turning gay", and the addition of a trans character was just too far for some people and now we're being nitpicky and overly critical, such as in the case of this asari. Those are incredibly feminine features in my opinion (and biology would probably agree), just not to the same degree as Liara's, which are very child-like.
Been on a Mass Effect kick lately, recently rediscovered this game was being made. So much more has come to the surface now, and I honestly can't wait for N7 day, I'm so excited.
Looks good, I hope there is no SJW rubbish in it like Dragon Age seems to be plagued with now.. I don't mind if a character is homosexual, hell I'm working on a graphic novel/game in which the main character is homosexual.. The thing is his sexuality is not seen nor treated as important, his story and character is what's main focus.. In other words, we don't need to constantly be reminded about a character's sexuality, or gender.. Sick of that crap. Next I hope the character creation is done well, and actually is deep, as they will claim it to be. Hope it plays well, and multiplayer is addicting and fun like ME3 was, and your choices actually matter.
Was it really that bad in Dragon Age I've had multiple play throughs and the only one who I found to be overbearing was Anders and that was about him being a mage. Oh and maybe Krem because that character did nothing ( I haven't played the dlc for DA I nor have I played Awakening)
lol did you even meet Sera in DA:I? She literally never mentions the fact that she's gay unless you directly ask her as a male. Also Dorian (also gay) doesn't bring it up much except with his *personal* quest in which he's struggling with his own identity and gives us an interesting look at Tevinter and its goings on. Krem (transgender) doesn't mention it much either, only when you ask him about it. Like with all stuff, it's there if you look for it but if you directly involve yourself with the characters then, what do you know? They reveal personal stuff about themselves that just happen to be different, just as any other person, note the word person, just accept it and move on dude.
+wat Spot on, Bioware treatment of gay characters is exactly what this guy argues for, something I personally am not very fond of as I prefer Fallout: New Vegas approach, but it's not about truth in all this whining. As you can see the other common lie is that "there were more gay characters than straigth in DAI !!!111!!" (in reality there were 6 straight companions - and thousands of straight NPCs - and 3 non-straight companions).
Mentioning Seria is irrelevant to me, as female characters who are homosexual, are handled well.. Male characters on the other hand tend to be a bit more stereotypical. When Dorian was first introduced and we knew he was gay. I was like "Oh awesome, he looks cool, just hope he's an awesome guy who happens to be gay" Nope, they made him quite camp, my friend who is gay, couldn't even stand him.. It just made me more proud of the way we handled our homosexual male characters. Anders was another disappointment. He was funny and cool when we first meet him, then in 2 he's so whinny, and annoying.. When I'd hear Dorian's banter with the other characters, I was like "oh god will you shut up", My friend said he sounded like some "circut queen" lmao. I nearly died laughing, when he was being attacked and goes "I'm too pretty to die". Sera since you mentioned her, just made my friends and I chuckle, over how odd she looked.. Due to the fact that there are a lot of SJW harpies who bitch about attractive or hot females in games. I eventually put DAI down, because it was just getting too boring for me. Thankfully though ME isn't done by the same team who does DA, and I will say the character Steve in ME3, was done very nicely, just wish you could bring him into combat.
I don't care if every character was homosexual.. I'd like to see a character who was homosexual, presented in a different way, and in that I'm talking about male characters, not females (which is why I chuckled, when he mentioned Sera lol).
I just *found* a 4K screen under a rock! Sheesh, I simply had to look for it.
IKR! I just found a PC build with 1080 SLI!
***** Congrats! Perhaps I should try replacing my FX 8350 with the same technique you used.
I wish you good luck with that m8 =)
I guess that works, but you know, we aren't in the stone age anymore. I for one just googled "4K screen", and found a bunch in an instant. Then I clicked play. Simple as that.
+Jezusmaria I assume you meant you clicked *"buy"*.
So 1440p is considered "stone age" now? Man, you are crazier than *Apple*!
"If you are not using a 4K screen, find one." Nah I'm cool. lol
fr lol
Looks so good even no a 1080p Screen! I can't wait for it!
Yeah, just lemme break my piggy bank and go to the store !
Yeah will clearly not watch this as ME fan because my screen is 1080p, sure.
I looked all over my house no 4k screen :(
Well, Liara was way hotter
80% of the Asari in the previous games were hotter than this one to be honest. I am not counting the bartender with Krogan father for example, and I still think that one is hotter xD
Thank feminism for the new asari.
Thanks feminism! She's adorable!
This Asari looks like Danny DeVito.
plot twist there will be no romance in ME:andromeda
If you're not viewing this on a 4K monitor, go get one"
I guess when you're rich, it's hard to remember that everyone else isn't
you can buy one for 400 bucks
I rest my case
"If you're here for the engaging story, imaginative universe, and well-written characters, get the fuck out. This game is for people who have a lot of money and want tech porn."
400 hundred isnt much unless you dont have a job or made terrible decisions growing up
Or if you're in college
"Depth and realism that simply hasn't been possible in the past" lmao.
Crysis 3 in the background laughing its ass off.
***** the lighting looks great but they could probably achieve good lighting and great textures because there's a lot of low poly structures and rendering the inside of a dark cave wich is less demanding then an open area.
Crysis 3 was dog shit. Fuck off kid.
Jason McClure
Definitely was, but there's no denying that it looked amazing on PC.
Almost immediately after they said that I noticed that the omnitool's lights were appearing on the BACK of not-shepard's head.
As opposed to, you know, the front, where the light was coming from.
"If you're not watching this on a 4K screen find one and come back "
SCREW YOU BIOWARE, I DO WHAT I WANT! *plays in a normal screen*
I have a 1440p screen and said fuck you.
"find one and come back with the quote...we will pay"...that should have been said so.
Exactly how the fuck am I supposed to find a 4K screen? Are you going to sell me one Bioware? Fuck you.
I'll play on a CRT tv so fuck you really hard Bioware.
Remember back in Mass Effect 2, when you enter Donavan Hock's party and the epic scenery combine with the party's theme make you stand still for hours just to enjoy the moment. What a great fking game. I really hope i can re-live moment like that in the new game.
Only with a DLC :( damn you EA
Yeah, fk the DLC system. If only these corp guys learn a thing or two from CD Projekt Red
I thought I was the only one... Looking at the city in the distance and listening to the chatter and party music made me feel like I was living there, in the future. Truly immersive
For me that moment was when I walked into Afterlife for the first time.
I felt like I had just walked into a real club.
For me it ended with Mass Effect 2 and believe me I thoroughly enjoyed that game. What came after was just horrendous and the fact that they haven't shown actual gameplay yet is concerning to me.
"This is the heart of the vault"
*Destiny vault of glass flashbacks*
*Borderlands flashbacks*
Fallout flashback
Mass Effect 1 flashback... (Prothean ruins)
Halo flashback...
*Payday vault flashbacks*
*GTA 5 vault flashbacks*
Karl Mjolnir I've played halo but I dont remember anything of a vault in those games...
Without being referred to as Vaults, the whole setup of the Halos, the Ark, and the Shield-world from 4 were all reminiscent of that.
Karl Mjolnir o shit I've completely forgot about the HALOS themselves
Where is Master Chief?
he is not here
Mandalorians blow so hard 😂
Ask Cortana.
Sheppard showed him the door.
he is trying to make a good game...
I am waiting forward to you, Andromeda!
aren't we all? :)
nice sentence
I hope this utter piece of garbage get cancelled.
whoa. i did not notice the mistake. haha
or that it won't be garbage
>Shrek Asari is a companion
>"I Just Got Out Of Animation School" tier animations
Bioware, why?
Just wait until the diversity quota hits full force.
Pre Alpha. Are listening.?
Shut the fuck up.
+Aron Preece oh no, no more white people? how rascist! white people are the most oppressed people in the world!
Dude, this is pre alpha. They're working on it
I hope this isn't just a DAI clone. Games have to stop making areas bigger just to be bigger. I think most Bioware fans would rather small well polished areas filled with meaningful quests and memorable characters over massive empty areas filled with fetch quests and 2 lines of dialogue.
The ending to DAI was so good though.
Socal RiceKing the ending was in paid DLC.
i really hope they do not make a DAI clone, that game was a waste of money(and i don't speak about multiplayer wich is even worst), the only nice character is Sera and in part Varric, the open world thing is useless, the character from the old games? Where are they? Spell and skill trees? Tactical management?
yeah a lot of sad characters, nothing like, Zevran, Ogren, Alistar, even the dog is more funny. And do not forget this, the main antagonist (Corypheus) come from a DLC and he suck too. All your time spent in the previous title has been a waste, nothing change and plus again to discover the true ending another DLC, c'mon it's not the way to release a full game, it's an alternative way to steal money from the fan of the series.
ours dreams should be heard
I rather play this on 1080 60 FPS or 720 60 FPS. But if you guys chose to focus on graphics instead of story. Then BioWare...you truly didn't care about the game itself.
Sadly better graphics = better sales. It the first thing people notice during a game trailer, not the frame rate.
This is what i'm worried about.
This was specifically done for the Sony event. Of course the demo would be mostly about graphics, when the main goal of the event was to introduce the PS4 Pro and its capabilities. Expect to see more on the story and characters after N7 Day.
Touche. But I just hope the whole game isnt like DA:I. No matter what choices you made, the end result is the same. That would suck.
If the graphics were shit you would be raging about it. Also, this is a Tech Demo, not a gameplay trailer.
It scares me how much they focus on the graphics aspect only....
They're just capitalising on the PS4 Pro hype.Details of everything else will come in November.
Graphics, gameplay, graphics, gameplay.
"BIoware is all about the story" my foot. You're no longer BioWare just because you have Aaryn Flynn and some odd writers left.
"Tech Demo"
Linkenski Preach.
What are you talking about? ME has always been about story.
I think I can speak for the fans when I say we would love to get the trilogy remastered on this engine, anyone agree?
If anyone disagrees I'd be tempted to shoot them. ;)
it would take a lot of time, taken off from the making of ME: andromeda and other possible new ME games, so NO, i'd rather want bioware to bring new games instead of games i've alrady played with better graphics
Well they should almost remake the trilogy so it has a great story
And a new ending to ME3 that fulfills their original promises? Yes I am down.
Yes, that is needed.
"All these points could be vaults on other worlds."
My thoughts exactly! XD
Mass Effect/Borderlands crossovrr confirmed.. lol
Holy shit don't even get me started. The hype would be too much
Considering the ship that brought them to Andromeda is named Hyperion...
qwerty asdf Borderlands 3 has been confirmed a week ago
If I were Bioware, I wouldn't put out pre-alpha footage, because all the morons on the internet will proclaim their hatred and disgust for their game. I'm happy to see some in-game footage and gameplay. Can't wait until N7 day!
Its going on in the comment section now lol
This video didn't show much and therefor its pretty hard to make a statement either for or against it. There will always be haters but most people I see just want it to be a good game and they get shit from fanboys instead. It goes both ways my friend.
Same here
That's what happen with Mafia 3 game too some smart ass are saying this game is stupid like gta 5 or graphics are stupid and more more hate ( there arent more people who hate it, as you know, there always will be haters )
i don't really care about graphics that much i just hope they don't destroy the previous story with a shitty one and ... you know bang some asari , okay
Walking. More walking.
Jumping. Scanning. Talking. Cutscene.
Bad walking animation.
Bad walking animation. More bad walking animation.
The walking animation reminds me a lot of mass effect 1
So it's better than only walking on the corridor locations.
Animations looks good. But you wouldn't be Linkenski if you didn't complain about something, right? :)
" If you're not watching this on a 4K screen find one and come back "
What a dickhead comment to make. Please shell out more money to experience this in the best quality.
I wish this video was more informative. Like this is a sequel to Mass Effect 3, I wish they'd tackle more interesting topics like " How will my story carry over to this game. " Etc,Etc. But it's still good to see more mass effect.
I think this video is more to show off a bit of gameplay/graphics
They've already said that your decisions in the original trilogy will have no effect on the game
1) This is not a sequel to Mass Effect 3, it is a Mass Effect spinoff.
2) They have been very cleqr already that the previous game will have zero impact.
Yeah it was jerkish but I think this was specifically for a Playstation event for a console version that is all about 4k gaming. Hell, this was probably downright contractual how he said it.
Sorta. They continue to not rule out it potentially being in references. But yes, there so far seems to be more of the Dragon Age treatment (maybe even less). There's still possibility that there may be an app that lets us customize some of the state of things, but its almost certain that nothing will affect (in cause --> effect sense, maybe thematic or details) plot like it happened a little bit in ME1 --> ME2 and pretty significantly in ME2 --> ME3 (barring the original ending haha). Point is, we still may hear about something. But it won't be a big something in any case. They want MEA to act the most standalone than ever.
"This video was meant to be experience in 4K."
*video quality running at 1080p. *
Meh, close enough.
I literally hate the asari in this game.
And what's with the quote,"if you don't have a 4k screen,find one and come back."
Selling your PS4 and buying a Neo. Can you not support horrible practices please you utter spastic?
Meh, just watch it in 144p, you get the gist. .-.
I tried both, and truth be told you would be hard put to tell the difference ;)
Graphics quality is about a lot more than just resolution, and I would rather they focus on other things, such as texture and model quality, and lighting (the lighting in particular looked a bit flat).
That said, I never played ME for the graphics. If it looks like this, and they provide more open an sprawling levels than the earlier games, I will be a very happy camper :)
You lot seriously think that Asari is ugly? She's no Liara, sure, but I still give her an 8/10 on the 'Would Bang' scale.
I'd give her a 9. Liara was an 8.
kagenotatsumaki I respect your opinion on that, even if I don't share it. Regardless, I don't get how people are saying she's ugly.
***** Absolutely not! Samara was, weird looking. Lol
A perfect voice actress for a beautiful design! Liara was a 10, this one is an 8.
She is a 9/10, little bit masculine but since their whole race is only consists of "females" I imagine it's quite common! And Liara was maybe a 7, she was not realy my type! The best was Tali'Zorah nar Rayya sinace she is so cute!
I don't like the look of Not Liara.
Precisely the label I shall be giving to any and all Asari companions
Not Liara :'( still she could be a fun character, let's wait and see.
She's probably a commando. I think she looks good, just don't like the outfit that much.
Not Liara? Let's make that a thing! We should definitely name that asari Not Liara. Haha
+Anelikital yeah looks like she might be a bit of a comic relief character which could be interesting
Pretty sure you could jump in 2 as well?
Lol no xd You could only vault over stuff in all 3 games..never jump.
Baron Von Yolo Was talking about Dragon Age in my comment
reading these comments and seeing everyone’s fears come to life in hindsight is kind of sad
So true 😢
I went to a Comic Con Panel in 2014 for Mass Effect where they had revealed for the first time to the public a few models from the new Mass Effect game they were working on (mainly the Mako and a few of the background maps and such). At the time, if it had a name, it was not even revealed to us yet. This tells me, they have probably been working on it since at least 2013 if they already had some models together. Keep in mind that it took 3 years from ME1 to ME2 then 2 years from ME2 to ME3. That means this game will have been in development for 4 years, longer than any of the other Mass Effect games, by the time it comes out. At the very least, they are taking their time to make sure this game will be great, so I trust it will not disappoint.
yhea thats a long time for a sequal but this is not a sequal its probably going to be a new franchise and can take their time since they dont have to get it out as soon as possible like massefct 3 and they probably arent putting 100% into development since they where still working on massefect 3 after it released.
Remembering that just because it's been in development for that time doesn't mean they've had resources to do so.
Take for example artists. They often work in quite large teams on projects like this (imagine 100+ artists). If you "only" have 20 artists allocated for those 4 years, that's literally half as many man hours as 80 or 100 artists for 1.5 - 2 years.
Script writing is another thing. I daresay that it would have been a significant effort in cost of implementation (new zones, area's etc) vs enjoyability. You can see this clearly in all the Mass effects where quite a few of the zones are very very small. Just basic level design, to accommodate the side quests.
I'm really against EA, I think they are flogs.
So we'll see how this goes. Hopefully it doesn't fail to impress. It sure looks pretty!
I'll only say "Don't trust EA, but trust Bioware".
I don't trust Bioware.
They are great storytellers but they release games in beta form, not complete.
sovereign126 They release games too quickly because of EA pressuring them into finishing games too quickly.
Animation in this game like 2006
Ye, but it's pre alpha, I hope they'll fix it
This was pre-alpha game play. Let's hope the final product will have the animation improved.
PRE-ALPHA. Animations are some of the last things to be polished before release. And for the record. CoD looks worse
lol at ya-ll saying it's pre-aplha. Dummies, this is Bioware of course the animations will be crap even on final build.
this game is like almost a year away it's just a snip bit of footage tht hasn't been glossed over or refined yet
I'm still afraid of this game just being DAI in space....
Don't worry, it will be different, in the DLC! ;)
You two are both worst and best at the same time. Have my likes.
they cant just make good RPG like Witcher 3 because it must have bilions of sidequest like bring me 10 flowers or kill 10 bandits. Hope this gonna be better than DAI
DAI wasn't bad
I really enjoyed DAI
At first I was like "looks nice for a game still in production. Can wait to get my hands on it". And then I read the comment section here. Since then I can feel mix of shame and existential nausea aimed toward humankind as a whole.
Totally Agreed!
Why because EA are scum and bioware hires racist?
These comments are really depressing. Like its a tech demo and people are shouting about how there are going to be no straight characters. Really?
I know,right?Some of the most toxic people I've ever seen...
+Awoken 123 I play league of legends and these people are worse than them
That's the alt-right for ya. Whiny, reactionary horseshit wreaks from their selfish minds.
It's horrible, these people are so dumb and nasty...
Welcome to the Mass Effect Community.
that showed me NOTHING. No HUD.. companions... combat .... COME ON I DON'T CARE ABOUT GRAPHICS I WANT GAMEPLAY
This was just to fit with recent Playstation (not just Mass Effect connected) stuff. Like they said, 'official new trailer' is in November. Then from then on, sure, there will be HUD, companions, combat. This game is releasing most likely several months from now. Chill.
Hey dipass, they said it will be revealed on November 7. This is just a PS4 circlejerk.
This was a tech demo for PS Neo, not a showcase/reveal for ME:A.
It says 'Pre-Alpha' you dimwit
It's a tech demo they're showing a full on demo on N7 be patient...
I really don't get the complains, graphics look fantastic in here! D:
It's not the graphics they're complaining about it's the game allowing you to interact with gay characters (which we know nothing about as of yet) because apparently you couldn't do this in any other Bioware games.
Ahmed Demha But I literally see comments complaining about animations ._.
If the game will not be like Dragon Age:Inquistion,by not like that I mean limit the game to only 1 gay and 1 lesbian if they want it,but not fill the game with lesbians and gays
There's a few yes but most of the criticism is seemingly centered on people complaining about Bioware pandering to a group while the complainers essentially want to be pandered to.
+DJ Isaac™ I don't understand those comments with gay and lesbians. Can somebody explain what is meant by it?
The only bad thing about Mass Effect is the fanbase.
why though?
If it wasn't for EA Mass Effect wouldn't even be around. They wouldn't have the budget to make the games. EA isn't as bad as people pretend they are.
Apparently that's the bad thing about EVERYTHING nowadays. Holy fucking shit, let's stop complaining about everything's fanbase? Please? Just let people be annoyingly passionate about what they love. It's not the end of the world. Ugh.
***** sometimes. yes.
***** ehhhh, no. but literally love can be a crime. but im going to let you decide where to go from there.
im just being hyperliteral here, but yeah, love can be illegal. and rightfully so.
Who else clicked this notification in a heartbeat?
my heart stopped when I saw it
This been a pretty good day. First was the NBA 2k17 trailer for my career. Then the trailer for Underworld Blood Line and now this. Words can't describe how hype I am right now.
its like everyone had the video muted and didn't realize it was PRE ALPHA
Muted? It is written on the screen xD
That's not what "Pre-alpha" is. There's no such thing as a fucking "pre-alpha", it's just a fancy PR word. The Alpha stage is the first playable stage of the game, "pre-alpha" would basically mean nothing more than a prototype, an idea for what the game could be.
My balls pre-alpha. That's not Pre-Alpha. Just PR stunt.
This is BioWare. Not Ubisoft. I think you are confused.
HAH! That's become a buzz word that companies throw around like they mean it. This is clearly NOT pre alpha. Come back when the game is released and see for yourself..
I already know who i'm fuckin. That Asari lookin real nice.
I am on the other corner: I already know who I am not hooking up with xD
Answering the real questions
The Asari looks like Danny DeVito.
Since this promo is pushing "visuals" it makes me wonder if other aspects of the game such as... I don't know... story... is lacking. That's awesome that they have 4K in mind, but that's not what made Mass Effect popular. If it's just another generic EA shooter I won't even buy this game on sale.
I think they just want to keep the story a mystery for as long as they can. Sort like how LucasFilm promoted the practical effects and nostalgic tone of The Force Awakens instead of the film's story. And if we look at everything that's been released so far regarding Andromeda, the focus seems to be on exploration. Not graphics. This video is just to give us a glimpse as to what that exploration will look like and how well the game is coming along.
twmcgraw303 I hope so too. I'm not too optimistic, though. I will wait until after reviews from customers, NOT IGN or whatever sellout organization, says.
Same here, I have no faith that the story will be good. It will probably be 2 hrs long, DLC heavy, and a huge focus on multiplayer, kill me now...
+Miguel Pena They've been working on this game for a long time and they have a good writing team behind it so I'd say that the chances of this game being good are quite high. EA seems to be slowly learning from their past mistakes so let's hope that's the case here.
It's Bioware, I feel like the one thing you can count on is a good storyline, what you should be worrying about is the gameplay, does what you do in the game affect the storyline or are you just playing to get to the cutscene, dialogue.
This doesn't make me hate EA any less.
Apply cold water to the burnt area.
It's not idiotic to be skeptical or even a little resentful towards EA. They've not done a lot of favors to BioWare in their past games.
Good, because BioWare is the developer not EA.
He's not an idiot for looking at EA's previous actions and resenting them for all the crushed potential by their hands. They've hounded a lot of developers to cut content and quality assurance for purposes of rushing games out the door to meet EA deadlines.
Apparently 39 people do. So consider yourself corrected.
I shouldn't have come into the comments. It's just a warzone. Good to know these sorts of people will being the ones rating the game. I think it's Pre-Doomed just because of ultra oversalty people.
And as for anyone who came here to say things like "Wow looks great!" "Can't wait for N7 day!" "Good to see a cutscene finally!"
Good on you for not adding to the absolutely shocking level of overwhelming anger and vulgarity that was already here.
Bioware, my honest recommendation is to not release any further videos on Mass Effect Andromeda, Except the trailer.
[which, in and of itself, will probably be full of salty and terrible comments]
Geez people, As if I needed any help losing faith in humanity.
I know! What's wrong with people?
I wont be getting this game if it is going to be mediocre. I said stuff like "Wow looks great!" on ME3 videos and we know how ME3 turned out. I will keep my expectations very LOW and see if Bioware can prove me wrong.
It's all good man, I'm just referring to the overwhelming levels of nasty comments and people.
I am reserving judgment on the game Till i see the trailer.
ME3 was great actually. The ending could have been much better but 95% of the game was fantastic as well as the DLC.
Spectre Status
I completely agree with that.
Characters/team members I want to see in Mass Effect Andromeda:
- A rude Hanar.
- A hard-ass Volus soldier.
- A pacifist Krogan.
- A stupid Salarian.
- A tech-inept Quarian.
- An excitable Turian.
- A wise-cracking Elcor.
Yes! A comment that restored my faith in humanity with humor!
Seriously, this made me laugh.
This would be great lol
A sensitive and poetic warrior Krogan, like Char from the Nos Astra markets on Illium. Finding his body on the Rachni world was truly sad.
This comment made my Day xD
A rude Hanar, I didn't know I wanted that until now lol! and maybe a sane Vorcha.
I choose to play on a Commodore 64. How is my experience going to look?
Refer to Project Space Station
still better that PS4! :D
I'm Commodore 64 and this is my favourite comment in the Citadel.
I'm so fucking tired of hearing "Like never before". All this PR bullshit makes me want to throw up.
It's not like they couldn't do this shit on PC.
i want this game soo badly for PC of course, my gtx 1080 is burning with desire to run this game for me :D
without seeing any RPG elements, it looks like your average space action game.
so did the other ME games until people played them.
not saying I won't buy the new one. They also said in each one how REVOLUTIONARY it will be. Your decisions MATTER like NEVER BEFORE, ect of that nature.
annoying marketers
This trailer is primarily a graphics showcase (in pre-alpha, no less). If we get to a choice and consequence trailer and it's full of auto-dialogue, then I'll worry.
You do know it's called a tech demo for a reason and throughout the video, it was just talking about how it will look and run not the actual gameplay which they just said will be shown later this year. Your comment is basically complaining about something the video was not meant to show.
no, it's real purpose is to generate hype while showing as little as possible.
The screen tearing looks incredible on my 4k monitor...
They just added "Neo" to the end but it's still a potato.
I know right... It's almost like it's an alpha footage or something crazy.
Except it's not alpha. Dumbasses.
Glad it wasn't only me.
Whatever. I will buy it and play it and totally enjoy it no matter what haters say. Hell yeah!!!
Oh, a positive comment! How extraordinary and relieving :D
yes !!!! absolutely !!!!
How do you know you'll enjoy it?
Thanks for being such a dumb fanboy!!
***** is that supposed to be a joke?
Because it's not funny
I will definitely change the default appearance of main male protagonist.
Yeah he looks like a dick.
I think they're doing what dai kind of did in that they aren't really giving their trailer protagonist a unique face. I guarantee you that's a create a character face.
I think they're doing what dai kind of did in that they aren't really giving their trailer protagonist a unique face. I guarantee you that's a create a character face.
oh my god so it's not my anti-default face bias he looks like a high-school math teacher
definitely working to make Shepard custom face in this game
Best game of 2017 right here!
And you judge this on what exactly?
***** Bioware has always been my favorite game developer, the past three Mass Effect games were magnificent, and it looks like with this new game there's going to be more exploration gameplay which I love. I can't see how any game could be better than this next year. I just hope they stick to Mass Effect's RPG roots, if they stray too far from that, it's the only thing that could ruin it.
We did not even get a proper trailer and this is just some penis-length competition who's got the better graphics, this video shows nothing else than sharp textures. Even animations are bad.
Everything else is just words we've read on gaming websites, and games like No Man's Sky show us how much are words worth. There is like zero things we know about Andromeda and you call it Goty 2017. Come on. Turn your brain on please and quit fanboying blindly.
***** The full trailer will be released on November 7. No Man's Sky was made by a small team of a dozen people. I can assure you Bioware has a much much larger team. No Man's Sky was actually a very impressive game considering the small number of people that made it. Also this gameplay is pre-alpha it does not reflect the final product. But most importantly Bioware has never let me down in the past, they have always provided a great gaming experience.
Joke of 2017
I hope I'm not the only one who doesn't give a shit about 4k
Yeah cause you don't have the new PS4 or your PC can't handle it. I'd definitely care if my PC was able to run 4K.
DEWS VMMMCXV lol why u so serious kid
jack Lin because it's not like I have to be funny every time I talk?
whatever dude, the ps4 is not going to do native 4k so stfu. The master race will continue to uphold it's pristine tower of higher resolutions and higher fps.
ps4 pro does support 4k :p
The graphics were good enough. Look at ME1! Traveling on planets and seeing planets beside planets. Beautiful. What happened to that? We just want a game with a GOOD ENDING that includes ALL DLC.
The Anticritic needs some calibrations ;3
I think what he means is that the devs should stop obsessing with graphics so much and focus on other things.
+dodo2208 with that kind of graphics, they will spend way too much on developing, and on sales u will number the sales on fingers. Mass Effect 1 was great for story not graphics.
I'm not an expert but what's so great about frostbite? DAI had it and it didn't make the game any more enjoyable. Personally, I don't care if the water is super HD or whatever, I'd rather have fun combat, meaningful quests, locations that are interesting to explore and not just to stare at and hairstyles that aren't fugly. I'm not familiar with the developing process of video games, but all these things seemed to have been sacrificed in favour of pretty sights in DAI. I wouldn't want the same thing to happen to MEA, but I'm not getting my hopes up.
Scuttlebutt101 I couldn't have said that better...
I demand a 4k remaster to the original trilogy.
There will never be a remaster of the original trilogy. There has already been an announcement over it.
@Matthew Kress I know. Hence, the word "demand." WE NEED IT.
Don't use never, always, hero, love those words aren't for humans
Step 1: Get a PC
Step 2: Get Mass Effect games
Step 3: Set resolution to 3840x2160
There, Mass Effect in 4K.
"If you're not watching this on a 4K screen, find one and come back"
Pretentious, aren't we?
it almost looks like DA:I. I don't see much progress in graphics. the art design is nice but the character models and animation looks a bit off. frostbite engine is not my jam. red engine is far better. I hope the gameplay and the story will be good at least.
At least a shooter gameplay will work better on it than the mess DA:I was.
Is a Alpha game play -.-
Amen bro. The faces of DA:I didn't jell at all with me, and that asari was exactly the same. T_T
I heard Witcher 3 uses the Red Engine...and it sometimes really has awkward animations.
It's not the engine, all the Battlefields made in the last ~5 years look amazing.
man i'm impressed, the light and all shadow details in this game are so beautiful in 4k
Whoa - this video blew me away. Not because of the graphics - but because they managed to find a male main character voice actor that actually knows how to act.
I thought femshep was the bad one tbh
Yeah, femshep while good was incredibly over dramatic.
Shepard was fine as was the Inquisitor and Hawke well he grew me after a long time.
Shepards VA was amazing during the extended cut.
Wayne Cox Yeah I loved the sarcastic Hawke. Honestly I hated Hawke and thought the VA was bad for like the first 2 hours. Then after that it grew me and I liked it alot especially on replay.
agreed male shepards voice could be very monotoned and boring.
In the words of a Great orator of our time.........."DAMN" Ron Simmons
holy flying fuck farooq reference under ME video on youtube, i love it
Lily why are you talking shit to people for no reason?
Aussieduderivs1 Dont worry, i dont care about her :)
PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE. And no shitty PC port while we're at it.
2:50 WOW :)
Perv :P
why the fuck are they focusing sooo much on graphics?! this scares me :S it wasnt because of graphics that i got addicted to ME games.
Something about that cutscene at the end seemed...off to me. Anyone else? Like it didn't seem right somehow.
Because its a fucking tech demo?
Zamio1 i really hope you're right but the thing is that every video i saw was about ,,look how fucking cool our game loooks!!,, And thats it. :/ Im worried
Sigh... It looks better than the last one because they are using a better engine. Fuck man would you rather they use the same shit from the first game.. and don't say yes if it means a better story cause that's obviously not going to happen. If they game sucks its not going to be because of graphics department. They have teams dedicated to the engine, 3d modelers, textures, audio, voice actors, story, and so on. They are all working on separate things so no, they aren't focusing on graphics more than before. The tech was not available to them at the time. The better graphics now are a byproduct of a better engine. An existing engine, that they have been using for games like Star Wars and the Battlefield franchise.
4k with 30fps is nothing special
You're right. Except for the 4k part. Which makes you wrong.
According to Steam analytics, only 0.07% of PC users can play games at 4K resolution. It is something special to be able to hit that target and wrestle out a stable framerate to boot.
On a PS4 Neo no less. This is when it starts, the thing people hoped wouldn't; PS4 Neo elitism. Every new bit of promotional material is now Neo and the original PS4 can go fuck itself and all owners included. Man, I'm jumping over to PC soon.
almost any PC user can play games at 4K resolution - its just a matter of changing your resolution in game settings (even if you only have a 1080p monitor)
also, consoles have now moved from 1080p30FPS gaming to 4K@30FPS gaming with dips to 20~FPS
+fug33 Even with 1080p 30fps they still had dips to 20 fps
I am SO apprehensive about this game. I came late to the trilogy so I bought and played them all straight after one another. I'll never forget the pain of playing ME3 and the disappointment when I finished it...
That said, this is a new universe so it's been created without the pressure of being a direct sequel following two already amazing games. That might make it better. EA's involvement worries me.
I probably will purchase it but I remain sceptical for fear of being heart broken again.
Also will be very disappointed if the turians aren't in this or if there isn't a turian-like race because I LOVE the turians.
Yeah, for me it ended with 2.
Yeah, the RGB ending really was a massive 'fuck you' to the players, I haven't felt that dissapointed because of a game in my life.
I know what you mean, keep that skepticism honestly and don't buy until after some reviews and opinions come out. I remember following this series since the initial release of ME1, it was a lot more devastating to play ME3 after years of buildup. I'm just going to hope it's good and try to ignore it up until I hear some feedback on it. Money is power (and the only thing EA cares about at this point), and if people buy the game blindly they'll keep throwing out crappy games because they know it works, which is really sad to see happen to a universe as cool as Mass Effect.
Skylar Nielsen I could not agree with you more! I'm quite glad I played them all one after the other rather than having years of build up in between all the games.
Likewise, I'm hoping it'll be good, but I daren't expect anything until reviews come out and it's been positively received. Mass Effect is probably my favourite game universe and it would be gutting for EA to ruin the franchise. If they do release a crappy ME game, I'd rather never play it and have my ME experience be mostly good~
I am pretty sure the cannon for Andromeda actually ignores ME3 because the characters are all like, welp the universe is screwed, see ya. If the game ends up just being another Dragon Age Inquisition except with a space skin, I think most people could be happy. It seems that EA has learned its lesson by giving Bioware the time to complete the game, making delays. Time will tell if we get a good game, but I think that we could at least be cautiously optimistic.
Vaults? ... Oh great, we in the universe of Borderlands now X_x
Was just about to say that :D
Because Memelands invented the concept of vault.
Little known fact, ME:Andromeda will be a crossover of Mass Effect and Borderlands. You will have access to billions of unique weapons (c) and meet the character that teleported out of the vault at the end of Tales Of Borderlands.
i said that too, really cant think of a new name for "vault"? seriously they even talk in the cut scene about "vaults on other planets" LMAO thats exactly how borderlands 2 and tales ended. not to mention fallout has its own vaults... im going to get all this vault shit mixed up
and Ironically the environment reminds me of the vex locations in Destiny like "The Vault of Glass".
1:17 can we just acknowledge all these years later awesome that bridge generation animation looks? As well as just the design of the vaults in general! Still looks so futuristic, cutting edge and alien! I love it!
Please, PLEASE disclose the correct information, both you and Sony. This is not native 4K. It's 1440p upscaled, the PS4 Pro can't do native 4K.
This game is still in development, there's still a good chance the Scorpio will be out by the time Andromeda releases. If you're already prepping for the PS4P, please do it justice and cater for native 4K on the Scorpio if the game is still a ways off.
Also, there's a slight frame drop at 1:00 in, watch the levitating creatures as they float past. I wonder if that's due to attempting to upscale on the PS4P, perhaps resulting in performance issues? Who knows.
I don't mean to speak poorly of the game and Sony, but it's misleading. Ubisoft is doing the same. This is NOT native 4K, and the PS4 Pro cannot do native 4K.
FYI, game is scheduled for March 2017, Scorpio is loosely scheduled for 2017, assumed for a Q3/4 release. This game doesn't look as though it'll be ready by March, and it has been delayed a numerous amount of times. This could be considered the first genuine gameplay we are seeing, and it's barebones, moving, jumping, animations that seem to be off, pressing triangle and one cutscene.
Would not be surprised if this game is going to be delayed again and launch after the Scorpio/close to it. If they're taking the PS4P into account, if they're already tinkering with 4K on console, and with the Scorpio in development AND games in development to run at 4K native on the Scorpio, I'm hopeful this game is doing the same.
Not a fanboy. Own both a PS4 & Xbox One, just pointing out that Sony and now both BioWare & Ubisoft need to be honest with us instead of implying it's native 4K, Ubisoft especially with their recent announcement.
Excited for Andromeda nonetheless. 😊
I agree with all except that Scoripio will have real 4k.. Neither ps4 neo or xbox scorpio will have real 4k. There's no way they can run it, unless they want 10fps for every game. Only pc can handle real 4k, and only the best pc's do it. Which is far to expensive for an console to do it.
Its 1080p upscaled. Native 1440p is superiour to native 4k anyway. Almost same looks on displays up to 27" and way more fps.
I have an overclocked 980Ti, an i7 6700k and 16gb ddr4 3000mhz and even that power cant handle 4k ultra 60+fps in demanding AAA Games. 1440p 144Hz is the way to go.
***** Yes, it is. But you almost dont see any difference below 27" Displays. Is it realy so hard to understand?
White characters. Doesn't Manveer get triggered by that?
No. Manveer's a dick, but I don't think he's 100% opposed to white dudes. Besides, he's just a gameplay designer- he doesn't control that stuff.
Who is manveer?
It has 0 to do with Manveer's race and everything to do with him being a racist piece of shit, and denying it will get you nowhere.
Don't forget the chick who complained to the media about the 'virtual rape' mod in GTA5. She's also now at Bioware.
Whether Bioware is SJW infested or not, I'll buy the game if and only if 3rd party reviewers say it's good (no preorders or first day buy) because I love the trilogy. I just hope there's little influence from these people.
He's the racist one? Jesus Christ you goddamn imbecile. Manveer Heir has hundreds of overtly racist tweets about white people and you're asinine enough to call tomme25 the racist? Where do idiots like you come from lmao.
i really hope that they keep there political agenda out of this game
You and me both -.-
I came here to say this.
Not likely, looking at the people they've hired.
Which one exactly?
I didn't know gays existing is political agenda.
Make it in 9k we dont care. Make a Mass Effect with NO MICROTRANSACTIONS not DLC's THAT ARE INCLUDED IN THE DISK, no HUGE BLACK (plot) HOLES, SHITTY ENDINGS, DLC OUT OF PLACE like Citadel dlc ("hey the apocalypse is here but who cares let's have a party when millions of people in Earth die")
The Citadel DLC came out long after ME3. It was supposed to be a farewell to the characters. Pure fan service. I don't see how this is out of place.
Testractus I know the reason of why they released this dlc. For a "farewell". But as I said it doesnt make any sence to throw a party in the end of the apocalypse :P
This is not what Commander Shepard is do.
They could make a dlc that would give ME3 the end we all wanted. A clear ending with no plotwholes etc. Instead they gave crappy dlc's like Citadel and the "ending" dlc. That was like a small petty work.
Not everyone hates the ending. After the uproar they extended the endings in MONTHS. This means additional voice acting and cutscenes. It wasn't a pretty small work. They care about their fans, which isn't exactly mutual considering the overwhelming hatred.
Oh yes I remember, the slides they made, Normady is coming in the middle of your rally to pick your crew up which also doesn't make sence. The extended cut was nothing more than a cheap "patch" to their huge plotholes
Okay, this discussion is pointless. Well, I hope Andromeda will take away your saltiness.
is that asari's face ok
yes it is far better than that frog we saw on e3 16
when she smile? was amazing that video.
I thought I was the only one who noted that. Stiff af. But they say is pre-alpha footage, so let's give them the benefit of the doubt.
+MONKEY.D LUFFY well, still looks amazing
I see nothing wrong with it other than the fact she is not as pretty as the impossibly attractive Asari of the original trilogy.
" If you're not watching this on a 4K screen find one and come back "
*looks into wallet*
Just find one on the street.
How hard can THAT be? :P
One thing I noticed in this video is the perspective, we no longer look over the shoulder or from the back of our character like we did in previous Mass Effects but rather from above it which makes the game look more like Dragon Age: Inquisition. Is this the direction you are going for?
Then he scanned the plant, it zoomed in, so I guess it will switch to the old over shoulder perspective once you draw a weapon or omnitool.
+VillainQueen ah yes, I meant the "exploring mode" camera, the combat looks just like previous titles (from what I've seen in gameplay trailer). I guess such shift is necessary to show off all that sweet sweet Neo tech ;)
Probably a source-code copy-paste >.>
The council is a pain in the ass. I should go
"If you're not watching this on a 4K screen find one and come back"
Don't be so arrogant with poor people. We don't have money but we have feelings.
**cries in a corner**
Why you lying to my face, Mass Effect?
Pre-alpha just means before the features are complete. Alpha is feature implemented but not content complete. Beta is content complete but not polished. Generally. They're really just shorthand for more complete layers of development process. By saying 'pre-alpha' here, Bioware is just saying "Not all the things of the game are put in here or working smoothly, and that is intended and fine." They have probably reached Alpha this year (if not then soon) but this presentation footage was planned months in advance. They'll reach beta this or next year and possibly have public testing, and they'll release early next year. Alpha is the bulk of the 'putting stuff together' phase but there can be years of pre-alpha creation of assets, learning the engine, figuring out features, etc.
Pre-alpha means the state of the game before Alpha. This is not pre-alpha footage. In the entire history of game development, there has never been a game that looked like this pre-alpha, including this one.
efstopp Incorrect, but keep on keeping on.
No, that's exactly correct. Pre-alpha does not mean before features are complete and this game is so obviously past alpha state that I can only imagine you are trolling.
The first playable is the game version containing representative gameplay and assets,this is the first version with functional major gameplay elements. It is often based on the prototype created in pre-production.
Alpha and first playable are sometimes used to refer to a single
milestone, however large projects require first playable before feature compleate alpha. First playable occurs 12 to 18 months before code release. It is sometimes referred to as the "Pre-Alpha" stage.
I beg you, please don't fuck this up.
whoah now, calm down
Jesus you're being salty with everyone in this comment section.
+One Angry Gamer 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 you're killing me. i died
At least they're not blatantly lying about the game like DAI
Blaze77717 what did they blatantly lie about with DAI?
Wow this game is going to be amazing. I can't wait
The new Asari looks fine and if you don't think so who gives a fuck. It's your opinion, you don't have to shove down everyone's throat. The game is not immediately ruined because you don't think a character is hot.
+Adolf Hitler The 4th Democratic Liberal Feminist Queen Of Stalingrad I'm seeing you everywhere on this comment section, get a fucking life sometime.
***** And you're the kind of guy to hit on every girl at a party, but get rejected every time.
***** Oh the marriage must be soooo content.
***** The fact that you have to retreat on that kind of joke is very telling 😂😂
***** Mother jokes, or whatever you deem that.
4k. On a console. That's cute.
Come back to me when you got some footage of how this'll look on a PC, kay?
Note the supposed in-game footage, running at mighty 30 FPS... in an empty room with one character. Encouraging.
Probably 4k on the PS4 Pro, which is designed for 4k.
Dat elitism.
pistendee r
when "class mobility" is at the highest it's ever been, a certain level of elitist derision is justified towards those who have chosen not to ascend to the higher levels.
I have both a PS4 and a PC
sciencemile ...Eh? Yeah no. Elitism isn't justified, period.
AHH! I screamed when I saw this in my notifactions omg.
"All these points could be Vaults on other worlds."
Borderlands: Andromeda
Nolan North?
you can only hope
A lot of actors sound like it. Everyone thought that it was Nolan North for the fallout 4 trailer
But that is nolan north. and. boy they need to find an actor with a voice range for once.
Yeah? It is? And how do you know?
Kieran Guest Brain power.
Looks great, but i thing stable 60fps should be more "immersive" than increasing the rendering resolution to 4K
Sony propably paid them to advertise their new and upcoming PS4 NEO. Still hyped for the game thou :)
So many salty people still remembering the end of ME3 and deciding that any future ME game will be shit just because this section has good graphics and plat forming does not mean the story will be shit they have been working on this for 4 years, they even pushed back the release date... EA pushing back a release date on a completely playable game so they can iron out bugs this alone gives me hope
If only they can escape the limbo of hatred and learn to love again. So sad.
I played ME3 with the EC and I loved the ending and I'm looking forward to this installment. More ME1 with in depth exploration. I'm down for it.
+Rainbowhawk1993 I've never preordered a game before but come November depending on what I see on N7 day I will preorder this
Well it's not really Mass Effect 3 that has me worried, it's Dragon Age Inquisition. This will be my first Bioware game I'm not pre-ordering because of the latest Dragon age.
im concerned about this game because biowares last 3 games have been lackluster. Also look at how many people have left bioware that worked on the original, its like a completely different developer making this game now.
the vaults are really beautiful :D
I really hope this isn't like dragon age where all the males are gay and all the females are lesbians and i'm left with one option PLEASSEEE
One male is gay. One female is lesbian.
There is one 1 lesbian and 1 gay. I'm not sure where you get your number from. DA has always had the same number of straight male LIs from the very beginning which is 2. Dorian and Sera are the first gay companions of the series.
Its really funny how there a bunch in the comments who say the opposite. They say that they made all the straight romances ugly and are pandering to the LGBT community.
Seeing as most straight people love a good gay romance on at least one of their playthroughs, it's good to pander. The shipping communities far outweigh the manboys crying that there was a gay in their video game.
You know a company has gone to shit when all people care about in their games are their shit tier romances lol
Please give us a video introducing these characters. It looks amazing, but weird at the same time. I need to know about these characters.
This is a more of play the game to get their back stories.
I'd like an intro video likehow borderlands 2 did it
The struggle of wanting to know everything about all the characters but also wanting it to be a surprise. Help!!!
That's because Bioware's characters are now terrible, so they would rather you see as little of them as possible
are every females in the game going to be ugly now?
attractive women are oppressive, so yes. And they aren't "ugly" they are REAL women, because in real life there is no such thing as a beautiful woman. That's what feminism thought me
See, thing is we all have different ideals of beauty. It's a wonderful thing called "opinion". Crazy right? I happen to think that asari is way hotter the both Liara and Ashly baring Liara from the first game who looked better (not graphically but you know)
+Jerek Headrick Agreed. I think she's cute. To be honest it seems like these dudes want porn stars. I don't even know how they'd react to a turian romance or something. Meanwhile every straight woman ever is in love with Garrus Vakarian.
+Spy Guy, yes because attractive women doesn't exist. Models they are just very glowy.
You perfectly represent the typical, anti-logical, traditional, status quot reactionary that plague the meta gaming community for ages. Grow the fuck up and accept change. Not everything has to meet your selfish standards. Are you in still puberty or something?
Looks great. Obviously it's a tech preview and people seem to be missing the obvious, as usual (footage from a _very_ early stage of development), but I like the direction that I'm seeing. Looking forward to seeing the results of everyone's hard work. o/
Am I the I the only one who isn't crazy over screwing a fictional character and just wants a cool, interesting story to get lost in?
No, you're not. Seducing cartoons isn't interesting. What a waste of time, especially when the NPC characters are going to worship you anyway. Can you imagine the commander of a naval vessel dating and dumping crew members IRL?
You aren't, but you don't have to be. The romance system was never a main feature of the games
True. I don't have anything against the romance system, it has its perks, though I always felt like it didnt really make sense in the gaming's narrative. When I played ME:1 for the first time, I didn't romance anyone, because honestly I didn't think you could lol. Besides, I was too engrossed in the lore and plot than anything else. Kinda hard to flirt and screw around when you had to stop a Reaper from trying to literally kill everyone in the galaxy!
M Burks Same here to be honest. I only tried in the first place to see what it did
I like to go full Don Quixote when playing RPGs.
Please give us the option to turn off that bandit smudge on the Asari's face.
Hope they still give the option to play in 1080p on the Neo. And get an fps boost due to the lower resolution. Cause 4k 30fps is pointless to me on my 1080p screen.
So it'd be nice to have 1080p 60 fps instead.
Then again, it's multiplatform so I may just end up getting it on my PC anyway.
Dude just build a PC for the price of a neo.
Dave Zoll
What? Did you not read the part that mentioned I already have a PC?
I have exactly 0 interest in the 4K push until reasonably priced 144Hz panels start hitting the market, going back to 60Hz is a massive downgrade, not progress.
Marcos Rubio
144hz isn't gonna matter if you can only play your game at 30 fps in 4k.
And that's why I'll play it 1080p @ 144fps.
I been waiting for a Mass Effect game for a awhile now. Ever since I got out of High school 11 years ago I haven't been able to keep up with Video games. When I heard there was a new one I was glad to hear it. I don't buy games when they first come out often, but this one I will. Love the Mass Effect series.
I don't know, I'm not liking the face of the main character. Hopefully, they'll allow us to change the features of him. Also, I'm really not impressed by this video. There's just something missing...something that you just could feel from the trailers/gameplay of the first trilogy.
Ah well, I'm open to new experiences so here's hoping for the best!
I feel the same way. I squealed like a girl when I saw this in my sub box, never would have imagined that I would have finished the video with a grimace. It just feels as if they are putting too much time into graphics rather than story.
Obviously you can change the playable character's face. Customization is a staple of the Mass Effect series.
I guarantee you that they just made a generic create a character face for the trailers. I don't really think they care about establishing a definitive character look like they did with male Shep. They say their big reveal is in November so I think this was supposed to leave you wanting more.
Agreed it looks more like Dead Space than Mass Effect
its a tech demo to promote the new plaaystation not a gameplay or story just wait till N7 day
That Asari's design seems way out of place. Everyone else is wearing armor, and she's wearing some sort of leather biker outfit that's 3 sizes too small
Its like she's not really a part of their group! (at least not yet)
flerp derpenson thats probably because she's not a soldier.
I wonder if they did something stupid like strip out the RPG elements? I could totally see Bioware doing that.
I doubt it. ME3 was praised for it depth of class's and better RPG than ME2. I do really they they would go back to ME RPG and tbh would be just fine if they didn't. If they like ME3 and expand on it that would be great though. I just do not need like 20 things to level when in all I will only do like 5 or 6 areas.
Well ME3 had an actual story where the characters contributed something, like there thoughts and opinions on the war and their ideals toward it and towards each other rather than share there story and thoughts and feelings only to you and no one else ME2.
ME3 was worse in that aspect, they even reduced the amount of dialogue options compared to ME2. Mass Effect 3 was a good game, but if you compare it to Mass Effect 2, it doesn't beat it in any category, whether that is story (worse than ME2), gameplay (Equal with ME2) or even graphics (Equal with ME2).
40% of the mass effect 2 dialogue had only 2 choice , and mass effect 3 had way better combat, much more dynamic and with the introduction of better melee fight.
So no mass effect 3 was not less good than ME 2 on every point.
Daniel Leemet How is ME3 worse with story. In ME2 what do you do? Destroy a bunch of Space bugs who only want to turn humans into bug juice. What do you do in ME3? YOU SAVE EVERYONE!!!
I had more connection and sense of accomplishment in 3. In 2, all I felt that I accomplished was destroy a side faction while saving the Alliance a large amount of precious tax dollars. THAT"S IT! THAT'S ALL I DID!
In ME3, I save the Krogan, I save the Quairans and the Geth. I contribute to a temporary truce between the Alliance and what's left of the Batarians. I did all of that.
ME3 > ME2
Mass Effect Andromeda was a fun experience, I really enjoyed the game 👏👏👏 Good memories 😊
Guys, please, 4K is NOT a fucking breakthrough. It's a screen resolution. A slightly higher one.
The true Mass Effect fans aren't here for the graphics.
So why is this the first gameplay being shown?
When the devs themselves keep talking about the graphics like that's the only thing that matters
No this is a tech demo,they simply created a few assets and models and put them to work in a scripted video.
This is not the gameplay
Incredibly misleading
Holy shit the comment section is pure fucking acid, but hey, what the hell else can you expect with this fanbase? Anyway it looks amazing and I'm already in love with that Asari, can't wait till November 7
People complaining about gay characters and 'ugly' women are the worst. If they don't get exactly what they want, the way they wanted it, so fuck everything. Guess what, there are so many kinds of players, it is nice that they are portraiting humams in such a glorious diversity. Bioware games are about the characters, afterall
+Natália Castelo Don't forget about the people saying the Asari is dressed to sexy.
+Adolf Hitler The 4th Democratic Liberal Feminist Queen Of Stalingrad Which characters exactly? Cortez is the only one who would end up an empty shell of a character without his backstory. I've seen people complaining about Traynor too, but she has more of a personality than her predecessor. I can't think of a single other character that you could argue is defined by their sexuality, not even Isabela and Zevran who are extremely sexual characters. And the physical attributes of the asari in this video are no less "sexy" than some of the asari in the first game, so I don't know wtf you're going on about there. Dressing like a stripper in combat sounds like a bad idea.
Yeah, I don't see it. But I also don't give a shit about the "gay agenda". Dragon age has always been a franchise that focuses heavily on the romance arcs, and Bioware have always made sure to provide options for everyone, realism be damned. That makes sense to me, but perhaps it feels more forced now due to the poorer writing. It just seems like Dorian and Cortez' subplots, Kaidan "turning gay", and the addition of a trans character was just too far for some people and now we're being nitpicky and overly critical, such as in the case of this asari. Those are incredibly feminine features in my opinion (and biology would probably agree), just not to the same degree as Liara's, which are very child-like.
Been on a Mass Effect kick lately, recently rediscovered this game was being made. So much more has come to the surface now, and I honestly can't wait for N7 day, I'm so excited.
what the hell happened to shadows? no dynamic shadows for character?
goosebumps like never before. This looks stunning. I have a feeling that this will be one great epic game same as previous ME games. Good luck :)
This comment did not age well. 😬
@@godmachine06 ooops ok I admit.... I jumped on hypetrain too quickly 😄
Allright, regarding Asset-design-choices, what can we throw in here? Halo 4, Metroid Prime, Destiny, Tron...
My penis
Looks good, I hope there is no SJW rubbish in it like Dragon Age seems to be plagued with now.. I don't mind if a character is homosexual, hell I'm working on a graphic novel/game in which the main character is homosexual.. The thing is his sexuality is not seen nor treated as important, his story and character is what's main focus.. In other words, we don't need to constantly be reminded about a character's sexuality, or gender.. Sick of that crap. Next I hope the character creation is done well, and actually is deep, as they will claim it to be. Hope it plays well, and multiplayer is addicting and fun like ME3 was, and your choices actually matter.
Was it really that bad in Dragon Age I've had multiple play throughs and the only one who I found to be overbearing was Anders and that was about him being a mage. Oh and maybe Krem because that character did nothing ( I haven't played the dlc for DA I nor have I played Awakening)
lol did you even meet Sera in DA:I? She literally never mentions the fact that she's gay unless you directly ask her as a male. Also Dorian (also gay) doesn't bring it up much except with his *personal* quest in which he's struggling with his own identity and gives us an interesting look at Tevinter and its goings on. Krem (transgender) doesn't mention it much either, only when you ask him about it. Like with all stuff, it's there if you look for it but if you directly involve yourself with the characters then, what do you know? They reveal personal stuff about themselves that just happen to be different, just as any other person, note the word person, just accept it and move on dude.
+wat Spot on, Bioware treatment of gay characters is exactly what this guy argues for, something I personally am not very fond of as I prefer Fallout: New Vegas approach, but it's not about truth in all this whining. As you can see the other common lie is that "there were more gay characters than straigth in DAI !!!111!!" (in reality there were 6 straight companions - and thousands of straight NPCs - and 3 non-straight companions).
Mentioning Seria is irrelevant to me, as female characters who are homosexual, are handled well.. Male characters on the other hand tend to be a bit more stereotypical. When Dorian was first introduced and we knew he was gay. I was like "Oh awesome, he looks cool, just hope he's an awesome guy who happens to be gay" Nope, they made him quite camp, my friend who is gay, couldn't even stand him.. It just made me more proud of the way we handled our homosexual male characters. Anders was another disappointment. He was funny and cool when we first meet him, then in 2 he's so whinny, and annoying..
When I'd hear Dorian's banter with the other characters, I was like "oh god will you shut up", My friend said he sounded like some "circut queen" lmao. I nearly died laughing, when he was being attacked and goes "I'm too pretty to die".
Sera since you mentioned her, just made my friends and I chuckle, over how odd she looked.. Due to the fact that there are a lot of SJW harpies who bitch about attractive or hot females in games.
I eventually put DAI down, because it was just getting too boring for me. Thankfully though ME isn't done by the same team who does DA, and I will say the character Steve in ME3, was done very nicely, just wish you could bring him into combat.
I don't care if every character was homosexual.. I'd like to see a character who was homosexual, presented in a different way, and in that I'm talking about male characters, not females (which is why I chuckled, when he mentioned Sera lol).