貴州深山一山洞裡面竟然住了100多口人,男耕女織,現實中的世外桃源What an Arcadia you live in !
- Опубликовано: 6 фев 2025
- 中洞苗寨位於貴州省紫雲縣格凸河畔水塘鎮格井村,離紫雲縣城約30公里,距貴陽161公里。 中洞苗寨被冠以「中國最後的穴居部落」的名號,這個100多米寬、200多米深的洞穴裡,住著中國最後的穴居「部落」―――20戶人家共100個苗族人,他們的祖輩當年為躲避戰亂而遷到山裡,之後定居洞中。Zhongdong Miao Village is located in Gejing Village, Shuitang Town, Geyu River, Ziyun County, Guizhou Province, about 30 kilometers from Ziyun County and 161 kilometers from Guiyang. The Zhongdong Miao Village has been dubbed "China's Last Burrowing Tribe". The cave, which is more than 100 meters wide and 200 meters deep, is home to China's last Burrowing "Tribe"-18 families with 100 Miao people. Their forefathers moved to the mountains to escape the war and settled in the cave. 本頻道製作的所有影片都符合平台的使用政策,沒有任何違規行為。