Sex before Marriage | Christian Perspective

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • What does the Bible say about sex before marriage? Was sex created only for making children? How far is okay? I have already had sex, so what now? Stay tuned to hear my interpretation of the scriptures and answer these questions.
    Living Together Before Marriage Video:
    • Living Together Before...
    Helpful Resources:
    1. www.gotquestio...
    2. Red Rocks sermon:
    Jefferson Bethke video “Why I Hate Religion but Love Jesus”:
    • Why I Hate Religion, B...
    1. Procreation/children: (Genesis 1:28).
    2. Oneness or intimacy: (Genesis 2:24).
    3. Comfort: (2 Samuel 12:24)
    4. Pleasure: (Song of Songs, 1:2-3, 2:3).
    5. “Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside the body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your body.” (NIV: 1 Corinthians 6:18-20)
    6. “Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry” (NIV: Colossians 3:5)
    7. “Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral” (NIV: Hebrews 13:4)
    8. “It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable” (NIV: 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4)
    9. “And the Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.” (ESV: Isaiah 58:11)
    10. “But at the beginning of creation God made them male and female. For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and the two shall become one flesh.” (NIV: Mark 10:6-8)
    11. “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” (NIV: Proverbs 4:23)
    12. “But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality or of any kind of impurity, or of greed because these are improper for God’s holy people.” (NIV: Ephesians 5:3)
    13. “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (NIV: Galatians 6:7-9)
    14. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (NIV: 1 John 1:9)
    15. “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it” (NIV: 1 Corinthians 10:13)
    Food for thought:
    • “Sex outside marriage is like an adult being satisfied swimming in a kiddie pool. God isn’t a buzz kill. He actually wants to bring you into deeper waters.” -Jefferson Bethke
    • Giving up something now, for something better later, is not a sacrifice. It’s an investment! The investment of giving up sex now and saving it for marriage is not a sacrifice, but is an investment for an amazing, joyous, God honoring relationship.
    • If you are in love, you don’t prove it by having sex. Literally anyone can have sex. It proves nothing.
    If you would like to connect more, you can reach me at my email:

Комментарии • 896

  • @AJarOfYams
    @AJarOfYams 5 лет назад +355

    “Giving up something now for something better later is not a sacrifice. It’s an investment.” This puts the whole thing in a while different light, a more optimistic perspective. Thank you.

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  5 лет назад +10

      Hi Kristian! Glad it was useful :)

    • @facelesspodcaster5594
      @facelesspodcaster5594 2 года назад

      @@AmyJaneRD are you married.

    • @facelesspodcaster5594
      @facelesspodcaster5594 2 года назад +1

      @@AmyJaneRD i am 22 years old now. This seems unrealistic.

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  2 года назад

      @@facelesspodcaster5594 Yes, I am married now. I got married when I was 24 and my now husband was 25. What seems unrealistic to you and why?

    • @facelesspodcaster5594
      @facelesspodcaster5594 2 года назад

      @@AmyJaneRD It is unrealistic because not everyone is going to get married through no fault of their own.

  • @cinnamorollgirl08
    @cinnamorollgirl08 3 года назад +50

    Hello! 13 year old female here! Here is my take, I am fully Christian, I love God and Jesus. But I only became this way a year ago and honestly at 11-12 I sinned so much, way more than a regular child should. But once I turned 13 I realized that what kind of life is that? An inhuman life! I felt ashamed, sad, angry at myself, and then I started going to church, started reading the Bible and started following God. I may be very young to decide but once I am older and married I want children. I am fully towards after marriage sex, I only want to.. expose? Myself to once man and one man only. And only let one man explore me and have my children! *No judgment here* But I find sleeping with many men/women is inhuman and gross. Like I said, I only want one man explore me, I am not willing to ever ever ever expose myself to multiple people. Ah, I was kind of ranting there but God bless you!! Also you are so pretty🥺💗

    • @kennethfok
      @kennethfok 3 года назад +1

      Yes, it’s good that you think this way. Preserve your virginity and only become vulnerable to your husband. Keep your vagina and womb shut till you get married and open it for your husband. Because if you open it, you expose yourself to the chance of getting pregnant and if it’s with so many other men, you may even get STDs. So remain pure as a form of respect for your husband. Only when you both get married you will be allowed to offer your body to him.

    • @I_love_You_And_Me_1996
      @I_love_You_And_Me_1996 5 месяцев назад +4

      Hey, I hope you're doing well with your biblical journey. God bless you 💖

    • @freestyle3208
      @freestyle3208 2 месяца назад +1

      Very mature of you, I wish you the best on your life’s journey. God bless

    • @VinetteHarris
      @VinetteHarris Месяц назад


    • @Remainunnamed2
      @Remainunnamed2 10 дней назад

      Hey! Just stumbled upon this video and saw your comment. Hope you’re doing well in your walk with Christ!

  • @viodsa
    @viodsa 5 лет назад +171

    Im so glad I spent 14 minutes of my life watching this. The message was short and to the point with some valuable bible verses.

  • @dreizenia9500
    @dreizenia9500 4 года назад +30

    Full agree sister, in fact me and my boyfriend after 7 years, we have stopped and now we are waiting for the wedding. A blessing, God bless you!

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  4 года назад +2

      Thanks for sharing! Wishing you a wonderful marriage ❤️

    • @loanicastillo3327
      @loanicastillo3327 10 месяцев назад +3

      Just to continue afterwards??? It is the same thing.

    • @unblindingfaith
      @unblindingfaith 2 месяца назад

      The reason you can't find the term pre-marital sex in the Bible is because that concept of condemnation is not there for ANY WOMAN THAT IS NOT STILL A VIRGIN. Everything you need to know about this is covered under God's law in Deuteronomy 22 starting about verse 13. I teach about this in depth on my channel.

  • @sashaslifestyle3664
    @sashaslifestyle3664 5 лет назад +84

    Your delivery came from a loving perspective and was well referenced. I think it’s important for Chrisitans to not feel shame around this topic...especially young people who are especially hormonal and new to experiencing normal things/feelings that come with being human and are completely normal. While I feel differently I respect your message and it may help those who are religious or curious about becoming religious. Thanks for sharing

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  5 лет назад +4

      You make a good point that our bodies go through normal and natural hormonal changes and young people shouldn't feel shamed around this topic. Thank you for watching and sharing your thoughts :)

    • @ahoneekesong9004
      @ahoneekesong9004 3 года назад

      I'm a teenager and I've been so full on hormones for most of my teenage life. It really happened to me naturally and I tried so hard to control it but I just had to keep researching on sexual stuff and experimenting . I just couldn't help it although I'm still a virgin.

  • @nitin6273
    @nitin6273 4 года назад +111

    I was frustrated and angry being a virgin guy
    My friends make fun of me
    But now I know someone very special is there for me
    ThankQ Amy 😇 subscribed 👍

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  4 года назад +19

      I understand why you would feel upset. As best you can, let their comments slide. As I mentioned in the video, it take more maturity to wait than to have sex just because everyone else is. Your future bride with thank you for it ☺️

    • @nitin6273
      @nitin6273 4 года назад +7

      ThankQ Amy but , GOD knows
      I may be strong from outside but I am very fragile on the inside.
      I will not be able to accept and honor a non virgin bride as I would honor a virgin bride .

    • @Pantominas497
      @Pantominas497 3 года назад +12

      If you are an involuntary virgin of course they will make fun of you, if you are a voluntary virgin stop hanging out with losers that are not on the same page as you

    • @ZephyrusMorp
      @ZephyrusMorp 3 года назад +1

      They make fun of you, Laugh at them

    • @steve6997
      @steve6997 3 года назад +2

      @@AmyJaneRD I’m not Christian and I believe even if people are Christian they should be allowed to choose weather they have sex before marriage and shouldn’t have to be forced in to doing stuff they don’t want to

  • @johnme320
    @johnme320 5 лет назад +92

    Thank you for this,I nearly gave in to the temptation,after watching this,the sexual tension has been alleviated thanks to the biblical reminders you quoted

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  5 лет назад +14

      Hi John! Thanks for your vulnerability and sharing. I am happy this was helpful and encouraging. Remember that God will not allow temptation past what you can bare and the scripture tells us to "...take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." (2 Corinthians: 10:5).

    • @johnme320
      @johnme320 5 лет назад +6

      @@AmyJaneRD Amen and God bless you sis 😊

  • @shewitabraham4436
    @shewitabraham4436 5 лет назад +38

    You outsmarting the secular school always Bible is the truth.

  • @devanshroyal8372
    @devanshroyal8372 11 месяцев назад +9

    This topic hasn't been discussed the way you have done, and this exactly what I was looking for when I was looking this up. Thanks a lot, God Bless you!

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  9 месяцев назад +1

      You're very welcome!

  • @rsnnqtn
    @rsnnqtn 4 года назад +36

    I'm gonna use your video to inform other about sex before marriage. And I really want to thank you for doing a video about this issue. God bless!

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  4 года назад +4

      Hi Rose! My pleasure ☺️ I am happy that you found it useful. Feel free to share/show it to as many as you like.

    • @oliviajohnjohnolivia8142
      @oliviajohnjohnolivia8142 2 года назад

      Don't you test a car before you buy it?

  • @ceciliaakawu2813
    @ceciliaakawu2813 5 месяцев назад +2

    God bless you richly sister. The fear of God sums it all. I waited till after marriage and have no regrets.

  • @StanWilks
    @StanWilks 4 года назад +12

    As a twenty year-old single male, profoundly changed by Jesus and The Word of God, with a grand total of zero experience when it comes to relationships, this video was extremely helpful. It's very easy to let thoughts and feelings plague your mind when it comes to sex. But this video has reinforced that God has a plan for my future, so I will trust in Him. Thanks, Amy! Subscribed. :)

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  4 года назад +4

      Hello! Thanks for sharing a bit about your story. I couldn't have said it better myself - God does have a plan for you and who better to trust than Him? 🙂 Glad you found it helpful!

  • @unapologeticallylizzy
    @unapologeticallylizzy 2 года назад +9

    Thank you for making this video. I'm a Christian and I've always believed in no sex outside of marriage, and now I have my first serious boyfriend and I'm stressing out figuring out where the line is for me and where those boundaries our. While he has different beliefs to me regarding sex, he's very respectful and we communicate well, and I want to be able to make this work.

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  2 года назад +2

      I am glad you found it useful! Communicating your personal boundaries and ensuring you both are on the same page is key to success ☺️

    • @unapologeticallylizzy
      @unapologeticallylizzy 2 года назад +2

      @@AmyJaneRD Thank you. He actually just broke up with me, but I think I have a clearer idea of what I want now for the future.

    • @LA-lq1zf
      @LA-lq1zf Год назад +1

      @@unapologeticallylizzy I hope you’re doing okay 1 year from then. Guys like him still break up with you even if you did have sex with him.

    • @unapologeticallylizzy
      @unapologeticallylizzy Год назад

      @L A Yeah, we broke up. We're still good friends, though. One thing I have realised is that there's more to my fear surrounding sex than just my faith. There's a lot of other reasons why it's not something I'm going to want any time soon. Thank you, though.

    • @LA-lq1zf
      @LA-lq1zf Год назад +2

      @@unapologeticallylizzy I’m glad you’re still friends, I hope he takes you as an example of how you hold onto your principles and that just shows that you will stand for what you love in all things you do, including your future marriage and kids.

  • @axelborgvall1648
    @axelborgvall1648 2 года назад +2

    The way I interpreted God is through 'Love Thy Neighbor', so I did, with plenty of neighbors. God then spoke to me, and gave me his blessing.

    • @axelborgvall1648
      @axelborgvall1648 2 года назад

      You can interpret Isaiah 58:11, that God will show you the way, and water your 'garden' and 'satisfy your needs' through sexuell pleasure with someone else's spirit. If our spirits are a part of God, would not God just make love to God self, through us. The spring of water could also be a symbol of all the natural lubrication that occurs between two lovers.

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  2 года назад +1

      Interesting, thanks for sharing a bit about your thoughts. How do you interrupt God's call to avoid sexual immorality? What do you believe the scriptures are referring to when they mention sexual immorality?

  • @Royan712
    @Royan712 Месяц назад

    Sex before marriage is adultery as well as you are having sex with someone's future spouse.

  • @wearebest7747
    @wearebest7747 2 года назад +3

    In today's world this kind of inner qualities...content,should be spread as wild fire..thanks dear sister......

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  2 года назад

      My pleasure 😊 Thanks for your encouragement!

  • @andresvasquez5654
    @andresvasquez5654 Год назад +10

    I'm currently having a hard time with this with my girlfriend and watching this video really helped me to understand better what she thinks about having premarital sex.

    • @companyboss5447
      @companyboss5447 Год назад +2

      Sex before marriage is not even mentioned by God in scripture.

    • @iosuamihaila7810
      @iosuamihaila7810 Год назад

      If you intend the word "fornication" in the Old Testament, it uses the word "adultery" which if you heard the definition at the begging of the video that Amy gives us and if you read the context of some verses like: "Leviticus 18:6-18 ; Leviticus 20:10-12; Deuteronomy 22:22 ; Proverbs 6:32-35; ..." it actually catches with the meaning.

    • @companyboss5447
      @companyboss5447 Год назад

      @@iosuamihaila7810 Adultery is a sin.

    • @peterwallis4288
      @peterwallis4288 Год назад +1

      ​@companyboss5447 It also mentions sexual immorality. To find what exactly they meant by this, we should look at the Old Testament, which of course they had at that time. All those verses have been listed for you already. I dong need to restate them. But sex before marriage is included.

    • @companyboss5447
      @companyboss5447 Год назад

      There is no specific chapter and verse in which the Lord mentions sex before marriage or punishes it.@@peterwallis4288

  • @getrudemmata942
    @getrudemmata942 5 лет назад +28

    Most men just go silent when I tell them to wait till marriage

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  5 лет назад +14

      They all sound like duds 😉 Get yourself a real man!

    • @richiet6513
      @richiet6513 5 лет назад +11

      I think you misspelled "boys" Gertrude. 😂

    • @shannique5051
      @shannique5051 4 года назад +2

      Getrude Mmata true

  • @pretty1jaida649
    @pretty1jaida649 3 года назад +4

    As a Christian, I believe whether you have sex before or after marriage is your choice as long as you don’t feel pressured and as long as you’re doing for the right reasons. I also believe as Christians and whatever religious beliefs you have we shouldn’t judge one other for our choices on what we did or do with our bodies. Me I wanted to have sex after marriage to, but it didn’t work out cause I was so pressured. Do I regret it? No because I learned that not being a virgin doesn’t make you stupid, less of a Christian, or less of a human being. I gained a lesson in life I gained an experience. There are people like myself who never wanted to loose it but did and we shouldn’t bash one another for it. If you’re a virgin waiting for the right person or even marriage then that’s okay, if you lost it before it’s okay, we should learn to respect each other’s decisions and continue to love one another. Thank you for the video by the way I loved it and appreciated it✨✨God bless you

    • @heehoopeanut4509
      @heehoopeanut4509 2 года назад


    • @loanicastillo3327
      @loanicastillo3327 10 месяцев назад

      Were you raped?

    • @loanicastillo3327
      @loanicastillo3327 10 месяцев назад

      ​@AM-mw2wuSex after marriage for pleasure is just as wrong. And most people have sinned in that way!!!!!!!!

    • @joel4960
      @joel4960 2 месяца назад

      No, it's not.​@@loanicastillo3327

    • @BoleiaDaVida
      @BoleiaDaVida Месяц назад

      Totally twisted view of christianity.

  • @SH_cowdungfighter
    @SH_cowdungfighter Месяц назад +2

    I am a practicing Christian and i feel sex before marriage was wrong when there was no contraception available however in todays day and age as long you are dating to marry sex before marriage is not wrong and should be encouraged but the church so as to establish a sexual compatibility

  • @dreamlargebelieve6453
    @dreamlargebelieve6453 4 года назад +16

    Loved this wisdom backed with Biblical passages. Much needed. Thank you 🙏🏾

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  4 года назад +1

      My pleasure! Happy to hear it was useful 😊

  • @epiceveryday7427
    @epiceveryday7427 5 лет назад +7

    so many good points! well said! way to turn the issue on it's head - it's not about what everyone is obsessed with - just the physical stuff. sex is a deep relational and emotional issue.

  • @Sarahsavage97
    @Sarahsavage97 4 года назад +4

    Keep praying to Yah. He is speaking through you babe, I needed this. His name is Yahuah

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  4 года назад

      ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

  • @hugo7983
    @hugo7983 3 года назад +5

    Sex before marriage can really mess up your body, soul and spirit. I learn this from the people who has done it. But I also heard how sex after marriage can be a worship to God. I was shocked by learning these. Now I'm looking forward to marriage and lucky enough I'm sill a virgin and I'll keep that way till marriage.

    • @kevgil2000
      @kevgil2000 2 года назад

      Great insight, however you should do it with someone you love and in a relationship with, and from general perspective it’s up to both people in the relationship to decide when they should have sex and they should have it when they feel ready to and not necessarily when someone tells them or use your personal religion to dictate how someone should life there personal life. Also when we were teens we were all going to hormonal changes and puberty and sex it does happen sometimes during that time. I had sex when I was 15, a teen back then so it should be understandable, but now I’m an adult. I did it, nothing happen and life goes on, but it would be insane if God held that against me over something I did when was young. Like it’s not like God when kill you if you do it before marriage. I mean love is a very powerful and amazing force of nature and one things leads to another and sometimes it just happens. Also what about people who don’t believe in marriage and prefer the single life? Can they have sex if they never get married?
      Also hope you acknowledge the other people who don’t believe in this either, but thank you for explaining this from your perspective.
      People need to understand there are different lens people need to look through about sex.

    • @loanicastillo3327
      @loanicastillo3327 10 месяцев назад +1

      Sex after marriage has the same damaging effect.

  • @joym-di3pu
    @joym-di3pu 8 месяцев назад +2

    this helped me a lot, thank u. I was overthinking it and couldn't sleep at night cz I was scared that I'll go to hell bcz of this sin but I'm sure God will forgive me if I confess it.

  • @shw8179
    @shw8179 Год назад +14

    Think someone 72 can't learn something from someone 20-something??? Think again! This was worthwhile for me to listen to more than once. Thanks!!!

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  Год назад

      Thanks Sandra! I hope to be a continual learner my entire life as well ☺

  • @youtubeuser8497
    @youtubeuser8497 5 лет назад +21

    Im a 64 year old virgin and I haven’t married because I haven’t found anyone worthy of my devotion

    • @donjon2023
      @donjon2023 5 лет назад +5

      Are you setting your standards too high ? No one is perfect.

    • @youtubeuser8497
      @youtubeuser8497 4 года назад +2

      Don Jon no I don’t think so

    • @Pandhralakh
      @Pandhralakh 3 года назад +1

      But u can't get a perfect match because no one is perfect except god. So get a match ASAP,

    • @thatswhatisaidbunnybread.5317
      @thatswhatisaidbunnybread.5317 3 года назад

      I guess some people weren’t meant to get married

  • @abhilashpaul9237
    @abhilashpaul9237 5 лет назад +96

    God bless you sis.

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  5 лет назад +7

      God Bless you Abhilash!

  • @ramen41rungasamy
    @ramen41rungasamy 3 года назад

    Meeting a woman like you who fear God would be a blessing from Him... Your spiritual outlook s extremely attractive.... Thanks for opening the scriptures to us on this very crucial subject...

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  3 года назад

      My pleasure! Happy to help. I remembering feeling like finding a Godly spouse was like fishing with very few fish in the sea 😉 This is not true! Let God know the desires of your heart for a wife and see what happens.

  • @emnesiabeats6075
    @emnesiabeats6075 5 лет назад +46

    You deserve so much more than 300 subs

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  5 лет назад +4

      Emnesia Thank you!! ☺️☺️☺️

  • @laylaraad5716
    @laylaraad5716 5 лет назад +6

    That's really a great topic to talk about because I'm learning English, and I learned how discuss this topic with other people who speak English. Thanks Amy!😻

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  5 лет назад +2

      Hi Layla! (Beautiful name by the way 😍). So glad you found it helpful!

  • @emmagoodwin3198
    @emmagoodwin3198 4 года назад +11

    I loved everything you said and how you put it all! It’s so informative and just right❤️❤️

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  4 года назад

      Hi Emma! I appreciate your comment ☺️ I am happy to hear you found it helpful!

    • @oliviajohnjohnolivia8142
      @oliviajohnjohnolivia8142 2 года назад

      There is no way she is a virgin.

  • @vincentrostan9898
    @vincentrostan9898 8 месяцев назад +2

    I was talking to a girl who says she believes in god and is catholic. When she told me she dosent follow the pre martial sex it really hurt to hear. I feel like that is one of the greatest sins. I want to wait.

    • @Royan712
      @Royan712 3 месяца назад

      Pre marital $3x: having $3x with someone's future wife, it's basically adultery.

  • @Learningman777
    @Learningman777 Год назад +2

    We’ve been married for 42 years. The thought of the guy (other than me) who got my wife’s pure body never departed in our marriage. I was a virgin and I felt cheated for her past experience. That guy has been part of our sex life which is not fair.

    • @markkahler1130
      @markkahler1130 Год назад +1

      Same situation for me. I HATE this thought but can't get past it. I'm haunted and deal with anger and hatred and can't get past it. I've prayed repeatedly amd even offered forgiveness to my wife and the boyfriend. Nothing has helped me.

    • @loanicastillo3327
      @loanicastillo3327 10 месяцев назад

      So good to know there is someone else in the bedroom looking into what you do. As much as Jesús and the Virgin and the Angels who are invisible.

    • @joel4960
      @joel4960 2 месяца назад

      Same for me. It's to the point it feels like the reward I got wasn't worth all the sex I sacrificed. Any advice for us Amy?

  • @p.muralikrishna4215
    @p.muralikrishna4215 2 месяца назад +1

    Hi friends please pray for me due to I want to settle in life very soon but some restrictions (rukavat) coming I don't know about this

  • @izaakvandenhazel1053
    @izaakvandenhazel1053 4 года назад +3

    What’s said, 7:50-9 min I know to be true!!! So true!!! Thank you for taking a stand for this!! I respect that!!

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  4 года назад

      Thanks for sharing, Izaak ☺️

  • @miyagi5563
    @miyagi5563 2 года назад +1

    Thanks for the sharing! It's so practical. More often times what we need to listen is the why rather than the order only

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  2 года назад +1

      I am glad you found it helpful ☺️

  • @BrianMiddletonNews
    @BrianMiddletonNews 4 года назад +11

    My girl broke up with me a few days ago bc I wanted to marry her before we had sex. She finally had enough. It’s tough, but I think about how the sacrifice of that relationship pales in comparison to the sacrifice God did for me when He sent His son Jesus to die on the cross for me. Is there anyway you can do a video on dealing with a breakup bc of your devotion to honoring God? Loved this video! Subscribed!

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  4 года назад +2

      Thanks for sharing a bit of your story. I know how painful a breakup can feel and I hope you take comfort in your decision even though it hurts right now. You have great perspective - Our sacrifices pale in comparison to the ultimate sacrifice.
      As I mentioned, I learned a new perspective around saving sex for marriage: “Giving up something now for something better later is not a sacrifice. It’s an investment.” And that investment is your future marriage ☺️
      Thanks for the idea of a video based around healing from a breakup! I will take that into consideration. Wishing you the best.

      @JESUSLOVESYOU219 2 года назад +1

      Stay strong x God has the right woman for you and that relationship would have been worth the wait ❤️

    • @mac8179
      @mac8179 2 года назад

      Good for you. You dodged a bullet even though it’s hard to go through that. This is part of an investment you will make for your future spouse.

    • @loanicastillo3327
      @loanicastillo3327 10 месяцев назад

      You should feel happy you got rid of her!

    • @loanicastillo3327
      @loanicastillo3327 9 месяцев назад

      @@kongasmr2581 That is what I Heard 10 years ago and all I attracted was my guardian angel. My tribe is dead.

  • @janrelph7583
    @janrelph7583 9 месяцев назад +1

    Wish more men would honour these scriptures! From experience, even Christian men, they think that wanting a relationship means having sex & gets worse the older they get. I'm talking about aged 40-60 plus. What is your take on this?

  • @amywistle8258
    @amywistle8258 3 года назад +5

    I like how the pop sounds go with the box checking

  • @thatswhatisaidbunnybread.5317
    @thatswhatisaidbunnybread.5317 3 года назад +3

    9:46 “anything that causes your mind to wander sexually should be avoided if possible” just sitting next to her or looking at her causes my mind to wander sexually.

  • @lancemarchetti8673
    @lancemarchetti8673 Месяц назад +1

    *_sex is not just intercourse. Sex starts with emotional connection, preparing a meal, light flirting, cuddling, slow dancing etc.
    So it is not possible for such things to be sinful and against God's law of morality._*

  • @priskadwi2973
    @priskadwi2973 3 года назад +10

    Sex is holy, and only permitted to have with your spouse after married only. And no sex before married

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  3 года назад +3

      Thanks for your comment! ☺️

    • @kreteman7779
      @kreteman7779 3 года назад

      Where does it say that in the Bible?

    • @priskadwi2973
      @priskadwi2973 3 года назад

      @@kreteman7779 You can find a lot in the Bible, as example is the ten commandments

    • @kreteman7779
      @kreteman7779 3 года назад

      @@priskadwi2973 No. It doesn't. Adultery isn't sex before marriage.

    • @cesiperez8789
      @cesiperez8789 3 года назад

      @@priskadwi2973 doesn’t adultery mean cheating on your husband or spouse?

  • @LifeObserver91
    @LifeObserver91 Месяц назад

    Actually I was searching WHY western people do sex before marriage, but finally found this video.
    And as a muslim, we have the same perspective on this.
    In Islam, the act of adultery is forbidden too.
    the prohibition is as urgent as in the bible.
    if the bible says, "Flee from Sexual Immorality"
    the Quran says, "Do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse"
    Thank you for sharing this message.

  • @alaska2222-s4u
    @alaska2222-s4u 4 года назад +10

    I think God helped you make this video for me.
    Thank you.
    Its hard to resist, but ready to sacrifice for my future benefits.
    No sex this 2020 Not until marriage 😭

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  4 года назад +3

      You are right - It is definitely a challenge! But one that you are equipped for. Keep fighting for your future marriage and bride! 😊

    • @VillisDileim
      @VillisDileim Год назад

      @@AmyJaneRD what if we die before marriage??

    • @justahaloplayer
      @justahaloplayer Год назад

      @@VillisDileim then what of it? If you’re a believer of Christ then you will receive eternal life. Sex is not a requirement to have a relationship with God or receive eternal life therefore it’s irrelevant in that context.

  • @marcosgarza5587
    @marcosgarza5587 4 года назад +21

    bro i feel sad for all of us out here in the struggle.....cuz temptation is super hard

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  4 года назад +5

      I understand! Temptation is very real and can be very difficult. But have hope! 1 Corinthians 10:13 says, “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” ☺️

    • @LpsfudgeandMlpTV
      @LpsfudgeandMlpTV 4 года назад

      Bro do what you want just use protection If a religion is making you feel guilty or bad for something natural it's a cult. So do you boo Jesus loves you whatever

    • @lorie15
      @lorie15 4 года назад +3

      Lpsfudge and MlpTV can you chill like obviously this comment comes from a person of faith looking to talk about their experience with another person of faith... if you’re not Christian and don’t know much about the the way Christianity is observed don’t toss your opinion at someone who isn’t looking for it !!

    • @Devi92xx
      @Devi92xx 3 года назад

      @@LpsfudgeandMlpTV the Bible is not a cult!

    • @LpsfudgeandMlpTV
      @LpsfudgeandMlpTV 3 года назад

      @@lorie15 I actually have been in a church chior in one of the oldest Abbeys in the UK for 9 years so i do know how christianity works. But my church just doesnt take a negative reading from the bibke and restrict your life to someone elses vision. It just helps people guide them in the right way and brings comfort to them.

  • @meganwelch19
    @meganwelch19 2 года назад +2

    I really appreciated some context on the subject. And you did your research. Kudos to you! I saw the same as you " Sex before marriage is immoral and wrong" most of my boyfriends understood this. But one didn't. Or rather, he understood it but chose to ignore scripture. I'm glad I got out of that relationship before I lost my V card. But there is something that I now don't quite agree with. My current relationship is filled with understanding, support, and love. He has never faltered in the way he treats me. We've been together for 2+ years now. I know he's right. I know it in my deepest self. We've been engaged for a while. So I finally stopped waiting. And he hasn't been with anyone else at all. Just my 2 cents. Anyone who sees this, ignore me if you want. I'm just saying my truth on this matter.

    • @rza221
      @rza221 2 года назад

      I had a high school sweetheart. I was her first and she was mine. I thought I was going to marry her.
      I changed my life so I could. Life had other plans for me. She ended up cheating on me and becoming someone I no longer loved.
      By having sex before marriage, you have sinned. (I am not judging you. I am warning you.) You need to make God your number one priority or you will not walk the straight path. I suggest you talk to God about your actions, and see where He leads you.
      Love is what we are called to do however love cannot supersede righteousness. We are to love God first. Then our paths will be made straight.
      I am not here to argue with you. I feel for you. I once thought my heart would lead me to the one for me. I was wrong. It is God who knows who is best for us.

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  2 года назад

      Megan, thanks for sharing part of your story ☺️ I am curious, if you are certain this is your future husband and you have been engaged for a while, what is holding you back from taking the next step and getting married?

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  2 года назад

      rza221, I am sorry to hear about how your high school relationship ended. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and lessons learned!

    • @meganwelch19
      @meganwelch19 2 года назад

      @@AmyJaneRD well, that's a little more complicated. Things keep getting in the way. Neither of us live on our own yet. He lives with an aunt and I haven't left my parents yet. And then there's been complications with his work.

    • @meganwelch19
      @meganwelch19 2 года назад

      @@AmyJaneRD money and skills to live on our own too. I don't work yet, but I will once I get my degree

  • @danajuarez3113
    @danajuarez3113 2 месяца назад

    It doesn’t allow you to see the shortcomings in your partner. And it can cause you to settle even if your not happy with some of their habits. And just because you think your going to marry this person and your already in love, is not a good enough reason to go ahead and have sex before marriage. I have learned this.

  • @carly.taylor42
    @carly.taylor42 2 дня назад

    “It was because we had made this bond that was created to never be broken … so what should have felt like a sad breakup instead felt like a devastating amputation” ❤‍🩹 great video, thank you for sharing your beautifully articulated thoughts

  • @apoloofficials6884
    @apoloofficials6884 4 года назад +4

    Love your clear speaking and Frankness that you have.

  • @rubikulelerubiksandukulele4607
    @rubikulelerubiksandukulele4607 5 лет назад +16

    Very well said. God bless you 😊

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  5 лет назад

      Thank you Miley! ❤️

  • @NathanOstMusic
    @NathanOstMusic 5 лет назад +3

    Amy, you did not mention why sex before marriage is a sin. You simply said that it was. Where in the bible does it say it's a sin?

    • @gregb7337
      @gregb7337 4 года назад +1

      Nathan Ost Music its everywhere in the Bible... it’s fornication....

  • @Dude4Christ85
    @Dude4Christ85 2 года назад +1

    Outstanding biblically based video with sound, godly advice. Praise God!

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  2 года назад

      Glad you found it helpful! ☺️

  • @trembln
    @trembln 5 лет назад +3

    I thought after being born again and following Christ I was guaranteed all of my sins to be forgiven, but if I have sex before marriage I’m doomed to hell? I’m so confused

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  5 лет назад +1

      Hi Jacob! It sounds like you are contemplating two seemingly contradictory beliefs. First I’ll start out by asking what you believe to be true of sin, forgiveness and living as a Christian. What does “following Christ” as you mentioned mean to you and look like on a daily basis?
      Second, where did you gather the idea that if you have sex before marriage you are doomed to hell? Was this from scripture, something a friend told you, what you gathered from this video? Etc.

    • @trembln
      @trembln 5 лет назад +2

      Amy Jane to me following Christ is to act in his likeness and pray to him and develop a relationship with him as we grow. And also I’ve just heard from others that’s why I watched this video that anything you do (in terms of sexual relations) with someone is a (immortal sin) and cannot be forgiven so that’s why I’m just torn. I told my girlfriend I want to wait and stuff but it’s hard sometimes especially in the moment so if something does happen (God forbid) I don’t wanna fall

  • @aadityasharma100
    @aadityasharma100 3 года назад

    You are a blessing dear.. the same is being taught by parents to their children till date even if their children grow at an elderly age like 30 ...35 as well.. not allowing them to do unholy things to anyone's daughter ever in life

    • @aadityasharma100
      @aadityasharma100 3 года назад +1

      In India this practise happens as a routine. And we are proud about this as well.

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  3 года назад

      Thanks for sharing 🙌🏻

  • @NiMarieB
    @NiMarieB 5 лет назад +12

    Wait so, I am engaged and my #1 goal before dating was to wait till marriage. The minute we got engaged, I didn’t reach that goal, but I was happy I waited till THAT point but also I was sad about it because I didn’t know whether it was sinful or not. My fiancé always says “We’re getting married anyways” but when he says that I KNOW it goes deeper than that before marriage and I hate when he says that. He doesn’t understand the VALUE of waiting and what it does. It still makes me a bit sad. So you say if we ask for forgiveness and everything, that it won’t be too late for God, but my question is once I ask again, will our marriage have the value I still want it to have? Or will any value be ruined? Even IF I ask, and I continue staying away from temptation until I get married. I have deep belief in christianity (I’m 18 btw) sorry if the question may be a bit difficult to answer.

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  5 лет назад +13

      Hello! Thanks for sharing a bit of your story and congratulations on your engagement! You asked if even after asking for forgiveness and waiting until marriage from here on, will your marriage have any less value than had you waited all along? My simple answer is no! ☺️ God is in the restoration business. He is full of grace and forgiveness and loves nothing more than to make something beautiful out of a “hot mess” haha. If you and your fiancé ask for forgiveness (repent), you are seen as “blameless” in God’s eyes. He wants us to be repentant sinners (basically meaning to walk in His guidance each day with the intent of not continuing to sin). So yes, your marriage can still have tremendous value and meaning!
      Think of Paul who totally rejected God and used to literally murder Christians. After Paul experienced genuine repentance and therefore forgiveness from God, he walked a new path that included telling people about God’s love. This new way of life had even more meaning than before. Just because he “messed up” in the past, God didn’t view him or his discipleship any less valuable. Did I answer your question?
      PS. I checked out your channel and am LOVING your art videos. Keep it up!

    • @NiMarieB
      @NiMarieB 5 лет назад +3

      Amy Jane Thank you SO MUCH for all of that

    • @joycelynmiller2970
      @joycelynmiller2970 2 года назад

      @@AmyJaneRD waiting is not realistic. Almost nobody waits. If you wait you will end up alone in your thirties.

    • @mac8179
      @mac8179 2 года назад +1

      @@joycelynmiller2970 many wait and see the results in their marriage. Many don’t and have issues in their marriage with trust and infidelity.

    • @maeve3007
      @maeve3007 2 года назад

      Me and my partner had never done it. We waited as long as we could but it happend. But We are still together and faithful. We are 6 years on. We met when We got togheter when We were 15 and 18 and now it is more then 6 years later. We are waiting until i am done with university to get married. So i feel a bit bad but i do not feel as bad.

  • @aguskafree
    @aguskafree 4 года назад +4

    Thank you

  • @dannypeterson1522
    @dannypeterson1522 5 лет назад +15

    Thank you! God bless!!..

  • @tr706v
    @tr706v 5 лет назад +6

    love your video! it’s clear explained
    btw, may I ask what software did you use for editting the text. the vaguely ink background plus the black frame is classic

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  5 лет назад +1

      Hi Ren! Thank you! I use the free version of Movie Maker that comes on Mac’s for editing. As far as the background and black frame, I am assuming you are referring to the parts displaying the verses. I use to create the background, text, frame, etc. That website is great and FREE 👌🏻

    • @tr706v
      @tr706v 5 лет назад +2

      @@AmyJaneRD Thank you so much! It's very helpful. God bless you.

  • @Mike.Cebert
    @Mike.Cebert 3 года назад +5

    I'm a 37 year old male and still haven't had intercourse. The first and last thought of every single day is "I still haven't had sex." I'm Christian so from an early age decided it's best to wait for the right person but I never thought I'd still be waiting at this age. I've had some relationships, been on countless dates and had some sexual experience but just not gone all the way. I feel I have missed out on one of the greatest joys in life - true love and sex. It may not be too late but I haven't even come close to being in a relationship for years now.
    Maybe marriage is not in God's plan for me because a suitable partner seems impossible to find. Yet at the same time I have such a strong desire for one.

    • @rza221
      @rza221 2 года назад

      Pray for your wife.

    • @rza221
      @rza221 2 года назад +5

      Don’t get hung up on not having sex. It’s okay. Really.
      I have trouble that I think about sex too much. I have a wife and yet I use to go out and have sex with other people. I have been haunted by sexual desires since I was a teen.
      And now I struggle with flirtation and soft porn. I’ve been getting better and reducing it but I haven’t been freed yet.
      I say this to say that I rather be in your place then in mine. A virgin waiting to give myself to my wife then an adulterous husband who struggles with sexual purity.
      You’re in a good place. Except don’t think about the fact that you haven’t had sex. Focus on God. Plead with Him more and more to give you your wife. Abraham had his promised child at an old age. How did he wait for that promise to come true? Look how honored Abraham is within our brotherhood.
      Show your faith. Trust that God knows what He is doing with you and with the person He will give you.
      Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added to you. Matt 6:33.
      Don’t let anyone tell you to go ahead and give in to your desires of sin. Keep doing what is good in God’s eyes. You are storing up treasures in heaven. Fight the good fight. Be refined in your afflictions. Stay faithful to God and He will go before you always.
      You’re in a good place skyclasp. Pray for strength and faith and for God to bring you your wife.

    • @kevgil2000
      @kevgil2000 2 года назад +1

      Great insight, however you should do it with someone you love and in a relationship with, and from general perspective it’s up to both people in the relationship to decide when they should have sex and they should have it when they feel ready to and not necessarily when someone tells them or use your personal religion to dictate how someone should life there personal life. Also when we were teens we were all going to hormonal changes and puberty and sex it does happen sometimes during that time. I had sex when I was 15, a teen back then so it should be understandable, but now I’m an adult. I did it, nothing happen and life goes on, but it would be insane if God held that against me over something I did when was young. Like it’s not like God when kill you if you do it before marriage. I mean love is a very powerful and amazing force of nature and one things leads to another and sometimes it just happens. Also what about people who don’t believe in marriage and prefer the single life? Can they have sex if they never get married?
      Also hope you acknowledge the other people who don’t believe in this either, but thank you for explaining this from your perspective.
      People need to understand there are different lens people need to look through about sex.

    • @eatpigsnot
      @eatpigsnot 2 года назад +1

      i am not a christian nor a fan of god, but these are serious questions and observations, not trolling: it is mathematically and logistically impossible for everyone to marry, and not everyone wants to marry. so if you don't marry are you supposed to die a virgin? why would god hardwire us all for sex, make it intensely pleasurable, mentally and physically beneficial, then restrict it only to married people knowing full well not everyone will marry? if god actually feels that way then the notion of god is all loving and only wants the best for everyone is wrong. i know not every couple is two people of the same age but for discussion sake it is ok for two 20 year olds who dated six weeks and married to have sex yet is sinful for two 30, 40, 50, 60+ year olds who are not married to have sex? this makes no sense! sins cause harm. there is harm in murder, stealing, etc... there is no harm, in fact there is benefit, in consensual sex. when a married person strays, which is also sex outside marriage, there is harm. i think one of the reasons so many marriages are bad and / or end in divorce is people get married because they think it is an accomplishment or crazier yet an obligation. i have nothing against marriage or married people but get over yourselves! you got married, you did not split the atom. married people have not earned more nor are they entitled to more than single people. consensual sex is part of the human experience, not the only for married experience

    • @Mike-01234
      @Mike-01234 2 года назад

      You shouldn't focus so much on sex although it's hard not to as a man I understand. We men have lot of testosterone when you see an attractive woman it clouds the mind. Focus on things that woman would be also interested in other then sex. You know how when you lose something try so hard looking for it can't find it then you find it when your not even looking for it. I suggest some counseling from a licensed therapist.

  • @SakuraHaruno-pc7jk
    @SakuraHaruno-pc7jk 2 года назад +1

    I will always wait for after marriage
    Because God said it was a sin before marriage
    And plus if you are patient you are more likely to find the right person

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  2 года назад +1

      You are wise in your perspective! Wishing you the best ☺️

    • @SakuraHaruno-pc7jk
      @SakuraHaruno-pc7jk 2 года назад

      @@AmyJaneRD Thanks 😊

  • @Fashionbykileyblog
    @Fashionbykileyblog 4 года назад +2

    I feel that people teach waiting to have sex until marriage kind of like a prosperity gospel - that you’re going to have mind blowing sex just because you waited. This is not true, and most people can confirm this. Of course that doesn’t mean it isn’t a special moment, but if neither you or your partner have had sex with each other before, it takes time and practice to get to know each other’s bodies. Some women I know felt disappointed after their first time because although it was a special moment, the sex wasn’t as good as they thought it would be; they had been told that it would be out of this world the very first time. But they told me that as they continued in their marriage, they continued to get to know each other’s bodies. Don’t set up super high expectations for your first time, expect it to be new and a little awkward (not necessarily emotionally awkward), but that’s totally ok!

    • @bethydee2362
      @bethydee2362 3 года назад

      I had a Gf who waited til marriage and so did the guy only to discover he didn't enjoy it and she did, she's still damaged from the neglect. I also heard of a woman who waited and on the wedding night discovered her husband had a micropenis so that ruined the marriage

    • @loanicastillo3327
      @loanicastillo3327 10 месяцев назад

      So what do you suggest? Taking a sex course with a whore?

  • @merri-annstanderfer9696
    @merri-annstanderfer9696 5 лет назад +13

    Great information and research

  • @RoaringJaguar
    @RoaringJaguar 10 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you for this! ❤🙏🏻✝️

  • @korettopun1203
    @korettopun1203 3 года назад +3

    “It’s not premarital sex if you’re never gonna get married”

  • @Williamb612
    @Williamb612 Год назад +1

    When we have sex through a committed spiritually intimate door, then we are in love before during and after intimacy (in to me see) …and that is how we are designed to be

  • @francescadeyo7045
    @francescadeyo7045 4 года назад +1

    Why exactly is sex before marriage a sin and where is the line drawn between sex and lust

  • @Mabiraad
    @Mabiraad 29 дней назад

    So, the Bible does NOT say that sex before marriage is a sin.
    As all Christians do, they mix up sexual immorality, adultery, and sex before marriage.
    1-Sexual immorality is public sex, group sex, sex with animals, and probably homosexuality. It has nothing to do with sex outside marriage.
    2-Adultery is sex with a woman married to another man. It is when the woman cheats on her husband.
    Sex before marriage is not explicitly a sin. Yet, because marriage for the sake of having children is better, and in order to not let sex before marriage divert the person from marriage, customs (not religion) have restricted sex before marriage.
    In other words, it depends. If you choose not to get married, then it may not be a sin to have sex out of marriage. But if you want to get married, make sure sex before marriage does not divert you from your main goal to get married; in this case it's wrong (rather than sinful) to the person oneself, and if they affect the other person in the sense of diverting them from marriage, in this case it becomes sinful.
    For instance, if someone whether man or woman are in their 40's and single and don't want to get married or are divorced, I see no reason to say it is sinful if they have sex out of marriage.

  • @JuanMedina-gf8rm
    @JuanMedina-gf8rm 5 лет назад +6

    Great video, and great way to show your Point of view

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  5 лет назад

      Juan Medina Thank you! Appreciate you watching ☺️

    • @calebyoon4051
      @calebyoon4051 5 лет назад

      Love that pfp

  • @JosiahPreston
    @JosiahPreston 5 лет назад +10

    SOOO GOOD LOVE THIS TOPIC!! thank you! I’m looking for more Christian videos on date, relationships, marriage and sex.

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  5 лет назад +2

      Hey Josh! Glad it was helpful :) Check out Shawn Johnson's Red Rocks Church video on this topic. Link is in the description box!

    • @shirlynbaja5458
      @shirlynbaja5458 Год назад


  • @IggyAzaleaProMax
    @IggyAzaleaProMax Год назад +2

    You make some excellent points but I disagree with you on a few things. I've sent you an email if you'd like to chat further.

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  Год назад +2

      Happy to dialog more on this topic however I am not seeing an email from you?

  • @inabrillo9195
    @inabrillo9195 8 месяцев назад +1

    Best video I’ve ever seen !! Thank you for this videos !!!! amazing!

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  6 месяцев назад

      Glad you found it helpful!

  • @qetoun
    @qetoun 3 года назад +1

    The original ancient Greek word you have chosen to read as 'Sexual Immorality' is *Porneia. From the root 'Porne' = to sell, and the stem 'eia' = like/abstraction of. In the Greek Septuagint it is used mostly to describe the selling of oneself into the thralldom foreign religions and in common Greek parlance it was an insult to imply that one had sold themselves into the lowest class of slave, the Pornie, the sex-slaves. It has nothing to do with sexual immorality and is to do with subjecting yourself.

  • @rgblue
    @rgblue Год назад +1


  • @phucnguyenguitar2210
    @phucnguyenguitar2210 11 месяцев назад

    Thank God I found your video. You keep me stay focused on my goal. I didn't miss any minute. This is so valuable. Subscribed!

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  9 месяцев назад +2

      I am so glad you found it helpful!

  • @millermarkoz1021
    @millermarkoz1021 3 года назад

    I hate it when someone say sex before marriage is ok just because they want to do it

  • @ayoba101
    @ayoba101 2 года назад +4

    Through all this I just wanna give my honest opinion,I genuinely feel it is best to have sex before marriage as just as one sets themselves in a position to learn about their partner before they make the decision to propose or marry them,it is also best to know them sexually and physically,both emotional and physical factors play a major role when it comes to marriage and when one is out of place once you're married will be a big problem. Say for example you really love a woman and she ticks all the right boxes in terms of how she makes you feel and the type person she is including the morals she stands by but you've never had sexual relations before and are waiting for marriage. Once you're married and have sex for the first time and one of you if not both do not enjoy it because you've had no previous experience either with each other or someone else,then that would definitely heavily impact and damage your marriage because sex is not just a means of potentially making children,it's a combination of everything. So honestly I say the best option is to have sex before marriage so you know what you do and don't like and then you'll be able to determine who you should choose or decide to marry based of sexual pleasure and emotional factors that I mentioned before. Sex is not only just something that carries a marriage,all avenues have to be in the right place and there can't be an imbalance,you and your partner need to be on the right and same path spiritually, emotionally and physically and there isn't one that's more important than the other because they all compliment and support each other in some kind of way,if one is not on the same level spiritually and with God then i feel emotionally it would be rather difficult to find peace and balance in the relationship and if that's not in place then it be difficult to pleasure each other and express their love for each other through the act of sex and statistically it's seen in a lot of broken marriages. Just wanted to give my opinion but I'm open to anyone changing my mind and giving me understanding to the topic.

    • @loanicastillo3327
      @loanicastillo3327 10 месяцев назад

      Well you can go to a prostitute just like in the old times and gain some experience from the creators of sex!!! I did not know I needed work experience to get married and marriage is not about fornicating together either.

  • @yv1703
    @yv1703 3 года назад +1

    I had sex with my husband, be4 we got married. When i was in High school i prayed to God b4 that if i meet someone he will be my 1st and Last man in my life.Luckily God gave me the man I prayed for .

    • @kevgil2000
      @kevgil2000 2 года назад

      Yeah I wish same to but love is trial and error and you can’t expect to find the one man on the first try. Just a part of life

  • @Inprogress_of_newbeginings
    @Inprogress_of_newbeginings 2 месяца назад

    I would love to hear a religious scholar's analysis of this. What are your qualifications?

  • @questioneveryclaim1159
    @questioneveryclaim1159 Год назад +1

    Paul's Gospel is referring to adultery and selling one's self off, prostitution. Paul was writing to gentiles in Corinth, Rome, and Galatia and trying to help guide them on how to co-exist and behave in a community surrounded by practitioners of pagan religions, sexual rituals, and harlotry. Paul recommended sex to occur within marriage as way to control the burn (desire and passion) not that it was a sin to have sex before marriage. Adultery is unquestionably a sin; sex before marriage is not. If sexual compatibly does not exist between husband and wife then is one more likely to commit adultery?

    • @joel4960
      @joel4960 2 месяца назад

      Hebrews 13:4 mentions adultery AND fornication.

  • @fear9-qf9kn
    @fear9-qf9kn 3 месяца назад

    As a Christian i just doesn't think it wrong some Christians be twisting up the words cause they so fear of hell i believe god commandments but just some be confused me foreal look I don't mind waiting but how about the connection with yo wife before u commit to marriage it just wouldn't make no sense for me 😭

  • @Americandream2
    @Americandream2 5 лет назад +1

    I don't think about these stuff because I just wanna think how to make my dreams come true😇😇😇

  • @penolongali9860
    @penolongali9860 5 лет назад +4

    I'm muslim... Is there any muslim here watching the christianity channel?

    • @ibrahimdms5718
      @ibrahimdms5718 5 лет назад

      I was Muslim now I'm agnostic , but I feel something good about religion so I turned to be conservative . No problem with muslims or Christians if I meant the ten commandments .

    • @penolongali9860
      @penolongali9860 5 лет назад +1

      @@ibrahimdms5718 Do you believe Allah and Muhammad before?

    • @ibrahimdms5718
      @ibrahimdms5718 5 лет назад

      Yes I was my mom Christian my dad Muslim but I agree with the ethics and moral principles of my family so no sex before marriage and also I have scientific view that makes me more committed with this , I have Facebook and Instagram account I have large opinions to defines on these thoughts so I'm also against abortion and homosexual marriage and the things that liberals want too .

    • @penolongali9860
      @penolongali9860 5 лет назад

      @@ibrahimdms5718 I see.. So then you have been praise by your parents who is belief in different religion.. Affect when you adult.. Matured enough to think and searching God and religion.. And then you got confused to choose religion of your parents whether Christian or Islam or belief in God.. Is it?
      But how ever it is good to know that you parents follow the principle of religion which is:
      It's forbidden in Islam and Christian to have sex outside of marriage..
      In Quran (Islam) Surah Al Isra (17:32) and Bible (Christian) Proverbs (5:19) has assert us to avoid sins

    • @ibrahimdms5718
      @ibrahimdms5718 5 лет назад

      Isn't now the problem about the religion any more it's problem of "liberalism " or the left wing , so I think the people today seeks only for enjoyed themselves so they choose liberals thoughts so atheist is number one who fallowed this because they against religious principles this is the problem makes me think again why the religion is exists I found that is the best soicial thoughts can correlates people and nations and built a strong society .

  • @danielsac6316
    @danielsac6316 Год назад

    As a christian that is confused about this topic, I think this only has set an argument of the benefits of waiting until marriage to have sex (those which I totally agree with) and the risks not to. But it didn't make an argument about whether it is actually a sin or not. I mean, you can honour God before marriage by making the decision of not to kiss your fiancé(e) until marriage, and doing so has its own risks (namely, sexual arousal), but it doesn't make it a sin to kiss your boyfriend or girlfriend.
    I wonder if it is the same with sex and I'm looking for it, but I feel that this video didn't set it off, but rather assumed it inside all that the word “porneia” includes.

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  Год назад

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I am curious how you define "sexual immorality"?

  • @kimberlywood7783
    @kimberlywood7783 3 года назад +1

    I'm 40.... been abstinent for 6 years. The last 6 years of my prime. 😥 I am still passionate about abstinence but I'm convinced the best years of my sex life are slipping away from me.

    • @thatswhatisaidbunnybread.5317
      @thatswhatisaidbunnybread.5317 3 года назад

      Download tinder

    • @kimberlywood7783
      @kimberlywood7783 3 года назад

      @@thatswhatisaidbunnybread.5317 ... tinder peeps are looking for hookups.

    • @Queen-qy4qc
      @Queen-qy4qc 3 года назад

      Search through friends and hinge us good. Just keep looking after yourself, if all else fails just have kids by yourself.

    • @loanicastillo3327
      @loanicastillo3327 10 месяцев назад

      Sex life is a myth. Do you want to have the brain of a whore? That will be the ultimate result.

  • @debbyboyd738
    @debbyboyd738 5 лет назад +4

    Yes, because it's a bonding experience

  • @dimitris303
    @dimitris303 4 года назад +3

    Wow! God bless you and your family.

  • @CW-fo6xl
    @CW-fo6xl 3 года назад +4

    Thank you for this video, Amy. You speak concise truth! This has helped me choose my future path.

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  3 года назад +1

      You're so welcome! Glad it was helpful ☺️

  • @mattr.1887
    @mattr.1887 Год назад +1

    Why does sex become okay just because you got married? Seems shallow.

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  Год назад +1

      God created sex so as a concept, sex is good! That said, God created sex to be enjoyed in marriage between spouses. Outside of this context, sex isn't how God intended. Why do we think a person cheating on his spouse is bad? Is it that sex itself is evil? No, it was that sex in that context (outside of the person's relationship) was wrong. The context of sex holds a strong value and enjoying sex within marriage between spouses is anything but shallow 😉

    • @mattr.1887
      @mattr.1887 Год назад

      Hey, thanks for the response! I think a lot of Christians take an idolatrous view of that marriage certificate. Lifelong commitment and family should be the goal. And yes marriage should be a part of that. But getting legally married doesn't make all that magically happen. Your relationship needs more than a marriage certificate to stand on, or else it will be worse than shallow - it will be over.

  • @AbideinHim-cp8mb
    @AbideinHim-cp8mb Год назад +1

    Thank you for this video this is helpful and delightful.😇😊
    To God be the Glory always.
    He is our strength and salvation.🙏😇
    May God Bless.!:-)😇😊

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  9 месяцев назад +1

      You are very welcome! ☺️

  • @kevingabrielsiew3527
    @kevingabrielsiew3527 4 года назад +4

    Thank you and I learned much from you. God Bless You !

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  4 года назад

      Hi Kevin! Glad it was beneficial to you ☺️

  • @GuyCDavis
    @GuyCDavis 6 месяцев назад

    Amazing video...thank you! Quick note, the scripture is 1st Corinthians 10:13, not 10:30. Powerful message. Thanks again!

  • @apoloofficials6884
    @apoloofficials6884 4 года назад +1

    I'm a Christian, I'm in theological institute and wants to have more discussion too. If you could have times.

  • @freddysmythe421
    @freddysmythe421 5 лет назад +7

    Oops! You said 1 Corinthians 10:30 instead of 1 Corinthians 10:13.

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  5 лет назад +1

      Alex Turner You are right! Thanks for catching my mistake! I will be sure to correct it in the description box 👍🏻

  • @MatthewFordVictoria
    @MatthewFordVictoria 6 месяцев назад

    Basically "Try Before You Buy!"
    It's like Buying a Pair of Shoes... do you have to Pay for them First, and Then you can open the box to try them on?

    • @AmyJaneRD
      @AmyJaneRD  6 месяцев назад

      You can know what matters most about a person as well as if they are a potential match by spending quality time together and communicating well. Sleeping together before marriage in order to "try before you buy" focuses too much on the physical. While this is an important aspect of a marriage, it is something that can be learned together. What's more important and what will make a marriage last is the emotional and spiritual connection through time spent together.

  • @scuff2179
    @scuff2179 5 лет назад +9

    I loved this videoooo!!

  • @janakikumari408
    @janakikumari408 Год назад

    Woooow , 🙏 Praise the Lord
    Wooow what a guidance of the Light of Spirit upon you... May the God Father bless your soul with His amazing light forever... I am so grateful to you and Praise the Lord for your life...

  • @cindybelvincent9715
    @cindybelvincent9715 4 года назад +1

    My boyfriend said our relationship is boring without sex and he is tired of trying to make it work. The truth is I feel like but the morals is depriving me, does that mean I shouldn't have sex till we are married?

    • @Amazing_Mark
      @Amazing_Mark Год назад

      Have all the sex you feel like having.

    • @loanicastillo3327
      @loanicastillo3327 10 месяцев назад

      Ask your mom is marriage is about having fun.....
      Sex is not fun. He just wants to rape you freely. Can you understand?

  • @NHJ03
    @NHJ03 2 года назад +1

    I have a question. if sex outside marriage is a sin, why isn't it illegal? By making sex outside marriage legal it will encourage people to do it.

    • @hey6934
      @hey6934 2 года назад +2

      See it's a religious belief. All people don't believe in that. You can't impose your beliefs on someone. And when we say illegal, it's about the law, it's about the constitution. And the constitution has no right from stopping two people to love each other the way they want (sex before marriage).Because everyone has a different definition of love. . It's up to them what they want to do with their life. Destroy it, heal it or whatever. Incase of adultery it's different And the people have the full right to divorce if the person is caught cheating. And incase they feel whatever they are doing is a sin they can always repent if they feel guilty for it. If we make sex outside marriage illegal them people will start protesting about it. It will make matters even more worse.

    • @NHJ03
      @NHJ03 2 года назад +1

      @@hey6934 But there must be something we can do to the Christian who have sex before marriage as punishment. We can't just let them go and act like it is a normal thing. This is why so many Christian didn't know that sex outside marriage is wrong.

    • @hey6934
      @hey6934 2 года назад +1

      @@NHJ03 agree with that. But their life shouldn't matter to us. They sinned they will regret it. We can only advice them. But yeah it's wrong that they are encouraging it. A lot of Christians think it's fine.

    • @NHJ03
      @NHJ03 2 года назад

      @Massimo Hack it's wrong in Christianity, then why not just punish the christian who did it?

  • @earthangelhealingjourney
    @earthangelhealingjourney Год назад +1

    Thank you Amy for this video! Very well said💙 God Bless you🙏💙🙏