Domestic Issues with Tete Tilder

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • Tilder LIVE ZIM, Biggest Reality Talk Show In Zimbabwe-
    Tilder Moyo-Karizamimba is a Zimbabwean radio personality who is well known for tackling sensitive social issues. She made a name for herself at Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC)'s Radio Zimbabwe where she hosted a no-holds barred Sunday morning talk show which touched on various social issues. Some of the controversial issues that the programme has dealt with include those of satanists, child prostitutes, victims of rape and business people who use juju to enrich themselves. It was a phone-in programme and many a times perpetrators and victims called in airing their views and experiences making it worthwhile for the audiences to tune in. She also presenter of the Popular Tv Music Programme Ezomgido/Mvenge-mvenge on ZBCTV Before she left zbc for greener Pasture
    Tilder left Radio Zimbabwe in September 2013

Комментарии • 219

  • @bleemoyo5976
    @bleemoyo5976 Год назад +13

    Maonero anguwo ndeekuti kana murume anetsa mukaedza kuyananiswa zvikaramba better kusiyana coz zvekugarira Zita madzimai ngatisiyanei nazvo tizvishandire pane kuswero batanidza batanidza zvisingachaiti

  • @dephine8815
    @dephine8815 Год назад +8

    Pamunoroora Vacheche vane15yrs munenge muchifungeiko.varume vezim muchazvirega henyu

  • @judx34
    @judx34 Год назад +22

    I think this man has childhood traumatic experience of being abused . Now any little thing that the wife does he feels the wife is being abusive. No one in their right mind would rent a room to sleep on the floor and yet has a room with a bed.. I think this stems from his childhood. Tete and Doc Choga.. This man needs professional help

    • @tamirirashemushayavanhu6116
      @tamirirashemushayavanhu6116 Год назад

      Correct he need someone who is not Doc asingatauri kuti uri Gevha hazvisi right

    • @chiyenyumba7135
      @chiyenyumba7135 Год назад +1

      The man is hard work... I feel so for the woman. He needs to go home to his mum and dad. Q

    • @notisachiriya9306
      @notisachiriya9306 Год назад

      Marara sei kuno bho zvekuti fanika sekuru take

  • @tinotendadephinemabhena9881
    @tinotendadephinemabhena9881 Год назад +11

    Tete naDoc munondigonera 🔥🔥avo varikuti heee tete naDoc vari judgemental ndezvenyu izvo these two work neInformation yavanenge vapihwa 🙄

    • @dephine8815
      @dephine8815 Год назад +2

      Taura hako itai yenyu show isu hationi chakaipa ,ini ndiri kutodzidza zvakawanda

    • @4Tees-p1n
      @4Tees-p1n Год назад +2

      Taura zvako they compliment each other even na Pastor umwe ne umwe ane profession yake and we do appreciates their efforts.

    • @pochiaseke
      @pochiaseke Год назад +2

      Nhai nhai, they are doing a fantastic job👏👏👏👏👏

  • @marevaseizimunya
    @marevaseizimunya Год назад +6

    Tete Tilda na Dr Choga mukugona basa rambai makadaro.

  • @tmaktmak1464
    @tmaktmak1464 Год назад +10

    Nhasi zvifeve zvanga zvakawanda asi caller of the day award goes to baba ava vemba yavo yezororo🤣Zororai murugare baba. Musaregere mweya wegamba uchishungurudzwa😂

    • @ChuckTheMack
      @ChuckTheMack Год назад

      It’s all entertainment to you isn’t it? Unotoisa bundle re data kuti uuye uchinakidzwa nenyaya dzevanhu varikusangana nematambudziko mudzimba. Asi vana Rambo nana Terminator hazvichanakidzi mazuvano?

    • @sethumpofu9248
      @sethumpofu9248 Год назад

      Vambipedza...mental disorder

    • @tmaktmak1464
      @tmaktmak1464 Год назад

      @@ChuckTheMack kana wabaikana ibva Hama, usangouya pano kuzochema week in week out. Haunete here?

    • @mildredzinhema1123
      @mildredzinhema1123 Год назад

      @Tmak Tmak nhasi ndanakidzwa kani handisati ndambonzwa zvakadai kuzororo kana ndiwewo cuz

    • @ChuckTheMack
      @ChuckTheMack Год назад

      @@tmaktmak1464 Hoo Saka iwe urikuuya kuzonakirwa nehupenyu hwevanhu varikunetseka? You are not fully mature in your brain I think young man. Domestic issues, that should tell you something. Go to Naiza Boom boy, you’ll be very entertained, this is not entertainment, get that through your head

  • @chiyenyumba7135
    @chiyenyumba7135 Год назад +2

    Murume wezororo phumulani uyo is hard work.... Its even painful listening to him. Akawoma murume uyo best ambodzokere kumba kwavo kuna mhamha nadaddy.

  • @fadzaidickson58
    @fadzaidickson58 Год назад +11

    When one has not succumbed to trauma they will think ikuzviitisa.i think empathy is required here especially to Dr choga the psychology.ngatisa jaja masituation evanhu.people grow old but are trapped in trauma

    • @cricket694
      @cricket694 Год назад

      i think nyaya iyi yaitoda Pastor Motowashe vadzike naye without the scorn

  • @florencechiwai9933
    @florencechiwai9933 Год назад +3

    Vakadzi ngatisashungurudza varume ummmm zvekusvika pakutsvaga imba yezororo here chokwadi🤣😂

    • @chiyenyumba7135
      @chiyenyumba7135 Год назад

      Yowe dai vakadzi vachitsvaga dzimba dzezororo neminana inobatwa nevanhurume kikkkkk 🤣 🤣 🤣

  • @Ru5672
    @Ru5672 Год назад +2

    30 year old cheater should let 23 year old go. Pastor always says you harvest what you sow in your wife. She learnt bad behaviour from her husband

    • @ChuckTheMack
      @ChuckTheMack Год назад +1

      It’s a sad situation, kana humhamdara haana kana kutamba nekuda kwana manyenga vana vanoswera vachinyangira vana vaduku vasati voziva kuti chii chinonzi rudo. Now she is at an appropriate age to actually explore meaningful relationships through courtship, and she is actually doing that, but with complexity of being in a relationship, which is obviously frowned upon in our society. But ndiko kurumwa nechokuchera ka kwakaitwa nemuchinda uyu, akatora mwana asati ave fully developed, hezvo, ichitsvaga development iya. Let them grow, vatambe chisikana vapedza, actually girls mature faster than boys. But the fact yekuti aitoona mwana wechikoro ari attractive, that’s repulsive 🤮.

    • @Ru5672
      @Ru5672 Год назад

      @@ChuckTheMack its shocking how many similar cases are in the society. Something needs to be done from family level to stop child marriage

  • @samanthakane9986
    @samanthakane9986 Год назад +8

    Choga na Tilder vanomborasika. The husband went outside his marriage and got someone pregnant yet the woman has to forgive him? Haiwa this made no sense

    • @maiyeukai9346
      @maiyeukai9346 Год назад +2

      Haa senge pamukadzi we23 akaroorwa ne15. She explained but they didnt listen. Very unprofeddional. Murume anorwsdziwa nei iye ihure atori nemùmwe mukadzi pregnant. Ngaaende hake kuhure tibatsire mainin

    • @collinsngoni6729
      @collinsngoni6729 Год назад +3

      @@maiyeukai9346 just call and advice them so they can see differently coz at the end of day there are also human they can't be 100%

    • @samanthakane9986
      @samanthakane9986 Год назад

      @mai yeukai exactly!! Instead of advising fairly they tell mainini kuti anyngere kuregererwa after murume abuda pachena kuti he loves the other woman. Mainini needs to move on that’s the advice they should have given her

    • @ChuckTheMack
      @ChuckTheMack Год назад +2

      YaChoga naTilder vanorasika moto

    • @leesencemhlanga2972
      @leesencemhlanga2972 Год назад +2

      that's true coz why mukadzi ariye akukukumbira ruregerero ari 1 sometimes vamwe vanogona kutaura vanhu vanogona kukusiya uchiita kunge ndiwe uriWrong

  • @herbertmhangami
    @herbertmhangami Год назад +4

    Doctor Choga and tete Tilder makadini

  • @ChuckTheMack
    @ChuckTheMack Год назад +1

    1:32:15 Thank you caller for correcting these two vanga voda kukusundira kuchivanhu yet mukadzi wako had a medical condition. I’m suspecting kuti vane ma contracts with different Tsikamutandas kuitira kuti kana vakwanisa kukusimbisa kuti chivanhu wonorohwa pasi petsoka nana Tsikamutanda ivo vowana commission

  • @ssam1430
    @ssam1430 Год назад +4

    Ndakutsvagawo imba yezororo 😊

  • @lucksondewah3543
    @lucksondewah3543 Год назад +3

    Hai suka! Mukadzi we23 yrs inzenza and husoft hwacho ndehwezvigevenga. Mukadzi wemunhu anongopa varume number, akazviwanepi? Naiye murume sei akanomutevera paakamboenda kumba kwavo. Tete naDoc regai vanhu vaparadzane avo. Hapana future at all. Ngavasiyane zvavo. Hapana chinorwadzwa sekuudzwa kuti mukadzi wako akarara nemumwe murume apa ugere naye mumba. That stress will haunt the union for ever. It's a toxic relationship.

    • @mee4084
      @mee4084 Год назад +4

      But here why are we only focusing nezvakaitwa nemukadzi ko zvaiitwa nemurume. Handirambe kuti mukadzi akakanganisa, murume akakanganisawo. And murume ndiye akatotanga kucheata. Vakadzi vanorwadziwawo but vanongotarisirw kuregerera. Vese inzenza murume akuzoona kunge ndiye anyanya kutadzirwa

    • @alletamandivenga3659
      @alletamandivenga3659 Год назад +2

      As much as mkadzi iri nzenza zvayo ,murume uyu akadzvanyirira mwana asat akura plus all these yrs murume uyu akangogara nemwana wevaridzi no kobiri . Haaa dzidzai kutsiurana pachirume imi varume . Dai ari mkadzi anga achihurigwa maizodaro here . Mrume akangopa vanhu number nekungofonerwa all is well ,anozviwanepi murume. Pasi nechihure chemurume or chemukadzi kunze kune zvirwere ukoooo

    • @lucksondewah3543
      @lucksondewah3543 Год назад

      @@alletamandivenga3659 Point taken! Just that we were groomed under a culture which taught us that men can marry as much as they can afford even though we're gradually shifting from that perception. The stigma attached to women infidelity, still carries hefty repercussions unfortunately. Over and above, couples must fight the temptation of promiscuity. Period! My attention was snatched by her false naivety to remember her age. Vanozviita kunge vakadzungaira vose.

    • @alletamandivenga3659
      @alletamandivenga3659 Год назад +1

      @@lucksondewah3543 that so called culture is the root of all problems. Mkadzi ipfambi yes I'm not saying she I better bt murume uyu ipfambiwo iyo . Kana achida zvevakadzi vakawanda ngaangoroore nenzira kwayo icho chaari kuita chihure ,he is not helping this situation. Kuita kujumper from one mkadzi to another nekuda kweculture. Varume regai chihure in the name of culture. Kune zvirwere kunze ukoo

  • @patiencemazvaramhaka4789
    @patiencemazvaramhaka4789 Год назад +1

    Murume we imba yezororo anotoda serious help. Feels like a victim all the time.

  • @Nkomazi
    @Nkomazi Год назад +2

    Veimba weZororo uyo pls understand him. Kana mukadzi achishungurudza zvirinani kana kurara musango chaimo. Hell has no fury than a woman scorned.

  • @pipiro3469
    @pipiro3469 Год назад +6

    hanzi na dr choga igevhaaa 😂😂😂

  • @gogokazima3547
    @gogokazima3547 Год назад +4

    Thank you very much, you are saying the truth

  • @briansiyavizva1513
    @briansiyavizva1513 Год назад +3

    doctor choga mune kakukasira kutora side nguva zhinji .Panyay yemurume weZororo house maita unfairness.Kana munhu akati arikushungurudzwa momuona seanopenga seiko??????????????????

    • @leesencemhlanga2972
      @leesencemhlanga2972 Год назад +1

      but sometimes haungaite choice yekunobhadhara somewhere ucitadza kutaura nyaya yachosaka unogodzokerei kana uchinetswa kunyepa ibass rekurovera stonyeni

  • @nakay5326
    @nakay5326 Год назад +15

    VaChoga na VaTilder please don't be too judgemental... Give person a chance.

    • @fadzaidickson58
      @fadzaidickson58 Год назад +1

      Their place is to listen sort of go betweens not judges...thanks my thoughts as well

    • @mict5639
      @mict5639 Год назад +6

      They are quick to judge.. That's why I prefer listening to pastor's advice

    • @elaineofgod1442
      @elaineofgod1442 Год назад +2

      It's not judging, it's telling people the truth. Tangai yenyu show isingajajwe vanhu

    • @takutakunda5324
      @takutakunda5324 Год назад +1

      Vanenge vari kuzvinyanya

  • @wintruderzindoga9063
    @wintruderzindoga9063 Год назад +3

    Tete naDoctor makadii henyu

  • @kudzanaitakawira7187
    @kudzanaitakawira7187 Год назад +5

    Tete makasimba hre dai mwari mapindira mudzimba 😭😭 mashata chihure chanyanya mazuvaano

  • @nancyncube2656
    @nancyncube2656 Год назад +4

    Tanga tanzwa nema issues ari common eg..kubata ma messages ...chipfambi nezvimwe zwakadaro asi iyi new issue ye zororo iripamberi yayita 9 out of 10

    • @ChuckTheMack
      @ChuckTheMack Год назад

      How do you mean 9 out of 10 Nancy, what are you measuring with that scale, kusuwisa kwayo here kana kuti kunakidza kwayo?

    • @nancyncube2656
      @nancyncube2656 Год назад

      @@ChuckTheMack kushamisa kwayo neungwaru hwakaitika ipapo

    • @ChuckTheMack
      @ChuckTheMack Год назад

      @@nancyncube2656 😊

  • @cathrenencube6760
    @cathrenencube6760 Год назад +2

    Hi Aunt and Dr Choga

  • @portiachideya2950
    @portiachideya2950 Год назад +1

    Nhasi ndaseka veduwee imba yezororo varume musadaro veduwee Apa only 1yr into marriage matotsvaka imba ye zororo

  • @normanchimhoga5343
    @normanchimhoga5343 Год назад +2

    maswera sei tete tokumbiraw Download 0ption

  • @royalhustler2975
    @royalhustler2975 Год назад

    But what’s the purpose yechirongwa chacho kana muchikata vanhu vacho vachitaura nyaya dzavo and mukadzi wechibhorani uyo ritori hure and ngaatotenda coz akatoudzwa kuti ndikuda mkadzi wechi 2 coz vazhinji varikutoita 5 ma small house muchivande

  • @Isaac-cx5vo
    @Isaac-cx5vo Год назад

    Hunhu wakasunama kkkkkk doctor Choga

  • @josiemadziwa
    @josiemadziwa Год назад +1

    Caller...hanti mukutonzwa kuti ndikutonzi tsotsi isu tichigadziriswa
    Aunty Tilda...saka maakutobuda kuenda kuimba yezororo😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @priscamazoe694
      @priscamazoe694 Год назад

      Kkkkkkk murume uye handifungi kuti dzirimo

  • @seanmagayisa568
    @seanmagayisa568 Год назад +1

    When Dr Choga says that faint good 🤣lol

  • @mamo4121
    @mamo4121 Год назад +1

    muchirungu tiri kuti (Holiday House)

  • @debby-h2k
    @debby-h2k Год назад +1

    Akumanga kuqonda ezindlini yooh, vamwe kuita banana tree a bedroom,vamwe kuita imba yezororo. But kunevakadzi vanoshungurudza varume too much, vamwe varume vanototiza vakadzi for good at least ava Bamnin vanodzoka kumba.

  • @silindiwetshumasilindiwe7811
    @silindiwetshumasilindiwe7811 Год назад +2

    Ndini baba vemba yezororo kkkkkkkk zororo phumulani 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @lindimoyo8777
    @lindimoyo8777 Год назад +1

    Ngaze ngahleka (ngumba ye zororo

  • @precioussita3164
    @precioussita3164 Год назад +1

    Baba veimba yezororo vandinakidza zvangu but on a serious note madam vacho vanenge vanoshushawo murume or kutaura manzwi anorwadza kumurume uyo

    • @natheben6977
      @natheben6977 Год назад

      Apa mukadzi wacho voice rakadzikama. But hey

  • @pipiro3469
    @pipiro3469 Год назад +4

    imba yezororo 😂😂😂

  • @fadzaikaseke6169
    @fadzaikaseke6169 Год назад

    Uyo mwana we23yrs uyo mamubatirira, zitsotsi raanogara naro iro ririmanipulative, ndiye akatangakuhurira mwana mudiki uyo akatozvarisa , then you say apologise

  • @Fayrwa06
    @Fayrwa06 Год назад

    This young man vanonyenga mayuti ndiyo nzenza huru.

  • @dadiraimandigo4004
    @dadiraimandigo4004 Год назад

    Imba yezororo yoooo

  • @angelarumbidzai3059
    @angelarumbidzai3059 Год назад +2

    Aunt tokumbirawo download option amana

    • @buhlejeche1835
      @buhlejeche1835 Год назад

      Taura hako

    • @bleemoyo5976
      @bleemoyo5976 Год назад

      Endai kumaintanance mama musatambura nevana mega murege kuita tsika dzenhema munoshandiswa nemunhu ari kuziva zvaari kuita

    • @senzeniganyani9461
      @senzeniganyani9461 Год назад

      Varume idai vakadzi venyu chaivo chaivo zvimunyika hazviperi chihure Muri kunyanya vakadzi musaita chihurevo APA nhamo dzonga mudzimba chete kurai mufungwa uye Itai unhu ,vasikana dzidzai chikoro

    • @angelarumbidzai3059
      @angelarumbidzai3059 Год назад +1

      @@senzeniganyani9461 Saka zvirikupindirana papi nekukumbira download nhai imi asi makurwara pfungwa Kani kkkkkk

    • @chiyenyumba7135
      @chiyenyumba7135 Год назад

      @@senzeniganyani9461 mudzimba mapisa umo kikkkkk ma singles better

  • @muchenashumirai6984
    @muchenashumirai6984 Год назад +3

    Dzababa vezororo ndaona sedzakushota

    • @unitematongera2948
      @unitematongera2948 Год назад

      Kkkk kudambuka chaiko married for less than 2yrs aah. Zvakaoma chokwadi

  • @mildredmugovha5427
    @mildredmugovha5427 Год назад

    I might need this " imba yezororo" 😀😀 but the problem wat to do with my trailer it's big or leave them behind , whenever I want to kkkkkkk.

  • @Kudzybae98
    @Kudzybae98 Год назад


  • @eniakaduwe3554
    @eniakaduwe3554 Год назад +1

    Kkk mainini vapusa avo..vambotanga vakachangamuka...mujoro pandemic both

  • @xeddiem9096
    @xeddiem9096 Год назад +8

    2:16:00 hanzi na Doc "munongoti ndini baba vaye vemba yezororo".😂

  • @trishnjarava8831
    @trishnjarava8831 Год назад

    shame man ava baba vezororo needs emotional counseling, there's so much he needs to let go of. too much emotional build up is not good

  • @gogokazima3547
    @gogokazima3547 Год назад +1

    Baba ve imba ye zororo

  • @Ru5672
    @Ru5672 Год назад

    Say no to child marriage.

  • @lisachiranda8572
    @lisachiranda8572 Год назад +1

    Amai veku party ava vanga vaenda ku sleep over

  • @mbinaphiri9043
    @mbinaphiri9043 Год назад +1

    Tete and Doc

  • @dudzaihore7244
    @dudzaihore7244 Год назад +1

    Kkk hanzi imba yangu yezororo

  • @trishzvenyika9461
    @trishzvenyika9461 Год назад

    This episode was painful to listen to. Tilder interrupting and undermining Dr Choga every time he wanted to speak. It was rude and unprofessional and unpleasant to hear. It seems like you were fighting him. You are a presenter not the expert. The guy wezororo should not be married until his deep underlying issues are dealt with. If it's toxic leave. And leave minors alone please. 15! Really.

  • @nyikayaramba7460
    @nyikayaramba7460 Год назад

    Igevhaaa chairo baba vemba yezororo. Muface uyo ane vakadzi two

  • @silindeninkala5027
    @silindeninkala5027 Год назад

    Nhai tete Tilder ko amai vaya vekurambirwa kuti mwana ari grade 5 akafoira kuchikoro vakazofamba sei

  • @eunicesanangurai7294
    @eunicesanangurai7294 Год назад

    I don't like the way Tete Tilda cuts Dr Choga in the middle , tete u respect the Pastor more than the Doc, tete they a both very helpful, give them equal opportunities ne

  • @silindiwetshumasilindiwe7811
    @silindiwetshumasilindiwe7811 Год назад

    Unofunga kuti marriage mutambo kutsvagana neimwe imba.Kuzorora chii AAA benzi iri.Vakadzi vanoshungurudza ko mai vako vaishungurudza Baba vako.

  • @ropamakoni2618
    @ropamakoni2618 Год назад +1

    Haisi kudownloader😒

  • @josephined8931
    @josephined8931 Год назад

    Baba avo matauriro avo he sounds rough chero vakabuda vachangoramba vachienda kupfambi sezvavakaita, KO kuzoti munhu anonzi akabereka semombe nezvekupfimba

  • @silindiwetshumasilindiwe7811
    @silindiwetshumasilindiwe7811 Год назад

    Benzi iri rine 30 years kutamba nevana vevanhu.Ko iwewe wamitisa hayiwa tibvirwe

  • @nyashabuwerimwe9682
    @nyashabuwerimwe9682 Год назад +1

    Kkkkkk ndini bamunini wemba ye zororo 😂😂😂😂😂

  • @dorcassithole4952
    @dorcassithole4952 Год назад +3

    Second caller uri right vamwe vanoshandira mahara anozotambira mari yatorwa kudhara.Kwete kuti munhu anenge asina brain pane angade kusvitsa 60yrs asina chabudisa muhupenyu.ummm musadaroba imi .Dzimwe nyaya dzamunopa maadvise dzimwe dzitori nemweya yechivanhu

  • @wassupzim466
    @wassupzim466 Год назад +3

    Doctor Choga you can't just overlook the guy weimba yezororo zvamaita pekutanga you degraded him without knowing why a whole man had to make that decision. Some men dump and go but he chose to sleep and come back in the morning. However the guy must man up and be the father of the house he needs to be the man and run that house

    • @chrisbeknown7189
      @chrisbeknown7189 Год назад +1

      U can never runaway from problems bro kana ndimiwo zvaataura zviye is that abuse, worse ndi wanga Dai kurikunzI ane own house better ndohurombe hwaarikuita uya pafair chaipo. Haarowe, haanyimwe chikafu, asi communications misunderstandings cbete

  • @lovenessnkomeni
    @lovenessnkomeni Год назад

    Kusavimbika kwanyanyisa veduwe chiii kooo nyika yaora zvayo

  • @juniorbukhosi9381
    @juniorbukhosi9381 Год назад

    Zororo phumulani kwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  • @Fayrwa06
    @Fayrwa06 Год назад

    Imba yezoro yakawoma. Baba ava murwere chaivo. Please vaunzei ku Studio for 1 to 1.
    Yooo he is silently mad 😡 😡😡😡

  • @dj2liter447
    @dj2liter447 Год назад


  • @xeddiem9096
    @xeddiem9096 Год назад

    2:12:33 ehe vangatosimuka kuenda

  • @iitsavery
    @iitsavery Год назад

    Tsano vemba yezororo havana kutaura zvinonyatsonzwika arikuda kupusisa mukadzi wake ngagare ega

  • @alowismusodza
    @alowismusodza Год назад

    Imba yezororo...

  • @ruvachazika1223
    @ruvachazika1223 Год назад

    Veimba ye zororo vanoda kubatsirwa chokwadi ndomunhu anozongowanikwa anwa mushonga ega

  • @veeeeeee1950
    @veeeeeee1950 Год назад

    baba ava vanoshandiswa ne mweya yetsvina.imba ye zororo sure

  • @chrisbeknown7189
    @chrisbeknown7189 Год назад

    Anorwara ne pfungwa murume uyu, Inoita Imba yezororo for what, iwe uchiwedzera dambudziko. Anenge akaromba anezuwa rakanzi asapinda mublanket nemukadzi. Dai aine Imba aitoita Imba isingapindwe.

  • @silindiwetshumasilindiwe7811
    @silindiwetshumasilindiwe7811 Год назад

    All these years in domestic issues iyi yemba yezororo inotira trophy.Babamnini hadzimo kkkkkkk hadzina kukwana kkkkk.Anehurwere uyu kkkkkk

  • @beebee-qq8gk
    @beebee-qq8gk Год назад

    Imba yezororo

  • @jephitahuruva6495
    @jephitahuruva6495 Год назад

    Hie tete

  • @fortula.tichwagoramuog8784
    @fortula.tichwagoramuog8784 Год назад

    True.Tilder and Doc Choga just be humble and stop thinking that you know better than other people.

  • @DzagoChatsama
    @DzagoChatsama Год назад +2

    Case of the 23year married at 15 was not handled correctly. They did spent more time on the wife and didnt rebuke the arrogant youngman who is doing chihure

    • @4Tees-p1n
      @4Tees-p1n Год назад

      Imi mu Zimbabwe hamuzivi kuti kana ndirini mukadzi ndaita boyfriend ndinonzi enda kumusha kwako but murume akanzi aita girlfriend unonzi shingirira imba yako saka hazvingachinji pa radio ipapa.😂😂😂😂😂

    • @leesencemhlanga2972
      @leesencemhlanga2972 Год назад

      taura hko sure munhu naiye wakatqdza asi arikutotadza kutaura munhu achikumbira ruregerero asi iye wakatomitisawo zvake

    • @joelanderson9955
      @joelanderson9955 Год назад

      Haa kuhura kwemukadzi akuite murume zvirinani

    • @leesencemhlanga2972
      @leesencemhlanga2972 Год назад

      kkkkkk wakaudzwa nani izvozvo kuhura hakusi bhoo chete

  • @marshallnyamadzawo8553
    @marshallnyamadzawo8553 Год назад

    Its called a man cave, zviriko. Also kungokatana katana pachirongwa chevanhu, itai order. Can you also bring someone who knows chivanhu, this program is one sided.

  • @rejoicetakaidza9794
    @rejoicetakaidza9794 Год назад

    Kuparty Havana havo kuenda

  • @ruvachazika1223
    @ruvachazika1223 Год назад

    Mkadzi wa truck 🚛 driver ndahwa tsitsi hangu varume vacho vanohura zvekudaro havaiti mkadzi mumwe chete

  • @sinikiwemtombeni3464
    @sinikiwemtombeni3464 Год назад

    hie aunt

  • @muchenashumirai6984
    @muchenashumirai6984 Год назад

    Kķkkk imba yezororo

  • @tarirochikata1877
    @tarirochikata1877 Год назад

    kkkk ndakabata mamsg nemunhu mujolo uyanyanyisa yooh zvakaoma 😂😂

  • @tabethmoyo6333
    @tabethmoyo6333 Год назад +1

    🤣🤣🤣🤣imba yezororo ah

  • @lucychabaya630
    @lucychabaya630 Год назад

    Kkkkkkkkkk imba yezororo ndaseka hangu

  • @samuelmahara7985
    @samuelmahara7985 Год назад

    Hie Aunt

  • @eniakaduwe3554
    @eniakaduwe3554 Год назад

    Imba yezororo dzimba idzi kkkk

  • @nyikayaramba7460
    @nyikayaramba7460 Год назад

    Baba veimba yezororo vane chiramwa

  • @clarakingston2255
    @clarakingston2255 Год назад

    Ah jeso hanzi🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣imba yezororo🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @charleschiteure6215
    @charleschiteure6215 Год назад

    i have learnt something today, Imba ye zororo yakangonakawo in life

  • @silindiwetshumasilindiwe7811
    @silindiwetshumasilindiwe7811 Год назад

    Truck drivers mahure rubbish......Chihura hako asi uriritire vana vako nhai

  • @christianmurape5127
    @christianmurape5127 Год назад

    Kutambisiira vammwe nguva

  • @talentjoseph9267
    @talentjoseph9267 Год назад +1

    Kuzororo kkkkk

  • @notandozifamba7103
    @notandozifamba7103 Год назад +1

    Hec tete vangu na doc .

  • @cathrinejomeya1695
    @cathrinejomeya1695 Год назад

    Imba yezororo 😂😂😂ummmm

  • @clarakingston2255
    @clarakingston2255 Год назад

    Mudhara weimba yezororo anorwara ne brain 🧠 chete

  • @judx34
    @judx34 Год назад

    Tisvikewo pano

  • @nothandomhlanga2572
    @nothandomhlanga2572 Год назад

    The Ekuphumuleni house🤣

  • @mariashereni7140
    @mariashereni7140 Год назад

    Tinosangana kuchibhorani kana mvura yaenda

    • @nancyncube2656
      @nancyncube2656 Год назад

      Er kuma 6 kana zuva rodoka paya pamibhanana kkkkk ...its a date