It was 1985, when my Minnesota high school history teacher informed the class to open our brand new textbooks. We were instructed to open them to a specific chapter and page. It was at this time that he informed the class that our books had been altered by the Texas State Board of Education, to distort and outright lie on much of the content found within the pages he wrote on the chalkboard. He told us that we were to remove this fascist propaganda from our books. We were all stunned. "You heard me correctly" he exclaimed... "Rip that shit out!" To our pleasure, we did just that.
"Distrust of the intellectual world has always been a symptom of fascism, from Hermann Goering's fondness for a phrase from a Hanns Johst play ("When I hear the word 'culture' I reach for my gun!") to the frequent use of such expressions as "degenerate intellectuals," "effete snobs," and "universities are nests of reds." The official fascist intellectuals were mainly engaged in attacking modern culture & the liberal intelligentsia for having betrayed traditional values." ~ Umberto Eco
A few years ago I was having dinner with my former Lutheran minister from childhood. He told me about a professor from Estonia he knew who told his class about the time when the Soviet Union annexed Estonia in 1940. One of the first things they did was to go to the universities, line up the faculty against the wall and execute them. This professor and another faculty member hid in a cellar for three days before they deemed it was safe to come out. In shock, I asked my former minister "why did they do that?!" He just shrugged his shoulders. I later realized the Soviets felt it was important to eliminate people who could think for themselves. This came to mind when I first heard Rick Santorum utter "We will never have the elite, smart people on our side". Of course not, because they can think for themselves.
whyamimrpink78 The latter half of your comment pretty much describes the goal of the conservative religious right, not the left, who are not trying to control education and indoctrinate everyone. There are a number on the right who would love to make the Bible part of the curriculum, thus indoctrinating others with their beliefs. The left wants to leave the right to believe or not up to the individual and has no intention of making Christianity the state religion. There are many on the right who would love to get rid of public education, whereas the left wants to keep it and even make community college education free.
whyamimrpink78 Finland put three teachers into each classroom, elevated the role teachers play in society and stressed the importance of cooperation among the students, rather than competition. As a result, Finland now has the number one school system in the world. At the time that this was made known it was also noted that American students ranked 25th in math, 17th in science and 14th in reading, with an overall ranking of 17th in the developed world for education. In a nut shell we do not spend more per student than any other country. I feel like I'm watching Fox news. Have a nice day.
I think its more of a archetypal relic that's always been with us than a recently discovered meme. The reptilian brain's insertion into survival mechanism, evolved to a level where its learned to rationalize itself into relevance out of fear.
There is a book on Anti-Intellectualism in American Life written (by Richard Hofstadter) probably in the late 1950s or early 60s, which traces American anti-intellectualism to certain religious traditions and movements (like the Great Awakening), and perhaps to certain cultural prejudices deeply rooted in Anglo-Saxon culture. It may have begun in the colonial period preceding the national existence of the USA.
There doesn't seem to be anything inherent in Conservatism that makes it anti-intellectual. There are many well-spoken Libertarians, for example, that make a detailed, smart case for their world-view. That world-view is essentially impossible because they only selectively factor in elements of human nature that will help their utopia function properly, while ignoring elements that will inevitably topple it the minute they don't conform to it (much like proponents of late-stage Communism do). But it isn't as though they don't try to address problems with reason and logic. And no one would disagree that Buckley was an intellectual. But modern Conservative Republiicanism has joined forces with 2 things: corporatism and religious fundamentalism. The people who run the former keep their structure alive via a workforce that is smart enough to operate machines but not smart enough to design better machines and take over the market, let alone smart enough to question the larger system of why we all need to spend our entire lives working when the Earth has abundant resources for everyone. The latter absolutely needs to deny and discredit factual information so that people will continue to rely on "faith" and mythology. Both of these groups thrive in an anti-intellectual, naive, conformist society, and both disintegrate if the populace gets too smart and uses too much critical thinking. Where are students taught Conservative values about the greatness of God and Country and Tradition? Church. The first thing God punished Adam and Eve for was eating from the tree of knowledge, because it meant that they were unduly learning something valuable. Where are students taught about the darker truths of reality, which can lead them to question the power structures that exist today? In school. Of course Conservatives don't want this. So of course they hate academia.
This concept goes all the way back to the end of the Holy Roman Empire, when Christians initiated a cultural revolution that included the burning of the Library of Alexandria. The idea that any knowledge not obtained directly from the Bible is "evil", was then enforced by the Church all through the Dark Ages, with the practice of restricting those who were even allowed to learn to read and write, to only monks and priests...and even then only for the purpose of translating and copying the Bible. "Regular" people weren't allowed, because if everyone could read, then anyone could go ahead and interpret the Bible any way they wanted...and that doesn't make for good population control. Anti-intellectualism is simply one of the oldest traditions in Christianity...after all it was the fruit from the tree of knowledge that cursed us all with mortality.
8:15: YEs, yes, yes, yes. these are exactly my thoughts!. Nowadays we get rightwing ideologies which go throughmind bending acrobatics to sound like "objective" facts, that end up being the same racist agenda they were 50 years ago. Then people just said:" I don't like black people" -> but the got more and more rejected by moderates and it became a position which can't be held anymore, at least in public debates. Nowadays these people follow the argument that pc is censorship blablabla and therefore they still say that they don't like black people, by saying that they just don't like this and that specific black person who is only in this and that show because of pc. But when you read the majority of their posts etc you'll see that they ALWAYS have problems with this or that specific black person. The make it look as if it wasn't racist because they just don't like Obam for what he doing, but they also coincidentally happen to jsut don't like the new human torch because the actor is black and the original character is white. Artistic freedom is only to be applied when something chauvinistic/sexistic/racist or violent is portayed, anything else is just pc influenced censorship. -> logic?
no, it's just been a tool for those who want a stupid population. dont forget that some of the most brilliant intellectuals throughout history have been deeply christian men (newton for instance). the modern interpretation of the bible by evangelical christians has been used to stunt the minds of a generation, but it isnt inherent to the bible itself. an apt metaphor would be communism. it isnt the idea itself that's so terrible, but it was used as a tool for terrible things.
ryan neitzel You understand that you just agreed with me in your first statement and turned around and tried a sudo counter claim in use of that agreement to push an anti communism agenda? "tool for those who want a stupid population" so again my assertion; the bible has stunted the critical thinking skills of 'merica holds.
USA is what is relevant to this vid, but if you want to take that avenue then I will rephrase for you. Cathal Ó Broin Holy texts abroad has stunted the critical thinking skills of man kind.
this rings true at the moment with Bernie Sanders' current presidential campaign. Despite having a very successful grassroots following, and a recently reported record amount of donations of any candidate this early on, many of his supporters feel he is largely ignored by the mainstream media, and instead is still being dismissed as a "socialist who won't get topic?". Meanwhile, the media gives much more attention to Hillary the centrist and her email controversy, and the less popular Republican candidates such as Mike Huckabee (although in fairness most of his attention is on his wingnut antics) and Jeb Bush. Simply because they are better known people and not because of their actual support as presidential candidates. And Ellen deGeneres recently saying that Hillary Clinton out of all the candidates is the "only person she can think of" when it comes to having "equal rights across the board" (not for those in the middle east or gay people until 2013), is a grade A example of this complete ignorance of those who have always been consistent devout progressives like Bernie Sanders.
Loving the program, thank you. Just one recommendation and I may subscribe. Make sure your guests check their webcams before coming on, I am sitting here trying to listen to great words by a great mind and I'm just pulling my hair out instead. Some people can fill in the blanks and don't mind and some fill in the blanks and get very angry in 2018 this happens for 10 minutes straight. It's very frustrating for many people.
A lot of the commenters on this thread are confusing anti-intellectualism with other things like being uneducated, being on the wrong side of an argument, ignorance, dogmatism, etc. While these things often go hand in hand with anti-intellectualism, they're not synonyms. Anti-intellectualism Anti-intellectualism is the hostility and mistrust of intellectuals, often shown by a negative attitude toward education (especially at the University level) and the dismissal of art, literature, philosophy and science as overated and trying to control society.Anti-intellectuals present themselves as populists opposed to political and academic elitism-and feel that intellectuals dominate political discourse and control higher education. Anti-intellectuals are not necessarily uneducated. For example: Examples of Academic anti-intellectualism - In the U.S., conservative politicians, such as David Horowitz (David Horowitz Freedom Center), ex-education-secretary William Bennett, and paleoconservative activist Patrick Buchanan, criticize schools and universities as intellectualist places that teach individualist distrust of the authority of tradition. From: "Horowitz Rocks Leftist Academia at Stanford". Archived from the original on 2013-01-16.
Richard Hofstadter wrote 3 good books on this topic. Written in the 1950s and 60s they are quite relevant today. Liberalism and conservatism originate in the brain. Check out the research on this. Ask yourself: why do liberals tend to be curious and often well educated in the humanities while conservatives tend to be businessmen who don't read much. Not always true but quite common.
MrBlackatheist It's not the elevator gate incident as much as their anti-intellectualism. Tons of censorship, slander and things I only expected from right wingers.
Several technical difficulties unfortunately took a heavy toll on the video. What the prof was trying to say lost in transmission delay problems. Not sure if it was due to his computer or the transmission itself but that problem should have been identified and corrected prior to the posting of the video. Thumbs down.
it is more common among the progressive wokes and far left that even some prominent left figures are distancing themselves from them. what seems to be started out from seemingly Right, that most conservatives have gone more pro intellectualism given public schools have been one of the breeding grounds of anti intellectualism and a background for settling political scores , except for those on far right.
@@patriotenfield3276 Your reply seems deeply Orwellian. Most of the anti-intellectual rhetoric, including antipathy or distrust of science, has come recently more often from the right that the left. Indeed, this has probably been so since the days of McCarthyism. As far as education is concerned, it is mainly the conservatives who are attacking education, nowadays on the bogus pretext of combating critical race theory--rather than secularism humanism which they ranted against in the 1980s. Some conservative legislators are even resorting to censorship; and not just in primary and secondary schools, but even at the university level. At times it looks like 1930s Italy or Germany. To be perfectly honest, I think anti-intellectualism is so deeply rooted in our history that it has become a structural part of the culture. Both left and right are affected; but in our time it's more the right than the left.
@@SagesseNoir the cycles have changed . it went from a conservative thing to a progressive thing with the end of 90s and dawn of 2000s. a simple example is that of Video games and Gun rights of civilians, In the 80s and 90s , It were the progressives who supported both Video games while conservatives were the one who blamed them for Violence. now times have swapped the entire tug of war, and progressives view both them as "violent and toxic masculinity and appealing to male fantasy" which conservatives however beg to differ. similar stand is in Gun rights too. You are not wrong because I also was a leftist on the start when conservatives were involved in this anti intellectual policies of theirs . However I left the camp when I found that anti intellectualism has taken over the camp of the left by end of 2010. you gotta admit that the progressive faction became the same monster it was intend to fight and correct out against . and the results are right on our face , i am not exaggerating . plus Yeah I am ..kind of believer in the politics Orwell believed in , despite I am not in complete agreement with Him.
In the United States, intellectualism or the very embodiment of college profs automatically assumes liberals or leftists or progressives. And it is true the U.S. has a huge percentage of right-wing anti-intellectuals. My guess is in the U.S. most anti-intellectualism is right-wing, mostly from our Protestant or Puritan heritage. But there is such a thing as a seeming right-wing intellectualism, even here in the United States. All one has to do is conjure up the Traditional Catholic who is an American - a Catholic priest who takes the mic or a Catholic layperson who is traditional and speaks - and you suddenly have before you an oddity, a seeming contradiction. How can this walking, talking paradox even be an American? He's not a progressive yet he talks intellectually. Unusual in the United States.
Terrible discussion as per technical audibility. Absolutely a supremely important topic and subject discussion that deserves a do-over. Intellectuals worth their salt would not be satisfied with this work. Do it over and use poster board head notes. It should not be overlooked that some poorly educated folk are intellectuals and they are being left out.
Wow, some pretty ignorant and intellectual comments here, no wonder this country will never solve it's problems. If you can't even get past straw-manning the other half of the country, you won't get very far indeed.
It's been there since the beginning of the country (or before). See Richard Hofstradter's "Anti-Intellectualism in American Life" and Susan Jacoby's "The Age of American Unreason".
I would say it happened about the same time as Left-Wing anti-intellectualism. It's kind of funny; one of my best friends is a moderate right-winger, and I'm a moderate left-winger, and we both often discuss just how moronic the far-right and far-left are.
Eliza M. I think the far-Left and far-Right are both equally as intellectually dishonest. The far-Right denies science for their own benefit, and the far-Left want to do away with peer review, which would seriously cripple science, for their own benefit. The political compass doesn't plot just left and right, it also plots authoritarian and libertarian (not the political party, but rather the belief in personal liberties). I'm in the Left-libertarian spectrum, so I have just as much problem with the Left-authoritarian spectrum as I do with those too far on the Right spectrum.
Kaleb Adams When you start talking about left and right, remember that left and right are poor terms for political allegiance. Read up on the political compass, it's a much better way of judging political beliefs.
joshua glover That's what I'm talking about. I even said "[the] political compass doesn't plot just left and right, it also plots authoritarian and libertarian..."
Kaleb Adams Sorry, didn't see that bro. ;) But yeah, it isn't necesarilly the left-right spectrum that is anti-intellectual, the further authoritarians tend to be the anti-intelectuals. I'm a right wing libertarian, so conservative fiscally, and liberal socially. And even though my economic views are probably better aligned with the republicans, they are so backwards and fucktarded on their social and intellectual views that I would vote for the dems just to keep those loons out of power. Thank the flying spaghetti monster I am from the UK eh? We actually honour our intellectuals, not oppose them.
joshua glover It's no problem, I've been using that for a while now because, as you said, distinguishing between Left- and Right- wing gets you nowhere. I have more in common with the Right-libertarians than I do with the Left-authoritarians. You and I might not agree fiscally, but at least we give people the rights they deserve.
This is funny! This guy couldn't even argue his way out of a paper bag. There is no one any more anti-intellectual than the current Democratic party and liberals. The greatest generation did what they did BECAUSE they embraced conservative American values. This guy is laughable - he needs to go back to grade school.
It was 1985, when my Minnesota high school history teacher informed the class to open our brand new textbooks. We were instructed to open them to a specific chapter and page. It was at this time that he informed the class that our books had been altered by the Texas State Board of Education, to distort and outright lie on much of the content found within the pages he wrote on the chalkboard. He told us that we were to remove this fascist propaganda from our books. We were all stunned. "You heard me correctly" he exclaimed... "Rip that shit out!" To our pleasure, we did just that.
Achktung Swonsburger
I thought that was from Dead Poet's Society.
Achktung Swonsburger Yes it did.
Can i ask what part of Texas?
Sean Webb
Sorry We had the same thing in Las Vegas, NV.
"Distrust of the intellectual world has always been a symptom of fascism, from Hermann Goering's fondness for a phrase from a Hanns Johst play ("When I hear the word 'culture' I reach for my gun!") to the frequent use of such expressions as "degenerate intellectuals," "effete snobs," and "universities are nests of reds." The official fascist intellectuals were mainly engaged in attacking modern culture & the liberal intelligentsia for having betrayed traditional values." ~ Umberto Eco
great quote!
A few years ago I was having dinner with my former Lutheran minister from childhood. He told me about a professor from Estonia he knew who told his class about the time when the Soviet Union annexed Estonia in 1940. One of the first things they did was to go to the universities, line up the faculty against the wall and execute them. This professor and another faculty member hid in a cellar for three days before they deemed it was safe to come out. In shock, I asked my former minister "why did they do that?!" He just shrugged his shoulders. I later realized the Soviets felt it was important to eliminate people who could think for themselves. This came to mind when I first heard Rick Santorum utter "We will never have the elite, smart people on our side". Of course not, because they can think for themselves.
whyamimrpink78 The latter half of your comment pretty much describes the goal of the conservative religious right, not the left, who are not trying to control education and indoctrinate everyone. There are a number on the right who would love to make the Bible part of the curriculum, thus indoctrinating others with their beliefs. The left wants to leave the right to believe or not up to the individual and has no intention of making Christianity the state religion. There are many on the right who would love to get rid of public education, whereas the left wants to keep it and even make community college education free.
whyamimrpink78 Finland put three teachers into each classroom, elevated the role teachers play in society and stressed the importance of cooperation among the students, rather than competition. As a result, Finland now has the number one school system in the world. At the time that this was made known it was also noted that American students ranked 25th in math, 17th in science and 14th in reading, with an overall ranking of 17th in the developed world for education. In a nut shell we do not spend more per student than any other country. I feel like I'm watching Fox news. Have a nice day.
When you witness the behavior of Tea party types there are more than a few who would agree to that program getting included into American policy.
More accurately,when did American anti-intellectualism start?It is so deeply embedded in the culture it possibly goes back several generations..
The Red Scare(s)? Seems like something to point to, at least. But past that I wouldn't know.
I think its more of a archetypal relic that's always been with us than a recently discovered meme. The reptilian brain's insertion into survival mechanism, evolved to a level where its learned to rationalize itself into relevance out of fear.
There’s a book by Susan Jacoby that was updated recently called The Age of American Unreason. It’s a good book
There is a book on Anti-Intellectualism in American Life written (by Richard Hofstadter) probably in the late 1950s or early 60s, which traces American anti-intellectualism to certain religious traditions and movements (like the Great Awakening), and perhaps to certain cultural prejudices deeply rooted in Anglo-Saxon culture. It may have begun in the colonial period preceding the national existence of the USA.
@@SagesseNoir Thanks.
Thre's an old joke that "The problem with the Left is they read only left literature. The problem with the right is they read nothing at all."
There doesn't seem to be anything inherent in Conservatism that makes it anti-intellectual. There are many well-spoken Libertarians, for example, that make a detailed, smart case for their world-view. That world-view is essentially impossible because they only selectively factor in elements of human nature that will help their utopia function properly, while ignoring elements that will inevitably topple it the minute they don't conform to it (much like proponents of late-stage Communism do). But it isn't as though they don't try to address problems with reason and logic. And no one would disagree that Buckley was an intellectual.
But modern Conservative Republiicanism has joined forces with 2 things: corporatism and religious fundamentalism. The people who run the former keep their structure alive via a workforce that is smart enough to operate machines but not smart enough to design better machines and take over the market, let alone smart enough to question the larger system of why we all need to spend our entire lives working when the Earth has abundant resources for everyone. The latter absolutely needs to deny and discredit factual information so that people will continue to rely on "faith" and mythology. Both of these groups thrive in an anti-intellectual, naive, conformist society, and both disintegrate if the populace gets too smart and uses too much critical thinking. Where are students taught Conservative values about the greatness of God and Country and Tradition? Church. The first thing God punished Adam and Eve for was eating from the tree of knowledge, because it meant that they were unduly learning something valuable. Where are students taught about the darker truths of reality, which can lead them to question the power structures that exist today? In school. Of course Conservatives don't want this. So of course they hate academia.
This concept goes all the way back to the end of the Holy Roman Empire, when Christians initiated a cultural revolution that included the burning of the Library of Alexandria.
The idea that any knowledge not obtained directly from the Bible is "evil", was then enforced by the Church all through the Dark Ages, with the practice of restricting those who were even allowed to learn to read and write, to only monks and priests...and even then only for the purpose of translating and copying the Bible. "Regular" people weren't allowed, because if everyone could read, then anyone could go ahead and interpret the Bible any way they wanted...and that doesn't make for good population control.
Anti-intellectualism is simply one of the oldest traditions in Christianity...after all it was the fruit from the tree of knowledge that cursed us all with mortality.
"A lie told often enough becomes truth" - Vladimir Lenin
One of your best interviews David. Please get him on again.
David, can you get this guy back sometime on a decent connection?
8:15: YEs, yes, yes, yes. these are exactly my thoughts!. Nowadays we get rightwing ideologies which go throughmind bending acrobatics to sound like "objective" facts, that end up being the same racist agenda they were 50 years ago.
Then people just said:" I don't like black people" -> but the got more and more rejected by moderates and it became a position which can't be held anymore, at least in public debates.
Nowadays these people follow the argument that pc is censorship blablabla and therefore they still say that they don't like black people, by saying that they just don't like this and that specific black person who is only in this and that show because of pc. But when you read the majority of their posts etc you'll see that they ALWAYS have problems with this or that specific black person. The make it look as if it wasn't racist because they just don't like Obam for what he doing, but they also coincidentally happen to jsut don't like the new human torch because the actor is black and the original character is white.
Artistic freedom is only to be applied when something chauvinistic/sexistic/racist or violent is portayed, anything else is just pc influenced censorship. -> logic?
Isn't it interesting that conservative americans are proud to share a platform with boko haram?
My theory, the bible has stunted the critical thinking skills of the USA.
no, it's just been a tool for those who want a stupid population. dont forget that some of the most brilliant intellectuals throughout history have been deeply christian men (newton for instance). the modern interpretation of the bible by evangelical christians has been used to stunt the minds of a generation, but it isnt inherent to the bible itself.
an apt metaphor would be communism. it isnt the idea itself that's so terrible, but it was used as a tool for terrible things.
ryan neitzel You understand that you just agreed with me in your first statement and turned around and tried a sudo counter claim in use of that agreement to push an anti communism agenda?
"tool for those who want a stupid population"
so again my assertion; the bible has stunted the critical thinking skills of 'merica holds.
They had the bible in Europe too.
USA is what is relevant to this vid, but if you want to take that avenue then I will rephrase for you. Cathal Ó Broin
Holy texts abroad has stunted the critical thinking skills of man kind.
Dey Cross Anti Christian people are the true anti intellectual. I mean you people think everything came from nothing. How can you be dumber than that?
When he said the 1970s he hit it right on the nose. That decade was my adolescence.
Anti-intellectualism is a cherished cornerstone of right-wing ideology.
Nope and completely incorrect. Anti-Intellectualism is cherished in left wing ideology. Right wing ideology at least know way more common sense
Should we shut off their electricity? Because why should anti-intellectuals be allowed to reap what open minded intelligent minds have sown?
this rings true at the moment with Bernie Sanders' current presidential campaign. Despite having a very successful grassroots following, and a recently reported record amount of donations of any candidate this early on, many of his supporters feel he is largely ignored by the mainstream media, and instead is still being dismissed as a "socialist who won't get topic?". Meanwhile, the media gives much more attention to Hillary the centrist and her email controversy, and the less popular Republican candidates such as Mike Huckabee (although in fairness most of his attention is on his wingnut antics) and Jeb Bush. Simply because they are better known people and not because of their actual support as presidential candidates. And Ellen deGeneres recently saying that Hillary Clinton out of all the candidates is the "only person she can think of" when it comes to having "equal rights across the board" (not for those in the middle east or gay people until 2013), is a grade A example of this complete ignorance of those who have always been consistent devout progressives like Bernie Sanders.
Bernie was just too honest to be President of Americans.
ceilingsandfloors I agree with you 100%!!!
Wanna read a great book that discusses this issue at depth? Read -- "Freethinkers: A History of American Secularism" (2004) Susan Jacoby.
Loving the program, thank you. Just one recommendation and I may subscribe. Make sure your guests check their webcams before coming on, I am sitting here trying to listen to great words by a great mind and I'm just pulling my hair out instead. Some people can fill in the blanks and don't mind and some fill in the blanks and get very angry in 2018 this happens for 10 minutes straight. It's very frustrating for many people.
omg my co-worker (super religious) was reading a book on how to be anti- intellectualism and accept the gospel. Something like that. I'm scared.
Do you remember the title? I would like to look into that book.
Outstanding assessment by the Professor.
I'm guessing it started thousands of years ago with the inception of the Abrahamic religions.
A lot of the commenters on this thread are confusing anti-intellectualism with other things like being uneducated, being on the wrong side of an argument, ignorance, dogmatism, etc. While these things often go hand in hand with anti-intellectualism, they're not synonyms. Anti-intellectualism Anti-intellectualism is the hostility and mistrust of intellectuals, often shown by a negative attitude toward education (especially at the University level) and the dismissal of art, literature, philosophy and science as overated and trying to control society.Anti-intellectuals present themselves as populists opposed to political and academic elitism-and feel that intellectuals dominate political discourse and control higher education.
Anti-intellectuals are not necessarily uneducated. For example:
Examples of Academic anti-intellectualism -
In the U.S., conservative politicians, such as David Horowitz (David Horowitz Freedom Center), ex-education-secretary William Bennett, and paleoconservative activist Patrick Buchanan, criticize schools and universities as intellectualist places that teach individualist distrust of the authority of tradition.
From: "Horowitz Rocks Leftist Academia at Stanford". Archived from the original on 2013-01-16.
More, please!
Richard Hofstadter wrote 3 good books on this topic. Written in the 1950s and 60s they are quite relevant today. Liberalism and conservatism originate in the brain. Check out the research on this. Ask yourself: why do liberals tend to be curious and often well educated in the humanities while conservatives tend to be businessmen who don't read much. Not always true but quite common.
Thank you. It is good to see real discussions such as this have not completely died.
I don't know, but for me Left-Wing Anti-Intellectualism started with PZ Myers and Rebecca Watson.
whenindoubtdo I heard that name Rebecca Watson before. She the elevator chick right?
MrBlackatheist LOL Yes. That's her.
MrBlackatheist It's not the elevator gate incident as much as their anti-intellectualism. Tons of censorship, slander and things I only expected from right wingers.
whenindoubtdo PZ Myers??
What offices did they get elected to?
This Skype video has horrible audio! I wish you could redo this topic...maybe use the transcript?
Again 1895, United Daughters of the Confederacy.
Have you ever noticed that the corporate America and Religious Conservatism has worked together like hand and glove.
Several technical difficulties unfortunately took a heavy toll on the video. What the prof was trying to say lost in transmission delay problems. Not sure if it was due to his computer or the transmission itself but that problem should have been identified and corrected prior to the posting of the video. Thumbs down.
Try 1895, United Daughters of the Confederacy.
Another world, another time, in the age of wonder...
A thousand years ago, this land was green and good - until the Crystal CRACKED.
I think you can find anti-intellectualism on both the Right and Left, but is much more common on the Right. At least this seems to be true in the USA.
it is more common among the progressive wokes and far left that even some prominent left figures are distancing themselves from them. what seems to be started out from seemingly Right, that most conservatives have gone more pro intellectualism given public schools have been one of the breeding grounds of anti intellectualism and a background for settling political scores , except for those on far right.
@@patriotenfield3276 Your reply seems deeply Orwellian. Most of the anti-intellectual rhetoric, including antipathy or distrust of science, has come recently more often from the right that the left. Indeed, this has probably been so since the days of McCarthyism. As far as education is concerned, it is mainly the conservatives who are attacking education, nowadays on the bogus pretext of combating critical race theory--rather than secularism humanism which they ranted against in the 1980s. Some conservative legislators are even resorting to censorship; and not just in primary and secondary schools, but even at the university level. At times it looks like 1930s Italy or Germany. To be perfectly honest, I think anti-intellectualism is so deeply rooted in our history that it has become a structural part of the culture. Both left and right are affected; but in our time it's more the right than the left.
@@SagesseNoir the cycles have changed . it went from a conservative thing to a progressive thing with the end of 90s and dawn of 2000s. a simple example is that of Video games and Gun rights of civilians, In the 80s and 90s , It were the progressives who supported both Video games while conservatives were the one who blamed them for Violence. now times have swapped the entire tug of war, and progressives view both them as "violent and toxic masculinity and appealing to male fantasy" which conservatives however beg to differ. similar stand is in Gun rights too. You are not wrong because I also was a leftist on the start when conservatives were involved in this anti intellectual policies of theirs . However I left the camp when I found that anti intellectualism has taken over the camp of the left by end of 2010. you gotta admit that the progressive faction became the same monster it was intend to fight and correct out against . and the results are right on our face , i am not exaggerating . plus Yeah I am ..kind of believer in the politics Orwell believed in , despite I am not in complete agreement with Him.
Would have been a better interview had he simply been on a phone. Was he broadcasting from the fucking Moon?
What we are experiencing the last gasp of 20th century racial retardism with the Tea/nuts and the GOP traitors.
Right wing anti intellectualism started where left wing anti intellectualism began….. at the beginning of time. 🙃
In the United States, intellectualism or the very embodiment of college profs automatically assumes liberals or leftists or progressives. And it is true the U.S. has a huge percentage of right-wing anti-intellectuals. My guess is in the U.S. most anti-intellectualism is right-wing, mostly from our Protestant or Puritan heritage. But there is such a thing as a seeming right-wing intellectualism, even here in the United States. All one has to do is conjure up the Traditional Catholic who is an American - a Catholic priest who takes the mic or a Catholic layperson who is traditional and speaks - and you suddenly have before you an oddity, a seeming contradiction. How can this walking, talking paradox even be an American? He's not a progressive yet he talks intellectually. Unusual in the United States.
Just 683 views. Anti-intellectualism - seems there's a lot of it about.
right-wing intellectualism is only a case in the USA
Am I the only one who didn't get half of what he said?
No,i didn't get it either!.
Too bad such crappy audio (:-(
Terrible discussion as per technical audibility. Absolutely a supremely important topic and subject discussion that deserves a do-over. Intellectuals worth their salt would not be satisfied with this work. Do it over and use poster board head notes. It should not be overlooked that some poorly educated folk are intellectuals and they are being left out.
Dr Kaye's words are so scrambled, It's very hard to understand him.
Larry David's voice changed.
Wow, some pretty ignorant and intellectual comments here, no wonder this country will never solve it's problems. If you can't even get past straw-manning the other half of the country, you won't get very far indeed.
To be able to vanquish one's foe a man must be able to see the enemy for what it truly is, and not attack blindly.
All I can say is, RON PAUL FOR 2016!!!
sour grapes?
When you got elected!
Intelligence is not the same as maturity, most intellectuals are simply bit childish.
Yes sure and dumb people are somehow mature. Intelligence and maturity tend to go hand in hand if you have one you probably have the other.
It's been there since the beginning of the country (or before). See Richard Hofstradter's "Anti-Intellectualism in American Life" and Susan Jacoby's "The Age of American Unreason".
uwgb...rough place to teach this curriculum lol
The irony of a left-winger preaching about anti-intellectualism is not lost on me.
And you think the right is intellectual the side that defunds schools argues against higher education and denies global warming.
I would say it happened about the same time as Left-Wing anti-intellectualism. It's kind of funny; one of my best friends is a moderate right-winger, and I'm a moderate left-winger, and we both often discuss just how moronic the far-right and far-left are.
Eliza M. I think the far-Left and far-Right are both equally as intellectually dishonest. The far-Right denies science for their own benefit, and the far-Left want to do away with peer review, which would seriously cripple science, for their own benefit.
The political compass doesn't plot just left and right, it also plots authoritarian and libertarian (not the political party, but rather the belief in personal liberties).
I'm in the Left-libertarian spectrum, so I have just as much problem with the Left-authoritarian spectrum as I do with those too far on the Right spectrum.
Kaleb Adams When you start talking about left and right, remember that left and right are poor terms for political allegiance.
Read up on the political compass, it's a much better way of judging political beliefs.
joshua glover That's what I'm talking about. I even said "[the] political compass doesn't plot just left and right, it also plots authoritarian and libertarian..."
Kaleb Adams Sorry, didn't see that bro. ;)
But yeah, it isn't necesarilly the left-right spectrum that is anti-intellectual, the further authoritarians tend to be the anti-intelectuals.
I'm a right wing libertarian, so conservative fiscally, and liberal socially. And even though my economic views are probably better aligned with the republicans, they are so backwards and fucktarded on their social and intellectual views that I would vote for the dems just to keep those loons out of power.
Thank the flying spaghetti monster I am from the UK eh? We actually honour our intellectuals, not oppose them.
joshua glover It's no problem, I've been using that for a while now because, as you said, distinguishing between Left- and Right- wing gets you nowhere. I have more in common with the Right-libertarians than I do with the Left-authoritarians.
You and I might not agree fiscally, but at least we give people the rights they deserve.
This is funny! This guy couldn't even argue his way out of a paper bag. There is no one any more anti-intellectual than the current Democratic party and liberals. The greatest generation did what they did BECAUSE they embraced conservative American values. This guy is laughable - he needs to go back to grade school.
Yet liberals are more likly to graduate and/or go to college also more likely to become doctors.