*hits the tanks you have on your defensive front instead, before turning the units to rubble and rushing past the offering to capture your bases and airport*
In the first campaign, sturm pretty much always saves his power for the start of the turn. Whenever I play through the campaign, I'll usually have one "throwaway" CO to gather sacrifices for sturm (e.g.: Grit, Sami, Olaf). What I do with the trio is send a small number of forces to the front to assist andy and the more competent CO, whilst leaving some units back at their base and building some mechs to act as a "magnet". If it's against a human player, I just surrender.
IOne reason, I feel, Von Bolt is weaker than Sturm is for story reasons. An old man in a suped-up chair has no way to compare to an experienced, military-specialized alien invader.
It does make scense of the story. a 150 year old man (estimated) is less powerful then a freaking alien that wants to completely destroy earth for no reason. And sturm has these Space Boots/Tires/Threads/Jet Engines that are immune to rain and alien weapons (such as the neotanks) have more fire power and defense than eartly weapons. Edit:Comparing an old man to a ALIEN obviously you'll know why (cause of the logic and story)
Here I was expecting just Sturm and you go above and beyond and cover Von Bolt and Caulder too. This is why I subbed: quality stuff. Now I realize why Sturm got so much stronger in the sequel. Sturm does lif- GAAAH CAULDER GRIN
@@justinhanna6118 Thank you. That goes to show how the Advance Wars subreddshit can't hope to censor me. Tabitha deserves the special mention. She and Lin innately screw over any chance of using Mechs to stop the FTA Light Tank rush. In fact, this table showcases how absurd Tabitha's boosts are that her CO Light Tank generally does more damage than a base War Tank for 66% of the cost and 1.5 times the mobility: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1W6qiuUq4A0qzS49OFD70TfUjK1yslagVXy7VG9Rhew0/edit#gid=0
@@Krizalid3YE and a meteor strike on Tabithas unit is absolutely heartbreaking for her. Also keep in mind how differently the CO power system works in the two games: 1) as you already mentioned, Sturm boosts all of his units, Tabitha only those in her CO zone 2) Sturms CO Power primarily charges from taking damage and losing units globally, Tabithas charges hers by her CO zone units dealing damage and killing units. 3) Tabithas CO Power can be reset by destroying her CO unit, Sturm just keeps charging until he eventually gets access to Meteor Strike
@@Krizalid3YE Partly true, strums metore actually has 3 different targeting ai, One that tries to inflict the most value damage possible, One that tries to remove the most hp of as many units as possible and one that doubles the value of indirects. Its not uncommon to see people set up a blob of indirects to bait sturms meteor away from more important areas.
Von Bolt falls into the unfortunate situation of IS deciding they wanted their villain to be remotely balanced for VS mode. Therefore he's just incredibly mediocre, kinda like AW1 Sturm but worse (I might argue the defense boost is better overall but 4 damage meteor strike is obviously much worse). Overall it's an odd decision when they clearly did not even attempt to balance the "boss character" in AW2 or AW4, on either side of AW3, despite the fact that AW4 was supposed to be more competitive with online VS. Or maybe they just did it to him because he's old, idk.
He's definitely no Sturm but I wouldn't say Von Bolt is mediocre. He's pretty much Hawke with a better D2D, a worse SCOP and no COP, and Hawke is pretty solid (if not necessarily overpowered) in his own right.
@@VestedUTuber Solid if not necessarily overpowered is...pretty mediocre for a final boss CO imo. You can play him and he's fine but not really a standout bc his power is just so...eh for the cost.
you do know hes considered one of the best co's in the game right? Like hes really tough to trade with thanks to both buffs. is he better than strum god no. he never will be but calling him mediocre is just wrong
yeah i too think they were experimenting with their final bosses in the original 3 games. in AW1 they made it so the story character and the playable character were two different versions with one being focussed on being a very strong opponent and the other being focussed on being a fair opponent for multiplayer. This however made the character feel underwhelming when finally unlocked, because we were used to the strong version from the story. in AW2 they made it so the character is just overall overpowered. This however made the character extremely unfair in multiplayer. in AW:DS they made it so the character is overall balanced. This however lead to them being underwhelming in the story. i think they took the feedback from the community from these 3 field tests to then create the character from AW:DoR (Caulder). The most liked version of those 3 seems to have been AW2 Sturm, so they went with that route of making the character extremely overpowered in all modes. however, i will have to heavily disagree with you saying Von Bolt was " just incredibly mediocre" - he is definitely one of the best COs in the game. definitely not overpowered or broken like AW2s Sturm, Hachi or Colin, but he is a very strong character nontheless. I agree that his Ex Machina is underwhelming for the 10 Star cost though. idk, they could have increased its range by one or two to make it stronger?
Seeing people who make jokes about a game I thought I was the only one who knew about is... fascinating. And also totally freaking epic. You guys are awesome.
Ah Caulder, how I loathe thee. You didn't even have time to mention how the mortar cannons in the final battle function the same way as Sturm's meteors. That's just icing on your grave. One small weakness in Caulder's power is that the healing consumes his funds so he won't make as many units as you do with equal economy, but still... there's a reason he's banned online. Speaking of Exodia and OP final bosses, I enjoy reading up on the finale of each new YuGiOh spinoff just to see how much more broken the final bosses' monsters can get. ARC-V set the bar pretty high; a dozen powerful characters got to fight him together and STILL lost badly. Before that there was a monster with 100,000 ATK that you MUST attack on your turn or automatically lose. And before that was ten God-tier monsters that reset your field when they attack.
Don't forget the lasers he fires are also incredibly powerful in their own right. You have to be very careful, especially with the infantry units since you need to beat Caulder to buildings, to win this fight.
About Yu Gi Oh, I still don't know why in the actual fuck the MC of Vrains don't FTK their opponents with the all mighty Firewall Dragon (also known as FTK Dragon)
@@deletethis7848 (Checks out Firewall Dragon) ...Eh. I'm not seeing many FTK possibilities with that. You'd need 2 or more additional monsters on the field and strong ones in the GY. That's in addition to having the 2 needed to summon Firewall and assuming your opponent's field is clear. I know Link Summoning is easier than the other Extra summon methods but even a protagonist isn't always that lucky on the first turn. The pre-errata Dark Strike Fighter is what I'd call FTK power.
@@WhiteFangofWar The average anime cyberse deck is just 1 cannon soldier away from the FTK since that deck spams a lot. The sheer existence of a not HOPT monster which recycles resources is usually enough to start very degenerate combos. Also, since it was banned in the TCG, press S to spit in it's grave
In addition to being by far the most powerful character in the series, Caulder is definitely one of the most evil villains out there and Creeper is just terrifying
the only weakness i found in Caulder, especially regarding his CO power... is that he spends money to replenish his forces +5 per turn, so the only way to cripple him is to bankrupt him, if you can JUST weaken his forces constantly then the army he charges with is all he gets... easier said than done lol...
I preferred Dual Strike; because CO Powers there were better for what they were originally intended to do, and that was break stalemates and occasionally buy time. And tags were awesomely satisfying to use.
Well....there is one actually:www.google.it/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=skullgirls.wikia.com/wiki/Big_Band&ved=2ahUKEwi6ip3T3tveAhXJliwKHaS2CT4QFjAAegQIAxAB&usg=AOvVaw2I4L7gTb-O62u7mwnqj4Ha Search into the pallette section. Its the number 9 God this game is full of references
In the Campaign, when you defeat Sturm, he attempts to pull the self-destruct card on everyone. Andy confronts him and calls him out profusely. In response, Hawke steps up and mercs Sturm with a Black Storm, much to the surprise of everyone else, providing his personal reasons as to why he even joined Sturm at all. I don't believe there was anything on why he did it, though, exactly...
@@gendomug3676 Real question is why intelligent systems didn't have Hawke as the leader in AW dual strike but no we got "Mr must kill to survive for an extra 100 years".
Team Reincarnation Leader Emerald Exactly, Hawke was already a perfect successor to fill Sturm's shoes as being the leader of Black Hole but nope they had to make an old man sitting on a machine that commands his units that's probably way too inferior than Hawke. Also, where tf did he go? He didn't give us or the COs any info of his whereabouts.
killing-off Sturm was a mistake, Dual Strike was a mistake, Days of Ruin was the worst mistake I like to imagine that the meteor storm that ruined the world was the spirit of Sturm with his ultimate revenge. Years of built-up Meteor Strikes unleashed at once.
So a scary Von Bolt would be: - one that has bigger offense/defense boosts - not affected by terrain - extremely less affected by (if not completely immune to) Market Crash - paired with one of his actual minions (rather than one of Sturm's former minions, let alone someone from the opposing faction)
I think the real pain about Caulder is that you pretty much can just hide him in a clump of troops and it's so hard to get through the Caulder Katamari.
"The Advance Wars series' final bosses are excellent at creating character-building feelings of dread." Except for Von Bolt. I didn't feel dread with him, just annoyance and a little bit of frustration. Means to an End is just a bad level. All you do is spam infantry until your AI teammate destroys the three crystals on the second front, build a few bombers, and pop Eagle's SCOP when your units are in position. That being said, the mission right before it, "For the Future!", was great and would have been a better final battle. It felt like a proper strategic battle - Orange Star plays the main force, keeping Von Bolt's units occupied, Blue Moon builds meter with expensive naval units and uses it to pop mass damage tags, and then Green Earth goes in for the surgical strike against the Black Obelisk, which SHOULD have been the final objective. It honestly felt like the devs tacked "Means to an End" on at the end simply because they wanted to have the traditional two fights with the big bad at the end. Also, doesn't snow just negate his movement advantages?
Snow does remove Sturm's movement advantages, but his units still aren't less mobile than other COs'. And it's not like Olaf could even use Blizzard every Day even in 1V1s where he wouldn't have to worry about being a potential case of Stop Helping Me.
@@MasterKnightDH the main thing i dont like about DS is that the ULTIMATE WEAPON of this game is weak against infantry the unit that cost almost no money
@@83cuicui Well, it IS slime up against machine guns. And there ARE final bosses that are HP walls yet can have competent design. The reason Mean To The End is a miserable failure is because of the absolute lack of competent auxiliary support. All you have to do is overtake the properties on the south and Von Bolt will be floundering. At least the Oozium does try to encourage surgical striking and flanking--of course, it's laughably stupid in how it does that.
Oozium's only really threatening if you aren't very good at AW, unfortunately. if you don't attack it with enough power to kill it in one go it can be more annoying, at least to your technique score if nothing else. The map pretty much just falls apart if you don't let the enemy have free reign of the south cities though, yes, oozium alone in the wide open is not good. And I agree that the obelisk was a much better map. But the name of the game is Dual Strike so you had to have a two front map to end with because that's the whole shtick of the game, even if you can't control the top for some reason.
Oh man, how long has it been since you talked about Advance Wars? 5:27 - I'm guessing that's to clarify that his no-movement-penalty-on-terrain ability doesn't include snow.
Funnily enough, Caulder's healing costs is how I brought down his CO Fighter on Day 12 precisely in my LP. Granted, at that point, I was simply holding out to show the Day 12 dialogue, since I could have finished the final laser off LONG before. I do agree, though, that Caulder is not remotely balanced. A lack of CO Power in a game with power creep on its own doesn't change Caulder's absolutely ridiculous D2D stats.
None of the Days of Ruin COs are balanced, actually. There is a very clear power progression as you go through the COs as they retain the same advantages in the Campaign, and you notice that they're tougher and tougher as you go through the levels, and no it aint just because of the level setups. That's the one thing that bugs me about that game. Everything else is fantastic, but the CO balancing is just terrible.
I tested this, by the way, relentlessly, with a Design Map I'd made specifically to test whether or not any two COs can apply any advantage over their opponent under every circumstance, and ohhh boy, was there some clear bias for the COs as you go up the Campaign chain.
if I’m at the Evil Faction Function, and you start playing Sturms Theme, I’m joining the bad guys, unimaginable drip, a cool soundtrack, elite training, and a little bit of steroids? Hell yeah.
In my head canon, after Advance Wars II Sturm isn’t defeated in the battle you have with him, and he wins and ends up sending tons of meteors that hit the planet. He wages a war of attrition for many years until he eventually dies. Then you get advance wars days of ruin where the world is recovering from the Great War against Sturm and his forces.
*Like the birth of a child* Wife: "Honey, we had a boy!" Husband: "Oh that's nothing! I just beat The Warrior in Borderlands 2!" Wife: "Aw, kickass!" (I know the Warrior is not the _official_ final boss in that game, but it's awfully powerful and takes forever to defeat)
@@tyrkreidler3761 You know, now that I think about it, I might've had serious difficulty with that battle because my Level was only one higher than the Warrior's, and I went up against it without help. That, or I just really sucked at playing the game. Might be the latter. (couldn't really think of any other boss battles I've done myself, though, hence the Warrior example)
the only weakness i techncially found and its not much of one with caulder/ stolos was his heal does cost money so if you somehow overpower him to low health and leave them at say 1 2 hp it automatically forces him to heal the units regardless of if he wants to or not leaving him with a weaker force eventually due to expensive repairs if he cannot take out your units easily. only found this from his final mission as i abused him not being able to capture many areas but yeh there is a obvious reason why he is banned in online play i do miss sturm but caulder/ stolos does make it up for that and larissa /tabitha is so much more fun to play as compared to von bolt something about a 180 / 180 unit thats always satisfying
9:33 The gap between the screens makes them look horribly disfigured and I can't get enough of it. And yeah, Caulder's pretty goddamn strong, but don't forget that he has a DEATH MACHINE in the final mission too! All AW2 Sturm had with him was a death ray that takes ages to fire and a bunch of cannons that only hit one unit at a time.
I was thinking the same, especially that girl in the red suit (Dunno what her name is) XD The screen gap between the two DS screens causing that kinda shit wil never get old.
Sturm for some reason also reminds me of Stukov from Starcraft. I dunno why; maybe it's the hat. I do find it strange that his POW and Def affinities were swapped between modes in the first AW. Did they think a permanent 30% POW was too strong for VS?
For anyone having trouble with a Sturm’s Meteor Strike there is a strat known as “Mech Ball” (I think) that is making a 3 x 3 formation of Mech units this will normally always be targeted and is very helpful if you’ve just started to build expensive units
these videos occasionally show up on my feed. never watched one till now. this was fun! been playing a lot of Advance Wars thanks to Reboot Camp, looking at this just reminds all over again how much i love the series. should boot up dual strike or days of ruin sometime soon just for the fun of it. caulder's whole history is messed up, but yea, thanks for doing that one thing you did do you nutcase XD
Caulder... geez, it send shivers down my spine the second i saw de AW: days of ruin title screen on the video. I learned the definition of tilting through this guy. The only weak point you can find on him is the fact that his CO power cost money for the reparation of his units, so you can somewhat make him pay for his attacks, but still is way better to focus on the victory condition rather fighting him directly
I've been watching this video a couple of times now and it's still great. And I gotta say one of my favourite parts is your Von Bolt section. It is no secret that he is very disliked by the community, but I feel like your criticisms on him are all fair and warranted. I like him as a character, I play as him a lot on my cartridge and I still agree with everything you said about him, which is not too common. I see many people who go for low blows or only focus on the negatives while ignoring all the things he does well, but I feel like you are being very fair towards him throughout his section.
Hey thanks for making this video when i saw it years ago it made me interested in advance wars and with reboot camp out i’ve finally played an advance wars game
As someone who liked this metal deku scrub enough to play him in multiplayer a bunch: -In the first game, his multiplayer stats are actually reduced across the board, making his only beneficial CO ability the power to move normally in all terrain -He is also unaffected by rain, which is likely why it mentions he's "weak in the snow" (only weather that affects him properly, removing his main ability) -This is probably a subtle joke with the name "Sturm" (storm).
Because it covers multiple separate characters on multiple games. The archetype persists through the series, but they aren't all the same character or all in one game.
@@DoctorSpacebar But Von Bolt's slime is a giant black goo in a desert with its 3 weak points totally defenseless against anything that gets too close (Unless you count the small slime but those guys are so pathetic that they don't deserve any recognition)
@@movingstone4910 Oh, you mean THAT ultimate weapon! Yeah, that thing's a chump. The smaller Oozium can imitate their distant ancestor's TPKing potential in Fog of War, but they're not really a huge threat otherwise.
@@DoctorSpacebar Even in Fog of War. Since they can only move 1 space per day, you WILL see them close to you (Unless Eagle owns them, but he never does that in the campaign).
Caulder vs Sturm would be interesting. But then you remember that you have CO meter vs CO radius, permanent radius wins every time. Unless the map is absolutely massive so Sturm can out range with rockets and bombers picking off units outside the radius
Sturm is even worse in the final mission of the game because he straight up cheats. During the mission you have to destroy Sturms comically large missile that'll obliterate you in 30 turns. Problem, he has several massive cannons that can attack from a long distance and a freaking death ray that will fire down the middle of the map every 7 turns and obliterate anything in it's path. He also starts with a boatload of money and a million different base's and airbases to spawn units, This is in addition to the fact that all of his units have 30% higher attack and defence than yours at no extra cost, and the fact that he still has his meteor strike which will fuck up your units even more and buff his units even further. You are allowed to bring three seperate armies to this fight and he will take all three of you on likes it's nothing. Fighting him straight on is futile, your best bet is to try and sneak a bomber past his units to attack the missile because remember, you're on a timer. There is a joke in the community that if you ever hear his full theme during his turn, you have most likely already lost. Dude is a menace.
Final Front is far less bullshit on AC, because the Cannons don't fucking siege you into submission when they are overwhelmed by the actual flanking your forces do, and you actually get competent starting forces AND maneuverability. But the NC version can roast in Hell for the reasons you have pointed out.
Finally, someone that knows about the Advance Wars series besides me and a couple random people who just acknowledge it and go right on by like nothing happened... (It's easily my favorite game series, by the way, hands down to any that think they're competitors)
Also, I would like to point out that the Advance Wars: Dual Strike game I'd gotten is... well, garbage. The Super CO theme for the villains side has an audio glitch that is ear-piercing, Hachi addresses Zak as "Koal" in the Battle Maps store, and I'm pretty sure the balancing overall was thrown completely out of whack in some places...
Oh, and I would also like to add one more thing... You wouldn't think it, but in Advance Wars 2, everything is amazingly balanced. No CO is generally better than the another as they all have balanced advantages and disadvantages (yes, even Sturm, as his CO ability only affects a small radius of units and he only has the one ability while everyone else has two to work with. Sure, it's destructive, but only to a small handful of units, making it easily exploitable.) For Days of Ruin, however... the units are beautifully balanced, but the COs... Are really not, actually. I've tested this relentlessly and, sad as it is to say, they're just not balanced at all.
I have a good idea for a most powerful character in gaming ever. *those light green tanks from Wii tank that have super fast bullets that ricochet multiple times*
Days of Ruins doesn't take place in any of the Advance Wars regions nor does it reference the nations of the past. Rubinelle and Lazuria are the nations of DoR.
Oh, that wasn't the antidote you took, Mayor.
Ow ouch ow my bones
owwww owie my bones owww
Why my milk hurting me????
noooo my bones are in pain
You have to admit to liking Stum’s smoke laugh in AW1, you know you do!
Mfunn you really missed out!
How to put a cigarette in a Nintendo game without making it 13+
Everybody loves that laugh
Sturm's expression when he destroys a unit is my favorite expression from any CO in AW1.
Fun fact: Majora's Mask happened the day Sturm got bored
Another Fun Fact: Strum is Majora
Thanks for the info, daddy Sakurai
Fun Fact: Sturm is when Kirby inhaled hitler
Daddy Sakurai please add World of final fantasy or Ni No Kuni 2 as dlc (sans too)
The meteor looks like it was pulled straight out of Google images
"Behold the power of Google Images, worm!"
@@DoctorSpacebar "Burning Browser!"
Did someone say burning?
@@Burn_Angel I did, yes. Burning, combusted into flames, aflame, conflagrated, etc.
BonkHazard Ah, that burns so good.
If you do not think sturm is that threatening. Keeping in mind a sturm victory is literally the plot of Advanced wars days of ruin.
Is it really? I don’t think that’s mentioned anywhere in game
A catastrophic event brings on ruin, laying waste to the landscape.
Sounds an awful lot like a meteor impacted
He goes from a noot noot lookin' fella, to Big Band from Skullgirls, and that's a powerful transformation.
Also Big Band got a color pallete based on Sturm
@@MegaManRecharged1 Wait, Big Sturm?
...Now I can't stop imagining Sturm whipping out a trumpet and playing 'Happy Birthday' before unleashing Meteor Strike
@@Apolleh this would be so epic and deadly at the same time lol
loved the nook nook design haha
“Days of Ruin is the last Advance Wars game unfortunately.” …But then, the future gave us a light this year. A Re-Boot camp
The 3d models look really bad though, kinda hope they at least have a toggle for the sprite animation.
@@pakornwattanavrangkul2550 Honestly I like the models
@@gt2p818 same, it's the animation that sucks for me
@@justsomedude2020 The models feel on brand for the original art style. Some of the animations are kinda wonky
Its postponed indefinitely..now
Git: "Try to spread your units out"
Me: A SACRIFICE FOR YOU, O' POWERFUL ONE *groups a bunch of recons in a diamond*
I died laughing.Thank you!!
Have a like xD
*hits the tanks you have on your defensive front instead, before turning the units to rubble and rushing past the offering to capture your bases and airport*
In the first campaign, sturm pretty much always saves his power for the start of the turn. Whenever I play through the campaign, I'll usually have one "throwaway" CO to gather sacrifices for sturm (e.g.: Grit, Sami, Olaf). What I do with the trio is send a small number of forces to the front to assist andy and the more competent CO, whilst leaving some units back at their base and building some mechs to act as a "magnet". If it's against a human player, I just surrender.
@@darko7432 I'm REALLY looking forward to getting to play a more active community with Sturm in AW Reboot
Amen. Can't wait to see new strats and how different the game will be!
IOne reason, I feel, Von Bolt is weaker than Sturm is for story reasons. An old man in a suped-up chair has no way to compare to an experienced, military-specialized alien invader.
I like this comment so much xD
And instead of Hawke as the leader we got "Mr I'll kill for an extra minute of living!".
You have to admit though, a grandpa who is willing and actually trying to utterly destroy a planet just so he can live is pretty scary.
Plus Sturn's shoulders.
It does make scense of the story. a 150 year old man (estimated) is less powerful then a freaking alien that wants to completely destroy earth for no reason. And sturm has these Space Boots/Tires/Threads/Jet Engines that are immune to rain and alien weapons (such as the neotanks) have more fire power and defense than eartly weapons.
Edit:Comparing an old man to a ALIEN obviously you'll know why (cause of the logic and story)
Honestly, Caulder looks like he could be an ace attorney final boss battle.
Yeah.mega trueeeeeeee
@@mastersombrastudios6837 I agree with him.
He's got that Vom Karma look.
@@Mayhzon Von Karmachine! (Any MMX3 fans?)
@@KaedeLanyo are you referring to the fusion between bit and byte?
Here I was expecting just Sturm and you go above and beyond and cover Von Bolt and Caulder too. This is why I subbed: quality stuff.
Now I realize why Sturm got so much stronger in the sequel. Sturm does lif-
He also covered Tabitha for a special mention. I'm giddy about that to say the least.
And here we have one of the two people to post a legitimate s rank ac rivals on you tube
@@justinhanna6118 Thank you. That goes to show how the Advance Wars subreddshit can't hope to censor me.
Tabitha deserves the special mention. She and Lin innately screw over any chance of using Mechs to stop the FTA Light Tank rush. In fact, this table showcases how absurd Tabitha's boosts are that her CO Light Tank generally does more damage than a base War Tank for 66% of the cost and 1.5 times the mobility:
12:32 Wait so Tabitha is oddly enough the one who would suffer most fighting Sturm because she has to close ranks to be effective.
Makes sense, since ALL UNITS from Sturm receive a bottle of "beef up" from him.
@@Krizalid3YE and a meteor strike on Tabithas unit is absolutely heartbreaking for her.
Also keep in mind how differently the CO power system works in the two games:
1) as you already mentioned, Sturm boosts all of his units, Tabitha only those in her CO zone
2) Sturms CO Power primarily charges from taking damage and losing units globally, Tabithas charges hers by her CO zone units dealing damage and killing units.
3) Tabithas CO Power can be reset by destroying her CO unit, Sturm just keeps charging until he eventually gets access to Meteor Strike
@@MrxD-cg5xs And he ALWAYS lock that damn thing on the most powerful unit... Poor Thabitha XD
*Laughs in DoR battleship*
@@Krizalid3YE Partly true, strums metore actually has 3 different targeting ai, One that tries to inflict the most value damage possible, One that tries to remove the most hp of as many units as possible and one that doubles the value of indirects.
Its not uncommon to see people set up a blob of indirects to bait sturms meteor away from more important areas.
Von Bolt falls into the unfortunate situation of IS deciding they wanted their villain to be remotely balanced for VS mode. Therefore he's just incredibly mediocre, kinda like AW1 Sturm but worse (I might argue the defense boost is better overall but 4 damage meteor strike is obviously much worse). Overall it's an odd decision when they clearly did not even attempt to balance the "boss character" in AW2 or AW4, on either side of AW3, despite the fact that AW4 was supposed to be more competitive with online VS.
Or maybe they just did it to him because he's old, idk.
He's definitely no Sturm but I wouldn't say Von Bolt is mediocre. He's pretty much Hawke with a better D2D, a worse SCOP and no COP, and Hawke is pretty solid (if not necessarily overpowered) in his own right.
@@VestedUTuber Solid if not necessarily overpowered is...pretty mediocre for a final boss CO imo. You can play him and he's fine but not really a standout bc his power is just so...eh for the cost.
you do know hes considered one of the best co's in the game right? Like hes really tough to trade with thanks to both buffs. is he better than strum god no. he never will be but calling him mediocre is just wrong
Honestly, they should have just given Von Bolt more power and then given him a neutered playable version.
yeah i too think they were experimenting with their final bosses in the original 3 games.
in AW1 they made it so the story character and the playable character were two different versions with one being focussed on being a very strong opponent and the other being focussed on being a fair opponent for multiplayer. This however made the character feel underwhelming when finally unlocked, because we were used to the strong version from the story.
in AW2 they made it so the character is just overall overpowered. This however made the character extremely unfair in multiplayer.
in AW:DS they made it so the character is overall balanced. This however lead to them being underwhelming in the story.
i think they took the feedback from the community from these 3 field tests to then create the character from AW:DoR (Caulder). The most liked version of those 3 seems to have been AW2 Sturm, so they went with that route of making the character extremely overpowered in all modes.
however, i will have to heavily disagree with you saying Von Bolt was " just incredibly mediocre" - he is definitely one of the best COs in the game. definitely not overpowered or broken like AW2s Sturm, Hachi or Colin, but he is a very strong character nontheless. I agree that his Ex Machina is underwhelming for the 10 Star cost though. idk, they could have increased its range by one or two to make it stronger?
Caulders CO Power would be to sumon Sturm
Jakub Dudek
That would be horrifying. What if we consider Sturm was Caulder's creation in the first place?
But, in a battle between black hole rising Sturm, and days of ruin Caulder, who would win?
@@nanashialfarr someone hack the game so this can happen.
Which sturm version tho the original or the one from AW2
Imagine DS CO System with both Caulder and Sturm as partners. And having an actual bond.
Did you have to subject us to the Caulder jumpscare?
No, but our reactions were... fascinating.
This joke is... fascinating.
random comments about random things about random things are........... _fascinating_
@@RealLofef Your barely related comment is... _fascinating
Seeing people who make jokes about a game I thought I was the only one who knew about is... fascinating.
And also totally freaking epic. You guys are awesome.
This joke aged like fine fucking wine holy shit
What does- ohhhhhhh!
He will Be waiting, in Glorious Hand Drawn HD
Sometimes I think Git can predict the future
This comment didn't age that well.
5:08 If there actually is a Nintendo Hunks Calendar, I will definitely purchase it.
The point of a new villain being a step down from the previous one is making the one after him two steps ahead
If Days of Ruin is Dual Strike in the far future that would be dope
It's my headcanon that Days of Ruin happened because of Sturm's CO power.
I know the real story, but I still like to connect them.
Ah Caulder, how I loathe thee. You didn't even have time to mention how the mortar cannons in the final battle function the same way as Sturm's meteors. That's just icing on your grave. One small weakness in Caulder's power is that the healing consumes his funds so he won't make as many units as you do with equal economy, but still... there's a reason he's banned online.
Speaking of Exodia and OP final bosses, I enjoy reading up on the finale of each new YuGiOh spinoff just to see how much more broken the final bosses' monsters can get. ARC-V set the bar pretty high; a dozen powerful characters got to fight him together and STILL lost badly. Before that there was a monster with 100,000 ATK that you MUST attack on your turn or automatically lose. And before that was ten God-tier monsters that reset your field when they attack.
Don't forget the lasers he fires are also incredibly powerful in their own right. You have to be very careful, especially with the infantry units since you need to beat Caulder to buildings, to win this fight.
Caulder was banned from WiFi battles for a _Reason._
About Yu Gi Oh, I still don't know why in the actual fuck the MC of Vrains don't FTK their opponents with the all mighty Firewall Dragon (also known as FTK Dragon)
@@deletethis7848 (Checks out Firewall Dragon) ...Eh. I'm not seeing many FTK possibilities with that. You'd need 2 or more additional monsters on the field and strong ones in the GY. That's in addition to having the 2 needed to summon Firewall and assuming your opponent's field is clear. I know Link Summoning is easier than the other Extra summon methods but even a protagonist isn't always that lucky on the first turn. The pre-errata Dark Strike Fighter is what I'd call FTK power.
@@WhiteFangofWar The average anime cyberse deck is just 1 cannon soldier away from the FTK since that deck spams a lot. The sheer existence of a not HOPT monster which recycles resources is usually enough to start very degenerate combos.
Also, since it was banned in the TCG, press S to spit in it's grave
He better be waiting for me on december.
*Advance wars 1+2 remake is coming out on december 3rd*
@Order & Chaos And broken
In addition to being by far the most powerful character in the series, Caulder is definitely one of the most evil villains out there and Creeper is just terrifying
Spoiler: Caulder is actually related to Manfred von Karma. Looks very similar, equally evil, etc.
At least Von karma had SOME standards, Caulder looks 100% Mengele level evil
@@moltrescompany shit you're right.
At least Caulder isn't a nazi.
Frisky Calibri
That's an insult to Caulder... Nazi scientists can't even fathom to be as morally bankrupt as Caulder.
the only weakness i found in Caulder, especially regarding his CO power... is that he spends money to replenish his forces +5 per turn, so the only way to cripple him is to bankrupt him, if you can JUST weaken his forces constantly then the army he charges with is all he gets...
easier said than done lol...
Good point...if he wouldn't spawn units for free in the one level he is in
I want more Advance Wars games in the style of Days of Ruin... Ok, but without that short campaign structure.
I preferred Dual Strike; because CO Powers there were better for what they were originally intended to do, and that was break stalemates and occasionally buy time. And tags were awesomely satisfying to use.
Days of Ruin feel a LOT more like Fire Emblem, and in the Style and Difficulty. The other 2 were kinda the same, but much easier and fun.
@@DonnieDoodles Then perhaps those gameplay elements should be used along with Days of Ruin's tone and atmosphere?
Fuck days of ruin. We need more of the allied nations against black hole, or at least some kind of new enemy.
It seems Days of Ruin is more like the Langrisser series than anything else, though.
Sturm's look from AW2 looks like Big Band haha
It does
I'm surprised Lab Zero hasn't made a Big Band skin out of it.
Well....there is one actually:www.google.it/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=skullgirls.wikia.com/wiki/Big_Band&ved=2ahUKEwi6ip3T3tveAhXJliwKHaS2CT4QFjAAegQIAxAB&usg=AOvVaw2I4L7gTb-O62u7mwnqj4Ha
Search into the pallette section. Its the number 9
God this game is full of references
...Fuck, now I can't unsee it.
More like big band looks like sturm
14:41 I think this is a Terra Incognita reference from when the real main antagonist says, “But I am a really scary guy”
I did not want to see that face on such a usually quaint ending screen.
Either way, Sturm's theme has to be one of the best metal soundtracks on the gba
Sturm is becoming a robot Eggman. Wider, stronger, dumber.
But now he is dead v:
@@jonathansibrian695 how'd sturm die?
In the Campaign, when you defeat Sturm, he attempts to pull the self-destruct card on everyone. Andy confronts him and calls him out profusely. In response, Hawke steps up and mercs Sturm with a Black Storm, much to the surprise of everyone else, providing his personal reasons as to why he even joined Sturm at all. I don't believe there was anything on why he did it, though, exactly...
@@gendomug3676 Real question is why intelligent systems didn't have Hawke as the leader in AW dual strike but no we got "Mr must kill to survive for an extra 100 years".
Team Reincarnation Leader Emerald Exactly, Hawke was already a perfect successor to fill Sturm's shoes as being the leader of Black Hole but nope they had to make an old man sitting on a machine that commands his units that's probably way too inferior than Hawke. Also, where tf did he go? He didn't give us or the COs any info of his whereabouts.
19:05 jump scare warning for the faint of heart
we already have enough dead bodies as a result of this guy
killing-off Sturm was a mistake, Dual Strike was a mistake, Days of Ruin was the worst mistake
I like to imagine that the meteor storm that ruined the world was the spirit of Sturm with his ultimate revenge. Years of built-up Meteor Strikes unleashed at once.
So a scary Von Bolt would be:
- one that has bigger offense/defense boosts
- not affected by terrain
- extremely less affected by (if not completely immune to) Market Crash
- paired with one of his actual minions (rather than one of Sturm's former minions, let alone someone from the opposing faction)
I think the real pain about Caulder is that you pretty much can just hide him in a clump of troops and it's so hard to get through the Caulder Katamari.
*2021: Are you sure about that last one?*
"Pulls a giant meteor from space"
And therefore I'm asking, why does such a being (can't even call him human) requires an army in the first place?
"The Advance Wars series' final bosses are excellent at creating character-building feelings of dread."
Except for Von Bolt. I didn't feel dread with him, just annoyance and a little bit of frustration. Means to an End is just a bad level. All you do is spam infantry until your AI teammate destroys the three crystals on the second front, build a few bombers, and pop Eagle's SCOP when your units are in position.
That being said, the mission right before it, "For the Future!", was great and would have been a better final battle. It felt like a proper strategic battle - Orange Star plays the main force, keeping Von Bolt's units occupied, Blue Moon builds meter with expensive naval units and uses it to pop mass damage tags, and then Green Earth goes in for the surgical strike against the Black Obelisk, which SHOULD have been the final objective. It honestly felt like the devs tacked "Means to an End" on at the end simply because they wanted to have the traditional two fights with the big bad at the end.
Also, doesn't snow just negate his movement advantages?
Snow does remove Sturm's movement advantages, but his units still aren't less mobile than other COs'. And it's not like Olaf could even use Blizzard every Day even in 1V1s where he wouldn't have to worry about being a potential case of Stop Helping Me.
@@MasterKnightDH the main thing i dont like about DS is that the ULTIMATE WEAPON of this game is weak against infantry the unit that cost almost no money
@@83cuicui Well, it IS slime up against machine guns. And there ARE final bosses that are HP walls yet can have competent design.
The reason Mean To The End is a miserable failure is because of the absolute lack of competent auxiliary support. All you have to do is overtake the properties on the south and Von Bolt will be floundering.
At least the Oozium does try to encourage surgical striking and flanking--of course, it's laughably stupid in how it does that.
Oozium's only really threatening if you aren't very good at AW, unfortunately. if you don't attack it with enough power to kill it in one go it can be more annoying, at least to your technique score if nothing else. The map pretty much just falls apart if you don't let the enemy have free reign of the south cities though, yes, oozium alone in the wide open is not good. And I agree that the obelisk was a much better map. But the name of the game is Dual Strike so you had to have a two front map to end with because that's the whole shtick of the game, even if you can't control the top for some reason.
Yeah but it affects everyone except olaf
Oh man, how long has it been since you talked about Advance Wars?
5:27 - I'm guessing that's to clarify that his no-movement-penalty-on-terrain ability doesn't include snow.
At least, Caulder's heal costs money and doesn't resupply the units. Totally balanced, right?
Funnily enough, Caulder's healing costs is how I brought down his CO Fighter on Day 12 precisely in my LP. Granted, at that point, I was simply holding out to show the Day 12 dialogue, since I could have finished the final laser off LONG before.
I do agree, though, that Caulder is not remotely balanced. A lack of CO Power in a game with power creep on its own doesn't change Caulder's absolutely ridiculous D2D stats.
That's why he was banned in online play I believe
@@GreyWind1988 He was indeed banned in online play.
None of the Days of Ruin COs are balanced, actually. There is a very clear power progression as you go through the COs as they retain the same advantages in the Campaign, and you notice that they're tougher and tougher as you go through the levels, and no it aint just because of the level setups. That's the one thing that bugs me about that game. Everything else is fantastic, but the CO balancing is just terrible.
I tested this, by the way, relentlessly, with a Design Map I'd made specifically to test whether or not any two COs can apply any advantage over their opponent under every circumstance, and ohhh boy, was there some clear bias for the COs as you go up the Campaign chain.
if I’m at the Evil Faction Function, and you start playing Sturms Theme, I’m joining the bad guys, unimaginable drip, a cool soundtrack, elite training, and a little bit of steroids? Hell yeah.
If Caulder had an upgraded version of Tabitha's Firestorm CO power, he would be a fleshy Sturm
Edit: Actually, make that TWO Sturms.
Is that eevee hentai?
10:15 I dunno, I could see Sturm getting a decent result from tagging with the other Black Hole COs, or at least Flak and Adder.
In my head canon, after Advance Wars II Sturm isn’t defeated in the battle you have with him, and he wins and ends up sending tons of meteors that hit the planet. He wages a war of attrition for many years until he eventually dies. Then you get advance wars days of ruin where the world is recovering from the Great War against Sturm and his forces.
16:03 No, he would activate his Trap COrd.
BOO! (throws a notebook)
*Like the birth of a child*
Wife: "Honey, we had a boy!"
Husband: "Oh that's nothing! I just beat The Warrior in Borderlands 2!"
Wife: "Aw, kickass!"
(I know the Warrior is not the _official_ final boss in that game, but it's awfully powerful and takes forever to defeat)
>borderlands 2
>the warrior
>awfully powerful
>takes forever to beat
Im sorry wat
You know, now that I think about it, I might've had serious difficulty with that battle because my Level was only one higher than the Warrior's, and I went up against it without help. That, or I just really sucked at playing the game. Might be the latter.
(couldn't really think of any other boss battles I've done myself, though, hence the Warrior example)
Really praying for a revisit of ReBoot Camp Sturm
the only weakness i techncially found and its not much of one with caulder/ stolos was his heal does cost money so if you somehow overpower him to low health and leave them at say 1 2 hp it automatically forces him to heal the units regardless of if he wants to or not leaving him with a weaker force eventually due to expensive repairs if he cannot take out your units easily.
only found this from his final mission as i abused him not being able to capture many areas but yeh there is a obvious reason why he is banned in online play i do miss sturm but caulder/ stolos does make it up for that and larissa /tabitha is so much more fun to play as compared to von bolt something about a 180 / 180 unit thats always satisfying
Tabitha is superior to Sturm, Von Bolt and Caulder for one very important reason
She's cute
But its a coulder clone. Its a trap!
Sturm is just better looking either way man.
@@UpsilonNova ...but Sturm died.
Who knows if she’s illegal?
Sturm is cuter.
9:33 The gap between the screens makes them look horribly disfigured and I can't get enough of it.
And yeah, Caulder's pretty goddamn strong, but don't forget that he has a DEATH MACHINE in the final mission too! All AW2 Sturm had with him was a death ray that takes ages to fire and a bunch of cannons that only hit one unit at a time.
I was thinking the same, especially that girl in the red suit (Dunno what her name is) XD
The screen gap between the two DS screens causing that kinda shit wil never get old.
9:35 I giggled at Mini Jake and Rachel
Sturm for some reason also reminds me of Stukov from Starcraft. I dunno why; maybe it's the hat.
I do find it strange that his POW and Def affinities were swapped between modes in the first AW. Did they think a permanent 30% POW was too strong for VS?
a big theory is that the Sturm in the VS mode is just a clone based on the lore
You know how AW1 Max was played right?
Caulder is said in the Lore to be the worst asshole of the entire saga, but that's because he killed the Mayor, who held first place before him.
Bon Volt: Why do you guys always act like you're better than me?
Sturm, Tabitha, and Caulder: Because we are.
A Whoisthisgit video between Pokémon Let's Go spoilers. That's like finding Jesus in the Holy Trial
Hey git, glad that mega man 7's wily is an assist trophy in smash ultimate?
Well, I know I am at least!
You post Advace Wars content and have been for years now..... mad respect.
For anyone having trouble with a Sturm’s Meteor Strike there is a strat known as “Mech Ball” (I think) that is making a 3 x 3 formation of Mech units this will normally always be targeted and is very helpful if you’ve just started to build expensive units
This can fail hard if Sturm pops an Indirect meteor - even a Value meteor if you have expensive units.
@@KopperNeoman forgot I even made this comment lol
I would love to see caulder and sturm in dual strike to have them both do a tag power... That would be fascinating.
these videos occasionally show up on my feed. never watched one till now. this was fun!
been playing a lot of Advance Wars thanks to Reboot Camp, looking at this just reminds all over again how much i love the series. should boot up dual strike or days of ruin sometime soon just for the fun of it. caulder's whole history is messed up, but yea, thanks for doing that one thing you did do you nutcase XD
Caulder... geez, it send shivers down my spine the second i saw de AW: days of ruin title screen on the video. I learned the definition of tilting through this guy.
The only weak point you can find on him is the fact that his CO power cost money for the reparation of his units, so you can somewhat make him pay for his attacks, but still is way better to focus on the victory condition rather fighting him directly
Advance Wars comes back. Nice!
Time traveler?🤔
Caulder does anything:
.....Fascinating lmaooo
I've been watching this video a couple of times now and it's still great.
And I gotta say one of my favourite parts is your Von Bolt section. It is no secret that he is very disliked by the community, but I feel like your criticisms on him are all fair and warranted. I like him as a character, I play as him a lot on my cartridge and I still agree with everything you said about him, which is not too common. I see many people who go for low blows or only focus on the negatives while ignoring all the things he does well, but I feel like you are being very fair towards him throughout his section.
2 vids in 24 hours, very nice
oh, nice to see you here to.
the only channel in youtube that can entertain you without the use of dead earraping memes
RimletTheRiolu damn straight!
Now imagine Sturm coming back to life and fusing with Caulder
You know what really places Sturm as my best CO, coz to his main Theme... That banger made my day in awe and tragedy
no, all other units *become the fucking exodia. **_and he becomes its creator._*
Hey thanks for making this video when i saw it years ago it made me interested in advance wars and with reboot camp out i’ve finally played an advance wars game
As someone who liked this metal deku scrub enough to play him in multiplayer a bunch:
-In the first game, his multiplayer stats are actually reduced across the board, making his only beneficial CO ability the power to move normally in all terrain
-He is also unaffected by rain, which is likely why it mentions he's "weak in the snow" (only weather that affects him properly, removing his main ability)
-This is probably a subtle joke with the name "Sturm" (storm).
My favorite thing about DoR is that the music is so good, Penny's is my favorite.
Why is this not a boss analysis again?
Be Happy
He’s powerful that’s why
Because it covers multiple separate characters on multiple games. The archetype persists through the series, but they aren't all the same character or all in one game.
Been waiting for you to take a look at Sturm. Got interested in Advance Wars a few weeks back and dear lord is he OP.
Don't ask too much from Von Bolt, his ultimate weapon is a giant slime!
His ultimate weapon should have been the Advance Wars subreddshit, because those guys are slimeballs.
Hey, giant slimes can wreck your shit in D&D. Gelatinous Cubes, man. Completely blends in with walls till it's too late.
@@DoctorSpacebar But Von Bolt's slime is a giant black goo in a desert with its 3 weak points totally defenseless against anything that gets too close (Unless you count the small slime but those guys are so pathetic that they don't deserve any recognition)
@@movingstone4910 Oh, you mean THAT ultimate weapon! Yeah, that thing's a chump.
The smaller Oozium can imitate their distant ancestor's TPKing potential in Fog of War, but they're not really a huge threat otherwise.
@@DoctorSpacebar Even in Fog of War. Since they can only move 1 space per day, you WILL see them close to you (Unless Eagle owns them, but he never does that in the campaign).
Whelp, I binged the whole series... time to subscribe.
So hyped for re-boot camp
snifit... AW1 Sturm is suppose to look like a stereotypical artistic rendition of a octopus
Caulder vs Sturm would be interesting. But then you remember that you have CO meter vs CO radius, permanent radius wins every time. Unless the map is absolutely massive so Sturm can out range with rockets and bombers picking off units outside the radius
Just browsing RUclips when I saw Sturm on a video thumbnail...
I was not disappointed ;)
"I fundamentally disagree with every direction Lub Lub's character has taken."
How hard would it be to fight three AW2 sturm as adder.
Sturm is just what happens when you put a 40k marine in a anime character strategy video game
0:42 That guy burped himself to death.
11:46 Wait, wait, her CO Power is called "Stormfront"? That is an eh, interesting name
It summons weather.
They knew what they were doing lol
sturm and von bolt, the two villains of two games, both dealt with by one of the most badass characters in gaming, hawke.
"Pull all five Exodia cards out of his asshole?"
That made me laugh.
ol sturm over here got a new look in AW2
I main as gage and fight vs caulder in all my maps. Its honestly satisfying when i finally play in a way that kicks his ass.
I have never known fear quite like tabbing over to his dossier for the first time and seeing just "METEOR STRIKE".
A whoisthisgit video two days in a row? Best day ever!
Sturm is even worse in the final mission of the game because he straight up cheats. During the mission you have to destroy Sturms comically large missile that'll obliterate you in 30 turns. Problem, he has several massive cannons that can attack from a long distance and a freaking death ray that will fire down the middle of the map every 7 turns and obliterate anything in it's path. He also starts with a boatload of money and a million different base's and airbases to spawn units, This is in addition to the fact that all of his units have 30% higher attack and defence than yours at no extra cost, and the fact that he still has his meteor strike which will fuck up your units even more and buff his units even further. You are allowed to bring three seperate armies to this fight and he will take all three of you on likes it's nothing. Fighting him straight on is futile, your best bet is to try and sneak a bomber past his units to attack the missile because remember, you're on a timer. There is a joke in the community that if you ever hear his full theme during his turn, you have most likely already lost. Dude is a menace.
Final Front is far less bullshit on AC, because the Cannons don't fucking siege you into submission when they are overwhelmed by the actual flanking your forces do, and you actually get competent starting forces AND maneuverability. But the NC version can roast in Hell for the reasons you have pointed out.
Finally, someone that knows about the Advance Wars series besides me and a couple random people who just acknowledge it and go right on by like nothing happened... (It's easily my favorite game series, by the way, hands down to any that think they're competitors)
Also, I would like to point out that the Advance Wars: Dual Strike game I'd gotten is... well, garbage. The Super CO theme for the villains side has an audio glitch that is ear-piercing, Hachi addresses Zak as "Koal" in the Battle Maps store, and I'm pretty sure the balancing overall was thrown completely out of whack in some places...
Oh, and I would also like to add one more thing... You wouldn't think it, but in Advance Wars 2, everything is amazingly balanced. No CO is generally better than the another as they all have balanced advantages and disadvantages (yes, even Sturm, as his CO ability only affects a small radius of units and he only has the one ability while everyone else has two to work with. Sure, it's destructive, but only to a small handful of units, making it easily exploitable.) For Days of Ruin, however... the units are beautifully balanced, but the COs... Are really not, actually. I've tested this relentlessly and, sad as it is to say, they're just not balanced at all.
Sturm looks like a rejected long Blooper
I never thought of it that way but now I can't unsee it
I have a good idea for a most powerful character in gaming ever.
*those light green tanks from Wii tank that have super fast bullets that ricochet multiple times*
I'm convinced DoR comes after AW2 where Sturm decided to meteor the planet, and Caulder/Tabitha are his descendants
Days of Ruins doesn't take place in any of the Advance Wars regions nor does it reference the nations of the past. Rubinelle and Lazuria are the nations of DoR.
AW2 Sturm looks like an Astartes and he seems to be pretty much the equivalent for the series.
Finally another advance wars video!
16:09 As a dimension hopper, I can confirm that's exactly what it is.
God damn sturm becomes all for one in the 3rd game because he’s a old man and he’s being kept alive on life support.