"The Case for Christmas" with Lee Strobel

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • While Lee Strobel was still an atheist, he encountered a family one Christmas that showed him that even in the midst of poverty, knowing and having a relationship with Jesus is the best gift they could receive. In this message, Lee shares with us a Case for Christmas.

Комментарии • 23

  • @kenbourekas420
    @kenbourekas420 Год назад +3

    Perfect thank you Mr. Strobel. May the Lord bless you may he look after your family

  • @luciacenteno9580
    @luciacenteno9580 2 года назад +2

    Mr. Strobel, Amen to your verdict in the Case for Christmas..."The Baby in the manger is the divine miracle-working, grace-offering, resurrected, One and only Son of God!" Indeed, indeed.

  • @amt3419
    @amt3419 2 года назад +3

    A very touching story of the grandmother and her grandchildren. A poor family brought Lee to christ... this is how God works in amazing ways

    @STRENGTHFROMABOVE 2 года назад +3

    Sometimes before it gets brighter, it gets darker. Before we see more than enough, we go through a season of not enough. There are times the good has to come to an end to make room for the best. It doesn’t make sense to us. “Why did my business slow down? Why did this person walk away? Why did this door close?” It’s all a part of God’s plan. He’s shaking things up to move you out of good into the best. If He didn’t close those doors, you wouldn’t see the fullness of your destiny.

  • @dawnmeier2834
    @dawnmeier2834 2 года назад +1

    Merry Christmas. I know something good is going to happen today in Jesus name amen 🙏 🙌. Hugs.

  • @yeyegribbon8764
    @yeyegribbon8764 2 года назад +1

    Thank you for this wonderful message!

  • @EssienAdams
    @EssienAdams 8 месяцев назад


  • @IsaiahEli
    @IsaiahEli 2 года назад +6

    May the Lord return quickly. Amen. God is merciful. He always forgives. Never be ashamed to take your failures to him. He is for you, not against you! God is with you in the storm. He knows your troubles, he hears you! He is for you, on your side, always! It may feel silent at times, but he’s holding you close! May the Lord return soon! We are drawing closer. He is coming! Believe and trust in the Lord, you will be saved. Period. May the Lord bless you all! Hang in there family. Stay strong. It is not easy following the Lord. We are scoffed at. We give up our earthly dreams, our fleshly desires. What the enemy offers is short lived, but heaven is forever! Life may seem or be unfair, but God is with you! Always remember that. Things may get better or worse for you, but a kingdom awaits you! Finish the race! Repent daily and carry your cross. This world is fading fast. Your troubles are temporary! New channel here, I’d appreciate any kind of support. Don’t give up! God loves you so much! So do I. The Lord bless you!

  • @JeffinMJohn
    @JeffinMJohn 2 года назад +1

    Happy Christmas season 🎊

  • @sirawdinkbezabih9195
    @sirawdinkbezabih9195 8 месяцев назад

    Amazing 👏 🙀 😯 😮 😲 👏 🙀 😯 😮 😲 👏 🙀 😯 😮 😲 👏 🙀 😯

  • @theloniouscoltrane3778
    @theloniouscoltrane3778 2 года назад

    Great message as always...
    Is Lee Strobel a lawyer? Did he take the State Bar Exams? Anyone? Thanks

    • @James_Corner
      @James_Corner Год назад +1

      Here is what Wikipedia has to say:
      1952) is an American Christian author and a former investigative journalist.[1] He has written several books, including four which received ECPA Christian Book Awards (1994, 1999, 2001, 2005)[2] and a series which addresses challenges to the veracity of Christianity.[3] He also hosted a television program called Faith Under Fire on PAX TV[4] and runs a video apologetics web site.

  • @preacherholllingshed4843
    @preacherholllingshed4843 Год назад

    All right I'm just a few minutes into this and he's already talking about on that first Christmas morning for starters Jesus was not born in December the Sheep are not in the field in December all the theologians all the archaeologists all the proof that has ever been found about Jesus shows a summer to Spring birth remember the cheaper out in the field in the best growing time which is spring early fall

  • @todbeard8118
    @todbeard8118 2 года назад +3

    Strobel was a crappy investigator. He never compared Luke2 to Matthew2 and realized they are two wildly different birth narratives.
    Matthew2 had the holy family fleeing to Egypt after Jesus was born to escape Herod's killing of the newborns and they stayed there until Herod died in 4BC. Then they returned home to Bethlehem, learned Herod's son Archelaus was in power so they went to Nazareth instead.
    Luke2 had Jesus born during the census while Quirinius was governor of Syria in 6AD. Joseph and Mary traveled from their home in Nazareth to Bethlehem for the census. After Jesus was born Mary went through the Rites of Purification then they returned home to Nazareth.
    Jesus also prophesied his return would occur in the 1st century. Oops.
    The first contemporary(non-biblical) source to mention Jesus was Josephus in 93AD.

    • @curbroadshow
      @curbroadshow 2 года назад +2

      and even Josephus mentioning Jesus is contested.

    • @isidoreaerys8745
      @isidoreaerys8745 2 года назад

      The cult doesn’t care about the facts. They want the destruction of the earth.

  • @LM-jz9vh
    @LM-jz9vh 2 года назад

    The following quote from Stephen L. Harris, Professor Emeritus of Humanities and Religious Studies at California State University- Sacramento, completes this point with a devastating argument.
    *Jesus did not accomplish what Israel’s prophets said the Messiah was commissioned to do:* He did not deliver the covenant people from their Gentile enemies, reassemble those scattered in the Diaspora, restore the Davidic kingdom, or establish universal peace (cf.Isa. 9:6-7; 11:7-12:16, etc.). Instead of freeing Jews from oppressors and thereby fulfilling God’s ancient promises-for land, nationhood, kingship, and blessing- *Jesus died a “shameful” death, defeated by the very political powers the Messiah was prophesied to overcome.* Indeed, the Hebrew prophets did not foresee that Israel’s savior would be executed as a common criminal by Gentiles, *making Jesus’ crucifixion a “stumbling block” to scripturally literate Jews.* (1 Cor.1:23)
    The end is near?
    *The Bible’s New Testament contains a drumbeat of promises that Jesus is ready to return any day now, implying that it will happen so soon that it would be wise to keep it in mind when making any kind of life decision. But it didn’t happen.* The following is a sample of verses professing this theme:
    Matt 10:23: [Jesus said to his disciples] *‘When they persecute you in one town, flee to the next;* ***for truly, I say to you, you will not have gone through all the towns of Israel, before the Son of man comes’.*** (They fled through the towns but the Son of Man never came)
    Matt 16:28: [Jesus said to the disciples], *‘Truly, I say to you,* ***there are some standing here*** *who will not taste death* before they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom’.
    Mark 9:1: And he [Jesus] said to them [the disciples], *‘Truly, I say to you,* ***there are some standing here*** *who will not taste death* before they see that the kingdom of God has come with power’.
    Mark 13:30: *[After detailing events up to end of world, Jesus says]* ‘Truly, I say to you, ***this generation will not pass away*** *before all these things take place’.*
    Mark 14:62: And Jesus said ***[to the high priest - died 1st cent. AD]*** ‘You will see the Son of man seated at the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven’. (The high priest died and never saw the Son of Man)
    Rom 13:12: The day is *at hand.*
    1 Cor 7:29: The appointed time has grown very short; from now on, *let those who have wives live as though they had none.* (Funny thing to say if you didn’t think the end was imminent)
    1 Cor 7:31: For the form of this world is *passing away.*
    Phil 4:5: The Lord is *coming soon.*
    1 Thess 4:15: *We who are alive, who are left* until the coming of the Lord.
    Hebrews 1:2: *In these last days* he has spoken to us by a Son.
    Hebrews 10:37: For yet a little while, and the coming one shall come and *shall not tarry.*
    James 5:8: The coming of the Lord is *at hand.*
    1 Peter 1:20: He [Christ] was destined before the foundation of the world but was made manifest at the *end of the times.*
    1 Peter 4:7: The end of all things is *at hand.*
    1 John 2:18: *It is the last hour;* and as you have heard that antichrist is coming.
    Rev 1:1: The revelation of Jesus Christ (i.e., the end of the world)…to show to his servants what must *soon take place.*
    Rev 3:11: [Jesus said] ‘I am *coming soon’.*
    Rev 22:6: And the Lord…has sent his angel to show his servants what must *soon take place.*
    Rev 22:20: [Jesus said] ‘Surely I am *coming soon’.*
    *It is puzzling to understand why Christianity survived the failure of this prediction. It is not ambiguous.* This would be like a rich uncle who promises to give you $10,000 ‘very soon.’ Ten years pass and he still hasn’t given anything to you, but he still says he will do it very soon. Would you still believe that it will happen any day? No, you would realize that it is a false promise. *For some reason, Christians cannot comprehend that they have been scammed. Jesus is not coming back, not tomorrow, not next year, not ever. But they still think it will happen any day.*
    *Watch* Jesus: Apocalyptic Prophet, Historical Lecture - Bart D. Ehrman on RUclips
    Google *"13x Jesus was wrong in the Bible - Life Lessons"*
    Google *"End Times - Evil Bible .com"*
    Google *"The End of All Things is At Hand - The Church Of Truth"*
    Google *"Resurrection - Fact or Myth - Omission Report"*
    Google *"What’s Missing from Codex Sinaiticus, the Oldest New Testament? - Biblical Archaeology Society"*
    Google *"The “Strange” Ending of the Gospel of Mark and Why It Makes All the Difference - Biblical Archaeology Society"*
    Google *"ex-apologist: On One of the Main Reasons Why I Think Christianity is False (Reposted)"*
    Google *"Why Jesus? Nontract (August 1999) - Freedom From Religion Foundation"*
    Google *"272: JESUS’S 5200 AUTHENTIC WORDS - zingcreed"*
    Google *"43: IS THE FOURTH GOSPEL FICTION? - zingcreed"*
    Google *"Jesus Predicted a First Century Return Which Did Not Occur - by Alex Beyman - Medium"*
    Google *"Jesus’ Failed Prophecy About His Return - Black Nonbelievers, Inc."*

  • @LM-jz9vh
    @LM-jz9vh 2 года назад

    "When we say…Jesus Christ…was produced without sexual union, and was crucified and died, and rose again, and ascended to heaven, ***we propound nothing new or different*** *from what you believe regarding those whom you call Sons of God. [In fact]…if anybody objects that [Jesus] was crucified, this is in* ***common*** *with the sons of Zeus (as you call them) who suffered, as previously listed [he listed Dionysus, Hercules, and Asclepius].* Since their fatal sufferings are all narrated as not similar but different, so his unique passion should not seem to be any worse."
    *Note how Justin (Martyr) is less of a fool than modern Christian apologists. He admits that differences don’t matter.* Since each and every one of the suffering and dying gods are slain by different means, one cannot argue the mytheme requires exactly the same means of death. “But Osiris can’t have inspired the Jesus myth because Osiris wasn’t nailed to a cross” is a stupid argument. The mytheme is simply death. Being killed. Suffering and dying. The exact mode of death can vary freely. It makes no difference to the existence and influence of the mytheme. It’s simply the particular instantiation of a generic abstraction. *And Justin’s argument (that Satan invented these fake religions to confuse people) entails Justin agreed the mytheme existed: indeed, it was demonically promulgated, multiple times. Intentionally.*
    *Likewise, Justin notices the mytheme is not virgin birth, but sexless conception. Of which many examples had already been popularized in pagan mythology (there just happens to also have been examples of actual virgin born gods as well). And by his argument (that the Devil was deliberately emulating the Jesus mytheme, in advance), Justin clearly accepted the same principle for “rising again” after death:* the particular exact metaphysics of the resurrection could, like the exact method of death or conception, vary freely. The mytheme consists solely of the abstraction: returning to life. Somehow. Some way. We will say bodily, at the very least. But what sort of body (the same one, a new one, a mortal one, an immortal one), didn’t matter. *If it had, Justin would have made the argument that “those gods” weren’t really resurrected. But that argument, never occurs to him. Nor did it to any other apologist of the first three centuries.*
    *Ancient Christians well knew there was nothing new about their dying-and-rising god. Not in respect to the mytheme.* Their claims were solely that his particular instantiation of it was better, and the only one that actually happened. *They didn’t make up the stupid modern arguments that dying-and-rising god myths didn’t exist or weren’t part of a common mytheme everyone knew about. For example, in the same century, Tertullian, in Prescription against Heretics 40, makes exactly the same argument as Justin. Funny that. They had better access to the evidence than we do. They knew what was really and widely the case. We should listen to them.*
    Google *"Dying-and-Rising Gods: It's Pagan, Guys. Get Over It. • Richard Carrier"*
    Google *"Ehrman Errs: Yes, Bart, There Were Dying & Rising Gods - atheologica"*
    Watch *"Dying & Rising Gods: A Response to William Lane Craig"* by Derreck Bennett at Atheologica.
    Watch *"Asclepius: The Pre-Christian Healer & Savior"* by Derreck Bennett at Atheologica
    Google *"Virgin Birth: It's Pagan, Guys. Get Over It. • Richard Carrier"*
    Google *"5 Pagan Parallels to Jesus That Actually Aren’t Bullshit - Atheomedy"*
    Google *"Christian Apologetics: The Art of Deceit - Atheomedy"*
    Google *"Defending the Resurrection: It’s Easy if You Lie! - Atheomedy"*
    Google *"Majority of Scholars agree: The Gospels were not written by Eyewitnesses - Escaping Christian Fundamentalism"*
    A good site written by an actual Biblical scholar.
    Google *"Contradictions in the Bible | Identified verse by verse and explained using the most up-to-date scholarly information about the Bible, its texts, and the men who wrote them -- by Dr. Steven DiMattei"*
    Google *"How do we know that the biblical writers were* ***not*** *writing history? -- by Dr Steven DiMattei"*
    Google *"How Did The Gospel Writers Know? - The Doston Jones Blog"*
    Google *"Yes, the Four Gospels Were Originally Anonymous: Part 1 - The Doston Jones Blog"*
    Google *"Gospels Not Written By Matthew, Mark, Luke or John - The Church Of Truth"*

  • @johnnyjoedillinger5254
    @johnnyjoedillinger5254 Год назад

    I’d buy him a case of whatever he wants if he’d stop with this crap. He wasn’t an atheist. Let’s just lie for Jesus. Preachers get these stories and apply them as first person. Did Chicago not have school busses in 1974??