Baby monkey Bon's mouth is red from eating dragon fruit - go to harvest fruit in the garden

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Baby monkey Bon has a blast in the garden today! First, he eagerly munches on a delicious dragon fruit, and the bright red juice turns his mouth into the cutest shade of red. But the fun doesn’t stop there! Bon then joins Grandma Ly for a day of fruit harvesting in their lush garden. As they pick fresh, ripe fruits, Bon’s curiosity and playful nature shine through. He climbs trees, explores the garden, and learns more about the natural world around him. This video captures the heartwarming bond between Bon and Grandma Ly, filled with laughter, love, and the simple pleasures of rural life. Don't miss Bon's adorable reactions and the vibrant beauty of their garden!
    Tags: #BabyMonkeyBon #FruitHarvest #Monkey #GardenAdventures #CuteAnimals #FarmLife #videomonkey
    Title :
    1. **English (US)**: Baby monkey Bon's mouth is red from eating dragon fruit - go to harvest fruit in the garden
    2. **German (Germany)**: Baby Affe Bon's Mund ist rot vom Drachenfruchtessen - Gehe in den Garten, um Obst zu ernten
    3. **Russian (Russia)**: Рот маленькой обезьянки Бон покраснел от поедания драконьего фрукта - отправляйтесь в сад собирать фрукты
    4. **Portuguese (Brazil)**: A boca do macaquinho Bon está vermelha de comer pitaya - vá colher frutas no jardim
    5. **Italian (Italy)**: La bocca della scimmietta Bon è rossa per aver mangiato il frutto del drago - vai a raccogliere frutta in giardino
    6. **Japanese (Japan)**: ベビーモンキー・ボンはドラゴンフルーツを食べて口が赤くなった - 庭で果物を収穫しに行く
    7. **Spanish (Spain)**: La boca del mono bebé Bon está roja de comer pitahaya - ve a cosechar frutas en el jardín
    8. **Polish (Poland)**: Usta małej małpki Bon są czerwone od jedzenia smoczego owocu - idź zbierać owoce do ogrodu
    9. **Indonesian (Indonesia)**: Mulut bayi monyet Bon berwarna merah setelah makan buah naga - pergi panen buah di kebun
    10. **Ukrainian (Ukraine)**: Рот маленької мавпочки Бон почервонів від вживання драконового фрукта - йдіть збирати фрукти в сад
    11. **French (France)**: La bouche du bébé singe Bon est rouge d'avoir mangé du fruit du dragon - allez récolter des fruits dans le jardin
    12. **English (UK)**: Baby monkey Bon's mouth is red from eating dragon fruit - go to harvest fruit in the garden
    13. **Spanish (Mexico)**: La boca del mono bebé Bon está roja de comer pitahaya - ve a cosechar frutas en el jardín
    14. **Thai (Thailand)**: ปากของลูกลิงบอนแดงเพราะกินแก้วมังกร - ไปเก็บผลไม้ในสวนกัน
    15. **English (Canada)**: Baby monkey Bon's mouth is red from eating dragon fruit - go to harvest fruit in the garden
    16. **Filipino (Philippines)**: Pula ang bibig ni baby monkey Bon mula sa pagkain ng dragon fruit - pumunta sa hardin para mag-ani ng prutas
    17. **Czech (Czech Republic)**: Ústa malého opičáka Bon jsou červená od jídla dračího ovoce - jdi sklízet ovoce do zahrady
    18. **Korean (South Korea)**: 아기 원숭이 본은 용과를 먹고 입이 빨개졌어요 - 과일을 따러 정원에 가요
    19. **Turkish (Turkey)**: Küçük maymun Bon'un ağzı ejder meyvesi yemekten kıpkırmızı - bahçede meyve toplamaya git
    20. **German (Austria)**: Baby Affe Bon's Mund ist rot vom Drachenfruchtessen - Gehe in den Garten, um Obst zu ernten
    21. **Greek (Greece)**: Το στόμα του μικρού πιθήκου Μπον είναι κόκκινο από το να τρώει φρούτο δράκου - πάμε να μαζέψουμε φρούτα στον κήπο
    22. **Chinese (Taiwan)**: 小猴寶寶Bon吃火龍果嘴巴紅紅的 - 去花園收穫水果
    23. **Burmese (Myanmar)**: Baby monkey Bon မျက်နှာက နဂါးသီးစားပြီး အနီရောင်ဖြစ်နေတယ် - စိုက်ပျိုးရေးလုပ်ဖို့ ဥယျာဉ်ကိုသွားမယ်။
    24. **Malay (Malaysia)**: Mulut anak monyet Bon menjadi merah selepas makan buah naga - pergi memetik buah di kebun
    25. **Hungarian (Hungary)**: Bon majomkának piros lett a szája a sárkánygyümölcs evésétől - menj gyümölcsöt szedni a kertbe
    26. **Serbian (Serbia)**: Usta majmunčeta Bon su crvena od jela zmajevog voća - idite u baštu da berete voće
    27. **English (Singapore)**: Baby monkey Bon's mouth is red from eating dragon fruit - go to harvest fruit in the garden

Комментарии • 4

  • @ljiljanailic7568
    @ljiljanailic7568 29 дней назад

    Gospodjo Ly,vi zivite u raju. Gde god se okrenete neko neobicno voce I povrce. Ja sam zadivljena. Maleni uziva sa vama,a takodje I ja. Bas sam vas zavolela❤❤❤❤❤

    • @BonbonMonkeyCute
      @BonbonMonkeyCute  28 дней назад

      A ovo je Zmajevo voće ima 2 vrste, crveno i bijelo, slatko i kiselo.

  • @donnashaw6890
    @donnashaw6890 28 дней назад

    He is so cute!! ❤❤❤❤

    • @BonbonMonkeyCute
      @BonbonMonkeyCute  28 дней назад

      Thank you so much for your sweet comment! We’re glad you think Bon is cute. What’s your favorite thing about him? ❤❤❤❤