I listen to this whenever I lose line of sight in mind due to regular transits. Definitely helps re-caliber my action and plan. I end up taking care of all 12 areas immediately.
About the Saturn and the Sun: I think that when Saturn meets the Sun, it does not necessarily mean the responsibilities towards father or mother. if you have neglected your responsibilities for yourself (all thee years you have been taking care of someone else but not yourself - for example the wife of an alcoholic) you can face the fact that now it is the time to be independent and to start to care of oneself, or your life is over. Have you been studying, having sports, took care of your spiritual life? The Sun is ones soul, isn't it? It is ME so it means the responsibility to me myself. No-one can really take care of others if they do not care of themselves first. There are alcoholist parents and many other so bad parents who have misused their children, so I resist the idea that when Saturn touches the Sun or the Moon, everyone's responsibility would be take care of the parent MORE - after the all misuse in the childhood. What KRS tells in the video, talks about NORMAL parents. Not all parents are nice and innocent, really. Maybe a parent has her own karma with a child too that she has to deal with: she will notice that she has not taken care of her task as a parent, she has misused the child to fulfill only her own needs, and the Saturn will hit HER badly when the time comes. why do you not talk about it? Parent's responsibility to a child and how karma takes care of it, when you have been a bad parent?
I'm worried now that my Saturn Return going over my Sun is gonna make me takecare of people. Like I want to takecare of myself now I haven't have anything in my hands yet to even buy a house for myself. T.T
SPOT ON!!!!!!!! I’ve been learning Vedic astrology for 4 years. Started with your videos. By far THIS video is my FAVORITE and so exact!!! Saturn hit most my planets the last 11 years. Every analyzation you’ve explained is 💯accurate for me.
I appreciate Saturn so much now. I’m a cancer rising with Saturn in the 9th with ketu and Venus. Love use to be everything to me. I would do anything for my partner that I didn’t have any hobbies other than my man. I just wanted to serve him. But Saturn showed me that I need to focus on myself and be patient. I had a baby with a foreign man and while I was pregnant he ran back to his home country after 3 years of a relationship. We were still in contact but he has a strict Muslim family that didn’t approve of me. I was so sad and depressed when saturn was in my 7th house because “love” was everything to me. But I was forced to work on myself and I found my hobbies and what I like doing and making friends with the same interests. And now looking back I am so thankful. I feel like an individual now because of saturn. This is why saturn is my favorite planet. I didn’t appreciate the reality check at the time but now I’m so happy. And I am more than happy to wait for the right person for me or to not even get married it all honestly.
I'm going through Saturn return currently with Saturn in the 7th house and this can relate so much to myself. Learning to just focus on myself and my hobbies and trying to connect with people with same interest.
26:45. Prabhu 🙏🙏🙏 When i start thinking in this way that i m paying my karma. And surrendered. Things start changing in this lyf only. I firmly believe that . And as i do any negative thing immediately i have to pay and i suffer a lot. Then i smile and thanks to my planets. As 12th house ketu and moon in cancer will liberate me in this way. I endorse your observation. Keep going sir.
On Saturn over Mercury...Funny I had just wrote to a friend last week that the mind had been challenged, that I was riding the waves(in reference to water) and that I was stabilizing it to the best of my ability with a regular spiritual practice(earth-grounding). There are no coincidences in life. Thank you
Thank you very much. It explains a lot. Just had Saturn transit Mercury. That's not too bad. In 2020 have Pluto, Jupiter Saturn transit my Sun.....Oh Joy! Best learn from all your videos
Kapiel ,, This one and previous one. I feel the same about Saturn and its affects. I also feel that if i will face the sufferings this time, next life will be better. Thanks for support.
@@ridzieee well , rahu gives illusions and then takes it away with saturn help in a rather shocking way, helping you realise what huge mistakes you have been making all your life and that is an opportunity for course correction , if you are blessed enough to take it that way.
When saturn went over my ketu in scorpio, i did transform im not the samesince, yess looking inward, man..i even had stalkers around my home male ones.
How should I consider these Saturn transits??? If my Saturn is transiting over my 4th house which is ruled by aries sign but that's wer my Sun is placed!! But my 8th house is ruled by Leo sign!! So how should I consider these transits?? Is it the 4th house where my sun is placed or is it the 8th house wer it's ruled by my Leo sign
Nice Video Kapiel, Many Thanks. So we can say when saturn is transiting on your X house it will look for X house karma's plus the planets sitting in that house and work accordingly on it. Really great knowledge you have shared with us. Thanks again!
What if Saturn and Jupiter double transit over venus , does Jupiter help the person to show right person as lover or wife , or Saturn is gonna make it problematic again
you have a liking for watches. is it possible to invent an astrological watch? a watch that guides the person on a day to day , week to week, etc basis?
The Saturn is truly interesting. But I have not noticed anything when the Saturn had hit my Sun and when it hit my Moon, I was under 30 years old. I have got stuck with my parents all my life so I did not noticed any difference with them. It has been all Saturn with them all my life, despite where the Saturn has been transiting. (maybe it is my Saturn-Mars opposition in the 8th and 2nd houses and my moon in the Capricorn in the 7th). But what I think also, that when The Saturn for example moves in the 4th house, if you do not take care of the matters of the 4th house, you will have difficulties with the tasks of the 5th house, when it goes there. For example if you neglect home-related matters, you can not concentrate so well on the 5th house creativity matters and then the Saturn shows its boundaries. The tasks will be heavier when you have old undone stuff behind you. Actually, as krs tells… I think that it is the same with all planets when they go threw houses but their influence is not so long or heavy, when they pass every house faster. For example: Mars transiting the 2. house: maybe I should use some extra time for to take care of my investments or to work intensively for some weeks for an important project, or to eat good food… Venus in AC: I can buy some nice new clothes, need them in my new workplace later… The Uranus is transiting the 10th house soon, so I am prepared of the changes in the workplace or I go to the new work where I earn more - for to improve my home-invironment and especially when at the same time Jupiter is transiting the 2nd house. And when the Saturn is in the 4th house, you do this all for to create your home and home-matters better, because the Saturn gives the bigger picture of your life and the reason to work for. Saturn soon goes to the 5th house and what I've planned is to concentrate then on my new creative work that Uranus has brought me. But I can not do it well if my home is a mess. I've just moved and I still have works to do with my new home, I must arrange my workplace at home etc. This was just my idea how to use astrology in every day life, getting the idea from krs! It's also a great idea to care a little bit of every house-matter every day, but especially of those houses where planets are transiting.
Saturn went over neptune recently, my neptune is in mula, well its still in saggitarius now but not right on top of it. I did start writing to transmute my energy, I had this girl copying everything about me that was unique to me and to ransform my frustration I wrote about it and entered it in a writing contest. That helped a lot. Saturn over Neptune.
guys I think we should help alyssa sharpe on RUclips in getting her to get into Vedic astrology go to her channel and send massive comments on it. because Vedic astrology is real not western. shouldn't we teach the world the truth instead of lies. this is coming from a person who only knew in the beginning what western astrology was. but Vedic astrology changed my life
so I developed a habit/ had an epiphany during one transit - then, karma from that catches up and we get beat up for it.... gad , we are just pingpongs of energy
Wow great bro KRS rocks word to word in my family 100% I feel you talk about my family or all family's may this happens in all walls wow wow thanks a lot my husband asked me question & send him this link he is away in Huston called me & said kapeil is right . I hope all the young kids lesion to this video .
I've been laid-off since March and see how Saturn will conjunct my Neptune on the IC soon. Should I be frightened? Maybe it's time to make my dream of working from home as a writer come true. What do I have to lose?
Hey kapiel, I would like to ask you about the horoscope matching stuff. Can u just pls make clear that the man's and women's moon should be looked by the distance from signs or houses??? In one video u mentioned the houses and the other video u mentioned like if boy moon is in Aries and girls is in Aquarius, so it is 11 houses away from the sign of Aries and it is a long distance, then it is basically that the man takes time to understand women after a loong time. Or for example, a women has libra asc and men has pisces asc and the women has her moon in 5th house in sign of Aquarius and the men moon is in the 2nd house in sign of Aries, in this case, the womens moon comes after the mens moon regarding the house placement. I know there are other factors that affect this but just the way of judging the moon placements is by looking each individual charts moon house placements and judging "how many house placements" or the signs distance placements. Pls reply.
Saturn will soon transit my Sun in Pisces Revati in 1H Lagna, 6H is ruled by Leo with P. Phalguni JupiterR. Sun is in 7H Shatabhisha in NAVAMSA D9, with 1H being ruled by Leo with Vargottama JupiterR. Western System is I'm having Uranus in Pisces 12H conjunction with transit Saturn Right now.
Thank you Kapiel for this video i am 31 year old and i will be 32 next January Saturn is transiting my seven house in Scorpio over my Venus ,plot and ketu .thanks for this Saturn because whole my life i have been suffering through my relation ships all of them have been end up & dispute because i have mars conject my Saturn in Libra in 6th house in my natal chart, just from June 2015 someone just like Saturn has enters my life old ,serious ,responsible , and exactive in his job and the surprise he is proposal to me for marriage , i don't know i should agree or not i am afraid that maybe Saturn try to trick me make me marry then divorce me or maybe try to reward me for the whole suffering that i have been dealing with . please help Kapiel .
I have Saturn conjunct Venus and Rahu in the 7th house and am soon approaching my Saturn return. I try my best to do right by my partners but keep ending up in horribly incompatible relationships... It's not like I use a guy up and move on to the next one. I do as much as I can for my partner until we reach a stalemate. Will Saturn still punish me?
Great video, Kapiel! I wonder, if you've put your (Jupiter in 4th house in Scorpio etc) series on hold...I watched Sun in 4th house for capricorn ascendants etc. Could you please do, Jupiter in 4th house in Scorpio? ...I'm a Leo ascendant and am going through Rahu maha Dasha, Jupiter Antardashs (with Jupiter in 4th house with Ketu, in Scorpio) and Saturn transiting over Jupiter now. Thanks.
Hi Kapiel, I am off the track, but can you make a celebrity video with the NBC Chart concept of planets in the same sign but different house?....I know you explained it before......but I want to see it in actual use.
Congratulations :D Looking forward to youre studies being taken to the next level :D This is great for us all ! On the subject of Saturn I would like to say something ive noticed a lot with conspiracy theories going around on how Saturn=Satan - and being labelled as the enemy and all this shit - which is annoying because : 1. Saturn is part of OUR solar system (therefore here to help us) and just as the human is not the enemy, rather an alien force working through us vulnerable young humans, Saturn is not our enemy, he is almost the Strict Father of our solar system without whom we wont have the discipline required to make it as a galactic species 2. As a natural Malefic if a race were to manipulate us - what better planet to use to manipulate us than Saturn. If they manipulate our Saturn and turn us against him - we have no hope because we already have a harsh inclination towards him due to his natually malefic nature. We must reclaim our planet and stop seeing him as the enemy and notice how his energy is being manipulated to manipulate us. We jump to blaming other humans and label all "bad" things as our enemy. I BELIEVE HUMANITY WILL MAKE IT. We must learn to work with our planets as that is how we are being manipulated, through manipulative use of their energy by external forces!!!
Saturn is transiting over my sun in 10th house now and I'm wishing my father dead these days, when Saturn was transiting 9th house i had the best time with my father that i did not get my entire life.
When i had saturn transit over my natal saturn conjunct pluton,so saturn transit over pluton,satun over saturn in 6 house,i was worried prior that ill die. Wasnt that bad i just had a surgery. And i meet my saturnian capricorn ex bf,who i was with for 7 years.
Hi I'd like to ask if you know something about this "Illuminati Rapture" thing or what :D I know maybe it's a wrong question at the wrong place but you seems like a very talented man who knows what he's talking about :) Yeah maybe this question's theme and Astrology are too far from each other but I'm pretty sure you know the anwsers ;)
so accurate and correct for uranius neptune i have experienced durig m saturn return an funny my saturn uranius ad neptune all in 8th house haaha and saturn return aong with sade sati can never forget the phase i am completly different girl now.
I'm fairly new to astrology.. How do I know or how can I calculate when Saturn will transit over certain planets? I'm a Gemini ascendant and I know that my Saturn is in the 6th house and transiting the 6th right now as well.. Can anyone help?
Saturn over:
7:50 - Sun
16:23 - Moon
21:20 - Mercury
26:45 - Venus
31:10 - Mars
34:08 - Jupiter
37:28 - Saturn
39:53 - Rahu
42:48 - Ketu
46:15 - Uranus / Neptune / Pluto
-- Cheers
+John Smith Your doing god's work, son.
Thanks John!
John Smith Thank you!!!
Saturn transit over mean is supposed to be worst time of sade saati
John Smith thanks geezah conjunct sun at the moment
I listen to this whenever I lose line of sight in mind due to regular transits. Definitely helps re-caliber my action and plan. I end up taking care of all 12 areas immediately.
Love this!! So true!
About the Saturn and the Sun: I think that when Saturn meets the Sun, it does not necessarily mean the responsibilities towards father or mother. if you have neglected your responsibilities for yourself (all thee years you have been taking care of someone else but not yourself - for example the wife of an alcoholic) you can face the fact that now it is the time to be independent and to start to care of oneself, or your life is over. Have you been studying, having sports, took care of your spiritual life? The Sun is ones soul, isn't it? It is ME so it means the responsibility to me myself. No-one can really take care of others if they do not care of themselves first.
There are alcoholist parents and many other so bad parents who have misused their children, so I resist the idea that when Saturn touches the Sun or the Moon, everyone's responsibility would be take care of the parent MORE - after the all misuse in the childhood. What KRS tells in the video, talks about NORMAL parents. Not all parents are nice and innocent, really. Maybe a parent has her own karma with a child too that she has to deal with: she will notice that she has not taken care of her task as a parent, she has misused the child to fulfill only her own needs, and the Saturn will hit HER badly when the time comes. why do you not talk about it? Parent's responsibility to a child and how karma takes care of it, when you have been a bad parent?
Heel yes
I'm worried now that my Saturn Return going over my Sun is gonna make me takecare of people. Like I want to takecare of myself now I haven't have anything in my hands yet to even buy a house for myself. T.T
My planets drove me to this channel. And all the secrets of astrology revealed. I m obliged sir.
Love from India, New Delhi
SPOT ON!!!!!!!! I’ve been learning Vedic astrology for 4 years. Started with your videos. By far THIS video is my FAVORITE and so exact!!! Saturn hit most my planets the last 11 years. Every analyzation you’ve explained is 💯accurate for me.
I appreciate Saturn so much now. I’m a cancer rising with Saturn in the 9th with ketu and Venus. Love use to be everything to me. I would do anything for my partner that I didn’t have any hobbies other than my man. I just wanted to serve him. But Saturn showed me that I need to focus on myself and be patient. I had a baby with a foreign man and while I was pregnant he ran back to his home country after 3 years of a relationship. We were still in contact but he has a strict Muslim family that didn’t approve of me. I was so sad and depressed when saturn was in my 7th house because “love” was everything to me. But I was forced to work on myself and I found my hobbies and what I like doing and making friends with the same interests. And now looking back I am so thankful. I feel like an individual now because of saturn. This is why saturn is my favorite planet. I didn’t appreciate the reality check at the time but now I’m so happy. And I am more than happy to wait for the right person for me or to not even get married it all honestly.
I'm going through Saturn return currently with Saturn in the 7th house and this can relate so much to myself. Learning to just focus on myself and my hobbies and trying to connect with people with same interest.
This video brought a smile on my face. when i reflect on all things that have happened.. lol
Appreciate you man.., for real
26:45. Prabhu 🙏🙏🙏
When i start thinking in this way that i m paying my karma. And surrendered. Things start changing in this lyf only.
I firmly believe that . And as i do any negative thing immediately i have to pay and i suffer a lot. Then i smile and thanks to my planets.
As 12th house ketu and moon in cancer will liberate me in this way.
I endorse your observation. Keep going sir.
Best video ever. wish it never stopped. Changed my perspective of looking at things n situations...!!
Thanks Kapiel! I love your inclusion of the outer planets and hope that you continue to include them.
On Saturn over Mercury...Funny I had just wrote to a friend last week that the mind had been challenged, that I was riding the waves(in reference to water) and that I was stabilizing it to the best of my ability with a regular spiritual practice(earth-grounding). There are no coincidences in life. Thank you
So happy for you about your new home!
Thank you very much. It explains a lot. Just had Saturn transit Mercury. That's not too bad. In 2020 have Pluto, Jupiter Saturn transit my Sun.....Oh Joy! Best learn from all your videos
Kapiel ,, This one and previous one. I feel the same about Saturn and its affects. I also feel that if i will face the sufferings this time, next life will be better. Thanks for support.
I am really watching this video for the 4th times just to related things with the book I am referring for Saturn.
Things u told are absolute
Congrats Kapiel for your new house....
Lots of Love Kapiel Sir !!!
Very fun and easy way to actually understand the depth of Vedic Astrology, you surprise us every-time......
So true.. Saturn's reality check with rahu. I wish I knew all this earlier.
@@ridzieee 8th house for Virgo ascendent.
@@ridzieee yes it was a sudden change as it was about the 8th house. But why do you say it might have involved the 5th and 6th house.
@@ridzieee well , rahu gives illusions and then takes it away with saturn help in a rather shocking way, helping you realise what huge mistakes you have been making all your life and that is an opportunity for course correction , if you are blessed enough to take it that way.
It was also an inflection point in my life. I am grateful for it.
@@ridzieee yes that's right.
When saturn went over my ketu in scorpio, i did transform im not the samesince, yess looking inward, man..i even had stalkers around my home male ones.
How should I consider these Saturn transits??? If my Saturn is transiting over my 4th house which is ruled by aries sign but that's wer my Sun is placed!! But my 8th house is ruled by Leo sign!! So how should I consider these transits?? Is it the 4th house where my sun is placed or is it the 8th house wer it's ruled by my Leo sign
I was one of them please forgive me I will do your laundry your dishes car wash free of charge just don't tell anyone🤫
its amazing great prediction. thankyou.
Welcome back Kapiel
Awesome Explanation Kapiel .... Thanks for sharing ... :)
thanks for sharing knowledge, love all your vids and books
Nice Video Kapiel, Many Thanks. So we can say when saturn is transiting on your X house it will look for X house karma's plus the planets sitting in that house and work accordingly on it. Really great knowledge you have shared with us. Thanks again!
Thank you for making this accessible to our understanding...
best yet on Saturn that I've heard.
I had a hard time when saturn went over ketu and mercury, i fell down stairs and sprained my ankle like crazy
Mercury is stairs
Are ketu and Mercury placed in the same house??
@@akshayraj6490Oh, Really 😲?
@@roystan6459 yes
What if Saturn and Jupiter double transit over venus , does Jupiter help the person to show right person as lover or wife , or Saturn is gonna make it problematic again
Very clear and concise. Thank you
you have a liking for watches. is it possible to invent an astrological watch? a watch that guides the person on a day to day , week to week, etc basis?
Wow haha that's a good Idea, like a transit watch!
would be funny :D
Doremon k pass hai
I am tired of so much lessons, I didn't ask for them
The Saturn is truly interesting. But I have not noticed anything when the Saturn had hit my Sun and when it hit my Moon, I was under 30 years old. I have got stuck with my parents all my life so I did not noticed any difference with them. It has been all Saturn with them all my life, despite where the Saturn has been transiting. (maybe it is my Saturn-Mars opposition in the 8th and 2nd houses and my moon in the Capricorn in the 7th). But what I think also, that when The Saturn for example moves in the 4th house, if you do not take care of the matters of the 4th house, you will have difficulties with the tasks of the 5th house, when it goes there. For example if you neglect home-related matters, you can not concentrate so well on the 5th house creativity matters and then the Saturn shows its boundaries. The tasks will be heavier when you have old undone stuff behind you. Actually, as krs tells… I think that it is the same with all planets when they go threw houses but their influence is not so long or heavy, when they pass every house faster. For example: Mars transiting the 2. house: maybe I should use some extra time for to take care of my investments or to work intensively for some weeks for an important project, or to eat good food… Venus in AC: I can buy some nice new clothes, need them in my new workplace later… The Uranus is transiting the 10th house soon, so I am prepared of the changes in the workplace or I go to the new work where I earn more - for to improve my home-invironment and especially when at the same time Jupiter is transiting the 2nd house. And when the Saturn is in the 4th house, you do this all for to create your home and home-matters better, because the Saturn gives the bigger picture of your life and the reason to work for. Saturn soon goes to the 5th house and what I've planned is to concentrate then on my new creative work that Uranus has brought me. But I can not do it well if my home is a mess. I've just moved and I still have works to do with my new home, I must arrange my workplace at home etc. This was just my idea how to use astrology in every day life, getting the idea from krs! It's also a great idea to care a little bit of every house-matter every day, but especially of those houses where planets are transiting.
Thank you KRS with Gratitude
Saturn went over neptune recently, my neptune is in mula, well its still in saggitarius now but not right on top of it. I did start writing to transmute my energy, I had this girl copying everything about me that was unique to me and to ransform my frustration I wrote about it and entered it in a writing contest. That helped a lot. Saturn over Neptune.
Thank u kapiel. Excelent interpretation!!!
guys I think we should help alyssa sharpe on RUclips in getting her to get into Vedic astrology go to her channel and send massive comments on it. because Vedic astrology is real not western. shouldn't we teach the world the truth instead of lies. this is coming from a person who only knew in the beginning what western astrology was. but Vedic astrology changed my life
They're both real. KRS has a great video about this. Don't be a zealot.
yay! 7th november we bought a house too!
Very insightful. Some things were spot on. Saturn is transiting my Sun, Mars and Rahu right now. Fun, fun... Nope.
thx, Kapiel! Namaste.
I like this. This is realy good explanation :)
excellent explanation sir, hats off
Oww damn kapuel you fired a movie star? :D
so I developed a habit/ had an epiphany during one transit - then, karma from that catches up and we get beat up for it.... gad , we are just pingpongs of energy
You explained Saturn beautifully. Does anyone know what books Kapiel would recommend on Saturn astrology?
Yes... his Books LOL
Transit of saturn of moon in one's natal chart as per one's present planetary position of moon at present?
Wow great bro KRS rocks word to word in my family 100% I feel you talk about my family or all family's may this happens in all walls wow wow thanks a lot my husband asked me question & send him this link he is away in Huston called me & said kapeil is right . I hope all the young kids lesion to this video .
Your amazing 💫☄️
I've been laid-off since March and see how Saturn will conjunct my Neptune on the IC soon. Should I be frightened? Maybe it's time to make my dream of working from home as a writer come true. What do I have to lose?
Hey. So, what did you do then?
thats too gud kapiel
Really nice information..thanks a lot sir...🙏
thank you kapiel raaj.
Hey kapiel, I would like to ask you about the horoscope matching stuff. Can u just pls make clear that the man's and women's moon should be looked by the distance from signs or houses??? In one video u mentioned the houses and the other video u mentioned like if boy moon is in Aries and girls is in Aquarius, so it is 11 houses away from the sign of Aries and it is a long distance, then it is basically that the man takes time to understand women after a loong time. Or for example, a women has libra asc and men has pisces asc and the women has her moon in 5th house in sign of Aquarius and the men moon is in the 2nd house in sign of Aries, in this case, the womens moon comes after the mens moon regarding the house placement. I know there are other factors that affect this but just the way of judging the moon placements is by looking each individual charts moon house placements and judging "how many house placements" or the signs distance placements. Pls reply.
Thank you very much Sir, you explained so very well 🙏🙏🙏
Very nice lessons. Thanks sir for ur grt effort
Thanks for everything u teach for us.
So funny but very precise info
Saturn will soon transit my Sun in Pisces Revati in 1H Lagna, 6H is ruled by Leo with P. Phalguni JupiterR.
Sun is in 7H Shatabhisha in NAVAMSA D9, with 1H being ruled by Leo with Vargottama JupiterR.
Western System is I'm having Uranus in Pisces 12H conjunction with transit Saturn Right now.
Thank you Kapiel for this video i am 31 year old and i will be 32 next January Saturn is transiting my seven house in Scorpio over my Venus ,plot and ketu .thanks for this Saturn because whole my life i have been suffering through my relation ships all of them have been end up & dispute because i have mars conject my Saturn in Libra in 6th house in my natal chart, just from June 2015 someone just like Saturn has enters my life old ,serious ,responsible , and exactive in his job and the surprise he is proposal to me for marriage , i don't know i should agree or not i am afraid that maybe Saturn try to trick me make me marry then divorce me or maybe try to reward me for the whole suffering that i have been dealing with . please help Kapiel .
Hey, so what happened to you? Did u marry the Saturn like guy? Coz Saturn will soon transit over my natal venus
Soooo what happened 😳
I have Saturn conjunct Venus and Rahu in the 7th house and am soon approaching my Saturn return. I try my best to do right by my partners but keep ending up in horribly incompatible relationships... It's not like I use a guy up and move on to the next one. I do as much as I can for my partner until we reach a stalemate. Will Saturn still punish me?
Real words experienced all exactly.
thnkuu for this video kapiel sir☺☺..can you tell something about saturn and rahu conjunction in the 9th house for Taurus ascendant!!!!
Great video, Kapiel! I wonder, if you've put your (Jupiter in 4th house in Scorpio etc) series on hold...I watched Sun in 4th house for capricorn ascendants etc. Could you please do, Jupiter in 4th house in Scorpio? ...I'm a Leo ascendant and am going through Rahu maha Dasha, Jupiter Antardashs (with Jupiter in 4th house with Ketu, in Scorpio) and Saturn transiting over Jupiter now. Thanks.
Saturn transiting over ur jupiter means it is also transiting over ur ketu right??? Both jupiter and ketu r in Scorpio in ur 4th house??
What if I have been treated badly always and I not done wrong to any of my ex BFs so in this case can we expect positive results?
so perfact wel explained!!
Hi Kapiel, I am off the track,
but can you make a celebrity video with the NBC Chart concept of planets in the same sign but different house?....I know you explained it before......but I want to see it in actual use.
Congratulations :D Looking forward to youre studies being taken to the next level :D This is great for us all ! On the subject of Saturn I would like to say something ive noticed a lot with conspiracy theories going around on how Saturn=Satan - and being labelled as the enemy and all this shit - which is annoying because :
1. Saturn is part of OUR solar system (therefore here to help us) and just as the human is not the enemy, rather an alien force working through us vulnerable young humans, Saturn is not our enemy, he is almost the Strict Father of our solar system without whom we wont have the discipline required to make it as a galactic species
2. As a natural Malefic if a race were to manipulate us - what better planet to use to manipulate us than Saturn. If they manipulate our Saturn and turn us against him - we have no hope because we already have a harsh inclination towards him due to his natually malefic nature.
We must reclaim our planet and stop seeing him as the enemy and notice how his energy is being manipulated to manipulate us. We jump to blaming other humans and label all "bad" things as our enemy. I BELIEVE HUMANITY WILL MAKE IT. We must learn to work with our planets as that is how we are being manipulated, through manipulative use of their energy by external forces!!!
Grow up Batman wanna be, look who’s the fake pot calling the fake kettle gay?
Saturn is transiting over my sun in 10th house now and I'm wishing my father dead these days, when Saturn was transiting 9th house i had the best time with my father that i did not get my entire life.
When i had saturn transit over my natal saturn conjunct pluton,so saturn transit over pluton,satun over saturn in 6 house,i was worried prior that ill die.
Wasnt that bad i just had a surgery.
And i meet my saturnian capricorn ex bf,who i was with for 7 years.
What about saturn aspects on mars and Jupiter during transit what that denotes?
Hi I'd like to ask if you know something about this "Illuminati Rapture" thing or what :D I know maybe it's a wrong question at the wrong place but you seems like a very talented man who knows what he's talking about :) Yeah maybe this question's theme and Astrology are too far from each other but I'm pretty sure you know the anwsers ;)
Saturn return was life changing and a little horrid, ugh
Saturn transits over my natal Mercury right now and I have some hard time focusing on anslytical thinking
I really like this video
I still like it, 5 years later!
So this is in regards to Saturn specifically transiting over my specific natal planet, House, & sign at a given time?
Its at exact conjunction today over my natal mercury in caprocorn.
thanks for hitting the like button guys :D and here is the link to the website astrologykrs.com
+KRSchannel that is beheading :)
+Aditya Mani ..the word is decapitated..just shows how we listen to each and every word that Kapiel says...
Thank you, for sharing these videos they're really helpful :)
+reena varma - DECAPACITATED
+Jaishree Pant ..Kapil's hand movement suggests beheading...and Decapitate is another word for it...it executes u as he says...
My Saturn is returning to my natal saturn this upcoming year but I am 26. Is is still the case?
so accurate and correct for uranius neptune i have experienced durig m saturn return an funny my saturn uranius ad neptune all in 8th house haaha and saturn return aong with sade sati can never forget the phase i am completly different girl now.
Will plz tell me what is the meaning of first Saturn war of shukla Paksha
Im going through a Saturn dasha and its conjunct my sun and hurts ....
Great .......
What about the Ascendant? I'm a Sagittarius Ascendant.
+Travelle McFarland then you need to watch part 1.
none of these links open for me, is this saturn not allowing me to book a session with this guy? I find him relatable
🤔 My ascendant is in Leo and Sun sits in Pisces, 8th house … what responsibility is that ? Towards myself ?
Hii..what happened to you ? I'm searching for the same combination
Kapiel what about if saturn is dk and transits venus
I'm fairly new to astrology.. How do I know or how can I calculate when Saturn will transit over certain planets? I'm a Gemini ascendant and I know that my Saturn is in the 6th house and transiting the 6th right now as well.. Can anyone help?
+CupNoodleKitty through my report at www.astrologykrs.com under shop section.
thank you
Thak U very much!!!!!!
Does vedic astrology just use conjunctions in a transit or, like Western, use squares, sppositions, trines, etc?
Hi! Are you Aries ascendant?!😊
my saturn is trining saturn in 2022 im turning 20...
Thank you sir
Saturn allowed by to yell at people after it went over Mercury.
I'm pretty sure you have mercury in the 8th house.
But u are charging for your information 😉